THE WINGS OF THE SUN Traditional Jewish Healing in Theory and Practice

By Avraham Greenbaum

Sources and Further Reading

Advice translated by Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute. The classic compendium of Nachman's teachings, arranged by subject.

Aleph-Bet Book by Rebbe Nachman, translated by Moshe Mykoff. Rebbe Nachman's collected epigrams containing distilled wisdom on all areas of life.

Alim Literufah Collected letters of Reb Noson of Breslov, translated as Eternally Yours Vols. 1-3, by Yaakov Gabel, Breslov Research Institute.

Anatomy of the Soul by Rabbi Chaim Kramer, Breslov Research Institute 1995. Study of the spiritual significance of the various body parts and organs.

Ari, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572) Leader of the Safed school of and perhaps the greatest of all post-talmudic kabbalists.

Avanehah Barzel A miscellany of anecdotes, stories and teachings of Rebbe Nachman collected by Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz (1903-1973).

Avi Ezer by Rabbi Shlomo HaKohen of Lissa. Supercommentary on the Bible commentary of Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra.

Ayeh? translated by Avraham Greenbaum. Rebbe Nachman's teaching on "Ayeh? Where is the place of His glory?" showing how to find hope in even the darkest, most desperate situations and to turn them to our own advantage.

Azamra -- I will sing translated by Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute. Rebbe Nachman's teaching on searching for the good points, together with selected explanatory material.

Bender, Rabbi Levy Yitzchak (1897-1989) A prominent Breslov elder, he was a student of Reb Avraham Chazan (q.v.) and resided in Uman for over twenty-five years before settling in in 1949.

Biblical and Talmudic Medicine by Julius Preuss, translated and edited by

1 Fred Rosner M.D., Hebrew Publishing Company, New York, 1978.

Birkey Yosef by Rabbi Chaim Yosef Azulai (the ChIDaH 1724-1806). Halakhic work.

Biur Halikutim by Reb Avraham b'Reb Nachman Chazan (1849-1917). Major commentary on Likutey Moharan.

Bournstein, Rabbi Avraham of Sokhatchov (1839-1910) Important halakhic authority. Author of Avney Nezer.

Burstein, Reb Nachman (b.1934) One of the leading Breslover Chassidim in .

Chafetz Chaim Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan of Radin (1839-1933). Outstanding halakhic authority of this century. Author of the classic Mishneh Berurah on Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chaim.

Chazan, Reb Avraham b'Reb Nachman (1849-1917) Son of Reb Nachman Chazan of Tulchin (q.v.). Outstanding leader and scholar of the fourth generation of Breslover Chassidim. Author of Biur HaLikutim, a major commentary on Likutey Moharan.

Chazan, Reb Nachman of Tulchin (1814-1884) Principle disciple of Reb Noson of Breslov (q.v.), he was the major leader of the third generation of Breslover Chassidim.

Chinese Medicine by Manfred Porkert, Henry Holt, New York, 1982.

Crossing the Narrow Bridge: A Practical Guide to Rebbe Nachman's Teachings by Rabbi Chaim Kramer, Breslov Research Institute. Detailed guidance on how to apply Rebbe Nachman's teachings in everyday life, covering faith, truth, joy, prayer, meditation, earning a living, bringing up children and many other subjects.

Derekh HaShem, The Way of God by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (1707- 46), translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Feldheim, Jerusalem/New York 1988. Classic exposition of the fundamentals of Jewish belief by one of the most outstanding kabbalists of all time.

Dessler, Rabbi Eliahu Eliezer (1891-1954) One of the leading teachers of mussar in the last generation. Author of Michtav MeEliahu (q.v.).

Eight Steps to a Healthy Heart by Robert E. Kowalski, Warner Books, New York, 1992.

Eliyahu, Rabbi, Gaon of Vilna (1720-1797) Towering Torah scholar of the 18th century.

Etz Chaim ("The ") The major classic of Kabbalah, based on the

2 teachings of the Ari (q.v.) and written by Rabbi Chaim Vital (q.v.).

Eybeshetz, R. Yonatan (1696-1764) Rav of Altona, Hamburg, Vengshel and later of Prague. Author of Kraiti u-Plaiti and other works.

Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe (1895-1986) Outstanding 20th Century halakhic authority.

Fiftieth Gate, Vols 1 & 2 by Avraham Greenbaum. Ongoing translation of Reb Noson's Likutey Tefilot (q.v.).

Gaon of Vilna see Eliyahu, Rabbi.

Garden of the Souls: Rebbe Nachman on Suffering by Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute. Rebbe Nachman's discourse on the "Master of the Field" and other teachings on the meaning of suffering.

Goldstein, Rabbi Nachman (b'Reb Zvi Aryeh) of Tcherin (1825-94) Outstanding leader and scholar of the third generation of Breslover Chassidim. Author of Parpera'ot LeChokhmah, a major commentary on Likutey Moharan.

Hanhagat HaBri'ut ("Guide to Good Health") see Rambam.

Healing Heart, The by Norman Cousins, Avon Books, New York 1984.

Hishtapkhut HaNefesh see Outpouring of the Soul.

Ibn Ezra, Rabbi Avraham ben Meir (1089-1164) Classic Bible commentator.

Jewish Meditation by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Shocken Books, New York 1985. An introduction to some of the main techniques.

Kagan, Rabbi Yisrael Meir see Chafetz Chaim.

Keter Shem Tov by Rabbi Aharon (b'reb Zvi) HaCohen of Apta, Otzar Chassidim (Lubavitch) 5747 (1987). Anthology of teachings and sayings of the Tov, collected from the works of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polonnoye.

Kitzur Shulchan Arukh ("Concise Code of Jewish Law") by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried (1804-86). Classic compilation of the basic laws of Jewish life. Available in several translations.

Kli Yakar by R. Shlomo Ephraim ben Aharon (d.1614). Classic commentary on the Torah.

Kokhvay Or by Rabbi Avraham b'Reb Nachman (q.v.). A collection of anecdotes, stories and teachings of Rebbe Nachman and his disciples.

Koenig, Rabbi Gedaliah Aharon (1921-80) A leading disciple of Rabbi

3 Avraham Sternhartz (q.v.).

Likutey Halakhot by Reb Noson of Breslov. Reb Noson's collected discourses following the order of the Shulchan Arukh (q.v.), illumining the spiritual meaning of Jewish law in the light of Rebbe Nachman's discourses and other teachings. A monumental work on Breslov thought and kabbalah.

Likutey Moharan by Rebbe Nachman. The Rebbe's collected Torah discourses, transcribed by his leading disciple, Reb Noson of Breslov. Several volumes of an authoritative translation with facing punctuated Hebrew text and full explanatory notes is now available from the Breslov Research Institute.

Likutey Tefilot by Reb Noson of Breslov. Collection of Reb Noson's prayers based on Rebbe Nachman's discourses in Likutey Moharan. The first forty prayers have been translated in The Fiftieth Gate Volumes 1 & 2, by Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute.

Likutey Torah, Ta'amey HaMitzvot Part of the corpus of the teachings of the Ari (q.v.) written by Rabbi Chaim Vital (q.v.), comprising a kabbalistic commentary on the Bible and discussions on esoteric aspects of the commandments.

Love Medicine & Miracles by Bernie S. Siegel M.D., Arrow, London 1988.

Magid of Mezritch by R.Y. Klapholtz. Hebrew work about Rabbi Dov Ber, the Mezritcher Maggid (1704-72), main leader of the Chassidic movement after the death of the Baal Shem Tov.

Maharsha Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Aideles of Ostrog (1555-1632). Author of an important commentary on the .

Medicine in the Crisis of our Time by Arthur Jores, Bern 1961.

Me'iri, R. Menachem ben Shlomo (1249-1316) Important Talmudic commentator.

Mekhilta The earliest commentary on the Book of Exodus, from the school of Rabbi Yishmael (c. 120 C.E.), often quoted in the Talmud.

Michtav MeEliahu by Rabbi Eliahu Eliezer Dessler (1891-1954). A mussar (moralistic) work discussing fundamental Jewish principles. Translated as Strive for Truth, Feldheim Publishers, Jerusalem/New York.

Midrash Rabbah The most important collection of midrashim, ranging from pure commentary to homilies, assembled during the earlier gaonic period.

Midrash Shmuel by Rabbi Shmuel (ben Yitzchak) Uceda (1538-1602). Commentary on Avot.

Mishneh Torah see Rambam.

4 Natural Healing through Macrobiotics by Michio Kushi, Japan Publications Inc., Tokyo & New York, 1992.

Noson, Reb, of Breslov (1780-1844) Leading disciple of Rebbe Nachman, he transcribed almost all of his works, and after the Rebbe's death laid the foundations of the Breslov Chassidic Movement. His own major works are Likutey Halakhot, Likutey Tefilot, Alim Literufah and Yemey Moharnat. For a full biography, see Through Fire and Water by Rabbi Chaim Kramer, Breslov Research Institute.

Outpouring of the Soul (Hishtapkhut HaNefesh) translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Breslov Research Institute. Collected teachings of Rebbe Nachman on hisbodedus.

Papo, Rabbi Eliezer (1785-1828) Author of the famous mussar (moralistic) work, Pele Yo'etz (q.v.).

Parpara'ot LeChokhmah by Rabbi Nachman (b'Reb Zvi Aryeh) Goldstein of Tcherin (q.v.). Major commentary on Likutey Moharan.

Peace, Love & Healing by Bernie S. Siegel M.D., Arrow, London 1991.

Pele Yo'etz Famous mussar work arranged alphabetically by subject, written by Rabbi Eliezer Papo, 1785-1828.

Praise of Rabbi Nachman translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. Highlights of Rebbe Nachman's life focussing on his spiritual attainments. Printed in Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom (q.v.).

Rabbenu Bachya (ben Asher) Ibn Halava (d.1340) Rabbi of Saragossa and author of the famous Commentary on the Torah bearing his name.

Rabbi Nachman's Stories translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Breslov Research Institute. Translation of the stories with masterful in-depth commentary.

Rabbi Nachman's Tikkun translated by Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute. The Ten of Rebbe Nachman's "General Remedy" with translation and full introduction on the significance of the Covenant and the ten kinds of melody.

Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. Rebbe Nachman's conversations on joy, faith, prayer, meditation and a wealth of other subjects.

Rambam Acronym of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Maimonides (1135-1204), towering Jewish legal codifier and philosopher, and an outstanding medical authority. Among his major works are his Commentary on the Mishneh and the Mishneh Torah: Yad HaChazakah, a codification of Torah law. His Shmoneh Perakim ("Eight Chapters") is on Jewish faith and ethics. Among his extensive medical writings, one of the most important works is Hanhagat HaBri'ut ("A

5 Guide to Good Health"), translated as Treatise on the Regimen of Health in Maimonides Medical Writings Vol. 4 by Fred Rosner M.D. published by the Maimonides Research Institute, Haifa, Israel. This volume also includes an annotated translation of the Rambam's Hilkhot De'ot, "The Laws of Human Temperaments," Chapter 4 of which explains the basic rules of healthcare.

Ramban Acronym of Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman of Girondi, Nachmanides (1194-1270). An outstanding talmudist, kabbalist and spiritual leader in Gerona, Spain. He wrote a classic commentary on the Torah as well as over fifty other works.

Rashba Acronym of Rabbi Shlomo ben Avraham Aderet (1235-1310). A student of the Ramban (q.v.), he authored commentaries on the Talmud, including the aggadot, and was one of the major Jewish leaders of his time.

Rashi Acronym of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105). Author of the most important commentaries on the Bible and Talmud, printed in almost all major editions.

Refuah Shelemah by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-94), Or Yaakov/Or Zarua Publishing, Kfar Chabad 1991. Advice and guidance on spiritual and physical health collected from the Rebbe's letters.

Reishit Chokhmah by R. Eliahu de Vidas (1518-1592). Encyclopedic work on morality drawing heavily from the .

Restore my Soul translated by Avraham Greenbaum. A highly inspiring collection of extracts from classic Breslov texts on conquering depression and deepening one's faith.

Sefer Charedim by Rabbi Elazar (ben Mordechai) Azkari (1531-1600). A classic mussar work discussing the mitzvot dependent upon the various limbs and organs of the body.

Sefer HaBrit by R. Pinchas Eliahu of Vilna, first printed in 1797. New printing by S. Kraus, Jerusalem 1990. A compendium of the scientific knowledge of the time (astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, biology etc.) together with a presentation of the kabbalistic worldview.

Sefer HaDorot, Rabbi Shimon bar Tzemach (TaShBaTz 1361-1444)

Sefer Hanisraf ("The Burned Book") by Rebbe Nachman. A mystical work that Rebbe Nachman ordered to be burned while he lay sick in Lemberg.

Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1990. One of the earliest and most important mystical works, attributed by some to Abraham and thought to have been written down in Talmudic times or earlier.

Shaar HaMitzvot ("Gate of the Commandments") Fifth of the Shemoneh

6 She'arim ("Eight Gates") by Rabbi Chaim Vital (q.v.) devoted to teachings of the Ari (q.v.) on the kabbalistic meaning of the commandments.

Shaar HaKodesh ("Gate of Holy Spirit") Sixth of the Shemoneh She'arim ("Eight Gates") by Rabbi Chaim Vital (q.v.) devoted to the Ari's kabbalistic meditations relating to the prayer services and rituals.

Shaarey Kedushah ("The Gates of Holiness") by Rabbi Chaim Vital (1542- 1620). A kabbalistic moralistic work explaining the purpose of the soul in this world and how to attain ruach hakodesh (holy spirit).

Shemirat Haguf Vehanefesh Vols. I & II by Y. Y. Lerner, Jerusalem, 1988. A comprehensive study of rabbinic teachings on practices deemed hazardous to the soul and/or the body.

Shevachey HaAri Stories about the birth and life of the ARI, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (q.v.) and his disciples, based on the Introduction to Emek HaMelekh by Rabbi Shlomo Shimmel (b'Reb Chayim) Meinstril.

Shevachay HaBaal Shem Tov ("Praises of the Baal Shem Tov") by Rabbi Dov Baer (b'Reb Shmuel) Shubb of Linetz. A collection of stories about the Baal Shem Tov and some of his closest followers. The work circulated in manuscript form during Rebbe Nachman's lifetime, and was first printed in Berdichov in 1815.

Shneerson, Rabbi Menachem Mendel (1902-94) The Lubavitcher Rebbe, leader of the Lubavitch (Chabad) Chassidic movement.

Sheney Luchot HaBrit ("The Two Tablets of the Covenant") by Rabbi Horowitz (the SheLaH) of Prague (1556-1632). One of the great classics of Torah thought, kabbalah and moralistic teaching.

Shulchan Arukh by Rabbi Yosef (ben Ephraim) Karo (1488-1575). The standard code of Jewish Law. Divided into four parts: Orach Chaim on prayers, blessings, and festivals; Yoreh Deah on kashrut and other aspects of ritual law; Even HaEzer on marriage and divorce and Choshen Mishpat on judicial procedure and business law.

Siach Sarfey Kodesh Vols I-IV by Agudat Meshekh HaNachal. Collection of oral traditions about Rebbe Nachman and his followers, including many sayings, stories and anecdotes.

Sternhartz, Rabbi Avraham (b'Reb Naftali Hertz) (1862-1955) A great grandson of Reb Noson of Breslov (q.v.) and outstanding leader of the fifth generation of Breslover Chassidim. He moved to the Holy Land in 1936. His disciples include many of the major Breslover leaders of the past decades.

Sweetest Hour, The by Avraham Greenbaum. Explains the meaning and purpose of Tikkun Chatzot, with complete English translation of the service, and guidance as to when and how to say it in practice.

7 Talmud Compliation of the Oral Torah as taught by the great masters from approximately 50 B.C.E. until around 500 C.E., redacted by Rav Ashi and Ravina in Babylonia around 505 C.E. It is therefore often referred to as the Babylonian Talmud. (See also Yerushalmi.) Next to the Bible, the most important work on Jewish law and tradition.

Tanna de-vei Eliahu An early Midrash containing teachings attributed to the prophet Elijah.

Tav Yehoshua ("Joshua's Note") by Rabbi Yehoshua Briskin, Eshkol, Jerusalem (1978). A compendium of rabbinic lore and teachings on diet, healthcare and derekh eretz (good manners), including an alphabetical guide to various foods and their nutritional qualities.

TaZ Acronym of Turey Zahav ("Rows of Gold") by Rabbi David ben Shmuel Halevy (1586-1667). One of the most important commentaries on the Shulchan Arukh.

Tikkuney Zohar Part of the Zoharic literature, consisting of seventy chapters discussing the first word of the Torah. From the school of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (circa 120 C.E.).

Tikkun HaKlali see Rabbi Nachman's Tikkun.

Torat Nathan Edited by Rabbi Nathan Zvi Koenig, Bnei Brak. A digest of commentary material on Likutey Moharan derived from the discourses of Reb Noson in Likutey Halakhot.

Tzaddik: A Portrait of Rabbi Nachman by Reb Noson of Breslov, translated by Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute. Intimate biographical portrait of Rebbe Nachman by his closest disciple, including numerous conversations, information relating to Rebbe Nachman's lessons, and a variety of his sayings, stories, dreams and visions.

Tzemach Tzedek Rabbi Menachem Mendel b'Rabbi Shalom Shachna Shneerson (1789-1866), the third Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Under the Table and How to Get Up: Jewish Pathways of Spiritual Growth by Avraham Greenbaum, Tsohar Publications 1991. A practical handbook of Jewish spiritual practices.

Vital, Rabbi Chaim (1542-1620) Closest disciple of the Ari (q.v.) and leader after him of the Safed school of Kabbalah.

Yalkut Lekach Tov by Rabbi Tovia (ben Eliezer) HaGadol (1036-1108). Midrashic work incorporating many earlier midrashim. Also known as Pesikta Zutratha.

Yalkut Shimoni, or Yalkut compiled by Rabbi Shimon Ashkenazi HaDarshan of Frankfurt (c.1260). One of the most popular early midrashic collections on

8 the Bible.

Yemey Moharnat by Reb Noson of Breslov. An autobiographical account of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land and other important events in his life.

Yerushalmi or Talmud Yerushalmi An earlier version of the Talmud, thought to have been redacted around 240 C.E. by Rabbi Yochanan (182-279) and his disciples in Tiberias. A work of major importance, although considered secondary to the Babylonian Talmud.

Zohar The primary classic of kabbalah from the school of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (circa 120 C.E.), compiled by his disciple, Rabbi Abba.



By Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum © AZAMRA INSTITUTE 5767 - 2007 All rights reserved