Is There Life After Life? Superfetation in Medical, Historical and Rabbinic Literature1
Is There Life After Life? Superfetation in Medical, Historical and Rabbinic Literature1 Rabbi Edward Reichman, MD Case Report On January 18, 2008 a unique medical case was reported in the British newspaper, the Daily Mail. Two babies were carried in the same womb, born only one minute apart, yet Thomas and Harriet Mullineux are not twins. They were conceived three weeks apart thanks to an extraordinary twist of nature. Their mother Charlotte had been pregnant with twins when at seven weeks she miscarried one of them. But two weeks later, she discovered, after undergoing a follow-up ultrasound, that she was carrying another fetus - con- ceived separately and still growing in her womb. The surviving twin and the new baby were born in May of 2007. This case, which may represent an extraordinarily rare, and not well documented, phenomenon, is the substance of this brief essay. We shall address the medical, historical and halakhic aspects of this case. Superfetation in Historical and Medical Literature The process whereby a woman becomes pregnant and then sub- sequently conceives again during another ovulatory cycle is called 1 A version of this article appeared in Shalom Rav (self-publication, 2008), a tribute volume to Rabbi Shalom Rosner formerly of Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok (Woodmere, NY) upon his aliyah to Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Edward Reichman, M.D. is Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology & Population Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. 39 Wiesen.indb 39 4/28/09 4:09:21 PM 40 And You Shall Surely Heal superfetation.
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