May, 2016




The Project “Migration and Development: Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and Development into Relevant Policies, Plans and Activities in ” (M&D Project) started in July 2013, with the anticipated duration of two years. The goal of the Project was to contribute to the establishment of a favourable environment for migrants who are willing to promote and pro-actively support the country’s development in relevant domains of transition and socio-economic progress at all institutional and societal levels. The Project had three main components, as follows: 1) Policies for an effective integration of migrants’ contributions to the country’s development are outlined and mainstreamed into local development strategies of at least 10 local governments (LGs), visible projects have been designed (including relevant budget allocations) and are under implementation, where assistance was to be provided to policy-makers and government institutions at local level to strengthen their capacities related to mainstreaming of the concept of migration and development and support inclusion of migration and development related activities into their planning frameworks and processes. Furthermore, the Project anticipated assistance to the design and implementation of migration and development related activities that would lead to improved communication and institutionalisation of cooperation between local governments and diaspora. 2) Capacities of key actors at relevant governmental levels (mainly partner LGs, the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH MHRR) and members of the inter-ministerial working group / WG M&D) on effective M&D mainstreaming are strengthened; cooperation with migrants and their organisations is being structured in municipal planning schemes, where assistance was to be provided to policy-makers and government institutions at all levels through research and analysis of the concept of migration and development worldwide and recommendations for practical implementation of this concept in the context of BiH. Furthermore, an inter-ministerial working group was to be established including representatives of all relevant stakeholders that have interest in policy development, implementation and monitoring related to the concept of migration and development. Capacities of all relevant stakeholders were to be strengthened through practical training and study visits to countries where the concept of migration and development has been successfully mainstreamed into national policies and plans. 3) Key elements for the definition of a valuable M&D mainstreaming concept are identified, validated and integrated into complementary action plans of different key actors in BiH (governmental institutions, civil society organisations, associations of municipalities and cities (AMCs), private sector, migrants’ organisations), where consultations between various migration and development related stakeholders were to be facilitated aiming at the creation of a set of recommendations for policy-makers at all government levels to enable regular and sustainable mainstreaming of the concept of migration and development in their existing or new policies and plans. Furthermore, good practices and lessons learned related to migration and development were to be identified and used for communication to all stakeholders in order to draw their attention to the potentials that migrants have for country development. The main Project partners included the BiH MHRR, the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Other partners were relevant state and entity institutions, entity AMCs, 10 selected local governments, home- and host-country associations and academia. The total contribution by the Government of Switzerland amounted to USD 1,120,586, out of which USD 1,101,385.43 was disbursed for Project implementation, leaving a balance of USD 19,200.57.


For the first time in the planning practice of BiH, policies and measures for effective integration of migrants’ contributions to the country’s development were introduced into local development strategies of 10 partner LGs (, Ključ, Laktaši, Ljubuški, , , Posušje, , and Velika Kladuša). This was achieved by the end of 2013, following participatory processes and the standardised approach to integrated local

3 development planning in BiH (MiPro),1 which was spearheaded by the Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP), a sister intervention also supported by the Government of Switzerland. The local government experience triggered the initiative and the interest of 7 cantons in the Entity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) to embed the migration aspect into their cantonal development strategies. Importantly, this provided for vertical alignment across government levels of policies and priorities in the area of migration for development by ensuring down-streaming of priorities identified within the BiH Strategy on Migration and Asylum to the local and cantonal levels. This has further been reinforced by the BiH MHRR public grant scheme to support projects in the area of migration and local economic development (launched in 2015). Following the adoption of the local development strategies by Municipal Councils/Assemblies, in 2014 the Project launched process-based assistance to support partner LGs in designing and kicking off the implementation of pilot local interventions exploring the migration and development concept in practice, and contributing to local socio- economic development by partnering with diaspora. Based on the adopted local development strategies, 14 priority interventions putting migration in function of local development2 were implemented, resulting in 60 new (46 men and 14 women) and 10 retained jobs (all man). The projects also resulted in enhanced income streams through agriculture for 477 households, with anticipated additional annual income of around KM 1.3 million in total. Furthermore, the Health Care Centre in Maglaj was re-established after the devastating 2014 floods, ensuring provision of health care services for the local population of 27,900. The interventions also led to enhanced LG institutional capacities for cooperation with diaspora. The total value of local priority interventions was at KM 1,225,454, where the Project seed fund contributed with KM 855,893, while LGs, diaspora and other partners (e.g. beneficiaries, other levels of government, and private sector) together contributed with more than 40% against the seed funding. Moreover, initial awareness and capacities on the concept of migration and development were created at sub- national levels (local and cantonal), and among the members of the state-level inter-institutional Working Group on Migration and Development. To support the BiH MHRR in their efforts to mainstream migration and development concept into policies and strategies, the Project provided a tailored process-based technical assistance package for its Sector for Emigration, focusing on design, management and evaluation of public grant scheme in the area of migration for local development. In this process, transfer and consideration of accumulated lessons learned from pilot local initiatives supported in partner LGs was ensured, thus contributing to improving the migration and development policy measure at the state level. Although results from this grant scheme are to be analysed in 2016, it seems that this is an adequate policy mechanism for simultaneously contributing to the implementation of priorities defined in the BiH Strategy on Migration and Asylum, on one side, and addressing priorities within local development strategies (by pre-conditioning applicant projects with priorities set within local strategies), on the other. Also for the first time in BiH, a set of recommendations to support mainstreaming of the migration and development concept in the public policy cycle was prepared through inter-institutional consultations bringing together relevant institutional representatives at the state level. The recommendations provide a basis for further efforts in mainstreaming migration into development into public policies. To contribute to better understanding, as well as to support policy makers and governments at different levels, the Project also yielded a number of results related to research and promotion of the concept of migration and development. Under the auspices of the BiH MHRR, two round tables on migration and development brought together a range of counterparts, including representatives of local governments, CSOs, companies, as well as members of diaspora (organisations/individuals), fostering dialogue and raising their awareness on the migration and development potentials for BiH development. Moreover, a second Migration and Development Research Workshop was organised, gathering relevant prominent researchers from around the world, encouraging preparation and sharing of results from scientific studies related to migration and development. In order to draw the stakeholders’ attention to the migration and development topic, the Project engaged in

1 development-planning-in-bosnia-.html 2 Among 10 partner LGs, only Maglaj abandoned their original project idea and requested support for the floods recovery of the local Health Care Centre. 4 identifying good practices and examples, showcasing concrete migrants contribution to development of BiH, supporting partner LGs in promotion of their local migration and development interventions, as well as ensuring visibility of key achievements. At the final conference organised in early December 2015, the Project was hailed a success by over 100 representatives of state, entity, cantonal and local governments, international organisations, and private sector. Broader Project effectiveness, efficiency and potential scale up opportunities were assessed through the final project evaluation, conducted in September 2015 by an independent international evaluator. The evaluation found that the pilot-intervention was overall successful, producing tangible results in terms of employment, increased incomes for agricultural households, as well as administrative structures and mechanisms in support of diaspora engagement at the local level. The main recommendations included the following: (i) increasing the funding and effectiveness of the horizontal component; (ii) implementing a project preparation facility; (iii) increasing the Project ownership by the MHRR and sharing implementation responsibility; (iv) reinforcing impacts and sustainability of results in already selected LGs through continued support; (v) enabling scientific know-how transfer; and (vi) concentrating on a small set of indicators.


The M&D Project is a pilot two-tier intervention with “horizontal” and “vertical” components that are mutually dependent and reinforcing. As already mentioned, the Project methodology provided for mainstreaming of higher government level migration policies into the local development agenda and their translating into viable development actions. Considering the policy-making nature of the Project, the role, motivation and capacity of relevant institutional stakeholders was crucial not only for the successful realisation of Project activities, but ultimately for the overall sustainability of Project results. During the implementation period, the Project operated in partnership with the BiH MHRR, the main project institutional partner, and 10 partner LGs (Jajce, Ključ, Laktaši, Ljubuški, Maglaj, Nevesinje, Posušje, Prijedor, Sanski Most and Velika Kladuša), ensuring institutional ownership and on-process engagement. Moreover, in the course of the implementation, interactions with relevant representatives of civil society, academia and private sector were encouraged, expanding the scope of engaged stakeholders and contributing to wider promotion of migration and development concept. In addition to capitalising on synergies with the ILDP, which contributed to optimised use of available resources and cost-efficiency, the Project maintained interaction with other relevant interventions and agencies (e.g. International Organisation for Migration, the “Support to the Immigration and Asylum Management System in BiH – phase 2” Project,3 Second Business Forum on BiH Diaspora – BHdiaFOR, Joint Migration and Development Initiative,4 USAID/Sida GOLD Project, etc.). When it comes to the partner LGs, they displayed commitment and interest towards pilot-mainstreaming of migration and development concept within their local development processes. However, it has to be noted that this is a rather new paradigm for local stakeholders, and their capacities to effectively translate it into practice, productively engage diaspora and deliver local development results require further strengthening. As an institution with leading role in promotion of the concept of migration and development in the country, the BiH MHRR steered the Project and contributed to the creation of enabling implementation environment, in partnership with governmental and non-governmental partners, diaspora and academia. While a two-way policy and planning communication was effectively established with LGs, and among the relevant institutions at the state level, the broader policy inter-institutional consultations bringing on board also representatives of entity institutions and expected to result in migration and development policy recommendations did not go beyond an initial meeting, when the multi-stakeholder Working Group was established, but without relevant RS Entity representatives. This important challenge to the Project implementation occurred due to the politicisation of the topic of emigration, as well as limited understanding by some policy makers of the additional value that emigration

3 4 5 could bring to delivery of development policies in BiH. Hence, the original approach and timeframe for these activities had to be adapted. Another significant challenge to the Project implementation were the floods and landslides that struck the country in May 2014, affecting a quarter of its territory and approximately one million people. Close to 50 LGs suffered from severe damage and destruction, including devastation of houses, public infrastructure, agricultural activity and livelihoods, as well as disruption of basic public services. Among the most severely hit LGs were also some of the Project partners (Maglaj, Ključ, Prijedor and Sanski Most). In these localities, certain activities supported by the Project had to be ceased and could not be resumed until mid-summer 2014, when LG staff started to return to regular functioning. The same applied, to some extent, to the policy level activities, as the state of emergency had been officially declared and the entity governments were primarily focused on recovery of the affected areas. In light of the above, the Project request for an overall three-month project extension (from July to October, 2015) was approved and additional financial resources to assist three partner LGs most affected by the floods (Maglaj, Prijedor and Sanski Most) were granted by the Swiss Cooperation. Limited adjustments were made to the project activities, in particular regarding the change of the local priority intervention purpose in the case of Maglaj Municipality, as well as reallocation of financial resources planned for the study visit of LG representatives5 towards recovery activities. However, due to the favourable USD / KM exchange rate as well as responsible financial management, the Project accumulated savings, which provided for support to additional four interventions stemming from local development strategies and putting migration in function of local development in partner LGs (besides 10 interventions whose implementation was already under way since mid-2014). Savings also enabled the Project to include LG representatives in the study visit planned for the inter-institutional Working Group members. Additional activities required another two-month budget-neutral extension until the end of 2015, with the overall project duration taking 29 months. Despite the challenging external environment and experienced delays, all planned Project activities are completed within the given project timeframe.


With the strong ownership of the main Project institutional partner – BiH MHRR, the Project completed planned activities and delivered results contributing to three outcomes.6 Outcome 1: Policies for an effective integration of migrants contributions to the country’s development are outlined and mainstreamed into local development strategies of at least 10 LGs, visible projects have been designed (including relevant budget allocations) and are under implementation. Following participatory processes and the standardised approach to integrated local development planning (MiPRO), for the first time in the planning practice of BiH, policies and measures for effective integration of migrants’ contribution to the country’s development were introduced into local development strategies of 10 partner LGs, aligned with broader priorities set by the BiH Strategy on Migration and Asylum. Thus, state level policy priorities were down-streamed and operationalised through 10 local strategies, most of which were formally adopted in early 2014.7 Concrete priorities in the area of diaspora engagement envisaged by LGs in their strategies included: strengthening interaction and ties with diaspora; engaging with diaspora for economic development and livelihoods activities; transferring knowledge and know-how from diaspora for local

5 This relates to one of the two study visits envisaged in the project document (Activity 1.3. Conduct study visit and explore possibilities for twinning for LGs). 6 For more details, please see Annex 1 with the Project logical framework updated with key achievements. 7 The draft Local Development Strategy of Laktaši Municipality was adopted in early 2014, while its final version was adopted in June 2014. Moreover, the Local Development Strategy of Maglaj Municipality was already adopted, thus migration and development-related inputs were included in the implementation plan for the period 2014 – 2016, while this aspect remain to be addressed in the upcoming revision of the Strategy (possibly to start off in May 2015, having in mind expiring of sectoral plans, as well as devastating floods and change of priorities). 6 development, etc. Moreover, these were further operationalised through concrete interventions within local strategies’ implementation plans 2014 – 2016, which served as platforms for preparation of municipal budgets. In this context, the Project made use of the processes already initiated by ILDP, as well as of planning and broader consultative bodies in the selected partner LGs, including Local Development Teams8 and engaging Focal Points / Coordinators for interaction with emigration introduced with the M&D Project support in all partner LGs.9 Mainstreaming the concept of migration and development into local strategic frameworks has been a challenging task, having in mind that it is a rather new paradigm for local stakeholders. The concept has been brought closer to the understanding of Local Development Teams by supporting its practical capturing and consideration in each stage of the planning process: i.e. – situation analysis (which included data on diaspora for each locality), development objectives setting, design of the sectoral plans and projects (with focus on identifying concrete initiatives aiming to foster diaspora’s engagement and contribution to local development), and preparation of the strategy financial framework. As already mentioned, these activities were implemented in close coordination with the ILDP. An analytical note was prepared to capture this pilot experience related to mainstreaming migration into local development planning in BiH, and provide a basis for its further promotion. In order to support practical implementation of priority interventions stemming from local strategies and exploring potentials of migration in the context of local development, at the beginning of 2014, the Project launched a call-for-proposals based on the methodology and criteria approved by the Project Board. By February 2014, 10 practical working sessions were organised with Local Development Teams in partner LGs to improve local capacities for design of concrete initiatives in the area of migration and development. These efforts were followed by a joint two-day workshop on preparation of logical frameworks and budgets, bringing together 27 LG representatives (10 female and 17 male) in March, 2014, and contributing to their better understanding of the migration and development concept in practice. The workshops also served to provide concrete guidelines on the project approval process and requirements.10 As a result of all the afore-mentioned, 10 potential priority interventions were identified, and partner LGs subsequently engaged in designing fully-fledged project proposals to be submitted for funding under the Project Seed Fund. The pace of preparation and subsequent approval of project proposals by the Project Board varied from one LG to another, considering differences in terms of their capacities and cooperation arrangements with diaspora, as well as the catastrophic effects of May 2014 floods. In this context, key project partners – the Embassy of Switzerland and the BiH MHRR, demonstrated a significant level of understanding and flexibility. In view of the floods and emerging recovery priorities, Maglaj Municipality abandoned their original project idea and requested support for the recovery of the local Health Care Centre. For this purpose, the Project sought and obtained the approval by the Embassy of Switzerland to reallocate USD 30,000 initially earmarked for the study visit targeting LG representatives. Moreover, the Project asked for additional financial resources to further assist the partner LGs most affected by the floods (Maglaj, Prijedor and Sanski Most) and allow for the implementation of delayed project activities. Following the approval by the Embassy of Switzerland, each of those three partner LGs was granted additional USD 30,000 for their priority interventions. In the case of Maglaj, the funds were used to contribute to the reconstruction of the Health Care Centre, as well

8 In line with the MiPro, Local Development Teams lead the process of local development planning and gather between seven and fifteen members, including representatives of economic sector (industry, agriculture, tourism ...), social sector (education, culture, health and social care, sports...), spatial planning and environmental sector, and sectors of public services and infrastructure. Besides participation of competent representatives from the LG administration and the Council / Assembly, Teams also include representatives from public institutions and companies, private sector, NGOs and local communities, while taking into account gender equality. 9 All partner LGs appointed Diaspora Focal Points / Coordinators to ensure regular communication with diaspora and coordiante and steer implementation of M&D-related activities. Following the introductory training on mainstreaming migration into local development, the Project developed envisaged kicking off of networking and peer-to-peer exchange among LG Focal Points / Coordinators, with a focus on their roles and responsibilities, communication with diaspora, as well as cooperation with diaspora on concrete local development initiatives. 10 developing-logical-matrix-and-budgets-for-allocations-within-the-migration-and-development-fund.html. 7 as to purchase the necessary medical equipment.11 In the case of the City of Prijedor,12 it was agreed to expand the scope of the already prepared project proposal, by increasing the originally planned number of beneficiaries, and supporting livelihoods in this flood-affected local community. Similarly, Sanski Most Municipality13 prepared an additional proposal related to livelihoods support trough greenhouse production in cooperation with diaspora. Project beneficiary selection criteria in both partner LGs favoured flood-affected applicants. In general, LGs faced certain challenges in engaging diaspora in the implementation of the local interventions. However, as a result of extra efforts and outreach, diaspora members were successfully engaged and became direct (through financial contribution) or indirect (through knowledge transfer and networking) contributors to local development initiatives. Upon being approved, the 10 local initiatives were well under implementation by the end of 2014, with the exception of the project in Laktaši Municipality, which underwent significant revisions and was not approved before January, 2015. The implementation of local initiatives has been marked by good progress, sound management of funds, as well as favourable USD / KM exchange rate, all of which led to budget savings in the amount of ca USD 120,000. As a result, and after the formal approval of the Project Board in May 2015, the Project launched a competitive call for project proposals, aiming to further support implementation of migration and development priorities in partner LGs. Proposals by the Municipalities of Ključ, Laktaši, Posušje and Sanski Most were selected for funding. The initiatives coming from the Ključ, Posušje and Sanski Most related to livelihoods support through chokeberry production, immortelle processing and beekeeping in cooperation with diaspora, while the Municipality of Laktaši contributed to the establishment of value chain for the production of traditional folk shoes and other souvenirs as well as supported private sector development and job creation in cooperation with diaspora. Implementation of these additional 4 local interventions started in July and was successfully completed by the end of December, 2015. Total value of all local initiatives supported through the Project amounted to KM 1,225,454,14 out of which the Project Seed Fund contributed KM 855,893. The agreed contributions by the partner LGs and diaspora stood at KM 196,459 and KM 160,140, respectively, while co-financing by other partners was at KM 12,961 (e.g. direct beneficiaries, other government levels, and private sector). Even with taking into account the contribution to the Maglaj Municipality, where there was no co-financing requirement, the co-financing by the partner LGs exceeded the minimum of 20% required by the Project. Moreover, despite numerous challenges to mobilise and include diaspora in local initiatives, the Project succeeded to engage diaspora in the implementation of local initiatives, including also through financial contribution of 19% against the Project Seed Fund. The table below provides more details on the approved projects in each partner LG.15

11 In cooperation with the EU Floods Recovery Programme, support was provided to repair the central heating system and procure the following medical equipment: digital ophthalmologist ultrasound scanner; digital ultrasound colour Doppler; video colposcopy with integrated led illumination and HD resolution; integrated auto immuno-analyzer; spirometer; and automatically temperature controlled dry sterilizer. km.html; dobio-neophodnu-medicinsku-opremu-zahvaljuju-i-finansijskoj-podr-ci-vicarske-vlade/ 12 Due to the floods, 1,117 of agricultural producers suffered losses in livelihoods and agricultural equipment in the City of Prijedor. 13 In Sanski Most, 1,531 ha of agricultural land (17,000 m2 of greenhouses) was flooded. 14 The figures are presented in local currency to reflect the contracts signed with the partner local governments. It is important to note that the USD exchange rate fluctuated significantly during the reporting period. 15 For more information, please refer to Annex 1 – Brief Overview of Local Development Initiatives. 8

Project Project Migrants’ financial contribution No. LG Project title value duratio and other M&D-related activities (KM) n - Co-financing (KM 3,031)16 Expanding Plantations - Creation of diaspora registry Aug, of Berries in - Creation of sub-domain on the official LG website 2014 - 1. Jajce Cooperation with 96,441 providing information relevant to diaspora July, Diaspora - Municipal bulletin for diaspora 2015 - Organization of business-investment forum with diaspora First round: Aug, Local Community 66,120 - Co-financing (KM 15,000) 2014 - Development in July, Cooperation with - Creation of diaspora registry 2015 Migrants - Creation of sub-domain on the official LG website

providing information relevant to diaspora 2. Ključ

Second round: Local Community - Organization of business-investment forum with Development in diaspora Cooperation with July - - Co-financing (KM 12,500) Migrants II 87,874 Dec, - M&D promotion campaign 2015 Establishing First round: Institutional - Co-financing (KM 19,500) Jan - 72,020 Aug, Cooperation between - Creation of diaspora registry 2015 Laktaši Municipality - Preparation of municipal guide for diaspora and Diaspora - Organization of business-cultural event with


3. Laktaši Second round: Improvement and - Co-financing (KM 12,000) Development of - Organization of traditional fair with diaspora July - Business and Cultural 74,710 - Job creation Dec, Cooperation between - Establishment of value chain for production of 2015 Laktaši Municipality traditional folk shoes and other traditional and Diaspora souvenirs Branding of Agricultural Products and Training - Transfer of knowledge17 Sep, for Agricultural - Creation of diaspora registry 2014 - 4. Ljubuški 55,800 Producers in - Organization of event “Ljubuški spring potato” in Dec, Cooperation with cooperation with diaspora 2015 Diaspora - Co-financing (KM 20,120) Establishing Textile - Job creation Sep, Nevesinj Micro Enterprise in - Creation of diaspora registry 2014 - 5. 86,676 e Cooperation with - Creation of sub-domain on the official LG website Dec, Diaspora providing information relevant to diaspora 2015 - Set up of diaspora office

16 Although the initial co-financing by diaspora was estimated at KM 21,750, in the course of project implementation Jajce Municipality encountered significant challenges in mobilising emigrants' interest and contribution. 17 Although the project proposal originally envisaged co-financing from diaspora in the amount of KM 5,000, due to the challenges encountered in the course of project implementation, it was agreed not to insist on financial contribution, but to focus on transfer of knowledge. 9

Project Project Migrants’ financial contribution No. LG Project title value duratio and other M&D-related activities (KM) n First round: Establishment of - Co-financing (KM 14,600) Aug, Farmers’ Cooperative in 68,002 - Creation of diaspora registry 2014 - Posušje and Support to - Creation of sub-domain on the official LG website July, Beekeeping and providing information relevant to diaspora 2015 Production of Aromatic

and Therapeutic Plants - Creation of diaspora focused municipal bulletin 6. Posušje

Second Round: Creating Preconditions July - for New Employment in - Transfer of knowledge and technologies Dec, Agriculture in 63,800 - Development of educational material (manual on 2015 Cooperation with production) developed in cooperation with Diaspora diaspora - Co-financing (KM 11,900) Provision of Agricultural Dec, Mechanization and - Co-financing (KM 42,480) 2014 - 7. Prijedor Greenhouses for 144,720 - Creation of diaspora registry Oct, Agricultural Producers 2015 in Cooperation with Diaspora Design and Implementation of a Professional Retraining 57,924 First round: Aug, Programme in the 2014 - Metal Sector with - In kind contribution/ raw materials (KM 6,823) July, Mentorship from - Transfer of knowledge 2015 Diaspora - Job creation

- Creation of diaspora registry

Production Capacity Dec, - Transfer of knowledge Sanski Expansion of the 2014 - 8. 61,717 - Creation of sub-domain on the official LG website Most Agricultural July, Cooperative ZZ providing information relevant to diaspora 2015 AGRISAN in - Co-financing (KM 6,872) Cooperation with

Diaspora July -

Second Round: Dec, Introduction of - Co-financing (KM 3,000) 2015 Innovative Organic - Transfer of knowledge Products under the 66,218 Mentorship of Diaspora - Co-financing (KM 10,833) - Creation of diaspora registry Improving Berry Aug, - Creation of sub-domain on the official LG website Velika Production in 2014 - 9. 69,635 providing information relevant to diaspora Kladuša Cooperation with July, Diaspora. - Establishment of the Office for Diaspora as part 201518 of the Municipal Department for General Administration

18 Due to problems with seedlings, some 40% of raspberry plants failed to develop. However, the supplier replaced the seedlings in question free of charge for the fall planting. 10

Project Project Migrants’ financial contribution No. LG Project title value duratio and other M&D-related activities (KM) n - Organization of business – investment forum with diaspora Contribution to the Reconstruction of the Sep - Central Heating System 10. Maglaj 153,797 N/A Nov, and Procurement of 2014 Medical Equipment for the Health Care Centre

All in all, 14 priority local interventions contributed to the creation of 60 (10 in Nevesinje, 20 in Sanski Most and 30 in Laktaši) and retaining of 10 jobs, as well as to enhanced income streams through agriculture for 477 households (129 in Ljubuški, 158 in Posušje, 69 in Prijedor, 38 in Jajce, 11 in Velika Kladuša, 45 in Ključ, 20 in Sanski Most, and 7 in Laktaši). Moreover, the re-establishment of the Health Care Centre services in Maglaj Municipality directly benefited the entire population of the municipality estimated at 27,900. With the exception of Maglaj, the projects in all LGs featured specific elements which enhanced institutional capacities for cooperation with diaspora, including diaspora registries, diaspora-related sub-domains on official LG websites, design of relevant information materials targeting diaspora, promotion of cooperation initiatives with diaspora through media, defining of roles and responsibilities of LG Coordinators / Focal Points for Emigration, introduction of new services for diaspora (e.g. 48 h service – questions and answers, online register office), etc. All the local projects originated directly from the adopted local development strategies (and their 2014 and 2015 implementation plans), thus contributing to their overall implementation. As previously mentioned, most of the projects entailed co-financing by emigrants. To mobilise diaspora co- financing for priority local interventions, partner LGs applied two models. In the cases of Ključ, Velika Kladuša, Laktaši and Prijedor, the financial support was secured by end-beneficiaries who mostly used their family ties. This is understandable, considering that the scope of the Project investment per beneficiary/partner LG was limited to enable attracting of other investors. On the other hand, Jajce, Posušje, Ljubuški, Nevesinje and Sanski Most Municipalities mobilised resources for their priority interventions through direct contacts with diaspora (individuals and/or organisations). In some LGs (Posušje, Sanski Most, Nevesinje and partially Laktaši), financial contribution by diaspora was motivated by business interest, as well as the desire to support development of hometown. Only Municipalities of Jajce and Ljubuški faced challenges to mobilize emigrants’ interest and ensure their originally envisaged financial contribution. To enable project implementation as per the plan, Jajce Municipality provided additional own financial resources, while Ljubuški Municipality ensured emigrants’ contribution through trainings and mentorship. Importantly, one third of approved local projects included transfer of knowledge (Laktaši, Ljubuški, Sanski Most and Posušje). Awareness and capacities of targeted LGs were additionally strengthened through a two-day training on Mainstreaming the Concept of Migrations and Development into Local Development that took place in November, 2014. The training focused on number of aspects of migrations mainstreaming into local development, providing examples of other countries (Moldova, Costa Rica, Equator, Nepal, Philippines, and Senegal). The event was attended by 21 representatives (12 female and 9 male, mainly members of Local Development Teams and Mayors) from partner LGs. As per the invitation extended by the Project, representatives of Prnjavor and Usora Municipalities also took part in the training, although not being among the core partner LGs. As a follow up to the training, the Project prepared a concept note for organisation of a series of workshops with the LG Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigrants, so as to enable thematic networking, peer-to-peer exchange of experience, discussion on migration and development issues and capacity development. Networking events / workshops were initiated in February, 2015, including also representatives of the Municipalities of Domaljevac-Šamac, , and Prnjavor. Four workshops were organised focusing on: roles and responsibilities of Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigration, systemic collection, use and 11 updating of emigration data, communication with diaspora, role and contribution of non-governmental organisations in the context of migration and development, and role and contribution of private sector in the context of migration and development. The BiH MHRR engaged actively in these activities, contributing in terms of workshop conceptualisation, active participation, and exchange with LGs. Moreover, representatives of the private sector and relevant civil society organisations also took part in the workshops, so as to share experience and contribute to relevant thematic discussions. Furthermore, a training on effective communication between LGs and diaspora has also been organised for the partner LGs in May 2015. The Project facilitated a joint e-mail communication group, as an additional tool to encourage interaction and sharing among the LG network members. In June 2014, a targeted training was organised for 13 representatives (5 female) of eight cantonal governments (, -, , Central-Bosnia, West-Herzegovina, -Sana, Bosnia-Podrinje and ), so as to further contribute to awareness raising, explore opportunities for putting migration into function of socio-economic development and contribute to vertical alignment across government levels of policies and priorities in the area of migration and development. This activity, coupled with previous experience in mainstreaming migration and development into local strategies, triggered an initiative to support embedding of this aspect into upcoming cantonal planning schemes, though cooperation with the ILDP. Following the Project Board approval, targeted support was launched in September 2014, focusing on seven cantons that were in the process of designing their development strategies. Inputs were provided and subsequently reflected by the Cantonal Development Teams in socio-economic analysis of six cantonal strategies (Sarajevo, Zenica- Doboj, Tuzla, Central Bosnia, Bosnia-Podrinje and Canton 10). The same process took place in in March, 2015, upon the establishment of the new cantonal government. Concrete programmes and measures to utilise the potential of migration and development were defined as part of the integrated cantonal strategies (programmatic parts, concrete measures and projects), ensuring also alignment with the BiH Migration and Asylum Strategy relevant priorities. Cantonal strategies, including migration and development priorities, are already adopted by five cantonal governments (Zenica-Doboj, Tuzla, Central Bosnia, Posavina and Canton 10). Adoption of Strategies in Bosnia-Podrinje and Sarajevo Cantons is expected in February 2016. The envisaged technical support activities in all partner cantonal governments were somewhat postponed (in particular in relation to embedding migration and development concerns into strategy programmatic part), considering delays in the implementation of results of General Elections that took place in October 2014. Altogether, having in mind the results captured above and based on the general indicators set to track progress of the Project Outcome, it can be concluded that the Project has achieved its Outcome 1 by mainstreaming diaspora engagement in local strategic frameworks of 10 pilot LGs and subsequently successfully implementing a myriad of local projects which harness diaspora contribution to local development.

Outcome 2: Capacities of key actors at relevant governmental levels on effective M&D mainstreaming are strengthened; cooperation with migrants and their organizations is being structured in municipal planning schemes. In view of the Project objective to support mainstreaming of migration and development into public policies and strategies, so as to contribute to better development results in different sectors, a concept note on policy consultation process was prepared at the beginning of 2014. It envisaged support to inter-institutional consultations through a working group bringing together representatives of relevant institutions at the level of state, entity, and LGs. To prepare for the consultation process expected to result in policy recommendations (migration and development mainstreaming roadmap / guidelines / recommendations), the Project produced a background paper on mainstreaming migration into development strategies in BiH. The paper looked, in particular, into key concepts and international experiences, and outlined key points for consideration in the upcoming policy consultation process.19 Furthermore, in the first half of 2014, situation analyses in economic20

19 “Mainstreaming Migration into Development Strategies in BiH: Key Concepts and Ineternational Experiences“, Daniel Naujoks, March 2014. 20 Analysis of Economic Development Policies in BiH: Identifying Policies for Effective Migrants’ Contribution to Development, Nino Serdarević, June 2014. 12 and social21 development sectors were also undertaken, so as to explore emigration potential as well as relevant legal, institutional and policy frameworks for effective mainstreaming of migration into development in BiH. Based on the demand by and discussions with the BiH MHRR, and following successful similar experiences with entity ministries under the ILDP, the Project offered tailored technical support to the BiH MHRR in the process of design, management, and evaluation of a public grant scheme in the area of migration for development. The objective of the process-based technical assistance was to advance the capacity of the partner Ministry to design and manage public financial tools, in line with the prevailing quality standards and practices applied within European Union (EU) countries, as well as to contribute to the implementation of the BiH Migration and Asylum Strategy, while fostering targeted top-down financial support for realization of priorities of LGs and civil society organizations, in line with local strategies. In the period November 2014 - February 2015, the Project facilitated an initial training followed by four practical workshops / coaching sessions, bringing together 12 representatives from the Sector of Emigration, as well as other sectors within the BiH MHRR (Sector for Human Rights, Sector for Refugees from BiH, Displaced Person and Housing Policy, Sector for Reconstruction, Development, Monitoring and Regional Centres, and Sector for Common, Legal and Financial Matters). Additionally, three core group working meetings were organised to work out the details of the BiH MHRR grant scheme in the area of migration for development. The grant scheme to be funded by the BiH MHRR budget was developed, defining objectives, types of projects to be supported, eligible applicants, individual projects’ financial parameters and general selection criteria. The grant scheme dealt with strengthening capacities of local communities to interact with diaspora, thus contributing to local development. It enabled not only advancing capacity of BiH MHRR to translate strategic priorities in the area of migration and development into specific policy measures, but also to harmonise public grant scheme design and management approach across different BiH MHRR Sectors. Based on the concept note on policy consultation process envisaging the establishment of inter-institutional working group, initial contacts with relevant state and entity institutions were made by early 2014.22 The Working Group was formally established at its first two-day meeting in March 2014. It brought together 22 members (10 female and 12 male), including representatives of state and FBiH institutions, partner LGs from both entities, entity AMCs, IOM, the Embassy of Switzerland and UNDP.23 The participants were introduced to migration and development concepts, and they jointly defined the vision and objectives of the consultation process. Furthermore, they agreed on their priority training needs in the process of defining migration and development policy recommendations (public policy development, communication with diaspora, and migration and development concept promotion through media). Nevertheless, due to the absence of RS institutions’ representatives, the policy consultation process was put on hold. As already mentioned, the reason stemmed mainly from unintended political implications of the emigration topic, as well as from the limited understanding by some policy makers of additional value that emigration can bring into delivery of development policies in BiH. The process was further affected by the 2014 May floods, as the entity governments were largely focused on emergency and immediate post-flood recovery activities. While discussions with the RS senior officials resumed towards the end of summer, it was agreed to wait with an operational meeting until after the General Elections in October 2014. A meeting with the RS Ministry for Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation (MERRC), tasked with the coordination function in the RS, was organised in late October, 2014. The meeting resulted in a request to proceed with the policy consultation process using a modular approach, entailing parallel processes in each of the two entities, expected to culminate in a common M&D recommendations / roadmap for BiH. In November, the Project Board endorsed the modular approach to inter-institutional consultation process, noting that the representatives of the BiH MHRR and BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be involved in both entity working groups, with possibly

21 Analysis of Potentials of Emigrants’ Contribution to Social Development Sectors in BiH, Selma Porobić, July 2014. 22 Four meetings were held with the relevant ministries in the RS, which were unable to confirm their participation in the M&D WG as the process of selection of ministry representatives for any working group is consolidated and led by the RS Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation. 23 BiH MHRR, BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BiH Ministry of Security, BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Department for Economic Planning, BiH Agency for Work and Employment, BiH Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, FBiH Ministry of Justice, FBiH Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, the FBiH Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees, FBiH Association of Municipalities and Cities, RS Association of Municipalities and Cities, Municipalities of Ključ, Maglaj, Nevesinje, Prijedor and Velika Kladuša, Centre for Local Development and Diaspora, IOM, Embassy of Switzerland and UNDP. 13 arranging joint first and last meetings. The adjustments were reflected in the project document and work plan, and communicated to the RS MERRC. Nevertheless, despite efforts made, commitment and readiness of the RS Entity representatives to engage in the inter-institutional consultations remained unconfirmed by the end of 2014. Faced with such political sensitivity and prolonged delays, the Project Team, together with the key project partners, continued seeking for implementable solution in early 2015, so as to ensure quality achievement of the set objectives within the project lifespan. As a result, the concept note on policy consultations process was revised in February 2015 and it was decided that the BiH MHRR, namely its Sector for Emigration, would continue with the already initiated consultations, focusing on the relevant state level institutions and including adequate expert support. Instead of the policy roadmap, the consultation process would result in Guidelines / Recommendations for Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and Development into Design and Delivery of Public Policies in BiH, which would be applicable to all levels of government. In April 2015, the Working Group continued its work in a reconstructed format, bringing together 10 representatives from state level ministries and institutions, as well as representatives of IOM, Embassy of Switzerland and UNDP. Importantly, the Working Group was supported by four experts in the field of migration and development, public policy management and economic and social development sectors. As a result of four sessions, held from March 2014 to June 2015, the draft Guidelines / Recommendations for Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and Development into Design and Delivery of Public Policies in BiH were prepared. Considering challenges related to its forming, only a training on migration and development (1.5 day) was organised for the Working Group members, closely linked to the regular meetings. The Working Group was also introduced to basics of the public policy cycle, as part of its second meeting. These activities have contributed to strengthening and reaffirming the visibility and the lead role of the BiH MHRR and its Sector for Emigration in the area of migration and development. Instead of specific technical assistance originally envisaged by the Project to support cooperation between the BiH MHRR and BiH Diaspora, at the BiH MHRR request, an additional round table24 with Diaspora representatives was organised in May 2015. It focused on women entrepreneurship in Diaspora and BiH. Organised under the auspices of the BiH MHRR, the event was very successful, gathering some 90 participants, including female entrepreneurs from Diaspora (Austria, France, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, UK and USA) and BiH, potential future entrepreneurs, representatives of institutions and international organizations that support entrepreneurship, as well as representatives of local governments, and civil society. Creating networks among successful women entrepreneurs, and bridging knowledge across borders to contribute to women's economic empowerment was in the focus of the roundtable, the conclusions of which could be summarised in the need to further strengthen female entrepreneurship, as well as cooperation between female entrepreneurs from BiH and diaspora, taking more proactive approach by developing new information exchange channels, and enhancing the work of diaspora organisations. As a follow up to the round table, guest appearance of one female entrepreneur and a BiH MHRR representative was arranged in a live studio programme of N1, national broadcaster, which is affiliate of CNN in BiH. Furthermore, to contribute to expanding stakeholders’ understanding of the migration and development concept, a three-day study visit to Ireland was organised for 20 participants, Working Group members, representatives of partner local governments, Embassy of Switzerland and UNDP. The visit offered possibility for participants to get familiar with relevant policies and approaches of the Government of Ireland, as well as to obtain first-hand knowledge on the various development-led initiatives which bridge Irish diaspora with communities and their home society. Moreover, participants had the possibility to meet representatives of BiH diaspora and discuss potentials for their pro-active engagement in development of their home country. They gained practical knowledge, inspiration and ideas that could be transferred to and applied in the context of BiH. Reflecting on the extent to which the Project Outcome 2 has been achieved, it can be concluded that capacity of state and local government level institutions to better understand and mainstream the concept of migration and development in policies were strengthened. Of particular importance is the establishment of the basic institutional

24 Previous round table with Diaspora representatives was organised as planned under Outcome 3. 14 infrastructure – diaspora focal points – within 10 LGs, which is a positive platform for LGs to further continue their efforts in this area. However, the Project had limited outreach to entity level institutions.

Outcome 3: Key elements for the definition of a valuable M&D mainstreaming concept are identified, validated and integrated into complementary action plans of different key actors in BiH. The Project discussed and prepared a general outline structure for the M&D policy guidelines / recommendations, as a basis for reinstalling policy consultation process. As already mentioned, the consultations resumed in April 2015, and by the end of June resulted in the draft Guidelines / Recommendations for Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and Development into Design and Delivery of Public Policies in BiH. Intended for decision-makers and civil servants who participate in the design, delivery and evaluation of public policies at the state, entity and cantonal levels, the Guidelines / Recommendations provide practical insights and guidance for recognising and integrating migration and development concept into sectoral policies and strategies. They are to serve as a long-term platform for awareness raising and capacity development of sub-national authorities, creating preconditions for practical implementation of recommendations in line with specific competencies of each government level in BiH. The MHRR withheld the submission of Guidelines / Recommendations to the Council of Ministers, considering the intent to design a Strategy on Diaspora Engagement into Development of BiH. During the implementation, the Project also undertook a number of actions to increase awareness and knowledge about migration and development potentials for BiH’s development among general public and key project partners. Under the BiH MHRR leadership, a round table on migration and development was held in May, 2014, bringing together 44 participants (20 female), out of which eight were members of diaspora / diaspora organizations25, seven representatives of state ministries/institutions, two representatives from FBiH ministries, six from partner LGs, and three representatives from non-governmental organisations. Other participants were from the Embassy of Switzerland, USAID, IOM and UNDP. The aim of the round table was to encourage dialogue among the representatives of the BiH diaspora (individuals or associations), home-country associations, and representatives of BiH institutions at state, entity and local levels relevant to the M&D topic. Participants also discussed previous practices and experiences related to communication and cooperation between diaspora and government institutions in BiH, and came up with a set of recommendations. The recommendations mostly related to improving communication between diaspora and government institutions in BiH via establishment of steady communication mechanisms, identification of focal points for communication with diaspora, revision of the role of Diplomatic and Consular Missions, establishment of a single electronic web platform to gather information relevant to the diaspora, promote projects and programmes, establish an open forum between the diaspora and stakeholders in BiH, etc. They also referred to promotion of diaspora potentials in BiH, as well as stronger promotion of the country abroad, mapping of diaspora and updating of the existing databases on diaspora at the BiH level, establishment of diaspora registries in LGs, development of the Strategy on Diaspora and further strengthening of the MHRR capacities, enhancing capacities of diaspora associations as well as general improving of business enabling environment in BiH. In September 2014, a brochure titled “Emigration and Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Best Practices”, was published, capturing 12 successful examples showcasing concrete emigrants’ contribution to socio-economic development of BiH.26 While the brochure targeted primarily project partners, it was made available to the broader public contributing to general understanding of migrants’ development potentials (social networks and partners’ websites). A Migration and Development Research Workshop was hosted by the BiH MHRR in November 2014, attended by 66 participants (40 female, 26 male). 10 (nine female and one male) prominent researchers from around the

25 USA - Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Czech Republic -Association Lastavica Prague, Sweden - APU Network, Germany – member of diaspora. 26 uspjeni-primjeri/. 15 world took part in the event, with additional two researchers (both male) who were also invited to present their previously conducted analyses, as per the BiH MHRR request. The workshop was preceded by a public call for interested researchers to develop topical papers on the subject of migration and development, selection of participating researchers and development of their papers. As per the previous practice of the BiH MHRR, all the researchers’ works produced for this event were compiled into Almanac of Papers, published in February 2015. This activity enabled thematic and intellectual exchange related to migration and development among researchers, thus stimulating a more-in-depth and multi-angle look at the concept, while at the same time contributing to its promotion among a wider audience. In 2014, the Project prepared a Project Communication Strategy, envisaging promotion of project achievements, on one hand, and the migration and development concept on the other. Aiming to raise awareness of both the Project partners and general public on migrants’ contribution to development in BiH, five video stories were produced (three covering success stories supported by the M&D Project and two promoting success stories among the BiH MHRR grantees). Promotion was undertaken via social networks, local / cantonal media, and partners’ websites. Furthermore, in the framework of the Project, the Municipality of Ključ aired 10 special programmes for diaspora via its local radio station, also broadcasted on internet.27 In December 2015, the Project issued and promoted the publication capturing success stories of cooperation in 10 partner local governments, showcasing concrete emigrants’ contribution to socio-economic development of BiH realized though the M&D Project activities. Additionally, the Project produced infographics to capture the essence of the BiH diaspora, as well as a leaflet promoting the M&D concept and the BiH MHRR role in that regard. The Manual on Mainstreaming Migration into Local Development Planning was finalised, based on MiPro and capturing experiences accumulated at the local level in BiH, and providing guidelines for future similar efforts by other interested local governments. To support networking, cooperation with the Global Joint Programme “Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies - Phase II“ was initiated by facilitating the participation of a BiH MHRR representative at the Programme Board Meeting held in Chisinau, Moldova in June, 2014. The Project also engaged in exchange with the Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI), including via sharing success stories from BiH globally through JMDI networks, sharing JMDI best practices identified globally with the network of LG Focal Points / Coordinators, benefiting from regular JMDI updates on latest developments in relation to migration and development as well as information on potential expertise of relevance to the MD Project activities. Also, the Project took part in the Second Business Forum on BiH Diaspora – BHdiaFOR in August 2014, ensuring promotion of the Project as well as presentation of one of the local interventions putting migration in function of local development. At the initiative of one of the international experts engaged by the Project, the project partners were approached with the possibility for BiH to join an initiative of the KNOMAD28 Thematic Working Group on Policy and Institutional Coherence to be carried out in 2015, with the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD). This initiative entails the operationalisation of a dashboard of indicators for measuring policy and institutional coherence for migration and development, so as to help policy makers measure the extent to which their public policies promote positive migration and development outcomes.29 BiH has become one of 10 pilot countries globally which established a cooperation with the Thematic Working Group for the purpose of operationalisation of the dashboard of indicators,30 while the representatives of the BiH MHRR and the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated at the KNOMAD summit in Istanbul in October 2015, and presented the experience of BiH activities as part of global KNOMAD initiative.31 A final Migration and Development Project Conference was organised in December 2015, to present the results attained, as well as to promote good practices and lessons learned both from BiH and other countries, with focus on creating an environment conducive to diaspora’s involvement and promotion of diaspora as an

27 28 The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) is a global hub of knowledge and policy expertise on migration and development issues. 29 The exercise is expected to begin in March 2015, with the final results to be presented at the 8th GFMD in October 2015 in Istanbul. 30 31 16 important development potential. The conference gathered 104 participants (74 male and 40 female), including representatives of state, entity, cantonal and local authorities, international organisations, civil society, private sector representatives, including from diaspora. Overall, there were 149 features published in the media since the beginning of the Project, with continuous increase in number of media articles visible from the year one through year three. In a nutshell, through effective implementation of planned activities under Outcome 3, the Project, under the leadership of the BiH MHRR, managed to design the first paper in the country dealing with M&D mainstreaming into policy design and delivery. Further M&D mainstreaming efforts remain necessary at all government levels, so as to harness the potential contribution of diaspora to BiH’s development.


Key outputs related to Outcome 1: . Technical support and guidance provided to all 10 partners LGs to assess and analyse potentials and challenges in relation to migration and development, under the leadership of Local Development Teams and as part of the socio-economic analysis of their emerging local development strategies; . Technical support and guidance provided to all 10 partners LGs to consult migration and development priorities, with their relevant socio-economic stakeholders, through Partnership Groups established as broader community development forums/partnerships in each partner LG, in line with the standardized methodology for integrated development planning; . Public discussion on migration and development were organised as part of broader public discussions on draft local development strategies before their submission to review and approval by Municipal Councils/Assemblies. . 9 local development strategies including migration and development priorities adopted by respective Municipal/City Councils/Assemblies, with specific interventions utilizing the potential of migration for local development defined as integral parts of the local strategies’ implementation plans 2014 – 2016, serving as platforms for preparation of LG budgets; (the Local Development Strategy of Maglaj Municipality was adopted prior to the M&D Project start, thus migration and development-related inputs were included in the implementation plan for the period 2014 – 2016, while this aspect remain to be addressed in the upcoming revision of the Strategy); . Socio-economic analysis with embedded migration and development potentials and challenges in seven FBiH cantons, serving as platforms for mainstreaming the concept into the programming part of emerging cantonal development strategies; . Selection methodology and criteria prepared, to enable the identification and design of project proposals originating from the adopted local strategies and tackling migration issues, or utilizing potentials of migration for local development; . 10 practical work sessions organised with Local Development Teams in each partner LG to improve local capacities for design of fully-fledged projects in the area of migration and development; . Designed and delivered a joint two-day workshop on preparation of logical frameworks and budgets for the partner LGs’ Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigration and the M&D Project development teams providing concrete guidelines on the project approval process and requirements; . 14 project proposals, originating from adopted local development strategies and addressing migration for development prepared, approved and implemented; . Designed and delivered a two-day training for LG Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigration on Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and Development into Local Development;


. Based on the prepared concept note, organised four thematic workshops of LG Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigration to enable their exchange of experience, peer learning, networking and capacity development; . Organised a one-day training for LG Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigration on effective communication between with Diaspora; . Delivered a two-day training programme on migration and development for representatives of cantonal governments; . On-process technical support package for embedding migration and development aspect into upcoming cantonal planning schemes designed and launched, to further contribute to vertical alignment across government levels of polices and priorities in the area of migration and development; . Eight meetings of the Project Board convened in a period 2013 - 2015; additionally, electronic consultations were conducted among the PB members, particularly during the process of reviewing and approving for funding local level initiatives.

Key outputs related to Outcome 2: . Concept Note on Policy Consultation Process, shared with relevant stakeholders and presented at the first Working Group meeting; . Background paper “Mainstreaming Migration into Development Strategies in BiH: Key Concepts and International Experiences”, providing a broad overview of the main concepts, challenges and possible solutions, as well as drawing on previous experiences with mainstreaming migration into national development strategies and on select examples from other countries to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of migration. . Analysis of Economic Development Policies in BiH: Identifying Policies for Effective Migrants’ Contribution to Development, looking into relevant legal, institutional and policy frameworks, with a focus on financial markets and capital markets, development of small and medium enterprises, foreign direct investments, international trade, human resources development, and rural development; . Analysis of Potentials of Emigrants’ Contribution to Social Development Sectors in BiH, looking into relevant legal, institutional and policy frameworks, with a focus on philanthropy, education, healthcare and social welfare; . Designed and delivered tailored technical support package to the MHRR in the process of design, management and evaluation of a public grant scheme in the area of migration for development; . Organised an additional round table with Diaspora representatives, focusing on women entrepreneurship in Diaspora and BiH and gathering around 90 participants. . Resumed policy consultation process and held four meetings of the inter-institutional Working Group; . Organised an 1.5-day training on migration and development for Working Group members; . Organised a study visit in Ireland to expand institutional stakeholders’ understanding of migration for development.

Key outputs related to Outcome 3: . Prepared general outline structure for the M&D policy recommendations, which can be utilised once the policy consultation process is reinstalled; . Draft Guidelines/Recommendations for Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and Development into Design and Delivery of Public Policies in BiH agreed by the Working Group;


. Established connections with the Global Joint Programme “Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies - Phase II“, by facilitating the participation of an MHRR representative at the Programme Board Meeting; . Designed and organised a round table with diaspora representatives to encourage dialogue among the representatives of the BiH diaspora (individuals or associations), home-country associations and representatives of government institutions in BiH; . Organised Migration and Development Research Workshop, bringing together prominent researchers from around the world, presenting their research papers and contributing to stakeholders’ dialogue and better understanding of migration and development concept; . Project Communication Strategy, envisaging promotion of project achievements on the one hand, and the migration and development concept on the other; . Video material featuring the success story of professional retraining programme in the metal-processing sector in Sanski Most, supported by the world renowned Austrian Company REMUS and members of BiH emigration in Austria developed and published (the video was viewed 1,900 times and achieved reach to more than 4,100 online visitors, Una-Sana Canton TV station twice broadcasted segments of the video and statements by the representative of the Embassy of Switzerland); . Developed video showing a success story on establishing a micro-textile enterprise in cooperation with an entrepreneur from diaspora in Nevesinje; . Produced two videos promoting success stories among the beneficiaries of the BIH MHRR Grant Scheme in the field of migration and development (Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences - BHAAAS and Foundation Education for All – EDUS); . Produced video story on the round table on female entrepreneurship in BiH and Diaspora; . 5 thematic/promotional publications: Emigration and Development of BiH – Best Practices; Almanac of Research Papers – Migration in Function of Development; leaflet on migration and development and the role of the BiH MHRR, Emigration and Development in BiH – the Best practices of Cooperation in Local Governments, and the Manual on Mainstreaming Migration into Local Development Planning in BiH developed and published; . 10 special programmes for Diaspora by the Municipality of Ključ, aired via local radio station and internet; . 2 infographics capturing the essence of the BiH diaspora as well as the M&D Project prepared; . Organised final Project conference to promote emerging practices and lessons learned from pilot- intervention in the field of migration and development in BiH.


Balanced representation of both sexes was achieved in capacity development interventions, as well as in all events organised by the Project (47% of participants were women). Furthermore, several initiatives benefiting from the Project seed funding have actively promoted female participation, employment and entrepreneurship. For instance, the majority of income generation initiatives supported equally men and women, as often the entire family worked on the agricultural holdings. Several LG initiatives specifically promoted female entrepreneurship, such as the apparel manufacturing business in Nevesnje, and the shoe-maker in Laktaši. However, full gender balance could not be attained in terms of new jobs which emerged through local level initiatives due to the fact that these jobs were mostly created in metal industry, where participation of female is traditionally low. On the other hand, it should be noted also that many of the diaspora members co-financing LG investments were women. Moreover, the Project contributed to the promotion of female entrepreneurship via a round-table on female entrepreneurship in BiH and diaspora, featuring many successful female entrepreneurs of BiH origin in the country and abroad.



A myriad of lessons learnt and experiences were accumulated during the Project pilot phase, as explained below. Diaspora-featuring local development strategies and diaspora coordination structures instigate effective local initiatives engaging diaspora: Pilot experiences in 10 localities demonstrated that diaspora-featuring local governments’ strategic frameworks enable not only a more systemic work in this domain, but also a wealth of concrete practices with tangible contribution to local development. By embedding actions improving connectivity with diaspora, setting in place diaspora-tailored administrative and information services and other measures revitalising business, cultural, intellectual and social interaction, local governments not only connect with diaspora, but also leverage their valuable contribution to local development. Establishing diaspora coordinators within 10 local governments is a good model to inspire similar action within other local governments country-wide. The network of local government diaspora coordinators is a basis for potential wider thematic networking bringing together peers and enabling exchange of ideas and practices. All these elements can be further expanded and replicated in other localities, thus enable a more systemic anchoring of diaspora engagement policy, administrative structures and knowledge at the local level. Institutional capacities to engage with diaspora at all government levels in the country are insufficient: Immediate lessons learnt from the project’s first phase came to show that all government levels can do more to remove obstacles and create opportunities for diaspora to engage in the development by improving relevant strategic frameworks; building solid relationships with diaspora networks and facilitating their involvement in the country’s development; stimulating diaspora’s sense of belonging and connectivity to BiH, and stimulating knowledge transfer. To do all this, institutions and their designated focal points need to be equipped with better understanding and knowledge on the matter. The policy discussion related to diaspora in BiH can be highly politicised: Considering origins of emigration as well as the fact that emigrants from BiH are divided along the ethnic lines, diaspora is a politically charged topic. Ethnic divide is also among the main factors causing fragility of the overall country political system. Learning from this experience, it is important to seek strong political commitment for policy processes from the project kick off, engaging with institutional stakeholders which are interested to strengthen their capacity with regard to migration and development. Diaspora engagement is a two-way street: The extent to which diaspora can be effective actors for development depends on their willingness, possibility and capacity. Some diaspora members may “give back” to their homeland out of sentiment without asking much in return. However, global experiences comes to show that diaspora policies work best when engagement is a two-way street, in which all parties see clear benefits of working together. Building trust is thus necessary for a stronger BiH – diaspora relationship. Need to know the diaspora: In order to be able to reach out to diaspora, government at all levels need to know the diaspora communities around the world. This entails systemic and comprehensive data collection and diaspora mapping; compiling inventories of diaspora skills and experience; and engaging a wide range of diaspora members in listening exercises to understand what the diaspora has to offer, what it is willing to offer, and what it expects from the government in turn. Diaspora holds strong potential to contribute to local economic development: One of the main lessons learnt from the Project pilot phase was that diaspora can contribute to job creation and livelihoods at the local level. Previous field experiences also revealed untapped potentials in terms of connecting diaspora’s economic capital and knowledge with business development and economic opportunities. To succeed in such endeavours, stronger, informed and targeted outreach and facilitation is needed, both by local and higher government levels, as well as by diaspora business organisations and other economic development support organisations in BiH. Need for long-term development assistance for transformational change: Experiences from previous interventions of the Government of Switzerland and UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina came to show that system- and mind-set changing interventions need more than a decade to be successfully anchored, when 20 implemented in a context of financial and political instability. Therefore, in order to trigger sufficient interest, create a minimum level of knowledge and structures across the governance system, design and deliver diaspora- featuring policies and strategies, and cultivate productive interaction and mutual trust between diaspora, governments and businesses which then translate into development results, interventions need to be long term.


With all the Project achievements and lessons learnt in mind, there is a positive momentum to further capitalise on the successful practices and basic policy vision, and continue to work for improving strategic and practical frameworks enabling effective contribution of diaspora to the country’s development. The overall Project exit strategy is guided by the desire to achieve sustainability of frameworks and practices contributing to diaspora’s engagement in development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This, however, takes systemic efforts and changes both within policy and institutional frameworks, as well as in the mind-set of diaspora, the private sector and citizens in general. With the pilot-Project phase just finalised, the overall exit strategy is set for a 8-year horizon, which will allow for setting in place minimum policy frameworks, institutional capacities across all government levels, strengthening and activating diaspora and their representation in host countries, as well as paving the way or productive and result-oriented cooperation between diaspora and BiH government and socio-economic stakeholders. The country is in need of a dedicated policy for comprehensive diaspora engagement, which would set a clear vision, priorities or ways to connect with and engage diaspora in the development of their homeland. For the policy to be translated into results, the responsibility for diaspora matters needs to be anchored within relevant institutions across government levels, including also basic knowledge and tools to pro-actively include diaspora in development. The Project has so far had successful experiences related to establishing and capacitating diaspora coordinators within 10 local governments, which represents an opportunity for scaling up and expanding such efforts at local and higher government levels. Furthermore, development strategies in the 10 local governments and 7 cantons that feature diaspora matters represent an excellent policy framework for further efforts to facilitate diaspora’s engagement and maximise diaspora’s contribution to local and regional development. Some experiences were generated within pilot 10 local governments in the area of administrative and information services for diaspora, which can be further expanded in other localities country-wide. Also, economic incentives produced at local level proved that much can be attained with well-prepared economic support schemes targeting diaspora. In light of the above, and as suggested by the Project’s final evaluation report, the future scaling up efforts should build on the accomplishments of the pilot phase, focusing on the following three pillars, which also represent the basis for exit strategy, namely a full ownership of the initiatives in the subject-area by domestic actors: (i) further support to LG interventions mainstreaming migration into local development; (ii) scientific know-how transfer; (iii) strengthening of the MHRR, including their capacities for coordination of migration and development mainstreaming, as well as migration and development monitoring in the country. In terms of scaling up efforts, it is important to note that previous experiences in the country come to show that system- and mind-set changing interventions need more than a decade to be successfully anchored, when implemented in a context of financial and political instability. Therefore, in order to trigger sufficient interest, create a minimum level of knowledge and structures across the governance system, design and deliver diaspora- featuring policies and strategies, and cultivate productive interaction and mutual trust between diaspora, governments and businesses, which then translate into development results, it is of outmost importance to allocate sufficient time, which often goes beyond the lifespan of individual projects.





Impact (Overall Goal) Impact Indicators Contribute to establishing a favourable By 2015, BiH country migration policies - Formal decision/minutes environment for migrants who are are vertically aligned through a from meetings of the inter- willing to promote and pro-actively functional inter-institutional institutional mechanism for support the country’s development in mechanism, inputs for the design of a mainstreaming migration relevant domains of transition and new migration policy and into development. socio-economic progress at all mainstreaming of migration within ten - Policy recommendations institutional and societal levels. local development strategies. agreed by the inter- institutional mechanism. - Decisions of Municipal Councils/Assemblies related to adoption of local development strategies that include priorities and measures related to M&D.

Outcomes Outcome Indicators Progress Update Outcome 1 - By the end of 2013, migration policies - Decisions of Municipal For the first time in the planning practice of BiH, policies mainstreamed into at least 10 Councils/Assemblies. and measures for effective integration of migrants’ Policies for an effective integration of integrated local development contributions to the country’s development were migrants contributions to the country’s - Project reports and annual strategies adopted by respective introduced into local development strategies of 10 development are outlined and reports of partner LGs. Municipal Councils/Assemblies. partner LGs. This experience triggered the initiative and mainstreamed into local development - Final project reports for 10 the interest of 7 cantons in the Entity of FBiH to embed strategies of at least 10 LGs, visible - Successfully implemented at least 10 supported migration for this aspect into their emerging cantonal development projects have been designed (including priority initiatives originating from local development initiatives. strategies. Importantly, vertical alignment across relevant budget allocations) and are development strategies and tackling government levels of policies and priorities in the area under implementation. migration for development with focus on - Feedback from local of migration for development has been strengthened local employment creation, SME beneficiaries. by ensuring down-streaming of priorities identified development and administrative - Media communications. within the BiH Strategy on Migration and Asylum to the services for migrants. local and cantonal levels.


Outcome 2 - Inter-institutional mechanism for - Reports/minutes of the Initial awareness and capacities on the concept of M&D mainstreaming migration (WG M&D) WG M&D. were created at sub-national levels, as well as among Capacities of key actors at relevant comprising relevant state, entity and the members of the inter-institutional working group / governmental levels (mainly partner - Project reports. local government representatives and WG M&D. To support the BiH MHRR in their efforts to LGs, MHRR and members of the inter- socio-economic partners established - Feedback from mainstream M&D concept into policies and strategies, institutional working group / WG by the end of 2013. institutional partners. tailored process-based technical assistance package M&D) on effective M&D was provided to its Sector for Emigration, focusing on mainstreaming are strengthened; - Initial awareness and capacities for - Media publications, the public grant scheme management in the area of cooperation with migrants and their mainstreaming migration into releases in media, web- migration for local development. In this process, organisations is being structured in development are created at relevant based communication transfer and consideration of accumulated lessons municipal planning schemes. government levels and among socio- channels, photos. learned from pilot local initiatives supported in partner economic partners. LGs was ensured, contributing to improving the M&D policy measure at the state level. Outcome 3 - Inter-institutional mechanism / WG Policy recommendations/ M&D prepares and disseminates guidelines for Also for the first time in BiH, a set of recommendations Key elements for the definition of a country-wide guidelines and policy mainstreaming migration to support mainstreaming of the M&D concept in the valuable M&D mainstreaming concept inputs for mainstreaming migration into development public policy cycle was prepared through inter- are identified, validated and integrated into development. disseminated by the inter- institutional consultations bringing together relevant into complementary action plans of institutional mechanism. institutional representatives at the state level. The different key actors in BiH recommendations are to provide basis for further (governmental institutions, civil society efforts in mainstreaming migration into development organisations, associations of in the country. municipalities and cities / AMCs, private sector, migrants’ organisations).

Data Sources/Means of Outputs (per outcome) and costs Output Indicators Progress update Verification

For outcome 1: Policies for an effective integration of migrants contributions to the country’s development are outlined and mainstreamed into local development strategies of at least 10 LGs, visible projects have been designed (including relevant budget allocations) and are under implementation. Output M&D elements visibly - Assessed and analyzed potentials and - Socio-economic analysis Socio-economic analysis in 10 LGs were prepared 1 embedded into the challenges in relation to migration for 10 local governments. including aspects relevant to migration potentials and integrated development within 10 partner local governments. challenges. Consultations on M&D priorities were - Minutes from Local planning schemes of 10 conducted in 10 LGs through Local Development Teams - Migration for development priorities Community Partnership selected LGs (partner and Partnership Groups. Moreover, public discussions consulted with relevant socio- meetings. municipalities of ILDP); the on M&D were performed as part of broader public economic stakeholders in 10 partner LG’s effectively set - Project reports. discussions on draft local development strategies. local governments. priorities and regimes for the inclusion of migrants’ 23 contributions to local - At least 10 public discussions in all 10 - Feedback from partner Following participatory processes and the standardised socio-economic local communities on migration and local governments. approach to integrated local development planning in development. development organized. BiH (MiPro), 9 local development strategies including - Media publications, M&D priorities were adopted by respective - 10 local development strategies releases in media, web- Municipal/City Councils/Assemblies. In Maglaj local including migration for development based communication development strategy was adopted prior to the priorities adopted by respective channels, photos. Project start, and M&D related inputs were included Municipal Councils/ Assemblies by the - Decisions of Municipal in the implementation plan for the period 2014 – end of 2013. Councils/ Assemblies on 2016. 7 cantons were supported in mainstreaming - Built capacities for migration and adoption of integrated local M&D into their cantonal development strategies. development of at least 10 focal points development strategies. Focal Points / Coordinators for Emigration were within partner local administrations. introduced in 10 partner LGs, and their capacities - At least 10 fully-fledged project were enhanced through the process of mainstreaming proposals originating from adopted M&D into local development strategies, training on local development strategies and M&D, ten practical work sessions for designing addressing migration for development concrete M&D projects, joint two-day workshop on prepared. preparation of logical framework and budget, networking and peer-to-peer exchange (4 workshops - At least 300 citizens, both men and and 1 training). The events also included 4 additional women, from 10 partner local LGs, not direct project partners. A training was governments are positively influenced delivered for representatives of 8 cantonal by the implemented priority initiatives governments, contributing to awareness raising, focusing on local employment exploring opportunities for putting migration into creation, SME development and function of development and contributing to vertical administrative services for migrants. alignment of policies and priorities. 14 priority interventions were identified and developed into fully-fledged proposals, based on adopted local development strategies. Maglaj abandoned their original project idea, requesting support for the floods recovery of the local Health Care Centre. As a result of 14 local interventions putting migration in function of local development, 60 jobs (46 men and 14 women) were created and 10 maintained, while enhanced income streams through agriculture were ensured for 477 households with the anticipated additional annual income of BAM 1.3 M. The re- establishment of Health Care Centre services in Maglaj ensured better health care services for the entire 24

population of 27,900. The interventions also led to enhanced LG institutional capacities for cooperation with diaspora.

For Outcome 2: Capacities of key actors at relevant governmental levels (mainly partner LGs, MHRR and members of the inter-institutional working group / WG M&D) on effective M&D mainstreaming are strengthened; cooperation with migrants and their organisations is being structured in municipal planning schemes. Output Resources for supporting - By 2014, produced at least 2 policy - Policy recommendations/ A background paper on mainstreaming migration into 2 M&D based on relevant recommendations/ guidelines on guidelines on vertical development strategies in BiH was prepared, country policies are being vertical mainstreaming of migration mainstreaming of M&D encompassing key concepts, points of consideration provided and respective into development. adopted by the WG M&D. for policy making, and international experiences. inter-institutional Situation analyses in economic and social - Provided assistance to the MHRR in - Inputs related to the mechanisms are development sectors explored emigration potential formulation of future (2014-2020) formulation of future (2014- established; the and reviewed relevant legal, institutional and policy strategic priorities in the area of 2020) strategic priorities in mainstreaming of M&D in frameworks in BiH. migration and development. the area of migration and the vertical dimension is in development. Tailored technical support was offered to the MHRR in progress. - Strengthened MHRR capacities for relation to their public M&D grant scheme facilitating cooperation with BiH - Project reports. management. The MHRR has not requested support for Diaspora. the formulation of future strategic priorities related to M&D. Instead of technical assistance to support

cooperation with BiH Diaspora, at the MHRR request, a second round table with diaspora representatives was organised in 2015, focusing on women entrepreneurship in Diaspora and BiH, and gathering around 90 participants.

Output The inter-institutional - At least 5 meetings of the inter- - Reports/minutes of the Policy consultations were organised through the inter- 3 working group (WG M&D) institutional mechanism for WG M&D and relevant institutional M&D WG (4 meetings held, while final for coordinating the M&D mainstreaming M&D. training sessions. feedback on the Draft Guidelines/Recommendations mainstreaming process - At least 3 trainings for inter- for Mainstreaming the Concept of M&D into Design - Project reports. and for enhancing focused institutional mechanism on and Implementation of Public Policies in BiH was cooperation between key mainstreaming M&D. - Media communications. sought electronically). The M&D WG was supported stakeholders is set up and - A study visit to expand institutional through tailored capacity development closely linked is functioning. stakeholders’ understanding of to their meetings. Additionally, the M&D WG migration for development organised. participated in the study visit to Ireland, which further contributed to expanding their understanding of the M&D concept.


For outcome 3: Key elements for the definition of a valuable M&D mainstreaming concept are identified, validated and integrated into complementary action plans of different key actors in BiH (governmental institutions, civil society organisations, associations of cities and municipalities / ACMs, private sector, migrants’ organisations).

Output A national M&D “policy - By 2015, agreed Road Map with - Road Map document and The Guidelines/Recommendations for Mainstreaming 4 road map” is defined and recommendations related to the relevant information by the the Concept of M&D into Design and Implementation of under implementation; a creation of a more coherent policy BiH Council of Ministers. Public Policies in BiH were agreed by the M&D WG. The first conceptual frame for framework, as well as vertical MHRR withheld the submission to the Council of M&D in BiH is outlined. mainstreaming of migration to the local Ministers, considering the intent to design a Strategy on level; Diaspora Engagement into Development of BiH. Linkages

were established with relevant global and BiH initiatives, - Established connections of exchange including sharing of best practices facilitated by the and learning with national and regional project, use of best global practices, interaction with M&D networks. IoM, etc.

Output The awareness and the - Manual on mainstreaming migration - Media publications, To contribute to better understanding and support 5 knowledge about M&D into local development planning and TV/radio programmes, policy makers and governments at different levels, the potentials for BiH’s implementation cycle (including steps, releases in media, web- Project contributed to research of the M&D concept, development are increased challenges, success stories, tools, based communication as well as to the promotion of its potentials for BiH’s among the public and the vertical integration, etc.) as a channels, photos. development. The Manual on Mainstreaming key project partners. knowledge tool is produced and widely Migration into Local Development Planning was - Project reports. disseminated among all institutional finalised, based on MiPro, capturing experiences stakeholders. - Event list of participants. accumulated at the local level in BiH. Round table with Diaspora representatives as well as the academic - By 2015, one round table and one research workshop were organised, gathering in total academic research workshop over 130 participants. organized on migration and development, where at least 100 Besides 5 multimedia video-clips produced, 20 representatives of governmental, non- appearances took place in local media in partner LGs, governmental and academic to promote the migrants’ contribution to stakeholders take part. development of BiH. 26 success/awareness-raising stories were identified and captured in two - By 2014 multimedia video-clip publications. produced and aired by at least one state/entity broadcaster. 5 thematic/promotional publications produced: Emigration and Development of BiH – Best Practices; - By 2014, at least 5 TV/radio Emigration and Development – Experiences at the appearances promoting potentials of Local Level in BiH (overview of success stories based migration for development. on the local priority interventions); Almanac of Research Papers – Migration in Function of 26

- Up to 3 success/awareness-raising Development; leaflet on migration and development stories identified in relation to and the role of the BiH MHRR in that regard; 2 migration potentials for development infographics capturing the essence of the BiH diaspora and widely broadcasted. as well as the M&D Project. Also, a manual on mainstreaming migration into local development - At least 2 thematic/promotional planning was prepared. publications. Final project conference was organised to promote good - At least one national event to practices and lessons learned, gathering over 100 promote good practices and lessons representatives of state, entity, cantonal and local learned from mainstreaming migration governments, international organisations, and private for development at the local level. sector.

Activities (per output) Progress Update List of activities for Output 1: By the end of 2013, technical support and guidance provided to all 10 partners LGs to assess and analyse potentials and challenges in relation to M&D and integrate them in their local development strategies. Limited on-process technical support 1.1. Design and deliver expert advice to provided to 7 cantons to embed M&D aspect into ongoing cantonal planning schemes. the local planning processes. By the end of 2013, technical support and guidance provided to all 10 partner LGs to consult M&D priorities with their relevant 1.2. Design and organise information socio-economic stakeholders, through Partnership Groups established in each partner LG. Due to the late project approval and campaign in partner local advanced planning processes in the partner LGs, information campaign could not be organised. As part of the priority project governments. implementation under 1.5., broader community and media attention was also increased in relation to migration for 1.3. Conduct study visit and explore development potentials. possibilities for twinning. A dedicated study visit only for LG representatives was cancelled due to the heavy floods in 2014, while funding was directed 1.4. Design and deliver tailored training to floods-recovery efforts in partner LGs. However, thanks to savings, the study visit under Activity 3.4 was organised to Ireland and expert assistance in the process of jointly for LG representatives and M&D WG members in September, 2015.) implementation of local priorities, Training and expert assistance delivered, including: comprehensive two-day training on mainstreaming migration into local particularly related to migration for development; 10 practical work sessions in each partner LG to improve capacities for design of projects putting migration in local development. function of local development; a joint two-day workshop on preparation of logical framework and budget; 4 workshops of 1.5. Support practical implementation Coordinators / Focal Points for Emigration to enable their exchange of experience, peer learning, networking and capacity of priority interventions related to development; a 1-day training on communication between LGs and their Diaspora, as well as continuous support in the project migration for local development (Seed implementation. A two-day training programme on migration and development delivered for representatives of cantonal Fund). governments. Based on the methodology and criteria approved by the Project Board, 10 projects based on adopted local development strategies were selected and implemented mostly by August 2015. Additional 4 projects were selected and implemented by December 2015.


List of activities for Output 2: The following papers/analyses/briefs prepared in 2014: Background paper “Mainstreaming Migration into Development Strategies in BiH: Key Concepts and International Experiences”; Analysis of Economic Development Policies in BiH: Identifying Policies for 2.1. Design and disseminate policy Effective Migrants’ Contribution to Development; Analysis of Potentials of Emigrants’ Contribution to Social Development Sectors briefs on migration for development in BiH. among institutions at all government levels. A tailored technical support package designed and delivered to the MHRR in the process of designing, managing and evaluating a public M&D grant scheme. The public grant scheme, focusing on utilizing the potential of diaspora for local economic 2.2. Assist the MHRR in defining future development, was launched early 2015, contributing to the implementation of both the BiH Strategy on Migration and Asylum strategic priorities for migration and and local development strategies. development. Based on the MHRR request, the second round table was organised with representatives of Diaspora in May 2015, focusing on 2.3. Support the MHRR in improving Women Entrepreneurship in Diaspora and BiH. terms for cooperation with the BiH Diaspora.

List of activities for Output 3: Based on the Policy Consultation Concept Note, the M&D WG was established in early 2014, but resumed its work in April 2015 3.1. Support establishment of the Review of the existing migration-related policy framework in BiH was completed as part of 2.1. and economic and social inter-institutional WG M&D. analyses. 3.2. Review of the existing migration- As per the Policy Consultation Concept Note, external expert support was inbuilt into the policy consultations process, related policy framework in BiH. combining expertise in the field of migration and development, public policy management, economic and social sector development. The training plan emerged based on the needs of the original M&D WG set-up, but due to the changed approach 3.3. Design and deliver training and and time constraints, only 1.5-day training on migration and development was delivered to the M&D WG in 2015. WG members technical assistance to the WG M&D. were also introduced to the basics of the public policy cycle as part of the second meeting. 3.4. Study visit. A study visit to Ireland was organised in September, 2015.

List of activities for Output 4: By mid-2015, the Guidelines/Recommendations for Mainstreaming the Concept of M&D into Design and Implementation of Public Policies in BiH were prepared based on the Policy Consultation Concept Note, inputs by the M&D WG and strong 4.1. Design the Roadmap for Migration expert support. and Development in BiH, organise inter-institutional consultations Linkages were established with the Global Joint Programme “Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies - engaging all government levels and Phase II“; Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI); Second Business Forum on BiH Diaspora – BHdiaFOR; and submit the Roadmap for approval to KNOMAD Thematic Working Group on Policy and Institutional Coherence.) the BiH Council of Ministers.

4.2. Establish linkages with relevant national and regional M&D networks.

List of activities for Output 5: The manual was completed in December, 2015. The Project also captured success stories from the implementation of local priority interventions in partner LGs.


5.1. Develop manual on mainstreaming A number of sub-activities were carried out to raise awareness and foster dialogue among stakeholders, including two round migration into local development tables bringing together representatives of BiH diaspora (individuals or associations), home-country associations and planning and policy delivery. representatives of government institutions in BiH; research workshop bringing together prominent researchers from around the world, presenting their research papers and contributing to stakeholders’ dialogue and better understanding of migration 5.2. Awareness raising and fostering of and development concept; and a closing project conference organised early December to promote project achievements. dialogue among stakeholders. A number of sub-activities were implemented, including support to appearances in local media by partner LGs, production of 5.3. Promotion of migration for video-stories promoting migration for development potentials in BiH, production of relevant thematic/promotional development potentials in BiH through materials/publications. local media.



Jajce Municipality: Expanding plantations of berries in cooperation with diaspora The project aims at establishing new 7.6 ha of raspberries’ plantations and inclusion of 38 new households in the production system (raspberries’ saplings, supporting equipment and organization of technical trainings for granted farmers with financial support from diaspora). As per the initial project proposal and signed Letter of Agreement, expected financial contribution by diaspora was at 30% of raspberry and supporting equipment costs. Due to the difficulties encountered in mobilizing diaspora interest and support, the project was amended. Other project activities included support to the establishment of diaspora registry and sub-domain on the official LG website providing information relevant to diaspora, creation of municipal bulletin for diaspora, as well as organization of business-investment forum with diaspora. Total project value (KM) 96,441 M&D Project contribution: Purchase of raspberry saplings and supporting material for irrigation, as well as covering costs for three trainings 42,591 for selected agricultural producers. LG contribution through UNDP: Purchase of raspberry saplings, creation of diaspora registry, municipal bulletin for diaspora, and organization of 48,719 business-investment forum. Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 3,031 Purchasing of raspberry saplings (funding to be transferred to UNDP account through the Municipality). Other contribution (, the Ministry of Agriculture) through UNDP (VAT Excluded): Developing costs for diaspora registry, business-investment forum and advertising of public call for the selection 2,100 of beneficiaries (funding to be transferred to UNDP account through the Municipality).

Ključ Municipality: Local Community Development in Cooperation with Migrants The Project aims at establishing new 2 ha of raspberries’ plantations where 10 new households will begin production of raspberries with financial contribution of diaspora in the amount of 30% of raspberry saplings and supporting equipment purchase. Parallel to this, the project activities include support to development of diaspora registry and improvement of communication with diaspora, including through local media, as well as creation of sub-domain on the official LG website. The project will also support organization Diaspora days, including business-investment forum. Total project value (KM) 66,120 M&D Project contribution: Purchase of raspberry saplings and supporting material; support financing radio show for the diaspora, printing 42,600 promotion material, purchase of wooden stands for agricultural products, as well as support in organization of the business – investment forum with diaspora. LG contribution through UNDP: 8,520 Purchase of raspberry saplings, diaspora registry creation and purchase of IT equipment. Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 15,000 Purchasing of raspberry saplings and supporting material.

Ključ Municipality: Local Community Development in Cooperation with Migrants II The project aims at establishing at establishing 5 ha of new chokeberry plantations where 25 households will commenced with production of chokeberry with financial contribution of the diaspora. At the same time the project activities includes promotion campaign and modernization of media communication using all modern channels of communications with diaspora. Finally, through the project implementation selected farmers will be provided with expert trainings on establishing and managing chokeberry production.


Total project value (KM) 87,874 M&D Project contribution: Purchase of chokeberry saplings and supporting material and procurement of devices for measuring soil 64,644 moisture LG contribution through UNDP: Purchase of chokeberry and raspberry saplings and mobile analysis of soil, procurement of devices for measuring 10,730 soil moisture; costs of municipal promotion material development, creation of the handbook on chokeberry production; Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 12,500 Purchase of irrigation system and soil analysis.

Laktaši Municipality: Establishing Institutional Cooperation between the Municipality and Diaspora Main goal of the project is to contribute to local development through strengthening of mutual trust as well as diaspora’s involvement in developmental processes. The project will work on creation of two-way communication mechanisms between diaspora and the local community, contributing to establishment of mutual trust and continuous cooperation. The focus is on direct diaspora support to seven self-sustainable entrepreneurial and agricultural initiatives. Parallel to this, the project includes support in development of diaspora registry and modernization of the official municipal website, including the sub-page for diaspora. Total project value (KM) 72,020 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing development of the diaspora registry, collection of diaspora data, creation and publishing promotional material, organization of business and cultural event with diaspora, development of sub-webpage 43,000 for diaspora, support to selected seven entrepreneurial and agricultural initiatives. LG contribution through UNDP: Co-financing development of the diaspora registry, development and publishing of promotional material, 9,520 organization of business-investment forum “Days of Kozarčani in diaspora” which will be held in Belgrade and support to selected seven entrepreneurial and agricultural initiatives. Parallel diaspora contribution through UNDP: 19,500 Contribution from Diaspora is planned for support to selected seven entrepreneurial and agricultural initiatives.

Laktaši Municipality: Improvement and Development of Business and Cultural Cooperation between the Laktaši Municipality and the Diaspora Main goal of the project is to contribute to the continual local development of the municipality of Laktaši through the increasing contribution of the diaspora to local development of the municipality of Laktaši. Implementation of a particular project will support creation of two-way communication mechanisms between the diaspora and the local community aiming at establishing trust and continuous cooperation. Specifically, through the financial contribution, transfer of knowledge, experience and modern technologies, the diaspora will actively support local development. Parallel to this, the project aims at registration of the home cottage and employment of one educated and experienced female engaged in the production of the traditional peasant shoes. Total project value (KM) 74,710 M&D Project contribution (VAT excluded): Support to selected enterprises in realization of their concrete development initiatives, support to home cottage related to production of folk traditional shoes and other traditional souvenirs, organization of the round table 51,000 with diaspora and printing and publishing promotional materials, LG contribution through UNDP (VAT Excluded): 11,710 Realization of concrete development initiatives of selected enterprises, organization of round table for diaspora. Parallel diaspora contribution through UNDP : 12,000


Contribution from Diaspora is planned for support to selected enterprises in realization of their concrete development initiatives in line with adopted criteria.

Municipality of Ljubuški: Branding of Agricultural Products and Training for Agricultural Producers in Cooperation with Diaspora The project aims to ensure improved organized production of the “Ljubuški spring potato”, promote it as a geographically protected brand and contribute to its market valorisation. Also, the project focuses on building institutionalized communication channels between the local community and diaspora, to contribute to sustainable cooperation in the long run. Project activities include procurement of potato seedlings for Cooperative contractors, a tractor and supporting equipment for potato production. This tractor and equipment will be rented to the Agricultural Cooperative “Fruits of the soil”. Finally, the experts from diaspora will contribute through transfer of knowledge, by organizing trainings on modern seedling of potato and its production in accordance with the EU regulations. Parallel to this, the project includes support in development of diaspora registry, and organization of event “Ljubuški spring potato” in cooperation with diaspora. Total project value (KM) 55,800 M&D Project contribution: Organization of trainings for potato producers and public forums, purchase of IT, laboratory, office and other 42,900 equipment for Agricultural Cooperative, design and development of the Cooperative web site, procurement of the tractor and supporting equipment and purchase of potato seed and supporting promotional activities. Parallel LG contribution: 12,900 Organization of trainings for potato producers and public forums, purchase of IT, office and other equipment for

Agricultural Cooperative, purchase of tractor and supporting equipment and procurement of potato seed.

Nevesinje Municipality: Establishing Textile Micro Enterprise in Cooperation with the Diaspora The project aims at establishing a new micro enterprise (DRESS PRESS d.o.o.) in Nevesinje with financial support from an entrepreneur from abroad, whose origins are from Nevesinje. The enterprise will provide jobs for ten unemployed individuals from the municipality, creating additional employment opportunities. Parallel to this, the project will support development of diaspora registry and modernization of municipal web page with info relevant for diaspora. Total project value (KM) 86,676 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing construction, electro-installation and water-installation works on renovation of the ruined 58,007 municipal business premises, set up of diaspora office. LG contribution through UNDP: Co-financing construction, electro-installation and water-installation works on renovation of the ruined 15,169 municipal business premises, diaspora registry and the municipal web page with info relevant for diaspora, set up of diaspora office. Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 13,500 Contribution from Diaspora through UNDP is planned for purchasing of textile machines for establishing production.

Posušje Municipality: Establishment of Farmers’ Cooperative in Posušje and Support to Beekeeping and Production of Aromatic and Therapeutic Plants The project will support establishment of farmers’ cooperative in cooperation with diaspora, as well as increasing of technological capacities for agricultural production. It envisages establishing of long-term partnership with diaspora, focusing on building institutionalized communication channels. Ultimately, the project will contribute to increased agricultural production in cooperation with diaspora through the procurement of equipment for bee feed production and collection and processing of aromatic and therapeutic plants. The expected market surplus would be exported abroad in cooperation with diaspora. Diaspora provides co-financing for purchase of equipment. Other 32 project activities included support to the establishment of diaspora registry and sub-domain on the official LG website providing information relevant to diaspora, and creation of municipal bulletin for diaspora. Total project value (KM) 68,002 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing purchase of equipment for the production of bee feed, dryer for aromatic and therapeutic plants 42,600 and modular distillery for processing of fruits, aromatic and therapeutic plants. Parallel LG contribution: Design of database of diaspora, developing web page for diaspora within the official municipal web site, printing 10,802 of diaspora-focused bulletins, trainings for beekeepers and farmers’ cooperative members, as well as purchase

of IT equipment and office furniture, co-financing procurement of equipment for the production of bee feed and modular distillery for processing of fruits, aromatic and therapeutic plants.. Parallel diaspora contribution: 14,600 Co-financing of purchase of equipment for the production of bee feed and dryer for aromatic and therapeutic plants.

Posušje Municipality: Creating Preconditions for New Employment in Agriculture in Cooperation with Diaspora The project supports establishing the long-term partnership with the diaspora and also focuses on building institutionalized communication channels between local agricultural cooperative and the diaspora. It aims at increasing the technological capacity of agricultural cooperative “Eko Hercegovina” in cooperation with diaspora through establishment of the packer for final cooperative products. Finally, the project implementation will influence on increase of the number of the agricultural cooperative’s subcontractors who will be donated by immortelle saplings and beekeeping equipment for another 50 members. Finally, the experts from the diaspora will deliver the training on immortelle production. Total project value (KM) 63,800 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing purchase of modular packer for final products, the beekeeping equipment and the immortelle 51,900 saplings. Parallel LG contribution: Trainings and educations of beekeepers and agricultural producers; development of manual for beekeeping; 11,900 development of handbook for immortelle production; creation of roll up banners and the costs for the final manifestation.

City of Prijedor: Provision of Agricultural Mechanization and Greenhouses for Agricultural Producers in Cooperation with Diaspora The main goal is to contribute to building of trust between the LG and diaspora, as well as to contribute to agricultural development by partnering with diaspora. Key project activities relate to modernization of agricultural equipment to contribute to improved production efficiency and competitiveness, and ultimately to better living standards of local farmers. With financial support by diaspora, 5 farmers engaged in milk production will be granted milking machines, 31 farmers engaged in meat production will receive cattle fodder mixing machines and 24 agricultural producers will be granted greenhouses. Other project activities include support to the establishment of diaspora registry. Total project value (KM) 144,720 M&D Project contribution: 85,200 Co-financing of procurement of milking machines, cattle fodder mixing machines and greenhouses. Parallel LG contribution: 17,040 Co-financing procurement of milking machines, cattle fodder mixing machines and greenhouses, publishing call

for applications, costs of implementing public procurement procedures and project promotion and visibility costs. Parallel diaspora/returnee contribution: 42,480 Co-financing procurement of milking machines, cattle fodder mixing machines and greenhouses.


Sanski Most Municipality: Design and Implementation of a Professional Retraining Programme in the Metal- processing Sector with Mentorship from Diaspora In partnership with Remus Innovation Ltd and Sebring Technology GmbH Voitsberg, the Project aims to contribute to youth employment (10 new jobs to be created), by establishing informal professional retraining program in cooperation with diaspora and responding to concrete local labour market needs in the metal sector. Parallel to this, the project intends to create permanent institutional cooperation with diaspora by creating a diaspora registry and sub-domain on the official LG website providing information relevant to diaspora. Total project value (KM) 57,924 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing procurement of raw materials and resources for training (protective clothing, protective footwear 42,581 and working equipment), as well as the certification and signing of contracts ceremony. LG contribution through UNDP: Costs of development and publishing of public calls for selection of beneficiaries for re-training programme, co- 8,520 financing procurement of raw materials and resources for training (protective clothing, protective footwear and working equipment), as well as the certification and signing of contracts ceremony. Parallel diaspora in-kind contribution - Remus Innovation LTD: Co-financing procurement of raw materials and resources for training (protective clothing, protective footwear, 6,823 working equipment and energy sources), transfer of knowledge.

Sanski Most Municipality: Production Capacity Expansion of the Agricultural Cooperative ZZ AGRISAN in Cooperation with Diaspora The main goal of the project is to contribute to local agricultural development by partnering with diaspora and ensuring transfer of knowledge. Specifically, the project aims at increasing the volume of primary agricultural production in the Agricultural Cooperative ZZ AGRISAN, with established expert supervision from the diaspora. In addition, ten agricultural producers (cooperative contractors) will be granted greenhouses and seedlings. Total project value (KM) 61,717 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing procurement of sowing machine and supporting equipment, as well as 10 greenhouses of 150 m2 42,600 surface with irrigation system. LG contribution through UNDP: 10,000 Costs of trainings and fees for the trainers, co-financing procurement of sowing machine and supporting

equipment, as well as 10 greenhouses of 150 m2 surface with irrigation system. Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 6,873 Co-financing procurement of 10 greenhouses of 150 m2 surface with irrigation system. Other contribution – Cooperative ZZ Agrisan through UNDP: 2,244 Co-financing procurement of 10 greenhouses of 150 m2 surface with irrigation system.

Sanski Most Municipality: Introduction of Innovative Organic Products under Mentorship of Diaspora The project aims at introduction and expansion of innovative organic products in cooperation with the diaspora, as well as to improve production capacity of the NGO TERRA SANA through application of agricultural practices and technologies. Project implementation envisages acquisition of the new production line for fruits and vegetables and maintaining expert trainings and educations for local producers in terms of processing fruits and vegetables in line with EU standards and experiences. Total project value (KM) 66,218 M&D Project contribution: Adaptation of the business facility, procurement of the production line for squeezing fruits and vegetables and 50,018 printing the promotional material


LG contribution through UNDP: 10,000 Costs of transport and custom/logistic and procurement of chokeberry saplings. Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 3,000 Costs of expert educations for workers and subcontractors of the NGO TERRA SANA Other contribution – Cooperative ZZ Agrisan through UNDP: 3,200 Costs of instalment of the production line and procurement of chokeberry saplings.

Velika Kladuša Municipality: Improving Berry Production in Cooperation with Diaspora The main goal of the project is to contribute to building of mutual trust between the LG and its diaspora, enabling cooperation through concrete agricultural activities (establishment of 11 raspberry plantations). Project activities relate also to the institutionalization of cooperation with diaspora (establishment of the Office for Diaspora, creation of diaspora registry, creation of sub-domain on the official LG website providing information relevant to diaspora, organization of business forum fostering networking between local entrepreneurs and those in diaspora. Total project value (KM) 69,635 M&D Project contribution: Co-financing creation of diaspora registry, procurement of technical equipment, raspberry saplings and support 42,457 material, project visibility costs (bulletins, leaflets, and promotion materials). LG contribution through UNDP: Costs of reconstruction of the Office for Diaspora, purchase of IT equipment, office equipment and trainings for 10,928 farmers. Diaspora contribution through UNDP: 10,833 Co-financing purchasing of raspberry saplings and supporting material. Other contribution (final beneficiaries) through UNDP: 5,417 Co-financing purchasing of raspberry saplings and supporting material.

Maglaj Municipality: Contribution to the Reconstruction of the Central Heating System and Procurement of Medical Equipment for the Flood-Damaged Health Care Centre, total intervention value: KM 153,797.



Mainstreaming Migration into Development Strategies in BiH: 1. Key Concepts and International Experiences, Daniel Naujoks

Situational Analysis of Economic Development Policies in Bosnia 2. and Herzegovina: Identifying Policies for Effective Mainstreaming of Migration into Development, Nino Serdarević

Analysis of Potentials of Emigrants’ Contribution to Social 3. Development Sectors in BiH, Selma Porobić

4. Original Policy Consultation Concept Note

5. Revised Policy Consultation Concept Note

Analytical Note on Mainstreaming the Concept of Migration and 6. Development into Local Development Strategies, Vladimir Petronijević

Report on Roundtable on Migration and Development with 7. Diaspore, Samir Šošević

8. M&D Communication Strategy, Sanela Tunović

Draft Guidelines / Recommendations for Mainstreaming the 9. Migration and Development Concept in Design and Delivery of Recommendations Final_ENG.pdf Public Policies in BiH

Emigration and Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Best 10. Practices

36 /bosnia_and_herzegovina/docs/Resear Almanac of Research Papers – Migration in Function of ch&Publications/Poverty%20reduction 11. Development /Migration%20in%20the%20function% 20of%20Development.pdf

12. Leaflet on Migration for Development in BiH

Round Table “Women Entrepreneurship in Diaspora and BiH”, 13. Conclusions and video-story r9i1LbprN8& Video-story on professional retraining programme in the metal- 14. 5GzwBKzw9M processing sector in Sanski Most Video-stories on BHAAAS and EDUS, beneficiaries of the BIH 15. qy72iaigx/7%20dani%20BHAAAS%20. MHRR Grant Scheme mp4?oref=e Video-story on establishing textile micro enterprise in 16. sBIjOBwcf0 cooperation with diaspora in Nevesinje

Manual on Mainstreaming Migration into Local Development 17. Planning in BiH Prirucnik_Migracije i lokalni razvoj FINAL.pdf

file:///C:/Users/APOZDER/Downloads/ Emigration and Development in BiH – Successful Examples of Migration%20and%20development%2 18. Cooperation at the local level 0brochure%20Dec%202015%20ENG.p df


ANNEX 4 – REPORT ON PROJECT MEDIA COVERAGE Introduction The M&D Project’s communications and PR activities were implemented since beginning of the project, with increased exposure starting in spring 2014. As determined in the Project Communications Strategy, focus of communications efforts was placed on communicating the concept of migration and development and key Project results. As concept of migration and development is a novelty in BiH, awareness was primarily raised around key events organized by the project. At a later stage of the project, once results were tangible, focus of PR actions included production and promotion of testimonies / human interest stories and demonstrating benefits of Project implementation for individuals and local communities. Since activities implemented within the M&D Project were often of identical type as those commonly implemented by other projects within the Rural and Regional Development Sector, it was a particular challenge to make a clear distinction between this and other local development interventions implemented by UNDP. Biggest increase in reaching out to targeted audiences was achieved in 2015, when several events were organized and most of the local initiatives were finalized. In total, there were 149 features published in the media since the beginning of the Project, with continuous increase in number of media articles visible from the year one through year three. Year Number of Media Reports/Articles 2013 932 2014 32 2015 108 Total 149 In order to present that utilization of migrants’ knowledge and expertise can make a difference to development of communities of their origin, as well as the country, project publicized success stories about migration related development (at the beginning of the Project and in the third year of the project) and generated large media coverage on Round Table on Women Entrepreneurship in Diaspora and BiH, which focused on successful businesses managed and owned by women. As a result of good round table promotion, representative of MHRR and a women entrepreneur appeared on TV N1 (CNN affiliate and a regional TV broadcaster) to discuss the migration and development concept.

Key Features of Communications Approach PR Events Boosting Awareness Raising Workshops, meetings in the field and signing of agreements with beneficiaries were used to gain additional attention of media. There were a total of 29 events organized since the beginning of the Project, all of which were used to gain media exposure. Success Stories – focusing on beneficiaries Three short video stories focusing on beneficiaries and partners were produced during the reporting period. All of the videos were promoted using the UNDB BiH webpage and social networks. Combined usage of video, photo and text ensured that content is available to online audience regardless of online channel used.

32 Clipping for first nine articles published in 2013 is not available 38

1. Migration and Development in BiH, with support of the Swiss Government (31 Apr 2015)

2. Nataša's business boost for development of her hometown Nevesinje (29 Sep 2015)

3. Female Entrepreneurship in the Diaspora and in Bosnia and Herzegovina (22 Dec 2015)

Use social media use as a primary online communication channel Social networks (primarily UNDP’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) were used intensively to promote results of the Project, stories, publications and promo materials such as infographics. To date, more than 40 posts were published across the social networks aiming to raise awareness of online audiences on migration and development. Each post reached between 800 and 5,000 persons.

4. List of online communications channels Migration and Development project activities and all communications materials were promoted using the following UNDP’s online and social media channels to ensure additional outreach to donor and global online community:

Web pages UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (project webpage) UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina YouTube channel

Social networks UNDP Facebook page UNDP Twitter

Webpage of Migration and Development project at UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina website 39

Samples of social media posts



Media clipping list33, 1 August 2013 – 31 December, 2015

1. 3/30/2014 - - UNDP: Pomoći bh. emigrantima da se uključe u razvoj BiH - First Meeting of the Working Group for Migration and Development held in Sarajevo 2. 3/30/2014 - Večernji list - Institucijalno pomoći bh. migrantima da se uključe u razvoj BiH - First Meeting of the Working Group for Migration and Development held in Sarajevo 3. 5/8/2014 - Nezavisne novine - Prekvalifikacija i posao u Remusu za 20 ljudi - Prequalification and job opportunities for 20 people financed by UNDP 4. 9/1/2014 - Večernji list - Za projekte osigurano 55.000 maraka - Finance for projects 5. 10/6/2014 - - Nova eterična ulja - Investment in "Tera Sana" - Sanski Most 6. 11/3/2014 - - Na području Jajca bit će podignuto novih 7,5 hektara zasada malina - Raspberries development in Jajce 7. 11/3/2014 - - Maline: Budućnost poljoprivrednika iz Jajca - Raspberries development in Jajce 8. 11/3/2014 - - Podjela sadnog materijala - Raspberries development in Jajce 9. 11/3/2014 - - Na području Jajca bit će podignuto novih 7,5 hektara zasada malina - Raspberries development in Jajce 10. 11/3/2014 - - JAJCE: SUTRA PODJELA SADNOG MATERIJALA I OPREME ZA SADNJU MALINA - Raspberries development in Jajce 11. 11/4/2014 - Dnevni avaz - Podjela sadnog materijala - Raspberries development in Jajce 12. 11/4/2014 - - Na području Jajca biće podignuto 7,5 hektara zasada malina - Raspberries development in Jajce 13. 11/9/2014 - Dnevni list - Eterična ulja iz Sanskog Mosta - Investment in "Tera Sana" - Sanski Most 14. 11/17/2014 - - Najava doga]aja za 17. novembar 2014. godine - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 15. 11/17/2014 - Dnevni avaz - Radionica o migracijama - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 16. 11/17/2014 - Euro - „Migracije u funkciji razvoja" - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 17. 11/17/2014 - - Potrebna veća saradnja vlasti sa potencijalom iseljeništva - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 18. 11/17/2014 - - U Sarajevu počela naučno-istraživačka radionica o velikom resursu BiH-iseljeništvu - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 19. 11/17/2014 - Press - Migracije u funkciji razvoja - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 20. 11/17/2014 - Radio Televizija Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Potrebna veća saradnja vlasti sa potencijalom iseljeništva - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" – 60 sekundi 21. 11/18/2014 - Dnevni avaz - Skup o migracijama - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 22. 11/18/2014 - Euro Blic - Dijaspora u funkciji razvoja - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 23. 11/18/2014 - Nezavisne novine - dijaspora - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 24. 11/18/2014 - NTV Hayat - Dijaspora kao bogatstvo - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" – 60 sekundi 25. 11/18/2014 - Oslobodjenje - Migracije i razvoj - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 26. 11/18/2014 - Pink BH - U Sarajevu radionica naučna radionica "Migracije u funkciji razvoja" - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" – 180 sekundi 27. 11/18/2014 - Radio Slobodna Evropa - U Sarajevu radionica naučna radionica "Migracije u funkciji razvoja" - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" – 120 sekundi 28. 11/24/2014 - - Štrabac: Nova vlast u BiH treba razmišljati o doznakama kao stabilnom izvoru prihoda - Workshop "Migrations in function of development" 29. 12/3/2014 - Euro Blic - Pomoć ratarima - Prijedor, financial help for farmers 30. 1/29/2015 - - OPĆINA SANSKI MOST: POTPISAN UGOVOR O IMPLEMENTACIJI PROJEKTA RAZVOJA PLASTENIČKE PROIZVODNJE - Signed contract in Sanski Most about greenhouse production 31. 1/29/2015 - - potpisn ugovor o proširenju plasteničke proizvodnje - Signed contract in Sanski Most about greenhouse production

33 Clipping for first nine articles published in 2013 is not available. 42

32. 1/29/2015 - - Razvoj plasteničke proizvodnje - Signed contract in Sanski Most about greenhouse production 33. 1/30/2015 – Fena - Razvoj plasteničke proizvodnje - Signed contract in Sanski Most about greenhouse production 34. 1/30/2015 - Nezavisne novine - Razvoj plasteničke proizvodnje - Signed contract in Sanski Most about greenhouse production 35. 3/11/2015 – Srna - Poljoprivrednici potpisali ugovore vrijedne oko 150.000 KM - Signing of contracts with beneficiaries in Prijedor 36. 3/11/2015 - - Poljoprivrednici potpisali ugovore vrijedne oko 150.000 KM - Signing of contracts with beneficiaries in Prijedor 37. 3/11/2015 - - Poljoprivrednicima iz Prijedora oko 150.000 KM - Signing of contracts with beneficiaries in Prijedor 38. 3/12/2015 - - Poljoprivrednicima u Prijedoru 150.000 KM za nabavku – poljomehanizacije - Signing of contracts with beneficiaries in Prijedor 39. 3/24/2015 - - PLASTENICI ZA RASELJENE I POVRATNIKE - Through programme "Podrška povratnicima i raseljenim licima", 17 farmers from Foča got greenhouses. 40. 3/25/2015 - - Projekt razvoja plasteničke proizvodnje - Development of greenhouses in Sanski Most 41. 3/25/2015 - Euro Blic - Podela plastenika - Through programme "Podrška povratnicima i raseljenim licima", 17 farmers from Foča got greenhouses. 42. 3/25/2015 - - Plastenici za raseljene i povratnike - Through programme "Podrška povratnicima i raseljenim licima", 17 farmers from Foča got greenhouses. 43. 3/25/2015 - - Foča: Plastenici za raseljene i povratnike - Through programme "Podrška povratnicima i raseljenim licima", 17 farmers from Foča got greenhouses. 44. 4/5/2015 - Unsko-sanske novine - Razvoj plasteničke proizvodnje - Development of greenhouses in Sanski Most 45. 4/7/2015 - Radio televizija Bosne i Hercegovine - Velika Kladuša prva općina u BIH koja je otvorila ured za dijasporu - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša – 80 sekundi 46. 4/7/2015 - - Velika Kladuša prva u BiH koja je otvorila Ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 47. 4/7/2015 - - Velika Kladuša otvorila prvi ured za dijasporu u BiH - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 48. 4/7/2015 - - Velika Kladuša otvorila prvi ured za dijasporu u BiH - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 49. 4/7/2015 - - Video u okviru projekta migracije i razvoj - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 50. 4/7/2015 - Radio Televizija Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Video u okvriu projekta migracije i razvoj - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa – 107 sekundi 51. 4/7/2015 - - Prvi u BiH u općini Velika Kladuša otvoren ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 52. 4/7/2015 - Radio Velika Kladuša - Velika Kladuša otvorila prvi ured za dijasporu u BiH - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa – 551 sekundi 53. 4/7/2015 – Fena - Općina Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša 54. 4/7/2015 - - Općina Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša 55. 4/7/2015 - - Općina Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša 56. 4/8/2015 - Radio TV Bihać - Ured za dijasporu u općini Velika Kladuša - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša - 60 sekundi 57. 4/8/2015 - RTV Bihać - Ured za dijasporu u općini Velika Kladuša - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša - 60 58. 4/8/2015 - - Ured za dijasporu u općini Velika Kladuša - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša 59. 4/8/2015 - - Velika Kladuša prva općina u BIH koja je otvorila ured za dijasporu - Office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladuša 60. 4/8/2015 - - Video: Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa


61. 4/8/2015 - - Općina Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 62. 4/8/2015 - - Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 63. 4/8/2015 - - Video: Općina Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 64. 4/8/2015 - - Velika Kladuša prva općina u BiH koja je otvorila Ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 65. 4/8/2015 - - Video: Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 66. 4/8/2015 - - Općina Velika Kladuša prva u BiH otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 67. 4/9/2015 - Dnevni list - Velika Kladuša prva u BiH koja je otvorila Ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 68. 4/16/2015 - Radio televizija Bosne i Hercegovine - Velika Kladuša prva u BiH koja je otvorila Ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa - 442 sekundi 69. 4/17/2015 – Fena - Sanski Most uvodi inovacije u plasteničku proizvodnju - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 70. 4/17/2015 - - Sanski Most uvodi inovacije u plasteničku proizvodnju - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 71. 4/17/2015 - - Sanski Most uvodi inovacije u plasteničku proizvodnju - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 72. 4/17/2015 - - Sanski Most: Uvođenje inovacija kao osnova razvoja plasteničke proizvodnje - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 73. 4/19/2015 - - Inovacije u plasteničkoj proizvodnji u Sanskom Mostu - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 74. 4/19/2015 - Radio televizija Bosne i Hercegovine - Velika Kladuša prva u BiH koja je otvorila Ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa - 128 sekundi 75. 4/20/2015 - - Sanski Most: Uvođenje inovacija kao osnova razvoja plasteničke proizvodnje - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 76. 4/24/2015 – Oslobodjenje - Sanski Most je primjer uspješne saradnje - Projects in Sanski Most through UNDP 77. 5/6/2015 - Poslovne novine - Prva općina u BiH koja je otvorila ured za dijasporu - The first office for diaspora opened in Velika Kladusa 78. 5/18/2015 - - Izgradnja mini pogona tekstilne proizvodnje u saradnji sa dijasporom - New textile production in Nevesinje 79. 5/18/2015 - - Svečano otvoren tekstilni pogon u Nevesinju VIDEO - New textile production in Nevesinje - 285 sekundi 80. 5/19/2015 - - SVEČANO OTVOREN TEKSTILNI POGON U NEVESINJU - New textile production in Nevesinje 81. 5/19/2015 - Radio televizija Republike Srpske - U Nevesinju otvoreno preduzeće tekstilne industrije - New textile production in Nevesinje - 180 sekundi 82. 5/20/2015 - - U Nevesinju otvoreno mikrotekstilno preduzeće "New Nets" - New textile production in Nevesinje 83. 5/20/2015 - - OKRUGLI STO “ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH” U SARAJEVU - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 84. 5/20/2015 - - U Nevesinju otvoreno mikrotekstilno preduzeće "New Nets" - New textile production in Nevesinje 85. 5/20/2015 – Fena - SUTRA OKRUGLI STO “ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH” - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 86. 5/20/2015 - - SUTRA OKRUGLI STO “ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH” - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 44

87. 5/20/2015 – Patria - OKRUGLI STO “ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH” U SARAJEVU - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 88. 5/21/2015 - - Iseljeništvo najveći potencijal u BiH koji nije prepoznat - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 89. 5/21/2015 - Antena radio - Iseljeništvo najveći potencijal u BiH koji nije prepoznat - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" - 60 sekundi 90. 5/21/2015 - - BiH sedma u svijetu prema broju iseljenika u odnosu na broj stanovnika - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 91. 5/21/2015 - - Iseljeništvo najveći potencijal u BiH koji nije prepoznat - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 92. 5/21/2015 – Fena - OKRUGLI STO “ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH” U SARAJEVU - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 93. 5/21/2015 - - OKRUGLI STO “ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH” U SARAJEVU - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 94. 5/21/2015 - - SARAJEVO: DANAS OKRUGLI STO "ŽENSKO PODUZETNIŠTVO U DIJASPORI I BIH" - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 95. 5/21/2015 - - U Sarajevu se okuplja 70 poduzetnica iz BiH i dijaspore - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 96. 5/22/2015 - Dnevni list - Iseljeništvo najveći potencijal u BiH koji nije prepoznat - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 97. 5/28/2015 - Euro Blic – Novac - Žene razvijaju ekonomiju - Round table "Žensko poduzetništvo u dijaspori i BiH" 98. 5/29/2015 - Anadolu Agency - Stvoriti povoljno okruženje za ulaganje u razvoj u BiH - Coordination about migration and development between UNDP, IOM and Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees 99. 5/29/2015 - - Stvoriti povoljno okruženje za ulaganje u razvoj u BiH - Coordination about migration and development between UNDP, IOM and Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees 100. 5/29/2015 - Dnevni avaz - Sastanak donatora - Coordination about migration and development between UNDP, IOM and Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees 101. 5/30/2015 - - Stvoriti povoljno okruženje za ulaganje u razvoj u BiH - Coordination about migration and development between UNDP, IOM and Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees 102. 6/10/2015 - - Sanski Most: Uspješno okončan projekt prekvalifikacije i zapošljavanja - Migartion and Development project's prequalification and employment opportunities in Sanski Most 103. 6/11/2015 – Oslobođenje - Okončan projekt prekvalifikacije i zapošljavanja - Migartion and Development project's prequalification and emplyment opportunities in Sanski Most 104. 6/18/2015 - - U Posušju uspješno realizirana dva značajna projekta - Successful implementation of 2 projects 'Construction of bus stations' and 'Implementation of agricultural cooperative and development of heling and aromatic oil business in Posusje' 105. 6/18/2015 - Radio Televizija Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Iz Posušja jedna pozitivna priča - Successful implementation of 2 projects 'Construction of bus stations' and 'Implementation of agricultural cooperative and development of heling and aromatic oil business in Posusje' 106. 6/19/2015 - Dnevni list - Za izgradnju autobusnih stajališta 80 tisuća maraka - Successful implementation of 2 projects 'Construction of bus stations' and 'Implementation of agricultural cooperative and development of heling and aromatic oil business in Posusje' 107. 7/1/2015 - Unsko-sanske novine - Certifikati za 30 polaznika - Certificates for 30 people in Sanski Most by Remus Innovation 108. 7/8/2015 - - "Terra Sana" proširuje proizvodne kapacitete - Terra Sana will expend its capacities with the help of Municipality of Sanski Most and UNDP 109. 7/8/2015 - - Terra Sana proširuje proizvodne kapacitete - Terra Sana will expend its capacities with the help of Municipality of Sanski Most and UNDP 110. 7/9/2015 - - Udruženje "Terra Sana" pokreće novu liniju za preradu voća i povrća - Terra Sana will expend its capacities with the help of Municipality of Sanski Most and UNDP


111. 7/10/2015 - - Udruženje "Terra Sana" iz Sanskog Mosta pokreće liniju za proizvodnju sokova - Terra Sana will expend its capacities with the help of Municipality of Sanski Most and UNDP 112. 7/14/2015 - Unsko-sanske novine - Poticaji poljoprivrednicima redovno se isplaćuju - Implementation of the project "Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta ZZ 'Agrisan' uz mentorstvo dijaspore" 113. 7/22/2015 - Unsko-sanske novine - Sokovi od aronije, cikle i jabuka - Terra Sana will expend its capacities with the help of Municipality of Sanski Most and UNDP 114. 8/13/2015 - Poslovne novine - Uskoro starta nova tehnološka linija za preradu voća i povrća - Terra Sana will expend its capacities with the help of Municipality of Sanski Most and UNDP 115. 10/19/2015 - Glas Srpske - Praznik zanatstva i kućne radinosti - Fair "Laktaši etno 2015" 116. 10/19/2015 - - Laktaši etno 2015: Praznik zanatstva i kućne radinosti - Fair "Laktaši etno 2015" 117. 10/19/2015 - - Više od 40 izlagača na etno sajmu u Laktašima - Fair "Laktaši etno 2015" 118. 10/19/2015 - Press Republika Srpska - Promocija Laktaša i RS - Fair "Laktaši etno 2015" 119. 10/20/2015 - Nezavisne novine - Laktaši domaćin drugog etno sajma - Fair "Laktaši etno 2015" 120. 10/27/2015 - - Završen Projekat "Sufinansiranje nabavke poljopivredne mehanizacije i plastenika" – The equipment for development of agriculture in City of Prijedor donated to the users 121. 11/2/2015 - – U proljeće prvi plogovi projekta “Migracije i razvoj” – Visit to raspberry producers in Jajce one year after delivery of seedlings 122. 11/3/2015 - - U proljeće prvi plodovi projekta "Migracije i razvoj" u Jajcu – Visit to raspberry producers in Jajce one year after delivery of seedlings 123. 11/3/2015 - - Projekat Migracije i razvoj u Jajcu – Visit to raspberry producers in Jajce one year after delivery of seedlings 124. 11/6/2015 - - Predstavnici Vlade Unsko-sanskog kantona učestvovali na koordinacionom sastanku sa lokalnim zajednicama Unsko-sanskog kantona – Migration and Development mentioned as one of the projects implemented in Una- Sana Canton 125. 11/6/2015 - - Predstavnici Vlade Unsko-sanskog kantona učestvovali na koordinacionom sastanku sa lokalnim zajednicama Unsko-sasnkog kantona – Migration and Development mentioned as one of the projects implemented in Una- Sana Canton 126. 11/6/2015 -– Razgovarano o provođenju zajedničkih projekata – Migration and Development mentioned as one of the projects implemented in Una-Sana Canton 127. 11/6/2015 - RTV USK - Razgovarano o provođenju zajedničkih projekata – Migration and Development mentioned as one of the projects implemented in Una-Sana Canton – 90 sec 128. 11/6/2015 - RTV USK - Razgovarano o provođenju zajedničkih projekata – Migration and Development mentioned as one of the projects implemented in Una-Sana Canton – 90 sec 129. 12/2/2015 - - Iz BiH odlazi 28 posto ljudi - Migration and Development Project Results Presented 130. 12/2/2015 - - Najava događaja za 2. decembar 2015. godine - Migration and Development Project Results Presented 131. 12/3/2015 – Faktor - Dijaspora doprinosi razvoju BiH - Migration and Development Project Results Presented 132. 12/3/2015 – Fena - Dijaspora doprinosi razvoju BiH - Migration and Development Project Results Presented 133. 12/3/2015 - NTV Hayat - Odrzana Konferencija o migracijama i razvoju - Migration and Development Project Results Presented - 120 sec 134. 12/3/2015 – Oslobođenje - Dijaspora je važan razvojni resurs - Migration and Development Project Results Presented 135. 12/3/2015 - Pink BH - Uspješni primjeri - Migration and Development Project Results Presented - 120 sec


List of publications, news features and stories published at UNDP website,



1. Workshop Held on Developing Logical Matrix and Budgets for Allocations within the Migration and Development Fund orkshop-held-on-developing-logical-matrix-and-budgets-for-allocations-within-the-migration-and- development-fund.html 2. First Meeting of the Working Group on Migration and Development Held rst-meeting-of-the-working-group-on-migration-and-development-held.html 3. Public Call for Papers on Migration in Function of Development vni-poziv-za-dostavu-radova-na-temu-migracije-u-funkciji-razvoja.html 4. Launch of Eight Local Initiatives for Development unch-of-eight-local-development-initiatives-within-the-m-d-project.html 5. New equipment donated to Maglaj Health Centre with Swiss Government support om-zdravlja-maglaj-dobio-neophodnu-medicinsku-opremu-zahvaljuju-i-finansijskoj-podr-ci-vicarske- vlade/ 6. BONTEX - Shirts Tailored with Love ontex-shirts-tailored-with-love/ 7. Bosana Fondacija - Scholarship for a Better Life osana-fondacija-scholarship-for-a-better-life.html


1. Contracts with equipment award signed with sixty farmers in Prijedor area otpisivanje-ugovora-za-dodjelu-opreme-za-60-poljoprivrednika-sa-podru-ja-prijedora/ 2. Communication with diaspora is one of the key factors for successful development projects ommunication-with-diaspora-is-one-of-the-key-factors-for-successful-development-projects/ 3. First Office for Diaspora opens in Velika Kladuša Municipality i-ured-za-dijasporu-u-bih-otvoren-u-op-ini-velika-kladu-a.html 4. Vital economic force of women as business owners drives development, Sarajevo roundtable concludes tal-economic-force-of-women-as-business-owners-drives-development-sarajevo-roundtable- concludes.html


5. Migration and Development Project Results Presented redstavljeni-rezultati-projekta-migracije-i-razvoj.html

Publications and other

1. Emigration and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina BEST PRACTICES - 19 Nov 2014 - razvoj-bosne-i-hercegovine---uspjeni-primjeri.html 2. Migration in Function of Development - 0reduction/Migration%20in%20the%20function%20of%20Development.pdf 3. Infographic