RambamvrncWo hWd gherho ak T HE 13 P RINCIPLES OF F AITH T HE SLAGER EDITION RambamvrncWo hWd gherho ak T HE 13 P RINCIPLES OF F AITH P RINCIPLES VI & VII With an anthology of commentaries from the Talmud, Midrash, Rishonim and Acharonim, and elucidation from the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Compiled and Adapted by Rabbi Chaim Miller The Gutnick Library of Jewish Classics Rambam - The 13 Principles of Faith Principles 6 & 7: Prophecy with commentary from classic Rabbinic texts, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. ISBN-13: 978-1-934152-23-2 ISBN-10: 1-934152-23-4 © Copyright 2009 by Chaim Miller Published and Distributed by: Kol Menachem 827 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn NY 11213 1-888-580-1900 1-718-951-6328 1-718-953-3346 (Fax) www.kolmenachem.com
[email protected] First Edition — June 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the copyright holder, except in the case of brief quotations in reviews for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast. Kol Menachem is a not-for-profit organization. Proceeds from the sales of books are allocated to future projects. Dedication of the thirteen principles of faith Rambam’s Thirteen Principles of Faith is dedicated to our dear friends D A V I D & L A R A S L A G E R N EW Y ORK / LONDON May the merit of spreading words of Torah illuminated by the teachings of Chasidus to thousands across the globe be a source of blessing for them and their family for generations to come.