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Friday-Night Prayers BY LARRY GORDON Hannah Reich Berman 28 MindBiz The PR War On Terror Esther Mann, LMSW 30 The surge is working, but we ments, then we are just losing Laws of Chanukah may be losing the war miser- the war. Rabbi Yair Hoffman 39 ably anyway. That’s the public- This war is being fought relations war on terror that I’m not on the battlefield, but Daf Yomi Insights referring to, and there is no rather in the international Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 56 military surge needed in order media—on CNN, FOX News, to set this all-important aspect the Times, the Photo By Ira Thomas Cr Lost With A Map of the war on the right course. Washington Post, and so on. Michelle Nevada 74 As long as international terror Mostly, however, it is being merchants and criminals like fought in the electronic media

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and that is highly competitive and eations Osama bin Laden can grab the has a need for breaking, dis- world’s attention with outra- Rav , shlita, of Aish Kodesh in Woodmere lighting the geous and inflammatory state- Continued on Page 6 Chabad menorah in Cedarhurst Park. More Photos, Page 67 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE A FALAFEL STORY Enough Warm Weather B Y LA URA BEN- around the place and deter- BY LARRY GORDON Bar of Ian Mark. mined that only falafel was was here. But it was hot—too See Page 46 When trying to explain to sold there. All the while the hot. Now what? people the uniqueness of proprietor was watching us As I gingerly walked to shul So it was July in December; Israel and Israelis, I find that expectantly. As I moved last Shabbos as part of the all I had to do is tap into my a story speaks volumes. This toward the counter, he asked, continued celebration of a July–August mode so as to story, however, speaks a whole “Do you want falafel?” family wedding that had taken endure the early Shabbos bookstore. Seeing as there was noth- place two days prior, the pen- morning walk in suit and tie One evening, on our way ing else on the menu, I said, etrating heat of the sun and, in this case, a felt back from a trip, we stopped “Yes, just deciding how many.” became increasingly palpable. Borsalino hat, too—all appro- at an unfamiliar falafel store He replied that unfortu- It was over 85 degrees and it priate for the occasion. in . We were hungry, nately there was no pita left, was still only about 8:30 a.m. Cerebrally I was comforted by tired, and looking forward to but would I like him to run to The warm getaway to Miami the idea that the weather fore- some quick food and then our Beach weather that I had return home. We glanced Continued on Page 5 longed for and anticipated Continued on Page 7

Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twersky A Gallery Grows In 23 YEARS AND coming to the Five Towns. Chag Orim See Page 50 Sameach 6,311 ROCKETS Our Aliyah Chronicle, Part 67 BY SHMUEL SACKETT BY SHMUEL KATZ INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR, MANHIGUT YEHUDIT After all of the activity and emotion of the past few A few weeks ago, the State weeks, it was nice to have an of Israel commemorated two off week for a change. very sad anniversaries. On Nothing momentous hap- November 21, Jonathan pened—just regular life. Pollard began his 23rd year We started off the week with in prison and, on that same MAY Father/Son Awards the arrival of Goldie’s sister day, the 6,311th rocket fell breakfast. See Page 46 Esther and her husband Daniel on the Israeli city of (Yormark), who came in for the S’derot—23 years in prison; CANDLE LIGHTING hakamat matzeivah (unveiling) 6,311 rockets. Is there a con- Dec. 7 – 4:09 PM by the grave of Daniel’s mother nection? There most certain- Dec. 14 – 4:10 PM “Chanukah,” by Keli Hu, one of the paintings at the Watermark Judaic Art Gallery, a treasure trove of exquisite artwork. See Story, Page 84 Continued on Page 11 Continued on Page 10 2 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 3 4 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

A Falafel Story Continued from Front Cover the store and buy some? Not seeing any other way to hold the falafel balls and salad together, I replied that yes, I would very much like for him to get some pita for our falafels. It was then that I realized that his hesitation was due to the fact that he was the only one manning the store. I therefore graciously offered to watch the store while he was gone. He accept- ed and dashed off. While waiting, I marched self-importantly around the store, vaguely wondering why the owner would trust a total stranger and what I would do if someone actually came in and wanted falafel. Then I realized I would tell them we were waiting for the pita. This was true, of course. Suddenly a customer who had already eaten got up to pay. This I wasn’t ready for. He seemed to have lots of change, so I offered to take his money for him. After all, that was my job at the moment, wasn’t it? The customer briefly sized me up, perhaps a bit suspi- cious, then finally explained that he only had 11 shekels, while the falafel he ordered was priced at 14. He wondered if he could come back the next day to pay the difference. I was momentarily stumped (though not any more than I’d have been if he’d asked me for change!). I asked the man if the proprietor knew him, but he said that he didn’t. He sug- gested that I describe him as “the religious man who sat at the corner table.” I thought, Hmm, that kind of describes 90 percent of the customers, but I’ll let it go. Moments later the owner returned and I gave him his money along with the explana- tion. He was positively delight- ed—I had done exactly what he would have. I was even more delighted. Realize that in Israel, a perfect stranger may tell you to lose weight, but that same stranger will also trust you with the shirt on his back. In five years I may have learned how to navigate the Israeli sys- tem, but in those 15 minutes, I was the Israeli system. And it felt really good. O

Laura Ben-David is the author of MOVING UP: An Aliyah Journal (Mazo Publishers). To read more, visit

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5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 5 FROM THE EDITOR ings be if no one reported them? At this shooting two weeks ago near Karnei the policy of some government. If that’s Continued from Front Cover point in time there is no other more Shomron. The news was that the killers so, then why can’t the same world press effective way to deal with those who seek were Palestinian policemen—terrorists utilize these abilities, now used in devi- turbing, and, if possible, shocking to undermine the foundations of democ- in uniforms and guns all furnished by ous and manipulative ways, in a fashion news. That’s why when bin Laden racy than a concerted effort to block their Israel to the PA. The point is that the that will help to fight the destructive issues a new taped message it domi- access to the world media. information was withheld until Olmert war on terror? nates all media in this country and If you consider this theory unwork- Bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, and their probably in other parts of the world. able, just take a look at how the system like use the world press like a child uses That’s why, although everyone knows is utilized, in a most natural and uncrit- a yo-yo. And this is true with others, like that there was little accomplished at ical way, on the other side of the equa- These leaders of states Nasrallah in Lebanon, Assad in Syria, the peace conference in Annapolis, tion. In Syria, the proceedings were not and even the Palestinian leaders (now Maryland, still, when the Iranian pres- broadcast on state-run radio and TV. that sanction the use of trying to shrink Israel through diploma- ident announced that the conference The Wall Street Journal reported on cy) and the like, who know that the more was a failure, it got top billing on all Monday that the Syrians broadcast a terror fit into the format destructively sensationalistic their pro- the news outlets. soccer game instead, and there was no nouncements are, the more the interna- My suggestion is that there be an hint that anything was taking place in of what is considered tional media outlets will be falling over international conference of media com- Annapolis—least of all a peace forum popular entertainment. one another trying to get the scoop. panies and that they try to reach an that included both Syrian and Israeli And yes, this is the nature of news agreement that when despots, dictators, participation. Even more curious was media, their lifeblood and what they exist and terrorists issue these hate-filled the fact that the Israeli press was forced for—breaking news. But we have a war threats and pronouncements, they will to leave the press room when the for- on terror going on and escalating today, not be broadcast or publicized. It may be eign ministers from the Arab League returned home from the U.S., because and this struggle requires that everyone an earth-shattering proposal that contra- arrived and were being presented to the the news may have cast a pall on the contribute to the extent that they are dicts the very essence, character, and def- press. The Israeli press covered the mood at Annapolis. able. Instead, media outlets are facilitat- inition of what the media is. But of what news conference from another room. So you see, it is possible that the ing the integration and acceptance of value would a taped bin Laden message Also on Monday, Israel released infor- press can be tweaked and manipulated people who should be handled as inter- be if no one broadcast it? Of what value mation about the murderers of Ido in these cases so as to control the flow national pariahs rather than statesmen. would Ahmadinejad’s rantings and rav- Zoldan, who was killed in a drive-by of information in a way that helps favor But the situation is even worse. These leaders of states that sanction the use of terror are somehow being celebrated by the media, primarily because they oddly fit into the format of what is considered popular entertainment programming by today’s programming executive. Most popular TV programs today feature some sort of shoot-’em-up type of violence that those watching in their easy chairs just seem to not be able to get enough of. As a result, and because there is such fierce competition between the networks, who- ever can get an exclusive feature with the most threatening and war-monger- ing despot has the better chance to do a disservice to the war on terror but also stands to come out on top in the TV rat- ings war. We either have a war on terror that affects us all, or we don’t. If we don’t all do our parts and instead provide open- ings for the terrorists, then the terrorists win. For a moment, the TV networks and the major newspapers need to set aside their natural inclinations and do something contrary to their nature— that is, to refuse to cover the lunatic rav- ings of bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Nasrallah, and the other assort- ed nuts and despots who have somehow maneuvered their way into power in the backward, poverty-stricken Third World societies that they purport to run. We need a display of patriotism from these media companies and an effort that will help reduce the power and influence of the corrupt leaders to whom they now devote so much attention. It may be something between unusual and impossible, and more likely than anything else it will never happen. Most of these networks are already well-practiced when it comes to slanting and distorting some of the news. If they take a step back and a long look, they will see that what is being called for here is really nothing dramatically new. Without a soap box—without a forum, a microphone, or a camera—the names Ahmadinejad and even bin Laden will be forgotten quicker than anyone might think. For the future of freedom and the safety of America, isn’t it worth a try? O Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at [email protected]. 6 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE community—like so many others out time they also seem at peace with it— wonderful idea, both for the young Continued from Front Cover of New York—is very New York con- not so much because they’ve resigned people participating as well as for the scious. The primary reason is that their themselves to the situation, but I think shul. The teenage boys led the servic- cast for New York was cold and snowy. kids who got married did not, for the because as a consolation prize they es, read from the , sang, danced, At the same time, though, this was just most part, stay in South Florida, but have all these beautiful sunny days. and even delivered divrei Torah from uncomfortably hot. I found the forti- moved either to Israel or New York or I went to shul on Shabbos morning the pulpit. tude to endure, because this was real- to some other northeastern locale. at Congregation Chaim. It was a Most importantly, this is out of town ly good—the best Florida weather I’d and as a result featured a lot of out-of- experienced in years. town trappings. There’s a beauty to the An additional thing about this par- look of Miami’s upscale residential ticular foray to the Sunshine State last communities. It is pleasing to the eyes week was that it was an experience It was an experience that and exudes a sense of ease and relax- that demonstrated that there was life ation, if you will. It was a pleasure to in Miami beyond Collins Avenue. For visit our hosts for Shabbos, Dr. way too long, the Florida experience demonstrated that there was life Norman and Mrs. Zahava Goldwasser for me had been either confined to a (of Eden Tours Pesach), and to spend minimum-security Pesach hotel (yes, some time with them and eat shemu- three meals a day and a tea room, not in Miami beyond Collins Avenue. rah matzah (which took a little time to much exercise) or an apartment on adjust to). Additionally fascinating Collins Avenue in one of a number of were the things I observed in the scant venues. But this time it became abun- 24 hours that we were together. dantly and interestingly clear that So, almost without exception, peo- pleasant and even inspiring service. Just on this random weekend alone, Miami Beach lives beyond the Bal ple in Miami complained to us that to The air conditioning worked well, the aside from the block’s Shabbos Harbour Shops, The Shul, Tasti D- see their children or grandchildren rabbi—Akiva Stolper, originally from Minchah being in their home, Lite, or Bissaleh. they have to get on an airplane and go, New York—spoke with enthusiasm, they also hosted a seudah shelishis for Because I was there ostensibly for a otherwise a phone call and some pho- and all around the services were mean- the participants, which led into Maariv wedding, I was exposed to Miami’s real tographs have to suffice. No one is ingful and had depth. It was a youth people who make up the Jewish com- thrilled about that, but at the same Shabbos, which impressed me as a Continued on Page 12 munity and not just people being nice because they are looking for a gratuity. This is the fashion in which every Jewish community that dots the globe should be observed and enjoyed. Granted, Florida weather isn’t always that cooperative; but with winter intro- ducing itself to New Yorkers with a brutal cold shoulder, the warmth down there was quite a treat. I was fine with the heat, especially on Shabbos, but the odd thing was that the locals with whom I came in con- tact kept apologizing for how hot it was and explained that it was not usually like that in December. I heard some say that usually at this time of year the high temperature during the day is in the low 70s; the mercury last Shabbos rose to about 87 degrees. I nodded my head, expressing empathy and agree- ment while quietly wondering, What are these people complaining about? As far as I can see, this is a splendid Orthodox Jewish community. One of the locals explained to me that after all these years the sum total of observant families residing in this part of Miami Beach (in the 40s) totals about 250 families. Now, by New York numbers that is a relatively small community. Of course that’s not all the frum families, but the Orthodox that reside in South Florida are spread over a fairly wide area. In addition to this area there are probably a couple of hundred families living in Bal Harbour/North Miami (in and around The Shul), and then there are about 600 observant families residing in Aventura and Turnberry. So it’s islands of disparate frum communities that rarely interface with one another because of the dis- tance between them. I suppose you can say that down here communities stick together and to themselves. Here’s something additionally appealing about Jewish life in Florida—it’s very un-New York. It’s not intense, no one is in a hurry, nor do they talk fast. Though many of the people I met had New York roots, it had been many decades in most cases since they’d moved away. Still, despite the geographic distance and disassoci- ation from anything New York, this 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 7 8 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES CALENDAR s”xc LUACH December 7 - 15 ZIP Code: 11516

27 Kislev – Erev Shabbos Chanukah Friday, December 7 3rd day Chanukah Daf yomi: Kesubos 97 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:06 am Sunrise: 7:05 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:49 am Gr’a 9:25 am Friday afternoon: 4th Chanukah light Candle Lighting (Shabbos): 4:09 pm 28 Kislev – Shabbos Chanukah Saturday, December 8 4th day Chanukah Shabbos Parashas Mikkeitz Blessing of Chodesh Teves Shabbos ends**: 5:13 pm 72 min. 5:40 pm Saturday night: 5th Chanukah light 1 Teves Monday, December 10 6th day Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Teves Monday Evening: 7th Chanukah light Sunset: 4:27 pm; Nightfall: 5:13 pm 3 Teves Wednesday, December 12 8th day Chanukah – ‘Zos Chanukah’ 5 Teves – Erev Shabbos Friday, December 14 Daf yomi: Kesubos 104 Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:11 am Sunrise: 7:11 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:53 am Gr’a 9:29 am Candle Lighting: 4:10 pm 6 Teves – Shabbos Saturday, December 15 Shabbos Parashas Vayiggash Shabbos ends**: 5:14 pm 72 min. 5:41 pm * from ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your Municipal Calendar For 5 Towns and NYC Friday, December 7; Thursday–Friday, December 13–14 NYC “gridlock alert” day. December 3–25 Free parking Monday–Friday after 12 noon (all day Saturday and Sunday) in metered spaces in Cedarhurst municipal parking lots.

For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday, December 10 at 5:00 P.M. All graphics for ads must be in by Tuesday, December 11 at 5:00 P.M. Call 516-984-0079

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 9 23 Years Israel supplies the electricity—free of affected by the electricity blackout. use these everyday ingredients to Continued from Front Cover charge—to Gaza and was therefore Prime Minister Olmert ordered the manufacture bombs and kill Jews. able to quickly “shut the switch.” The electricity turned back on. The Arab Now comes the $64,000 question: ly is. Simply put, the government of formula was simple: no electricity, no response was simple: within one where do the Arabs of Gaza get those Israel wants Jonathan Pollard to rockets. For two days there was quiet. hour, five rockets were fired on ingredients from? Answer: from Israel! remain in jail—and that same govern- Not one rocket was fired! Normal life S’derot! We give them the raw materials, when ment wants the Arab enemy to show- began once again for the men, women, Let’s take this even one step fur- we know full well that a significant er S’derot with rockets. and children of S’derot. ther. Every one of these rockets is portion of them will be used to manu- Yes, I realize what I just wrote. To facture rockets and wreak havoc on make certain it was understood, I will thousands of Jewish lives! We give write it again in even clearer words: them everything they need, and then the Israeli government wants Jonathan we supply the electricity to the factory Pollard to die in jail (chas v’shalom). The formula was simple: to build them. This is not a crazy “con- Not only are they not doing anything spiracy theory.” It is 100 percent true. to help him, they are actually hurting Feel free to check it out, if you don’t him! A similar claim can be made no electricity, no rockets. For two believe me. about S’derot. The government is not The same is true with Jonathan just allowing the rockets to fall—they days there was quiet. Pollard. Two top ministers in the are actually helping the terrorists man- Israeli government, Ehud Barak and ufacture them! Rafi Eitan, were directly involved in Think I’m nuts? (Hey, don’t answer the Pollard affair, and those men do that…) Consider the following: not want him out. Neither does A few weeks ago, after 100 rockets On the third day, the Israeli gov- made from metal and homemade President Shimon Peres, who runs were fired into S’derot over a three-day ernment changed its mind. The offi- materials such as flour, water, and around the entire world meeting with period, the Israeli government ordered cial statement was that this method sugar. Most people reading this arti- global leaders to discuss everything an electricity blackout in the area of represented a horrible concept called cle make delicious cakes and cookies under the sun except the name Gaza from where the rockets were “communal punishment,” since from these ingredients (minus the “Pollard.” And, of course, neither does shot. It must be stated that the State of “innocent” Gazans were negatively metal, of course), but Arabs in Gaza Prime Minister Olmert, who—in a measure of “good faith”—released over 500 terrorists since he took office but never once thought of asking Bush to release Pollard. These words were spoken by Jonathan Pollard himself in a November 2007 interview given to Israel’s largest newspaper, Yediot Aharonot. Journalist Yaniv Halily raised the following point: “All of the American officials that I spoke with asked, How is it that Israel is not taking any meaningful action to free the agent who worked on behalf of the state and in its name? How can the state aban- don a man who risked his life to save the lives of Israeli citizens?” The article continues: “Pollard feels this way, as well. ‘There are people and institutions in Israel that are trying to save their own blood by spilling mine. We are talking about people who were thoroughly involved in my operation. If I were returned home, they would be very embarrassed and perhaps find themselves subject to legal action. I am talking about politicians who have denied involvement in the espionage operation, when they knew every sin- gle detail of it. People like Shimon Peres, Rafi Eitan, Ehud Barak, and have a personal agenda against me. They resent the embar- rassment that I caused Israel and are furious that I am still alive.” As you can see, to these “leaders” Jonathan Pollard is a nuisance, and they would love nothing more than to have the whole affair permanently forgotten. Unfortunately, however, this aban- donment of Pollard extends way beyond Peres and Olmert. For the last month, several people in New Jersey have tried scheduling a speaking engagement for me in Teaneck on November 21, the anniversary of Pollard’s incarceration. The goal was to speak about Pollard and find out what could be done to help this heroic Jew. Three Orthodox shuls in Teaneck responded that the event was “too political.” In one of those cases, the rabbi agreed to hold the event, only to have it canceled by the board of direc- tors. When the rabbi called to inform us of the change, he apologized pro- 10 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES fusely; he admitted his embarrassment Our Aliyah Chronicle the ticket) had won a raffle prize. On Friday, the kids’ mesibot and bewilderment, but said there was Continued from Front Cover We attended another night of Chanukah season started, with a spe- simply nothing he could do. “Chamshushalayim” festivities in cial performance at Moshe’s gan (pre- An evening to help Jonathan Pollard and to visit their daughter Sarah who is Yerushalayim. This week we went to school). The other kids all have their was “too political”? How sad is that! in seminary here for the year. the Israel Museum and toured the own parties, either in or out of school, Dearest friends, we are in trouble. We saw them at the cemetery and but this was the only one that Goldie When the weak, un-Jewish concepts drove them to their hotel (so we could was invited to—all the other parties that have plagued Israeli leaders for visit with them in the car as well as are all “kids only.” Thank G-d. 50 years begin creeping into our local pick up the suitcase of goodies that A special a cappella Our kids enjoyed a terrific shuls, as well…Heaven help us! Goldie had arranged to be sent by her with their aunt and uncle, and we This must be stopped now! Don’t sit mother) in Yerushalayim. It was their group came into the cen- added a special treat for Chaya—a sur- quietly while your leaders set you on a first visit to Israel in over 18 years, and tral area of the Shrine of prise birthday seudah shelishit. A course for destruction. Don’t believe they both commented how different bunch of her friends came over (as the lies from Olmert and Peres about things were. We also attended the bar the Book and performed. well as Brana Hertz, a Five Towner how they are trying to stop the rockets mitzvah of Yehuda Brown, the son of who is in seminary here this year) and but cannot. Don’t become sheep who Marc and Stephanie Brown (mazal tov we had a cake and a nice time. follow leaders blindly and accept to them again), who made aliyah from All in all, a very plain week. With everything they are told. Need I the Five Towns a month after us. Shrine of the Book, where the Dead Chanukah beginning and the start of a remind you of the many leaders who Chaya and I went to an American- Sea Scrolls are kept. This was Goldie’s new vacation week for the kids, I am told their followers and students to style Chanukah boutique one night to first time seeing the scrolls, so that sure things will liven up soon. A Chag remain in Europe in the 1940s and try and buy some gifts for the extended added a little flavor. Orim sameach (happy Festival of that everything would be OK? Don’t Katz clan’s kids (we are having a mesi- Midway through our tour, a special Lights), as they say here, to everyone. O make the same mistake they did! bah/party together at my brother’s house a cappella group came into the central Demand answers from your leaders. on the second night) and maybe some area of the Shrine of the Book and per- Shmuel Katz is the director of Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi in the Katamon neighborhood in Demand that they explain their hypo- other things for our own family mem- formed for about 30 minutes. With the Jerusalem. Shmuel, his wife Goldie, and their six critical behavior. Demand to know why bers. Our admission fee included a raffle design of the room, the acoustics were children made aliyah in July of 2006. Prior to his aliyah, Shmuel was the executive director of after 22 painful years the name ticket, and we got a call the next day that amazing and we enjoyed the perform- the Yeshiva of South Shore in Hewlett. You can “Jonathan Pollard” is still virtually non- we (Chaya—even though I had paid for ance immensely. contact him at [email protected]. existent. Demand to know why Arab leaders are proud of their heritage, are never willing to compromise, and never forget their prisoners, while Jewish leaders are weak, embarrassed of their Heavenly mission, and quick to leave the fallen behind. It is for precisely this reason that Moshe Feiglin and I started a group seven years ago focused on bringing new leadership to the Jewish nation. Simply put, we are no longer willing to accept the evil leadership of those who run away from everything that is dear to us. We don’t believe those leaders, we don’t trust them, and we want nothing to do with them. We are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation! We deserve to be led by people who believe in those lofty ideals and who focus their leadership ideology on making Israel the shining light of Hashem’s world. I urge every reader to pray for lead- ership of this kind to emerge. Stop focusing just on private goals and start giving serious attention to national ones, as well. Evil succeeds in the world when good people sit quietly and do nothing. So make your voices heard! Raise up a call for proud and strong leadership that will free Jonathan Pollard and shut off the elec- tricity to terrorists as a mere “step one” in a program to make Israel a safe and beautiful place. Leadership of this kind is closer than you think. With Hashem’s help it will become a reality very soon! For more information, please see the Manhigut Yehudit website, O

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5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 11 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE Afterward, I was working my way FEATURES Continued from Page 7 through the obstacle course of an airport, my shoes, coat, and comput- Around The Five Towns 41 and an elongated Havdalah ceremony er along with the small change in my P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 that included a small bonfire set on pocket placed in a rubber box usual- 516-984-0079 their dining room table (you have to ly used by busboys in hotels and [email protected] Classified Ads 80 [email protected] see it to understand). In the few hours restaurants. My transition to my real that I spent there, I learned that they life began its contradictory process. LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Daf Yomi Insights and their neighbors were planning a It was 70 degrees outside and I’m Publisher/Editor Managing Editor Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 56 YOSSI GORDON Chanukah block party (you can’t do Director of Sales that in New York in December) for Five Town Simchas 42 their neighbors who are not observant CHANA ROCHEL ROSS 46 Editorial Assistant Jews. Dr. Goldwasser said that their They were planning SIDI BARON 51 group had sent invitations out to YAKOV SERLE 64 Jewish non-observant neighbors and JERRY MARKOVITZ that seven of the neighbors responded a Chanukah block Sales Representatives Halachic Musings by saying they would like to attend. SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC Rabbi Yair Hoffman 39 Also, the next day (Sunday), the party for their Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Goldwassers were hosting a vort CONTRIBUTING EDITORS (engagement party) for two students neighbors who are Howard M. Adelsberg, Irwin H. Benjamin Hock Of The Rock Hannah Reich Berman, Anessa V. Cohen Eli Shapiro 58 who participate in a kiruv project, Danny Block, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Community Learning Exchange not observant Jews. Yochanan Gordon, Michele Herenstein Insights On The Torah (CLE), which reaches out to Jewish Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky students on the nearby college campus Shmuel Katz, Esther Mann, Rochelle Miller Rabbi Yissocher Frand 37 and offers them opportunities to study Rabbi Yoni Posnick, Naomi Ross Rabbi Yoni Posnick 24 Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro Torah with community members while walking around with a winter coat Rabbi Yanki Tauber 36 MICHAL WEINSTEIN, ROB FILONUK, DOV GORDON learning more about Jewish life. I have slung over my shoulders. In a few Staff Graphic Artists Letters To The Editor 31 to say that this, along with the picture- hours, I’d be battling strong offshore IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS book weather, makes things down winds and looking for my earmuffs as Staff Photographers Luach 9 there look more impressive and some- I make my way from my parking FRANKEL & CO., CREATIVE DESIGN LLC times larger than life. space to my office. I will think back Design & Production MindBiz Okay, so I am enamored with Miami to how hot and beautiful Shabbos TALIYE CORLEY Esther Mann, LMSW 30 Beach. Yes, it did rain for a few min- was and just wish that one of those Art Director utes on Saturday night and then again wonderful people we had the privi- SUZETTE LEE Real Estate on Tuesday morning as I drove to the lege to meet would be up here walk- Assistant Art Director Anessa V. Cohen 32 airport—so the place is real. But right ing with me in the wind so that I The is an independent weekly news- after the Tuesday rain, there was this could apologize to him for it being so paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not magnificent rainbow displayed over cold and blustery and explain that it’s necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not That’s The Way It Is! responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or the clearing morning skies, which both usually not like this. O establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. Hannah Reich Berman 28 amazed and frightened because of its Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at beauty and its implications. [email protected].

12 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES the thousands of Jews buried on the campus. Report From Salonika Asra Kadisha is a worldwide organ- ization dedicated to the preservation BY RICHARD ALTABE his father took the destroyed marble of holy Jewish cemeteries abroad. PRINCIPAL, MAGEN DAVID HIGH SCHOOL headstones and used them in the They have successfully worked with construction of his home!) In 1946 U.S. authorities to fight for the Salonika (a.k.a. Thessaloníki) has the property of the cemetery was preservation of the holy remains of one of the oldest Jewish communities given to the university by the Greek the Jewish people all over the world. in Europe, with evidence of contin- government, since the city was basi- Extensive work has been done ued Jewish presence from the time of cally Judenrein, with 97 percent of throughout Eastern Europe. Asra Aristotle through today. After the the citizenry killed by the Nazis. Kadisha learned of plans to construct expulsion from Spain in 1492, There is a record of continuous a metro station on the southern bor- Sephardim flocked to the area, mak- cemetery desecration as the universi- der of the old Jewish cemetery. ing it a city so Jewish its port was Unlike the university buildings that closed on Shabbat. After the Greek- were built on top of the remains of Ottoman wars in the early part of the our people, this project will necessi- century, the area became Greek Asra Kadisha learned tate the removal and destruction of Christian. Many Jews moved away, Jewish cemetery plots. while Greek Christians moved in. Rav Ovadiah Yosef, upon learning Headstone from 1659 (5419) on the grounds of plans to construct of Aristotle University, Thessaloníki Aristotle University was founded in of the project in Salonika, wrote to the 1920s. a metro station on President Bush asking for him to stop The Jewish cemetery in Salonika is the desecrations. The State Depart- between our cemetery expert from 2,000 years old and had over 400,000 the southern border ment responded in July that the Israel and their archaeological team. graves. It occupied an area of over Greek authorities maintain that no We met with the chief rabbi of 400,000 square meters. As the city of the old Jewish damage to Jewish burial sites is Salonika. He and his community are expanded, the cemetery was sought occurring. key to our effort, because the Greeks after by the Greek government for cemetery. We visited the site recently to are claiming that they have the local expansion purposes. This expansion ascertain the truth. An aerial photo Jewish community’s support. The was resisted by the local rabbinate in from mid-November showed exten- rabbi has already made two visits to the 1930s. Nazi occupation resulted sive work being done. On our visit, the cemetery site and is organizing in the destruction of the cemetery on ty expanded over the 1950s and we witnessed the workers exhuming his community members to mount a December 6, 1942. This was the only 1960s. It was ignored by Askenazi complete human skeletons…the significant protest. cemetery in Europe that the Nazis Jewry, and the remaining Sephardic remains of our holy ancestors! We We need to rouse the global Jewish destroyed. population was too small to mount must cry out immediately to prevent community, especially the large Greeks took the marble head- any serious challenge to the contin- further desecrations! Sephardic community of Flatbush stones and used them in the con- ued desecrations. Though we found We met with the consul general at and perhaps the established Greek struction of their homes. (This was some remaining headstones in the the U.S. consulate in Thessaloníki. community of Seattle, Washington. If verified by an eyewitness account untouched forested area within the He has already responded that he is we can alert key Sephardic business from individuals I met in Salonika. campus of Aristotle University, there in touch with the Greek authorities One elderly man remembered that is no official memorial of any type to and is trying to arrange a meeting Continued on Page 14

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 13 Salonika this end, I have scheduled myself to Continued from Page 13 speak to Magen David Yeshiva High School students this Thursday, leaders in other countries (i.e., December 6, the 65th anniversary of Safra), they can also play a role. We the destruction of the cemetery. I am also need to get key members of happy to speak in other schools, as Congress and the Senate to speak out well. O on this issue. We need to educate our To contact Richard Altabe, please call Magen children about this issue. Towards David Yeshiva High School at 718-331-4002.

Jewish remains have been dug up at the work site in Salonika.

And he entered into his chamber, and wept there (Bereishis 43:30) He wept also after Yitzchak, whom he did not pay his final kindness. (Midrash HaChafetz)

14 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES The Great Escape

A STORY once, but three times—from The BY IRWIN H. BENJAMIN Home, nor because he “steals” matches and cooks up coffee and hot cakes during the night when the Nestled between the newly refur- nurses and attendants catch their bished Williamsburg Bridge and the midnight snooze break, but because giant Hillman Housing Project is the he refuses to give in; he refuses to Home of the Sages. It is one of the old- fold his cards and pack it all in. est nursing homes in New York City. I intended to be braver at this age. Realistically it should be called “the I had seen it all and survived, so I last home,” because this is the last thought I would have my chin up and place where people come to live just my shoulders back. In the earlier before dying. Too healthy to be hospi- days I stood tall and erect and proud; talized, yet too heavy a burden for their six-two, with long, muscled arms in families to carry, this is the place of total control of whatever it was life last resort, and usually the last resi- was going to hand me. Control. Here dence they will ever have. Many fami- at the Home of the Sages control lies, although loving and caring, are means having control of the call but- sometimes not physically or emotion- ton. Everything else is out of control. ally able to care for the special round- That is why we are here in the first the-clock attention required for loved place. We wet our pants, we drool, ones afflicted with Alzheimer’s, senili- we cry, we smell, we leak. That’s it, ty, dementia, incontinence, or many of really. We have sprung unstoppable the other problems that unfortunately leaks, like deflating old rafts adrift at plague the elderly. sea with no life preserver; out of flares and out of luck. The loud volume of the television Some mornings when I look in the blurting out canned laughter, and the mirror I recoil, shocked by the once somber semi-comatose state of the strong face that so quickly turned to residents is truly a study in contrast. layers of sagging skin. A few straggly Disagreeable or rancorous residents strands now represent my hair, once are quickly identified and properly brown and thick, which now no tranquilized or otherwise sedated. The longer has any real color. management insists on one hundred If you are young it is hard for you percent cooperation. Individualism is to see me. I am a shadow, bent, an frowned upon—that’s a luxury of old man, a senior citizen, a geriatric. youth, not for someone at The Home. To you I look as though I have always As a result, most appear zombie-like, been old, a permanent bent-over day after day sitting in their wheel- heap on the human landscape, a chairs and staring off into space. Non- painful reminder of the road ahead. removable metal arm bracelets are And that’s what makes Shalom worn by each resident, which elec- stand out, and that’s what makes me tronically sets off an alarm if they ever admire him so, and makes him my dare pass through any of the three exit best friend. Being a little younger portals which loom forebodingly in the than the rest of our sad motley crew, otherwise inconspicuous hallways. Of Shalom is 88. I’m 92. But it’s not the course, the bracelets are placed on age difference that distinguishes them for the patient’s own benefit. him; it is a certain spark, an eternal Stepping outside without the aid of an boyishness that he somehow never allowed to be taken away despite the attendant can bring harm to oneself as onslaught of years. He once confided well as others. So there is a good rea- in me that he has never taken a pill son for it. since he has come to The Home. He The above is a general description of makes believe he swallows them, and what usually exists at The Home, or for then, when the attendants turn their that matter many of the other nursing heads, he spits them out. He makes homes in New York City. However, in everything into some kind of game. this Home there is one exception. His He’s a fighter, and no matter how name is Shalom Friedrich. He is the fly hard they try, they can’t stop or con- in the ointment, a thorn in the side of trol him. That’s why the staff hates the staff, and a disruptive force in an him, and that’s why all the residents otherwise calm, controlled and docile cheer and admire him. environment. Like a young, belliger- Beside the ravages of age, I also ent, bucking bronco, Shalom refuses had a stroke, which paralyzed not to conform, he refused to be “broken.” only the left side of my body, but my Despite his electronic arm bracelet he vocal chords as well. Consequently, I managed to “escape” three times. am very seldom understood. The doc- Nobody as yet has figured out how he tors, the nurses, the attendants— did it. none of them can understand me. NNN Only Shalom can. He understands Let me introduce you to one of everything I say. We talk together (in Shalom’s friends, Izzy Feigen: our own way) about everything. He listens to me and makes me laugh. My name is Izzy Feigen. Shalom is (Although the stroke has prevented my best friend. Actually, he is my only the edges of my mouth from curling true friend. Here at the Home of the up into a real smile.) I only attended Sages patients don’t have friends in a cheder when I was young, so the same way you do. We just sort of Shalom is always there by my side recognize each other in passing. But making sure I am davening properly each of us, in our own secret, silent or bending over for “Barchu.” He is way admires Shalom. Not just always fixing my tefillin to make sure because he “escaped”—not only Continued on Page 16 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 15 and then blurted out “Flaum’s, in staring up at the peeling paint on the site aromas carved magic into the The Great Escape Villiamsburg, the vun you told me ceiling fan, I fell into the most deli- floor’s essence, and it was no longer Continued from Page 15 about, dats veere.” cious sleep that I could ever remem- a mere floor but a proud testament it is sitting right in the middle of my “You’ve got to be kidding,” I said. ber having. to the history of what this store was head. He is constantly pushing me to “Izzy, ya know me by now. I don’t The next time I opened my eyes I really all about. daven more, so I can one day “vox” a kid. If you vant, I take you too.” could not believe where I was. I was Opposite the glass-enclosed appe- talmid chacham. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I actually standing right in the mid- tizing counter sat jars of nuts and In one of our conversations I told have ever heard,” I said, “That’s dle of Flaum’s appetizing store. candy. Licorice, peanuts, halvah, him about my family’s trip to America impossible. How are you going to get How did Shalom get me here? chocolate-covered nuts, and just from the Old Country, and how we me out in my wheelchair?” I asked. Where was Shalom? The questions about every kind of candy one can settled in Williamsburg, just over the In typical brazen Shalom style he came in rapid succession. After the imagine dazzled the eye and excited bridge from where The Home is. I put his face close to mine and said initial shock and bewilderment, I the palate. I knew this was going to told him that one of my favorite boy- “There’s notin’ ya can’t do if you vant. settled down, and decided to forget be the happiest day of my life. hood memories growing up in But ya gotta vant.” the questions and just enjoy my Williamsburg was going to Flaum’s I felt beads of perspiration gath- good fortune. N NN appetizing store. Its proximity to the ering on my forehead as I played It’s never really exactly how you yeshiva allowed daily trips to this this “mission impossible” prospect remember it. The store seemed At 7:30 on the morning of May 14, Heavenly store. I never left without over and over in my mind. The smaller. The small narrow aisle sepa- Dino, the maintenance man, entered at least one sour pickle. ridiculousness and impossibility of rating the two sides of the store was Izzy Feigen’s room to fix a leaky show- One day, in typical Shalom style, such a notion, fraught with all its the same. The walls on either side erhead. He looked at Mr. Feigen, said with unflinching conviction, Shalom obvious dangers, were just too were piled high to the ceiling with “good morning,” and then got busy informed me that he planned anoth- much to fathom. packages and cans obscuring the doing the job at hand. Could it be er “escape.” Although laughing, I Then, for some crazy reason, not walls and giving one the feeling that that Mr. Feigen was smiling, he asked tried to talk him out of it. I told him knowing why, and without really he was about to be avalanched upon himself. That’s impossible. His stroke how unhappy all the attendants thinking about it, I decided to throw by cascading tin cans and sacks of would not permit it. He looked again. all caution to the wind. Wiping away would be with him; that they would coffee beans. Yes, it was unmistakable; Izzy did, the saliva that usually builds around The people behind the counter get in trouble, and when they find indeed, have a wide grin on his face. my mouth, I said in the most con- were different. But the smell was him, they would punish him. I told When Dino got off his ladder to take vincing way I was capable of: “Okay, unmistakably the same. The him it was not worth the risk. Shalom a closer look, he noticed Mr. Feigen’s Shalom, I’m with you.” schmaltz and pickled herring com- looked me in the eye, folded his arms long arm dangling off the bed. Dino across his chest, and said with the Shalom looked at me, obviously bined with the wooden barrels of suddenly jumped back in shock. Izzy conviction of a professional boxer, “I delighted, and said, “Ya ain't gonna pickles caused immediate saliva- Feigen was dead. ain’t afraid a’ notin–except da be sorry; dat, I can tell ya.” tion. I felt the involuntary gush of Saddened, Dino tenderly picked up Aibishter.” Although the idea was so absurd moisture around my molars. The lox We “walked” together down the and unbelievable, Shalom had con- and whitefish were neatly lined up. Mr. Feigen’s arm and placed it back hall; me in my wheelchair, Shalom vinced me that it could be done. And The little fat white fish my mother on the bed. It was then that Dino saw limping along. since I believed in him, I believed would call “chubs” were displayed it. Clutched in Izzy Feigen’s fist was a “Where will you go?” I asked him. that he would be able to make it hap- as well. The smells permeated my half-eaten sour pickle. “I give you t’ree guesses,” Shalom pen. I felt a sudden pumping of my whole body. Although the black, N NN answered playfully. Knowing it was adrenalin, which I thought had long, deeply lined wooden floor creaked Shalom Friedrich escaped one more useless playing his games, I said, “I long ago dried up. I could not with each step, I couldn’t help com- time. This time he never returned. O remember the last time I was this paring it to the lined face of an old give up.” Irwin Benjamin can be reached at He studied me for a few seconds, excited. That night as I lay in bed, Indian warrior. A lifetime of exqui- [email protected].

16 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

four children, the credit can cut your tax gible children and the Social Security ing jointly) can deduct up to $4,000 End-Of-Year bill by up to $4,000. A credit reduces and Medicare tax you paid is more than for tuition and fees for higher educa- your tax bill dollar for dollar. The your earned income credit. tion. For singles with incomes between Tax Ideas amount of the child credit is phased out It also may be a good idea to pay $65,000 and $80,000, the deduction at higher levels of income. You are only those higher tuition fees now rather limit is $2,000. After this year, the eligible for it if your taxable earned than later. Taxpayers with incomes of deduction goes away. B Y BEN NATHAN income is more than $11,300 (for $65,000 or less who are single 2006), or if you have three or more eli- ($130,000 or less for married and fil- Continued on Page 18 Although the (C.M. 369) tells us that we are obligated to pay taxes, there is no mitzvah to maximize the amount of taxes we pay. In fact, according to a number of poskim, it might even be a mitzvah to reduce the tax load.[1] That being the case, there are important tax-saving ideas that we may take advantage of before the end of the calendar tax year. These ideas can and will put extra money in our pockets. Since there is a wide variety of read- ers of the Five Towns Jewish Times,I will try to give tips applicable to a range of taxpayers, from schoolteach- ers to wealthy g’virim. 1. Schoolteachers are allowed to deduct up to $250 per year for book expenditures that they laid out them- selves and did not receive a reimburse- ment for from their school. If you don’t have your receipt, contact the book- store and request a duplicate. The deduction also applies to school sup- plies and other expenditures. 2. If you install energy-efficient insu- lation, storm windows, or doors before December 31, you can get a tax credit of 10 percent of the cost, up to $500. A tax credit is better than a deduction because it is money in your pocket. 3. Workers should take advantage of any employer-sponsored retirement benefit. Often your company will offer a plan where they may match your contribution. Take advantage of this. 4. There are a number of deductions that are overlooked by a lot of people that could also save people a few bucks here and there. If you drive your own car while doing chesed or volunteer work, you can deduct 14 cents per mile this year. Believe it or not, uni- forms and union dues that you may pay are part of your employee business expenses. The fee you pay the tax pre- parer is also deductible. Keep track of all of these and if they add up to more than 2% of your adjusted gross income, then you can use them. Enter them all on line 20 of a Schedule A. 5. The child tax credit is worth $1,000 for each child you claim as a dependent who is under age 17 at the end of the year. Remember, this is more than the regular deduction. If you have

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 17 Tax Ideas Continued from Page 17

Tips For The Wealthier There is a concept found in Rashi on the verse (Mishlei 20:12) “The hearing ear and the seeing eye, Hashem has made both of them.” Rashi explains that mankind is Hashem’s handiwork, and He desires an ear that hears mussar— ethical guidance—and an eye that per- ceives and anticipates what is to come. This verse can be looked at as an admonition to save money for retire- ment. Before December 31, you can put away $15,500 in your 401(k), or $20,500 if you are age 50 or older. In an individual retirement account (IRA), you can contribute up to $4,000 if you are under age 50, and $5,000 if you are 50 years or older this year. IRA deduc- tions can be made until April 15 of next year; 401(k)s can’t be. Don’t forget, you do not have to pay taxes on these mon- eys until you withdraw them during retirement. And then your taxes will be much lower. If you want to buy a big-ticket item, it is probably a good idea to do it before the 31st of December also, because after this year, the state sales tax deduc- tion is going away. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 made the advantages of “529 education plans” permanent. Distributions from 529 plans are tax-free if they are used to pay for qualified higher-education expenses. People used to be scared of the 529 plan, but now there is no reason to be scared of it. If you are planning on giving tzedakah anyway (also a Torah obligation) and you own a stock that has had capital gains, donate the stock rather than the money. For example, if you bought the stock at $1,000 and it is now worth $100,000 (just like Senator Clinton managed to do while she was back in Arkansas), when you sell, you will be assessed a capital-gains tax on $99,000. If you donate the stock instead of the money and you were planning to give $100,000 to tzedakah anyway, you just saved yourself a lot of money. You will get a deduction for the full current value of the stock, and you will not get hit with a capital-gains tax. You can always buy back the stock at current market rates, and this way you have a much higher basis. This is an underused con- cept that could save people thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you own a business, you can hire your kids and you can also pay your kids up to $1,700 per year and not be taxed at your higher rate. The “kiddy tax” has been an evolving process, where you can take less and less advantage of hiring a child to reduce your own taxes. H&R Block has some fascinating calculators at its website that can help you plan whether you will be paying Congress’s new Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) or not, among other things; go to culators/index.html. Hatzlachah! O

To contact the author or to request other finan- cially oriented articles, kindly e-mail [email protected]. NOTES: According to the Aruch haShulchan (Hilchos Tefillah), earning an income to support one’s family is a mitzvah. Certainly, retaining the money that you have rightfully earned would therefore be admirable worse. 18 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 19 20 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

“squatters eviction law.” Concurrently, the police, who origi- nally found the purchase documents Annapolitics in to be in order, notified the court that they now had a suspicion that some of BY DAVID WILDER Hebron Jewish community. His claim be noted. Squatters can easily be evict- the documents were forged. Supreme was filed while he was being held in a ed for up to 30 days following their Court president Dorit Beinish ordered During the early evening hours of Palestinian Authority jail in . occupancy of a building. After that the police to conclude their investiga- March 19, some eight months ago, His lawyers claimed he was being held time period, eviction becomes much tion within 45 days and report back to Hebron’s Jewish community moved for his own protection. more complicated. Rajbi demanded into a 35,000-square-foot building, The timing of the complaint must that the Jews be expelled using this Continued on Page 22 located on the main road between Hebron and . The building, purchased for over $700,000, was named “Beit HaShalom.” Initial police investigations led to a positive conclusion: the purchase is 100 percent kosher. The IDF com- mander of the Hebron region had no objection to a Jewish presence in the house; on the contrary, he regarded the site as a strategic asset and gave his blessing to the purchase. However, members of the govern- ment, with then-Defense Minister at the forefront, demand- ed a solution to the new “Jewish prob- lem” in Hebron. They didn’t have long to wait. A recently invented military order, never before implemented, was pulled off the shelves: “An order against bothering usage.” Hearings, based on this strange, draconian mili- tary order, began before a military appeals panel of three judges. Twenty-nine days after the Hebron community claimed the building, a Hebron Arab named Rajbi issued a claim in the Israeli Supreme Court, saying that the building belonged to him and that he had not sold it to the

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 21 Annapolitics judges demanded that the prosecutor In other words, the sale of the from the building in the very near Continued from Page 21 explain their findings concerning building was legitimate, the docu- future. The fact that the purchase was eviction using the “squatters eviction ments are all in order, yet Jews still legal is irrelevant. The only factor that the court. (Justice Beinish, it should law.” She responded: “[The] position cannot live there. Why? Quite simply: matters is appeasement: appeasing our be noted, recently met with the of the State is that the sale was kosher Annapolitics. enemies on both sides of the line—the American ambassador in Israel and (i.e., legitimate).” Annapolitics has nothing to do with Americans and the Arabs. discussed with him “the settlers and Make no mistake. The Americans the settlements.”) are enemies. Under the leadership of The police were unable to com- Condoleezza Rice and Bush (in that plete their investigation within 45 order), the United States has been days; they delayed their report to the The sale of the building transformed into one of Israel’s most court four times. dangerous foes. The policies being A week-and-a-half ago the prosecu- forced down our throats, including tor’s office finally reported back to the was legitimate, the documents abandonment of virtually all of Judea Supreme Court following the conclu- and Samaria, as well as Jerusalem, is sion of the police investigation: The are all in order, yet Jews still only the beginning. The Golan Heights Prosecutor’s Office would support are not far behind. eviction of the Jews from Beit Why? It is likely that Rice and Bush HaShalom on the basis of the “squat- cannot live there. are placing their historical legacy ters eviction law.” However, they gave hopes on a miraculous Middle East absolutely no reason for this conclu- peace accord. However, there’s anoth- sion. They made no mention of falsi- er reason. This is the price America is fied documents or of a fraudulent pur- Yet, several hours later, Hebron’s justice, fairness, objectivity, or basic demanding of Israel to take care of the chase. The impression left with the attorney received an eviction notice human rights. According to various Iranian nuclear threat. But for Israel, media was that the purchase was ille- stating that the building would be evac- high-level sources, Israel, pre- this is like asking: Which do you pre- gal, but no proof was offered. uated within 48 hours based on the Annapolis, promised the Arabs and fer, to be murdered or assisted suicide? Yesterday, during another hearing “squatters eviction law,” during which George Bush that the Jewish residents Israel’s leaders aren’t overly right- held by the military appeals panel, the time the decision could be appealed. of Beit HaShalom would be expelled eous either. There is Ehud “the results of 1967 will be changed significantly” Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi “it’s no longer Arab against Jew, rather moderate against extremist” Livni. These words leave little doubt as to the direction they are taking and how we, the residents of Judea and Samaria, will be defined (in one breath with Hamas and Hezbollah). What can we pray for? Also very simple. The linchpin of this entire absurdity is Abu Mazen–Mahmoud Abbas, “President” of the Palestinian Authority. If Olmert goes, Tzipi, Ehud Barak, and Binyamin Netanyahu are waiting in the wings. Bibi’s reaction to Annapolis wasn’t one of horror, rather one that said we conceded too much without getting anything in return. And when Bush concludes his presidency, who knows who will replace him. But if Abu Mazen should disappear from the scene, then the deal is off. So, maybe we should pray that Hamas gets to him ASAP. They know how to do the job, and he’s more than likely in their sights. Why should the Jews of Hebron have to be the first sacrifice of Annapolitics? (Arutz Sheva) O

David Wilder is a spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron.

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22 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 23

Rav Avraham Pam, z’l, explains that, waste and the horrific loss of life it in truth, Yosef’s wisdom did not lie in would cost. Therefore, immediately his interpretation of the dreams, as we following his interpretation, he spoke tend to think, but rather from his up, giving Pharaoh his suggestion—a advice that followed. Yosef understood suggestion which literally saved the the way people think, and he realized world from starvation. Yosef imple- that the people would bask in the mented a storage system which ended seven years of plenty, without paying up feeding millions of people, includ- heed to the second part of the dreams: ing his own family—his brothers, the that seven years of famine—“so severe shevatim, and his father, Yaakov Avinu! Diamond Picking that no one would even remember the With this explanation of Yosef’s previous seven years”—would follow. advice, Rav Pam brings out a com- The grain which would flow in the pelling message: We are often all too BY RABBI YONI POSNICK amazed by Yosef’s wisdom. marketplaces would be dirt cheap dur- quick to think that we have an unlim- Yosef did not stop there, however. ing the seven years of plenty and peo- ited amount of time. We have the Parashas Mikkeitz opens with Yosef He continued by giving Pharaoh a sug- ple wouldn’t even think of storing any mindset that we have so many years in having been in jail for 12 years. The sar gestion to appoint someone to gather away, thereby squandering countless front of us, so why worry about mitzvos ha’mashkim, the royal butler, whose and store grain during the years of tons of food—food which would be now? We think we will always have the dream Yosef had interpreted correctly, plenty for the severe famine that would precious when the famine struck. things we have, reasoning in the back had forgotten all about Yosef—until follow. What exactly was Yosef doing? A few stalks of wheat had almost no of our minds, “I don’t have to appreci- one night, when Pharaoh had two very Yosef was summoned to interpret the value during the huge surplus of grain. ate and get the most out of it right disturbing dreams of sickly cows now.” On a deeper level, we often devouring healthy ones and sickly ears think we will have a particular person of grain devouring healthy stalks. or people with us “forever”; therefore Strangely, both looked the same as we reason, “I don’t have to take full before, without a trace of what had As a result of one jug of oil (which advantage of what they have to offer at occurred. Pharaoh summoned every the present time.” last one of his advisors, but none could in ordinary times costs very little), We often lack a sense of urgency to give a satisfactory interpretation to maximize every opportunity we receive ease his mind. Just then the butler’s from the Al-mighty to come closer to mind flashed back to his days in prison a yom tov was created for all time! Him, to gain a deeper relationship two years earlier, when the “Jewish with Him, to learn His Torah, to grow slave boy” had correctly interpreted his in avodas Hashem, to fulfill the dream. He related this to Pharaoh, mitzvos. We live in the dream world of who quickly had Yosef summoned from dreams; if Pharaoh wanted advice, he When grain and food could not be the “seven years of plenty.” However, prison to his palace. Yosef understood would have asked for it. Yosef was found anywhere, however, people as the Gemara states, “if one does not that the repetition of the dream meant standing before Pharaoh, addressing would wake up and have intense regret prepare on erev Shabbos, what will he that the events would come to fruition the most powerful man in the world at for not having stored anything away eat when Shabbos arrives?” We truly soon. He gave a remarkably lucid that time! Why did Yosef take the bold when they had the chance. Yosef, how- don’t know how many opportunities interpretation of the dreams, which step of giving Pharaoh his unsolicited ever, foresaw this consequence, and had Pharaoh and all who were there advice? could not bear to think of the terrible Continued on Page 26

24 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 25 INSIGHTS ON THE TORAH gathering the bones of Yosef is held as us whom we are so blessed with, and all called simple things until they are no Continued from Page 24 the personification of this principle. It that Hashem has given us to use. We longer there. is no coincidence that Moshe was should seek to truly appreciate and maxi- One walking in a rainstorm without we will receive, or how long we will involved with retrieving the bones of mize even the seemingly little things— an umbrella gains a newfound appreci- have something or someone. In Olam Yosef. Moshe himself learned this les- which may turn out not to be so little after ation for this device. One left without HaBa (“the day which is kulo son from Yosef haTzaddik, who person- all—and use every opportunity the Ribbono a car or a refrigerator similarly devel- Shabbos”), a person can no longer per- ified this pasuk. He saw and acted with shel Olam gives us, realizing each and every ops a quick recognition of these chas- form mitzvos; he has only what he true wisdom and simply could not hold one is a chance for us to mine spiritual dia- dei Hashem. One who visits someone accomplished while in the “erev back from giving his advice to monds and prepare our “Shabbos seudah.” in the hospital or hears a tragic tale Shabbos” of this world. Pharaoh. Hashem, therefore, saw to it What is the value of one minute? gains a newfound gratitude and appre- Stop and think for a moment. How that Yosef himself, because of his sen- One only need ask a person who has ciation for his health, his loved ones, often do we pass up opportunities that sitive wisdom, would be the one who his parents, his spouse, his children, are so easy for us: learning that extra would carry out the plan, sustaining his time—his very life. Unfortunately, daf of Gemara; taking out a few min- the entire world and K’lal Yisrael. sometimes these invaluable opportuni- utes to do a simple chesed; going to Rav Pam concludes with a striking Imagine how many more ties are tragically taken away from us, shul and answering that extra “Amen thought. Not by coincidence is perhaps due to our failure to realize yehei Sh’mei Rabbah” or staying the Parashas Mikkeitz also Shabbos letters, how many more and appreciate them. One way to extra minute to just answer one more Chanukah. We know very well that one ensure that we only continue to bene- “Amen” (which the Gemara tells us of the shivas ha’minim, the seven vari- simple greetings, how fit from all we are blessed with and has tremendous spiritual power and eties for which Eretz Yisrael is praised, many more mitzvos I gain new opportunities and gifts is to influence)? A person thinks to himself, is shemen zayis. The Torah itself testi- strive to elevate our recognition and “There will be plenty of other chances; fies that Eretz Yisrael is flowing with could have so easily appreciation for the precious opportu- ‘grain and wheat are cheap,’ so why olive oil. Nevertheless, at the time of nities Hashem constantly gives us. should I worry about storing up now?” the Chashmona’im, they searched and done!” It has always been the mark of our But what will happen when the “seven searched until they found just one gedolim, our Torah luminaries, to maxi- years of plenty” end and one has no untainted jug which they could use to mize the opportunities Hashem sends more opportunities? As Rav Pam once again bring light to the Mikdash. their way. The story is told that Rav Pam writes, “How bitter will a person’s They lit the Menorah and miraculous- missed his appointment or his train by himself once wanted to visit an elderly regret be in the World to Come when ly it burned for eight full days, until this margin to gain an appreciation of sick woman in the hospital but for some he realizes how he let spiritual dia- more oil could be pressed. To com- it. What is the value of one day or one reason was unable to go and instead monds slip through his fingers!” memorate this neis, we celebrate month? One need only ask someone penned a few lines of good wishes and Before K’lal Yisrael left Mitzrayim, Chanukah to this day. As a result of with a fatal illness. What is the value refuah and had it delivered to her. The when everyone else was busy gathering one jug of oil (which in ordinary times of one jug of oil? All of the ancient woman was deeply touched by the letter riches from their Egyptian neighbors, costs very little), a yom tov was created nations of the world have disappeared, from the rosh yeshiva and kept it under Moshe occupied himself with gather- for K’lal Yisrael for all time! while our Chanukah lights have been the pillow of her hospital bed, proudly ing the bones of Yosef. The Midrash, Chazal tell us that indeed the essence of burning strong for 2,000 years of displaying it to any and all who visited. citing the pasuk in Mishlei (10:8), this yom tov is l’hodos u’lhallel, to thank galus! Human nature is such that often A short while later she passed away, comments, “Chacham leiv yikach HaKadosh Baruch Hu for His nisim—the we fail to fully appreciate what’s and Rav Pam went to the family to pay mitzvos—One who is (truly) wise of large events, and even the small jugs of oil. around us until it is taken away and no a shivah call. The story was related to heart will gather mitzvos.” What a We must strive to raise our level of appreci- longer around. We don’t really think him of how the deceased would keep beautiful Midrash! Moshe Rabbeinu’s ation for all that we have, the people around about and thank Hashem for the so- his letter with her always and was so

26 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES touched by the few lines he had writ- collecting diamonds, he became quite were delivered off the ship they con- shake out a few mitzvos, just a few pre- ten. Upon hearing this, Rav Pam’s hungry and entered the local bakery, tained a foul and putrid smell. He had cious diamonds from the mitzvos we expression changed and he seemed filling his basket with bread. He went not brought back gems, but rather performed. But think of what could lost in deep thought. When pressed for up to the cashier and pulled out a large boxes and crates of chicken fat—his have been, the riches we could have an explanation he responded, “How diamond as payment. But the man “fortune”! His wife and children were attained, how our neshamos could have long did it take me to pen those few stood there laughing at him. The poor bitterly disappointed and began to cry. sparkled! This was the wisdom of Yosef lines? Perhaps a minute or two. Yet man, not understanding, pulled out an “How could you have brought chicken (and later Moshe): Use every opportuni- apparently this small letter meant so even bigger stone, but again the man fat, which is worth nothing here? With ty and every moment to the fullest. much to her and gave her great chizuk. merely laughed at him, finally explain- only a few diamonds we could have Appreciate all Hashem has given you Such a tremendous effect and mitzvah ing in between chuckles: “You can’t lived like kings the rest of our lives! and use it wisely. As Shlomo haMelech, from those few moments I spent. buy bread with diamonds. On this But now we are doomed to poverty and the wisest of all men, said, “A wise man Imagine how many more letters, how island diamonds are dirt cheap and begging the rest of our days.” sees the future and grabs mitzvos.” many more simple greetings, how aren’t worth a thing.” The poor man, The man suddenly came to his sens- The seforim ha’kedoshim explain a much more chizuk, how many more famished and embarrassed, said, es, much to his regret and dismay. As very deep idea: The light of the meno- mitzvos I could have so easily done!” “Please tell me—what has value here?” he unpacked his clothes that night he rah, the light of Chanukah, is a reflec- This is the mindset of gedolim. The cashier responded, “On this came across the pants he had worn tion of the light of the Jewish There is a mashal related to this island, chicken fat is very rare and that very first day he arrived at the neshamah. Every yom tov connects with idea, which I heard in my childhood, therefore very valuable. One can buy island and when he shook them out a and corresponds to a certain part of a that tells of a poor man whose family almost anything with chicken fat!” few tiny diamonds fell out of the pock- person, and Chanukah corresponds to was on the verge of starvation. They The poor man walked out, deciding ets, and from these he was able to sus- a person’s neshamah, as the pasuk says, had just sold their last valuable item that he would become the biggest pro- tain his family in a modest fashion. “ner Hashem nishmas adam, the light of for a bit of food. The husband, walking ducer of chicken fat on the island. And How accurately does this describe Hashem is man’s neshamah” (Mishlei in the marketplace one day, heard two so he did. His reputation spread far the story of our lives?! Hashem sends 20:27). Just as one small jug of oil was men quietly talking about an island and wide; he was known all over the our neshamos into this world and literal- found, untainted and pure, so in the rich in diamonds. “Word has it that the island as the wealthiest man around ly places opportunities all around us; in deepest recesses of every Jewish heart very streets and houses and trees are and he lived a life of luxury. After a our homes and in the streets there are is a totally pure and unsullied piece of literally made of diamonds!” After while, he decided, having made his for- spiritual diamonds everywhere we turn! Hashem Himself—that small spark of much effort he boarded a ship headed tune, that it was time to go back to his A berachah here, a chesed there, a min- “ner Hashem nishmas adam.” Just as there. The trip itself took six months family who surely missed him and yan here, a kind word there… But all the entire yom tov came about because each way, and the ship would stay at were starving for food and clothing. He too often, we get caught up in what is of one small jug of oil—teaching us the island for six months. He departed, sent word ahead for his family to meet valuable now; we work to produce and that we must strive to appreciate the promising his starving family that him at the dock and excitedly boarded store up “chicken fat,” the temporary seemingly small things—so we must when he returned they would be able a ship for the return journey. On the pleasures of this world. When our also take out time on Chanukah, no to live comfortably forever. When his day of his arrival, his wife and children neshamah (who we really are) returns to matter what spiritual standing or level ship reached the island, the man anxiously waited as the ship docked. our Father and he asks us what we we are at, to appreciate the G-dly light looked out and all he saw was the shin- Finally, their husband and father was accomplished and brought back—“My within each of us. O ing shimmer of the jewels as far as the standing before them once again. beloved, precious child, where are the eye could see. He excitedly ran off and They excitedly asked him to see the riches you accumulated?”—what will be Rabbi Posnick gives a weekly Practical Parashah started filling every pocket he had with diamonds he had brought back and our answer? Will we with great regret Perspectives shiur, Wednesday evenings at 8:15 p.m. at the Young Israel of Far Rockaway. the precious stones. from which they would live richly. He have only the smelly crates to show for Men and women are welcome. He may be After a whole day of running around looked at them puzzled. As his bags ourselves? Perhaps we will be able to reached at [email protected].

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 27 All of that can be accomplished in hand. The typical scenario is that the under half an hour. Still, I make it my magazine I’m holding slips suddenly business to be home early, just in case. out of my hand. Sometimes the sound Just in case what—I don’t know. of the paper slapping onto the surface Mondays through Thursdays are full of the floor jolts me awake, but other days, and those days afford me ade- times it doesn’t. So Arnie calls my quate time to accomplish all that name to wake me up. A few minutes needs doing. Relinquishing half a day later his newspaper slides slowly to his Friday-Night Prayers on Friday isn’t going to kill me, or any- lap and I look up to see him sound one else. But what does get to me is asleep. Now it’s my turn to rouse him It has long been noted that our If only there were a limit as to how early the long evening ahead. After I’ve set from slumber. I have no idea why yamim tovim are never on time. We it could start. But of course, there isn’t the table and bentched licht, I sit down either one of us feels the need to do refer to a chag as either being “early any such thing. for an hour of relaxation and reading this, but we do. this year” or “late this year.” This is Immediately after the clock is before Arnie comes home from shul. This can go on, back and forth, for because the Jewish calendar year has pushed back and the days grow short, When he arrives, we sit together, read, about an hour—until we both give up nothing to do with the Gregorian cal- it feels as if Shabbos starts right in the and go over the day’s news. But regard- and decide we’re ready to retire. Now endar. Some holidays are predictable, middle of the afternoon. For some peo- less of how hard we try to stretch and then one of us will refuse to give weatherwise. Chanukah is always in ple this poses no problem, but, unlike things out, we’re always ready to eat by in. “I don’t want to go to bed so early, late fall or in winter, so it’s cold, while the housewives of today, we of an ear- 5:30. Actually we’re not really ready. because then I’ll be up in the middle of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are lier generation feel the need to be That depends on one’s definition of the night,” Arnie might say. At that usually in early fall, when it’s still home at least two hours before the word ready. We’re not even close to point I head for the bedroom and leave warm. But Pesach and Sukkos are Shabbos starts. I’m not sure how the being hungry, but it just seems to be Hubby sitting in the den sound asleep tricky, because we’re never certain if younger set does it, but I do acknowl- the thing to do. So we eat! holding his reading material aloft. the weather will be warm or cool. edge that those gals seem to manage Even with the singing of Shalom Other times I’m the stubborn one, That’s just the way it is. just fine, even though many of them Aleichem, Arnie making kiddush, insisting that I can and will stay awake. But what about Shabbos? Since prance through their front door fifteen washing, making the motzi, eating the Then Arnie is the one to leave while Shabbos arrives every week—on minutes before candle-lighting time. meal, and then finally bentsching, we I’m left alone in the den attempting to Fridays, a few minutes before sundown, I’m reasonably certain that everything can’t seem to stretch things out. What read. My eyes may be glazing over, but to be specific—one might think there gets done—and on time, to be sure— that means is that by 6:15 we’re fin- I keep trying. Most of the time, howev- wouldn’t be an issue of early or late. But but still I have to wonder…how? ished and we head back into the den er, we both follow our instincts and he would be wrong, wouldn’t he? Like When Shabbos starts shortly after 4 for more sitting. Out come the news- simultaneously head for the bedroom. the yamim tovim, Shabbosos are also p.m. (as it has been doing for the past papers, the magazines we never seem People who don’t observe Shabbos referred to as “early” or “late,” depend- few weeks), yours truly gets busy in the to find time for during the week, and might find this hard to believe, but we ing upon the time of year. But in this kitchen, and elsewhere in the house, as whatever books we happen to be read- often get into bed before 9 o’clock. I instance the “early” or “late” refers to early as 2 o’clock. Unscrewing a refrig- ing. Set for an evening of relaxation, exaggerated! The truth is we rarely do the hour, not the season. During the erator light bulb, setting up Shabbos reading, and togetherness, we do our that. Most of the time it’s earlier. Last spring and summer, when our clocks are clocks, and putting a blech over the best, but inevitably the talking and the Friday night, if memory serves me cor- set to daylight-saving time, Shabbos can stove top doesn’t take all that much reading are both short-lived. rectly, we were in bed at 8:00. Okay! start as late as 8:15 p.m. In the fall and time. And taking a shower and putting As the minutes pass, the conversa- So it was 7:30. So sue me! winter, when we return to standard the food, which I cooked the night tion dwindles down and each of us Unlike the rest of the week, when I time, it can begin as early as 4:08 p.m. before, up to heat is also not a big deal. starts to doze, with paper or book in often toss and turn, this night is always

28 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES different. Laying my head on my pillow wakeful period, between 10 p.m. and 1 on a Friday night is an absolute a.m. (or between 11 and 2, as the case mechaya, because the minute I close my may be) is just the first shift. I go back eyes I’m asleep. That’s the good news. to bed at the end of that shift, hoping The bad news is that by 10 o’clock or to stay asleep for the remainder of the 11, I’m awake. Not just awake, mind night, only to find myself up again at 4 you, but wide awake! That’s when I put a.m. One never knows how it’s going to my robe back on and head back to the play out. One can only hope. den for more reading. Sometimes I stop On nights such as these I’m so dis- off at the kitchen table, thinking that a combobulated that I’ve been known to cup of tea (decaffeinated, of course) will stand in our darkened bedroom unsure help me fall back to sleep. It doesn’t! if I’m getting up or just going back to Ever! So I continue on my way to the sleep. This translates to my being den sofa, where I know I will spend any- uncertain if I’m supposed to be recit- where from two to three hours reading. ing the Shema or saying Modeh Ani. Arnie has the same problem. On a Friday night, if I want to be Sometimes we meet in the den and medakdek, I could be busy with sometimes we don’t. It all depends on if prayers all night/morning long. O he and I are on the same sleep schedule. If I’m lucky, there will be only one Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and is a licensed real-estate broker associated with such interlude per evening. But there Marjorie Hausman Realty. She can be reached at have been times when my three hour [email protected] or 516-902-3733.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 29 certainly not something that most par- when she is at her hungriest. ents would be qualified to “fix.” Don’t slave over your meal prepara- Food refusal, which is most likely the tion. It will only make you feel more frus- case with Dina, is very common, to varying trated if Dina refuses to try what you’ve degrees, and there are certain ideas you prepared. Keep choices few and simple, may want to consider that might help you because too much variety can feel like relax a bit, understand the situation better, additional pressure. And don’t hesitate to and perhaps even enable you to positively offer her food that she previously Dear Esther, weight is not a problem. affect your daughter’s eating pattern. refused, explaining to her that each day is I’m writing to you about my seven- In the back of my mind I think about The fact that you have your own eat- a new opportunity to try something new. year-old daughter, “Dina.” I have six chil- anorexia and wonder whether a child as ing issues is probably making you more Finally, you should know that most dren, and she was the fourth child born; young as seven can actually be starting anxious about her food refusal. Despite children will improve their diet and out- the first four were born very close in age. with this disease. On some level it your discomfort and concern, you should grow at least some of their fussiness as She was always a very finicky eater, even sounds crazy even to me, and so I haven’t try not to give Dina lots of attention they get older. Firstly, this is because as an infant. I remember that when she brought my fear to her pediatrician. But when she refuses to eat, because the children are often influenced by friends was no more than 10 weeks old, she the thought lurks in my mind. Though I greater the attention she receives, the and, as much as Dina wanted to feel went off milk altogether. I had to start never suffered from anorexia, I do have more likely she is to continue with this different from her siblings at home, she her on baby rice and purées very early, weight issues and am constantly dieting behavior. As you mentioned, your first will very likely want to blend with her but thank G-d she took to some of them. and my weight does yo-yo constantly. four children were born very close friends and eat what they are eating. As she got older, she was very fussy Should I be worried? together. Even as an infant, Dina figured The social aspect and curiosity of com- about what she would and would not eat. Yo-Yo out how to individuate herself from the paring the contents of lunch boxes can There are entire groups of food that she Dear Yo-Yo, group and get lots of attention. So rather help children see food in a new and fun won’t touch, such as any type of fish or Since anorexia is such a serious condi- than making a big fuss when Dina refus- context. Also, as she starts having play hard cheese. There was no rhyme or rea- tion, I certainly don’t want to take responsi- es to eat, try praising her when she does dates and sleepovers, she will find her son to her dislikes. For instance, even bility for saying one way or another whether show interest in a new food. fussy eating habits very impractical and though she didn’t like cheese, she would your daughter has this disease. Though If you feel that she is not getting inconvenient. eat pizza. But she was totally consistent child anorexia is now being diagnosed in adequate calories, try giving her foods So hang in there, make sure that in what she would not go near, and no girls as young as six years old, my gut tells that are high in calories and nutritious meanwhile you’re finding food substi- amount of coaxing, bribing, threatening, me that it’s not the case here. Dina’s weight (not just high in calories), such as full- tutions that work for both you and her or punishing could get her to even taste is stable, and girls suffering from anorexia fat milk or peanut butter. Also avoid and, most importantly, stay calm. A some of the foods she refused. It was a usually exhibit a rapid and profound weight letting her eat whatever she chooses personal trainer once said to me that in battle I couldn’t win. But she wasn’t loss. If that were G-d forbid the case, you whenever she wants, rationalizing that reality, most people have food issues of underweight and her pediatrician didn’t would need to seek a medical professional at least she’s eating something. This some sort. The key is making sure that seem concerned about her weight. in the field immediately. will only perpetuate the problem. these issues remain within the realm of The past few months she has suddenly Anorexia, which is an eating disor- Eating and discipline should be two “normal,” and not allowing them to started disliking new foods. And though I der, is linked to an emotional problem. different issues. If you reward Dina for compromise the quality of your life. was always somewhat concerned about It is not about food, but rather about trying a new food with a chocolate bar, Esther her, now I’m getting really worried. At this feelings. These are often feelings of she will see the new food as a punish- rate, I have to wonder what she will even- intense levels of tension and anxiety, or ment to be endured and the chocolate Esther Mann, LMSW, is a psychotherapist in Lawrence. She can be reached at 516-314-2295 tually have to eat. Again, my pediatrician an inability to cope with one’s sur- bar as a reward. Also, you’re more like- or [email protected]. Esther works with doesn’t feel I need to worry, because her roundings. It’s complicated, and it’s ly to tempt her to try something new individuals and couples.

30 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES help, either. One young woman I just the young men. Ms. Herenstein called told me she was on the other describes how one friend learned or line, and asked me to call her at work. taught herself to give up “her dream” When I called at work, she said she did of having a husband who can allow her not have time to talk. When I asked to be a stay-at-home mother. Bearing when she would have time, she said in mind that tuition and camp for that she did not know. Instead of hang- three children can be in the area of ing up, I decided to be assertive, $50,000, why is that dream reason- More Tales Of Shidduch Woe Needless to say, we never spoke again. assuming that she would not have able? True, there are some such Dear Editor, A third story involves a young woman given out her number if she did not matches out there, but they are the I read Michele Herenstein’s article from California who was in town for a intend to date. I suggested that we exception rather than the rule. Was “Guys: Step It Up or Stand Down” family simcha. I called and we spoke meet, and we could talk then. She this woman willing to have a simpler (Five Towns Jewish Times, November for a while. This was Wednesday, and agreed. When I arrived for the date, life, to live in a smaller house or even 16) with mixed emotions. What she she was leaving on Monday. I was she kept me waiting outdoors for 20 an apartment to be able to have that says is true, that the young men on the working with a learning-disabled stu- minutes. When I later complained to lifestyle, or did she expect to have all dating scene need to be serious when dent the next day and was not sure the shadchan about what had hap- the luxuries, as well? How many other- dating and should be open to the pos- when I would finish, so I offered the pened, her response was that the girl wise pleasant young men had their sibility that someone is more than just possibility that we could meet later does this to everyone. When I coun- hopes dashed because they did not a shopping list of desired traits. Thursday night if the time worked out, tered that such behavior was remark- meet that one thing on her list? Even However, this advice can just as accu- or on Sunday if it did not, but that I ably inappropriate and even insulting now, when she is supposedly more rately be applied to the young women. would call Thursday evening either to a potential date, and that she should open to a less successful person, how Admittedly, I once spoke to some- way. She seemed to be happy with that, seriously discuss this with the young sure can we be that she has not one on the phone only to end the con- but when I called Thursday she never woman, her response was that they become more discriminating in other versation without asking her out. We answered the phone again. I was never had already had their conversation areas, finding other reasons to turn spoke for some time, and I have to say able to receive any reason as to why about the date and that I should do it. down matches instead of using the that it was a boring conversation. We either of those two young women Needless to say, I did not. money card? had no mutual interests, could find no changed their minds. The reality is that there are prob- topic to converse on, and spent the Some shadchanim are not much lems in the entire process, and it is not Continued on Page 34 entire time in discomfort. I had no rea- son to believe that meeting in person would be anything other than a repeat of the same, so I did not ask for a meeting. A few years later the person who had passed her name to me com- mented that the girl I “called but never dated” was getting married. I took that to heart, and have not done that again. Nonetheless, I am still comfortable having done so in that instance and am grateful that no one else has been that distant and boring on the phone. The reality is that many times shad- chanim put two people together simply because they happen to know that both are single at the same time. As anyone will tell you, such dates are unpleasant and not enjoyable, and we all would prefer to avoid them. Even people who have had bad shidduchim in their time and rail against them still put their friends in that boat. As long as that happens, there are going to be times that people are hurt, and I am not sure if there is anything we can do about it. Also, it is important for us to remember that Ms. Herenstein had access to her friends’ side of the story, and that it is very possible that the young men she addresses might have something to say if they had the chance. As a friend is fond of saying, no matter how thin it is, a pancake always has two sides. Perhaps the other side needs to be heard. I will tell you, as a man on the dat- ing scene, that I have called some women only to have them turn me down without a meeting or even a con- versation. One was a young woman I called the day after I received her number. I let slip that I had had a long day, and she asked if I was too tired to talk, to which I responded no, that I was glad to talk at that time. She asked if she could call me back in a minute and I never heard from her again. Afterwards I learned that she had called her “life coach,” who advised her that I was not the person for her. Another match was set up by a friend. I was given the number the week before Pesach and told to call ASAP. When I called, the young woman asked me to call after the holiday. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 31 Buying That First Five Towns Home

Every generation of new home buy- used for a playroom. ers introduces different priorities to A garage was important, but an the “must have” list needed for new attached garage—or even a two-car home purchases. As with clothes in garage—was a luxury. Of course, it was the fashion world, styles that were always important to have a nice back- front and center one year are casual- yard where the children could play, or ly tossed aside when the newest hot in the case of newlyweds, where they trends and colors to be seen in take could entertain in the summertime. their place. New windows and siding (or stuc-

If a large, beautiful, kosher, eat-in kitchen is already in place, it may even eclipse all the other items in the house.

Twenty years ago, when I started out co) was wonderful, but if the price in the real-estate business, first-time was right it was more important for home buyers were looking for that the house to be maintained well and affordable three-bedroom house with in good condition—everything else at least one and half bathrooms, an was a luxury. eat-in kitchen (which in those days Today’s first-time homebuyer in the meant a kitchen with room for a table Five Towns has upgraded the “must and chairs), a living room, a dining have” amenities they seek in their room and, if they were really lucky, a home purchases. Although three bed- finished basement which could be rooms might be okay, at least four bed-

32 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES rooms are better, and a master bed- would outgrow in five years.” room with a master bath even more So what else are these couples look- preferable. A living room and dining ing for in their first home purchase? room are of course necessary, but the Obviously, depending on financial cir- dining room must be at least large cumstances, some are looking for a lit- enough for a breakfront and a dining tle bit more, some a little bit less, in set expandable to 12 chairs. size and condition, but interestingly, The size and layout of the kitchen most of them are looking for the same has become one of the biggest priori- basic amenities at a minimum. ties today. New home buyers want not A main floor den is an important item, only a kitchen large enough for a as well as a large dining room. Although table and chairs, but also a kitchen everyone would like that beautiful reno- that is nice and large so it can be vated kosher eat-in kitchen, some make expanded in time with more cabinets do with an eat-in kitchen that has the and counter space. potential to be expanded eventually to If a large, beautiful, kosher, eat-in their dream kitchen. kitchen is already in place in a house Three bedrooms on the second floor for sale, it may even eclipse all the might be basically okay for some, but other items in the house in the eyes of nearly all of them want a fourth bed- the home buyer. A kosher kitchen is room or its equivalent somewhere in typically a kitchen with doubles of the the house for entertaining Shabbos necessary items—two sinks, two dish- and yom tov guests. A master bath— washers, two ovens, etc. everyone wants that, but if there is Our first-time home buyers looking space to install one in the future, this to purchase homes today are very also can be a consideration. savvy. Whereas years ago a couple Now we just have to find enough would look to buy a starter home that houses at the right price to accommo- they could afford, figuring that as the date all these great couples, and I years go by and they could afford more guess the smaller houses will have to house, they might sell and buy a larg- do for our seniors who are downgrad- er second home, today’s couples are ing or who are looking to move next to taking a much different route. Many their children! O of these young couples are saying, “We don’t want to move so quickly a sec- Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a ond time; we want a house that is the licensed real-estate broker (Anessa V Cohen Realty) and a licensed N.Y.S. mortgage broker right size for us now and later. We (A.C. Action Mortgage Corp.) with over 20 years would rather buy a house that is spa- of experience, offering full-service residential and commercial real-estate services in the Five Towns cious and might need some work, or and throughout the tri-state area. She can be has room for expansion later, as reached at 516-569-5007 or via her website, Readers are encouraged to opposed to a three-bedroom, one-and- send questions or comments to a-half bath that is all fixed up but we [email protected].

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 33 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR and all of it being brokered by the U.S. Continued from Page 31 State Department. Reviewing some history, Abba Eban If I went to a shadchan and asked (a lifetime dove) said, “The June ’67 only for a woman who had a family map represents Israel’s ‘Auschwitz’ business I could go into, or a family borders.” The Annapolis summit has fortune that would let me sit and learn taught us that, yes, violence pays off, all day, I would be shown the door. and that the true issue has never been What makes this young woman so the size of Israel but rather its exis- entitled to have that dream? Why did tence. One of the resolutions decided no one wake her up? She needs to at the summit is that the U.S. State wake up and smell the coffee, too. I Department will be the arbiter of have had shadchanim tell me how Israeli compliance and has the right to much they value feedback, only to fail veto any IDF operations in Judea and to provide it to me. I have had shad- Samaria, resulting in Israel’s becoming chanim ask me the gamut of questions a colony of America and no longer about my hashkafah (modern) only to existing as a sovereign nation. offer introductions to yeshivish women With all this information apparent, with the sheepish explanation that there are those in our Torah communi- they thought I would become more ty who still say and write, “From a stringent for the right person. There Torah (charedi) perspective, it doesn’t are women who drag men to expensive make any inherent difference what restaurants and order pricey desserts temporal flag flies about the hewn to take out even when the evening is stones of Jerusalem’s walls.” In a spiri- not going well. tual sense this is true; as a day-to-day I have to say to Ms. Herenstein: It is reality, there is nothing further from not just the guys. Everyone needs to the truth. step it up. In 1948, when the city was divided Sam Nachumov under Jordan, they exhibited complete religious intolerance, while raking the Annapolis: Old City void of all Jews. This will mark How It Can Change Our Lives the end of our young adults’ travels and Dear Editor, learning in yeshivos and seminaries; A week has passed since the trips to mekomos ha’kedoshim will be Annapolis disaster and recipe of outlawed; visits and burials in Israel destruction for Israel. Just imagine will be fraught with fear as the terror this stage: 21 Arab states rated as the cells advance closer to our borders; the worst offenders of human rights, possibility of observing mitzvos headed by kingfish Saudi Arabia; ha’teluyos baAretz will be curtailed; and Israeli officials starry-eyed with the tens of thousands of our brethren will prospect of peace even without a land; be in need of housing within the

34 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES “Auschwitz” borders. Young American-Israeli families who are living in Yehuda and Shomron will rush back to America, eagerly searching for housing, schools, and employ- ment while their entire prop- erty is demolished and destroyed. G-d willing, this is a sce- nario that will never come to be. This is the time to be proactive in bringing shalom to our homes, communities, and K’lal Yisrael so that the One Above will bless us with shalom in our homeland. Now is the time of miracles… Chag Sameach, Mrs. Caren V. May

HAFTR Students Tops In Derech Eretz Dear Editor, As a longtime resident of the Five Towns, I’d like to share the following with you and your readers. Last week, I had three occasions to be at Bagel Delight at lunch time. I found the store filled with boys and girls from HAFTR and was unbelievably im- pressed by their conduct. They were respectful, well- behaved, and a true reflec- tion of mentchlichkeit. On one of those occasions, the bagel store had a problem with its plumbing and the water was temporarily turned off. The students’ only con- cern was how to wash before they ate. They dispelled for me all negative stereotypes about the school. As I have had many opportunities to observe students from other yeshivas, I can truly say they were the best-behaved stu- dents I have ever seen. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. HAFTR has always been, to my knowledge, a yeshiva which practices the ideals of Yiddishkeit. For years they have been quiet support- ers of the Chabad House and they support Chai Lifeline in many ways. Sincerely, Nachman Ross

We are all the sons of one man (Bereishis 42:11)

A spark of prophecy was enkindled in them and they said to him, unwittingly:Yo u and we are the sons of the same man. (Midrash Rabbah) 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 35 The New Jew Slave, prisoner, ruler of millions, con- Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov were troller of an empire’s wealth—it made shepherds, as were the sons of Yaakov. no difference: the same Yosef who had They chose this vocation because they meditated in the hills and valleys of found the life of the shepherd—a life of Canaan walked the streets of depraved seclusion, communion with nature, and Egypt. His spiritual and moral self distance from the tumult and vanities of derived utterly from within and was society—most conducive to their spiri- totally unaffected by his society, his tual pursuits. Tending their sheep in the environment, or the occupation that From The Chassidic Masters valleys and on the hills of Canaan, they claimed his involvement 24 hours a day. could turn their backs on the mundane The conflict between Yosef and his The Prostration Of The Shepherds affairs of man, contemplate the majesty brothers ran deeper than a multicol- of the Creator, and serve Him with a ored coat or a favorite son’s share of clear mind and tranquil heart. his father’s affections. It was a conflict And Yosef was the ruler of the land; ence slavery and incarceration, and his Yosef was different. He was a man of between a spiritual tradition and a new he was the supplier of food to all its peo- brothers, anguished remorse, for that the world, a “fortuitous achiever” in worldliness; between a community of ple. And Yosef’s brothers came and pros- same period. commerce and politics. Sold into slav- shepherds and a politician. The broth- trated themselves to him…and Yosef Twenty-two painful years so that the ery, he was soon chief manager of his ers could not accept that a person can remembered the dreams he had sons of Yaakov might prostrate them- master’s affairs. Thrown into jail, he lead a worldly existence without dreamed about them… selves before the viceroy of Egypt, was soon a high-ranking member of becoming worldly, that a person can —Bereishis 42:6–9 remain one with G-d while inhabiting Twenty years earlier, Yosef had the palaces and government halls of dreamed two dreams which foretold pagan Egypt. the events of that day. In the first The conflict between Yosef and his For the first 200 years of Jewish dream, “We were binding sheaves in history, the shepherd’s credo held the field, when suddenly my sheaf sway. But Yaakov knew that if his arose and stood upright; and behold, brothers was a conflict between a descendants were to survive the your sheaves stood round it and bowed Egyptian galus (exile)—and the mil- down to my sheaf.” In the second, lennia of Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Yosef saw “the sun, the moon, and 11 spiritual tradition and a new worldliness. Eastern, Western, economic, reli- stars bowing down to me.” gious, and cultural galuyos that histo- Yosef’s brothers, who were already ry held in store for them—this must jealous of their father’s special affec- be subordinated to the credo of tion for him, “hated him even more for who, unbeknownst to them, was the the prison administration. He went on Yosef. If the Children of Israel were his dreams and his words.” Yaakov was very dreamer they had sold into slavery. to become viceroy of Egypt, second to pass through every social convul- well aware of this, yet “he kept the Why was it so important that this sub- only to Pharaoh in the most powerful sion of the next 4,000 years and per- matter in mind and awaited and antic- mission take place? Why did Yaakov nation on earth, and sole supplier of severe as G-d’s people, they must ipated its fulfillment” (Bereishis 37:7; await and anticipate the fulfillment of food for the entire region. become subjects of Yosef. O Rashi). For that to happen, Yaakov had Yosef’s dreams, despite his realization Yet none of this touched him. He Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher to mourn the loss of his beloved son of the terrible animosity they provoked remained the righteous Yosef who had ; adapted by Yanki Tauber. Courtesy of for 22 years, and Yosef had to experi- among his children? studied Torah at the feet of his father.

36 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Chanukah And Gelt: The Connection Between Fire And Money

BY RABBI are beautiful words. The poem says YISSOCHER FRAND that we sin because we do not appreci- ate the difference between that which In the beginning of Hilchos is sacred and that which is mundane. Chanukah, The Rambam says, “In the We spend our time and efforts on fool- time of the Second Temple, the Greek ishness. We do not know what is government made decrees against kodesh and what is chol. We ask G-d— Israel [and tried] to abolish their reli- Who has the ability to distinguish gion. They did not permit them to between kodesh and chol—to please learn Torah or perform the mitzvos, forgive our sins. and they sent forth their hands against (The Lubliner Rav, Rav Meir their property and their daughters…” Shapiro, once said about American (Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 3:1) Jews that they know how to make Let us consider this list: They nulli- Kiddush, but they don’t know how to fied our religion, they did not let us make Havdalah. In other words, they learn, they did not permit us to do put the wrong emphasis on things. mitzvos, they took away our daughters, That which is holy, they treat lightly, and they took away…our money. and that which is really unessential, Money may be important, but should it they make holy. They do not know how be listed in the same breath with the to differentiate.) others? Should the Rambam be equat- What is the next line of the pizmon? ing the taking of our money with the “Zareinu v’chaspeinu yarbeh k’chol,” taking of our daughters? And not only which means: “May our children and that, but the Rambam mentions our money increase like the sand.” money first! This, in and of itself—the lumping of How are we to understand this children and money in the same statement of the Rambam? breath—would be difficult to compre- Many people have the custom, to hend. But, moreover, we just finished say a pizmon (poem) on motzaei saying that we are inadequate for not Shabbos which begins “Ha’mavdil bein being able to distinguish between holy kodesh l’chol, chatoseinu Hu yimchol— and mundane, and now we go ahead He who distinguishes between that and make the same mistake all over which is holy and that which is not holy, He will forgive our sins.” These Continued on Page 38

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 37 Chanukah And Gelt tremendous things with money. We handles it wrong, it can destroy him. what we say on motzaei Shabbos: if we Continued from Page 37 cannot exist without money. This, the Rambam says, is what the want to be successful with our chil- But money corrupts, sometimes— Greeks understood. When they wanted dren, then we also need that “our again—equating that which is holy most of the time. However, money, in to take out the foundations of the money increase like sand.” Imagine! (children) with that which is mundane and of itself, can be the greatest tool Jewish people, they sent forth their Money like sand—unlimited funds! (money)! that there is. The Midrash says that hands against their money and their Consider what that would mean. We This would be like davening Maariv when G-d showed Moshe Rabbeinu a daughters. Take away their money. could pay educators, instead of their immediately after Yom Kippur, without current low-rate salary—one half, one having the proper kavanah. We’ve just third, or one quarter of what the finished confessing our sins for lawyers and the doctors are earning— improper thoughts during prayer, and an amount that they truly deserve. then we turn around and do it all over What would the face of Torah education Imagine if we could pay our teachers again! Here, too, we have just con- top dollar. What would the face of fessed our failure to properly set prior- Torah education in America look like if ities, and then we lump children in America look like if we had unlimited we had unlimited resources and could together with money. pay top dollar? What would be if we Rav Shimon Schwab offers a beauti- resources and could pay top dollar? could increase the student-to-teacher ful insight, both in the Rambam and in ratio from 1 teacher per 25 kids to 1 the pizmon. Rav Schwab says that teacher per 15 kids? what the Rambam means by saying the What about the children that need Greeks took away our money and our extra help? For those children, we daughters is that the Greeks knew how half-shekel coin, He showed Moshe a Don’t let them have yeshivas, don’t let could even have one teacher for every to destroy us. If we are to succeed with “coin of fire.” And that’s what money them have Torah educators. That is two children. It wouldn’t matter if that our children and with our religion, we is. Money can be terribly destructive, how the Jewish People will be would require an extra salary! We need money. In order to have yeshivos, like a fire. But where would we be destroyed. The Rambam has his prior- could do amazing things. The Jewish shuls—a community—one needs without fire? No heat, no light, noth- ities very straight. The Greeks knew People would be a different Jewish money. Money is a wonderful thing. ing. Money is the same way. If one how to wage a war. People if our children and our money Let’s not kid ourselves. We can do handles it right, it can save him. If one Rav Schwab says that this, too, is were “increased like the sand.” That is the prayer. We know what is holy and sacred, and we know what is mundane and profane…and we know what money can do. We can do the right things with money. We can change the Jewish People with money. We pray that we have “children and money like sand” to accomplish won- derful things for the Jewish people. ( O

Dedicated in memory of Aharon Yehuda ben Nassan (Arnold) Ginsberg by his children. Transcribed by David Twersky from Commuter Chavrusah Torah Tapes on the weekly Torah portion No. 76. Tapes or a complete catalogue can be ordered from Yad Yechiel Institute, P.O. Box 511, Owings Mills, MD 21117-0511. Call 410-358-0416 for further information.

Then spoke the chief butler to Pharaoh… “There was there with us a lad, a Hebrew, a slave… and he interpreted to us our dreams” (Bereishis 41:9–12) Accursed are the wicked, for they never do a kind- ness thoroughly. In men- tioning Yosef, the chief butler speaks of him in disparaging language:“a lad”—unwise and unfitted for a high position;“a Hebrew,” who does not even know our language “a slave,” and it is written in the bylaws of Egypt that a slave may neither become a ruler nor dress in princely robes. (Rashi) 38 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES The Chayei Adam On Chanukah

Halachic Musings prohibition.5 for its light is also pure.6 If he does cotton or strands of flax. B Y RABBI YAIR HOFFMAN Nevertheless, the preferred man- not have this, he should take from He is not obligated to switch the DIRECTOR, TIFERET CHAYA ner of performing this mitzvah is with tallow or fat. The law is similar in wicks each night, rather, he can light PROGRAM FOR GIRLS olive oil, similar to the miracle that regard to wicks that are not permitted with them until they deplete occurred in the Beis HaMikdash for use on Shabbos; they are permit- (Shulchan Aruch 673:4). The As a quick review of some hilchos Berurah explains that this is not a biza- Chanukah, we find below a translation yon for the mitzvah since in fact it of Rabbi Adam Danziger’s laws of makes it easier to light if the wicks Chanukah (the Chayei Adam) with Were it not for the fact that they were previously used. additional notes. The Chayei Adam The candles should not be made was the halachic authority for from wax from a house of idol worship, Ashkenazic Jews of Lita prior to the lit in the power station, his even if the non-Jew had already nulli- . fied it, for it is repugnant. It is a mitzvah to light using a The Obligation Of Lighting electric menorah would not light, metal menorah, or one of glass, One must be very careful regarding because of hidur mitzvah.7 If he the lighting of the candles (Shulchan thus the lighting is not from him. lights with a ceramic menorah (an Aruch 671:1) The Gemara states that unglazed one), after he used it for a person who does so will be reward- one night it becomes old, and one ed with children who are talmidei cannot light with it on a different chachamim. where it was with olive oil. If it is not ted for Chanukah candles. night, for it is repulsive. Therefore, Even a poor person who is support- to be found, he should take oils that Nevertheless, the preferential man- ed through charity must collect are pure and clean, or a wax candle, ner of performing this mitzvah is with Continued on Page 40 money or sell his clothing to light, (Biur Halachah 671:2) in order to publicize the miracle and to add praise and gratitude to Hashem for the miracles that He has wrought for us. Nevertheless, he is only obligated to collect money or sell his clothing enough to obtain one candle each night, which is the essential mitzvah (Eliyahu Rabbah). The local gabbaim are obligated to provide candles to one that cannot afford them. However, they only have to provide him with one candle per night. If he has one candle, even though he does not have a candle for the table, he should light the candle with Chanukah in mind, even though he is, perforce, benefiting from its light (Magen Avraham 678:2).1 Both men and women are obligat- ed in lighting Chanukah candles. Women are obligated for they too were involved in the miracle (R. Yehoshua Ben Levi, Shabbos 23b). Unless they have a minhag other- wise, however, the minhag is for mar- ried women and single girls to rely on the lighting of the baal habayis, and not light by themselves as well.2 A child that has reached the age of instruction, his father is obliged to teach him, for all were included in that miracle.3 If a blind man has a wife, she should light for him, or he can share in someone else’s candles, via pay- ment. If he has his own home and does not have a wife, he should light with the aid of others.4 A woman can light to exempt a man.

Materials Of Lighting All kinds of oils are permitted, even if they are not drawn well to the wick.5 This is even true on the eve of Shabbos that falls on Chanukah, for even though it is prohibited to light Shabbos candles with such an oil, that case is prohibited because it is permissible to make use of the light of Shabbos candles, we are thus con- cerned that he may adjust it. This is not so regarding Chanukah candles, where it is prohibited to make use of the light, therefore there is no 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 39 Regarding the age of the child see preface to Halachic Musings PMG note 10, where he writes that for mitzvos Continued from Page 39 other than Shema and tefillah the age that one is obligated to instruct them is five or six he should take a new vessel each (depending upon the child’s intelligence). If, night, or burn it out. however, the child already understands this mitzvah at an earlier age, than the father must Most poskim forbid the use of an provide him with a candle to light. electric menorah, as it contains neither 4. Although M.B. 675:9 quotes the Shaarei oil nor wick. According to R. Ovadiah Teshuvah stating that a blind man should not Yosef (Yechaveh Daas 4:38), in a situa- recite the berachos, and Aruch HaShulchan tion where absolutely nothing else is concurs, Shevet HaLevi (4:67) writes that a blind man may recite the berachos of available, one should light with an Shehecheyanu and She‘asa Nisim. Rabbi Eider electric menorah, relying on the opin- reports that Rabbi M. Feinstein, z’l, held that the ion of Rabbi Yosef Mashash (Mayim blind man may recite all the blessings. Chaim 279) but should not recite the 5. The Pri Megadim cited in Mishnah Berurah blessing. A gas burner may likewise not 673:2 writes that something whose benefit is prohibited, such as cooked milk and meat mixtures be used for Chanukah candles, due to may not be used, nor may they be nullified the absence of a wick and solid fuel. purposely into one of sixty parts. It is legally Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank in Har Tzvi considered “crushed to dust” and hence it cannot (O.C. Vol. II, 114:2) writes that were it fit the requirement of a minimum amount. The Shaarei Teshuva also prohibits it and states that not for the fact that they lit in the the Be’er Haitev’s quote of the Shaar Ephraim power station, his electric menorah permitting it is an error. The Aruch HaShulchan, would not light, thus the lighting is not however, permits all these things (isurei hanaah) from him.O because of the concept of mitzvos lav lehanos nitnu. The Aruch HaShulchan states that “crushed The author can be reached at to dust” does not apply to liquid items citing Tosfos [email protected]. Eiruvin 80b as a source. L’halachah, we follow the Mishnah Berurah’s citation of the Pri Megadim. NOTES: 6. In a situation where olive oil was not 1. Magen Avraham equates this with the case of available, and a person began to arrange his danger that the Ran discusses and permits menorah with wax candles, and then olive oil placing it upon the table. Apparently from the arrived later, the Shvus Yaakov 1:34 writes that fact that it is permitted to benefit from it in a the wax candles should be used. Although the time of danger, and we do not say that he Chacham Tzvi writes that the olive oil should be should not light it all, the Magen Avraham feels used, see Shevet HaLevi (3:79) who questions that the same would apply if he simply did not the Chacham Tzvi’s proofs. have enough for both personal light and 7. See Kaf HaChaim (673:60) that metal is Chanukah light. preferable to glass. This would apply to the 2. The Chasam Sofer explains that since women actual holder of the oil as well. See further did not light in previous times, when the lighting GRAZ and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 139:5 where was done publicly outside and it would have they likewise state the preference of metal and been a lack of modesty to do so, they do not light glass. Note that the Mishnah Berurah does not at these times as well, even though it is no longer mention this preference. A candelabra, although in public. permitted technically is not a hidur for 3. However, see M.B. 675:14 that for a child it Chanukah lights. See Biur Halachah 671:9 is sufficient to light one candle each night. “UMuttar.”

40 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Fourth Annual December 25 $25 for adults, $23 for seniors and stu- Noshing Tour Extravaganza dents. Pre-registration is required. Join the Lower East Side Jewish For further information, contact Conservancy as they visit and eat at Laurie Tobias Cohen, executive direc- three unique historic sites. Start with a tor, at 212-374-4100 ext. 1 or by Continental Lower East Side breakfast e-mail at [email protected]. nosh (bagels, bialys, spreads, and pas- The Lower East Side Jewish tries). End with a sample of foods from Conservancy is a not-for-profit organi- a classic Eastern European “kiddush” zation dedicated to preserving, sharing, of herring, arbis, potatonick, schnapps, and celebrating the Jewish heritage of dried fruit, and halavah. the Lower East Side. Private customized Enjoy the history of the beautifully tours are available by appointment. O restored Congregation Chasam Flatbush Basketball League’s Burtoluccis Team celebrating their win with a melaveh malkah at Burtoluccis Ristorante (1969 Coney Island Avenue in Brooklyn), compliments of Mr. Vitriol. Sopher, New York City’s oldest contin- Flatbush Basketball League: uously operating active Week 4 Recap building. Marvel at the stunning inte- Home and Stone 67, Jewish Press 67. Eye and Optics 39, Magnificent rise as Shloime Liff scored a season- rior of the Angel Orensanz Cultural In the game of the year, Home had a Marble 31. The surprising Optics team high 30. Avraham Jungreis had 23 for Foundation, the oldest surviving struc- 10-point lead in the fourth but could- (3–0) remains undefeated with a big the winless Corner (0–3). ture built as a synagogue in the city. n’t hold it as Yisroel Mesch and win against a solid Marble team (2–1). Mountain Food 66, GFI 36. After This building housed the former Shmuel Kohn, who each had 22 for Dovid Liff led with 12. Yaakov Shapiro just three weeks, Mountain Food (3–0) Congregation Anshe Chesed (Reform), J.P., started clicking. The game contin- had 11 in the loss. seems unbeatable as Chesky Itzkowitz the third Jewish congregation founded ued back and forth, and after two OT’s Jerry Meyer Studio 40, Shloime and Menachem Weiderman had 30 in New York. Soak in the surroundings the game remained tied. Asher Dachs Orchestra 38. Studio (1–2) and 22, respectively, dominating the at Congregation B’nai Anshei Abramson took on the J.P. (2–0–1) picks up their first win as Victor backcourt and frontcourt. GFI (1–2) Brzezan (also known as the Stanton team by himself, piling up 34 for Chrem scores 19 to lead his team. suffered its second straight loss. Street Shul), one of the few remaining Home and Stone (0–2–1). Dachs (0–3) played a good game again Burtoluccis 63, Goldsmith Roofing tenement-style left today. First Meridian 53, Creative Lighting but can’t seem to finish. Zalmy 38. This game was close until the sec- The public walking tour and nosh- 40. After a week’s absence, Gavreil Leiberman had 14 in the loss. ond half began, when Burtoluccis ing extravaganza is scheduled to take Velensky came out firing, leading Wheels to Lease 41, Midwood (3–0) outscored Goldsmith (30–5) to place on Tuesday, December 25, Meridian (3–0) to victory, with 20 Lumber 21. Tzvi Moller continued to remain perfect on the season. Yehuda beginning at 11:30 a.m. The tour lasts points. Yehuda Gelb continued his carry his Wheels team with 16 points. Gutkind had his second straight 24 approximately three hours. Meet in solid play with 13. Shmuel Sheinkopf Yoni Hirth chipped in with 8. point game in the win. front of Chasam Sopher, 10 Clinton had 12 for the struggling Lighting Blue Ribbon 46, Corner Hardware Street (corner of Houston). The fee is (1–2). 40. Blue Ribbon (2–1) continued their Continued on Page 43

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 41

A Five Towns Simcha Photos By Ira Thomas Creations

David Beer, son of Mark and Aliza Beer of Cedarhurst, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at the Lawrence Country Club on November 11. Catering was by Chap-a-Nosh of Cedarhurst, flowers by Debbie Flowers, and music by Gabay.

42 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS wonderful show, please call Sheryl Stews and Casseroles. Warm up this rals; share your experiences with oth- Continued from Page 41 Wyzskowski at ext. 222. winter with cassoulet, Mediterranean ers. For further information, call Linda Dinner with Friends in Cedarhurst. fish stew, and more! Tuesday, Dec- Balch at ext. 211. O Quality Healthcare 62, Duscany 57. Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. ember 18, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Even with their PG missing, Quality This is a singles program for adults age Stress-free Dinner. Rid yourself of Kollel Chatzot: When The Gates Of (3–0) hit big shots down the stretch to 60 and over. One of the hardest times stress and make easy-to-prepare deli- Heaven Are Opened take the victory. Yehuda Spirn had 23 when living alone is the dinner hour. cious meals. You’ll learn creative Eretz Yisrael, at midnight—The city in the win. Asher Fried had 22 for Why dine alone when you can dine shortcuts and techniques while pro- of Beitar is blanketed in quiet and an Duscany (1–2). with friends? Pre-registration is ducing dishes that satisfy gourmet aura of tranquility. But a group of tzad- Café Napoli 63, Sweet Choice 43. required. For further information, adults as well as picky little ones. dikim, under the leadership of Rabbi Napoli (1–2) came from nowhere, please call Lisa Stern at ext. 209. Pinwheel Cake: 10:30 a.m.– Yehoshua Meir Deutsch, is just rising pouncing on Sweet Choice (2–1) to Rosh Chodesh Lunch & Learn in 12:00 p.m. and 7:30–9:00 p.m. This and preparing for a new day. They earn their first victory. Shuie Schenker Lawrence. Tuesday, December 11, magnificent piped cake is easier than gather to recite Tikkun Chatzot, and and Ephraim Fink had 15 and 13, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Beth Shalom. it looks. For information or to register then dedicate the remaining hours respectively, in the win. Enjoy a delicious dairy kosher buffet for any of these classes, please call until morning to study. At daybreak In other scores: Glatt Mart (2–1) luncheon, followed by an intellectually Sheryl Wyzskowski at ext. 222. they hurry to the mikveh so as to 65, Schreiber’s Bakery (0–3) 50; T stimulating lecture by local rabbis and Caregivers Support Group in approach the morning prayers with Fusion Steakhouse (2–1) 68, Torah Judaic teachers. Fee $2. For further Cedarhurst. Wednesday, December 13 added purity and sanctity. Treasures (1–2) 51; Cagan Cooling information, please call Sheryl at 7:00 p.m. Are you caring for an eld- The and many other holy books (1–2) 47, Decoware Hardware (1–2) Wyzskowski at ext. 222. erly loved one? You may find yourself characterize midnight as the time when 31; Harrico Pharmacy (3–0) 32, Desktop Publishing Class in trying to meet the demands of work, the portals of heaven open up to our Mountain Fruit (1–2) 20. O Cedarhurst. Wednesday, Decem- family, and caregiving, all at the same tefillos and Hashem is the most recep- ber 12, 7:00–9:00 p.m. For further time—meeting everyone’s else’s needs tive to our supplications. He listens to JCC December Events information or to register, please call but your own. The stress, anxiety, and those who are engaged in Torah at this The JCC of the Greater Five Towns Sheryl Wyzskowski at ext. 222. sense of being the only one carrying the time of night and fulfills their wishes. has a central location in Cedarhurst at Kosher Culinary Institute in burden may be overwhelming. Do your For this reason, our greatest Sages of 207 Grove Avenue and several satellite Cedarhurst. Wednesday, Dec- loved one a favor: explore your options; locations around the community. The ember 12, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: obtain practical information and refer- Continued on Page 44 central phone number is 516-569-6733. Birthday Parties in Cedarhurst. Sundays, 10:30 a.m. A choice of activities that will keep your children excited. For further information, please call Rebecca Mintz at ext. 205. Birthday Parties in Far Rockaway. Sundays at the Young Israel of Far Rockaway. For further information, please call Corrine Fuchs at 718- 471-7070. Café Europa in Lawrence. Wednesdays, 1:00–3:00 p.m. at Beth Shalom. A special gathering for older adults embracing their past with a European flavor. Enjoy meeting new people with a little nosh, Yiddish humor, lectures, and more. For further informa- tion, please contact 516-569-6733. Remember When in Cedarhurst. This program is especially designed for memory enhancement and socializa- tion. The program runs 10:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. The cost includes a full range of therapeutic activities, morning beverage, dessert, and a kosher lunch. Round-trip door- to-door handicapped accessible trans- portation is available on a limited basis. Registration is limited, on a first- come, first-served basis to ensure max- imum benefits to each participant. For further information call the JCC at 516-569-6733. Adult Singles with Disabilities in Cedarhurst. Sunday, December 9, 4:00–6:00 p.m. Holiday party with live entertainment with Bobby Miller. Hanuka Harry gift exchange. Luscious latkes and light refreshments to be served. Fee is $5 in advance, $7 for same-day registration. Sunday, Dec- ember 16, 2:00–4:00 p.m. Matinee at the JCC: Blades of Glory is a light com- edy featuring Will Ferrell. Popcorn and light refreshment to be served. Fee $5. Pre-registration required for all events. For further information or to pre-regis- ter, please call Chana Pfeifer (ext. 213) or Bracha Arnan (ext. 204). Chanukah Family Show in Cedarhurst. The Triumph of the Maccabees at the JCC building on Sunday, December 9 at 2:00 p.m. Large colorful hand puppets. For fur- ther information or to register for this 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 43 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS between the kollel and its donors, is ill, chas v’shalom, etc. Indeed, this Continued from Page 43 The Kollel Chatzot scholars have whereby a certain period is funded and merit has proved itself over and large families with many mouths to the tefillah and learning during that over—sometimes in very tangible times gone by rigorously maintained a feed. The community, which started period is dedicated, specifically and by ways. One day Rabbi Deutsch routine of tefillah and start- out as a group of five dedicated men, name, to the merit of the donors. received a call from a woman in New ing at midnight. With the decline of the currently numbers over 60 members, Every study session has its own printed York, distraught over a relative who generations, however, this way of life with more hoping to join. Rabbi list of supporters, and the kollel mem- had been erroneously imprisoned in has fallen into obsolescence. Deutsch has committed himself to bers pray for them by name. Once a America. The lawyers and other pro- But at Kollel Chatzot, this beautiful providing a fixed stipend of $600 per week the entire kollel visits the Kotel fessionals who had been hired to

Participants in Kollel Chatzot daven and study Torah starting at midnight. Rabbi Yehoshua Meir Deutsch, head of the Kollel Chatzot program. and holy tradition has been revived month to each member, funded solely at midnight to pray for all of Am Yisrael defend the man had had no success in and is maintained by a community of by private donors, with no organiza- and also specifically for all the sup- freeing him. They were not even able scholars and pious men, whose aim is tional or governmental support. The porters listed in the kollel register. to convey kosher food or tefillin to the to enhance the lives of the k’lal in their donors are regarded as full and equal Aside from the wish to be part of prisoner. At the time, Rabbi Deutsch merit. Their mission is undertaken on partners in the kollel, in accordance this special endeavor, the decision to was canvassing for funds to cover behalf of all of Am Yisrael, an underly- with the time-honored Yissachar/ support the kollel may be made for a Pesach expenses for the members of ing principle that describes both the Zevulun alliance. A formal agreement particular z’chus: success in a his kollel. He proposed that the overall vision of the kollel and its prac- (recognized in halachah and set forth prospective business deal, in honor of tical operations. (See video at in the Shulchan Aruch) is signed a family celebration, for a person who Continued on Page 46

44 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 45 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS tributing towards the kollel’s perma- Continued from Page 44 nent premises. Contributions towards A Five Towns Simcha the building will be appropriately woman cover the cost of the matzos memorialized. Photos By Captured Images for Chag haCheirut—the Festival of Rabbi Deutsch will be visiting the Liberation—with the hope that in this U.S. for three weeks, starting December merit her relative would be liberated 16. He may be reached during this time Bar Mitzvah of from prison. The woman readily at 646-403-3750. To contact the kollel Ian Mark, agreed, and she finalized her contri- in Israel, call 972-2-580-3545. son of Tammy and bution on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. By Contributions are tax-deductible in the Steven Mark, the next day, her relative’s judgment U.S., and may be made by credit card. took place on had been rescinded and the judge, Checks may be sent by mail to P.O. Box November 11 without any seeming reason, elected 30067, , Israel, or to the U.S. at the to free the man immediately. address: c/o Friedman, 1540 40th St., Lawrence Rabbi Deutsch, who has had to Brooklyn N.Y. 11218 (718-972-7169). Country Club. uproot and replant his kollel many Personal requests for special tefillos times over, is determined to improve may be sent to [email protected] the current cramped conditions and or to fax number 972-2-580-5123. O has undertaken the construction of a large edifice, with an adjacent mikveh, Mesivta Ateres Yaakov that will serve the needs of the kollel Awards Breakfast and serve as a testament to the service Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, the Ruth and of Hashem 24 hours a day. Its roster of Hyman Simon High School, held its activities will comprise the Kollel 16th Annual Father/Son Awards Chatzot, a day kollel, and Torah Breakfast on Thanksgiving morning. instruction in both Hebrew and Executive Director Michael Salzbank English. Refreshments will be avail- said, “It is always a delight to spend a able day and night. A plot of land has relaxed morning with fathers and their already been approved and set aside by sons. This year we had Rabbi the Beitar municipality for this specif- Yerachmiel Milstein, a senior lecturer ic purpose. at Aish HaTorah Discovery Seminars, Our sources teach that just as the speak about the mitzvah of v’ahavta Exodus from Egypt occurred in the l’reiacha ka’mocha (love your neighbor middle of the night, so will the final as yourself). His stories, insights, and redemption come about by the merit of down-to-earth message of how we can those who awaken in the middle of the better fulfill this mitzvah inspired night. The public is warmly invited to everyone.” take an active, meaningful part in this Each year the breakfast also fea- holy endeavor by sponsoring study ses- tures awards for the semiannual essay sions (either single sessions or a period contest and excellence in limudei of a week, month, etc.) or by con- kodesh, limudei chol, and midos. Over

46 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Avi and Yidi Tepfer

Stuart and Baruch Warsawsky

Morton and Nuriel Kramer

360 fathers and sons participated in donors. High-school students con- the breakfast, which has become a tribute approximately 10 percent of highlight of the year. O all blood donated in New York each year. The New York region still Mesivta Ateres Yaakov Gives The depends on blood from other parts of Gift Of Life the country for one-fourth of its By Rachel Shapiro blood supply, and the contributions On Tuesday, November 27, from the students at MAY will help Mesivta Ateres Yaakov hosted the fill this gap. Long Island Blood Center for their Doniel Pearlman, coordinator of semiannual blood donation cam- this year’s blood donation campaign, paign. Donating blood is literally giv- said, “It’s an honor and privilege to be ing the gift of life. Cancer and sur- part of such a tremendous experi- gery patients, accident and trauma ence. The professionalism of the staff victims, newborn babies, and many of the Long Island Blood Center put others—close to 2,000 people in the the students at ease. Many of the stu- New York Metropolitan area every dents made their first blood donation single day—need blood transfusions and will, hopefully, begin a lifetime of to survive. being a blood donor.” O There is no substitute for human blood; its only source is volunteer Continued on Page 48 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 47

AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS and those attending will also mation, please call the YILB “Every food item for break- kosher breakfasts and lunches Continued from Page 47 enjoy indoor carnival booths Youth Department at 516- fast and lunch is fresh, with prepared by Mr. Perlmutter are with prizes for all, hot dogs, 385-5183. O nothing boxed or frozen,” Mr. served at St. John’s Mondays Young Israel Of Long Beach cotton candy, popcorn, and Perlmutter emphasized. Hot through Fridays. Prepackaged The Youth Department of sufganiyot. Expertly Prepared Kosher the Young Israel of Long The fun will take place this Meals At St. John’s Beach invites you to their Sunday, December 9 at the Episcopal Hospital annual Chanukah Extrava- Young Israel (120 Long Beach St. John’s Episcopal ganza. This year the event will Boulevard). Doors open at Hospital celebrated the 20th feature the live game show, 11:30 sharp! For more infor- anniversary of its kosher kitchen by adding freshly pre- pared hot and cold kosher lunches and breakfasts to its menus, featuring tilapia, salmon, whitefish, penne (pasta), lasagna, sushi, and fresh vegetables. Breakfast may include french toast, veg- etable omelettes, and blueber- ry or strawberry pancakes. The new menus and hot meals are the creations of Russell Perlmutter, who, as a specialist in kosher cuisine, brings to the St. John’s kitchen more than 15 years of culinary experience. Under his direction, the hospital’s kosher kitchen and menus were completely revamped. The kashrus of the kitchen is overseen by Rabbi Zalmon Baida, the hospital’s chaplain, St. John’s Hospital’s new kosher chef, Russell Perlmutter (L) with some sushi and follows the standards set he prepared. Admiring Mr. Perlmutter’s handiwork is by the Vaad Harabonim. St. John’s CEO John Gupta.

48 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES kosher meals are served at dinner and ship of Dr. Susan R. Katz, until her weekends. Upon request by mothers retirement in 2007. Dr. David Rogoff, who are delivering (and their hus- Shulamith’s dean emeritus, contributed bands), he will prepare in advance a full to the growth and success of the ele- Shabbos meal. He also provides the mentary school until his retirement. same kosher breakfasts and lunches to The Shulamith schools are recog- Bishop MacLean Nursing Home, an nized for their academic excellence in affiliate of the hospital. both limudei kodesh and secular stud- Rabbi Baida pointed out that the ies. The schools’ mission statement hospital extends a welcome to Jewish includes the obligation to continue in patients and visitors that includes a the mesorah of being strict in halachah Shabbos elevator, easily arranged and minhag and a deep love for chesed, overnight accommodations, and a ded- Torah, Am Yisrael, and Eretz Yisrael. icated room. O CAHAL is a yeshiva-based program of self-contained classes for children Bnot Shulamith Joins CAHAL with learning disabilities, language Bnot Shulamith of Long Island has impairments, and/or attention deficit joined the consortium of yeshivas that disorders from kindergarten through support CAHAL, the community-wide high school. CAHAL was organized by special education program for children local rabbis, principals, and communi- with learning disabilities in our local ty leaders who were concerned with yeshivas. Bnot Shulamith joins Bnos the challenges presented by children Bais Yaakov, HAFTR, HALB, HANC, who were not succeeding in the main- Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, Siach Yitzchak, stream yeshiva class, even with Torah Academy for Girls, Yeshiva resource room or other support. Since Darchei Torah, Yeshiva Ketana of Long 1992, hundreds of children have been Island, and Yeshiva of South Shore in able to attend the same yeshiva as their this joint effort. siblings and friends, learning the Shulamith School for Girls, the first mainstream curriculum, in a profes- Hebrew elementary school for girls in sionally staffed, highly individualized America, was organized in 1929 at its program. This year CAHAL is educat- Boro Park location. Shulamith High ing over 100 children in 12 special- School was opened in 1980. Shulamith education classes. of Brooklyn has an enrollment of over Shulamith has some unique pro- 700 students, from early childhood grams. On the preschool level, through high school. Bnot Shulamith of Handwriting Without Tears focuses Long Island was opened in September on OT skills, strengthening children’s 2000 with 55 girls and presently edu- muscles, improving dexterity, and cates 439 students from nursery promoting a general good feeling through 8th grade. The high school flourished under the educational leader- Continued on Page 50

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 49 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Family Goals cially, and I have to keep pace. But might make progress in curtailing the Continued from Page 49 By Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski believe me, this kind of living is not drug-abuse epidemic. Just as it is important for each of us what I see as my goal in life. I think I One evening I met with a group of about their writing. Shulamith is in to have a goal and a purpose, it is also can prevent myself from being swal- parents whose children were in treat- the second round of ordering fantas- important that we help our children lowed up by this lifestyle, but I have ment for drug abuse, and I conveyed to tic outdoor riding toys for its stu- understand that they, too, have value small children. They are going to grow them my idea that, if they dedicated dents. This will give the students a and meaning, and that part of life is up witnessing all of this. How do I con- their families to “doing good” rather chance to be more physical and have finding their own purpose. A 31-year- vince them that this lifestyle is not the than just to “feeling good,” they could active play during their day at school. measure of happiness? Should I sell exert an influence on their children On the elementary school level, the my business and home and move into that would lessen their likelihood of erev Shabbat d’var Torah parashas a less affluent neighborhood?” future drug use. ha’shavua program helps to develop My counsel to Herbert was that there The following morning, the thera- self-confidence, self-esteem, and was no need to trade down for a less pist said to me, “You made a strong sense of accomplishment. affluent environment, if… If he talked point with the parents last night. After Special guest lecturers before rosh with his children about meaningful val- you left, I heard them say, ‘Dr. Twersky chodesh and yamim tovim enrich and ues; if the ambience in the home pre- is right! We have to get after our kids elevate the spiritual and intellectual vailed over the materialistic lifestyle; if to do some volunteering.’” levels of Shulamith girls. On the he and his wife related with utmost con- Unfortunately, the parents had not middle-school level, Torah Bowl is sideration to each other; if they honored heard my message. You don’t “get an exciting part of the life at the and respected their own parents; if they after” your kids to do volunteering. You school. Girls are thrilled to show the included the children in their charitable do it yourself, and then there is some knowledge that they have accumu- activities; if he showed restraint when chance that your children will emulate lated and compete against other provoked; if he could be humble in spite you. Establishing spirituality as the schools. E2K is another wonderful of his economic success—in other family’s goal—and living spiritually— program that was instituted into the words, if he practiced the components will encourage children to do likewise. school. The monthly student activity of spirituality. The attitude in the home Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski is being events, in conjunction with the stu- would foster spirituality in the children hosted for a melaveh malkah at the home Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski dent organization, bring excitement by example. of Yale and Sherry Fishman, 8 Muriel on a regular basis. I once participated in a tribute event Avenue, on December 29 at 8:30 p.m. O Shulamith continually implements old man named Herbert once consult- for a group of volunteers who donated new programs to meet the needs of its ed me with the following problem: several hours a week to spend time with A Website students. In joining with the other “I must have been born under a shut-ins, driving them to the supermar- To Memorialize Loved Ones yeshivas in the community, children lucky star, because my success in busi- ket or doctor’s office or playing a game The website is the first with special needs from Shulamith fam- ness has been extraordinary. It’s not with them. The theme of the evening of its kind, a place where mourners ilies can now be educated in CAHAL, because I’m so bright, I was just an was “Doing Good vs. Feeling Good.” and their families and friends can turn where the small classes, highly individu- average student. It’s that profitable This theme stayed with me in my later to in a most difficult time to create alized attention (4:1 student-to-teacher deals just seem to fall into my lap. My work with drug addicts. I saw that memorials that are dignified and cele- ratio), and uniquely designed programs business requires me to travel in the addicts were totally absorbed with feel- brate the lives of the deceased. Based encourage and foster the children’s suc- fast lane: golf outings, country clubs, ing good. They had no other interests or on a revolutionary idea, cess, preparing them for advanced stud- private planes, and such. I associate pursuits in life. I felt that if we could get uses state-of-the-art technology that ies and adulthood. O with people who have made it finan- people more involved in doing good, we allows users to share photographs and

50 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES thoughts in a special way to honor the tion in the local newspaper, and none memory of their loved ones. seem to address death in any sort of A Five Towns Simcha also provides internation- positive manner, as a celebration of life. al exposure for Jews from all back- is also proud to Photos By Ira Thomas Creations grounds, and is honored to be the first announce a new membership option. website providing services and mem- More and more users are signing up as berships that will bring Jews from members, free of charge, allowing across the country—and around the them to get full access to all the won- globe—together. And perhaps most derful benefits that connect them with importantly, now offers their Jewish community worldwide. worldwide instant e-mail notification Discretion and privacy is a key to the regarding the passing of a loved one creators of and members (and all the relevant details). are never bombarded with e-mails also provides its users a from the site or affiliate “partners.” source of comfort, with information Have you ever missed a funeral or about the traditional seven-day mourn- arrived late to a funeral because you ing period—the shivah—that honors learned of the details too late? Well, the life of a loved one. The site guides with’s revolutionary new users in sending an expression of sym- e-mail notification service, you will pathy, from floral arrangements to never have to experience this headache condolence baskets, food platters to again. Members, who can be anywhere appropriate sympathy cards and e- in the world, will receive an instant e- mails. Perhaps most importantly, the mail notification regarding someone’s site allows users to avoid additional death. Because of the Jewish faith’s stress, posting mourning schedules, dedication to preserving the integrity addresses of the shivah homes, prayer of the body and arranging for the bur- times, and memorial, mishnayos and ial to occur as soon as possible, instant Kaddish services. notification is an invaluable resource The site offers a wide range of affili- to members and their loved ones, who ate funeral homes and services, as well. may be scattered across the globe. “This really helped me make a difficult “Till 120” is based on a Hebrew say- process a smoother and easier one,” ing regarding Moshe Rabbeinu. It one user recalled, “and it let me focus means live life to the fullest (to age on what I had to do and, more impor- 120, as Moshe did). The site’s creators tantly, celebrate my grandmother’s life.” wanted to capture that spirit of life and Chaviva Freedman, daughter of is truly unique, different make a difficult time easier for the Chaya and David Freedman of than other Jewish-themed sites that family of the deceased. Cedarhurst, celebrated her Bat focus on engagements, weddings, Rabbi Dovid Weinberger, rav of Mitzvah at the Hewlett-East births, and bar . Some sites Shaaray Tefila in Lawrence, believes Rockaway Jewish Center. Catering include death notices, which offer was by K&T and music was provided nothing more than the obituaries sec- Continued on Page 52 by Azamra DJ.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 51 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Hashem walked out of the hospital yes- Continued from Page 51 terday. Much thanks must be given to the tens of thousands of readers who that “this is a phenomenal website and were mispallel on behalf of this Yid in concept, providing a great opportunity need. The story was reported in the and degree of chesed and chizuk in Lower Hudson Valley Journal News, in times of bereavement for the Jewish a story by Candice Ferrette: community worldwide.” One might say Jacob Klang was in Rabbi Flaum, the rav of Kneseth Israel the company of “good people” for the (the White Shul) in Lawrence, was quot- past month. The teacher collapsed in ed as saying that “when you’re dealing front of nearly 200 students in a study with bereavement, chesed is one of the hall at the Ohr HaMeir Theological most important mitzvos that Chazal has Seminary in Cortlandt (Peekskill placed on us. Till120 applies to many dif- Yeshiva) on November 7. Instantly, stu- ferent facets of life and has many impor- dents jumped to his aid, one calling tant applications and will help people 911, another running to get the worldwide, not only here in the U.S.” school’s oxygen tank, and others taking The site was founded by Joseph turns performing cardiopulmonary Melohn, who noticed that it is a wide- resuscitation for nearly 10 minutes spread custom among Jewish people of until an ambulance arrived. all levels of religious observance to say No one knows why the father of six “you should live till 120,” and he wanted from Spring Valley, who was otherwise to capture that spirit, as well. healthy went into cardiac arrest. He Marketrend is the national marketing lay in a coma at Westchester Medical firm supporting and is Center for nine days. His organs were proud to provide a service that celebrates failing. His mother and wife slept in life, memorializes our loved ones in the waiting room for nearly two weeks. death, and assists their friends and fam- Doctors told them to pray. ilies during their most difficult time. O Several members of a cardiology team worked to keep his heart artifi- Refoel Yackov Ben Toiba cially pumping using a relatively new Walks Out Of Hospital device—so new, it was the first time a December 4—On November 7, Westchester hospital had ever used it Yeshivaworld posted an urgent Tehillim on a patient. The results were not request for a 37-year-old yungerman guaranteed, but doctors thought Klang (Yackov ben Toiba) who suddenly suf- was “the right patient at the right fered a cardiac arrest. The next day, at time,” said Dr. Melvin Weiss, chief of the p’sak of Rav Shmuel Berenbaum, cardiology. shlita, the name Refoel was added to It worked, and this week Klang was his name. He remained in a coma for released from the hospital with a clean close to two weeks and bichasdei bill of health. “There’s a saying in the

52 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Talmud: G-d sends down good things Sisterhood Book Club for Men and Weekday Classes A Katz Family Production: A Feast to the world through the agency of Women. January 8. Cage of Stars, by Daf Yomi. Sundays at 7:45 a.m. and For The Mind, Body, And Soul good people. These are all good peo- Jacquelyn Mitchard. Monday–Friday at 7:00 a.m. presented By Michele Justic ple,” Klang’s father, Elya Klang, 68, Enhancing Relationships: Making by Chaim Maza; Monday–Thursday The prospect of going away to a said as the family thanked doctors and Marriage Fulfilling and Emotionally 8:30–9:30 p.m. presented by Rabbi mansion in Glen Cove for my first nurses before they left. Satisfying. January 9, 8:00 p.m., Einhorn. Shabbos away in three years brought For five days, Klang’s heart rested Family Lecture Series by Rabbi Masechet Berachot. Mondays 8:00– me great joy during the weeks of antic- as a device called the TandemHeart Avraham Peretz Friedman. 9:00 p.m. presented by Michael ipation. Really, nothing else was neces- did the pumping for him. Doctors Shabbat Scholar-In-Residence. Samter. sary. But that’s not how Rabbi Mutty pushed a catheter, or a tube, through January 11–12. Shabbat Parashas Bo. Women’s Tefillah Class. Mondays Katz works. Perhaps even greater than an incision. The tube, nearly the Dr. Marc Shapiro. Friday night: 8:00 p.m. presented by Rabbi Muskat, spending this special time with my thickness of a garden hose, went up Between the Yeshiva World and Modern followed by recitation of Tehillim. husband was the z’chus of getting to through his femoral vein into his Orthodoxy in the Late 19th Century Shabbos Classes know Rabbi Katz. When speaking to a heart, first into the right atrium and and Early 20th Century: The Life of Tefillah mini-class. Following caterer, you expect a lot of talk about then through the thin wall into the Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg; Shabbat Kabbolas Shabbos (September–March), the high quality of the culinary aspects left atrium. morning drashah: Judaism and Islam: by Rabbi Muskat; Daf yomi: 8:00 a.m.; of the event. With Rabbi Katz’s new Without the assistance in trans- Historical and Halachic Perspectives; Rambam: Following hashkamah min- shidduch with Chap a Nosh, that’s all a porting oxygen-rich blood to the fail- seudah shlishit: The Philosophy of Rav yan, by Dr. Alvin Greengart; Women’s given, and there is no need to dwell on ing organs, Klang would not have Kook: Is It Still Relevant? parashah class: approximately one hour that point. So, what is important to recovered so successfully, doctors Taharat Hamishpachah Refresher before Minchah. Rabbi Katz? said. In one month’s time, Jacob Course for Women. January 15. Family David Z. Herman Memorial Gemara Rabbi Mordechai Katz, a noted Klang went from near death to a full Lecture Series. 8:00 p.m., by Shiur, Maseches Berachos: Approxi- author and professional in the kiruv recovery. His brain is functioning Rebbetzin Yael Muskat (to take place mately one and a halfhours before field, decided to create meaningful well, although he has no memory of at the Muskat home). Minchah, by Chaim Maza and Baruch programs that inspire as much as they the events that led his to waking from Taharat Hamishpacha Refresher Course Cohen. Maseches Beitzah: 45 minutes delight. He has been rising to this a coma in a hospital bed. He does not for Men. January 16. Family Lecture before Minchah, by Rabbi Muskat. challenge for 18 years. As founder and seem to need cognitive or physical Series, 8:00 p.m., by Rabbi Muskat (to American Jewish History: During therapy, which is extremely rare for a take place at the Muskat home). Seudah sh’lishis, by Rabbi Muskat. O Continued on Page 54 patient who has undergone such an ordeal, according to Dr. Raja Varma, a cardiologist fellow who treated Klang the entire time. In a few weeks, test results should come back that might give doctors a better idea of why this happened to Klang. Doctors are concerned he might have a heart disease that may have implications for other family members, such as Klang’s identical twin brother. After resting at home for the next month or two, Klang said, he will like- ly return to teaching at the Cortlandt yeshiva. “I think I’ve changed as a per- son,” Klang said in a whisper, his voice not having recovered from the inser- tion of the breathing tube in his throat. “I look at life differently. I won’t take anything for granted.” Family members, happy to have him home for the first night of Chanukah, aren’t taking anything for granted, either. They thanked everyone at the hospital and the school. “Our biggest gratitude is to G-d for creating this miracle,” said his brother-in-law, Shaul Seitler, 35, of Monsey. As for the first responders, the brave students who kept calm during the ini- tial crisis, Klang’s wife, Esther, 32, was at a loss for words. “What do you say to someone who saves your husband’s life?” she said. “There’s not enough you can say to someone who has saved your whole world. ‘Thank you’ just isn’t enough.” (Yeshiva World News) O

Young Israel Of Oceanside Events The Young Israel of Oceanside is located at 150 Waukena Avenue. Unless indicated otherwise, all events take place there. For book club meet- ings, please call the shul office the week before for the location. For more information about any of the pro- grams, please e-mail events@yiocean or call the shul office at 516- 764-1099. For more information about the Young Israel of Oceanside, please visit Events Shabbat of Song. December 14–15. Shabbat Parashas Vayiggash, with Avi Kunstler. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 53 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Continued from Page 53 director of the Jewish Education Program (JEP), Rabbi Katz works tire- lessly to bring disenchanted youth back into the fold. As the author of Understanding Judaism, published by ArtScroll, he writes beautifully about a Yiddishkeit beyond rote memorizations and ritual ceremonies. You might say Rabbi Katz’s mission—to kindle the sparks in the neshamah through a greater understanding of the wisdom and beauty of the words of Hashem— Guests enjoying a melaveh malkah at a recent Katz Productions event. shines through in all his endeavors. Rabbi Mutty Katz strives to bring to Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, founder of Shalheves, people what he calls “the total pack- fets, and Viennese tables by Moshe fare. For entertainment, musician was the scholar-in-residence at the age—food, place, and having people Plaut and Avi Krasnow of Chap a Nosh Yisroel Williger has been booked, and pre-Chanukah Shabbos. gain through meaningful davening and in Cedarhurst will surely bring rave other acts are in the works. In the past, inspiring shiurim and entertainment.” reviews as always. The hotel features Shwekey, Shmeltzer, and Fried have His personal approach draws a devoted newly renovated rooms with luxurious brought Katz audiences to their feet and while children ages 2–12 enjoy fun crowd from different regions, ages, bedding, world-class service, heated Rabbi Katz himself can’t wait to book inflatables, toys, davening, singing, arts- and walks of life. Rabbi Katz makes it indoor pool, volleyball, tennis, basket- the best talent available for this year. and-crafts, rides, and a carnival. Uncle a point to get to know the guests at ball, state-of-the-art fitness center, pri- This Pesach, Katz welcomes back Moishy will also pay a special visit. And each table and to introduce people to vate suites with full room service for Yehoshua Solomon, a noted and popular seniors who may prefer a quieter envi- each other. At a Katz event, new the entire Pesach, and a championship singer and keyboard player, to lead ronment will find a separate area to friendships are born—and new shid- golf facility available. kumzitses on yom tov and after the chol accommodate them. Rabbi Katz helps duchim, too: Rabbi Katz has made However, you do not merely eat and hamoed concerts to enhance the coordinate rides and makes sure there seven successful matches at his events. swim your way through Pesach with of the chag. are special activities to suit their inter- Rabbi Katz promises that as much Mutty Katz. He also provides daf yomi, “I’m bored.” Who wants to make ests, as well. as I enjoyed his Glen Cove weekend, and a stocked beis midrash. Exciting shi- plans to travel with family and then hear For those who have no choice but to they were only a small taste of the real urim will be provided by Harav that dreaded phrase? Thanks to the work during chol hamoed Pesach treats he has in store for those who can Rudensky, a rosh yeshiva and rav from efforts of Chani Ackerman, who has (Tuesday through Friday), the New join him at the Crowne Plaza in Monsey, who has enthralled audiences been coordinating the day camp and Jersey setting makes for an easy trip to Somerset, New Jersey, for Pesach for the past several years with his engag- babysitting program for years, you need the city. By offering commuters a great 2008. Again, the “givens” include strict ing shiurim. Dr. Yael Respler, a popular not worry. She directs a staff of ten breakfast, brown-bag lunch, and late rabbinical supervision, chalav Yisrael, and well-spoken family therapist will counselors whom she personally selects dinner option, Katz ensures that his non-gebrochts, and shemurah matzah. speak about shalom bayis. More sessions after a rigorous screening process. guests are well fed even when not on the The delicious and elegant gourmet are still being planned, but there is There are exciting day trips (led by her luxurious premises. This applies also to cuisine, scrumptious tea rooms, buf- always a full schedule of intellectual husband, Glenn) for the older children, families wishing to go to Great Adven-

54 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES know Chaim and Chaim had the oppor- tunity to know and understand the boys. “They are such good kids, I can’t wait to take them on another trip,” he said, beaming as he proudly displayed his album of pictures. “They will learn about life, responsibility, cooperation, communication, dependability, and honesty,” he added. Rabbi Reuven Bernstein, M.A., S.D.A., who is the educational director of the center, remarked, “We fully sup- port the notion of project-based learn- ing and have come to understand that

Photos By Josh Justic learning through living is a very effec- tive educational modality. Chaim Bolender has made a significant Glenn and Chani Ackerman have been heading the day camp and babysitting programs at Katz impact upon our students, and for this Productions for many years. we are extremely grateful.” Rabbi Mordechai Katz (L) speaking with a The Lifetech Learning Center, guest at his recent Shabbos weekend. ture, shopping, or other conveniently It was during Chaim’s many visits to located at 112 Spruce Street, caters to located attractions. the center for Minchah that he realized a wide spectrum of individuals who Since I couldn’t wait that long— that the center ran a boys’ high-school offered to take the boys on a class fish- have diverse educational and social patience is not my strongest suit—I program for the Torah Institute of the ing expedition on his boat. In spite of needs. The center is licensed by the decided to join Katz’s pre-Chanukah Five Towns. Many of the boys needed a the early hour and the cold, the entire Office of OMRDD to provide Medicaid Shabbos and I saw for myself how high-school program geared to their class showed up at the dock at 7:00 a.m. service coordination. Call or stop by guests enjoyed feeling like royalty but unique needs and talents. on a dreary Sunday morning. It was dur- the center to see how they can help with a heimishe twist. On the sprawling Drawn to them, Chaim graciously ing this adventure that the boys got to your children reach their goals. O 55-acre estate at Glen Cove Mansion, Rabbi Katz was able to accommodate a 50-plus person anniversary party, a last- minute addition of a seminar of more than 90 people, and 100 other guests of all ages—and everyone became friendly with each other. We all were entranced by Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, founder of the Shalheves outreach organization and world-renowned speaker and author. The caterer had to make several conces- sions to customers who were so engrossed in the fascinating shiurim that meals had to be postponed a few hours as needed, and new meals were added on at the end. The engaging dis- cussion ran well over the allotted time frame. Rabbi Katz was able to engineer the plans in such a way as to allow the guests to enjoy an experience of both ruchniyus and gashmius. A Pesach vacation filled with per- sonal touches such as this is bound to sell out quickly, so book now. Also, call if you are interested in joining Mutty Katz for your family simcha or week- end getaway. Call Rabbi Katz today at 718-755-9864 and experience a Katz vacation for yourself. O

Bolender Scholarship Fund At Lifetech Learning Center Rabbi Simcha Lefkowitz, the execu- tive director of Lifetech Learning Center, is pleased to announce that Chaim Bolender (former owner of Gourmet Glatt) has established a schol- arship fund at Lifetech Learning Center in honor of his dear parents, Baruch and Ruchel Bolender. Chaim, with over three decades in the food industry, helped his parents, who are Holocaust survivors, develop a simple butcher shop into a state-of-the-art modern food establishment. The store, which has become a landmark in the Five Towns, services shoppers from the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, Queens, and the Bronx who flock to the store for its unique and competitively priced kosher foods. Over the years, Chaim has always had an interest in the welfare and development of children. The Lifetech Learning Center, located adjacent to Gourmet Glatt, houses a daily minyan for Minchah for the local professionals. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 55 there are not enough assets in the to Rashi the second wife doesn’t estate to pay both kesubos. The receive a dime. In other words, that Daf Yomi Insights Mishnah says that in such a case the the original wife is paid first, kodemes, woman that he married first gets paid doesn’t indicate that the second wife is first. This is because the man’s obliga- paid at all. However, there are other BY RABBI that are part of the schedule. These tion to pay the first wife’s kesubah pre- terms Chazal use to indicate “first” AVROHOM SEBROW children are so eager to learn about dates the obligation to pay the second which will by definition mean there their Yiddishkeit. Unfortunately, after wife’s kesubah. The term the Mishnah will be a second. …He Will Be Answered First camp the children return to non- uses to indicate that the payment of NNN There is an organization in our com- kosher homes and public schools. the first wife’s kesubah takes prece- Rabbi Shenker, head of JEP of munity that receives little attention. There were fifteen children who want- dence is “kodemes.” Long Island, approached a local rosh They quietly go about their business ed to attend yeshiva this year. The Gemara attempts to make an yeshiva for help in a delicate situa- with little fanfare. You might notice Unfortunately, as we all know, inference from the word “kodemes” tion. There was a large bequest that their office sign above a fruit shop on yeshivos aren’t free like their public that there are times that the second JEP was hoping to receive, but it was the corner of Central Avenue and school counterparts. When these chil- wife would have payment of her kesub- being tied up by some objectors. Rockaway Turnpike. As I spoke to the dren attend yeshiva, JEP most likely ah before the first wife. The word Rabbi Shenker was hoping that the people who work there, I realized how has to foot the bill. Sadly, this year “kodemes” indicates that the priority is rosh yeshiva would be able to elo- little I knew about all the great things they were only able to cover tuition for to pay the first wife first, but it is not quently explain all the great work that they do. I’m referring to the Jewish two students. The remaining thirteen an absolute rule. The Gemara suggests JEP does to ensure Jewish continuti- Education Program of Long Island. children remained in public school. that where the second wife preemp- ty, to impress upon the various parties Among their achievements was the However, there are some children who tively took her kesubah, she would be that an organization like JEP is cru- establishment of a camp in the moun- maintain some of their inspiration allowed to keep it. However, the cial to the survival of the Jewish tains for public school children. At even at home. One eleven-year-old Gemara rejects this inference. There nation. The rosh yeshiva agreed to go Camp Nageela, children may very well boy called his counselor after the sum- are times that the word “kodem” is but was curious about how much JEP be experiencing a Jewish atmosphere mer and said, “You know my family used to imply an absolute rule. For actually stood to receive. Rabbi for the very first time. I visited the just kept their first Shabbos.” The example the Mishnah states a son Shenker explained that if everything camp this past summer and witnessed Shabbos experience in camp made comes before-“kodem” a daughter went well, the bequest could possibly firsthand the palpable excitement in such an impression on the youngster regarding the laws of inheritance. In be $100,000. Rabbi Shenker made an the air. The children and the staff that he pleaded with his parents to try that case it is an absolute rule. Be that appointment with the attorney han- seemed to be having the time of their out Shabbos. as it may, the word “kodem” implies dling the estate at his office in lives. The children thoroughly enjoy What made Camp Nageela possi- precedence. Manhattan, and arranged with the the new experiences. ble? It’s a good story, but first a brief Rashi says the case in the Mishnah rosh yeshiva to set out together in a I was surprised to learn that there is word from our daf: is discussing a situation where there few days. an optional “night seder” program at N NN will be no leftover assets after paying Later that day the rosh yeshiva the camp. Three-fourths of the chil- The Mishnah (Kesubos 90a) discuss- the first wife’s kesubah. (If there would received a phone call. An excited dren attend! These are children from es a scenario where a man was married be assets after the first kesubah is paid, acquaintance happily related that public school who never learned Torah to two wives. (This is no longer permit- the second wife will receive at least boruch Hashem he just completed a before! Some of those kids even wake ted after the decree of Rabbeinu partial payment of her kesubah.) So, profitable business transaction and up early in the morning to join the Gershom.) Each wife is entitled to pay- clearly, the word “kodemes” is being will be sending the yeshiva a donation cocoa club before davening! This is ment of her kesubah upon the death of used to indicate only precedence and in the amount of $100,000. besides the regular learning groups their husband. A problem arises when not first in a series because according When the rosh yeshiva met with

56 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Rabbi Shenker he told him that his yeshiva’s immediate response was $5,000 somehow missing from the for?” “A token interest payment the yeshiva received a $100,000 donation “Great! That’s good to hear. bequest!” judge ordered applied since the whole because he agreed to help JEP try to Furthermore, it’s great for me as well The next day Rabbi Shenker calls process took so long.” Rabbi Shenker get a $100,000 bequest. He cited as because it means that my yeshiva will back: “You’re not going to believe this, replied. So the rosh yeshiva wondered proof the mamar Chazal, “Someone receive another $150,000, (the yeshiva but the total amount given to why he didn’t receive his $2,600…he who prays for his friend [for a specif- only received $100,000 so far) and I tzedakah was $255,000. Once the only received $250,000. A few days ic matter] and he himself needs that will receive it before you!” bequest was approved for JEP, a later he received the papers in the mail same thing, he will be answered from the comptroller of his supporter. first—techillah.” The forgiving of the loan needed to be The rosh yeshiva explained that this documented for tax and accounting statement of Chazal is not limited to purposes. When the rosh yeshiva tefillah. In any area where someone looked at the actual dollar value of the helps an individual and he himself is loan and smiled. The yeshiva’s actual in need of the same assistance, debt was $157,500. So the yeshiva had Hashem will help him out. The rosh in fact made $257,500. Still being yeshiva said, “I agreed to help your $100 short, the rosh yeshiva forgave organization attain financial assis- $100 of his salary! tance, so Hashem helped out my I personally spoke with the rosh yeshiva as well. Further, I am confi- yeshiva, and he told me that he was dent that our meeting today will be willing to tell me the story in detail to successful. Chazal said, “He will be be able to instill the message of emu- answered techillah.” Techillah means nas chachamim in those that read this first in a series, not first and only first. story. Chazal say that someone who The term techillah can only be used if attempts to help someone will be there is a first and also a second. (If helped first. There was never any Chazal meant first and possibly only doubt in the rosh yeshiva’s mind that first they would have used a different once Hashem helped him, he would term like kodem.) Since Hashem has help JEP as well. (Anyone who would already helped me first, He will sure- like to discuss the story with the rosh ly help you second.” yeshiva should contact me.) The meeting was deemed a success. Now you know the rest of the story. However, three years passed and JEP Public-school children making Havdalah at Camp Nageelah. Those funds from the bequest were still had not received any of the money. used in the purchase of the camp- Throughout those years the rosh yeshi- Two days later the rosh yeshiva $5,000 donation was approved for grounds for Camp Nageela and The va continuously reassured Rabbi received a call from one of his support- another institution as well.” Suri Schwartz Jewish Experience Shenker that JEP will definitely ers. “You know that $155,000 that the The day came when Rabbi Shenker Center. O receive the money. yeshiva owes me? I forgive the entire actually received his check. He Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Finally, Rabbi Shenker called the amount.” The rosh yeshiva called Rabbi showed it to the rosh yeshiva but the Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead rosh yeshiva with the good news. The Shenker with the news. “See, I rosh yeshiva was troubled. “The actual and is a rebbi at Machon HaTorah-Rambam. He can be contacted at [email protected]. judge approved the bequest, and JEP received my additional $150,000 and amount written on the check was To contact JEP please write to [email protected] or will be getting $250,000. The rosh an extra $5,000. There must be $252,600. What is the extra $2,600 call 516-374-1528.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 57

The Missing Menorah PhotoByEliShapir o

New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly presenting Councilman Simcha Felder with a plastic bird and award in recognition of his efforts to curb the New York City pigeon population.

It wasn’t so long ago that the area of sentation to meet with a friend who Far Rockaway on Caffrey Avenue/ lived near the yeshiva. In recent years, Beach 17th Street, between Beach 9th the area between what is sometimes Street and Yeshiva Darchei Torah, was referred to as West Lawrence and the a no-man’s-land where few dared to yeshiva has flourished under the fore- venture. I recall a time that I walked this wasteland devoid of Jewish repre- Continued on Page 60

58 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 59 HOCK OF THE ROCK $600,000 in the fiscal 2009 budget. Continued from Page 58 The project further flourished when the community was awarded a design grant sight and proactive leadership of from the park advocacy group NYers for Yeshiva Darchei Torah. In addition to Parks. Over the summer, community purchasing and developing properties residents had the opportunity to work in the area, they have created afford- with a landscape architect out of the able housing opportunities that have Harvard University School of Design to had a positive impact on the entire create a park that reflected the commu- Rockaway region. nities’ needs and wishes. All those who This past Shabbos I was fortunate to partook in the process felt that it was be invited for lunch to a friend and col- valuable and productive. league who was wise enough to pur- chase a home a couple of years ago in that area. His home also serves as the Sounds of Simcha music studio that has been providing education in musical It is speculated that fine arts that expand the skills and hori- zons of our children. In any case, it was Councilman Felder will a blustery cold winter day as I made my way to the other side of town. I was hap- pily surprised to see many Jewish fami- be running for NYC lies walking back and forth in either direction. Some were stopping at hous- comptroller in 2009. es to visit friends and family and others were just making their way from point A to point B. All this activity attests to the renaissance that the Rockaways have been experiencing in recent years and to I most recently received news that the vision of its communal leaders to in a recent $25 million budget alloca- make Rockaway a place for young and tion from the New York State old to live and prosper. Environmental Protection Fund there Now onto the news: Many of you is $500,000 specifically earmarked for who follow this column are aware that the Lanett playground. This is very there has been a big push to have the good news indeed. It actually puts us Lanett playground, located at Beach halfway to our $2.2 million goal. This 9th Street and Lanett, refurbished and allocation was a direct result of the redesigned. The process, which started efforts of Assemblywoman Audrey over three years ago, gained traction Pheffer who has already contributed last year when Councilman James Sanders committed to allocating Continued on Page 62

60 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 61 HOCK OF THE ROCK Continued from Page 60

$15,000 from her discre- tionary fund for the play- ground design, and Jill Weber, the administrator for parks in our area. We still will be reaching out to some of our other elected officials to allo- cate some fund for this impor- tant project. In recent years some of the biggest political hock in New York City has been the imple- mentation of term limits on city elected officials. No mat- ter on what side of the issue you stand, it is clear that there are some politicians who make you glad that they will be term-limited out, but there are also casualties of the system that you would like to see remain. One such elected offi- cial, in my humble opinion, is City Councilman Simcha Felder. While you may not agree with him on every issue, you can be sure that when he proposes legislation or sup- ports or declines his support on an item you can be sure it is because he believes it’s the right thing to do for the people he represents. Recently Councilman Felder introduced legislation that has caused quite a stir in the animal-rights community. In an effort to address the alarmingly large population of pigeons, which carry diseases as well as leave droppings throughout the city, Council- man Felder, with the support of the ASPCA and PETA, pre- sented the idea of curbing the pigeon population through a multipronged approach that included fining individuals for feeding pigeons and bringing hawks in to reduce its popula- tion. Despite this move clear- ly being in the best interest of the residents of New York, a small but vocal group of pigeon supporters have protested this move. They are the loud minority that feels that the comfort of these birds is more important than the health and well- being of the people around them. They are probably the same groups of people that keep much of the Rockaways’ beaches closed throughout the summer so the handful of piping plover birds that choose to reside there can enjoy the sun and surf undis- turbed, but I digress… At a breakfast last week, police commissioner Ray Kelly showed his support for the councilman’s initiative by presenting him with an award which thanked and recog- nized Councilman Felder for his “work to protect the city from an imminent quality-of- life danger.” Kelly went on to state, “Overfed pigeons pose a 62 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES threat to the safety and well-being of resent the overcoming of diversity every New Yorker. We are grateful for through religious symbolism or it is your leadership and courage in raising wrong to allow opposing religious awareness of this issue.” He also pre- symbols to reside in the same loca- sented the councilman with a plastic tion, for me this is not the issue of the pigeon as a memento to further sym- day. The issue is that the menorah has bolize his support for this important gone missing. In previous years, at the piece of legislation. end of the holiday season the 101st While there is nothing official yet, police precinct would store the meno- word on the street is that Commis- rah for safekeeping. This past year, sioner Kelly is considering running for however, due to the reorganizing of the office of New York City Mayor their storage space, the menorah was when Mayor Bloomberg is term-limit- not brought back to the precinct, and ed out, and it is speculated that no one is quite sure where it is. The Councilman Felder will be running for Wave newspaper of the Rockaways NYC comptroller in 2009. It has been has speculated: “Misplaced? Lost? said that as a certified public account- Stolen?” Perhaps it was the midnight ant and with ten years’ experience as a prowler that has been targeting the city auditor, Councilman Felder is the Far Rockaway Jewish community tak- most qualified for the position. Well, I ing his final offensive. Whatever the for one eagerly await the official case may be, as of this past Sunday, announcement of his candidacy. Harvey Gordon, executive director of As part of the extended Chanukah the Jewish Community Council of the edition of the Hock of the Rock, I now Rockaway Peninsula, stated that it bring you the case of the missing still has not been found. So your mis- menorah. There is a small triangle of sion, should you decide to accept it, is grass and trees located at the intersec- that if you see someone lighting a six- tion of Mott and Central Avenues foot wood menorah that just may known to many as the Far Rockaway seem out of place in a residential triangle. Many of our long-standing area, please call the offices of the residents will have noticed that over JCCRP at 718-327-7755. the past number of years the Far Just a public service reminder that Rockaway triangle has been the home every year there are accidental fires for a holiday season display which in due to mishandled or unsupervised previous years has included a tree, a menorahs. Please take every precau- menorah, and most recently a kinorah tion necessary to ensure that you have (for Kwanzaa) to signify the diverse a happy and safe Chanukah. views and religious affiliations repre- Until next time, stay safe… O sented in the Rockaways. While there is definitely some hock Eli Shapiro can be reached at his group “I love about whether it is important to rep- Hock of the Rock” at

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 63 A Five Towns Simcha Photos By Ira Thomas Creations

Yonah “John” Glenn, son of Tsemach and Devorah Glenn of Far Rockaway, had his b’ris performed by his grandfather, Rabbi Avraham Glenn, at Congregation Beth Sholom on October 2.

64 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 65 66 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Chabad Lights Up Cedarhurst Park Photos By Ira Thomas Creations

Chanukah in the Five Towns means the nightly lighting of the 20-foot-tall Chanukah menorah in Cedarhurst Park sponsored by Chabad of The Five Towns, under the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Wolowik. Above, scenes from the first, chilly, night of Chanukah. Above (bottom left): Rabbi Wolowik (C) was joined by Cedarhurst Mayor Andrew Parise (L) and Rabbi Moshe Weinberger (R) of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere.

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5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 67 Fourth Earthquake Jolts Israel In Two-Week Period; No Casualties

The fourth earthquake in two weeks shook parts of Israel on Sunday, causing no casualties or damage. Israel’s Geophysical Institute stated that the tremor, which was felt in Holon and Jerusalem, had a magnitude of 4.0 on the Richter Scale. Its epicenter was north of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, on the active Syrian-African rift fault line where earthquakes are common. “On average, major earth- quakes hit Israel once a centu- ry. But the recent tremors do not indicate that a large-scale quake is on the way,” said Dr. Uri Frieslander, director of the Geophysical Institute. “What we’re seeing are typi- cal movements along the Dead Sea valley,” Frieslander told Israel Radio. “These quakes … don’t foreshadow anything or indicate that something is about to happen,” he said. None of the recent quakes have caused injuries or dam- age. But in the past, earth- quakes have caused serious damage to Tsfat, Jerusalem, and the West Bank city of Nablus, and have damaged well-known sites, including the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The last major earthquake to strike the area was in 1927. It had a magnitude of more than 6 and killed 500 people. Israeli experts say that because of population growth and high- rise construction, an earth- quake of the same magnitude today would kill more than 18,000 people. (Haaretz) O

Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @

68 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES U.S. Jewish Entrepreneur Buys Hitler’s Globe For $100,000 A San Francisco entrepreneur pur- Barsamian, who was 28 at the time, chased a globe last month that once said he received permission from his belonged to Adolf Hitler for $100,000 superiors to take the globe home to at an auction in the United States city. California, where it and its shrapnel “There’s a lot of emotion tied to it,” holes sat in the basement for more a spokesman for buyer Bob Pritikin than 60 years. told local television station KGO. “It’s The veteran said he plans to donate one of those items respected as a part some of the sale price to charity and of history.” use the rest of it to pay bills. (Haaretz) O The globe was sold by John Barsamian, a 91-year-old American who had been a military officer in WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? Germany at the end of World War II. He found it at the Eagle’s Nest, WE WANT TO KNOW! Hitler’s retreat and headquarters in the E-MAIL US AT Alps at Berchtesgaden in far southern [email protected] Germany near the Austrian border.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 69 Peres: Israel Maintains Secret Contacts With Syria All The Time


Israel conducts secret con- tacts with Syria all the time, but serious negotiations can- not begin until Syria stops sup- porting terror and removes itself from involvement in Lebanon, said President Shimon Peres last week while touring the Negev. Referring to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal’s declaration that he would not shake hands with Israeli officials during the Annapolis peace conference, Peres said “it doesn’t matter if they shake hands or not; next time they will.” The conference was attend- ed by representatives from some 40 countries in efforts to relaunch dormant peace talks between Israel and the . “The most interesting thing about the [Annapolis] confer- ence is the large number of Arab nations surrounding one table. The participation of many other countries is also very important.” Peres explained that one of the reasons that compelled some of these nations to attend the peace conference is the Iranian threat. “With its extreme policies, threats, and scare tactics, many people are beginning to understand that it is not Israel who is danger- ous, it is Iran.” When asked about the fail- ures of previous peace summits, the president responded that he won’t address the failures, because there have also been many successes, like the peace agreements with Jordan and Egypt. “The Middle East looks different today than it did 30 years ago,” he said. (Haaretz) O

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70 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 71 2.8 children per family, most- Israeli Fertility Rates Up In 2006, Led By Jewish Births ly as a result of Jewish growth. BY MOTI BASSOK In 2006, 71 percent of drop in the average number of women in Israel increased Bureau of Statistics (CBS). babies were born to Jewish Jewish birth rates in Israel births per woman, a govern- from 2.8 children per woman The Christian Arab sector mothers, 23 percent to rose in 2006, reversing the ment agency reported Tuesday. in 2005 to 2.9 in 2006 while had the lowest birthrate in the Muslim mothers, 2 percent to trend in recent years that saw a Fertility rates for Jewish the average size of Muslim country in 2006 and has Druze and 1 percent to families continued to drop dropped from 2.7 in 1996 to Christian-Arab women. from 4.6 in 2000 to 4.0 in 2.2 per woman. Overall, the Another 3 percent of births 2006, according to the Central national fertility rate stood at were to mothers whose reli- gious status is considered undetermined according to the Interior Ministry. Of the 148,170 babies born in Israel last year, 51.3 per- cent were boys. The number of births in 2006 was up 3 percent from 2005. This translates into 105.6 boys born for every 100 girls, according to figures released yesterday by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The trend is for older moth- ers. In 2006, 46 percent of births were to mothers over 30, compared to only 29 per- cent in 1980. Muslim women are also the youngest mothers, with an average age of 23.2 for their first birth. 3,966 babies were born last year to women under 20, and 20 percent of these were a second or later birth. But birthrates among women under 20 are still dropping. Out-of-wedlock births made up 5.7 percent among Jewish women and 5,896 in total; 62 percent of these were to women who had never been married. Multiple births accounted for 4.4 percent of the total, 96 percent of them twins. (Haaretz) O

And Yosef’s ten brothers went down to buy grain in Egypt (Bereishis 42:3) Why are they called “Yosef’s brothers” and not “Yaakov’s sons”? In the begin- ning they did not treat him with broth- erly love but sold him; subsequently, however, they regret- ted it. Every day they would say,“Let us go and inquire about him and restore him to his father.” And when Yaakov bade them go down to Egypt, they all resolved to show him brotherly love [and seek to find him]. (Midrash Rabbah)

72 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

the attack and even handed over the driver and a combat medic were hit by Secret Kept Until After Annapolis: weapons they used,” said the IDF shrapnel. The paramedic also suffered spokesman. They also admitted to a broken bone. waiting in their car by the side of the Gaza terrorists fired five mortar PA Police Murdered Zoldan road for an Israeli vehicle to pass, and shells at Israel during the attack. when Zoldan happened along, they fol- In a separate incident, IDF soldiers B Y HANA LEVI JULIAN Two terrorists are members of the lowed his car, firing at him at point- fired a tank shell at four armed terror- Palestinian National Security Force blank range as they drove past. “After ists who were approaching the securi- The IDF and General Security in which Israel and the United the attack they escaped to their vil- ty fence, hitting the cell. It was not Services (Shin Bet) released for publi- States have invested money, political lage,” added the spokesman. clear whether the terrorists were cation Sunday night that two support, and actual weapons as part Zoldan, a resident of Shavei wounded or killed. Palestinian Authority (PA) National of their effort to prop up the Abbas Shomron, was expelled with his family A salvo of approximately 13 shells Security Force officers and another government. from his home in Homesh when 25 was fired at a kibbutz in the Shaar accomplice are the ones who mur- HaNegev Regional Council area in dered 29-year-old Ido Zoldan on the space of 15 minutes earlier in November 19. the day. Three hit the kibbutz, five Israeli security officials knew “The first two admitted during questioning exploded next to the community, and Zoldan was murdered by PA police- several others landed near the secu- men, because two of the three terror- rity fence. ists who shot him to death were arrest- that they were responsible for the attack and PA terrorists also fired a rocket on ed the next day in a joint IDF and Shin S’derot Sunday afternoon. The Bet operation. even handed over the weapons they used.” Kassam exploded in an open area on The information was withheld the outskirts of the city. A woman until after the Annapolis summit, fainted when she heard the Color however, and only cleared for publi- Red alert siren that sounded before cation after Prime Minister Ehud The two PA policemen and their northern Samaria Gush Katif Jewish the attack, and was treated for shock. Olmert returned from signing a joint comrade-in-arms were all members of towns were destroyed by then-Prime (Arutz Sheva) O declaration with PA Chairman, and a terrorist cell from their nearby village Minister Sharon in his 2005 acknowledged Fatah leader, of Kadum, close to the northern Disengagement Plan. Zoldan leaves Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). Samaria Jewish community of behind his wife, Tehilla; his 3-year-old Zoldan was shot to death by the . Dafar Baram, who was son, Aharon; and his 1-year-old baby Remember that article? three terrorists at approximately apprehended along with Abdullah daughter, Rachel. 11:30 p.m. near the PA-controlled Baram, serves in the PA’s Ramallah Visit our archive section Arab village of Funduk, near police department. More Murder Attempts Sunday by and find any issue of the Kedumim. Magen David Adom medics The third murderer, Fadi Jama’a, Gaza Terrorists who arrived at the scene tried desper- also served in the PA National Security Three IDF soldiers were wounded 5 Towns Jewish Times ately to revive him, but to no avail. Force and was apprehended by fellow Sunday and a fourth suffered shock The Fatah terrorist group, Al-Aqsa PA police. He remains in PA custody. when a mortar shell hit an IDF med- online @ Martyrs’ Brigade, claimed responsibility All are 22 years old. ical clinic in the Nachal Oz military for the murder and said it was carried “The first two admitted during ques- base. out to protest the Annapolis conference. tioning that they were responsible for A female paramedic, an ambulance

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 73 there were Israelis who thought that giv- and has absolutely no power to influ- ing up Gush Katif would lead to peace. ence the terrorists targeting Israel. Lost With A Map They thought that there could be a way These “leaders” have been urged into out of the intifada by making conces- this politically expedient “peace sions to the Arabs. But it didn’t work. process” as a last-ditch effort by a less- BY MICHELLE NEVADA read, maps are difficult to update, and Every attempt made by the Israeli than-popular, lame-duck U.S. President maps do not contain information about government to follow the Road Map who has nothing to gain but a nice, Sometimes, I wish I were a cartoonist. traffic patterns, road blocks, and con- for Peace was matched by a greater framed portrait of himself making The thoughts I have after listening to struction headaches. In a word, maps and more determined attempt at war “peace” for his presidential library. George Bush’s speech about Annapolis are obsolete. So, why did Olmert agree by the PA. Talk of peace brought war. Meanwhile, Sderot is under con- are more suited to the clear and graphic to commit Israel to following an outdat- Land concessions brought violence. stant rocket fire; Gaza is a nest of ter- three-dimensional nature of cartooning ed Road Map to Peace? But that didn’t change the map. rorism waiting to attack; Abbas is than to the more subtle art of word- The Road Map was first outlined by claiming Hebron, Judea, Samaria, smithing, but I can’t draw. So, here’s a U.S. President Bush in a speech on Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount as description of the cartoon in my head: June 24, 2002, in which he called for his own; Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev, It is a large, black-and-white single an independent Palestinian state living At that time, there was and Ehud Goldwasser are still missing; panel. On the lower right-hand corner of side by side with Israel in peace. The Iran is going nuclear; and Israel’s mili- the mostly dark panel would be a too- agreement to make a Road Map for no such thing as tary has been so embarrassed by the small sedan crammed full of the Quartet Peace, overseen by the Quartet, was Kadima; U.S. gas prices Second Lebanon War that they have representatives, with Condoleezza Rice signed at the Red Sea Summit in lost much hope of averting an attack and Ehud Olmert prominent in the front Aqaba, Jordan, on June 4, 2003. had surged to $1.81 a from the Arab nations surrounding us. seat. The sedan is stopped on the side of At that time: Ariel Sharon was the Sadly, politicians feel they can ignore the road with the Quartet members Prime Minister of Israel; Yasser Arafat gallon; and the Second the new realities that exist in the Middle hunched over a dog-eared “Road Map of was the head of the Palestinian East by pulling off onto a shoulder along the Middle East,” squinting to read it Authority; Bush was finishing up his first Lebanon War hadn’t the road and claiming they have only with a small pen-light. Meanwhile, in a term in office and set to face Al Gore in happended. become disoriented and simply need to sports-car heading down the same road the upcoming presidential election; Gaza find their location on an outdated map in at a high rate of speed are two terrorists, was full of prosperous Jewish citizens; order to proceed. But this is not the case. bomb-belts strapped to their bodies, Olmert had just left his job as Mayor of Olmert must deal with the facts on with a well-lit GPS navigator on the dash Jerusalem for his first cabinet position as So, here we are in 2007, committed the ground, not the “green lines” on an instructing them, “Proceed directly to Deputy Prime Minister (Likud); there to that outdated Road Map for Peace by obsolete map. Since the Road Map Jerusalem.” was no such thing as Kadima; U.S. gas a washed-up, indicted, and profoundly was written, popular routes have Under the panel would be the prices had surged to $1.81 a gallon; unpopular prime minister leading the become dead ends, and roads that words, “Olmert and the Quartet stick Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev, and Ehud weak made-up party of Kadima, whose were thought to lead somewhere have to the Roadmap.” Goldwasser were still home with their existence is owed to the Gaza pullout become mired. There is no peace at I don’t own a map. Like many people families; the Second Lebanon War had- and whose platform is still based upon the end of the Road Map he holds, and in the world today, I rely on a constant- n’t happened; and Hamas was a terrorist the failed idea of land-for-peace conces- unless our leaders are willing to under- ly updated and extremely reliable Global group, not the democratically elected sions. He is supposed to negotiate peace stand new realities and know that Positioning System (GPS) in my car. leader of the PA. with an ineffective Palestinian leader there is a new global positioning in the There is a reason I don’t use maps any- It was a long time ago. At the time who is at war with his own democrati- world, they may have gotten Israel more. Maps are costly, maps are hard to that the Road Map was implemented, cally elected Hamas leadership in Gaza entirely lost. (Arutz Sheva) O

74 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES U.S. Cuts Aid To Egypt By $500 Million not serve in the army, Gen. Ashkenazi IDF Chief: praised the spirit that leads many young men and women to serve in the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of tions against a “friendly” Arab gov- army: “The IDF is a people’s army that State Robert Danin is reported by ernment in the interests of Israeli Jerusalem Is recruits youths from all parts of the Washington and Middle East security. country. At the same time, we are sources to have visited Cairo for a Danin informed Egyptian officials happy to see that many see their army showdown with the Egyptian govern- that the U.S. government had decided Why We’re Here service not only as an obligation, but ment on its failure to block the to take a firm hand on the issue chiefly as a national mission. This is Egyptian-Gaza border at the because Cairo’s failure to crack down even more true for those who have cho- Philadelphi sector to smuggled ter- on arms smugglers and terrorists in BY HILLEL FENDEL sen to dedicate to the army their best rorists, arms and explosives. Sinai not only jeopardizes U.S. At a ceremony honoring the 40th years and energies for long years of He notified President Hosni regional interests and harms Israel anniversary of the liberation and reuni- service in the , Mubarak and intelligence minister Gen. but rebounds on Egypt’s national fication of Jerusalem in early November, out of a deep and straightforward sense Omar Suleiman that President Bush security as well. Washington cannot IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi that this is what is necessary and right would recommend Congress cut a fur- accept Cairo’s claim in official docu- Ashkenazi said that Jerusalem is the to do in order to ensure the existence ther $300 million from the annual aid ments that it is tackling terrorists in “raison d’etre” of our national existence and security of the State of Israel.” bill to Egypt. This would come on top of Sinai, including al Qaeda, while it is in Israel. He said the IDF will do every- Ashkenazi, who took up his position the $200 million the House had already giving them free rein. Bush adminis- thing it can to ensure Jerusalem as Chief of the IDF General Staff early slashed on its own initiative. tration officials find they cannot remains Israel’s eternal capital. this year, recently conducted a surprise The U.S. official warned Egyptian defend Egypt to the House Foreign “Jerusalem symbolizes the reason and visit to a paratroopers base—and leaders that the 2008 aid appropria- Affairs Committee and its chairman, purpose for our lives here,” Ashkenazi remained there, with 90 officers from tion would be further reduced if smug- Tom Lantos (D-Calif). A high-profile said. “It is the ‘why’ and ‘wherefore’ the General Staff’s Supervisory and gled war materials and Palestinian ter- delegation of four congressmen trav- explaining why we are fighting. We will Control Division, for ten full hours. rorists continued to enjoy the freedom eled to Cairo to see for itself how continue to do whatever we can to He and his officers reportedly to enter the Gaza Strip at will. security on the Egyptian-Gaza border ensure that Jerusalem will forever reviewed nearly every aspect of the Cairo currently receives circa $3 bil- sectors is managed. remain the capital of Israel. And as the base, including equipment, plans, sol- lion in U.S. aid per annum. Sizeable Sources add that the White House Navi Yeshayah said 2,700 years ago: ‘On diers’ knowledge of the plans, vehicle reductions, if sustained, would throw is furious with Mubarak over his con- your ramparts, O Jerusalem, I have readiness, and more. (Arutz Sheva) O the Egyptian economy into crisis. temptuous dismissal of the Annapolis placed guards all day and all night.’” The White House has clearly had peace conference and advice to In attendance were President enough of Cairo’s slackness and rejects Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Ehud its two excuses, which are: Egyptian boycott it. Barak, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupo- Remember that article? military manpower is too thin on the The Egyptian president now has liansky, former Defense Ministers Visit our archive section ground to seal the border and needs to two options: He can either reclaim Moshe Arens and Yitzchak Mordechai, be expanded and, besides, the Israeli the scratched half a billion U.S. dol- former Chief of Staff Moshe Yaalon, and find any issue of the navy must be blamed for failing to lars by embarking on effective action and other dignitaries. exert a marine blockade on Gaza. against the smugglers and terrorists 5 Towns Jewish Times This is the first time that the Bush roaming in Sinai, or beg for the miss- Praise For Young Soldiers online @ administration, under pressure from ing funds from Saudi Arabia. Despite recently released figures Congress, is wielding economic sanc- (DEBKAfile) O showing that 28% of Israel’s youth does

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 75 Man and his legacy. Yet, like most things in Israel, it Ben-Gurion, Where Are You Now? will all be forgotten about the next day. When the cabinet meets “to dis- BY ZALMI UNSDORFER Ben-Gurion spoken nearly 60 years and kick-start Condoleezza Rice’s cuss and approve” the latest prisoner ago, at a time when he had no inkling Annapolis conference. Both Olmert release, do you think there is a In November, Binyamin (“Bibi”) that, within two decades, Israel would and Rice are in this for their own chance that someone at that table Netanyahu joined Jerusalem Mayor recapture Jerusalem in such spectac- personal reasons. Olmert, to divert will ask: “And what about our own Uri Lupolianski and other legislators ular style. That was a speech Ben the nation’s attention from his repu- boys, Shalit, Regev, and Goldwasser?” at a Jerusalem solidarity rally on the Gurion made to a sitting of the First tation as the most corrupt and inept (Arutz Sheva) O site of King David’s ancient palace. Knesset in December 1949, when, leader of the Jewish State. Rice, to They called for the nation to oppose after the War of Independence, the salvage something from her lacklus- Zalmi Unsdorfer is chairman of Likud-Herut in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s plans United Nations was debating the ter performance as Secretary of the United Kingdom. to surrender parts of Jerusalem and internationalization of holy sites in State and her disservice to a well- strategic homeland territories to the non-existent leadership of the non- existent Palestinian nation. They Behold, he stood over called for a new “Coalition for Jerusalem.” Where Ben Gurion spoke with the River “A nation which, for 2,500 years, (Bereishis 41:1) has faithfully adhered to the vow words of defiance, Olmert speaks made by the first exiles by the waters The wicked see themselves of Babylon not to forget Jerusalem, will never agree to be separated from with words of capitulation. as standing over their gods, Jerusalem. Jewish Jerusalem will as it says,“And Pharaoh never accept alien rule after thou- sands of its youngsters liberated their dreamed; and, behold, he historic homeland for the third time, stood over the river” (the redeeming Jerusalem from destruc- Jerusalem. The city was then under meaning president. tion and vandalism.” Jordanian rule. Where Ben Gurion spoke from a Nile being the arch idol of Just imagine these words of a for- How ironic that November 19 hap- battle-worn Tel Aviv with words of Egypt). But as for the right- mer prime minister, standing on the pens to have been Ben-Gurion Day defiance, Olmert speaks from a very foundations of the royal house and Ehud Olmert had to postpone the secure and flourishing Jerusalem eous, their G-d stands over of David, in the 40th year of usual Sunday morning cabinet meet- stronghold with words of capitulation. them, as it says (regarding Jerusalem’s liberation as our Jewish ing in order to travel down to the As I write these lines, Ehud Olmert Yaakov’s dream),“Behold, capital city. Words spoken with the Negev to speak at the celebratory will doubtless be gushing with plati- freedom of total sovereignty and events in the Old Man’s home town of tudes over Ben Gurion’s leadership G-d stood over him.” security paid for in the blood of the Sdeh Boker. and vision from a podium in Sdeh (Bereishis 28:13) nation’s young soldiers. That cabinet meeting was to have Boker. But his very appearance there Alas, it was not so. discussed the release of further ter- must surely represent the most awful (Midrash Rabbah) Those are the bold words of David rorists to appease Mahmoud Abbas disgrace to the memory of the Old

76 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES The threat to appropriate the com- pound is illegal, a blatant violation of Rebbe Nachman’s Grave In civil and communal rights and of the status quo there.” Just last month, a Jewish school in Immediate Danger Of Takeover Ukraine, Beit Simcha, was burned in an anti-Semitic attack. Ukrainian President Viktor B Y HILLEL FENDEL Israeli attorney Gilad Corinaldi. and permission for a final judicial Yushchenko visited Israel last month, Corinaldi flew to Poland, and has met appeal has been filed in Ukraine’s and the matter likely arose in his talks The most “Jewish” site in eastern with Israel’s Ambassador in Ukraine Supreme Court. with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Europe—the gravesite of Rebbe and Tzfadiah Rachamim of New York, Corinaldi said, “Sites that are holy Thousands of Hassidim went —is in danger of to the Ukraine to hold a giant rally being auctioned off to foreign owner- there against the genuine threat that ship. This, following the rejection by the site will be sold to interests who the Ukrainian Supreme Court of an “Sites that are holy to various religions are will turn it into a commercial enter- appeal by a Breslov Hassidic group, prise, with entrance fees and the like. and the instatement of a ruling obli- Many in Israel have raised the gating the latter to pay $3 million—or fully protected, according to international law, option of interring Rebbe Nachman’s risk losing the holy site. remains in Israel. Though he specifi- The story began four years ago, from business interests and pressures.” cally requested to be buried in Uman when the Breslov foundation that amongst the many thousands of Jews oversees the holy gravesite in Uman— who had been martyred there and to which tens of thousands of Jews wrote that he would intervene in the travel each year for prayers—hired a who has invested much of his own to various religions are not beholden to Heavenly Court for anyone who visits company to reconstruct and expand money in developing the site. U.S. the regular rules, and are fully protect- his gravesite, voices continue to be the synagogue adjacent to the grave. A Congressmen and diplomats have ed, according to international law, raised in favor of transferring his dispute broke out between the sides also been asked to become involved, from business interests and pressures. remains to the holy land. (Arutz Sheva) O when the contracting company, owned by a Ukrainian Parliament Member, demanded payment, while the Jewish group claimed the services had never been proffered. The Ukrainian court ruled in favor of the contractor/politi- cian; some of its hearings on the mat- ter were held without a Breslov repre- sentative on hand. The original debt, $100,000, has now mushroomed to $3 million, because of a clause in the contract stipulating a fee of 0.9% for each day the payment is delayed, as well as a fine of $2.5 million. The Breslov lead- ers maintain that the contract was signed in their name by a man who lacked the authority to represent them, and who did not consult with them beforehand. To resolve the crisis, which could lead to the auctioning off of the holy site to the highest bidder any day, the World Breslov Foundation has hired

For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday, December 10 at 5:00 P.M.

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5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 77 78 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Your Ad Could Be Here.


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Hebrew and English teachers Teacher—Immediate opening. Boys Law: Hi Ranch. Must see, 4br, Far Rockaway: 2 Fam. All NU wanted for 4th and 5th grades. middle school. Experience preferred. 2.5bth, fam rm, CAC, 2 car garage, 3 over 3 Br. 4Fbth, Dr, Full bsmt Fax: 718-634-1589 or e-mail Call 718-336-3577, leave message. large prop...... $800sK All features...... $779K [email protected] Law: Nu Construc’n, 6br, 5bth, Call 516-263-6417 REAL ESTATE lg prop, walk all, with all goodies. Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island seeks Far Rockaway/Lawrence- House Plans can be seen in office. secretary. Please call FOR SALE For Sale 2 BR/ 2 BA, Newly Ced: Nu2Mkt, 2Fam, 3br/3br, 2fpl, 516-791-2800, fax resume to Renovated, Dead-end street, Price deck, all new, grt loc, full bsmt. $795K 516-791-3901, or e-mail ...... $539,000 By Owner. Condo for sale. Delray Wdm: Reduced. Ranch, 3br, 3 bth, lg [email protected]. Call Owner: 516-750-9257 Beach, Fl. Caters 55+. Completely prop, grt loc, walk all...... $749K Cook (P/T)—Cook needed 16 hours renovated. Must see to appreciate. Oceanside: Col, renov’d, lr, dr, nu EIK, Lawrence—Open House 46 per week to work in a group resi- 561-391-1646 or 561-866-8250 den, 3br, fin bsmt. Best Buy! .....$439K Bayberry Road Sun 12/9 11-1. On dence. Flexible hours. Ideal as a side Cedarhurst: CH col., new quality best block. 5 BR splanch, master Woodmere/ Saddle Ridge— New job for parent or student. Knowledge construction. 7 bedroom, 4.5 bths, suite, FLR/FDR, beautiful pool and to market! Move right into this mint of kashrus a must. Ohel Bais Ezra den, LR, DR, oversized gourmet, peaceful patio. A must see. fully loaded 5 BR, 4 bths with marble, phone (718) 686-3102, fax granite EIK, huge FDR, 9' ceiling, Call Sherri 516-297-7995 (718) 851-6428, e-mail new granite kosher EIK, 2 dens, finished basement prime location. Hewlett—Brand new construction, 5 [email protected]. CAC, radiant heat, skylights, new Asking...... $1.25M bedrms, 2.5 baths, office, wood flrs, windows, etc. Must see. Asking 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 CAC, Laundry room on 2nd flr. Marketing Rep — Independent $800's by owner. 516-404-3180 $775K Call Jackie 516-526-8841 Co-op Open Houses - By appt. Contractor for health care promo- Woodmere Park —5600 sq. ft. of Cedarhurst: Beautifully decorated tions. P/T $9 hourly. We match with a Kings Point Delray Beach condo brand new construction on 80x114 2/3 bdrms...... $299K $1 tzedakah donation. for sale 1,100 sq. feet. 2 BR, 2 bths, lot, 7 BR, 5 full bths with radiant Lawrence: 3bdrms, 2 new bths, new E-mail resume and reference to new European kitchen and appli- heat, custom kosher kitchen, FDR EIK, fdr...... $429K [email protected] ances, updated bath, new carpets, and study with custom built-ins, walk- Lawrence: 3 bdrms, 1st floor, mint. 24-hour guarded community. Golf, in-closets galore, full walk-up third ...... $339K Full Time bookkeeper at a local theater, library. $199,999. floor. POR. Woodmere: Jr. 4, elevator bldg. organization in the Five Towns and Call 631-664-0075 Call Jackie 516-526-8841 ...... $239K Far Rockaway. Efficient in Woodmere—Sprawling ranch on Ced: Nu 2 Mkt. Col, 4Br, 2.5bth, All W.Lawrence: 1st floor elevator, Quickbooks, Excel, and Word. deep property 4 bedrms, 3 baths, NU, Den, Mrbl Eik, Full Fin. Bsmt, doorman bldg...... $209K Fax resumes to 516-977-1282 Master suite, walk to all...... $1.4M walk to all...... $799K Woodmere: elevator bldg, 2 bdrm, 1 Call Jackie 516-526-8841 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 1/2 bths...... $255K Cedarhurst Coop for sale— Your Real Estate, Cedarhurst: Open House Spacious 2br, 2 bath, LR, DR, EIK, Ced: Nu 2 Mkt. LgLr, Dr,EIK, Den, 10:30-11:30 304 Linwood Ave Service, or wash/dry, Terrace...... $359K 5 Br, 3bth, Skilits, Cabana, Lg prop. restored Victorian col. New kitchen Call Avi @ 917-512-5442 IG pool, Walk to all...... $699K and bths, 6 bdrms, finished basement, Help Wanted Ad Far Rockaway—2 family house. 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 75x125 property. 1121 Neilson St. 3/2 bedrooms, 3 full Hewlett: Open House Here baths, EIK, needs TLC. N.Wdmr: HiRanch, 4Br, 2.5Bth, Nu 12-1 pm 1278 Sturlane Pl. Call Avi @ 917-512-5442 Kit, Lg. Den, deck, Overlg Property. All new, col., 4 bdrms, full finished Every Thursday Weissman Realty Group, LLC Reduced...... $659K basement. 516-791-6100 100,000 readers look 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 Milky Forst Properties, Inc. 516-239-0306 forward to what’s Attention: Large property, corner Far Rockaway- House For Sale 3 Cedarhurst and Woodmere happening in the Br/ 2 Bath plus guest room. 150x100 apx. 13 large rooms, 3 baths. Renovated w/ New Kitchen, New Good for kindergarten, elementary 5 Towns by reading Bathrooms. Huge Master Bedroom. school, yeshiva, synagogue, or other Price ...... $499,000 institution. Parking garage for 4 cars The Five Towns Call Owner 917-836-6838 and 2 buses. Immediate. Reasonable. Owner 347-439-8234 Jewish Times. Beautiful Bayswater home. Fully renovated, huge kosher kitchen, 6 Woodmere Open house, Dec.9th— BR, 3.5 bths, library, Jacuzzi, central Deadline is Monday 565 Donald Ln.(12-1:30) Updtd 4BR, a/c and heat...... $699K 2.5 Bth Spl. Lg Den on main flr. Please call 718-657-6920 at 5:00 p.m. Expansion poss...... $688K 1 Week ...... $35 Far Rockaway: 2 Family. All NU, Jan Kalman Rlty 516-569-5651 3 over 1 Bdrm., 3 full baths. Great 2 Weeks ...... $60 Location...... $599K Woodmere/Cedarhurst Oppty! Luxurious apartments: Penthouse in Call 516-322-3555 12,000 sq. ft. approx. 90’x150’, 4 Weeks ...... $100 Bucman, Modiin. 5 BR, balconies, Colonial, 17 rooms, full bsmt. with hi Hewlett — Col. MIC, 4br., 2bth, ceilings, clean 2 car garage plus stor- Shabbos elevator, 2 sinks, 2.5 bths. 2fpl, full deck, wood flr, Lg. den. age, 6 space parking, 2 family, profes- Weekly Ads of up to 25 words Walk to all...... $729K $350K. Villa 6 BR, c/ac, parking, sional use, accountant, Esq., medical Lawrence — NU 2 MKT. Legal storage, backyard...... $550K and/or educational and religious uses. Call: 516-569-0502 3FAM. Lg. 3Br/2/2, Full FIN. bsmt., Call 718-471-8888 walk to all. NYU sep. mtr,htg & Grand colonial with charm and great Fax: 516-977-0608 Wtr...... $949K possibilities. Available at once. Woodmere — 239 Mosher Avenue. 5 TOWN HOMES 516-322-3555 ...... $875K Negotiable Or E-mail ads to: Around the corner from Aish Kodesh. Owner 516-322-3555 Far Rockaway — 2 Family House Colonial, 4 BR, 3.5 bths, 60x100 lot. [email protected] For Sale. Newly Constructed, 3 New construction. Choose your own BR/2BA over 2 BR/1 BA, plus Bonus Classified Ads are Include payment info. paint and tiles!...... $889K Floor w/ Private Entrance...... $699K Continued on the Next Page. Owner/Developer 516-239-5550 Call Owner 917-836-6838. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 81 CLASSIFIED ADS Continued from Page 81 FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT

FOR RENT Far Rockaway — House For Rent 5 Far Rockaway — Apartment avail- Ced. — 3+ br apt, 1.5 bth, lg fdr, new BR/ 3 BA, Newly Constructed, High able. Brand new construction. EIK, on quiet street, walk to all. End Finishes, 2 Car Garage, Dead- Furnished or unfurnished. 3 BR, ...... $2,200 2bths. Cleaning and laundry services Woodmere/Cedarhurst—2 BR end Street, Rent ...... $2,900 N Wdm. — house rental. Hi-ranch available. Perfect for the elderly. in MIC. 4 br, CAC, den, on quiet st. available. Updated EIK, close to all Call Owner: 917-836-6838 Call Sherri 516-569-5450. and Woodmere Train Station. 5 TOWN HOMES Lawrence — Furnished basement. 2-3 BR rental apt 2 family house 2 516-569-5710 Call Sherri 516-297-7995 Extra large room plus separate BR, lg LR, DR, EIK, den, quiet loca- Far Rockaway—1 BR, 2 BR and 3 Far Rockaway — Lg. Hse Rental: kitchen. Leave message with details. tion...... $2,200 BR apartments. some balconies. New 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 4br, 2bth, bsmt., hi-ceilings, NU bths, Call 516-239-2571 kitchens, lots of closets, 24 hr door- W\D. Call 516-322-3555 Private office space in man, security cameras. Close to Cedarhurst — House Rental; kit, Hewlett/Woodmere — All utilities White Shul, Shor Yoshuv and train. den, 3br., 2.5 bth. bsmt. $2,400 included, conference room, on-site FOR SALE Call Sherri 516-297-7995 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 parking, 24/7 Access. $600/mo. Cedarhurst—Tiffany House 1 BR, 1 516-792-9444 Far Rockaway — 2 Huge Office bth, EIK, Updates. Call Sherri EquiShares Real Estate Spaces. 6,000 and 2,500 Sq Ft. 2nd Beautiful, original oil paintings of 516-297-7995 Floor. Near Subway & LIRR. Build to Cedarhurst — House Rental Gedolim for sale. Framed, reasonably Weissman Realty Group, LLC Suit. Can Be Divided. LR/FDR, den, 3br, 2.5bth, Fin. Bsmt. priced. If interested, please call 516-791-6100 $2,300. Call 516-322-3555. 646-710-0595 Owner 917-359-9776.

Miami Alexander Hotel — Short Far Rockaway-Apt for Rent Legal or long term rental. 2 BR, 2 bths, lux- 1st Flr, 2 bdrm apt in 2 family house, ury, shabbos elevator, swimming pool, across from TAG elementary. EIK, The deadline for placing classified ads balcony, parking, beachfront. Call Large LR/DR area, Large Master Zeev Kolman 212-245-1715 or Bedroom with walk-in-closet, front in the next issue of the 5TJT is 917-287-5858 porch and back patio with sliding doors, own thermostat, great location. North Woodmere (Sale-Rent) Monday, December 10 718-471-0263 (Extended Woodmere 400). Price drastically reduced! 7BR, 3FBA, Far Rockaway — Walk-in Apt on at 5:00 P.M. Finished Basement, Lg property Beach 9. Newly renovated. Close to 84x100, Walking to 4 shuls. ...$639K synagogues. $675 including all. Call Call 516-569-0502 917-238-0098 646-342-4030 or 718-350-6303

82 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 83 Watermark Judaic Art Gallery: Gifts To Be Cherished

By Rochelle Maruch Miller A thing of beauty is a joy forever— and a work of art purchased from Watermark Judaic Art Gallery is a gift that every recipient will treasure. A treasure trove of exquisite Judaica paintings, the gallery affords art lovers an exhilarating visual experience. Since its inception two years ago, Watermark Judaic Art has earned a ster- ling reputation for the superb quality of each work of art, as well as for the gallery’s signature service and commit- ment to customer satisfaction. As pre- mier purveyors of Judaic art, Watermark features a breathtakingly beautiful col- lection painted by exceptionally talented artists. In the tradition of the Old Masters, these meticulously detailed works of art depict everyday Jewish fam- ily life of bygone years, the celebratory spirit of yamim tovim, and Eretz Yisrael. That this Brooklyn-based gallery attracts an international client base is not surprising. Warm and welcoming, Watermark Judaic Art offers visitors a congenial environment. Here art enthu- siasts can savor magnificent paintings while relaxing and enjoying complimen- tary chocolate. Ensconced in a world of beauty, devoid of pressure, mundane matters seemingly cease to exist. Featured at the gallery is an original selection from several gifted artists, each with his or her unique style. Originals are framed in hand-carved, 100 percent wooden frames. The gallery can also make giclées (digital fine art reproductions) of the paintings onto canvas. For Goldie Krausz, bringing the Watermark Judaic Art Gallery to fruition marks the culmination of a dream come true. “I’ve always had an appreciation of fine art and I enjoy visiting museums,” Goldie explained. “But what sparked my interest in Judaic art was an absolutely exquisite Flerova original that I saw. It literally took my breath away. The paint- ing was gorgeous, but very expensive— certainly not within the means of the middle market. I discovered that there is a market for Judaica, but that because there are so few artists who are trained in this genre, the original paintings are very expensive. What we’ve done is to make fine Judaic art available to every- one. Our artists are extremely talented, and their paintings are magnificent. We carry both the originals and the giclées, which are very true to the originals; each giclées comes with a certificate of authenticity. Purchasing an original is an excellent investment; in fact, many of these originals tend to increase in value over time. “When a client purchases a painting that he or she really likes, I find it very gratifying. We’re a customer-oriented gallery and a very friendly art source. Service and satisfaction are a definite priority. I want every client to be happy with their purchase and to derive years of enjoyment from it. Whether you are

Continued on Page 86 84 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 85 Watermark tion is located at 263 Classon Avenue Continued from Page 84 (between DeKalb Avenue and Willoughby Avenue) in Brooklyn. For purchasing a painting for yourself or gallery hours and additional informa- for a gift, it’s the ultimate present.” tion, call 718-398-3812 or e-mail The Watermark Judaic Art collec- [email protected]. O

“Blessing the Children” by Keli Hu

“Torah Discussion” by Michael Katz “Candlelighting” by Nadia Komorova

86 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 7, 2007 87 88 December 7, 2007 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES