Towards the Concept of “Digital Dance and Music Instrument” João Tragtenberg Filipe Calegario Instituto SENAI de Inovação Instituto SENAI de Inovação para TICs para TICs Rua Frei Cassimiro, 88 Rua Frei Cassimiro, 88 Recife, Brazil Recife, Brazil
[email protected] fi
[email protected] Giordano Cabral Geber Ramalho CIn-UFPE CIn-UFPE Av. Jornalista Anibal Av. Jornalista Anibal Fernandes, s/n Fernandes, s/n Recife, Brazil Recife, Brazil
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT that allow the conversion of human movement into informa- This paper discusses the creation of instruments in which tion, it is possible that a wide variety of gesture can control music is intentionally generated by dance. We introduce the any sound, visuals, light or robotic media [5]. conceptual framework of Digital Dance and Music Instru- The field of artistic creation with digital technology is at ments (DDMI). Several DDMI have already been created, least 56 years old [24] and presented considerable advances but they have been developed isolatedly, and there is still a [17]. The area of Digital Musical Instruments (DMI) has lack of common design guidelines. Knowledge about Digital been well delimited for a long time[26]. Unlike acoustic in- Musical Instruments (DMIs) and Interactive Dance Systems struments, in which the equivalent energy of the gestural (IDSs) can contribute to the design of DDMI, but the for- control is responsible for the sound production, the DMIs mer brings few contributions to the body's expressiveness, have open possibilities. The production of sound is inde- and the latter brings few references to an instrumental re- pendent of gesture control, being only connected by digital lationship with music.