JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 ISSUE • VOLUME 45, NO. 1 • COURTEOUS VIGILANCE MORE THAN 35 PAGES OF DEPARTMENT NEWS & FEATURE STORIES INSIDE the loss of the two DPS communication tow- ers located on Signal Peak Page 2 January/February 2011 The Digest Vantage Point Robert C. Halliday, Director ur agency did were made without fear not lose an in the name of public officer in the safety or the support The Digest is published bi-monthly by Oline of duty in 2010. of a fellow officer. For the DPS Community Outreach and For that, we should be that, all of our injured Education Program for DPS employees extremely grateful, es- officers deserve our and retirees. pecially considering the full support, encour- fact line-of-duty deaths agement and thanks spiked nationally last – no matter what their Employees and retirees are invited to year. prognosis. submit story ideas or stories for publica- However, several Please don’t hesi- tion. Stories or story ideas may be officers at our agency tate to reach out to our submitted to The Digest by mail (mail did suffer significant wounded officers to of- work-related injuries in 2010. A num- fer assistance and let them know they drop 3350), e-mail (
[email protected]) ber of those officers required surgery are true heroes whether they like the or telephone (602-223-2545). for their injuries and at least three face lofty distinction or not. lengthy recoveries before it is known And, of course, please continue Robert C. Halliday, Director when, and if, they can return to work.