HartmanSummer@Home Great Books: Enlightenment—A Parable Yehuda Kurtzer June 29 – July 2, 2020 1. Mishna Hagigah 1:1 1 2. Mishna Hagigah 2:1 1 3. Mishna Megillah 4:9-10 4 4. Babylonian Talmud Hagigah 11b-14b 5 5. Jerusalem Talmud Hagigah 2:1 16 6. Tosefta Hagigah 2:3-7 16 7. Bereishit Rabbah 19:3 17 8. Ruth Rabbah 6:4 / Kohelet Rabbah 7:8 18 9. Mishnah Avot 4:20 18 The Shalom Hartman Institute is a leading center of Jewish thought and education, serving Israel and North America. Our mission is to strengthen Jewish peoplehood, identity, and pluralism; to enhance the Jewish and democratic character of Israel; and to ensure that Judaism is a compelling force for good in the 21st century. Share what you’re learning this summer! #hartmansummer @SHI_america shalomhartmaninstitute hartmaninstitute 475 Riverside Dr., Suite 1450 New York, NY 10115 212-268-0300
[email protected] | shalomhartman.org 1. Mishna Hagigah 1:1 All are obligated in seeing [the Temple Mount], except for a deaf mute, an incompetent, or a minor; an intersexual, an androgyne; women, unfreed slaves; a lame person, a blind person, or a sick person; or an old person who cannot stand upon his feet. Who is a minor? Anyone who cannot ride on his father's shoulders and go up from Jerusalem to the Temple Mount, according to the House of Shammai; The House of Hillel say: Anyone who cannot hold his father's hand and go up from Jerusalem to the Temple Mount, for it says, "Three regalim" (Exodus 23:14).