Week 7 - Week 8, Semester 2, 2014 First Published 1953 Volume 60, No.1 11

University of NSW’s Independent Student Newspaper 2 EDITORIAL Editor’s Letter

Hi Folks, It’s second semester hump time. Those weeks dur- ing week 5-6 where all the work you haven’t started yet catches up to you. Where your best intentions to do better this time fail you. And man - do I feel you. This fortnight my wheels well and truly fell off - and if it wasn’t for the other excellent souls working at you most probably wouldn’t be reading this. Luckily, you have an issue jam packed full of good- ness - because somehow there are a few brilliant Dear Agony Ibis, people who seem to be coping with the stresses and Since cigarette prices have increased and UNSW campus has gone desire to “have it all” as a young twenty-something. smoke-free, I’ve decided to cut the cord and give up smoking. This is no That’s right - they are great writers AND they know mean feat, seeing as I’ve been smoking for the better part of five years what 5-7pm on a Wednesday is for. and am pretty sure that 80% of my coolness comes from the buggers Nick Timms is surely in trouble for reporting nice but when all is said and done, I know it’s time to grow up and stub out. things about another University, Matt Bugden delves I’ve been trying to quit for about a month now and have one issue, apart in the politics of MH17 and Thom Mitchell warns from all the withdrawal symptoms and grumpiness, and it’s that I need that Team might not be something you a new vice! Something to calm the nerves and keep the other hand busy want to be picked for first. while I scroll through Facebook – what can you suggest? On a final note - second semester means one thing. Sincerely, Student elections. Brace yourselves, the coloured Burnt Out shirts are coming. We’ve provided a handy wrap up of the negotiations in the Short List election special, so make sure to give it a read. Dear Burnt Out, My hot tip? Don’t be a dick come campaign time. First off, congratulations on deciding to quit! Having already worked at it for a month, I can tell you now that it only gets easier. If you ever These people genuinely put in bulk hours through- doubt the decision, just remember all the perks of not smoking: the out the year because they actually give a shit about lack of lingering, stale smoke smell that has been keeping potential tu- making something of their time at uni. Nobody likes torial-buddies at bay, how much better The Whitehouse’s offerings will handing out fliers, and these guys are no exception. taste, the ease with which you’ll climb the Basser steps, the list goes on! It really isn’t that hard to smile, walk with them for a while and thank them for their time. Now, to replace that vice. Here are some suggestions: Or just don’t swear at them Chew gum. No, go further than that! Become that person that AL- WAYS has gum! When some old school tutor asks you if you have kthnxbye, enough for the rest of the class, shout YES and throw spear-minty fresh- Freya, with Ammy. ness at your classmates. For every three cigarettes you don’t smoke, buy yourself a cup of cof- fee – it’ll cost the same, plus you’ll be wide awake. Instead of just scrolling through Facebook, engage with Facebook. When you want a cigarette, take a selfie instead. As you get less and less grumpy through the quitting period, you’ll look happier and happier, garnering more and more likes. At the end of the journey, turn the self- ies into a time lapse video. Put it on YouTube, go viral, ???, $$$! Every time you crave a cigarette, just shove a copy of Tharunka into a stranger’s hands. This will keep your hands busy and... more strangers will be reading Tharunka. We’re all winners. Sincerely, Agony Ibis

Editors: Ammy Singh, Freya King, Tharunka acknowledges the Be- Council or the Tharunka editing Tina Giannoulis degal and Gadigal people, the tra- team, unless expressly stated. Arc Copy Editor: Araz Eleyasian ditional custodians of the land on accepts no responsibility for the ac- Design: Chere De Koh which the University stands. curacy of any of the opinions or in- Cover: Chere De Koh Tharunka is published periodically formation contained in this issue of Contact: by Arc @ UNSW. The views ex- Tharunka. Any complaints should [email protected] pressed herein are not necessarily be made in writing to the Market- PO Box 173, Kingsford, NSW, 2032 the views of Arc, the Representative ing & Publications Coordinator. NEWS 3

ANU discovery could mean cleaner solution to oil spills By Nick Timms tentially be contained and easily cleaned up using the vestigation after villagers from East Timor approached tractor beam. him with sores and rashes that began appearing after “So if you know how to generate flow on the surface the oil spill, according to the ABC. A new method of generating waves, developed of a fluid, you can...stop the spread of that fluid, or you “We saw people who had skin conditions come from by scientists at the Australian National Universi- can push particles in another direction,” Dr Punzmann out of the crowd to show us the rashes on their arms ty, could mean a more effective way to clean up oil says. and on their neck. Other people reported deaths in that spills in the future. “If you have an oil spill for example, if you picture village,” he told the ABC. In a radical new technique, led by Dr Horst Pun- that [the] oil is floating on the surface, and you can The disastrous effects of oil spills in the ocean are zmann from the Research School of Physics and En- push it in a certain direction, you can actually collect not cleaned up easily, and a new method to contain the gineering, scientists have created a tractor beam on it at a certain point. If you can effectively generate sur- oil could save the lives of people and animals. Though water. This beam can create waves that force floating face flows, you can also clean it up.” Dr Punzmann does believe in the potential of this new objects to move against the direction of waves and cur- Oil spills, when they happen, are a devastating phe- technique for cleaning up oil spills, its mainstream use rents. nomenon that wreaks havoc on the marine environ- is still a while away. Like a tractor beam from a B-grade science fiction ment. According to a National Wildlife Federation movie, the new technique gives scientists a way of con- “This is just the first proof of principle; the discovery (NWF) report, 14 species surveyed four years after the trolling things that are adrift in water from afar. Using of this physical nature. But to really demonstrate that, 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are still suffering advanced particle tracking tools, the team realised that we would need to experiment in a large open water or waves generate currents on the surface of the water. the effects of the pollution. pool environment. So we will need to scale up our ex- “We found that above a certain height, these com- “The science is telling us that the impacts of this are periment,” he says. plex three-dimensional waves generate flow patterns far from over,” says Doug Inkley, a senior scientist at the “We would need a much larger wavelength, height on the surface of the water,” says Professor Michael NWF (ABC, 4/9). of waves, and stronger flows. Here in we don’t Shats, one of the leading scientists on the team. “Based on other oil spills, the impacts are likely to have an ocean gravity wave facility. We will need to col- “The tractor beam is just one of the patterns; they last for years, if not decades.” laborate with gravity wave facilities. There’s one in Tas- can be inward flows, outward flows or vortices.” Though not as big a scale as the oil spill in the Gulf of mania, there’s plenty of them around the world, and to “If you increase the wave height, and amplitude... Mexico, oil spills are still a frequent and highly damag- try to do this, we will need special equipment to bring and in these conditions, when you put an object on the ing occurrence. Reuters reported in August that an oil to those ocean gravity wave facilities.” surface, the flow that is generated by those waves goes pipeline spill in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Dr Punzmann also believes that the beam can have in the opposite direction of the object that is floating on Leon has contaminated a river and will take months to much wider scientific impacts in addition to its possi- the surface,” Dr Punzmann says. clean up. ble assistance with cleaning up oil spills. It could help “We can now generate a variety of different flow pat- Oil spills can also cause a great deal of harm to more explain many things about the nature of the ocean, terns.” than just the local fauna. In 2009, the Montana oil plat- such as how rips at the beach work. While the experiments were undertaken on a ping form off the coast of Western Australia is spilling mil- “Flow generation is of fundamental importance in pong ball in a wave tank, the results of the experiment lions of litres of oil at the estimated rate of 400 – 2000 many aspects of science,” he says. could be great news for the future of the ocean environ- barrels a day. Five years on from that, Greg Phelps, a Image: Dr Horst Punzmann (left) and Professor Michael Shats ment. Oil spills, according to Dr Punzmann, could po- Darwin-based lawyer, called for a full-scale scientific in- test their wave-generated tractor beam. Photo by Stuart Hay. 4 FEATURES

he year 2014 promises to be dates fronting up against Labor Right a momentous one for Stu- tickets under varying names, including 2014 Arc SRC T dent Representative Council Fresh and more recently Stand Up. Voice (SRC) elections on campus. Domi- has consistently succeeded in these year- nated though they are by small cam- ly tussles, though not without a scare or 2014 ARC SRCpus political and activist groupings, two, as in the 2012 SRC election which saw Stand Up run away with 45% of the schedule of nominationsFINAL SCHEDULE OF atNOMINATIONS least a few thousand students vote every year in an election which grants vote and a dehydrated first year in a pan- Shown in Ballot paper order its victors control of almost $300,000 da costume. POSITION TICKET CANDIDATE in studentNOMINATOR funds for 1 the purpose ofNOMINATOR Following 2 a tumultuousSTATUS period of Surname Given Surname Given Surname Given running the SRC. negotiations for the 2014 election, how- President of the SRC Voice Sieczko Maja WatkinsEvery UNSW studentGeorgia contributesLowth to ever, theAaron political landscapeaccepted of UNSW President of the SRC Activate Bruffey Billy Johnston Sophie Wilson Joel accepted the salaries and expenses of SRC Office looks markedly different. The Voice tick- General Secretary Activate Johnston Sophie Bruffey William Wilson Joel accepted Bearers and National Union of Students et, still decked out in red, is now com- General Secretary Voice Watkins Georgia Sieczko Maja El Sayed Cindy accepted (NUS) delegates through the Student prised of a loose coalition of progressive Education Officer Voice Lloyd Dylan Fowler Anthony Sieczko Maja accepted Independents, Grassroots (Greens), and Education Officer Activate Egan Cara JohnstonServices and AmenitiesSophie Fee (SSAF),Bruffey of- William accepted Women's Officer Voice El Sayed Cindy Deten Silva by slogging throughSonala multipleSieczko retail Socialist MajaAlternative acceptedcandidates, the last Women's Officer Activate McCrea-Steele Eloise Eganor hospitality jobsCara while studyingJohnston full of whomSophie are presentaccepted solely on the NUS International Students' Officer Voice Lee Austin Wadwanitime. Every UNSWAshwin student is Mainaffected ticket withoutWilliam seekingaccepted to contest any International Students' Officer Activate Zhu Yifei Liby the quality of theYaoyue SRC that is Chenelected, SRC positions.Lingjie accepted Environment Officer Activate Sherwood Beatrice Bruffeywith each CouncilWilliam possessing theJohnston ability NotableSophie among thisaccepted coalition, a num- Environment Officer Voice Knight Kalina Fletcherto make a tangibleJack difference toDawkins student ber of seasonedRebecca activistsaccepted on the SRC and Students With Disabilities Officer Lobo Rachel Littleadvocacy, educationAlexandra quality, Lloydwelfare, its collectivesDylan have bandedELECTED to form the Welfare Officer Voice Hatfield Rebekah Sieczkosafety, environmentalMaja practices,Watkins univer- organisedGeorgia UNSW Independents,accepted who Welfare Officer Activate Armson-Graham Siobhan Johnstonsity life outside ofSophie the classroom,Bruffey and describedWilliam themselvesaccepted to Tharunka as “a Ethnic Affairs Officer Voice De Silva Sonala Elinclusivity Sayed of women,Cindy people ofPrasad colour, group of Lakshanon-politicallyaccepted aligned progres- Ethnic Affairs Officer Activate Murdocca Michael Zhou Tina Lo Kai Yee accepted queer students, and students with dis- sive students who care about fighting for Councillor - Undergraduate A Voice Lowth Aaron Watkins Georgia Briggs Owen accepted abilities. students’ rights both on and off campus. Councillor - Undergraduate A Voice Ferrier Charlotte De Silva Sonala Lloyd Dylan accepted Without a political party to answer to, Councillor - Undergraduate A Voice D'Souza Sabella LloydIn short, theseDylan elections Sieczkomatter. Maja accepted we’re able to make students’ rights our Councillor - Undergraduate A Voice Briggs Owen HatfieldUNSW students haveRebekah a right to setEl aSayed high Cindy accepted number one priority. We are here to en- Councillor - Undergraduate A Voice Beale Josh Watkinsstandard for anyoneGeorgia seeking toFerrier take a Charlotte accepted Councillor - Undergraduate A Voice Subramaniam Nandan Ferrierneat pay packet ofCharlotte student moneyDe withSilva- sure thatSonala issues thataccepted affect students are Councillor - Undergraduate A Activate Zhou Tina Bruffeyout proving theirWilliam credentials first.Johnston For on the agenda,Sophie and acceptedto push for change Councillor - Undergraduate A Activate Bartolo Edward Johnstonthose who chooseSophie to vote in thisBruffey year’s that ensuresWilliam that everybodyaccepted has access to Councillor - Undergraduate A Activate Daly Jordan Johnstonelection, we haveSophie one piece ofEgan advice: the highestCara quality ofaccepted education and the Councillor - Undergraduate A Activate Jovanovska Katerina Johnstonengage in the democraticSophie process.Bruffey Grill best universityWilliam experienceaccepted possible.” Councillor - Undergraduate A Activate Aharon Yaakov Bruffeythe candidates onWilliam the campaignJohnston trail, After Sophiewalking awayaccepted from a deal with Councillor - Undergraduate A Activate Wilson Nick Johnstoncompare the differencesSophie in policiesArmson-Graham and the IndependentsSiobhan inaccepted favour of Labor Councillor - Undergraduate B Voice Dawkins Rebecca Fletcherachievements, andJack perhaps mostKnight impor- Right/StudentKalina Unity,accepted Labor Left have Councillor - Undergraduate B Voice Capell-Hattam Isabelle Kang Yilin Eek Wilhelm accepted tantly, assess the commitment of candi- taken out the majority of positions on Councillor - Undergraduate B Voice Kang Yilin Knight Kalina Dawkins Rebecca accepted dates to getting the job done. a newly formed Labor Activate ticket. Councillor - Undergraduate B Voice Roy Anju Fletcher Jack Knight Kalina accepted This year’s SRC nominations have While a popular name for tickets in stu- Councillor - Undergraduate B Voice Kaur Harleen Capell-Hattam Isabelle Eek dent electionsWilhelm aroundaccepted the country, Acti- Councillor - Undergraduate B Voice Eek Wilhelm Knightseen a seismic shiftKalina in traditionalCapell-Hattam al- Isabelle accepted vate is particularly notable for being the Councillor - Undergraduate B Activate Drake Hamish Daveyliances, guaranteeingMaxwell one outcome:Pritchard Lucas accepted SRC ticket National Labor Students (NLS) Councillor - Undergraduate B Activate Saadi Amna Drakethis will be a tightlyHamish contested andDonaldson hard Emma accepted ran under at the University of in Councillor - Undergraduate B Activate Basu Ashna Drakefought election. WithinHamish this broaderDonaldson bat- Emma accepted Councillor - Undergraduate B Activate Donaldson Emma Muirtle, each vote willTristan carry great power.Drake If 2013—aHamish faction UNSWaccepted Labor Left Stu- Councillor - Undergraduate B Activate Zhang Colin Hanthere’s one thing studentsLawrence can easilyShiu do dents (LLS)Lewis split fromREJECTED earlier in 2013. Councillor - Undergraduate B Activate Wilkinson Adam Morrisonto make their universityTom experienceDrake as TharunkaHamish understandsaccepted that the possi- Tharunka Editors Voice Fernandes Sarah Lowthrich and engagingAaron as possible, it’sGiannoulis using bility of gainingTina a greateraccepted number of po- Tharunka Editors Voice Giannoulis Tina Hatfieldthat very power toRebekah shape their SRC.Watkins sitions inGeorgia the deal proposedaccepted by Unity was Tharunka Editors Voice Prasad Laksha SieczkoSo when Week Maja12 rolls aroundGiannoulis and a the determiningTina factoraccepted in the Left’s deci- Tharunka Editors Activate Byron Brendan Bruffeyflurry of colouredWilliam shirts appearJohnston on Main sion to splitSophie from theaccepted traditional broad Tharunka Editors Activate Hirst Ned Johnston Sophie Wilson Joel accepted Walkway, get out there and vote. left Voice arrangement. Tharunka Editors Activate Wallace Lauren Bruffey William Wilson ActivateMitchell Presidentialaccepted candidate and NUS Delegates Voice Sieczko Maja FerrierWhat’s in a Voice:Charlotte the endDe Silva of UNSW LaborSonala Left Studentsaccepted convenor, NUS Delegates Voice Lawrence Gabriel Ridgwell Damian Sieczko Billy Bruffey,Maja told Tharunkaaccepted that Labor NUS Delegates Voice Fowler Anna Lloydan era? Dylan Sieczko Left had Majasigned with acceptedLabor Right because NUS Delegates Voice Brownlie Gene Walsh Hayden Lawrence Charlotte accepted If this year will be remembered for “our group realised that our candidates NUS Delegates Voice Walsh Hayden Ridgwell Damian Lawrence Charlotte accepted anything pertaining to the ephem- were better suited running on a differ- NUS Delegates Voice Lloyd Dylan D'Souza Isabella Sieczko Maja accepted eral transactions of student politics at ent ticket, in which our members could NUS Delegates Voice Lowth Aaron Sieczko Maja Ferrier Charlotte accepted NUS Delegates Activate Lisinska Olga JohnstonUNSW, it is surelySophie the end of anWilson era of make theMitchell best contributionaccepted that suited NUS Delegates Activate Silk Andrew Johnstonbroad left cooperationSophie that was theWilson Voice our ideologyMitchell and visionaccepted for UNSW. We NUS Delegates Activate Glud Jake Eganticket. Cara Wilson were unableMitchell to reachaccepted agreement with NUS Delegates Activate Johnston Sophie WilsonAs the incumbentMitchell ticket on Wilsonthe SRC other groupsJoel about acceptedthe best candidates NUS Delegates Activate Cama Bridget Mooneyfor the past 10 years,Blake Voice hasRapisardi for the and the Dorothybest agreementaccepted to suit all par- NUS Delegates Activate Armson-Graham Siobhan Johnstongreater part of thisSophie period beenWilson com- ties.” Mitchell accepted NUS Delegates Activate Wilson Mitch McCrea-Steeleprised of a broad Eloiseleft grouping Johnstonof inde- A statementSophie fromaccepted the UNSW Inde- NUS Delegates Egan Cara Johnstonpendent, Greens Sophieand Labor LeftMcCrea-Steele candi- pendents,Eloise conveyedWITHDRAWN by Voice Presi- FEATURES 5

dential candidate, Maja Sieczko, said, “For about a decade now, our team fought on terse grounds, the Students slut… and a union member”, the NSW “the UNSW Independents came to the has managed to unite the different with Disabilities Officer contest has been Young Liberal Council last month voted conclusion that our ideologies were no strands of progressive student tenden- settled with the close of nominations. down a motion to support same sex mar- longer compatible with those of the La- cies into a formidable force that is ex- Current SRC Ethnocultural Officer, -Ra riage. The motion, which was eventually bor groups present on campus. Students’ cellent at campaigning, activism and chel Lobo, has nominated uncontested defeated by 79-73 votes, was supported equity and education was no longer an advocacy. It’s no mean feat to achieve for the position, and will serve on the by current NSW Young Liberal Presi- agenda point for them and we were un- what we have, time and time again. And 2015 SRC. dent, James Wallace, a member of the able to reach agreement over candidates. that’s despite the fact that many mem- moderate faction of the party. Labor Left Students were more interest- bers of our ticket are in different political Did you hear about the post- Tharunka understands the meet- ed in activating their careers over fight- parties and in different factions of those grad elections? ing was attended by an unprecedented ing for the wellbeing of students and parties. number of members of the hard right, Fear not, because we’ve got you cov- ensuring a diversity of people were rep- “The culture of student politics at religious wing of the party, nicknamed ered. Postgraduate Council elections resenting the voices of students on our Sydney Uni, for example, is very differ- the ‘Taliban’, who forced the motion to this year have proven as undramatic as campus.” ent, largely due to some of the personali- be decided by splitting the room, after usual, with current PGC Office Bearers ties involved. Most of the factions have an earlier attempt to declare the motion The fouling of relations within the Alex Patton and Janai Tabbernor nomi- treated the SRC as nothing but a vehicle carried after a show of hands was con- UNSW broad left draws to a close a period nating uncontested for the positions of for their own political ambition – includ- tested. of unprecedented successful cooperation President and Vice-President respec- ing left factions. between left groups in campus elections, tively. Both are members of the Labor “There have been attempts to con- Goodbye to all that NUS? with the effects of this split and renewed Party though not formally aligned with vert UNSW to something more like that. Labor coalition likely to be far-reaching. student factions on campus, with Tab- Mere months after the results of a We’ve resisted it, and stayed united. The outcome of the SRC election will un- bernor belonging to the Centre Unity/La- $30,000 audit into an organisational That’s helped us be one of the strongest deniably shift the balance of power on bor Right faction of the party though not restructure of the National Union of Stu- student groups around. Arc Board, though whether this shift is their Student Unity youth counterparts. dents (NUS) have rolled in, the organi- towards Labor or non-politically aligned “At UTS this year [2013], there was a sation looks to have money troubles on candidates remains to be seen. lot of solidarity on the Grassroots ticket. Governing Macquarie their mind again. Tharunka understands By way of coda, the last words of Pretty much all the progressive students NUS President, Deanna Taylor, has been (minus NLS) in Sydney fought against Seven Macquarie University postgrad- Voice heavyweights following victory in uate students elected to represent their seeking help from insolvency lawyers in Unity and NLS and won. At Sydney, the the 2013 SRC election pertained to the peers have been served with instructions Melbourne. Closer to home, the NSW opposite happened; the left fragmented almost mythical, omnipotent status the to appear at the NSW Supreme Court on Student Unity caucus has floated the and the Right won. Voice ticket had gained in its supporters’ September 3, 2014 to defend themselves idea of merging NUS with the Council “It’s not easy to do what we do. It takes eyes. against Macquarie University. The Uni- of Australian Postgraduate Associations a lot of humility and a focus on achieving Said one Voice veteran, “I’ve come versity is seeking to forcibly wind up (CAPA), which is currently faring better real change, not just a short term ambi- to realise UNSW is something else in its the Macquarie University Postgraduate in the income flow department. tion to CV stack.” politics. USyd and UTS are all about the Representative Association (MUPRA), At times like this, NUS can perhaps And there endeth the grand narrative ladder climbers and the staffer-hacks. appoint a liquidator, distribute the net only hope to pray to the audit Gods for of broad left unity in Voice. No doubt What we’ve got here is something far assets of MUPRA – which sit at approxi- the invisible hand to brush their prob- Student Unity will drink to that. better for the common good of students. mately $500,000 – to Macquarie Univer- lems away. To borrow from the late, great Aldous There’s a reason we always do so well. sity, and allow Macquarie University to Huxley, “that men do not learn very Everyone can feel good knowing this; be awarded costs. USyd Senate Style much from the lessons of history is the that we’re cut from a very different cloth. In other, unrelated news, several It seems one of the perks of the job most important of all the lessons of his- Congrats to all.” Vice-Chancellors around the country for University of Sydney Senate Fellows tory.” Following protestations as to the vir- just pricked their ears up and cried out, is egregious expenditure on boardrooms Disclaimer: The 2014 editors of Tharun- tues of “comrades on other campuses”, “Donna! Fetch me the budget papers.” to supply Fellows with the most lavish of ka were elected on the Voice ticket, which leaders of the team—from Labor Left to surroundings. At a recent meeting of 27 was at the time a Labor Left, independents, the Greens—appeared to settle in agree- Young Libs discover world’s members at the USyd Senate Retreat, the and Greens grouping. All current editors of ment with the words of another Voice University is likely to have heaped in the Tharunka are not members of any political first functioning time ma- veteran: “There is an undeniable differ- realm of $2,700 on a booking for a sin- party. ence between the way student politics is chine gle meeting at the H.C. Coombs Centre. done at UNSW versus pretty much every SRC Students with Disabili- In the least surprising news to come But for such prime real estate a mere two other campus in NSW and pretty much out of the Young Liberals since the minute walk from the Prime Minister’s every campus in Australia, except maybe ties Officer charming beratement of Germaine Greer Kirribilli residence, how could anyone Adelaide. While much of the election will be for being a “lying fucking cum-guzzling fault the poor chaps? 6 NEWS

Image: Dominique Faget/AFP via Getty Images FEATURES 7

The Sarajevo moment that wasn’t: Understanding MK17 Matthew Bugden a broader, possibly even global conflict system that has allowed the US has man- unfolding, rather than as unrelated freak aged to retain an enormous degree of In the aftermath of the Malaysia occurrences. relative power in the world system even Airlines 17 (MH17) crash there was For example, it is difficult to deny that amid structural economic decline. a lot of talk about the event being a the MH17 tragedy has been unashamedly “This is why the World Bank is so potential ‘Sarajevo moment’, refer- exploited by the US to foment Russopho- valued by the US government and Wall ring to the assassination of Arch- bia, both domestically and throughout Street: because it is instrumental to ex- duke Franz Ferdinand, the event that Western Europe. panding the sphere of western capital- kicked off WWI. It was only with MH17 that Brussels ism, a role not dissimilar to that which With preparations already underway agreed to impose serious sanctions on colonialism once played for Europe”, ar- to commemorate the centenary of the Russia, something it had hitherto ruled gues Jason Hickel of the London School start of the First World War, it is tempt- out, and for good reason: since the tier of Economics. ing to draw parallels between the geopo- three ‘red alert’ capital sanctions were The Crimean crisis represents a des- litical climate of 1914 and of the present. imposed, Russia has placed a “full em- perate attempt on the part of the US to Cherry-picking historical analogies bargo” on food imports from the West. delay (at least for as long as possible) the (the Ukraine as a ‘Sarajevo moment’, Ja- The EU is Russia’s largest trading part- maturation of BRICS as a rival interna- pan accusing the US of ‘appeasing’ Chi- ner by far with the EU accounting for tional monetary system, kicking the can na) might seem like bad history. None- 52.3% of all foreign Russian trade in of good faith negotiation for structural theless, such comparisons have been 2008. rapprochement further down the road. drawn by senior officials within the US The EU is currently negotiating emer- It is because of the IMF dictated status and Japanese governments, and should gency measures to compensate Euro- quo that the US government has been not be taken lightly. pean farmers $167.5 million for the fruits able to borrow over $17 Trillion and have The prospect of two global wars com- and vegetables currently in harvest sea- such a heavy-handed role in world af- mencing exactly one hundred years son that will rot due to the embargo. fairs for so long. apart has a neatness and elegance that The EU’s motivation in adopting a pol- The BRICS bank is set to be headquar- for many would be sufficient in itself to icy that is inconsistent with its immedi- tered in Shanghai, with China the unof- reject such predictions outright. ate trade interests can only be explained ficial leader of the monetary alliance. It The concept of geopolitical ‘flash- structurally. is China that the world is looking to now points’ are arguably more useful today On 15 July, the BRICS countries an- for the next major development in in- than they were a century ago. The ex- nounced plans to establish a joint devel- ternational politics. By agreeing to tem- treme degree of economic interdepend- opment bank with an initial equal com- porarily maintain the status quo, China ence and the advent of the ‘market state’ mitment of $10 billion. has accumulated $26 trillion, the largest mean that rising tensions in Ukraine, the With this announcement, the BRICS debt level in history. It’s debt is estimat- Middle East, and the East China Sea, can (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South ed to be at 251 per cent of GDP, which is and would have bearing on each other. Africa) a plucky new political and eco- more than Japan’s ratio before the Asian Between the currently unfolding nomic union that together makes up Financial Crisis of 1997 and greater than Ukraine crisis, the combined naval and 40% of the world population, is all but that of the United States before the 2007- air drills now being routinely undertak- certain to become a major international 8 Global Financial Crisis. en by the US, Russia, Japan and China, player. Once a stable BRICS currency is estab- there is no shortage of potential flash- Talks about establishing a BRICS de- lished, backed by significant quantities points for conflict. velopment bank that would serve a simi- of reserves, the US fear is that China will The conventional line is that another lar function as the World Bank and the allow it’s private sector capital instru- major war is inconceivable because of IMF in giving emergency loans to coun- ments to default, which in turn would the nuclear option and the virtual cer- tries facing sovereign debt default have see the global economy undergo a much tainty of mutually-assured destruction— been underway for at least two years. awaited, most likely catastrophic, mar- the old Cold War rationale for guaran- The announcement of a BRICS devel- ket correction. teed perpetual peace. Moreover, with the opment bank is the clearest indication Indeed, the Kremlin seems to be an- unprecedented interconnectedness of yet that BRICS nations are getting ready ticipating such a correction. The Finan- global capital markets, war is universally to make a co-ordinated push to challenge cial Times reports that an advisor to Pu- considered more trouble than it’s worth. the US dollar and with it the architecture tin, when asked about the Yukos ruling, But despite these conventional argu- of the financial and monetary system as a $50 billion international court ruling ments in favour of the long peace thesis, it has existed since the end of the First against Russia, said ‘There is a war com- MH17 and the 2014 Ukrainian Revolu- World War. ing in Europe. Do you really think this tion must be considered symptoms of It is the Anglo-American monetary matters?’” 8 FEATURES Image via Herald Sun, source unknown source Sun, via Herald Image

The Shifting he Coalition is grooming politics in preparation for their counter- T terrorism package, and we should all be worried for our civil liberties. Mus- lims in particular have cause for concern, Borders of Team as the situation in Syria and Iraq produces a climate of fear similar to that which fol- lowed 9/11. “Everyone has got to be on Team Austral- ia,” Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Au- Australia gust 25 after meeting with concerned Muslim leaders. “Everyone has got to put this country, its interests, its values and its people first, and by Thom Mitchel you don’t migrate to this country unless you want to join our team,” he told 2GB radio. This rhetoric is characteristic of the na- tional-security debate. It is of the same ilk as the “moderate” prefix which is so often attached to Muslims, as though a large pro- portion are extremists. It positions Muslim Australians as the objects of terror, and non- Muslims as the subjects. It ignores the fact that citizenship is the prerequisite to being on “Team Australia”. It is not through agree- ing with the policy the prime minister hap- pens to be spruiking at the time. If the government’s first budget can be taken to represent its values, then Abbott’s “Team Australia” is well out of step with a great many citizens, but there’s a danger that fear of terrorism could obscure good judge- ment. FEATURES 9

“We have to be very cautious about feeding irrational fears of Islam and Muslims in a way that reifies the message that this group is trying to propagate [about the West],”

The Coalition’s second tranche of coun- that resulted in the children of innocent country using his brother’s passport. No ad- ter-terrorism laws will make it illegal to families having guns pointed at them in ditional powers were necessary to prevent travel to designated areas of “terrorist ac- their homes. The associated media frenzy Sharrouf, a convicted terrorist and person tivity” without a “valid reason”. They will saw hijab-wearing women being spat on in of interest, from leaving the country on a reverse the onus of proof, requiring people the streets of Sydney. fake passport. who’ve travelled to such areas to prove they In spite of such rashes of political and Similarly, Abbott’s response to the kill- are not terrorists. The criteria for the grant- public tension, the domestic terrorist threat ing of American journalist James Foley was ing of control orders and search warrants level hasn’t changed since 9/11. a commitment to “redouble our vigilance” for people suspected of supporting terror- Recently, the rise of ISIS has provided vis- on national security. The killer was a British ism will also be loosened, and ASIO’s inves- ceral examples of terrorist barbarity, recall- citizen. “It just goes to show,” Abbott said. tigative powers in telecommunications will ing and inflaming Australia’s fear of terror- “It could happen in countries like Austral- be bolstered with allowances for the collec- ism. “Team Australia” must unite against ia.” To be fair, that murder was committed tion of metadata and a weakening of the terrorism, Abbott has said. With this in in ISIS-controlled territory. What it goes to warrant system. mind, he has ditched the proposed changes show is that Brits or Australians – not just With the legislation yet to be tabled in to the Racial Discrimination Act, which was Syrians or Iraqis – are capable of awful, ide- parliament, it’s too early to make definitive deeply unpopular with culturally diverse ologically driven murder, which is hardly judgements. However, the Abbott govern- communities in marginal Liberal seats, be- news. ment, which prides itself on being a contin- cause they threatened “national unity”. Returning jihadists do pose a significant uation of the Howard years, may well repeat Abbott cites ASIO’s requests for greater threat, but the actual numbers are tiny. Howard’s knee-jerk reaction to 9/11. powers to support his counter-terrorism ASIO estimates that there’s 60 Australians By 2011, over 50 new statutes had been package. His urgency, though, is too late if fighting in the conflicts in the Middle East, passed at the federal level alone, many genuine. ASIO has warned of the domestic and another 100 involved in a network of within a year of the September 11 attacks. threat posed by Australians returning from support. This would represent 0.00033592 As the hysteria surrounding the 9/11 attacks overseas sectarian conflicts in its last six per cent of Australia’s Muslim population. abated, the laws were gradually softened. annual reports. In the 2010/11 report, ASIO So while the threat is real, it should be met However, at various times, counter-terror- noted, “the opening of any new jihadist with a measured and dynamic response. ism legislation has provided for the deten- front could attract would-be combatants,” This response should have been debated tion and questioning of Australian citizens which is exactly what has happened. when ASIO started warning about the not suspected of any crime by ASIO for up to But the response needs to be proportion- threat, not when the political climate was a week; the banning of organisations by ex- ate; civil liberties are what differentiate lib- favourable to draconian legislation. ecutive decision; restrictions on freedom of eral democracies from oppressive regimes This might prove difficult now that im- speech through new sedition offences and like the Islamic State. ages of kids holding severed heads are re- broader censorship rules; detention with- ISIS has re-focused public attention on verberating online. Such media output is out charge or trial for up to 14 days; and terrorism, and media generated by Austral- designed to prevent a thoughtful and pro- warrantless searches of private property by ians fighting in Syria and Iraq, amplified by portionate response. police. the mainstream media, has localised the In 2012, I interviewed Marcus O’Donnell; The case of Dr Muhamed Haneef shows issue. The image of Sydney man Khaled the then co-convenor of journalism at the how such draconian laws can play out. Sharrouf’s young son blithely holding the University of Wollongong went as far as to Haneef was arrested in connection with a severed head of a Syrian soldier is perhaps say that “terrorism is only possible because failed London bomb plot. He had bought the best example. The idea of a maniac like of the media”, and attacks like 9/11 are “pri- a one-way ticket home to see his sick wife Khaled Sharrouf returning to a neighbour- marily a media event”. and newborn child. Haneef was held for hood near you is pretty horrifying. “ISIS is a movement very much driven 12 days before being charged. The charge The image “has seared itself into the con- by – or supported by – foreign fighters, and was unsustainable due to the very weak sciousness”, Abbott said. Politics wants you therefore very much driven by the need evidence supporting it and was quickly to look closely at that image, but not too to recruit young men around the world to dropped. However, the immigration min- closely, as The Guardian’s Katharine Murphy their cause,” Greg Barton of Monash Uni- ister cancelled his visa – a decision found points out. Abbott wants “Team Australia” versity noted in The Conversation. to be unlawful on review – and Haneef was to draw a connection between that image “We have to be very cautious about feed- taken into immigration detention. Haneef and the imminent counter-terrorism pack- ing irrational fears of Islam and Muslims suffered guilt by association and was arbi- age. “That picture is not actually a symbol, in a way that reifies the message that this trarily and indefinitely detained. The power or argument, or a fable. It’s a specific mo- group is trying to propagate [about the transferred to the executive by counter-ter- ment in time,” Murphy observes. It deserves West],” he said. rorism laws, and the potential for its abuse something more than an emotional reac- Everyone does need to be on “Team Aus- became clear. tion devoid of context. tralia”. The policy response to returning ji- By way of a more general example, 2002 Murphy also points out that it was un- hadists should not be a knee-jerk reaction, saw ASIO conducting heavy-handed raids der this government that Sharrouf left the driven by the Liberal’s long “war on terror”. 10 OPINION/FEATURES

UNSW releases confidential data of law students By Matthew Baker

rom Wednesday, August 20 until the afternoon email, my mobile phone number, my student num- of Friday, August 22, the confidential informa- ber, my complete resume…and my full transcript were Ftion of UNSW Law students was released to made publicly available,” Ms Buchan told Tharunka. public access and was available on online databases As the email sent to law students following the such as Google. The error exposed non-financial per- breach notes, a small proportion of that information sonal information, which in some instances included available online was accessed before the information phone numbers, email addresses and academic details. was able to be removed. According to an email sent to students in the UNSW The problem also affected some in the Juris Doc- Law School, which apologised for any inconvenience tor program, with one student (who asked to remain that may have resulted, the misconfiguration occurred anonymous) telling Tharunka, “I don’t understand how due to an error in the process of uploading some stu- such a simple input error can cause such a massive out- dent forms. break [in leaked information].” The student also told Many law students expressed frustration at the rev- Tharunka that he hoped other safeguards would be elation of this error, bemused at how such a fundamen- there in the future to prevent such instances from reoc- tal mistake could have been able to occur and remain unfixed for several days. curring. Katherine Buchan, an undergraduate law student, UNSW Law has since removed public access to the told Tharunka, “I am shocked that such a serious error information and has detailed via email who students has been made and that it was not discovered and rem- should speak to if they have any further inquiries. edied sooner.” Students whose data has been accessed will be con- More concerning for students was the degree and tacted via email during the first week in September to scope of the “misconfiguration” that enabled such per- notify them of the issue. This email will provide details sonal information to be accessed on public forums. and information for students to make a formal privacy “Personal details such as my home address, my complaint if they wish to do so. SATIRE 11 Thoughtcatalog’s Selection Criteria for Publication Ritchie Whyte-Mayel


1. In keeping with the thematic theme thread which links together our “articles” in a sea of creative genius and innovation, make sure each “article” includes redundancy, repetition and at least three mixed metaphors. (Memo: stop writing “articles” in quotation marks as if they weren’t real articles).

2. Even if the “article” does not naturally suit the list format, break it.

3. Up however awkwardly.

4. As we are experiencing a relative dearth in articles about individu- alism, finding yourself and doing what you want regardless of what “they” think, include more. Illustrate this with a photo of an attractive female 20-something running on the beach, not caring what “they” think (albeit in a minutely styled and timed photoshoot).

5. Each “writer” must be a 20-something. (Memo: stop that)

6. Preferably from a white suburban middle-class background.

7. Preferably also with a history in internet activism (see #selfiesfor- cancer and #KONY2012 etc.).

8. Make sure each writer also has behind them some horrific instance of trauma, the pathos from which fuels their abovementioned crea- tive genius. Even if they write things like “11 Selfie Angles Which Make You Look Even Hotter”.

9. Make exceedingly that even articles with vaguely evocative or mar- ginally original titles dispel the reader of such illusions upon their reading.

10. Preference “articles” written in second person.

11. Actually, only allow “articles” written in second person.

(Memo: Make sure to forward this to the editor at EliteDaily. He will find it useful. Surely it is a “he”.)

This goes out to all my editing staff. I love y’all. Stay real.

actually by Divya Venkataraman women’s zine launch party ~2014~


PERFORMANCES FOOD & MORE! arc.unsw.edu.au 14 ARTS Funnyman Clinton Chan ready to tackle uni drama’s biggest task

Chan credits British comedian and ac- big as this,” he added. tor Rowan Atkinson as a major source of Chan also played a small role in help- inspiration. Atkinson’s performances in ing refine the skits, ten of which were Mr. Bean and at Oxford University stand written by the cast. out for Chan ahead of his own gig as “I would try and reinterpret cer- frontman of the biggest production on tain roles and suggest them to the campus. directors...I do get to suggest stuff, but “When I was a kid I would just walk whether they take it up is up to them.” around the house, go to school and do Unlike the Arts or Med Revues which stupid things like Mr. Bean,” Chan said, slowly develop over long periods, the with a grin. Law Revue is pieced together from first “I would do things and people were auditions to opening night in just two just like ‘what are you doing?’. In a way, months. I’ve always wanted to be that kind of stu- Cast members rehearse between four pid character.” Not taking everyday happenings too to five hours per weeknight, and up to 11 seriously is the best kind of humour ac- – 12 hours on Saturdays. cording to Chan, making comedy a per- “The rehearsal process is probably fect fit. the most fun. Because after all, the per- “I think with comedy it’s easier to step formance is only four nights and then into. I’ve never been a very serious per- you’re finished,” Chan said. son growing up and my grades kind of Nevertheless, the success of the pro- say that too,” he joked. duction hinges on the intense work ethic No stranger to being on stage, Chan of its cast, most of all Chan, who often believes that preparation for the Law Re- finds himself in constant thought about vue is among his most difficult dramatic the show. challenges. students from the Law faculty. “It’s a weird kind of feeling to be work- Cameron Reddin In keeping with traditional revue The directors broke the news to him ing on it, really, 24 hours a day. It is hard structure, his singing, dancing and act- after he had just finished a weekend of on the mind,” he said. (@CameronReddin) ing will all be put to the test across the auditioning for a spot as a cast member. “But...I’m a very energetic person two-and-a-bit-hour show. and I’ve been able to cope with the work- “While they were watching everyone “I have the one main role, I’m in aca- One of Australian drama’s load.” and casting for the skits they were also pella, the choral group and I also do the fastest rising stars, Clinton He looks forward to putting his hard watching for the main character,” Chan opening dance,” he said. work into action on opening night. Chan, is preparing to embrace said. “I used to [perform in] a the spotlight as he leads the “I didn’t actually know until they told at Newington [College], I did that two The 2014 UNSW Law Revue will be 2014 UNSW Law Revue in Sep- me, it was gob-smacking.” or three times, and a musical where I showing 9 – 12 September at the Science Chan had kept the secret close to his danced a bit as well. But not anything as Theatre. tember. chest for a while, telling only a few close Just a few sleeps out from opening friends about his achievement. night, Chan is taking a “no-fuss” attitude He laughed at the idea of having his to his role, despite the initial surprise of face plastered around campus as adver- “I’m playing a well-known his selection as the main character. tising roars into gear. “I’ve never actually been in a produc- “The character that I’m playing is on figure that people will expect tion where I’ve had a leading role. This is the poster and it’s only his face...we’ve my first real stint as the main guy in the all done photoshoots, but they spent ex- spotlight,” Chan said. tra long with me so my face is on all the to be lampooned.” Even more impressive is the fact that posters,” he said. Chan is a first-year, non-law student “I’m playing a well-known figure that leading a cast made up predominantly of people will expect to be lampooned.” ARTS 15

Art in the making: Photographer Jared Leibowitz focuses his lens during a gig.

Photograph by Adam Scarf Young Artist Has Life in Focus

Clinton Chan ing band photography so I was like ‘yeah is highly competitive; multiple cameras sure’ and that’s how I got started,” says will capture the same moments in simi- Jared. lar styles, creating a great deal of sub-par His photographic works often pic- “Someone saw those photos and photography. For Jared, however, it is not ture the piercing-studded singers of asked me along to another gig and it difficult for him to rise above the pack. alternative bands rather than land- took off from there. People really liked “With fine music photography, so scapes or flowers, yet at 18, live music my photography.” many people capture the exact same mo- photographer Jared Leibowitz already Since starting his photography blog, ment. But art is different. What I do is try considers himself an artist. Jared has not only brought his career to to compose the work differently… it’s a “I do consider myself an artist, live new heights, he now respects photogra- completely different angle.” music isn’t really an art form, but I try phy as more than a career – photography According to Jared, photography isn’t making it an art form,” Jared explains. is something that he feels an intense simply a case of opening the shutter, it’s “I’m still trying to capture the fine hu- emotional connection with. also capturing the moment in a way that man elements of the performer.” “Photography is an escape, I just lose expresses the moment’s uniqueness and Jared started professional photogra- myself in it. When I was taking photos levels of emotion. phy a little over 12 months ago and has at Bluesfest, I just got lost taking photos. “I capture moments, moments that already photographed for international It was awesome. Photography is never a happen in hundredths of a second. I keep festivals like Soundwave, Bluesfest, Fu- chore; it’s… self-expression.” the unique memories and I share them.” ture Music, and Warp Tour, and more. He This seems like something of a cliche Jared’s latest project, aside from live has also rubbed shoulders with artists remark from an artist, but it is this dedi- music, is proof of this. He is using pho- like Pharrell Williams, Kendrick Lamar cation that has helped Jared’s blog gain tography to emotionally connect with and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, as well widespread popularity and contributed his Jewish heritage. Through a fine art as bands such as A Day to Remember, to a fast rise in the industry. portrait series on Holocaust survivors, Green Day, and Avenged Sevenfold. “I can’t really describe the feeling I get Jared wants to capture the memories of “I’ve been taking photos from a young when I take photos. Pure happiness is survivors in photography. age; my dad gave me a camera, well actu- the only word to describe it.” “What we have now is the last gen- ally, I kind of stole it from him, and then Though Jared is not a poet, he is con- eration of survivors, they’re dying out. I really just started from there. It’s always fident that he has enough artistic skill to More and more people, especially young been within me and I’ve brought it out as be able to compose meaningful photo- people, seem to think the Holocaust is I’ve grown older,” Jared explains. graphs. Jared also believes that his own propaganda because they don’t know Jared began photography as a back- ability and portfolio proves photography [about the history] and because there are yard hobby, uploading photos to his really is an art form. few survivors left. So photography is also blog to express himself and his creativ- “People say ‘oh you’re just pressing a about keeping the emotions.” ity – worlds away from the mosh pits he shutter button’, but it’s more than that; Through projects like this, Jared – like works in today. Friends and other pho- it’s composing the image; it’s choosing any good artist – looks to the future and tography bloggers came to appreciate the right moment. Art isn’t just putting a sees his own photography as a constant his work, and eventually, a friend asked paintbrush to a canvas.” learning process. Jared to shoot for an exclusive gig. Unlike other forms of photography, “I never find something that I have “Honestly, I’d never thought about do- Jared knows that live music photography learnt a thousand times over.” 16 COLUMNS

he Sydney Morning Herald’s Mike Carlton resigned after being on the grounds of its Jewishness – if it is behaving in a way that is un- disciplined by the paper, ostensibly for abusing readers on acceptable by international standards, then that has nothing to do TTwitter. After his opinion piece criticising the military op- with whether it is Jewish or not, indeed nothing to do with whether erations of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) was published, Carlton was it is Israeli or not. For this reason, comments like Carlton’s express- the victim of verbal abuse far more than he abused, but from the per- ing surprise that the attacks on Gaza could be carried out by “a people spective of the paper, this was irrelevant. How legitimate it is for the with a proud liberal tradition of scholarship and culture, who hold the paper to discipline him for comments made on his personal Twitter Warsaw Ghetto and the six million dead of the Holocaust at the centre account is an interesting question – certainly the distinction between of their race memory” are counter-productive. It’s the wrong question private and professional lives is becoming increasingly nebulous. to ask how these attacks could be committed by Jews; we should be Whether the disciplinary action taken was warranted or not, however, asking how they could be committed by anyone. was clearly not the most pressing issue under the circumstances. Why It would be folly to absolve Hamas of its crimes, but clearly it does is it impossible to criticise the IDF for sending bombs into Gaza, indis- not pose an existential threat to Israel because of the Iron Dome sys- criminately killing innocent civilians, without being forced to endure tem. As Carlton noted in his column, Israel’s response has lacked any the kind of extreme attacks Carlton was subjected to? Why does ques- proportion. It wasn’t a column about siding with Hamas instead of tioning Israeli military tactics make you an anti-Semite? Surely we Israel. Rather, he mourned the loss of innocent life in Gaza. If Aus- need to allow this discussion to operate in a more sophisticated way. The problem is that critics of Israel seem to legitimise these com- tralian political discourse cannot even have that conversation, then plaints by continuing to raise the issue of religion. The cartoon ac- clearly there is a lot of work to do before it, and the rest of the West, companying Carlton’s article, which depicted a hook-nosed Jew seated can approach the issue of Israel with anything like a level head. Un- on a couch with the Star of David engraved, was extremely offensive fortunately, the way the situation has unfolded for Mike Carlton will and unnecessary. The Sydney Morning Herald rightly apologised, and make other journalists far more reticent to consider the conflict from in its apology correctly identified the source of the offensiveness: the a Palestinian, or even a neutral, point of view. Even the staunchest de- conflation of statehood and religion. It is impossible to extract Juda- fenders of Israel must be forced to concede that this is not an accept- ism from Israel; Judaism is at the very heart of the country – its raison able state of affairs. In a liberal democracy, an argument shouldn’t be d’etre. That doesn’t mean that the IDF can be legitimately challenged won by forcing the other side into silence. CREATIVE 17

Comic by Dom Foffani 18 REVIEWS

Album Review by Kyle Redman accessible, emotive pop music. Barnett’s lyricism isn’t top notch. Let’s not beat around the bush here. Couplets like “If Tahliah Barnett’s seriously considered the flame gets blown out and you shine / I image, FKA twigs, has graced the covers of will know that you cannot be mine” come off Dazed, I-D and The Fader, featured in viral rough around the edges. Yet, true to any suc- music videos, and generated considerable in- cessful, forward-thinking work, there is an ternet hype, drawing primarily from her sec- anchoring core of convention, and through- ond EP, EP2. If you’ve heard Barnett before, out the course of the , all experimen- then you know what you’re in for with this tation will depart from this point. For LP1, debut full-length, suitably titled LP1. If you twig’s flawless vocal melodies are exactly haven’t, it’s futuristic pop stripped back: raw, this. Album highlight “Two Weeks” show- swelling and rich. Pop is something Tahliah cases the best of both the album’s lyricism has grown through, starting her career as a and vocal melodies. Abel Tesfaye could only backup dancer in music videos for acts such dream of the other-worldly sexual depravity as Jessie J. You get a sense of this on the track in lines like “Higher than a motherfucker”, “Video Girl”, Barnett’s least complex point on “I can fuck you better than her”. The object the album. The chorus rings straightforward- ly: “Is she the girl that’s from the video? / You of this imperative sentence might as well be lie and you lie and you lie.” The real truth is us, “Motherfucker, get your mouth open, you that this is who she is, the person under the know you’re mine”, her rapt listeners. album. This isn’t the peppiest, instantane- The previous two EPs could have indicat- ous or fun pop album of the year, but this LP ed that this album would come completely showcases a much more coherent FKA twigs out of left field, a peek into future pop and than we’ve seen in the past. R&B kingdom. When you first sit down to Sonically, the influences stem from all ar- this album, though, it sounds familiar. Not eas of R&B heritage. You’ll feel Beyonce, The just because this sonic direction is in vogue, Weeknd and Ciara, while it also significant but because everything is emotionally grip- draws from early trip-hop acts like Portis- ping. The strength of this album lies in its head and Tricky. Though there are produc- duality of familiar and experimental hip hop. tion features throughout the album, twigs Detuned synthesizers swell in and out, and claims that nothing was written without her awkward bass grumbles complement sparse presence. Arca, Devonté Hynes, Clams Casi- percussive rolls. The album is weakened with no and Emile Haynie all feature, and you can some okay moments in poor lyrics or sparse tell this album hasn’t been ruined by a mar- tracks, but these are few and far between. keting division or a committee. The beats are FKA twigs has come out with a record far, far produced to a nine. They’re wondrous, im- ahead. The production is dense, layered and aginative, quirky and vulnerable. It’s appar- dynamic, yet the whole album comes off gen- ent that this is a singular vision – intelligent, tle, creative and artful. Brilliant.

Film Review by Simon Anicich film follows the teens through a series of stuff-ups and will they/won’t they moments. Along the way, they are hampered by all the usual roadblocks of a modern US film critic David Ehrlich called Gia Coppola’s di- teen romance, or so Palo Alto would like us to believe. rectorial debut Palo Alto “one of the best movies ever Paedophile soccer coaches, paedophile parents of their made about high school life in America”. It is a beauti- best friends, and the destructive personality of said best fully shot film yes, mesmerising even, and it had been friend Fred (Nat Wolff) – who in one of the film’s most high on my must-see list for 2014. It is painful to say, bizarre and offensive moments, seemingly allows his then, that I respectfully disagree with Ehrlich’s review. off-screen mates to gang rape his girlfriend (Zoe Levin). Coppola is indeed a star on the rise – as a member of But apparently it’s okay – everyone keeps reminding one of Hollywood’s greatest families, film directing the viewer that she is a “slut” anyway, and it’s all done is basically in her blood. However, there are so many over a super cool arty montage that the hipsters will ideas running through this film – some of them great, just die for. some of them not so much – that it almost implodes into itself, weighed down by ambitions of grandeur and What is really disappointing is that there are so an inability to decide just exactly what message it is try- many elements that should be working in the film’s ing to get across to its audience. favour, but for me at least, they just fail to gel. Even a Perhaps the main problem lies with the film’s source soundtrack by Devonté Hynes, one of my favourite mu- material, a book of short stories of the same name by sicians of the last decade (seriously, check him out), actor/director/writer James Franco. The book received just feels stilted and out of place in many of the scenes. mixed reviews upon its release, with Mary McNamara Admittedly, the musical score is nothing short of amaz- of the Los Angeles Times famously writing that Franco’s ing, but every time one of Hynes’s songs chimed in, I literary debut was “the work of an ambitious young couldn’t help but think it would be much better served man who clearly loves to read, who has a good eye for as a stand-alone release. detail but who has spent way too much time on style As I stated earlier, this is a beautiful-looking film, and virtually none on substance”. and I have great confidence that Gia Coppola will trans- Sadly, this has translated across to the film adapta- form herself into a real force to be reckoned with in tion. Largely focusing on the follies of would-be lov- years to come. Let’s just hope that next time she tells a ers April (Emma Roberts) and Teddy (Jack Kilmer), the story with an equal measure of style and substance. REVIEWS 19 The Hundred-Foot Journey

Film Review by Srestha Mazumder somewhat snobby attitude. Madame Mallory assumes migrants as other nations, and the film makes a point that the “restaurant” will be a fast food joint and de- of that from the beginning. Hassan encounters his fair scends onto the battlefield, ready to strike out at the share of racial slurs and verbal backlashing, but that ith a bright burst of colour, a dash of humour Kaddam family. But the determined Papa Kaddam (Om doesn’t stop him from making his mark on Lumiere. Wand a sprinkle of romance to complete the Puri) is nothing less when it comes to playing the game If you’re looking for a film filled with plot twists and dish, Lasse Hallstrom brings us The Hundred-Foot Jour- “fair”. the unexpected, don’t bother with this one. Having ney. A mix of India’s bold and intense flavours with The movie mainly revolves around one specific boy, read the book, the film does no justice to the amount France’s delicate touch, The Hundred-Foot Journey is Hassan Kaddam, played by the extremely handsome of depth and grasp the book has on its reader. The film sure to bring a smile to viewers who are lovers of food Manish Dayal. Opposite him is the stunning French was let down by its predictable nature. On top of that, and a bit of light entertainment. actress/model Charlotte Le Bon, who plays the role of the weak French accents of some of the actors were dis- The story starts off in the heart of bustling Mum- Marguerite. Thankfully, both these rather unfamiliar tracting. That said, the movie does have its highlights, bai, where a young boy is bestowed with an ultimate stars captured and projected their roles beautifully. which shouldn’t go unmentioned. The humour within culinary gift. Following a tragedy in his family, the What starts off as a light acquaintance blossoms into the interplay between the characters wasn’t forced, but Kaddams begin travelling Europe, where fate pulls something more – there is jealousy, anger and frustra- rather genuinely funny. The film is great if you want to them to a small country town in France called Lumi- tion as they both claw to have their name amongst the relax for a while and enjoy a bit of light entertainment, ere. An abandoned estate is for sale, which the family elite chefs in France. but besides the comic dialogue and the beautifully decide to purchase and turn into an Indian restaurant. The film truly does capture the real essence of sculpted star cast, it’s rather bland. The critics are going The run-down estate, however, just happens to be op- France. The film discloses another aspect of the culi- crazy over it in the media, mainly because Oprah and posite a Michelin Star-winning restaurant. The owner nary nation other than the countless vintage coffee Steven Spielberg helped direct what is an internation- of the fine restaurant, Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren), shops with everyone enjoying chocolate croissants. It ally best-selling novel. Other than that, the movie is is known in the small town for her stubborn, witty and is no secret that the French aren’t as accepting of im- nothing out of the familiar East meets West plot line.

Film review by Jeremy Szal absurd way possible – and it’s brilliant. No one and nothing is off limits to the scrutiny and piss-taking of the dirty Brits. All political correctness is thrown well England’s most infamous foursome are back, and truly out the window and burned alive at the cost ready to unleash deliciously dark humour, dirty of humour, and you can’t help but laughing guiltily at jokes and hilarious shenanigans on anyone unfor- the sheer ridiculousness of it. Despite some off-colour tunate enough to cross their paths. scenes that are crude for the sake of shock value, al- I attended the red carpet event for this film and met most every joke is tasteful and executed astoundingly. all the actors, writers and producers. Other than telling Will really has his time to shine in this film, particu- us that Australia was indeed as messed up as they ex- larly with a campfire scene of cruel humour, and an ab- pected, we were told to hold onto our seats for one hell solutely side-splitting event at a waterpark. The entire of a good ride. And boy, was it good. audience was in an uproar at this scene, and I’m not Tired of getting kicked back into the gutter in dready England, Will, Neil and Simon head down to Australia ashamed to say that tears streamed out of my eyes as I to join Jay – now known under the prestigious moni- gasped for a breath, only to laugh again. I don’t know ker of “DJ Big Penis” – living the dream as he works his when the last time was that I had such a good laugh at way through Australia’s entire female population. Of the cinema. Maybe it was during the firstInbetweeners course, this is Jay we’re talking about. Anyone familiar film back in 2011. with The Inbetweeners Movie will know that this is just A fair warning: Those who possess thin skin, or are a big hoax and that Jay is actually living in the garden easily offended, need to avoid this film. It targets nearly of his perverted uncle. What follows is a rip-roaring ad- every single possible demographic, minority and group venture as the four get into the most ridiculous situa- for the sake of humour. Nothing is too crude, crass or tions, making Australia look like the darkest hell hole cruel for these guys. And you know what? I love them on the planet. for it. Call me whatever you want, but this is comedy The jokes are often witty and fabulously dark, al- at its finest. I’m sick to death of half-arsed, needlessly though in some cases it feels genuinely scripted and raunchy American stoner comedies. This film isn’t out of place. Regardless, almost every joke stretches the afraid to unleash a tidal wave of pure, British dark hu- limit of what and who can be made fun of in the most mour upon all its viewers. 20 SRC/PGC REPORTS

our Facebook page and get involved by discrimination around bathroom use also been planning some great events coming along to one of our many collec- to complement our successful We All such as the Cultural Day trip to the Blue tives each week! Need to Pee campaign. Send us an email Mountains and student run celebration to learn about how to get more involved in honour of Nura Gili having its 10th or to send us through any of your own birthday. There’s lots of stuff happening event/campaign ideas! in the next couple of weeks so make sure you get involved and like always we our members meetings every 2nd Thursday at 12pm at Nura Gili. Hope to see you all there!

SRC President Joel Wilson Nominations for the Student Repre- sentative Council elections have closed and I would like to thank all the students who have nominated. It is great to see so Education Officer many students who are passionate about Billy Bruffey contributing to the student community The biggest National Day of Action at UNSW. I’m confident that the next ever was held on August 20, which saw Ethno-Cultural Officer SRC will effectively represent and cam- thousands of students march through Rachel Lobo paign for student interests within the the Sydney CBD – and UNSW was lead- Hey UNSW, we have a big remainder University, to Government, as well as the ing the charge. The Palmer United Party, of Semester coming up! On Saturday the Environment Officer community at large. This includes fight- Labor and the Greens have joined forces 6th of September we have the Women Nicholas Gurieff ing hard to ensure that students get the to block Abbott and Pyne’s assault on of Colour High Tea from 11AM-2PM! People around the world are gearing world-class education promised to them students. Without our campaigns, this Scrummy food and delightful company! up for real action on climate change. and that they have access to all the sup- would not have been possible. Now On Tuesday the 9th of September, as a We’re taking on vested interests, short- port services available. UNSW students need to unite to force part of Arc’s Block Party, the SRC Ethno- sighted politicians and corporate di- Now on Tuesday September 9 (Week our Council to back away from deregu- cultural Department will be hosting a nosaurs because collectively we’ve had 7) from 10am-4pm the SRC and Arc are lation, interest rates on HECS-HELP number of fun and fantastic activities - enough. We will no longer accept lies holding a ‘Block Party’ to let students and funding cuts to universities. We are so come and join the festivities and cele- and misinformation, we will act with or check out our new offices and spaces! taking a forward step and demanding a brate the launch of our new autonomous without help from those in power. That There will be loads of department-specif- better education for all students. To get space with the International Students includes our community here at UNSW. ic events for SRC members and also ac- involved in the campaign, email educa- collective! It will also be the first time If you’d like to be part of the transforma- tivities to let students know more about [email protected], or visit our Face- we run a Critical Race Discussion Group tion then drop in on our weekly Environ- the SRC and what we do. There will be book page. - starting with the basics of ‘Race 101 & ment Collective meetings 10am to 12pm games and other interesting events in Privilege’. on Wednesdays. You can also get in con- our spaces and our new rooms so come Following on from that, in Week 8 tact and stay informed about our plans check them out! the Women of Colour Collective will be by visiting our website at www.srcen- Finally please get in touch or come hosting a Critical Race Discussion Group viro.org or sending an email to enviro@ and see me in our new office TKC on the on Sexualised Racism during Women’s arc.unsw.edu.au Basser steps whenever you require help. Week. In Week 9, just before the mid- My email address is srcpresident@arc. semester break, the launch of our very unsw.edu.au and you can sign up to our own Tharunka issue and End Colonial collectives through our website and Fa- Mentality Campaign (it’s finally here!) cebook page! with the Indigenous Society will be a great lead-in to our series of Anti-Racism Workshops hosted during the break. For Queer Officers more details on the above and Refugee Dylan Lloyd & Cassandra Harris Week check out the autonomous UNSW We hope you enjoyed Queer Tharunka Intercultural Facebook group, drop by as much as we all loved making it! If you our new space, check the SRC Facebook missed our Launch Lunch/didn’t pick up Page or email [email protected]! a copy, you can find the digital version Women’s Officer on the UNSW Queer Collective Facebook Olga Lisinska page (shameless plugging ftw). So women’s week is in week 8 and I We’ve been working hard preparing don’t know about you but I’m excited! for the Marriage Equality rally on 16 Au- Equal Pay Day is on the Tuesday and General Secretary gust (‘cause the government have such a we’ve got plenty of gold coins for all of Maja Sieczko hard time figuring out how not to be as- you, so you can see how much you could The semester is in full swing and sholes), as well as Queer Week, which is be getting paid. We’re also having a pe- we’re all getting a little overwhelmed as a WHOLE WEEK of queer events, work- riod party on the Wednesday to celebrate that pile of readings we’ve been avoid- shops, parties, free food, and network- everything that is great about periods. ing keeps growing. In Wweek 7, instead ing. Queer Week will be held in Week 6 There will be tampon piñatas (both in of locking yourself in the library, climb (1-5 September), and we’re still looking the shape of tampons and with tam- the Basser steps just halfway and join us out for more workshops and event ide- Indigenous Officer pons inside them) lots of snacks cakes at the Arc Block Party in our new offices. as -- if you wanna help out, send us an Rebekah Hatfield and such). Everyone is welcome so come As assessment period starts looming, email at [email protected] This month Indigenous Society mem- along and join us! remember that Arc and the SRC have a In other news, the SRC unanimously bers have been working hard to prepare The reason we’re having a period calculator borrowing scheme for all you voted to request UNSW and Arc imple- the first ever combined Indigenous and party is because pads and tampons still sleep deprived and forgetful individuals ment gender-neutral bathrooms on all Ethno-cultural Tharunka Edition. Cop- have GST charged on them. If you think out there. Stay up to date with all of the premises. The Collective has also kick- ies of this issue will be out on week 9, Tampons and Pads are not a luxury and SRC’s campaigns and events by liking started a brand new campaign to end so make sure you grab a copy! We’ve we need to axe the tax, sign our petition SRC/PGC REPORTS 21

at our stall on Library Lawn. Or online.

International Officer Emily Yichen Liu WELCOME BACK TO THE WHOLE BRAND NEW SEMESTER! This is the first shot of SRC International for Semester 2. We sincerely hope that you all enjoy staying in International Students Collec- tives in the last term. What is SRC international? The SRC International is the repre- sentative body for the wide and diverse community of international students studying at UNSW. We seek to best serve the interests and needs of international students by providing a variety of ser- vices and activities. The International Students Collective forms the backbone of the SRC International, made up of en- thusiastic volunteers. Our focus is improving international students’s concerns in various ways, such as immigration policy changes, lan- guage training (i.e. IELTS), career oppor- tunities, accommodation, legal issues (travel concession campaign), on- and off-campus safety, culture integration and so on. Upcoming exciting events: Are you guys ready for some of the biggest and most exciting events of the year on campus? The SRC International student office will be holding all sorts of fabulous events throughout the year, which includes an IELTS workshop, In- ternational food night market (only in Sem 2), a migration seminar and more! Stay updated with our email, or simply like our Facebook page to get more infor- mation. UNSW International Students’s Col- lective – https://www.facebook.com/ groups/unsw.isc/ If you are also interested in educa- tion, environment, women, indigenous students, ethnic affairs and so on, please feel free to check out other SRC depart- ments. Detailed information can be found on the UNSW international stu- dent representative’s Facebook page- UNSW Student Representative Coun- cil – https://www.facebook.com/unsw. council?fref=ts Web page for benefits of Arc – http:// arc.unsw.edu.au/benefits How to join the Arc – https://mem- bers.arc.unsw.edu.au/join/ We are looking forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events!

Art by Daniel Lethlean Higson 22 CREATIVE

Art by Daniel Lethlean Higson SPORTS 23

Champions and Charity Leslie Phung

here is much to say about great to defend the title he won last year by Li Na, initially the third , officially athletes. They are formidable defeating Djokovic in four sets. In con- withdrew from the US Open, sidelined T and relentless warriors on the trast, fans of the Swiss masterpiece bear by a knee injury. Petra Kvitova comes in field, but their stride outside the court promising news as Roger Federer goes as the reigning Wimbledon champion, is a reflection of their ambassadorship into the US Open with a tornado of con- where she essentially slaughtered rising of the sport. Great athletes are not only fidence. He made the finals in Toronto Canadian star Eugenie Bouchard in the athletes – they represent their sport. The and won the Western and Southern Open finals. When in form, Kvitova is nearly world in August has demonstrated the title in Cincinnati for a record sixth time. impossible to defeat, but she faces an underlying reasons for our admiration He flies into New York as, arguably, the uncertain future in terms of this grand and reverence for athletes. The ALS Ice favourite to lift the US Open trophy, given slam because she often crumbles under Bucket Challenge, an attempt to raise his recent form. pressure. The Russian beauty, and 2014’s awareness for developing a cure for Lou The women’s circuit, on the other French Open champion, Maria Sharapo- Gehrig’s Disease, has sprinted through hand, is in colourful chaos. Serena Wil- va comes into the US Open as a fearsome every social media platform. Newsfeeds liams remains as the top seed for two contender. But her season post-Roland have been flooded with celebrities, al- years in a row. This year has been cruel Garros has been shaky at best, having truistic citizens and children promoting to the legend – Williams has failed to suffered early exits in both Wimbledon this philanthropic cause. Every possible pass the fourth round in any of the ma- and the American hard courts. ambassador from every sport partook jor grand slam events. She has been bru- When speaking of the significance of in this challenge, including Michael Jor- talised by opponents who have never image and ambassadorship for athletes, dan, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, LeBron threatened her in the past. Yet, we should divergence of this perceived image is no James and even David Beckham. reword the common expression “a man doubt inevitable. For a man dearly loved Of course, their effort with their am- on a mission”, because no doubt, Serena all around the world, there has been ris- bassadorship is just as important as their Williams is proving her dominance and ing speculation as to Cristiano Ronaldo’s craft and talent. Tennis shows no signs of insatiable desire to defend this US Open conduct after Real Madrid’s intense Span- slowing down with the US Open officially title in attempt to rack up 18 slams to ish Super Cup match against Atletico starting in Flushing Meadows, New York. her name, tying two other legends of the Madrid, which they lost 1-0. In the final Novak Djokovic is the top seed, followed game – Martina Navratilova and Chris minute of the match, Ronaldo appeared by Roger Federer taking the second seed. Evert. She defended her Bank of the West to have punched Atletico defender Diego For the Serb, his victory in Wimbledon title for a third time, though she did suf- Godin in the head on a corner kick. On a has marked another achievement in the fer a heart-wrenching loss to her sister more positive note, at the time of writing, history books, but his preparation for Venus in Montreal, losing in three sets. Angel Di Maria’s deal with Manchester the US Open has been questionable at However, her resilience pushed her to United is scheduled to be finalised in late best. Woefully lacking in form, Djoko- win the Western and Southern Open title August. United has not made any official vic suffered early exits in both Toronto for the first time in her illustrious career. comments, but Fox Sports has reported and Cincinnati, thus drawing questions She walks into Flushing Meadows as the that the fee between the Red Devils and on his ability to contend in New York. In favourite, despite her publicised strug- Real Madrid will eclipse the British re- a similar vein, ominous signs loom for gles this season. Although consistency cord of 50 million pounds that Chelsea Nadal, as the Spaniard officially with- is clearly absent on the women’s side, un- forked out in 2011 for Liverpool’s Fernan- drew from the US Open due to a wrist deniably, there are formidable contend- do Torres. Having already bid farewell to injury. For critics and pundits alike, this ers that threaten Serena’s bid for history. his Madrid team-mates, the future of Di is no surprise, given the immense brutal- Simona Halep, the rising star of the tour, Maria seems bright. ity and stress his baseline game involves, sits comfortably as the second seed. Her In the meantime, see you readers in coupled with the unfortunate tale of age. consistency and uniform ball striking two weeks, where the summer of sports Alas, the Spanish juggernaut will suf- has impressed pundits and critics alike. will come to an end, and the breeze of au- fer a blow to his ranking as he will fail Reigning Australian Open champion tumn will take over. 24 Image via Getty Images Image Worth their weight in Blue and Gold Niko Pajarillo | @NikoPajarillo r y. They’re starting to believe it now and into the proud club. If not, and the ‘blue-and-golds’ have starting to see the fruits of their actions.” Semi Radradra, the former kava narrowly missed out on a spot due to Yet, while Arthur’s guidance has un- farmer from Fiji who has topped this “Among the worst teams in NRL his- their fledging for-and-against, while I’d doubtedly worked wonders, the young season’s try-scorers Manu Ma’u, the for- tory” the experts called them. be hesitant to label the season a success men taking the field every weekend are mer gang member and jailbird who has The laughing stock of the competi- (for the same reason I refuse to hail the certainly due for some credit as well. transformed into a clean, hard hitting tion and material inspiration for count- Socceroos’ recent World Cup campaign It has been well documented that a forward;Nathan Peats, who was playing less banal memes and tawdry one-liners. with similar praise), 2014 still represents major cog in the Parramatta juggernaut so well he almost dethroned Robbie Fa- Complete with record-breaking los- an incredibly meritorious and admirable is their superstar fullback and captain, rah from his Blues hooker position; and ing margins, 10-game losing streaks, effort and one that will be remembered Jarryd Hayne, without whom the Eels forwards like Junior Paulo, Pauli Pauli poor recruitment efforts, board infight- for years to come. would not be as far up as they are. and David Gower who have terrorised ing, three sacked coaches and two talent With all considered, something must Fresh from a World Cup triumph oppositions with the sheer size of their cleanouts – the ’ record be said of the extraordinary work that with the Kangaroos in England, the since their impressive 2009 underdog new head coach and former caretaker Cabramatta product shone in NSW’s suc- shadows. story has been nothing short of appall- Brad Arthur has done at the club, espe- cessful State of Origin campaign as well So while this Parramatta squad has ing. cially considering the mammoth task he as starring in his every performance in a lot of learning, improvement and ex- After their Hayne-inspired grand- took on at the start of the year. the blue and gold. perience yet to achieve, it is somewhat final finish five years ago, the Eels fol- Upon his return to the west, the club So incredible Hayne’s heroics have humbling to think of their lowly starting lowed up with an underwhelming 12th was in shambles. been that the 26-year-old is poised to win point. dead last again in 2013. His predecessor had jumped ship, the the coveted Dally M medal for the NRL’s A bunch of unlikely heroes, an unex- “You’d have to go back to (the now newly-appointed CEO resigned, the tox- ‘Best and Fairest’, an award he last won pected rejuvenation not seen since Kevin defunct Western Suburbs Magpies) in icity of the board of directors was hinder- five years ago. Moores’ Bulldogs, a true underdog story. the late 1990s to remember a team this ing the club’s progress and the playing “He’s matured and grown a lot with Following the players on social media, bad,” Paul Crawley wrote in the Daily Tel- group was low on morale with a pitiful his leadership and his training and his it gets pretty obvious that they feel the egraph in July last year. win rate of 20.83 per cent. commitment ... putting his club first and same way. If you had told this writer then that But co-captain Tim Mannah says his his teammates first,” Arthur told Triple It’s their fresh-faced excitement after 12 months on, the Eels would be serious new coach’s no-nonsense style of tute- M NRL of his fullback. victories, their awkward acceptance of contenders for a finals spot with their lage allowed the team to improve and When quizzed about his spectacular praise during interviews, and the contin- captain set to win his second career Dally was a refreshing departure from the form, Hayne has always been quick to ual #StartedFromTheBottom hashtags M medal, I would have likened your skull philosophies of mentors place finish in deflect praise to his team mates, and Ar- on players’ Instagram posts that prove to the Cronulla Sharks trophy room. 2010, ran second last in 2011, dead last in thur echoes these sentiments. their humble beginnings make their suc- And yet, here we are. 2012 and “From the first day of pre-sea- “He’s doing his job and its off the back cess all the more sweet. Fast forward one year and Parramatta son ... (Brad) made it really clear that (he of what the other boys are creating for are sitting just inside the top eight with wasn’t) going to try to build a five-year him and if they don’t create that time two games to go until the finals against plan or try and build a team that would and space for him he doesn’t come up the lowly Canberra and Newcastle. be successful over the next three or four with those tries.” And if, dear reader, as you read this, years,” Mannah told Triple M NRL. And it’s true. the Eels are flying high and finals bound “He wanted to come in and be a top Despite a wealth of inexperience and then it goes without saying that this sea- eight side from the get-go. a mounting injury list, Parramatta’s crop son marks one of the most remarkable “He said we were capable of doing of young talent breaking through along sporting revival stories in recent memo- it and a lot of the boys bought into it. with intelligent buys have breathed life