Edited for the Web: Personal infor- mation and contacts removed, as well —1— Sundays at Albany UU as children’s last names. Web viewers needing more information are invited to Please join us on any Sunday for: contact the church office at administra- Mindfulness Meditation, Religious Education for children and youth, the
[email protected]. Service, Coffee Hour, or any combination thereof. Other programs on Sundays include Forum (social justice and environmental topics), Family Chapel, social events, and adult education. All are welcome! WINDOWS Services Newsletter of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany Sept. 4 "Moral Movements," Rev. Emily McNeill Labor Day is more than just the end of summer. It's an important occa- September 2016 sion to honor the labor movement's contributions to society and to re- commit to work for economic justice. This is work that must engage our In this issue: deepest moral commitments. 1 Services Music: Ann Brandon 2 Calendar 3 Sam’s Outlook Sept. 11 “Homecoming Sunday: Returning to the Well,” Rev. 4 News Sam Trumbore 8 Growing Together Even though some of you have been coming all summer, traditionally we celebrate the beginning of our fall season with a special service. As part 12 Our Community of the celebration we bring water from our travels or nearby to represent 15 Social Justice sources of renewal from our summer activities. We’ll have a celebratory 18 Flyers lunch after the service. Bring your water, real or virtual, and stay to re- 20 Contact Us connect. Music: Choir Sept. 18 “The Occupy Movement: 5 Years Later,” Rev.