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Project: Increasing resilience of , Mrkonjić Grad and Maglaj

Project ID: BHl0/00110813

Summary of the meeting Introduction

Mr. Avdić, UNDP BiH Sector Leader for Energy and Environment initiated the meeting by informing all participants of the Local Programme Advisory Committee (LPAC) that Project "Increasing resilience of Livno, Mrkonjić Grad and Maglaj" received Endorsement of the Czech Government. Expected start of the Project is 15 August 2018. Mr. Avdic stressed out that presenting the project activities, methodology and implementation modalities to LPAC, is a formal precondition and underlined the importance of local partners role within this project.

Presentation of the Project Document

Project budget is EUR 100,000 and anticipated duration is 12 months starting from 15 August 2018 and ending on 14 August 2019. The project would use the Direct Implementation Modality (DIM).

The Project Board will be comprised of the following institutions: Ministry of Security of BiH, Civil Protection Directorate/Administration of FBIH, Civil Protection Directorate/Administration of RS, the Czech Republic Humanitarian Aid and UNDP.

Project would lean and build on vast and successful UNDP ORR efforts in the local communities. In particular, the project will be closely interlinked with all relevant on-going and planned ORR related projects to secure alignment of results, efficiency, avoid duplication of efforts and ensure contribution to overall strategic direction. Overall objective of the project is to strengthen disaster risk reduction (ORR) capacities at all government levels in BiH and citizens, with focus on vulnerable categories. Four results to be achieved are: 1. In partnership with all relevant government counterparts, scale-up of Disaster Risk Analysis System (ORAS) software for local level risk assessments 2. Update Protection and Rescue Plans and development of manuals for frequently occurring types of disasters 3. Develop and deliver of disaster management training for mayors and municipal civil protection HQ 4. Conduct disaster simulation exercise

UNDP project preparation quality standards that had been used during the preparation of the project document in order to ensure its compliance with the set quality standards were explained, from the preparation phase to the implementation and closure.

Unrted Natrons Development Programme, Bosma and Herzegovina, Zmaja od Bosne b.b 71000 S,ira1evo

r • 381 C 33 293 400 F • 387 i0)33 5,2 330 I E ,,, W mm mm Empowered lives. Resilient nations.

Discussion and propositions

In the discussion, which followed the project document presentation the participants welcomed the project, expected activities and planned results.

The members of LPAC embraced the project as presented, without any suggestion and comments.


• The participants supported the project as presented by UNDP and expressed expectations that it would be successfully implemented

• The project would use the Direct Implementation Modality (DIM).

• The Project will be managed, lead and monitored by the Project Board comprising of the following institutions: Ministry of Security of BiH, Civil Protection Directorate/Administration of FBIH, Civil Protection Directorate/Administration of RS, the Czech Republic Humanitarian Aid and UNDP.

List of signatures

~ Ass;stant Mayor for ov;I Protecfon, Municipality of Maglaj

r ment for General Administration, Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad

Sarajevo, 9 August 2018

United Nations Development Programme. . Zmaja od Bosne b b. 71000

• 38 0135 29l 400 F • 387 0)33 s,2 330 ' E W www l)a undp 0rg