Tiffany Agerston Vocalist ∙ actress ∙ dancer 3025 Holloway Street apt. D∙ Durham, NC 27703 ∙Phone (919) 519-8885 Email [email protected] Height: 5’2” Eyes/Hair: Brown Weight: 135 lbs. Voice Class: Soprano Date of Birth: 08/23/1990 Race: African-American

Opera Role Conductor Season

Hansel and Gretel “The Dew Fairy” Richard Banks & The North Carolina Spring 2013 Elvira O. Green (Directress) Central University Opera Ensemble Durham, NC

The Barber of Seville “Berta” Richard Banks & The North Carolina Spring 2012 Elvira O. Green (Directress) Central University Opera Ensemble Durham, NC

Faust Chorus Member Timothy Myers The North Carolina Spring 2011 (Soprano) Opera Company Raleigh, NC

Oratorio Role Conductor Company Season Ballad of the Brown Chorus Member Richard Banks & The North Carolina Fall 2012 King (Soprano) Elvira O. Green (Directress) Central University Opera Ensemble Durham, NC Changed My Name Chorus Member Rolo Dilworth The Duffy Liturgical Fall 2009 (Soprano) Dance Ensemble Cleveland, OH Magnificat Chorus Member Richard Banks The NCCU Oratorio Fall 2009 (Mezzo-Soprano) Ensemble Durham, NC

Theater Role Director Company Season Vagina Monologues “My Angry Vagina” Rev. Rhonda Royal Hatton NCCU Women’s Center Spring 2013 & NCCU Theater Durham, NC Amen Corner “Sister Douglas” Kenneth Hinton NCCU Alumni Theater Spring 2012 Group Durham, NC Black Nativity “Mary” Wendell Tabb Throne Life Media Fall 2011 Durham, NC Home “Myrna” Karen D. Dacons-Brock NCCU Theater Fall 2008 Durham, NC A in the Sun “Ruth Younger” Wendell Tabb Hillside Drama Spring 2006 Durham, NC Othello “Desdemona” Wendell Tabb Hillside Drama Spring 2006 Durham, NC

Musicals Role director Company Season Little Shop of Horrors “Chiffon” Irving W. Truitt ANFO Productions Spring 2010 Durham, NC Prom The Musical “Kia” Wendell Tabb Throne Life Media Spring 2008 Durham, NC “Evillene” Wendell Tabb Hillside Drama Durham, Spring 2007 NC “Effie White” Wendell Tabb Hillside Drama Durham, Fall 2006 NC Perilous Times “Elizabeth” Wendell Tabb Carolina Theater Spring 2006 Durham, NC Bubbling Brown Sugar “Young Irene” Wendell Tabb Hillside Drama Spring 2005 & Durham, NC “I’ve got it bad”

children’s Role Director Company Season Theater Cinderah “Cinderah” Irving W. Truitt ANFO Productions Fall 2007 Durham, NC Mufaro’s Beautiful “Nyasha” Wendell Tabb Hillside Drama Fall 2004 Daughters Durham, NC