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E2038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 10, 1998 Puerto Rico in their time of need. We need to Failing eyes and the need for cataract sur- ing the world economy. Over the course of the continue to seek disaster relief funding for gery brought the saxophonist home and unfor- 105th Congress, we have witnessed an abuse FEMA before Congress adjourns. tunately resulted in losing his eyesight. Wa- of power. f ters' never-failing buoyancy and upbeat spirit And it is this Congress that is guilty of the brought him to the attention of the ``Statesmen abuse. You see, Mr. Speaker, we abuse the HONORING CLIFFORD R. HOPE of Jazz'' Tour, and he was invited to become power we have when children go to bed hun- a founding member. Through his performance, gry, and we do little or nothing about it. HON. JERRY MORAN he achieved new stature at home in America. We abuse our power when Social Security OF KANSAS Waters, along with his fellow ``Statesmen,'' is in trouble and we sit idly by; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contributed his time to Arbors Records for the We abuse our power when we don't ad- dress the problems of the environment, such Friday, October 9, 1998 ``Statesmen'' CD, and its sales are donated to perpetuate the nationwide and international as polluted waterways and dirty air; Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise tours. His most recent recording was ``Birdland We abuse our power when our health care today to introduce legislation naming the post BirthdayÐLive at 95.'' system is ill, and we don't cure it; office in Garden City, Kansas after former In blindness, he persevered, averaging 100 We abuse our power when we allow the to- Congressman Clifford R. Hope. dates a year until this year, making a second- bacco companies to poison our children with- Mr. Hope represented the 7th Congressional floor apartment in Hollis, QueensÐa suburban out regard; district in Kansas from 1927 to 1957. During town in my districtÐhis home base. Jazz his- We abuse our power when our campaign fi- those 30 years, Mr. Hope rose in prominence torians indicate that Benny was one of only six nancing system needs reform and we ignore in the House and eventually became the survivors of jazz recording artists of the late it; We abuse our power when our students are Chairman of the House Committee on Agri- 1920s who were still active, along with Claude lagging behind those of other nations and we culture. In fact, he was the last Republican of ``Fiddler'' Williams, Benny Carter, Lionel don't address the issue properly; the Agriculture Committee prior to the Repub- Hampton, Spiegel Willcox and Rosy lican party gaining control of the House in I think it has become painfully obvious that McHargue. the Republican leadership wants to simply ig- 1994. Benny will be missed by his family, friends, nore the priorities that remain important to the During Mr. Hope's political career, he rose colleagues, fans and communities across the general public, while insisting on following first in the Kansas House of Representatives world. through with a purely partisan and never-end- becoming the Speaker of the Kansas House. f Following his election to Congress, Mr. Hope ing investigation into the private life of our became the Chairman of the House Agri- AUTHORIZING THE COMMITTEE ON President. This is something that I simply can- culture Committee and was deeply involved in THE JUDICIARY TO INVESTIGATE not be a party to and that I strongly oppose. establishing many of the agricultural programs WHETHER SUFFICIENT GROUNDS f still in existence today. In addition to his work EXIST FOR THE IMPEACHMENT PATRICIA ROBERTS-HARRIS on behalf of agriculture, Mr. Hope was a OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLIN- strong advocate for defense programs and TON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES HON. GLENN POSHARD was heavily involved in the military programs OF ILLINOIS essential to the war efforts of World War II. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, as a fellow Kansan it is with SPEECH OF pride that I associate myself with Mr. Hope HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN Friday, October 9, 1998 and I am honored to introduce this legislation. OF NEW YORK Mr. POSHARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize one of Illinois' most prominent gov- ernment officials and a dear constituent of A TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF BENNY Thursday, October 8, 1998 Mattoon, Illinois, Mrs. Patricia Roberts-Harris. WATERS Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to It is an honor to acknowledge one of the 19th voice my strong objections over the Repub- congressional districts own as Mrs. Fran Phil- HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS lican resolution ordering an impeachment in- lips-Calhoun and the Patricia Roberts-Harris OF NEW YORK quiry against President Clinton. This has be- Commemorative Campaign celebrate and or- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come a one-sided, all-out and disgraceful ganize their energy on a U.S. postal stamp witch hunt into the private life of the President, and a biographical book on Pat Harris. Friday, October 9, 1998 and I strongly disagree with its objectives and As many of my colleagues may remember, Mr. MEEKS of New York. Mr. Speaker, it is methods. Pat was a distinguished official in both the with a great sense of loss that I pay tribute to Although I believe that the President's be- United States government and the arena of Mr. Benny Waters, a jazz legend and the old- havior with Ms. Lewinsky was indefensible and international diplomacy. But before she be- est touring jazz musician, who died on August disgraceful, and I certainly do not condone it, came the first black female U.S. cabinet mem- 11. it is in no way an impeachable offense. Given ber and the first black female ambassador, Benjamin Arthur Waters was born the the existing evidence, I believe that there is no she was one of Illinois' favorite daughters. A youngest of seven children to Edward and basis for impeachment of the President. Lying native of Mattoon, she was proud of Illinois Francis Waters on January 23, 1902 in Brigh- about an extramarital affair, regardless of to and wanted to do more for the United States ton, Maryland. Mr. Waters started his musical whom, does not rise to the level of an im- and the African-American community. Pat was education at age 5 with organ lessons, and he peachable offense, as defined by the Constitu- the only daughter born to Bert Fitzgerald an soon moved to reed instruments. While in high tion: ``* * * the President shall be removed Hildren Brodie Roberts of Mattoon. During her school, still in the pre-jazz era, he played syn- from Office on Impeachment for, and Convic- early childhood, Pat's family owned a farm copated music with Charlie Miller's band. In tion of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and she attended the local elementary and his late teenage years he attended the Boston and Misdemeanors.'' While the President's be- middle school in Mattoon. By high school age, Conservatory of Music, where he studied the- havior was offensive, I believe that it does not her family moved to Chicago, where she fin- ory and arranging and gave private clarinet fit this definition. I sincerely doubt that the ished at Englewood High School. Pat later at- lessons. Among his pupils was Harry Carney, farmers of the Constitution had Kenneth tended Howard University in 1942 and grad- who went on to play baritone saxophone with Starr's reportÐwhich focused on private sex- uated within three years, summa cum laude. Duke Ellington. ual behaviorÐin mind when drafting the im- She wanted to return back to Illinois and get In 1952, a turning point came in Waters' life peachment clause. involved in the Chicago community as an ac- when he was asked to join Jimmy Archey's It is time for us to put this issue behind us tivist at the Young Women's Christian Asso- Band for a European tour. The saxophonist and move onto matters that are vital to our na- ciation (YWCA). decided to stay on in Paris and remained tion. Our country has many challenges to con- However, it was in Washington where Pat there making it his home wile touring festivals front, and it is imperative that Congress give became so well known in the first of numerous and giving concerts in Europe for the next 42 its attention to the very important issues that prestigious positions. In 1949, she worked for years. Last year, the French government pre- affect the daily lives of all AmericansÐsuch as Delta Sigma Theta Sorority as executive direc- sented Waters with its distinguished ``Cheva- improving our education system, protecting tor and with Howard University as dean of stu- lier Legion d'Honneur.'' Medicare and Social Security, and strengthen- dents and professor of law. She even had.