Mock Polit:Ical Convent:Ion Is Here!
A L y , " - . , " , ' . - ~. , '< _' , " - ' .. r" , " ~;J> , ... _'(, .'-" '. " ' , .... .. .' . "t', \ 't _~ , ' , : .;, ~,/ . Number lOt Pullman, Washington,Friday, May 11,' 1956 Vol. LXII Mock Polit:ical Convent:ion Is Here! Thousands Expected at Bohler 10th Annual NCRTG Banquet MPC General Schedule Friday Evening For Tonight/s Opening Session To Feature Gilmoret Waller 6:15-Registration Opens - By Tom Heuterman Bohler Gym. All Dele- By Sharon Harmon, I gram, "Ding Dong' School." The culmination of months of detailed planning, hoping Art Gilmore, WSC grad, and Also attending is Mrs. Scott gates and Alternates and actual work will be seen tonight as the WSC Mock must Register. at the present time top radio and Political convention gets under way at Bohler gym at 7 p.m , TV announcer in Hollywood, 7:OO-First Session Opens Doors of the gym will open at 6:30 to admit the first of Will be featured as the m a i n Saturday the 53 delegations whose delegates will pick up their packets speaker at the 10th annual Na- and proceed to their areas on the convention floor. tional Collegiate Radio and Tel- 8:OO-Second Session Opens evision Guild banquet Saturday 1:15-Third Session Opens and proceeds to their areas on --------------- forthcoming from various nation- at 6:30 p.m. in the CUB. Delegates and Alternates the convention floor. Many ,alumni of WSC 'and Highlight of the evening will al officials. Among these have MUST Be in Attendance at been statements from both Leon- KWSC, including many promi- come when Oregon Republican nent in radio and TV at the All Sessions on Time! ard W.
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