E464 Volume i1;Wj9,GALIPROJECT 4 TOMANSMISSIONSYSTEM Public Disclosure Authorized Preparedfor: UGANDA A3 NILE its POWER Richmond;UK Public Disclosure Authorized Fw~~~~I \ If~t;o ,.-, I~~~~~~~ jt .4 ,. 't' . .~ Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared by: t~ IN),I "%4fr - - tt ?/^ ^ ,s ENVIRONMENTAL 111teinlauloln.al IMPACT i-S(. Illf STATEME- , '. vi (aietlph,t:an,.daw,,, -\S_,,y '\ /., 'cf - , X £/XL March, 2001 - - ' Public Disclosure Authorized _, ,;' m.. .'ILE COPY I U Technical Resettlement Technical Resettlement Appendices and A e i ActionPlan ,Community ApenicsAcinPla Dlevelopment (A' Action Plan (RCDAP') The compilete Bujagali Project EIA consists of 7 documents Note: Thetransmission system documentation is,for the most part, the same as fhat submittedto ihe Ugandcn National EnvironmentalManagement Authority(NEMAI in December 2000. Detailsof the changes made to the documentation betwoon Dccomber 2000 and the presentsubmission aro avoiloblo from AESN P. Only the graphics that have been changed since December, 2000 hove new dates. FILE: DOChUME[NTC ,ART.CD I 3 fOOt'ypnIp, .asod 1!A/SJV L6'.'''''' '' '.' epurf Ut tUISWXS XillJupllD 2UI1SIXg Itb L6 ... NOJIDSaS1J I2EIof (INY SISAlVNV S2IAIlVNTIuaJ bV _ b6.sanl1A Puu O...tp.s.. ZA .6san1r^A pue SD)flSUIa1DJltJJ WemlrnIn S- (7)6. .. .--D)qqnd llH S bf 68 ..............................................................--- - -- io ---QAu ( laimpod u2Vl b,-£ 6L ...................................... -SWulaue lu;DwIa:43Spuel QSI-PUU'l Z btl' 6L .............................................----- * -* -SaULepunog QAfjP.4SlUTtUPad l SL. sUOItllpuo ltUiOUOZg-OioOS V£ ££.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A2~~~~~~~~~3V s z')J -4IOfJIrN 'Et (OAIOsOa.. Isoa0 joJxxNsU uAWom osILr) 2AX)SO> IsaIo4 TO•LWN ZU£N 9s ... suotll puoD [eOT20olla E SS '' ''''''''..........''...''................................. slotNluolqur wZ S5 ' '' '' '' ' '' '' '' - - - -- -........................- puiN Z'Z'£ j7i.. .U.13 1uu7EF ...................
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