FIRST PRINTEDHoni 1929 Soit WEEK 5, SEM. 1, 2019

4-5: BREAKING NEWS 12-13: FEATURE UNSW ‘Fit to Sit’ rule forces A short history of FIFA’s lose-lose decision colonial legacy University of New South Wales (UNSW) later apply for Special Consideration.” On October 6, 2001, a highly charged its independence from France students are now required to choose Special considerations applications ‘friendly’ football match between after a riotous civil war in 1962. La between making a special consideration may be made by students “when Algeria and France was brought to an Marseillaise was booed. French flags application or completing an assessment. illness or other circumstances end after pitch invaders stormed the were burned outside the stadium. Students received an email beyond your control, interfere with Stade de France, the stadium that The French media described it as an announcing a series of changes to [their] ability to sit or submit an had been built precisely for the act of “savagery” and “barbarism.” Academic Standing Policy on 6 March, assessment,” according to the email. triumphant France ’98 World Cup. It was explaining that “if you sit an exam or the first football match — and to this date submit a piece of assessment, you are — the only match played between the declaring yourself fit to do so and cannot Full story on page 5 >>> two countries since Algeria gained Read more on page 12 >>> LETTERS

Hi, how are ya? Come on in. I’ve poured you a glass of your favourite wine, cabernet sauvignon. I’ve been lying awake at night, wondering if you’ll ever Acknowledgement of Country write me a letter to [email protected] Too often students are encouraged to rote learn an arbitrary acknowledgment that seems to recognise the genocide of Indigenous people as a thing of the past, a horrific period in LETTERS history never to be repeated. But the seeds of these atrocities were sown much deeper than surface level and will continue to permeate systems of government far longer than is regularly I will prostrate to God for so long From Lakemba mosque will see Light to Masjid Al-Aqsa again. recognised. First Nations peoples continue to face persecution and incarceration in Australian prisons and die from suicide at twice the rate of non-indigenous Australians. Just last I won’t be able to get my head off the Mucad week, NSW re-elected a government whose implementation of forced adoption laws returns to the atrocities of the stolen generation. ground I mean my head above ground For you, If anything I hope he knows As a student at this university and an editor of this newspaper I recognise the unjust privilege I have gained from these systems of colonisation and the ongoing effect it has on this Ibrahim We pray he has reminded us area: land owned by the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. stands with the first nations people of and commits to prioritising and centring indigenous voices and I just want too get my head above the And pray opinions that are so often erased in the mainstream media. We continue to seek writers and stories that are affected by this colonisation and acknowledge that this process is ongoing, A poem named after one of the victims of sound And pray. We only ever turn to God, when there is no other option and that there is far more work to be done. the Christchurch massacre, submitted by of semi-automatic gunshots. That one day but to say his name. I pay my respect to the traditional custodians of this land. It always was and always will be Aboriginal land. Mohammad Awad, a Western based spoken word poet. Of 6 confirmed- Masjid Al Noor 12 confirmed- Tonight 38 confiirmed- Contents Editorial Bankstown is in silence. 51 confirmed- Editors To be editing a printed weekly It’s a broad parallel that is re-seen It is mourning for the Muslims Deaths. 4 NEWS Baopu He, Pranay Jha, Karishma Luthria, newspaper as a student in 2019 is throughout the issue in a piece about who could’ve been. I am not being figurative Jessica Syed, Liam Thorne, Nell O’Grady, something I am thankful for every day. CGI influencers and an archival analysis 6 ANALYSIS For the Muslims who never got to pray When I say ran out of breath Carrie Wen, Joe Verity, Annie Zhang & These ‘student rags’ are pieces of history, of some of Honi Soit’s legacy. There’s a scribes upon which not only student beautiful poem on the Christchurch their Jummah prayers, When I heard the youngest victim 8 PERSPECTIVE Alan Zheng For the Muslims who never got to see Was 3 years old. ideas but major stories are surfaced massacre by Layla Mkh and a personal Bankstown. His name is Mucad Ibrahim. explanation of the event by Rameen 11 INVESTIGATION Writers with new, alternate perspectives. Alex Bateman, Nesrine Basheer, Amy The last ten years has seen a global Hayat. This week’s feature looks at the The shooter I keep seeing his smile 12 FEATURE Brooke, Clou D. Runner, Soo Choi, transformation of the media landscape. colonial operations inherent in the is no lone gunman. before I fall asleep, James Elhindi, Deaundre Espejo, It’s easier to erase journalistic FIFA World Cup. An imbued issue that never seen teeth 14 MULTILINGUAL Joseph Guo, Rameen Hayat, Wilson information more than it has ever sees administrators and fans continue He is just a culmination so white, Huang, Emmanuel Jacob, Layla Mkh, been. An editorial in a 1990 edition of to display casual racial vilification of a racist nation’s his lips 16 CREATIVE Anh Nguyen, Louise Press, Lara the paper predicted change was on its practices in one of the world’s most hatred must’ve only known kindness. For Hijabs Sonnenschein, Reagan Scott Ward, way. “Artificial intelligence becomes widely broadcasted sporting events. I 17 OPINION his cheeks Crystal Yi Xu, Iris Yao & Victor Ye closer to reality with the passing of hope that these pieces allow readers to each day” it reads, “If we are not careful, dig deeper, into regularly unexplored For beautifully draped Abayas will never grow 18 CULTURE holding holy Qurans, laugh lines, as the world around us changes, so perspectives and to consider the Artists they will always be jealous we never gave him the time. Honi Soit, mainstream media platforms – modern 20 SRC REPORTS BrownTown, Shrawani Bhattarai, Isabelle will our ethical positions.” I pray he will not remember this world. Hans-Rosenbaum, Emma Harbridge, has always been at the centre of these and traditional - that heighten, squash of Islam’s 22 PUZZLES Amelia Mertha, Lauren Moore, Ludmilla developments, each issue a tangible or distort their voices. purity. I pray he opens his eyes Nunell & Ranuka Tandan display of student opinions of a shifting In the last couple of weeks this and can only see 23 COMEDY world. This is why the print version of publication has centred the atrocities of The shooter pomegranates growing Cover Artist: Momoko Metham our publication is so important. the Christchurch terrorist attack, we’ve is just another foot soldier in the gardens of Jannah In this issue we turn the microscope polled students on how they will vote in the war against Salam I pray he never heard Disclaimer: Honi Soit is published by the Students’ Representative Council, University of Sydney, Level 1 upon ourselves, one of the few in the state election, we’ve denounced Against Assalamualaikum Fraser Anning’s words, Wentworth Building, City Road, University of Sydney NSW 2006. The SRC’s operation costs, space and newspapers still printed weekly. We the abuses concealed by members of that his ears didn’t administrative support are financed by the University of Sydney. Honi Soit is printed under the auspices of look upon the various technologies the Catholic Church and broken a story Islam has seen feel the salt add fuel to the flame that are changing journalism. Most on the amendments to the university’s the SRC’s directors of student publications: Laura Glase, Brandon Hale, Jinwei Luan, Kedar Maddali, Jiaqui these attacks before of his burns, sexual assault policy. I find it hard to Shu and Jingrui Xu . All expressions are published on the basis that they are not to be regarded as the opinions importantly, we look at the gaps of of the SRC unless specifically stated. The Council accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the public understandings, give voice to believe that this platform requires de- Tried to bomb us out of existence, I pray he never knows opinions or information contained within this newspaper, nor does it endorse any of the advertisements and important, personal perspectives and funding as our critics suggest. We’ve Forget resilience how his family will mourn insertions. Please direct all advertising inquiries to [email protected]. look ahead, to the technological changes created pieces of history and will Is in our Middle Eastern DNA and when I say family; yet to come. The front cover created by continue to do so. I hope you enjoy this I mean Ummah. Momoko Metham intertwines various one. They have tried to make us afraid media technologies throughout history. Nell O’Grady of Mosques. I mean his brothers and sisters from Bankstown They don’t know to Sorriya The Goings On Week V down, forcing them to walk to Ozturk. Jacky “God King” He in his presidential In a piece of goss that will interest Protest Israeli Apartheid on SUDS Presents: Odyssey, Part One this ô so wretchèd, damnèd state, it’s tutorials (with whom you enjoy However, Burn Book has talked to report. no one except those who have Palestinian Land Day time to keep organising so that the much small talk). Fear not! Those her USU highness, Lilliana Tai, who I guess this is what happens when replaced human warmth with the Get out your black turtlenecks and LNP doesn’t somehow, accidentally, friends are actually auditioning told us that their understanding is you don’t write your own rep- I mean, artificial heat generated by the Palestinian Land Day serves to vin rouge: SUDS are putting on a play through no negligence or fault of for revue. Annoying homophone that Unibros is not closing down. The allegedly don’t write your own report! robots that run student politics, the commemorate the systematic by Albert Camus (he didn’t support their own, manage to deprive entire aside, the Uni revue season kicks USU is in charge of all the shops in the After stirring up a commotion about Burn Book has heard that current confescation of land by the Israeli Algerian independence but, to his communities, mostly First Nations off with the annual Sydney Uni Wentworth Building, so Tai’s words how the Burn Book was portraying SRC co-General Secretary Niamh government in 1976, which left credit, he can write a damn good communities of drinking. USyd’s Revue, themed “The Void” this year seem trustworthy enough. his lack of effor-, sorry, alleged lack of Callinan will be the SRC president Palestinians displaced at the expense play). In his words: “Caligula is the Enviro Collective is a pretty good and featuring the best sketches Could this be that Unibros is effort, the God-King forgot to notice a candidate for Unity (you know, of illegal settlements. Last year’s story of a superior suicide. It is the place to start: they meet weekly at the from all the faculty revues. For $25 entering a permanent “closing-down” glaring mistake in his report, telling the people who always comment protests on the Gaza strip resulted story of the most human and tragic sunny and tranquil Manning Sunken adult tickets, $20 concession and Fake news state, like every rug store in Western students that the SRC provides mental “wow go off” and “I’m obsessed” in the shooting of Palestinian of errors. Unfaithful to humanity, Lawns. $15 for access rewards holders, Sydney, as a mere marketing ploy? health counselling services when it everytime another one of them medic, Razan al-Najjar, who was loyal to himself, Caligula consents you’ll be treated to the “quickest It seems that when USYD Rants In any case, great news for all HSP doesn’t. posts something online). providing medical aid to wounded to die for having understood that he 27 Mar / 4 pm / Manning Sunken Lawns and wittiest improvisers USyd has isn’t being a platform for some of and pide connoisseurs! Not so much Caseworkers, editors and the It’s been a tough couple of days protestors who had been shot at by cannot save himself all alone, and that to offer.” Jokes on them though, our most ardent fans to express for their waistlines and arteries! God-King himself had to stay back to for Labor, and Niamh has not been the Israeli Defence Forces. Join the he cannot be free in opposition to all Sydney Uni Revue 2019: The Void because the Goings-on knows that their undying affection for us individually cross out the offending immune to the heartbreak, sending Palestinian community in Sydney to others.” There are several dates: this section is obviously number 1 anonymously (or perhaps it’s just the Allegedly shit line on each copy. in her general secretary report show solidarity with their struggle Do your friends keep talking about on campus when it comes to wit one admirer posting multiple times) In a rare moment of mortal almost 10 hours late at 2am in the for liberation from Israeli settler- 28 Mar - 30 Mar / 7 pm / Cellar Theatre reviews they’re doing? Have you tried and improvisation. with melt-your-heart adorations While Honi Soit is supposed to report fallibility, the God-King was sternly morning after Labor’s state election colonialism. to fit in by reading the Fin Review like “leftist wankfest” and “toilet- on the campus drama, it sometimes reprimanded afterwards for his loss. Enviro Collective Weekly Meeting every week to no avail? Have you 28 - 29 Mar / 7:30 pm / Seymour paper”, it’s busy spreading fake inevitably gets sucked into it and careless oversight. We hope you feel better Niamh. 30 Mar / 1 pm / First Fleet Park, since pulled the switch and dropped Centre news! becomes the drama itself. Just think on the bright side, there’s Circular Quay As we face another four years of the those nerds for only moderately more A recent post that racked up On Tuesday evening last week, Apparently this means something still federal, and more importantly, Liberal party forming government in interesting acquaintances in your more than 500 likes bemoaned how every copy of Honi Soit was hastily to some people the SRC election to go! popular HSP joint Unibros is closing pulled from stands due to a mistake by

2 3 NEWS NEWS Hundreds counter-protest “Day of the Unborn Child” Former UNSW 'Fit to Sit rule' forces lose-lose decision Carrie Wen Liam Thorne A few hundred students and is still a criminal offence. around saving children is misogyny.” parade. Despite these plans SRC Pres University of New South Wales communication has been similarly worrying. and we feel that important pro-choice activists gathered Abortions can only be accessed absolutely disingenuous. These The pro-life procession being confirmed with police (UNSW) students are now pushed to inform students “This policy will student considerations have outside St. Marys Cathedral in in NSW when a doctor finds are racists and sexists who are marched out of St. Mary’s at prior to Sunday, the counter- criticised required to choose between of the changes...‘Fit to Sit’ disproportionately impact been missed.” Sydney’s hyde park on Sunday any economic, social or medical happy to see children tortured 12:30 pm singing Catholic protest was forcefully blocked making a special consideration disallows [those affected by students with disabilities... In a document attached to morning to counter-protest the reasons to justify aborting the in offshore detention, Muslim hymns, where they were met by police for 30 minutes to Lara Sonnenschein application or completing an misadventure] peace of mind.” Disabled students will not their announcement email, annual Catholic pro-life march, fetus. Otherwise, abortion children massacred at their by the pro-choice rally. ensure there were no further Failed Labor candidate for assessment. 2017 Education Officer have faith that any conditions UNSW management explained ‘Day of the Unborn Child’. is unlawful under the state’s place of worship, and Aboriginal Chants included, “Not the encounters between the two Balmain and 2010 SRC Students received an email and 2017-18 Academic Board that might flare up suddenly the ‘fit to sit’ rule. The Day of the Unborn Crimes Act. Several speakers children incarcerated at church, not the state, women groups. President Elly Howse has been announcing a series of changes Student Representative Dylan (like epilepsy for example) will “This is to ensure that if Child march was organized by noted the timeliness of the astonishing rates.” will decide their fate,” Mkh retorted, "It is telling criticised for quoting alleged to Academic Standing Policy on Lloyd suggested this required be reasonably considered,” you feel unwell or are faced the Life and Family Institute protest, the day after the NSW Speakers were invited “Get your rosaries off my that the NSW Police on-site sexual assault perpetrator, MLC 6 March, explaining that “if you students make a “gamble,” they said. with significant circumstances in Sydney. The international Liberal Party were re-elected. from all represented factions. ovaries,” and“Racist, sexist, focused on protecting the anti- Jeremy Buckingham, on her sit an exam or submit a piece of given special consideration “Having to sit an exam beyond your control which day of the unborn child was Wom*ns Collectives from Wiradjuri brother-boy Hayden anti-gay, Christians fascists go choice rally from the students campaign materials. The quote assessment, you are declaring applications are not certain to without knowing if your affect your ability to study, you established by Pope John Paul the University of Technology, Moon addressed the importance away.” and feminists, refusing to allow states, “that as an organisation, yourself fit to do so and be accepted. medical condition will flare do not sit an examination or II, after the first celebration , Macquarie University, of abortion access to both The pro-life event planned the pro-choice rally to march the NSW Greens are corrupt cannot later apply for Special “This gamble means up or how a mild illness submit an assessment which occurred in 1993. University of New South the disabled community, and to proceed through Sydney’s while allowing the anti-choice and rotten.” Consideration.” additional stress and anxiety on will interact with your does not reflect your best Life and Family stated on Wales (UNSW) and University Aboriginal and Torres Strait CBD towards NSW Parliament rally to pray outside the NSW The alleged victim, Ella Special considerations top of the issues students face disability will cause intense, performance.” their Facebook event page, that of Newcastle (UoN), as well communities. House, where they were to State Parliament for as long as Buckland, told Honi “I have applications may be made due to their misadventure or unnecessary anxiety for a UNSW is currently in the Day of the Unborn Child as representatives from the “Many people with address the crowd opposite an they pleased.” been consistently accused by students “when illness or disability/ies.” group of students who already the process of developing a “is a day of celebration and National Union of Students disabilities who have the abortion clinic. The counter- Last year, riot police and of being a factional player or other circumstances beyond Lloyd suggested these have to manage more than Disability Inclusion Action Plan, remembrance of the dignity (NUS) also made up the ability to get pregnant, are protest had also planned to officers on horseback clashed ‘weaponising’ my complaint, your control, interfere with problems would likely be their abled counterparts.” however, have not “seriously of the unborn. It is also a day 200-strong pro-choice rally. often unable to continue the march towards NSW parliament with pro- choice protesters however, it seems that’s what [their] ability to sit or submit exacerbated by accompanying However, Hogan did considered” consulting with the to remember the millions of WoCo convenor Jazz Breen pregnancy. Pregnancy in child house following the pro-life during their counter protest. everyone else has done.” an assessment,” according to changes made to the special suggest that the special SWD Collective, according to children whose lives have expressed her concern for the birth can cause life threatening Numerous women alleged the email. If successful, the consideration application consideration centralisation Hogan. been ended by the violence of illegality of abortion, “abortion complications to disabled Photography by Carrie Wen that their comments asking student may be able to sit an process. Students once may have positive outcomes for Griffin concluded, “UNSW abortion.” is a medical procedure — a people and cause dramatic Howse’s campaign to respond alternate exam or resubmit applied to teachers and course students, enabling “track[ing student representatives pride Hosted by the University safe, necessary and lifesaving effects to the parents and the to their concerns on her their assessment at a later date. convenors —likely familiar those] repeatedly accessing ourselves on having positive of Sydney’s (USyd) Wom*n’s medical procedure. Without the child,” they said. campaign Facebook page have Where students could with their situation. Instead, special considerations and relationships with our Collective (WoCo), the counter- legalisation of abortion those Noa Zulman, USyd's 2018 been deleted. Several allege previously apply up to three applications will go through connect[ing] them with university management.” She protest was staged to oppose who need one will only turn to Disabilities Officer said- “if the being blocked altogether. days afterwards, they are now a centralised system, The educational support.” urge[d] UNSW to reconsider the Catholic event, and more unsafe abortions,” she said. pro-life care about the life of Howse was a member required to choose between Nucleus. This means decisions Worryingly, Griffin told the policy and work with broadly call for legal, safe and Layla Mkh, another WoCo children, they would care about of the left-leaning National completing their assessment are no longer made with “the Honi that the “policy was [students] to address the free abortion in New South convenor, said, "Several known things like healthcare, they Labor Students (NLS) at USyd, and applying for special aid of contextual information not officially passed through welfare aspects that we have Wales. neo-Nazis and Fraser Anning would care about the increasing serving as Education Officer consideration. [needed] to make an informed Academic Board (UNSW’s key concerns with.” Honi While there was a supporters were spotted among welfare… You don’t care about in 2009. Howse's campaign UNSW Student decision on the application.” peak academic policy body) as understands that a motion nation-wide move to legalise today's anti-choice rally. This children, you care about was managed by 2017 SRC Representative Council (SRC) Students With Disabilities most academic policies would. may be put forward in an SRC pregnancy termination, NSW is is stunning evidence that the oppressing women’s rights, co-General Secretary Isabella President Angela Griffin (SWD) Officer, Donna Hogan, [Students had] no opportunity meeting next week to condemn the only state in which abortion anti-choice crowd rhetoric you care about increasing Pytka. told Honi that, “Not enough found the changes to be to change or adapt the policy the changes. Vigil for Christchurch victims Offensive posters in VC quotes USyd inter-college greyhound WHS risks held on Eastern Avenue Engo bathrooms colonist racing event draws backlash lingering Baopu He Alan Zheng Lara Sonnenschein Alan Zheng Alan Zheng More than 100 people gathered “Love, Peace, Unity, Remember attendants that, “change is A special uni newsletter kind of activity.” VC Michael Spence quoted An inter-collegiate event ‘Neds Friday Night Lights’ thousands of greyhounds every Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, on Eastern Avenue on a Christchurch.” Attendants were possible only if we are ready to sent to engineering and IT It remains unclear whether USyd’s founder, William Charles promoted by students from St will feature “10 races, in less year? They’re also pushing Robyn Ward, has advised Friday evening to mourn the encouraged to light the candles, stand for it” while condemning students last week advised the material was distributed by Wentworth, in a purportedly Andrews College and attended than three hours,” according to student money towards the academc staff that further 50 victims of the terrorist place flowers on the prayer Islamophobia as a “scapegoat to that racist and nationalist a student or trespasser on Uni anti-racist email regarding the by students of St Paul’s, St John’s Greyhound Racing New South betting industry, via which Work, Health and Safety (WHS) attack on two mosques in mats, and write messages of distract you from what is right, posters and graffiti had been grounds. Christchurch massacre sent out and Wesley College of Sydney Wales Chief Executive Tony any families are ruined. We ask inspections of the Anderson Christchurch. support on the banner. [and] what matters”. found in bathrooms within the This is not the first time to staff and students last week. University is being boycotted Mestrov. all students not to attend this Stuart Building are planned and The vigil was organised A recurring theme Furthermore, Imam Hadi Darlington campus. offensive posters have appeared Wentworth told NSW by Sancta Sophia College. The night will follow a event.” ongoing. by Muslims Down Under, the throughout all of the speeches praised New Zealand’s prime The material was removed on campus. Parliament in 1850 that In a message to all students “Party at the Park” theme, The New South Wales “There will be an increasing Sydney University Red Cross was the need to stand in minister Jacinta Ardern as a by Campus Assist officers During 2017’s same sex USyd's "gates are open to the this morning, the Principal of including a DJ, Hot-Tub, table Government’s 2016 Special number of these inspections. Society, the University of solidarity with Muslims, “light shining brightly in the in time for last Friday's marriage plebsicite, the disciples of Moses, of Jesus, of Sancta Sophia College, Fiona tennis, mechanical bull, pinball Commission of Inquiry into Where possible, we will Sydney Student Representative and for unity in this time of darkest of nights” for turning International Day for the Antipodean Resistance, a neo- Mohammed, of Bishnu, of the Hastings, condemned the event. machines, Instagram photo the Greyhound Racing Industry endeavour to give you notice Council (SRC) and the despair. messages of inclusiveness, Elimination of Racial Nazi youth group, trespassed Buddha.” “Please be aware that Sancta booth, food trucks and the made key findings into the of when future audits or University of Sydney Union Decheng Sun, the USU’s multiculturalism and fair Discrimination. onto campus to place posters He subsequently spoke does not support, and is indeed opportunity to win the chance systemic mistreatment and inspections will happen, but (USU), and featured speakers Ethnocultural Officer, also speech into “a practised reality, A University spokesperson featuring Nazi iconography against a state government bill strongly opposed to this event, to sing the National Anthem. harm to greyhounds in the that might not always be representing each of them. highlighted the fault of ready to be imbedded into the reiterated that prejudicial on the Brennan McCallum introduced to give Aboriginal and we ask that you do not Honi understands senior industry. practical,” the Dean said in an The Pro-Vice Chancellor of Australian society as a whole very fabric of society”. behaviour is not welcome on Learning Hub. witnesses the ability to testify in attend,” the post read. College staff are currently Of the 97,783 greyhounds email last Friday. Global Engagement, Katherine in being complacent with the The vigil ended with a campus. Neighbouring suburbs to the court, comparing the testimony The Principal also expressed working to limit the promotion bred between 2004 and 2012, The latest inspections Belov, along with members rising Islamophobia which led recitation of a Quranic verse by “Any student found to be Uni have also seen a resurgence of Aboriginal people to “the several concerns over students of the event. approximately 50,000 to 70,000 require unrestricted access to from the Evangelical Union up to the terrorist attack. Imam Hadi. engaging in such behaviour of far-right organising. chatterings of the orangutans.” participating in betting “The College Heads have were killed because they were the entire building and full staff and the Kiwi Society also gave “We have failed to be The verse was specifically would be in breach of the code The ‘Lads Society,’ — a In 2017, the student- activities, the widely-known sought to prevent its promotion deemed uncompetitive as racing cooperation. speeches. aware of the seriousness and chosen to reflect what of conduct and subject to the collection of “men of European led Wentworth Must Fall animal cruelty of greyhound amongst their student dogs, equating a “wastage” rate The proposed eviction of The Autonomous Collective existence of xenophobic and the worshippers at the University Of Sydney (Student stock” comprising senior campaign sought to rename the racing and the industry’s communities,” the Sancta of 50 to 70 per cent. academic researchers from Against Racism offered to co- racist discourse in our society… Christchurch mosques would Discipline) Rule 2016.” members of the United Patriots Wentworth building as part of a negative publicity in recent Sophia College spokesperson The Baird Liberal Government Anderson Stuart on the basis host the event but received no A social phenomenon does have heard at the Friday In a statement, club Front including convicted broader conversation about the years.” said. backflipped on a greyhound of WHS risks first surfaced response from the SRC. SRC not grow from nowhere. The service before the terrorist executives of the Sydney criminal Blair Cottrell — has University’s colonial history. The event, ‘Neds Friday In a press release earlier racing ban in late 2016. in January 2019 following President Jacky He was not more we tolerate everyday attack. University Engineering its clubhouse in Ashfield. Wentworth Must Fall Co- Night Lights,’ is expected to today, Co-founder of Sydney Greyhound Rescue was set inspections undertaken since present at the vigil. xenophobic views, the closer Earlier in the week, Honi Undergraduate Association In late-2018, local group founder a Georgia Mantle, take place tomorrow night at charity Greyhound Rescue, up in 2008 to find new homes mid-2018. The solemn affair was we are to the repetition of reported that several placards (SUEUA) condemned the Ashfield Community Action told Honi, “quoting Wentworth Wentworth Park. Peter Flann, asked students for the many greyhounds Management remains marked by two prayer mats, violence,” Sun said. and candles in the Quadrangle material. circulated a graphic on social as if he was a pioneer of Wentworth Park is one of who planned to attend the event surplus to requirements of the locked in a dispute with the each lined with candles, placed Closing the speeches was memorialising the victims of “SUEUA has always strived media, warning that the Lads equality shows the University’s Sydney’s oldest greyhound to reconsider their intentions. racing industry. National Tertiary Education before the speakers. Imam Hadi from Muslims the Christchurch massacre had for the inclusion of all in our Society was a deeply racist, unwillingness to admit to its racing venues with the first “Do the event promoters St Andrews College did not Union (NTEU) over its failure Next to the mats was a Down Under, who preached been removed by University society and in engineering and homophobic and antisemitic own racist history and colonial appearance of the practice really want to expose students provide comment in time for to release the WHS reports to cloth banner bearing the words a message of hope, telling Campus Assist Officers. we’re disappointed to see this organisation. past.” dating back to 1932. to an industry which kills publication. concerned staff.

4 5 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS A Graphic Affair: What do CGI influencers mean Not your average 9 to 5: Young shift workers are for us? missing out on vital mental health care Alex Bateman searches for the human inside the talented Li’l Miquela. Amy Brooke and Karishma Luthria navigate the precarious maze that is student mental health care services.

Miquela Sousa is a model, brand the two? Is Miquela just a promotional actions of their ‘autonomous’ creation. wrote that these models “[represent] the “What do you mean this product is out have arisen from extraneous situations support for young people - only to session limit really is. The consultation ambassador, influencer, activist and vehicle - albeit a lucrative one? And Similar to Microsoft’s controversial technological advancements that fashion of stock?!” caused by shift work. learn that the organisation was overrun limit is not explicitly stated on USyd’s musician. She has amassed over 1.5 ultimately, are there human beings Tay – a bot that formed their lexicon as an industry has to align with for fear I wince, anticipating the berating that CAPS continues to deny the existence with patients and had been booked out CAPs website. When outlining policy million followers on Instagram, is behind the pixelated veneer, or are CGI by what they were exposed to online. of being left behind.” is about to become. Ask anyone working of this session limit. “There is no strict for months. Eventually Sara turned to regarding consultation after the first a contributing arts editor for Dazed influencers autonomous? Miquela’s posts, however, seem more The development of these CGI in retail or hospitality and they probably limit to the number of sessions a student eHeadspace, she was requested to wait session, the website simply says their magazine, and her 2018 single “Hate In January it was found that 54% carefully curated, most likely produced celebrities, however, might not be as have a similar story, or worse. can access” a CAPS spokesperson told for an undisclosed amount of time to be clinical psychologists, will “collaborate Me” has upwards 3.6 million Spotify of Generation Z and Millennials want by a social media team at Brud. revolutionary as they ostensibly seem. Verbal abuse by customers is Honi. “Demand fluctuates throughout matched with a counsellor over a chat with you on the best way of moving streams. She is also a Computer to know the human behind the CGI Then there are CGI influencers Within the realm of accessibility and commonplace in the retail and hospitality the year, being less during semester window. After 20 minutes, Sara gave up, forward.” The site states “they may make Generated Image (CGI) and is the influencer. created exclusively for brand promotion. the tangible nature of connection, Lil industries. A recent survey conducted breaks, meaning more appointments The process had made her feel hopeless recommendations or suggest you book creation of Los Angeles-based Miquela is as close to us as any red- by the SDA shows that over 85% of may be available at such times,” they and even worse than before, with no further sessions.” This vague policy start-up Brud. She goes by the blooded mammal online. She exists respondents have been subjected to said. “In periods of high demand and for other option but to “suck it up, and push along with the negative feedback that nickname ‘Lil Miquela’. behind a screen, a space similarly verbal abuse from a customer in the last longer-term support, CAPS may refer through.” exists online (on Reddit and among peer For a while there was debate occupied by the myriad of influencers 12 months and 24% of the respondents students to their GP for a Mental Health “The lack of consistent [mental groups) has deterred many students – is Lil Miquela a human being? we will never meet. Her lack of said that it happens every week. Care Plan, enabling access health] from even going for an initial visit. People were hesitant to be resolute. physical presence reduces neither Sales assistant Sophie* tells Honi, to Medicare-funded “I did think about going to CAPS, In April 2018, Lil Miquela was her influence nor her sentience (be “I honestly just feel so anxious about sessions.” The and the GP recommended that as well, “hacked” by Bermuda, another this programmed or pre-existing). having to go to work knowing that I will vague rigidity but I know there is only six sessions and CGI influencer. It has since been Saccharine promises tend to radiate likely be treated poorly. I worry about I’ve been intimidated as all I have really alleged this was a publicity stunt by from sponsored posts. Influencer the next shift, and I never really want it heard has been negative,” Sophie said. Brud who manages both Bermuda culture will remain a fixture as long to arrive.” It seems that the vague nature of and Miquela. This controversy as social media maintains its cultural In addition to verbal and sometimes USyd’s services is not a homogenous resulted in Miquela finding out hegemony. Creators of CGI celebrities physical abuse at work, retail and issue across universities in Sydney. she was a “robot” (CGI) and she appear to have capitalised on the hospitality staff live with the harsh The University of New South Wales consequently fired Brud as her influencer phenomenon to produce reality of ongoing financial insecurity. (UNSW) emphasizes in a detailed management. A few months later, digitally malleable individuals who Retail and hospitality have a very FAQ section on their website that they made amends, but this could can be redesigned and moulded to high concentration of casual workers there is no limit to how many times all be elaborate story telling – Brud align with brands. compared to other industries, meaning of such students can access on campus mental says they are a “transmedia studio these casual staff consistently have a response health services. In 2015, UNSW had that creates digital character- to manage irregular hours and on the part an anonymous phone line run by driven story worlds.” And giving “Creators of unpredictable shift times. of CAPS is students known as ‘Here to Hear.’ The CGI figures emotional narratives As a young person, navigating a particularly unfair service is now defunct but in its prime, could be their method of forging CGI celebrities heavily casualised industry comes with to these students. it offered an ear for students needing connections between the digital appear to have additional concerns. Individuals are When student to discuss mental health concerns, and physical, so we as an audience frequently managing mistreatment by services fail especially when university services can empathise with what are capitalised on their employers and with the additional to provide were booked out or when students immaterial beings. stress of study and the amounting crucial felt embarrassed to approach peers the influencer pressures that come with shift work, it mental health or professionals in person. USyd has phenomenon to is no wonder that accessibility to mental support this taken an institutional approach to “Here lies a health services is crucial to young kind of pressure leaves shift workers help on campus, for me as an mental health support, one that differs produce digitally people’s wellbeing. feeling extremely isolated and dejected. international student, meant that I was from the hands-on approach at UNSW. question that malleable Mental health issues facing young “It is expected that we work long hours, hesitant to return to CAPs,” she said. CAPS told Honi, “ A CANVAS e-learning looms in the people has gained traction in the past perform to the best of our ability, reach “Especially if they were going to platform for students has also been individuals who few years, however significant barriers target sales, serve customers and satisfy refer me to an expensive therapist developed by CAPS, providing a range of humming, air- can be redesigned remain for those employed in service all their needs – even difficult and rude whom I could not afford while living on mental health and wellbeing resources, controlled corners industries, especially those further customers - be friendly and bubbly for a budget. My insurance does not cover which will be launched shortly.” and moulded pressured by a low socio-economic eight hours a day, despite whatever private mental health services.” The University of Technology Sydney of Silicon Valley status and financial insecurity. we we may be going through in our Many young people engaged in (UTS), unlike USyd has hired a third to align with Underfunding certainly puts limits personal lives…” said Anna, a shift shift work have attempted to access party contractor for mental health server farms: brands.” on the quality of care that mental health worker and university student. free mental health services outside of services. It is clearly outlined on their Where does the care providers can offer but Sophie “We are then forced to fit in personal the university. Whilst underfunding website that students are only entitled Miquela maintains a palpable believes that shift workers also require or educational commitments around a deserves significant consideration when to 4-6 sessions, after which students creator “end” alacrity about who she is, but there is flexibility from their employers. “I have shitty retail job – which are definitely discussing gaps in the mental health with a “valid Mental Health Treatment and Lil Miquela an underlying reticence. It’s dialectical no idea whether I am going to be free on more important than the job itself.” support system, until the boundaries that Plan can see their counsellors for up but does that make her more human, a particular date in two to three months’ International students that take up prevent shift workers from accessing to 10 additional sessions per calendar “begin”?” or less? There is a reluctance to time, and I am not in the position to turn shift work face additional complications. mental health care are acknowledged, year.” Such provisions are not provided placing faith in a CGI spectral being, down work,” she said. The limited sessions provided by the the problems young shift workers face at USyd and is a disservice to students particularly when it’s unclear as to The University of Sydney (USyd) University are the only option for cannot be duly addressed. — especially those who face financial But are CGI influencers a fad, or whether they are autonomous or offers free mental health services to international students who cannot When she reached out for help stresses as shift workers. do they signal a new phase of social a vehicle for an anonymous voice. students but navigating this service afford expensive mental health services. after obtaining a Mental Health Plan, Open dialogue about mental health media and cultural advancement? While this remains opaque, Miquela’s is an incredibly complex and arduous Overseas Student Health Covers do Sophie was informed by telephone that is important but there needs to be more A digitally constructed figure is success is catalytic in creating space process that is riddled with vague not insure mental health care, and the Headspace can only schedule regular awareness of the barriers preventing not held to the same standards as in the digital landscape for a new boundaries and limitations. Advertised process of finding appropriate help appointments at the same time every accessibility to care. This is impacting a human being. “You can create type of influencer to emerge. as a free service for all by the university, leaves international students feeling fortnight. “There was no way I could get some of the most disadvantaged the Kardashians without any of Influencer culture will remain many mistake the service to be offering lost. These burdens and inequalities are there at the same time each week as a members of our university community. the inherent issues that come with a fixture as long as social media unlimited counselling sessions but these particularly apparent when considering shift worker, and they unfortunately let “I just hate it when people say ‘that’s just being human” said Cyan Bannister, maintains its cultural hegemony. services only extent to a maximum of 6 the fact that internationals pay upwards me know that they couldn’t help me,” she how it is’ working in the service industry, a venture capitalist at Founders Creators of CGI celebrities appear sessions. of 40 000 dollars a year, double the said. “They recommended looking for but it’s only like that because we let it be,” Fund which invested $100 000 in It could be that Brud has just created Balenciaga’s Spring 2019 campaign to have capitalised on the influencer After the limit is reached, Usyd’s amount of what domestic students pay. private practitioners with a low charge said Sophie. When it comes to change, Brud in 2017. a new type of influencer; another form of consists of virtual models being phenomenon to produce digitally Counselling and Psychological Services A therapist at CAPS told Sara* after or a bulk billing service, but in reality I acknowledging that vulnerable students Here lies a question that looms in marketable entity that they can control contorted into spine-defying positions. malleable individuals who can be (CAPs) has a policy to refer students to an her first and sixth session that if she was couldn’t afford to actually take time off , like shift workers, are being left behind the humming, air-controlled corners in entirety. One where the producers of Or Balmain’s “virtual army” composed redesigned and moulded to align with external therapist as they are unequipped to return to CAPS after these sessions work to go to talk to someone, let alone by mental health care systems is the first of Silicon Valley server farms: Where these CGI figures have the capacity to entirely of CGI models including Shudu: brands. to handle the long-term mental health they would have no other choice but to pay for private help.” step to developing a more considerate does the creator “end” and Lil Miquela remain nameless and absolve themselves the self-proclaimed “World’s First Digital concerns affecting these students. This recommend a long-term therapist. Sara With outside mental health support and inclusive service for all. service limitation has a particular effect turned to the Redfern Youth centre — services struggling to meet the demand, “begin”? Is there a distinction between of a degree of responsibility for the Supermodel”. Vogue’s Alice Newbold Art by Ludmilla Nunell on students facing complications that a free service providing mental health it becomes clear how damaging CAPs’ 6 Art by Isabelle Hans-Rosenbaum 6 7 ANALYSIS & PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE Terrorism: gatekeeping threats to the state Fridays after Christchurch Liam Thorne asks where the far-right groups are on Australia’s terrorist list? Rameen Hayat explores the impacts of the Christchurch massacre on the Muslim community.

Following any large display of public Party, Hamas and Hezbollah. Whilst such 9/11 attacks and the Bali Bombings. Saul noted that, “While there are set up their chairs near the back. The It is an assault on our identities and with them again. violence like the Christchurch shootings, parties are certainly responsible (in part) Invoking the ideology of the “war on objective legal criteria for listing a terrorist I. Fridays children sprawl themselves in their our existence, and we are scared. We We will stand shoulder to shoulder a similar question reliably arises: was the for long histories of violence, they also terrorism”, then Attorney General Daryl organisation [as in Division 102]... parents’ laps. won’t stop rebelling by continuing to with them on this Friday and the Fridays action a terrorist action? play a critical role in projects of national Williams spoke to the need to “ensure we inevitably, policy considerations involve Fridays are a combination of chaos Jummah begins with pin drop silence. exist, we will occupy spaces, we will to come. In many ways, our definitions of self-determination for disempowered have the best possible tools to fight that non-legal choices; and it cannot be ruled and serenity in our home. Lining up We reflect on our misgivings and ask for wear our hijabs — yet now I feel my terrorism are highly politicised. The term communities. war.” Right wing violence, whilst certainly out that the process could potentially be for the shower as the hot water supply forgiveness, we pray for our brothers head won’t be held up as high. This is the III. Speak generally tends to pick an act committed Glaringly absent from the list, disruptive, ultimately occurs in favour adversely politicised.” In regards to the scrambles to keep up. Frantically ironing and sisters in unison and we thank our first time I have truly felt unsafe because by an otherised individual against the however, is any European, fascist, or neo- of the Australian state. Under Howard’s groups omitted, Saul felt that, “security baba’s shalwar kameez with clear-cut Lord for all that we have been given. of my Muslim identity; before it was Politicians used Islamophobia as broader state, with a specific intent to harm Nazi group. framing of terrorism, it therefore makes agencies [were unlikely] take such precision so the guys at the mosque “Friday is the best of days.” words, now it is physical. Now, it feels bargaining chips. The media profited the larger imagined community. In the The Criminal Code Act outlines how sense that non-Islamist organisations groups seriously simply because they are don’t make a comment. It’s the fragrance “There is no day more virtuous than like someone may actually hit the target. from us by normalising it. We consumed common vernacular, it is taken as a given a group comes to be labelled as a terrorist would fall out of consideration. white or right wing, although blind spots of ittar wafting through the hallway as Friday.” But in truth, I am mostly exhausted. it, we ignored it, we got used to it. White that the imagined community is a tangible one. Division 102 specifies that, under the Insofar as these laws exist though, can never be entirely discounted.” baba does the head count. We all run out – Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be I am not privileged with only sadness supremacy weaponised it under the one that could be harmed, thus quickly advisement of the Australian Security we must ask why groups like the Even if much of Australia’s organised single file, hoping we make it before the Upon Him) to process. I carry the burden of fear for banner of ‘freedom of speech’ and yet deferring to existing systems of othering. It Intelligence Organisation, the Attorney- Antipodean Resistance are not listed. far-right does not qualify as terrorist first call. my safety, helplessness that our voices no one believed us when we called it a is for this reason that, inevitably, terrorism General (currently Liberal politician Antipodean Resistance — an offshoot by the word of the law (laws with an Fridays are “can the brother with the threat, because we were the threat. becomes synonymous with fundamentalist Christian Porter) must accept that the of National Action, a neo-Nazi terrorist admittedly significant allowance for white Camry please clear the driveway,” We’ve both been put in the spotlight Islamic violence. organisation is involved in any stage of organisation in the United Kingdom political discretion), it is hard to deny young boys shoving expensive sneakers “We won’t stop rebelling by continuing to exist, and kept out of it. Spoken on, for and Although the discussion around a terrorist act, or advocates “the doing of — is known to target Jewish members a lingering disjunct between how the at the top of the shoe cupboard so they we will occupy spaces, we will wear our hijabs — about, but never to. So I speak and I write defining terrorism may seem highly a terrorist act.” Being listed means the of the community, and holds camps to public treats Islamist and ultra-nationalist don’t get trampled on — or worse yet, out of rebellion, protest and healing. I semantic, it has radical implications organisation is all but criminalised by a train their young recruits. This year, the forms of violence. stolen. yet now I feel my head won’t be held up as high.” need you to listen. for how governments are able to form series of unflinchingly brutal laws. Jail group left swastikas on a Jewish aged- Where laws exist that enliven Fridays are aunties blocking narrow Do not tell me this was shocking, security policy. Just as defining terrorism sentences of up to 25 years are given for care home in Melbourne. Their website state powers to enter people’s homes hallways with stories about someone II. Mourning aren’t being heard, anger that I am told to isolated or unexpected. Do not tell me to involves subjectivity, and thus requires any involvement with the organisation. calls for white people to “ live without their consent, to imprison else’s daughter getting married, while defend my existence every other day — calm down. Do not tell me to stay strong. societal consensus, so too does defining Broader discussions must be had up to our historical greatness through people indefinitely, or to ban people uncles wage debates on world affairs We don’t get to mourn like normal but when my existence is being violated, Do not watch as we get berated on buses. what a terrorist group is. In Australia, about the legitimacy of these laws given our actions”, one of many allusions to a from associating with each other, we and cricket. It is little girls clutching at people. Sadness comes in waves; it no one is defending me. Do not dismiss us when we call out every one of the 28 groups deemed their allowance of extensive state violence. distinct propensity for violence. ought to consider them with immense their fathers’ legs, haphazardly trying to rolls in as the numbers increase, it rolls We are told that verily with hardship white supremacy. Do not turn the page ‘terrorist organisations’ are from the When introduced as an amendment bill To better understand the politics apprehension. Saul agreed that “in many keep the hijabs from slipping off their in when the numbers are given faces, comes ease. Our brothers and sisters and forget this happened. This is a cycle Middle East or Africa. Overwhelmingly, in 2002 by the Howard Government, behind Australia’s legal and social respects, Australia’s counter-terrorism heads, again. names, stories, identities — a Muslim went to greet their creator and have perpetuating itself with othering linked these are offshoots of Islamic State and the second reading speech explained conceptions of terrorism in the Criminal laws are excessive.” Their politically- Fridays begin with the nervous identity. returned to him. They have gone as together by complicity. Al-Qaeda. Amidst this list, however, are they were explicitly made to defend the Code, Honi spoke to USyd Professor of charged nationalist roots should only be teenage boy, clearing his throat as he Despair strikes as we realise they are martyrs and I try to take comfort in that. also parties like the Kurdistan Workers’ “community” from similar events to the International Law, Ben Saul. cause for further alarm. tries to begin the athaan. The clamour family, they are our kin. It could have I see forgiveness and serenity in the Your words matter of voices begins to subside and huddles been us. It is personal. The pain escapes faces of widows, children, parents and Your actions matter assemble into lines, packed like sardines from their souls and spreads itself friends who begin to lay their loved ones Your silence matters too Inside the Ravenous Mind of a Bulimic from shoulder to shoulder. The elderly through every one of us. to rest, and pray that they will reunite I can hear it.

Deaundre Espejo hopes we can start more conversations about eating disorders. Art by Amelia Mertha Content warning: this article mentions bulimia

I went overseas in January and naturally, these periods I am miserable and it would be absurd not to conclude that it’s the first thing I get probed about at completely devoid of energy. something is gravely awry. cafe tables. I always say that the biggest When I binge, I feel euphoric. Like a The reality is that eating disorders highlight for me was the cuisine; that desert traveller stumbling upon an oasis, are incredibly complex and manifold. We “the Pad Thai here doesn’t hold a flame.” my body finally receives the sustenance come in all different shapes and sizes, But the ironic truth is: I didn’t eat for it has been yearning for after days of at all stages of body acceptance, with most of those three weeks. hunger and dehydration. different habits and pathologies. Not all My brain functions in a peculiar way. These fervent binges can last up to people with bulimia purge. Collective At every waking moment, I’m frantically a week, a period where I am incredibly ignorance, masked in hyper-awareness, calculating how much glucose is in my radiant, happy, and (dare I say) potent. has created very narrow definitions that body; how many fat cells I am burning Interestingly, my senses are heightened, serve to exclude and delegitimise people in a state of ketosis; how much metabolic so even a sterile piece of lettuce can who are indeed suffering from genuine water my body is producing. When I eat, taste like sugar. But after that comes the mental health issues. We start to believe I can feel these processes spiralling out slump, where I feel physically nauseous that we’re not “sick enough” or “thin of control, and it becomes impossible for and drown in acute feelings of paranoia. enough” for treatment, even though me to track. Because of this obsession, I go Rinse, lather, repeat. we torture our bodies physically and through extended periods of starvation, The curious thing is that my friends mentally every day. sometimes without even drinking water, and family all know about my eating I decided it was time to share for this allows me to gain a phantasm of patterns. In fact, most people point out my experiences, because in order to absolute control over what my body is that I never eat, to which I always answer demystify the eating disorder and all its doing. This is then followed by vicious “I’m just not hungry.” This is enough for nuances, it’s important that we tell our relapses of binge eating when my body people to suppose that everything is fine. stories. This is but one of many. Though, and mind inevitably yield. While I don’t blame anyone, acquiescence admittedly, I’m only at the first yellow These eating cycles maintain a certainly doesn’t help. There are so many brick on the road to recovery, I’ve come firm grip over every single facet of times where I wish someone had spoken to accept that just one day of struggling my existence. My starvation periods to me privately and simply said “if there’s in the darkness of an eating disorder is are when I am most productive — to anything I can do to help, let me know.” enough to warrant proper attention and suppress my hunger, I pile on work so When thinking about an eating help. I have hope that this will catch on, I don’t have time to even contemplate disorder, many conjure up an image and that more people will have these food. Many call me a workaholic, but I of a person emaciated, insecure, and conversations. object to that sentiment since I am not volatile. Yet it certainly doesn’t represent If you are worried about yourself or driven by the work itself, but rather everyone. I feel good about my body. I someone else, the best thing you can do is the aversion of eating. Because my sit within the average weight range for talk to someone. The Butterfly Foundation subconscious is constantly thinking a person my height and age. I carefully for eating disorders’ National Helpline can about food, I spend a lot of time cooking plan out the days and times in which I be reached at 1800 33 4673, 7 days a week and watching cooking television shows. have my ‘strategic’ binges. But when from 8am to midnight. In a crisis, please call Though it doesn’t sound terrible, during you look at my patterns of behaviour, 000 or Lifeline. on 13 11 14. Art by Isabelle Hans-Rosenbaum


USyd Love Letters loves me not Kia Kaha The roaches of Fisher are moving upstairs

Wilson Huang takes a journey into the heteronormative world of USyd Love Letters Revived. 15/03/2019 As Anh Nguyen awoke one morning from unsettling dreams she found herself surrounded by monstrous vermin

With over 15,300 followers, USyd Love all kidding ourselves if we think there’s to typically masculine gender roles. The microwaves at Fisher Library have In the beginning of March, I found myself next to the thin, vertical windows, when splatter of rotten sustenance within the Letters Revived (USyd LLR) is a source not a point where we’re going to ditch As someone who lives in Australia Soo Choi gone missing. In their quake, two A4 at Fisher again. On the upper-levels, it I heard a peculiar noise. It was coming microwaves. of entertainment for many students, a our parents’ requirements.” and comes from a Chinese cultural signs stand, boasting the ever-familiar now boasted sets of brand-new study out of somewhere next to me. A rather place where the innermost desires of Akin to these racial and cultural background, I feel like I am being Christchurch, 26th January “returning to services soon.” The desks — an effoIrt to utilise more space high, child-like shriek that resonated I am not the only nor the first person classmates are externalised and a site preferences, the manner in which people judged as inauthentic or simply white- 2014 university has said that the problem with to accommodate the rising amount of with a distinct vibration. Like the quiet who has noticed this issue. Many for the odd shout out, and joke letter describe themselves online can also washed because I don’t conform to these microwaves have been reported Fisher-heads. It was when I was visually vroom of a toy motorbike. It came out students have also reported it, but no and will be fixed “as soon as possible”. To appreciating of the space between the window actions have been taken yet. But even if to a friend. As a place which enables highlight preconceived expectations. stereotypical Asian ideals, and values There’s a crack splitting the ceiling the occasional passerby, this may seem and the wall. I bend down to take a something was to be done, Fisher will people to anonymously submit letters Racial and cultural identity is a tricky such as being ‘hardworking,’ socially outside the room I’m staying in. We like just another destined malfunction closer look. Then swiftly, two long repeatedly be faced with the same fate if without fear of judgement. It is unsur- area to navigate in online spaces. conservative and family-orientated. drove to Waltham in the rain today, I due to the myriad of abuses faced by all antennae wiggled out from the we continue to leave it in the condition prising, then, that the page provides a While personal identity is meant to be These expectations, in turn, weaken saw the shipping containers — a sign microwaves every single day. However, dark cracks. Before my eyes, a that it is now. We have all contributed relatively stable dataset of the types of something we own and something we my sense of belonging. More often of the slow recovery of this city. people USyd students love and how than not, I wonder if someone will ever the truth as to why these microwaves the s e loud, yelling specimen, gigantic to the metamorphosis of Fisher into a they describe or sell themselves as love me. have gone missing for a period of time is new additions in stature. A cockroach who cockroach paradise. A certain suggestion potential suitors. Sydney, 15th March a rather menacing one. You see, Fisher is did a fast-moving would not shut up despite is to remove the communal dining area Despite anonymous spaces 2019 infested with cockroaches. brown engine knowing full-well that it completely as it seems to be impossible being technically judgement-free speed right across was in the quiet section. A to ever keep the space clean. That still spaces, they can be monopolised 2:00pm It has been about two months since I the carpeted floor of tad rude, I must say. leaves the array of bins that always turn or hijacked by exclusive, but first witnessed this phenomenon. It is 4th level Fisher South. into a mountain of decaying matter not necessarily discriminatory, I’m out at lunch. My phone buzzes a magnificent sight to open a Fisher Only this time, the thing What is strange is that most by the end of each day (they don’t get discourses which deter the Artwork by Shrawani Bhattarai with a breaking news alert: there’s an microwave at 2AM and to find that it is was big. Did Gregor grow? species of cockroaches do not cleaned out until the early hours of the participation of certain people like unfolding situation in Christchurch. already occupied by eight cockroaches. I asked myself. But this was not normally make noise. But morning). myself, highlighting preconceived The alert mentions Hagley Park and I They are of the German variety. Tiny a German cockroach. It was an entirely however, when they do, it expectations and influencing our recall having Christ’s College pointed bodies sheltered by the finest of glossy different species. is to attract a mate. Yes, As for now, Fisher remains an ideal sense of belonging. out to me from the car as we passed tan coats, and two fashionable black you guessed it. Fisher site for student entomologists. The first post of USyd LLR is a Hagley on our way to Waltham that is now a love hotel for Unlike the lonely walls of pinned admin post dating back to “Going down the day, five years ago. I try to remember if roaches. A horrible, erotic his bedroom, within 24 October 2018. Despite the good page, other posts we drove past Al-Noor too. “It is a magnificent sight to open a Fisher discovery. And as much as I this environment, intentions of the author, it unwittingly microwave at 2AM and to find that it is enjoy the acoustic vibrations many Gregor Samsas reinforces heteronormative stereotypes reveal varying 3:30pm created by horny cockroach will continue to by explicitly giving advice to guys expectations already occupied by eight cockroaches.” musicians, I must now conclude thrive. And we who like girls (“for the guys...with the I’m home now, on my laptop. that the library has a cockroach are reminded girl/s”) and vice versa (“for the girls... underlying stereotypes Facebook recounts the shootings stripes on the pronotum. As startled as A thing to know about cockroach infestation. once again of if there is a guy”), in turn, entrenching manifested in the to me repeatedly as national, then I was, I was not surprised. Given the infestations is that when the population the collective an expectation that readers are straight requirements and international media, pick up the story. negligence of the library’s communal of one species reaches an exceedingly You probably will not see them when responsibility we and monogamous, while also assuming The death toll rises with each link I areas, as well as the aggregation of high number, it will attract other you are there during the day. But the must have for our gender roles to a degree. characteristics people click on. I ring my parents. I realise people who use the facility, having one species of cockroaches to the same problem remains — their population is communal spaces. Though it remains arguable that demand in a potential we don’t know how to talk about or two Gregor Samsas that may have location. What I saw then was probably We cannot there are more straight people at USyd, something like this happening in our snuck in to find refuge from the grating an Australian Cockroach. Voluptuous simply sleep it is possible to give advice which is suitor.” home. We’ve never had to. conditions outside is a given. looking, with darker tones. While their “Yes you guessed it. Fisher is a little longer inclusive to everyone. Doing this is far reproduction rate is slower than their now a love hotel for roaches” and forget from difficult. In fact, the admin does 7:00pm However, due to the species of cockroach German counterpart, the fact that they about this manage to do this by not assuming found, I since have realised that this had also come to relish upon the copious increasing, and it will not be long until it nonsense. The roaches of Fisher are the gender of people’s partners in their migration is very, very bad news. If there amount of rotten food in Fisher was becomes a major infestation. moving upstairs, and unless we care further advice in the comments section. I message my friend in Auckland to is anything that’s to be known about a rather worrying situation. I was not enough, there is nothing that will stop Going down the page, other check in. “It was my friend’s mosque. the German Cockroach, it’s that they quick to conclude that the library was From my late night observations, I note them. posts reveal varying expectations should be proud of, that does not He’s devastated.” I hope he’s okay and I can only survive within buildings, and possibly facing a major infestation yet. three main species of cockroaches free- underlying stereotypes manifested in mean they are immune to preconceived begin to wonder how one comforts a they reproduce at an extremely fast rate. So within the next few weeks, I began to loading within these walls.The German the requirements and characteristics expectations. Yet, while USyd LLR and other stranger from 2000km away. Females can carry up to 40 eggs within document any cockroaches that I came Cockroach, the Australian Cockroach, people demand in a potential suitor. For example, religious identity can university love letter platforms are the ootheca, and within a month those across in Fisher library at night. and the Smokybrown Cockroach While some desired characteristics are involve moral beliefs on how people generally light-hearted sources of eggs hatch. The fact that I found around 7:15pm arguably petty, like the degrees people should behave. In that sense, a queer entertainment, we can all aspire to be eight of these cockroaches, varying in If it is not yet a major infestation, All three of these species possess study, ethnic and cultural preferences and affirming person of faith can be more inclusive when we talk about I’m on the phone with another different sizes and colour meant that the cockroach population will be different habits, aesthetics and lifestyles. subtly influence the letters on the page harmed (and very much excluded) when love. Though I am not suggesting that friend now. I tell her the death toll is at there was a whole population of them, confined to the lower levels of the library, Butone thing they share is that they all and the big debate remains whether it someone else is ‘proud’ of their religious USyd LLR is an exclusionary platform, 40. We both fall silent. I try to imagine lurking within the structures of Fisher I deduced. My hypothesis being that they cherish Fisher library and its unkempt is acceptable to have a monoracial or identity and assume all others of that it remains paramount that we don’t a room of 40 people, their lives, and Library. would enter through the bins, dirty toilets, food in sinks, and monocultural preference. identity should act in a certain way. This make assumptions of people because their families. The death toll later rises main entrance and While there are definitely open love extends to cultures where monocultural of their racial or cultural background, to 50. I was unaware of this fact then, and stop at the kitchen letters, you often find letters which relationships are ingrained. nor that people are straight unless said 7:35pm did not proceed to report on in their search for food, require someone to be of a particular In these cultures, individuals are otherwise. For example, writing public Controlled detonation by a bomb this problem as the same and having found it, would racial or cultural background. Out of subtl y geared towards an expectation, love letters addressed to ‘the boys’, ‘the squad at Britomart Train Station. microwaves were replaced not need to go any higher. a randomly selected set of 30 letters, a performance consistent with those girls’, or your love interest expecting That’s 3km from my parent’s house. I the very next day when Not to mention that the upper- 13 were open and 17 had an obvious around them, such that they ought they’re straight may be unremarkable come through that station multiple I came to the library. levels are usually much colder in ethnic preference. However, while it to like a specific type of person and to you, but it can negatively affect queer times a week when I return home, Naively, I believed that temperature, and would not be the may be easy to accuse those with such a failure to do so results in the risk of people’s sense of belonging. For most of rushing up the escalators to meet old the problem had been ideal environment for a cockroach. requirements as racist, and there are social isolation. Cultural expectations us, the public sphere is an exclusionary faces in the atrium or at Amano across taken care of. Within undoubtedly some who are, familial and ultimately explain the preferences of space, and online love letters platforms the square. Those memories are briefly the next 2 months, I What I found was the repulsive truth cultural expectations permeate such some letters in USyd LLR. which confer the protection of suspended in time as the area is moved into a home that I had been too terrified to accept. requirements. On a daily basis, I experience the anonymity, are some of the few spaces quickly closed off, and then reopened. with proper working There are cockroaches on all levels of Indeed, some letters often jokingly wrath of both racial/cultural and we have routine access to. internet, so I did not Fisher. The kitchen on the lower floor need to visit the is no longer enough to sustain their mention these underlying influences. heteronormative expectations. As a Equally, the onus is on us to take 7:40pm A recent letter laments the difficulties gay man who is typically masculine- care to understand our attraction library as often as I had before. The growing population. Their hunger now of finding the “perfect person,” within presenting, I often feel an expectation without assuming anything on the I ring my mum. She’s shocked and thoughts of tiny Gregor Samsas also pushes them upwards. constraints defined by parents would that I am supposed to be straight or that basis of someone’s background. I don’t confused. “How did something like this slipped away from my mind, guiltlessly, Art by Lauren Moore much rather have you “marry in the same I am straight-acting. Because I choose expect that we will be perfect, but we happen here? Maybe I don’t know this like all of my 2018 assignments. It was a The most lovely incident occurred on race/religion.” Another letter mentions not to conform to the stereotypically can all do our part in making our online place as well as I thought I did.” joyous time in my life. However, like all the 8th level one day. I was at one of after making a ethnic preference, “We’re gay image, I am expected to conform spaces more inclusive. things, the halcyon did not last. the desks that occupied the side-walls,


But FIFA’s eurocentric ideologues were mainstay for non-European nations under Racism in Football: fact, inadvertently promotes — speaks less enthusiastic about South American FIFA governance. FIFA seldom cares about to FIFA’s ongoing legacy of treating integration into their federation. Gibraltar, Palestine, Northern Cyprus or A Profound minorities as racially inferior. Recent FOR THE GAME? Exponents of this view, including then any politically disputed territories, but ReflFlection oN FIFA's examples include Manchester City’s General Secretary of FIFA Carl Anton will use its capitalist marketing strategy Raheem Sterling being racially vilified Wilhelm Hirschman, invoked themes of to structure football matches along Dark History by Chelsea fans in London, or Kalidou FOR THE WORLD?: unity and Christendom, to affirm FIFA’s problematic nationalistic lines, provoking Koulibaly of Napoli FC subject to position as a federation of European nationalist sentiments and adding racial chants and having a banana peel states. When Jules Rimet became the historical drama, largely in the interests of Today, football fans foment vicious hurled at him during a match against third FIFA president in 1921, he sought profits for the clubs, and ultimately, FIFA. racism and alienation in stadiums Inter Milan. The problem is even more A SHORT to spread the game of football beyond Since its inception, all eight of FIFA’s and online forums, directing the same pronounced within the governance of the European nationalist framework. presidents have been Europeans, with the pro-European and colonialist rhetoric FIFA. Whenever a racist incident occurs, Rimet, who subscribed to the ethos exception of the Brazilian João Havelange espoused by the early administrators FIFA investigates, doles out fines and of nineteenth-century colonialism and interim President Issa Hayatou (2015- of FIFA. There are several examples gives the fans (or teams) a derisory slap HISTORY OF and Christendom, had a vision of the 2016) from Cameroon. Eurocentrism depicting this narrative, but the most on the wrist. federation which followed an orientalist indelibly became the principal ideal of important ones reflect FIFA’s failure In 2011, then FIFA President Sepp and colonial view of global development. Blatter notoriously remarked that FIFA'S COLONIAL In this, social and cultural hegemony was racism on the pitch can be solved “with bestowed by a ‘modern’, European centre a handshake”. This is not to claim that to a ‘pre-modern’, third world periphery. FIFA does not address issues of racism, Words: Emmanuel Jacob Under Rimet’s leadership, FIFA but rather, FIFA’s underlying response LEGACY Artwork: Emma Harbridge adopted a missionary, orientalist approach to racism is very much immiserated in to the development of football and thus, its colonial foundations; the football FIFA’s relationship with non-European field becomes a place where whiteness On October 6, 2001, a highly charged world of others. The ability of football “FIFA is the real president of our nations: the cultural and ethical unity of constituencies was marked by an is redeemed as a saviour of ethnic ‘friendly’ football match between to help instill the local population of country. FIFA comes to our country Europe is reinforced as European nations orientalist, Eurocentric and neo-imperialist minorities. Algeria and France was brought to an former colonial subjects with a sense of and imposes a state within a state.” continue to receive the most amount style. From a more significant perspective, While FIFA superficially plays a end after pitch invaders stormed the nationhood and revenge that transcends FIFA devotees have been convinced and of World Cup slots. Few non-Western Rimet framed his goal to develop FIFA central role in global football governance, Stade de France, the stadium that had community loyalties and bind have convinced themselves that FIFA is Europeans or non-South Americans in such a manner that colonial subjects this only exposes the urgent need for been built precisely for the triumphant minorities to common social, economic a source of legitimacy, continuity and can qualify for World Cups, or have a would not be entitled to equal rights as robust reformation and restructuring France ’98 World Cup. It was the first and political objectives is significant. guidance in a fundamentally hostile chance to be successful in World Cup they were not considered to belong to to fundamentally dismantle its football match — and to this date — Football matches between former world — and that has rendered them competitions. the community of European nations. colonial philosophical and ideological the only match played between the colonial powers and their subjects are susceptible to the partisanship, narrow- For the 2018 World Cup, the FIFA Moreover, the federation placed mandates foundations. The dream of an ethnically two countries since Algeria gained about more than just football: they’re mindedness, subservience, and personal Executive Committee decided to on these nations so that they could not plural FIFA administration is now an its independence from France after a opportunities for former colonial stultification that FIFA inflicts on non- allocate fourteen slots for European challenge the legitimacy of the federation even more remote prospect. riotous civil war in 1962. La Marseillaise subjects to defeat the nations that sought European countries. nations (including the host nation itself. Upon Rimet’s departure, continental FIFA is not a state nor an army, but was booed. French flags were burned to defeat them. But despite FIFA’s long- The intellectual, social and Russia); five for Africa; four for Asia confederations were established to its significance lies in its geopolitical outside the stadium. The French media standing ethos of bringing the game of developmental framework established and South America respectively; three represent and contest in football: UEFA influence and ability to control billions described it as an act of “savagery” and football to the world, it’s parochial and by FIFA — the manufacture of years for North, Central America, Caribbean; for Europe in 1954; AFC for Asia in of followers through the decisions they “barbarism.”It was a clear indication that insular history suggests otherwise. of parochial, insular, and colonial and none for Oceania. It is probably not 1954; CAF for Africa in 1957. The Central make on a constant basis: the hosting a dark colonial past weighed too heavily The ostensible aim of FIFA as a mandates and regulations — became surprising then that, with the exception and North American and Caribbean rights for World Cup tournaments; on Algerians to permit ‘normal’ sporting federation is encompassing and guiding the guiding principle of FIFA’s of Argentina and Uruguay, all World confederation (CONCACAF) was created to address its ideological flaws. Many the allocation of World Cup slots for relations between their oppressors. For the world football community, which social control. FIFA was established Cup winners have been former colonial in 1961, followed by the Oceania Football players of immigrant backgrounds in different regions; and the awarding of many victims of colonialism, the pitch is held together by social and political in 1904 in Zurich, Switzerland, to powers: Brazil, Italy, Germany, France, Confederation (OFC) in 1966. FIFA Europe describe racist abuse as being awards and medals to football players. invasion carried particular significance ties, under the principles of ‘fair administer football competitions England and Spain. No national team operated on colonialist terms, maintaining part of the game and something that It is almost inconceivable that the as an act of bravery and nobility; a play’. FIFA demonstrates their worth between eight founding countries: from Africa, Asia, North and Central the dichotomy between imperial powers one needs to adapt to. Athletes from FIFA administration — riven across poignant rejection of the West's, and and dominance through the social, B e l g i u m , D e n m a r k , F r a n c e , G e r m a n y , t America and the Caribbean or Oceania and their colonial territories. minority groups continue to suffer all times and utterly beset by greed, both individual and institutional indeed, the Fédération Internationale de institutional, and the political. But all he Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and has ever reached a World Cup final. End of the Colonial partisanship, corruption and flawed Football Association's (FIFA) values. of that is predicated on its ideological Switzerland. With the exception of What serves to unite the world forms of racism. Even countries that governance — can continue to speak The globalisation of football as a rule- foundations in colonialism, set Switzerland, all of the founding nations through the poignancy of football Era: A New Beginning display some of the most ethnically for the football community. If FIFA is bound entity has been one of the most against the absence of uniformity and were colonial powers. From the outset of becomes a device for reinforcing Europe’s for FIFA? mixed national teams in Europe face to move beyond its disconcerting past, successful projects in world history. egalitarianism. The neo-colonial ceilings its establishment, the European nations colonial hegemony; as Europeans FIFA governance. This construction of controversies when it comes to the FIFA’s ideologues must eradicate its It is a profound manifestation of the imposed by FIFA effectively solidifies it swiftly set about strengthening FIFA’s continue to receive the majority of white identity reinforces colonial epoch; social inclusion of ethnic minorities heavily politicised nature and think development of universal communities: as an ersatz nation: European colonial Eurocentric foundations. The founding World Cup slots, it is more than likely the racial fantasy — celebrating and and to race relations. of football governance beyond the ways to locate and position yourself, and powers sought to control global football nations had woven FIFA’s ethos around that European nations will continue to The end of the colonial era marked the unifying whiteness — that FIFA promotes The modern, casual deployment of dominant Eurocentric framework it your nation or community, on a global and also block out rival countries from their perceived superiority over their dominate future World Cup tournaments. beginning of new complications for is damaging to the game that works to make racism and vilification from fans – by was founded upon. Only then can FIFA scale. The sense of shared sentiments other regions from gaining admission. colonised victims; they exhibited callous These colonial characteristics become colonial subjects: of families separated and sure every group is fairly represented. which FIFA refuses to address, and in become a voice for all. that watching football stimulates is In 2014, former Brazilian football disdain for non-European nations, even more problematic when the hosting lives violently transformed in despondent one place where you identify legend Romário complained that particularly those from Africa and Asia, rights of World Cup tournaments is conditions. Despite the end of the colonial yourself in the FIFA did not respect Brazil’s by actively thwarting their attempts to taken into consideration. In recent years, era, FIFA premises its neo-colonialism autonomy during gain admission to the federation. FIFA FIFA administrators have exercised their on more normalised forms of rule — the World Cup continuously engaged in Eurocentrism, influence to host the World Cups in the legislations, mandates, and elections. that year: racism and the denial of a World Cup USA (1994), South Korea/Japan (2002), The FIFA governance has extraordinary berth to non-European nations. It was South Africa (2010), Russia (2018) and organisational and operational problems only until 1970 that Africa grew its first Qatar (2022). It was only 98 years after — poor ethical guidelines, dilapidated World Cup berth. Asia merely FIFA’s establishment that Asia was able structures and inherent corruption that received its first World to host its first World Cup, 106 years for threatens the integrity of the beautiful Cup berth in 1962. Africa, and 118 years for the Middle East. game. But its heavily politicised nature, Eurocentrism indelibly as well as the opportunistic presence of became the principal Was Fifa Established largely European administrators who ideal of FIFA governance. to Cover Europe's promote a neo-colonial agenda, is one deep problem that permeates throughout FIFA’s self-professed Colonial Crimes? commitment to ‘fair FIFA’s governance. play’ is evidently not Today, there are 195 independent applied to the World sovereign states and 211 FIFA members. Cup. The mandates that Throughout World War I, FIFA’s Many of those FIFA members, including set the framework for administrators continued to engage Algeria and Senegal, use FIFA in order to the tournaments are in decidedly colonial behaviours. escape their colonial past. These nations based on Eurocentric Membership steadily expanded beyond acquire FIFA membership, but FIFA ideologies. In theory, European nations with the acceptance typically grants them little sovereignty due these mandates pertain of South American nations, including to the federation’s hierarchical structure. to favour European Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. Jockeying for a piece of influence is a


Séasúr na Báistí ُكنت ُّأظن َّأن لي و َطن Reagan Scott Ward َ

A special thanks to Dr Pamela O’Neill for editing the Gaelic أو Artwork by BrownTown Séasúr na Báistí The Rainy Season ما ُه تقولروحي جلسدي املُ َغت ِرب A haon a chlog san oíche: One o’clock in the night time: i thought i had a place to call home Bhí sé an-fhliuch — greadadh báistí i gContae Dhún na It was exceptionally wet — barraging rain in County nGall. Bhí mé imo chodladh agus sí ag leaindeáil: ach an Donegal. I happened to have been asleep when it had or t-uisce dorcha ar leac na fuinneoige… d’inis sé dóthain arrived: but the dark water on the windowsill… it told what my soul says to my displaced body dom. me enough. A dó a chlog anois: At two o’clock, now: Béicíl pholltach. Piercing shouting. - A Sam! Brostaigh ort, a chara! - Sam! Come on, pal. Guth Éamonn a bhí ann. The voice belonged to Edward. - Tá mé ag éisteacht leat, a Éamoinn. - I’m listening to you, Ed. Layla Mkh and Nesrine Basheer Layla Mkh A trí a chlog — At three o’clock — Bhí muid ag siúil le solas na gealaí. Raidhfilí, cú, agus We walked by the moonlight. Our rifles, our hound, and why do you yearn to be grounded seisear fear — uirlisí tuathúil. six men — rustic tools. !Hey! Stop - ملاذا َت ُشتاق ُللجذور why do you yearn to be seen - Haigh! Stad! .Stán Risteárd go géar ar an t-airíoch. Richard stared fiercely at the caretaker ملاذا َت ُشتاق ُّللظهور why do they strangle my throat - Téigh abhaile, a Anraí. - Go on home, Henry. and burn fire into my skin Chuala mé fuaim lámhaigh: dhá bhloisc thapa; theith I heard the sound of guns: two rapid cracks; Henry fled ملاذا ُي ِطب َقون على َر َق َبتي .Anraí thar na goirt. over the fields ُوي ِشع َلون َالنار في ِج ْلدي Bhí sé a ceathair a chlog an t-am sin. The time had reached four o’clock by this point.

they pity our corpses — Ag a cúig san oíche — bhí maidin gheimhriúil é — And at five o’clock in the night — it was a wintry morning ُي ِشف َقون على ُج َث ِثنا but rip out our tongues Tháinig na huaisle agus na póilíní. Ní raibh agam ach The aristocrats and the police came. I had no choice but لكن ي َقت ِل َعون ِألس َن َتنا ;feed it to the crowds imeacht: rith Éamonn agus mise trasna na tuaithe; ríthe to depart; Edward and myself dashed across the land َ bochta na tíre fliche. lowly kings of a rainy country. force water into our lungs ُي ِطع َمونها َج ِماه َيرهم َي َدف َعون ِباملاء في ِرئَ ِاتنا why does my chest ache ملاذا ُيؤِملُني َصدري more than it beats 远距离的爱情 أكثر ِ ّما َي ِنبض why is our living only human ملاذا يكون ُو ُجودنا ًّإنسانيا فقط when our dead bodies line the streets َ َ ُ 姚蕾/郭晋森 حني َت َت َم َّد ُد ُأجسادنا امل ِّيتة ِب ِطول الشوارع

在与我们一同读大学的同学中,有一部分人在出国 果,你还会去爱吗?”他说:“会。”一个月前,小A 但是也会有一些身边的朋友,虽然在同一个城 留学之前就在国内有着稳定的感情关系。当他们出 回国了。他似乎在向我诉说着他已经放弃了在悉尼 市或者国家念书,仍然聚少离多,有和异国恋一样 吾自以為有地可為家 国之后,发现由于时差原因,学习压力,以及不同 的一切。在他看来,爱情固然是高于一切的,所以 的问题。对感情的需求不能仅仅通过视频电话和语 j’avais songé avoir un 的生活和朋友圈,在很多时候双方会逐渐的开始产 有时候我也问小A是否是他的意志力不够坚定,或 音被满足,拥抱和亲吻是一段亲密关系的见证。出 或 chez-moi 生疏远。当然,这也是因人而异的。我的室友小A 者是对人生做错了选择。既然他决定要开始这段感 轨或者开放式关系可能会成为一些情侣的选择,然 ou 也是其中的一员。不幸的是,他在上个月就已经结 情,难道不应该在出国之前想到一切不确定性吗, 而这种行为实际上违背了爱情的本性,占有欲和独 吾魂與吾失所身體所言 ce que mon âme dit à mon corps déplacé 束了他的那段感情。在度过了一个月的缓和期后, 这样是不是也表现了他对感情的不负责。当然,这 特性。在开放式关系成为一些人的选择时,我认为 他逐渐地恢复到了正常的状态,通过每天闲暇的聊 些只是我心里的想法,在爱情面前,每个人或许都 他们只是不够爱,也没有办法凭借一个人拥有快乐 Chinese translation by Victor Ye French translation by Jessica Syed and Annie Zhang 天时光与我慢慢道出了他的感情经历以及经过。后 可以是个疯子。小A时常也会羡慕我和我女朋友的 的生活,从而把乐趣寄托在多个伴侣身上去满足自 来,我越发的有感,决定与他深入讨论一次异国恋 生活,我看得出来他内心也是十分渴望能与爱的人 己的多种需求。根据现代婚姻经济学的调查,伴侣 pourquoi tu désires être racinée 所经常出现的一些问题,首先是为了让他能够对这 一起生活的。所以,我一直都鼓励他走出来,走出 的质量和数量是相对的关系。所以道德感和乐趣若 汝為何為歸屬感而渴望 pourquoi tu désires être vue 段感情释怀,其次是我相信,他这种经历绝非只是 他所幻想的影子,走出他所依靠的,可能也许只是 不能同时存在,也很难谈得上一段高质量的关系。 汝為何渴望被人所見 pourquoi ils m’étranglent 发生在他一个人身上的,在整个大学校园里,一定 每天微信的消息往来和视频。我依旧认为,爱情是 亲密承诺和激情是完美稳定的感情中必不可少的因 若為何以手而絞吾頸 et brûlent ma peau avec le feu 还有很多人有同样的境遇。 实体的,是需要互相依赖的,是一种享受的过程。 素,而异地或者同城但是不经常见面,缺乏了亲密 火烙入膚 我还记得当时小A的模样,特别是每晚都会在阳 如果需要把精神寄托在想象中,我是做不到的。 的一部分。久而久之,习惯了远距离的恋爱,对彼 ils ont pitié de nos cadavres 台站着的他,时不时地还抽起了烟。见到了我,他 此的爱恋甚至可能基于自己对完美伴侣的幻想,当 其為屍體而憫 我对那些经过异国或异地恋 mais ils arrachent nos langues, 也只会对我点点头。后来他说:“生活总是会让人 真正开始同居生活或者频繁亲密接触之后,恋爱关 可引我舌 les donnent aux mondes pour manger 憔悴的,人总是要经历一些事情。”是啊,感情这 系反而可能结束。 食於大眾 的长跑后终究结成正果的情侣 noient nos poumons avec de l’eau 一关,不都是每个人的必经之路吗?只是这条路, 即使有对方不定时送来的玫瑰和巧克力,本来 迫水入我肺 可能对他来说有些残忍了,因为我知道,他心里还 们表达我最诚挚的祝福,你们 一个拥抱可以解决的问题,也许就不得以冷战好几 pourquoi mon coeur me fait mal 喜欢着那个已经远去的女孩。小A跟我说,这是他 天。人世间最痛苦的爱情,应该就是,你不能在我 吾胸為何疼痛 的感情是久经考验的,甚至可 plus que je le sens battre 第一次恋爱。曾经有幻想过许多美好未来的他,也 身边。 我们有彼此独立的精神生活,凭借道德感 餘過心擊 pourquoi nos vies ne sont humaines 不甘心这一切像风一样无影无踪。直到他决定搬走 以说是伟大的了。 加以控制的肉体欲望,加上两人共同进步和对美好 吾等人生不亦人乎 que quand l’on voit nos corps dans la rue 离开的那一天,我问他要去哪,他苦笑着说: “挂 未来的构建,也许是一段异国恋得以开心维持的基 當吾輩屍體滿作街 科了,得搬去便宜一些的房子里。” 直到现在,我 唐寅的一剪梅很好地形容古人的异地恋的感 础,可对于很多人来说,满足所有的这些条件并不 才发现,一个人的生活,居然可以如此轻易地被改 受。“雨打梨花深闭门,忘了青春,误了青春。赏心 容易。最后,我对那些经过异国或异地恋的长跑后 变。一切都好像是接连着一样,一环扣着另一环。 乐事共谁论?花下销魂,月下销魂。愁聚眉峰尽日 终究结成正果的情侣们表达我最诚挚的祝福,你们 后来,我们两个依旧保持着联系,并且在一次 颦,千点啼痕,万点啼痕。晓看天色暮看云,行也 的感情是久经考验的,甚至可以说是伟大的了。 茶余饭后我问他:“如果你已经知道命运中这就是结 思君,坐也思君。”

14 15 CREATIVE OPINION I’m so OCD: Challenging everyday stereotypes

Over the Barrier (Highway) Louise Press sheds light on how language downplays mental illness.

“I’ll do the PowerPoint presentation for between stereotypes and reality when These comments distort OCD and The ensuing silence contributes James Elhindi reflects on his experiences at a sexual assault protest on campus, and another in outback Australia. the group assignment because I’m a little it comes to a friend’s desperate need to disempower its survivors by making to stigmatisation, isolating survivors. OCD.” organise her desk in a specific order. light of a mental illness. For students, Sufferers withhold their mental illness “Whatever you wear, wherever you go, yes Microphones used by the activists Thongs kissed bitumen at last. Our and hand rolled cigarettes. If one “My study notes are colour coded; “For her, the idea of studying downplaying OCD’s effects is inherently to avoid friends or family bringing means yes, and no means no! Whatever refused to break tradition. I stepped crowd lumbered along the pavement, subtracts the splendour of university I’m so OCD.” outside these specific conditions is harmful as it denies or at least deters “preconceived notions of what OCD you wear, wherever you go,” students away from the groups conversing flanked by the police officer probably solidarity, academic feminism, and “You’re going to write an article unfortunate, at best,” Portia says, “but OCD survivors from accessing involves to the conversation,” Portia hushed their muffles and embraced the quietly in order to hear the speakers better off walking than wasting his murder mysteries at residential colleges, about OCD? I swear I have that…I’m for an individual with OCD whose USyd’s support services, including says. As Portia recalls, her diagnosis chant’s response: “yes means yes, and through crackled tones. They left Holden’s petrol. Passers-by gazed upon one is left with a distilled vision of such a perfectionist.” obsessions revolve around this need Disability Services and Counselling of OCD was initially confusing for her no means no!” I stood among the crowd nothing to imagination, the first story I us with demeaning stares. A motley unkempt horror. Our host made this These sayings are a norm on campus. to make things right, this failure to & Psychological Services (CAPS). The family due to their lack of knowledge of vocal activists and prominent stupol remember my mother recounting from crowd we must have looked: a few clear. Flowers the day after a fight don’t Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) perform their compulsions would result trivialisation of OCD makes sufferers about what OCD actually entailed. stalwarts. They were loud, confident, her second year of university. Even now, boys from the city, the town nun, a mean shit. Change your ways, or those has become interchangeable with in excruciating anxiety that something hesitate and self-question their own “I am messy, don’t care that much and sure of their message. Many of the I can picture the look on Mum’s face: couple Aunties, and the staff from flowers will soon become wreaths perfectionism, attention to detail, and terrible would happen as a result.” condition, amplifying fears that their for organisation, and didn’t show any students carried large banners that stood her sunken eyes, creased cheeks and the social service agency. Nonetheless lowered six feet deep. cleanliness, manifest in the endearing “It feels like your life is on the line OCD will not be taken as seriously as overt compulsions like handwashing or taller than they, inscribed with messages stern gesture relaying the atavistic fear we gained momentum, some of those quirk of eating MnMs in the colour every single day, and that much more other mental illnesses. flipping light switches. It didn’t make of affirmation for the movement: MY of a species under attack. The sun grew ejected from the pub perhaps followed * * * order of the rainbow or wearing lucky is at stake than just the way you’ve This perception is echoed by Portia sense.” BODY, NOT YOURS. UNIVERSITY brighter as clouds passed from beneath by misconception, others I imagine What now? Where now? I want to say socks before exams. organised your stationery.” who only engaged with Disability Trivialisation reduces OCD to RED TAPE COVERS UP RAPE. it. The speakers’ voices, now detached compelled by the cries for change: that writing has left me enamoured But what about the constant Labelling personality quirks as Services in her third year. totalising stereotypes of perfectionism from their impossibly bright bodies, “whatever you wear, wherever you go,” with some woke take on the differences rumination of repetitive, disturbing, OCD perpetuates false stereotypes, “I always held a perception that the and cleanliness, preventing students The crowd moved forward, gaining found an air of unmatched clarity. I held gurgled the belly of the crowd. My between inner-city and outback intrusive thoughts? An irrational, yet belittling this mental illness. Thus, program wasn’t designed for people from identifying lesser known forms of momentum as it approached the their words delicately and pondered. companion responded with quickened activism. I want to say that there exists a tangible, fear of everyday objects and these comments misrepresent the dark, like me,” Portia says, “as I’m mostly OCD, thereby delaying their diagnosis. main road. Leaving the unequivocally enthusiasm “yes means yes and no unifying solidarity, and with confidence tasks? What about endless anxiety agonising, and debilitating monster of high functioning and push myself Obsessions surrounding socially progressive university campus, canvas The air smelled of burnt gunpowder and means no!” announce that we shall survive! But, and attempting to “taboo” themes, such shoes touched down on council chalk. Less pungent than fireworks, but how can I? Surroundings, whether they seek reassurance as violence or sex bitumen with little hesitation. Were the reminiscent. The affirmative clapping Our destination was the women’s be concrete jungles or arid plains, absorb from others often fly under the megaphones used, intentionally crackly? and “shame”-ing at appropriate points shelter and here the policeman left and dissipate cries for justice. Very few that a perceived radar. For example, during each speech, too, held the us. Inside, the day’s tiredness came are helped. Cis-men standing amongst threat is not individuals that I walked slower than the rest. solidarity of a New Years’ countdown. upon me (prior to the march we had the crowds would, in many cases, I genuine? Engaging experience sexual And, I too, experienced the tactility of spent hours on hands and knees). My imagine, aesthetically approximate past in compulsive obsessions often The crowd filled my peripheral vision the odd membrane that surrounds an satisfaction with the walk was dingy wrongdoers and abusers — hardly a behaviours to worry they are and it seemed the traffic backed up by the individual lost amongst a well versed and incomplete. A lady from the shelter comforting image for those afflicted. neutralise anxieties “sexually perverted,” impediment was endless. Police officers crowd. My mind then jumped forward: begged we sit down to listen. My nose of future harm? rather than suffering flanked the protest on either side, spaced when I write of these moments, what was met not with chalk or gunpowder, In both cases the sun sets in the Not so endearing from OCD, and are every ten-or-so metres and in constant will they feel like? Would the terse but the dank waft of incumbent rain same direction. The same night falls on anymore. These frightened to seek communication with each other. After struggle between bravery both sets of women. Whilst one is lit by are the debilitating help according to some difficulty, a second year managed and vulnerability the unimpeded starry sky, the other by symptoms of OCD. Hershfield’s 2015 to light a flare near me. Powdery smoke exhibited by those who abundant street light, both will meet Psychotherapist study. billowed from the device, its pink hue speak instil within similar adversaries. In writing my Jon Hershfield Due to the filling the space above our heads; a me a burgeoning observations are stored. Those who defines OCD as a incongruity between complement to the verbal shadow our optimism? surmounted fear are not forgotten; “disorder of internal widely-discussed protest had managed to cast over the those who fought past fights are discomfort” which symptoms of OCD inner-city streets. remembered; and those who hijacks the brain and and her individual walk the streets with ill- robs a person of their experiences, Portia Three of us walked, together, from intent are warned that sense of control for struggled to identify the compound. My companion claimed they will not win. more than an hour her symptoms as to know where we were going and he daily. Around 2% of OCD. led us with aplomb. I could see a few the world population “It wasn’t until I ladies milling around a bench in the Art by Shrawani suffers from this scoured the internet distance, with a police officer parked Bhattarai chronic disorder, for hours that I nearby. I noted the absence of most with OCD ranked recognised that I activist tropes. The collection (I hesitate as the tenth leading didn’t have to be to call it a crowd) of people were cause of disability clean or organised pleased to see us. One Aunty announced by the World Health to have OCD.” that it was about time some men Organisation in Trivialising OCD came along. 2018. is an understandable A 2016 study mistake which In writing now, I clearly by medical researchers at Stockholm’s OCD as something positive everyone even when I’m not.” However, as Portia arises from a deficit in understanding remember my forthcoming Karolinska Institute revealed that OCD should strive for, and ultimately discloses, this “push yourself attitude and a blurring of the line between desire to interview the police sufferers are ten times more likely something to be proud of. has worsened my mental health long- a debilitating mental illness and officer. He seemed eager to chat, to commit suicide than the general But is this harmful? Does it really term,” revealing the necessity for these personality quirks. “Opening any asking my name and whether we population. The number of OCD matter whether OCD is painted with students to access these services and dialogue around OCD and mental came from Sydney or Adelaide. sufferers at USyd remains unclear. There blacks and blues or with pinks and gain specialised support. illness is a really positive step,” Portia One of the first Black officers I’d is no available data on the number of yellows if people are still admiring For them to do so requires the tells me. But if OCD is going to be seen in my life, his demeanour students with specific mental health the canvas? Although founded support of those around them. This discussed, it needs to be discussed cut through the discomfort most diagnoses. on erroneous assumptions, the support is directly undermined properly. young men experience with The reality of OCD as a mental illness minimisation of OCD’s harms is far by language which is dismissive, The utilisation of OCD as a “badge of authority. I asked him what an remains far removed from the image from detrimental, because the use distracting and unhelpful. honour” of cleanliness and organisation average day in the job was like, a promoted of it. OCD is not occasionally of its stereotyped and mainstream Since engaging with Disability ought to cease. Comparisons between loaded question to which I had wondering whether the stove was left meaning sparks conversations about Services, Portia has created an Academic the experiences of perfectionism a very preconceived idea. His on. While some symptoms resemble the this mental illness, raising awareness Plan, allowing for increased flexibility and the debilitating experiences of face shifted when answering. stereotypes associated with OCD, such in the process. in her studies. An OCD specialist at OCD survivors must be eradicated. More earnest and direct in his as excessive hand-washing, the majority The real harm of such language CAPS also helped guide her through Trivialisation needs to be called out response, it reminded me of of stereotypes skew the reality of this is unfortunately obvious. Awareness treatment.The simplification of OCD for what it truly is: the source of scathing reports cited by big- debilitating mental illness. and conversation which originate distorts its true status as a mental much stigma and stereotype for OCD name student activists back on Portia Gooch, a third year Psychology from misinformed stereotypes place illness, barring students from accessing sufferers. campus: “not much going on, student at USyd and diagnosed OCD the burden of emotional labour on support from family and peers when really. Unless grog’s involved survivor, illuminates the difference survivors to correct such tropes. they need it. Art by Lauren Moore everything’s usually pretty quiet.”


Crystal Yi Xu explores the Physiognomy: Face reading cultural practice of face reading. traditions are coming back Art by Ranuka Tandan A SNIPPET FROM HON I ’S PAST Phew, I don’t have any group projects Eyes: people with bigger eyes tend — they can be either shy or really ag- ber of papers I found that were willing AHEAD OF ITS 90TH YEAR this semester. Awesome, right? The to be cheerful, in charge of the bigger gressive. Bear this in mind should you to support face reading’s scientific cred- ANNIVERSARY dramatis personae common charac- picture, expressive and outgoing, yet want someone chatty in the group to ibility (including a Czech paper that ters of a group project is well known: they are ready to trust others and get stave off boredom. those with faces perceived to be longer, the person who does 99% of the work, deceived. Those who have smaller eyes Ears: quick learners have highly with a wider distance between the Pranay Jha CONTENT WARNING: QUEERPHOBIA 26/03/2019 the person who promises to do all the are usually calm and always in control placed ears. People with ears sticking eyes, a larger nose, and a sharper, work but does nothing, the person who of their mood, paying attention to de- out from the sides of head tend to be pointing, less rounded you wish would show up, and the per- tails and unsociable. A balance definite- rebellious, whereas those with ears that chin are more in- son who shows up but you wish would ly needs to be created in a group: hav- lie flat against the head are conform- telligent). Tucked away neatly at the “location” and “advertise”, not. ing a mix of large and small eyes means ists. The height and shape of the I decided to put the seasoned connoisseur Regardless of how bottom of Honi’s website, one could be forgiven for If I am to be honest, I have played having both planners and this knowledge I to of campus history, they individuals engage with Honi below numerous headlines thinking the link would take every one of these characters in my executors. use in the past may satisfy an obsession archives, they undeniably and feature artworks is them somewhere utterly time. For every instance of heavy lift- N o s e : four weeks on with USyd’s past. For the serve a far greater purpose; a hyperlink for a section useless. However, those who ing, I have also ghosted every group stands for campus. Despite embittered conservative, the chronicling of student entitled “archives”. There’s have let curiosity get the member for other urgent commit- one’s self-es- no group work they may finally validate perspectives over time. In not much incentive for the better of them have been ments… teem, ability, for me, I still the perception of leftist 2006, Honi’s editorial team average reader to click on rewarded with something The question remains, how do we social status, tried to predict ‘circle-jerk’ (yet leaving paid tribute to this purpose the link. It isn’t designed truly beautiful: An inscribed pick the right people to ensure equal and personal- the friendly them unsatiated by the by composing their “o-week” in a way that would catch legacy buried within the contributions from all group mem- ity, in particu- faces’ per- impossibility of ‘haha’ edition entirely from snippets their eye, nor is there any hidden narratives of those bers? Ideally, you want individuals lar in one’s sonality in reacting a pdf). And for the of past papers. Below are description of where the link who came before us. who are like-minded in their attitude age of forties. my lecture. I tragic editor, they are canon, glimpses of Honi’s history. would take them. In fact, The Honi archives to deadlines, and their expectations for A well-fea- read their fac- anchoring us to the collective The beauty of the archives, categorised under “admin” hold different meanings the quality of work. tured nose es, and then ap- vision forged by each of our however, is that there will and sandwiched between for different people. For These seemingly impossible ques- with a freshy proached and talked predecessors. always be more to read. tions were answered by a friend during tip, raised to them. a recent meetup. They claimed to have wings and Discerning characters mastered a skill set, or rather, a meth- invisible was certainly difficult. I found odology, of reading people by their fac- nostrils is myself a bit guilty of using this These excerpts from 1967, Its easy when looking es. believed skill set to judge people. Was the pro- reveal some of the student through Honi’s archive to “One’s appearance reveals one’s cess culturally insensitive?? Perhaps. attitudes and organising construct the idea of an heart.” Am I horrible at this? Absolutely — no around the Vietnam War. unbroken chain of left- She cited the Chinese id- one contradicted me when I told That year, every single wing students supporting iom while familiarising me them they were intelligent, edition of Honi had at least worthwhile campaigns. The with face reading techniques. and everyone refused one article that criticised the image featured on the left They belong to the practice to be called as a con- wa r. here reveals the worst of of physiognomy, which trol freak based on Honi. originated from China the appearance of After Jeremy Fisher was around 3 millennia ago. their nose and chin. expelled from his Macquarie According to her ac- The issue here is University College for his count, all that is needed is a not about not re- sexuality, regular Honi pair of observant eyes. Pay- membering those columnist “Journo James” ing attention to the ‘organs’ techniques or the said the following (on the on their face grants you access outcome of the re- left). Meanwhile, UNSW’s to a person’s personality; the search. Rather, it is student paper Tharunka forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, impossible to judge gave the issue extensive mouth, ears, and chin. Although someone’s personality coverage. scientific sensibilities may easi- just by looking at their face, ly have discouraged me, I listened. as there is absolutely no way In the following, I will detail what I to quantify to qualify the size was told each section of the face in- of some features on every indi- Although this collection seems somewhat miscellaneous, it is Beyond campus dicates. vidual’s face. However, there are a good reminder that students of the past faced issues quite affairs, Honi has Forehead: it contains information still experts out there, accurately similar to the ones students face today. There is much to be also archived about one’s life in their younger years. practicing face readings on individ- learnt from the struggles of our predecessors. student opinions on Wisdom is judged by the shape of the uals, regardless of gender, race, na- global affairs. As forehead: a wide and high one is pref- tionality, etc. Moreover, there is a long can be seen, some erable. So, broad foreheads are need- and rich history of physiognomy in perspectives have ed in a group to ensure the project is ears may inform you as to who Chinese heritage. The recent revival of not aged very well. headed in the right direction from the to be the symbol of leader and good loves challenging each other — an im- face reading has crossed cultural barri- Others however, hold get-go. fortune. The nose tip represents self, portant quality in a group project! Hav- ers, and as the practice expands into the relevance even today. Eyebrows: they show the fortune therefore the bigger it gets, the more ing a challenger who dares to question, community. More people like me have The cartoon featured of the early thirties. In addition to likely this person adheres to his or her minimises the occur of mistakes. become interested in the practice and on the right is part of their likely longevity, the length of the ideas. When you vote for your group Chin: physical strength, aggres- how it works. an article published eyebrows is also positively correlated leader, observe their nose before raising sion, and survival are betrayed by the Perhaps it guides individuals in seven years before with attitudes to friends and partners, your hands. chin. Chin and jaw size represent one’s working on their strengths and weak- the First Intifada. which means an ideal group member Mouth: a large mouth is more fun, stamina and willpower; the larger the nesses. These face readers continue It discusses the rise should have longer eyebrows. Moreo- social, and talkative while a small chin is, physically stronger and more writing the history of face reading of Zionism in the ver, as they are near the ‘window of the mouth is quiet, private and sincere. aggressive they are. Anecdotally, all and continue retaining this ancient Australian Union heart’ — the eyes — they also reflect One’s decision-making style is revealed the perfectionists I have encountered art known around the world. As for of Students pushed one’s temperament and behaviourism. by the teeth: straight teeth means good all wielded either straight or angular me, a bad face reader, I will use my old by Centre unity Longer than the outer canthus, and one decisions; gaps in between suggest chins, and they all really managed the trick for my future group projects, us- students. Honi was is likely to be righteous and less re- a proclivity towards puns and jokes; time very well. ing my sixth sense to emit and receive forced to apologise strained. Great team players come with small teeth are kind, and big teeth are I was then equipped with face read- my peers’ vibe, and to spread positivity in its next edition. great eyebrows. stubborn; crooked teeth are conflicted ing techniques, and a very small num- around.


Note: These pages belong to the Office Bearers of the SRC. They are President not altered, edited or changed in any way by the editors of Honi Soit International Student Jacky He Concession Cards Progress Update on Open Chair the Board of have to take on and provide will be from Semester 1 of 2020. undergraduate students Learning Environment Interdisciplinary Studies, we additional support to students. attending. We have also invited Did you know? In 1989 the NSW government withdrew So having said all of that, the SRC proposed a few preliminary These proposed changes will SRC Beer and Pizza Party a few undergraduate tutors from access to transport concessions for strongly advises students to only use Readers of my report would solutions (non-finalised that be raised in the subsequent various disciplines to participate International Students. Since then correct tickets (e.g., Adult Opal card) have been aware that a would aim to potentially increase Board of Interdisciplinary The SRC is hosting a in event. We hope to provide international students have had to pay when travelling. Transit police frequently particular issue that I have more six credit point OLE units Studies Meeting, and if that is party at Courtyard for our students with a relief from full price to use public transport. The SRC check buses and trains and will fine been focusing on ever since the options, make it possible to passed, will be reported to the ALL UNDERGRADUATE assessments and allow them has always opposed this discrimination. anyone who has not paid the correct fare beginning of the semester was complete OLE units through UE Education Committee and STUDENTS! The event will to network and receive some As a result of students’ vocal for their journey. Open Learning Environment. overseas exchange programs, Academic Board. If stakeholders take place on Thursday the 28th study tips from the tutors. Withdrawing from a opposition to this discrimination the If you would like advice about a fine Through a meeting with mitigate the extra workload and professors are satisfied, the of March and we anticipate March SEM 1 Government made a small compromise you’ve received, you can contact the SRC’s Professor Peter McCallum, the that Dalyell Scholar students earliest date of implementation to have approximately 100 August SEM 2 giving international students the free Legal Service. Email your questions subject before 31st opportunity to buy long-term travel to help@src. or if you prefer passes at a slightly discounted rate. to talk to someone in person, call 9660 avoids a FAIL on your However this concession is no longer 5222 to book an appointment. Vice President available. That means international The SRC will continue to fight to students, while being full time students, international students to have the same Dane Luo and Caitlyn Chu transcript & HECS* and being unable to earn full time money, rights to transport concessions as local Upcoming events – Health Days More events coming soon Vice President Consultation Support your Mental Health to see a counsellor, you can and still contributing to the Australian students. To join this fight contact the and Picnics for our satellite campuses! get a rebate from Medicare economy as our 3rd biggest export, still International Students’ Collective on The Vice President consultation We are concerned at the high (domestic students) or your *International students will have to pay full fare. 9660 5222. We’re coming to Nursing and New Research and Policy Officer drop-in times are every Thursday rates of students experiencing OSHC (international students). need special permission Midwifery students at Mallet 11am to 1pm in the SRC offices. stress, anxiety and depression. Some counsellors charge from their faculty. Street on Tuesday 16 April from Over the past two weeks, we Come and have a chat! For We know that it can be more than that rebate. You can 11:30am to 2pm. We’re coming have created a new Research satellite campuses, email us at difficult as assessments start try headspace (for under 25 Ask Abe to Health Sciences students and Policy Officer to develop [email protected]. coming around. There’s no years) or Uplift Psychological at Darlington/Camperdown a model for affordable student shame in feeling unwell. Services to see if you can get a SRC caseworker help Q&A for a Victoria Park picnic on housing. We are incredibly Regulations Review Your friends play a very counsellor without paying extra. Saturday 30 March at 12pm proud to expand the Casework important role of supporting You can also access free, Subletting your room with HealthSoc. And at Department and join the We are currently reviewing the you and talking to them confidential help online or by Dear Abe, written permission from the landlord to Cumberland on Tuesday 30 staff to address real student SRC Regulations to improve the about how you feel is great. phone, including the Mental I’m going away at the end of the semester sublet your house. I am unclear about April from 11:30am to 2pm. issues. To apply, go to https:// way the SRC works. If you have However, it does not replace Health Crisis Line (1800 011 for four weeks, and need to rent out my whether subletting just your room would Learn from our caseworkers any ideas or suggestions, email to the benefit of speaking to a 511), Headspace ( Need help or advice? Your SRC is here to assist you. room to help me pay for my holiday. Is be illegal or not. If you do decide to go at the SRC, University student [email protected]. professional counsellor. If you au), Lifeline (131 114) or NSW The service is FREE, independent and confidential. there anything I need to know about ahead with your plan, there are many support services, NGOs get a Mental Health Treatment Rape Crisis (1800 424 017). Phone for an appointment: (02) 9660 5222 what I can and can’t do, and do you have facebook pages and websites that you and local organisations. Plan and referral from your GP We are located at: Level 1, Wentworth Building (G01) any tips for how to get someone in. can use to advertise your room for free.

help @ | | fb: / src help It would be a good idea to ask the person Looking for air in my b&b. for a deposit for any damage and check their references. Any damage that they do General Secretary to the house will be your responsibility. Yuxuan Yang and Niamh Callinan Dear Looking for air in my b&b, Abe The General secretaries are and expenditure, and we can and 90th SRC period. After the OBs and the collectives to time is good for students’ body and Most lease agreements state that you need focus on both SRC operations expand more initiatives and understanding the SRC financial know what is their annual plan let them energetic during all day. Notice of Council Meeting and off-line event in the March. projects from this to blend system, we can use more efficient and how could we help them. It is more important that we can Firstly, the acquittal for last into students, realize the founding to support our project. We also plan lots of offline event touch student during the event, and years expenditure of the SRC’s condition and problem and Thirdly, we are going to to attract student or service we get the valuable opportunity The SRC can help with tenancy and accommodation SAFF allocation was submitted then represent the student. plan our budget in this year. students directly. There will to increase the connect between 91st Students’ issues. See our online guide or call us. on the 18th of March.This was Secondly, President,vice Although we don't know the be a Pizza and bear party in students group and The SRC. We can highly insightful as it was an president and general secretary accurately amount of SSAF Courtyard on 28th Marth,and also promote SRC free service and accommodation-guide/ opportunity to understand the did a Audit meeting with founding, we begin to study we will commence for about SRC event in this kind of project. Representative Council, progression of the SRC last Auditors we through the previous year founding and one hundred students every year both in terms of projects accounts of last financial year allocation. We will meet All two week,eating breakfast on University of Sydney Discontinue Not Fail (DC) Dear Abe, You can go do this through Sydney Student. I’ve tried my best with my subjects but However, any subject you are enrolled in it just feels like I’m going to fail at least after the census date (31st March for 1st Residential College Officers one, maybe two of them. Nothing is semester, 31st August for 2nd semester) is James Ardouin and Annabel De Mestre happening that is wrong in my life, I’m billable, whether through fees or HECS. If just feeling a bit distracted and bored. Is there is a compelling reason that you need James (Chairperson), and Unfortunately, there currently The first priority of the Collective group will be created soon, as well It is to our great pleasure that there a way I can withdraw from them to drop the subject now, like unexpected Annabel (Deputy-Chairperson). is no budgeted funding for the Executive is working to ensure as a formal launch of the Collective DATE: Wed 3rd April we’re able to present the first without having to pay for them? illness or misadventure, you could apply The Collective is dedicated to Department or the Collective. the structure of the Collective at an event, which the format of this report of the Residential College for a remission of HECS or a refund of providing College Residents an As undoubtedly there will be is set up the best way possible, will be decided on in the future. Officers in some time. It is also TIME: 6pm Thanks fees. You will need documentation to independent grassroots voice, funding required before the next considering the complicated set The Executive looks forward to our privilege to report to the Trying support your claim. If you need help with so that they may have input budget is passed, further talks of dynamics that exists between achieving its mandate in fighting Council that in a meeting of the this ask an SRC caseworker by emailing on the cultural renewal at the will have to be entered into by different stakeholders. The for the interests of Residents and LOCATION: New Law 026 Residential Colleges Officers, [email protected]. College Community, but also the Collective with the President Residential College Officers are ensuring all College Residents can the Department has created Dear Trying, to provide a bridge between and General Secretaries; working on meeting with all experience the most constructive the Intercollegiate Collective. The deadline for Discontinuing without Abe the Universities administration of which Niamh, Jacky and the Colleges Senior Students University experience possible. This is to be led in 2019 by the Failing a subject (DC) is Friday of Week 7 and the Residents. Dane have already been very and Principals and within the Residential College Officers helpful in providing advice. next coming weeks. A Facebook

Check out the SRC Guide to Withdrawing and The Welfare Officers, and Refugee Rights Officers did not submit a report in time for the deadline. Discontinuing: | 02 9660 5222 appeals/dn/

20 PUZZLES SINCE 2019 FREE FROM INTEGRITY | PROUDLY DEPENDENT ON CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP ACROSS DOWN THE DEPENDENT Quick 8. Network that connects 1. Masticate (4) that no one understands (6) Crossword phones to the internet (5-1) 2. Quest (6) 26. Erase from history (6) BRINGS YOU NEWS EACH 9. Benjamin’s missus in The 3. Excretes waste (6) 29. A pirate’s booty (4) WEEK COURTESY OF Graduate (8) 4. The crime of betraying one’s 30. A big boat (3) OUR SPONSORS. 10. One who studies the blade government (7) THE THIS WEEK, THEY ARE: (9) 5. Popular meat dish (3) 11. Guy who probably had a 6. Cover for letters (8) big nose and told lots of stories 7. Return to the starting point FACTS AND LOGIC, that may not have been true (5) (2,4) LABOR’S PR TEAM 13. Strong masculine pride (8) 12. Person who takes a body- 15. Someone who enjoys a altering substance (4) INDEPENDENT cigar or two (6) 14. HSC module that covered 16. It means ‘harbour wave’ (7) themes of ‘Discovery’ and 19. Comrades (7) ‘Belonging’ (3) Credits 22. Spanish comrades (6) 17. Someone who stays up OP-ED: “I liked them better when they were POLITICS: Sydney closes forever after Keep 24. How you may end up if a during the evening, perhaps to All puzzles by gangsters”: Michael Daley reveals all >>P12 Sydney Open fails to win single seat >>P10 sea creature bites one of your read (5,3) Clou D. Runner limbs off (3-5) 18. Become entangled with 27. Usyd’s right-wing Labor other threads (4) Find all solutions online faction (5) 20. A nice middle name (3) at 28. Thick-skinned predator (9) 21. Fellow (7) “Phew”: Labor MP schedules 31. Area reached by seafarers 23. Someone who behaves in in the 16th Century (3,5) a playful and unconventional next visit to ethnic electorate 32. Somebody who practises way (6) medicine (6) 25. Put into a secret language for 2023 ACROSS 27. Copy the best Bond (5) 12. Kyle ignores integrity, 28. I got Coles by mistake—I sophistication, leadership at Cryptic Michael Boziol faces an inconvenient truth. 8. Man, Fran Kelly cuts LNL prefer the green alternative (9) this station (4) Crossword After a knife-edge fight for the However, Binns fancies his chances. and First Edition (6) 31. Tosca act revolutionised 14. I love Godfather Part I, Western Sydney electorate of Bogarah, “Mate, look at Michael Daley! Do 9. Monster? No, French man musical technique (8) Eraserhead, Up... (3) Chris Binns could not be grinning you remember Luke Foley? Racist holding odd shrub (8) 32. Cuts of meat? (6) 17. ...the ending of Casablanca, any wider. Not just because he won dogwhistling is practically in the party 10. Nani? Tsars bizarrely First Man, Batman Begins, the the vote, but also because he will not constitution!” going around with peasants’ opening of Inglourious Basterds, have to visit the ethnic enclave until Binn’s comments were subsequently headwear! (9) DOWN Middle Men, The Last Tycoon, the next election. caught on camera, and are scheduled to 11. Rapes, pillages with Viking Second Act, and the first half “Four years is almost enough time reappear a week before the 2023 state weapon (5) 1. Tangoes around half the of E.T. They have a great to get this place out of my system,” election, just in time for his next visit 13. Reverend, Princess Mary room moving with a steady atmosphere! (8) Binns told journalists from his four to Bogorah. raise a Northern European pace (4) 18. Period piece of writer Mary bedroom house in Coogee. Blessed with the knowledge that they animal (8) 2. Fashionable Ivan changes Renault (4) “It was a tough campaign. Really can whip this out at the next election, 15. Cinema adaptation for appearance unsuccessfully 20. Colour between red and pushed me to my limits. They even the Liberal Party is reportedly looking Ötzi? (6) (2,4) yellow? (3) made me record something in forward to another four years of doing 16. Alloy developed with 33% 3. Secretly, cheese has a little 21. Car reverses over firm Chinese.” absolutely fuck all about the light rail, Tin and Yttrium for a strong fruit (6) round pole, something that While Binns was tipped to be the the Murray Darling, forced adoptions, bond (7) 4. I nut regularly in bedroom— often gets hit on the road (7) next leader of the NSW Labor party, deaths in custody, public school funding, 19. Level 4 of Wentworth and it’s how babies come about 23. German water transport to commentators are unsure whether and protecting the environment — and the bottom of ABS are isolated (2,5) a bus interchange (6) PHOTO OF THE DAY: Couple books Fisher someone with his views could still winning the election. places (7) 5. Japanese artist loves holding 25. Make waves with a sound booths to actually record sound >>P12 possibly ascend to be the leading 22. Say, are you to be here John’s bottom (3) sensational news story (6) Progressive™ voice in the state endlessly? You have a resilient 6. Spooner’s bar brawler gets a 26. Wearing clothing in daring quality! (6) court order (8) early-seventies style (2,4) 24. Attacker was reportedly a 7. A tank devastated with a 29. Type of wine has odd Ben Shapiro destroys Allianz seafarer (8) badass weapon (6) sparkle (4) 30. Leads many a pirate! (3) Stadium with Facts and Logic Sudoku T.W.A.T. Target ...... Andrew Lockenkey is rapt with awe...... Having received the green light to Shapiro was similarly confident about ...... satisfy the desires of her property leading the demolition. developer friends and tear down the “WHILE THIS IS THE FIRST NON- ...... Allianz Stadium after winning the HUMAN I WILL BE DESTROYING, ...... state election, Gladys Berejiklian has THE POWER OF FACTS AND LOGIC ...... wasted no time in enlisting help to WILL SURELY PENETRATE ITS begin knocking it down. To lead the STEELY EXTERIOR AND BREAK IT ...... demolitions, Berejiklian has chosen INTO INTELLECTUAL SUBMISSION.” ...... American conservative provocateur While many political commentators Ben Shapiro — an unorthodox choice and structural engineers were initially ...... that has raised a few eyebrows. skeptical, Shapiro immediately silenced ...... “I am absolutely confident that Ben his nay-sayers after causing the stadium will do a fine job of tearing down the to spontaneously collapse upon telling Clues across and down are Target Rules: ...... stadium. Anyone who’s been on the it “FACTS DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR the same ...... Youtube knows he has a stellar track FEELINGS”. Minimum 4 letters per word...... record of destroying leftist power 1. Boat (4) structures and ivory towers” Berejiklian 2. Noble fighter (4) ...... said, justifying her choice. 10 words: ฿50 3. Toughness (4) Speaking to his appointment, 4. Body of water (4) ...... 15 words: ฿77 million ...... 20 words: ฿120 million ...... EDUCATION: Law student wins moot after do- 30 words: ฿300 million ...... ing “what ever major loser” hand sequence >>P3



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