LaserHebrew® in ™ for Windows®, version 17.0

Welcome to LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows (hereafter known as LaserHebrewU). You now have at your fingertips one or more professional quality Unicode-encoded fonts in TrueType® format for Biblical and and . The fonts in LaserHebrewU (except for ScriptHebrewU) contain all points, accents, cantillation marks, and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ), plus other diacritical symbols and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. With these fonts you may type Hebrew right to left with automatic positioning of and accents. The fonts also support the Latin character set for English and other western European languages, so you may type your entire project in the same beautiful font. To switch back and forth between Hebrew and English you simply select (or toggle between) the Hebrew and English keyboard layouts. LaserHebrewU provides four keyboard layouts for easy input of all characters in the fonts: 1) the HebrewLS layout provides a phonetic layout with logical input of all Hebrew ; 2) the HebrewLS Israeli layout generally follows the Microsoft® Hebrew Windows modern Hebrew layout; 3) the EnglishLS OT layout provides logical input of English and other western Latin-based languages, taking advantage of OpenType features in the fonts; and 4) the EnglishLS layout provides input of English and other western Latin-based languages using the deadkey input method.

LaserHebrewU is available in five product sets. The product you have purchased contains one or more of the LaserHebrew in Unicode typestyles described below. If you have purchased one or more of the LaserHebrew in Unicode typestyles, you have the privilege for 30 days from the time of purchase to upgrade to LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode for Windows, which includes all fonts described below, for the difference between the current list price of the product you purchased and the current list price of the Professional version. Please contact the sales office for details.

LaserHebrew NewJerusalemU in Unicode for Windows includes the NewJerusalemU™, NewJerusalemCU™, and NewJerusalemLU™ fonts. The NewJerusalemU font closely matches the shapes and weights of the characters in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, and it contains all vowel points, accents, cantillation marks, and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta, plus other diacritical symbols, and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. NewJerusalemCU is like NewJerusalemU, but contains cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications. NewJerusalemLU is like NewJerusalemU, but contains a “U-shaped” yerah ben yomo, the form used in the Leningrad Codex, replacing the “V-shaped” version of that character, as used in the BHS.

LaserHebrew MoriahU in Unicode for Windows includes the MoriahU™ and MoriahCU™ fonts. The MoriahU font is a popular Modern Hebrew typeface that is also appropriate for representing the Hebrew Scriptures. It supports the Unicode standard for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish, and contains all vowel points, accents, cantillation marks, and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta, plus other diacritical symbols, and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. The MoriahCU font is like MoriahU, but contains the form of cantillation marks commonly used in Hebrew publications.

LaserHebrew RamahU in Unicode for Windows includes the RamahU™ and RamahCU™ fonts. The RamahU font is a popular Modern Hebrew typeface that is also appropriate for representing the Hebrew Scriptures. It supports the Unicode standard for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish, and contains all vowel points, accents, cantillation marks, and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta, plus other diacritical symbols, and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. The RamahCU font is like RamahU, but contains the form of cantillation marks commonly used in Hebrew publications.

LaserHebrew ShilohU in Unicode for Windows includes the ShilohU™ and ShilohCU™ fonts. The ShilohU font is a popular Modern Hebrew typeface that is also appropriate for representing the Hebrew Scriptures. It supports the Unicode standard for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish, and contains all vowel points, accents, cantillation marks, and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta, plus other diacritical symbols, and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. The ShilohCU font is like ShilohU, but contains the form of cantillation marks commonly used in Hebrew publications.

LaserHebrew ScriptHebrewU in Unicode for Windows includes the single ScriptHebrewU™ font. The ScriptHebrewU font is a popular Modern Hebrew typestyle representing Modern Hebrew handwriting. It supports the Unicode standard for Modern Hebrew and Yiddish (but does not support ).

LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode for Windows includes all of the above fonts.

All of the fonts described here also include the Latin 1 and Extended Latin character sets providing English and other western languages such as French and German.

Each of these fonts is provided in plain style (normal weight) only, in TrueType® format.

This document has seven (6) parts:

1. Copyright and Trademark Information 2. System Requirements 3. Registering LaserHebrewU for Windows 4. Contacting Linguist's Software 5. Uninstalling LaserHebrewU for Windows 6. LaserHebrewU for Windows Release History ______

1. Copyright and Trademark Information a. Copyright 2002-2011 Payne Loving Trust. All rights reserved. By copyright law this software program may not be modified or copied for others, whether or not sold. b. LaserHebrew is a trademark of the Payne Loving Trust registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All rights reserved. MoriahCU, MoriahU, NewJerusalemCU, NewJerusalemLU, NewJerusalemU, RamahCU, RamahU, ShilohCU, ShilohU, and ScriptHebrewU are trademarks of the Payne Loving Trust. All rights reserved.

2. System Requirements a. Operating Systems: 1) Windows 7, Vista, XP or Windows 2000 SP3 (any language version). 2) Hebrew (complex script) supplemental language support must be installed in Windows XP and 2000, using your Microsoft Windows installation CD (we provide instructions). Supplemental language support is installed by default in Windows 7 and Vista, and no extra step is required. b. Applications: 1) Requires any component of Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, or 2003, InDesign CS4, InDesign CS4- ME, or LibreOffice 3.3, OpenOffice 3.2, Lotus Symphony 3, or another Unicode-aware and OpenType-compatible application that similarly handles Hebrew vowels and accents. 2) InDesign is compatible for vocalized text and most accented text. 3) LibreOffice, OpenOffice, and Lotus Symphony support Hebrew only in Windows 7, Vista, and XP, not in Windows 2000. a) LibreOffice is available for free download from b) OpenOffice is available for free download from c) Symphony is available for free download from 4) Older, non-Unicode applications such as Word 95 are not compatible. No version of Adobe PageMaker or Adobe FrameMaker support Unicode-encoded fonts. At this time WordPerfect does not support Unicode-encoded OpenType Hebrew. 5) QuarkXPress 7.0 and newer is Unicode-compatible, however, QuarkXPress 8.02 has been tested with Hebrew, and is not compatible. We do not know if the ME version supports Hebrew vowels and accents. If you are successful using LaserHebrewU with QuarkXPress 7 or newer (or with the ME versions) please let us know! c. Known problems: 1) Some of your applications' default settings must be changed to avoid unexpected results when using these fonts and keyboard software. Complete instructions for doing this in Word for Windows are in the last chapter of the Setup Manual. 2) Decimal character 254 (þ–Latin small letter thorn) in the fonts can no longer be input in Microsoft Office using keyboard input, even though the letter is shown on the two EnglishLS keyboard charts in this product. Character code input (Alt+0254) also does not work in Word. At this time there are three alternative ways to input this character: 1) the user may use the Insert Symbol feature from the Word menu bar; 2) the user may type the character in WordPad and copy and paste the character into Word; or 3) the user may assign a Word shortcut to this character following the instructions given in paragraph 7, page 13, of "Customize Word Settings". Microsoft has acknowledged this problem in Word but so far has provided no fix. 3) Decimal character 253 (ý-small letter y with acute) in the fonts can no longer be input in Microsoft Office using dead key input, even though the letter is shown on the EnglishLS (dead key) keyboard chart. The keystroke does not work in Word and Character Code input (Alt+0253) also does not work in Word. Input of the ý does work using the EnglishLS OT (OpenType) keyboard input method, in applications that support the OpenType features of the fonts (see System Requirements). If you need this letter while using the EnglishLS deadkey keyboard use one of the three alternative input methods listed in the previous paragraph.

3. Registering LaserHebrewU for Windows a. If you purchased this product directly from Linguist's Software you are already registered and eligible for support and product upgrades. b. If you have purchased this product from a reseller you must mail or fax the blue registration card to us to register your purchase. If you no longer have the blue registration card please contact the sales office (425-775-1130 or [email protected]) for registration information. You must register to be eligible for support and for product upgrades.

4. Contacting Linguist's Software a. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1) Phone (425) 775-1130, 9 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time 2) Email us at [email protected] b. INFORMATION: 1) Web: 2) Email: [email protected] c. ORDERS: 1) Linguist's Software 2) PO Box 580, Edmonds, WA 98020-0580 3) phone: (425) 775-1130, fax (425) 771-5911 4) email: [email protected] 5) web:

5. Uninstalling LaserHebrewU for Windows a. To uninstall this product run Uninstall in the LaserHebrewU Program Group on the Start menu. b. Alternatively, find the uninstaller program in the Programs Control Panel in Windows 7, the Program and Features Control Panel in Windows Vista, the Add or Remove Programs Control Panel in Windows XP, or the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel in Windows 2000.

6. Release History

• Version 17.0 2011 July 1 • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU were changed. This revision adds automatic proper positioning with furtive patah, e.g. the next to last word in Psalm 12:6. • Version 16.0 2011 June 4 • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU were changed to allow Unicode-standard input in Word of the special position of the hiriq under the final in the word Jerusalem. • Version 15.0 2011 April 22 • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU were changed to allow typing of vowel/accent combinations in lower position with the final kaf. • The product has now been tested with, and is supported by, LibreOffice 3.3 and Lotus Symphony 3, in addition to OpenOffice 3.2 (previously tested). Limitations found in Symphony 1.3 have been fixed in version 3; users should upgrade Symphony to the latest version. • Documentation has been updated. • Version 14.0 2010 December 22 • Five special symbols used in the Biblia Hebraica Quinta footnotes have been added in the Private Use Area of all of the fonts (positions U+E900 through U+E905) except ScriptHebrewU, which did not change. • The HebrewLS and HebrewLS Israeli keyboard drivers have been changed to provide input of these new symbols. The keyboard layout charts have been changed to show the new keystrokes. • The product is now also compatible with Microsoft Office 2010, and the documentation has been changed to reflect this. • Version 13.0 2010 June 24 • The product is now Windows 7 compatible, and documentation was updated. • The fonts are now supported by InDesign CS4 and InDesign CS4-ME. InDesign is compatible for vocalized text and most accented text. • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU have been modified; OpenType layout features were changed. In addition, refinements to accent positioning of some characters were made. • Microsoft Office 2002 (Word 2002) is no longer compatible. The only applications known to be compatible are Office 2007, Office 2003, InDesign CS4, InDesign CS4-ME, 3 and Lotus Symphony 1.3 and newer. InDesign is compatible for vocalized text and most accented text, and 3 and Lotus Symphony 1.3 support Hebrew only in Windows 7, Vista, and XP, not in Windows 2000. • Version 12.0 2009 November 6 • The MoriahU, NewJerusalemU, RamahU, and ShilohU families of fonts were changed. The OpenType tables in the fonts were modified to allow the dotted circle to be input to demonstrate the positioning of vowels and/or accents without requiring a consonant be typed. • The ScriptHebrewU font was not changed, since it does not include vowels. • The keyboard drivers did not change. • The User’s Manual was changed to note the new input method for the dotted circle (page 18, para. 16). • Version 11.0 2009 September 24 • A new font, NewJerusalemLU, has been added to the NewJerusalemU product set. NewJerusalemLU is like NewJerusalemU, except a “U-shaped” yerah ben yomo, the form used in the Leningrad Codex, has replaced the “V-shaped” version of that character, as used in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. This character has Unicode value 05aa in both fonts. The “U-shaped” yerah ben yomo, as used in the Leningrad Codex, is not supplied in any other of the fonts in LaserHebrewU. • The LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts were changed in the following ways: • Five new characters were added to bring the regular Hebrew section up to Unicode 5.1 compliance. These characters include 1) 05A2, the reversed athnach, 2) 05BA, the alternate holem for use only with vav, 3) 05C5, the lower dot, or punctum extraordinarium, 4) 05C6, the punctuation hafukha (reversed nun), and 5) 05C7, the qamats qatan. • OpenType functions have been added to the fonts to automatically position the furtive patah. • Sequences for special characters that once included the use of the paseq have now been changed to normal Unicode characters and order. • Extra kerning has been added to move some close characters slightly farther apart for better appearance. • The zero-width joiner and zero-width non-joiner character were added to the font. • The barred vowels were lowered in the MoriahCU and MoriahU fonts. • The HebrewLS keyboard has been changed to add the new characters on these keystrokes: • The reversed athnach is on Shift+Ctrl-Alt+period. • The alternate holem is on Ctrl-Alt+o, but not by itself. Since this holem is only used with the vav, the keystroke Ctrl-Alt+o enters the vav and the holem at the same time. • The punctum extraordinarium is entered using Ctrl-Alt+[. • The nun hafukha (reversed nun) is on Ctrl-Alt+n. • The qamats qatan is on Ctrl-Alt+period. • The zero-width joiner was added on Ctrl-Alt+j. • The zero-width non-joiner was added on Shift+Ctrl-Alt+j. • The EnglishLS OT keyboard has been added to the product, allowing input of Latin languages taking advantage of the OpenType layout features in the fonts. This allows input order of letter then accent. The EnglishLS (deadkey) keyboard is still in the product, providing deadkey input order (accent then letter). The EnglishLS OT keyboard is supported only by Office 2007/2003/2002, 3, and Lotus Symphony 1.3. The EnglishLS keyboard is supported by all Unicode-compatible applications. • The fonts are now supported in Windows Vista and XP (but not Windows 2000) by 3 and by Lotus Symphony 1.3 (which is based on OpenOffice). Both of these products are free, downloaded from and IBM, respectively. • To go along with the above changes to the fonts, the BHS texts have changed in these ways (this does not affect you unless you own the BHS texts): • The texts have been changed to complete Unicode compliance, with the exception of the first word of Psalm 27:13. The puncta extraordinaria in this word are typed with special keystrokes and characters in order to make the text appear correctly in Word 2007. Please see the LaserHebrewU User's Manual (chapter 5) for details on these keystrokes. • All the characters that are off the baseline in the BHS have now been raised in the texts. • The morphological division character was changed from a Private Use Area character to the zero- width joiner. • Some words in II Kings 17:31 were changed to make them match the BHS. • Version 10.0 2009 January 13 • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU have been changed to correct kerning problems in Mellel for Macintosh. The Windows fonts were changed at the same time so Windows and Macintosh documents will remain interchangeable. • After installation of the new fonts users should check the following words/verses in documents they have typed. Manual corrections can be made using Find and Replace operations. • There are 737 places in the BHS where the word "Jerusalem" is typed without a second yod, which is replaced by a hiriq under the right side of the final mem. Typing order in these places has been changed from "final mem, then hiriq" to "hiriq, then final mem". (There are a few instances of Jerusalem in the BHS that are unaffected.) • The word "vayomer" has been changed. The postpositive pashta was changed to qadma. (There are 140 instances of this in the BHS.) • In four verses (Ps. 32:5, Job 15:23, 34:37, and 39:25) the postpositive zinor was changed zarqa. • The Unicode-encoded Hebrew Scriptures (both vocalized and fully-pointed versions of the [1] BHS Line Breaks, [2] Justified by Paragraphs with tag">Pe's and Samek's, [3] Justified by Paragraphs with Pe's and Samek's Removed, and [4] Justified by Verse) have been changed to work with the new fonts. We recommend owners of the texts upgrade them at the same time as they upgrade the fonts. By using the new texts users will not need to make the above manual changes. Upgrade costs for the text are $20 for the first format and $10 for each additional format upgraded at the same time. • Version 9.3 2008 April 17 • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU had the yod-yod-patah ligature added for Yiddish. • The underline position was moved down to accommodate vowels and accents under letters when typed in Mellel on the Macintosh platform. for Windows does not recognize this underline setting in the font. When the Underline format option is chosen in Word, Word will place the underline under the consonants, causing the line to strike through the vowels and cantillation marks below the consonants. • To draw a line under Hebrew text in Word for Windows do the following: • Go to View, Toolbars, and select Drawing. This will place the Drawing toolbar on your screen, normally at the bottom, just above Word's status bar. • Either click on AutoShapes, then Lines, then the first line ( \ ), or just click on the \ to the right of AutoShapes. The cursor will change to a plus-shaped cursor. • Press and hold down the Shift key while using the center of the plus-shaped cursor to draw a line under the word(s) of Hebrew text you want underlined. You do not need to be precise about the height and length at this point. When you release the cursor you will have a line with circles at either end. • Manipulate this line with your cursor keys (arrow keys), going up or down, left or right, as necessary. As you press the cursor keys, if the movement is greater than desired (if the line jumps more than you want it to), this means Word's Grid function is turned on. To adjust to your needs click on the word "Draw" at the left end of the Draw toolbar. In the popup click on Grid…, and in the Drawing Grid dialog box that opens deselect "Snap objects to grid." Adjust other settings in this dialog as desired, and click OK. Now each press of the cursor keys will move the line a small amount, giving you more precise control. • You may also click on the circle at either end of the line and drag to lengthen or shorten the line.

• Version 9.2 2007 December 20 • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU and MoriahU have prepositive accents adjusted with vowels. (MoriahU previously had been adjusted.)

• Version 9.1 2007 June 6 • The setup routine has been changed to install the product into the Program Files folder on whichever drive it is found, instead of hard-coding the setup to install to the C: drive.

• Version 9.0 2007 May 10 • Windows Vista compatibility has been added. • The keyboards have been updated to work in Windows Vista. In addition, the keyboards now install simply by double clicking on their setup.exe file. This will install the keyboard file, associate it with the Hebrew Input Language (or English Input Language for the EnglishLS keyboard), and place the Windows Language Toolbar in the upper right corner of the (in Windows Vista and XP), or place the Language Indicator Button in the Taskbar (in Windows 2000). The user no longer needs to go into the Regional and Language applet in Control Panel to do these operations manually. The user may setup and remove any of the keyboards at any time. • All fonts except ScriptHebrewU have been changed so that the hiriq will migrate to the right of a final mem in the word Jerusalem when the yod is absent. • Corrects the position of the holem in the word YHWH. Some instances of the word require the holem from the to migrate over the vav.

• Version 8.1 2006 October 25 • Changes were made to the MoriahCU, MoriahU, RamahCU, RamahU, ShilohCU, and ShilohU fonts. The distinctive form of the nun found in the Decalogue with an elongated base has been revised in order to be more clearly recognizable as a nun. These fonts were brought to version 8.0 to bring them into conformity with the NewJerusalemU and NewJerusalemCU fonts. • The NewJerusalemCU, NewJerusalemU, and ScriptHebrewU fonts were not changed.

• Version 8.0 2006 October 5 • Two changes have been made to NewJerusalemU and NewJerusalemCU. • Holems will now migrate over a following alef when the alef is quiescent. If the alef is not quiescent the holem will migrate back to the preceding consonant when a vowel mark is added to the alef. • The word Jerusalem will now appear with a final mem and a hiriq in the same position as in the BHS text. • These changes do not affect any work typed with the previous versions of these fonts, as long as the text was typed with the correct input order. When users uninstall the old fonts, install the new fonts, and open documents typed with earlier versions of the fonts, the positioning of the affected diacritics will now be correct. • Four new LaserHebrewU product sets are now available: • LaserHebrew MoriahU in Unicode includes the MoriahU and MoriahCU fonts. • LaserHebrew RamahU in Unicode includes the RamahU and RamahCU fonts. • LaserHebrew ShilohU in Unicode includes the ShilohU and ShilohCU fonts. • LaserHebrew ScriptHebrewU in Unicode includes the ScriptHebrewU font. • All of the fonts (except ScriptHebrewU) have the same character set and arrangement as the updated LaserHebrewU font (NewJerusalemU). They each contain all vowel points, accents, and cantillation marks occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, plus other diacritical symbols and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. The ScriptHebrewU font is a modern handwriting font and supports Modern Hebrew and Yiddish (and not Biblical Hebrew). All of the fonts also include the Latin 1 (code page 1252) and Extended Latin character sets providing English and other western languages such as French and German. They also support Modern Hebrew (code page 1255). The fonts include OpenType layout features supported (at this time) only by Microsoft Word 2003 and 2002. See System Requirements (above) for more details. • All fonts are provided in plain style (normal weight) only. • The four new products are Version 1.0 (NewJerusalemU is 8.0). • LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode for Windows includes all the fonts in all of the product sets described above.

• Version 7.4 2005 September 19 • The black overcircle in the PUA has been changed to a square. (The font version number is 7.3, and matches the Macintosh font.)

• Version 7.3 2005 May 16 • The User's Manual was revised for improved readability.

• Version 7.2 2005 May 12 • The hacek in the PUA has been changed to a black overcircle. It can be accessed by typing overdot- paseq-overdot. (Hold down the shift key and type left bracket, period, left bracket). The black overcircle will properly center over the consonants and consonants that have vowels and accents under them. It will not properly position over consonants that have accents above them. • The User's Manual was updated to reflect this change. The keyboard chart was not changed.

• Version 7.1 2005 May 9 • Both fonts (NewJerusalemU and NewJerusalemCU were changed: the Sere-Munah-Merkah accent (E8D1) in Exodus 20 and Deut. 5 was added to font as one accent and the OpenType tables were adjusted to make the combination appear only under the , and not under the following yod also. • The Setup Instructions document was added to the Program Group on the Start menu. This is the same document presented to the user as the last item in the installation process. Now the user may open the document again later for review.

• Version 7.0 2005 April 27 • Both fonts (NewJerusalemU and NewJerusalemCU) were changed: the prepositives were adjusted to position correctly with vav .

• Version 6.0 2005 April 22 • Both fonts (NewJerusalemU and NewJerusalemCU) were changed: • The pashta, zinor, telisha qetana, and segolta accents were positioned to fit better with the lamed. The same accents following a lamed were also adjusted to avoid the dot on a following holem vav, , or shin with dagesh. (This corrects problems in version 5.0.) • The vowels without accents under nun, and were adjusted for better centering under those consonants. (This corrects problems in version 5.0.) • The zayin was improved in shape to better match the shape of the letter in the BHS. • The hacek accent was added in the PUA. The accent can be accessed by typing -paseq-rafe. The accent will properly center over the consonants. • The varika will now center properly over the consonants. Before it was only an overstriking letter that did not always center over every consonant. • The same fonts can now be used for Windows and Mac products. • The User's Manual was changed to add typing instructions for the hacek.

• Version 5.0 2005 April 5 • Both fonts (NewJerusalemU and NewJerusalemCU) were changed. • The pashta, zinor, telisha qetana, and segolta accents were positioned to fit better with the lamed. The same accents following a lamed were also adjusted to avoid the dot on a following holem vav, shin, or shin with dagesh. • The vowels without accents under nun and zayin were adjusted for better centering under those consonants. • The Setup Manual, the Troubleshooting Manual, and the Readme file (this document) were updated. • The Software License was updated to add a description and pricing for a Personal Use License.

• Version 4.0 2004 November 2 • The OpenType tables in the fonts were changed to fix input of the "unreadable character" (looks like a circle) in Word 2003. The input method for this character worked in Word 2002 but changes to the version of Uniscribe that shipped with Office 2003 caused input to fail in Word 2003. The new input method (described in the User's Manual) works in both versions of Word. • The fonts' internal version number was changed from 1.0 to 4.0 to match the product version number. (There is no version 2 or 3 of the fonts.) • The User's Manual was changed. • Description of the input order for placing diamonds above and below a narrow letter was corrected. See chapter 5, Typing with the Font and Keyboard, Special Characters, paragraph 4 (page 14). • Input method for the "unreadable character" was changed. The new method works in both Word 2003 and 2002. See chapter 5, Typing with the Font and Keyboard, Special Characters, paragraph 5 (page 14). • The installation was modified to allow the user the choice of installing into either the "Current user" (default) or "All users" account. This option also allows the user to change the default Program Group from "Linguist's Software". We recommend users accept the default setting for the Program Group (Linguist's Software). • Internal structure of the keyboard files was changed. This has no affect on installation or use.

• Version 3.1 2004 March 5 • Two dead keys in the HebrewLS keyboard were corrected. Shift-comma, c (Gothic C) and Shift- comma, v (Gothic V) were not correctly assigned. They now input the correct Gothic characters. • The User's Manual was updated. • The Setup Manual was updated. • The Software License was added to the Start menu. • The installer now closes when the final setup instructions open in Word. Previously the installer waited for the user to close Word. • The first line of this Readme file said the previous version was 5.0, when it was 3.0. It is now correctly set at version 3.1.

• Version 3.0 2003 October 24, LaserHebrew in Unicode • Product now installs with automated installer, which creates an entry on the Windows Start menu. Now includes an uninstaller. • All documentation now provided in PDF format from the Start menu. • Fonts and keyboards are compatible with Microsoft Word 2003, as well as Word 2002.

• Version 2.1 2003 August 5, LaserHebrew in Unicode - NewJerusalemU • New keyboard chart (NewJerusalemCU) and LaserHebrewU User's Manual added.

• Version 2.0 2003 July 29, LaserHebrew in Unicode - NewJerusalemU • New font added to the product: NewJerusalemCU plain, in TrueType format. NewJerusalemCU is like NewJerusalemU, but contains cantillation forms used in most Hebrew publications.

• Version 1.0 2002 October 22, LaserHebrew in Unicode - NewJerusalemU • Initial release of LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows XP and 2000 • Requires Windows XP or Windows 2000 • Requires Microsoft Word 2002 (or other component of Office XP) or another Unicode-compatible and OpenType®-enabled application that handles Hebrew vowels and accents similarly to Word 2002. • Includes NewJerusalemU TrueType® font, in plain weight only. • NewJerusalemU is a Hebrew font supporting the Unicode™ standard for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish. NewJerusalemU closely matches the shapes and weights of the characters and accents in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. It contains all vowel points, accents, and cantillation marks occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, plus other diacritical symbols and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. • The font also includes the Latin 1 (code page 1252) and Extended Latin character sets providing English and other western languages such as French and German. It also supports Modern Hebrew (code page 1255). The font includes OpenType layout features. • Includes three Windows XP/2000 keyboard DLLs: • kUheblst.dll HebrewLS layout for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish • kUhebis.dll HebrewLS Israeli layout for Hebrew, generally following the Hebrew Windows layout • kUunius.dll EnglishLS layout for typing English and certain other Latin-based languages • Setup files: • Setup.exe installer • kNTsetup.inf information file • Remove.exe uninstaller • Diagnostic and demonstration file: • NewJerusalemU.doc • Four manuals, all in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, are included: • Installation Manual • LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows Keyboards Manual • LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows User's Manual • Troubleshooting Manual