Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019 Website: Review Article P-ISSN: 2456-9321

Shadrasas (Six Types of Tastes) According To Different Ayurvedic Texts - A Literary Survey

Dr. Umakant N. Rabb

Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Deshbhushan Medical College and Hospital, Shamnewadi-Bedkihal, Tal: Chikkodi, Dist: Belagavi, Karnataka, INDIA.

ABSTRACT 3. Rasa[3] as one of the pharmaceutical preparation i.e. the juice which is The word Rasa comprises different meanings as expressed through the machine. per classics. Among them, the one which is 4. Rasa[4] as Mansa Rasa perceived through the tongue is known as Rasa, 5. Rasa[5] as Taste perception which is Rasa ie primary taste or 6. Rasa as Interest or Abhiruchi.[6] main taste. Whereas that which is perceived Here in this context the word Rasa is taste after a small period of time called Anu-Rasa. The Anu-Rasa also called as Uparasa or perception. And it is felt by an individual through the Rasanendriya ie tongue. As per secondary taste. The taste of the wet drug is [7] always considered as Anu-Rasa whereas the Ayurveda there are six types of Rasa. Viz; taste of dry drug is Pradhana Rasa. The Rasa Madhura- Sweet, Amla- Sour, Lavana- and Anu-Rasa concept is based on the Taste Salty, Katu- Pungent, Tikta- Bitter, Kashya- threshold. The intensity and its determination is Astringent. Acharya clarifies that entirely depends upon the ecological condition. different combination of Mahabhuta [8] leads The soil, temperature, rain fall, sun light etc to the formation of six Rasas. All the six factors are mainly take part in the growth and Rasa have Mahabhuta but the predominant development of the plant. The soil nutrients like Mahabhuta determines the Pradhana Rasa. potassium, phosphorous, sulphur, calcium, The Anu-Rasa is the secondary taste magnesium etc salts affects the taste of the drug. The present study reveals that the six types of perception which is perceived after primary tastes, determination, Guna, , Ati taste. The Rasa is Stable in dry state. sevanajanya vikarasa, Rasa-Dosha relation, and Whereas Anu Rasa is unstable. As per some modern aspects. The further scope of the modern science taste organ is nothing but study is to evaluate the controversial aspects of the Taste buds. Each taste bud is made up of tastes of the drug which are enumerated in 100-150 receptors. The life of each receptor classics along with comparative study with the is one to two weeks, after these receptors modern science. are replaced by the other receptors.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Shad Rasa, DISCUSSION Atisevanajanya , Anu-Rasa, Taste All the are said to be made up of threshold etc Panchamahabuta, the Panchamahabhuta INTRODUCTION which are non-living entities combine by The word Rasa can be attributed in different permutation and combination by certain contexts. Viz; chemical reactions give rise to Tridoshas. 1. Rasa [1] means the Rasa Dhatu which These Tridoshas have some basic chemical circulate all over the body. structures which further give rise to the 2. Rasa [2] is Parad (Mercury) as per dominant Rasa. Therefore the Doshas can Indian Alchemy. only be understood through Rasa. Eg. The combination of Panchamahabhuta took

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 42 Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019 Umakant N. Rabb. Shadrasas (Six Types of Tastes) According To Different Ayurvedic Texts - A Literary Survey place in order of evolution, ie, Kshara. He mentioned kshara because it Mhabhuta is combined with the kshara gives perticular type of Mahabhuta produces Tikta rasa, which sensation on the tongue. further give rise to Vata Dosha. Then Vayu 8. Maharshi Badisha Dhamargava who Mahabhuta combined with Mahabhuta enumerated that Rasas are eight in produces Katu Rasa, which in turn produces number, viz; Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Pitta dosha. Then the Agni Mahabhuta Katu, Tikta, Kashaya, Kshara, and combined with Apa produces Lavana Rasa . Avyakta he specified because which in turn produces Kapha Dosha. Thus some tastes cannon be perceived all the three Doshas are produced. through the organ tongue. There are some controversial views related 9. Maharshi Kanakayana Balhika Bhishak- to Rasa accoding to different Ayurvedic He told Rasa are innumerable because . To rule out the controversy the degrees and intensities of each Rasa Maharshi Atreya called a symposium which constanly changing. So the Rasas are was held about three thousand years ago. innumerable. The Rishis[9] and scholors came to attend the 10. Maharshi Punarvasu Atreya- He Heard seminar from all around the world to put all the scholors opinion and came into their views on the Rasa. Viz; conclusion that Rasa are only six in 1. Maharshi Bhadrakapya viewed that number, viz; Madhura, Amla, Lavana, number of Rasa is only One, because the Katu, Tikta, Kashaya. Rest all the are Apa Mahabhuta only nature and the actions of these Rasas only. responsible for to taste perception. 2. Maharshi Shakunteya Bramhana- He According to Acharya Sushruta[10] Jala told that the Rasa are two in number; Mahabhuta when combines with different Chedaniya and Upashamaniya. The Mahabhuta produces six Rasa, ie Madhura, earlier one does Apatarpana because Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya. Lavana, Amla, and Katu Rasa are Acharya Vagbhata[11] has the same opinion responsible for this particular Karma, that Rasa are six in number; Madhura, and the later one is Santarpana because Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta , Kashaya. Madhura, Tikta ,Kashaya are responsible for this particular Karma. The inter-ralation between Rasa and 3. Maharshi Purnaksha Maudgalya- He Mahabhata- (Manifestation of Rasas)[12] enumerated the Rasas are three in Madhura- Jala + Prithvi number viz; Chedaniya, Upashamaniya, Amla- Pritvi + Agni according to Acharya and Sadharana. Charaka, Vriddhavagbhata, and Vagbhata 4. Maharshi Hiranyaksha Kaushika- As Jala + Agni according to Acharya per his the Rasas are four viz; Sushruta Swadu Hita, Swadu Ahita, Aswadu Hita, Lavana - Jala + Agni according to Acharya Aswadu Ahita. Charaka and Vagbhata 5. Maharshi Kumarashira Bharadwaj- He Prithvi + Agni according to Acharya enumerated Rasas asper Mahabhuta, viz; Sushruta Parthiva, Apya, Agneya, Vyavaya, Agni + Jala according to Maharshi Antarisha/Akasha. Nagarjun 6. Rajarshi Varyovida- He listed the Rasa Katu - Vayu + Agni are six viz; Guru, Laghu, Sheeta, Ushna, Tikta - Vayu + Akasha Snigdha, Ruksha. He divided Rasa Kashaya - Vayu + Prithvi interms of Gunas. 7. Maharshi Vaideha Nimi- He explained Difference between Rasa and Anu-Rasa- Rasa are seven viz; Madhura, Amla, Rasa is primary taste, perceived Lavana, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya and immediately, distinctly, and completely, and

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 43 Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019 Umakant N. Rabb. Shadrasas (Six Types of Tastes) According To Different Ayurvedic Texts - A Literary Survey remains stable in dry state also, whereas the changes into sour taste when kept for Aun-Rasa is secondary taste, perceived after longer duration. some time, and not distinctly perceived, but 2. Patra- Dravyas kept in certain metallic perceived partly but not stable in dry state. utensils changes its taste. Eg: Curd kept in bronze utensil turns pungent taste. Relation between Rutu, Mahabhuta and 3. Samyoga- When the drugs are combined Rasas formation- [13] it changes its taste. Eg: Tamarind is 1. Shishira Rutu- Vayu + Akasha forms combined with Lime turns into sweet Tikta Rasa taste. 2. Vasanta Rutu - Vayu + Prithvi forms 4. Paaka- A drug which is exposed to heat Kashaya Rasa changes its taste. Eg: Tamarind when 3. Grishma Rutu - Agni + Vayu forms heated changes into sweet taste. Katu Rasa 5. Atapa- Certain drugs when exposed to 4. Varsha Rutu - Agni + Prithvi forms sun leads to change in taste. Eg: Amla Rasa Tumburu is exposed to sun light 5. Sharat Rutu - Agni + Jala forms its Kashaya Rasa changes into sweet Lavana Rasa taste. 6. Hemnatha Rutu - Prithvi + Jala forms 6. - A drugs when triturated with Madhura Rasa. certain drugs or single gives rise to The disturbance in the seasons may affects different colour. Eg: Tila when it the Mahabhuta also, which may further triturated with Yasthimadhu gives rise to affects the permutation and combination of sweet taste. the Mahabhutas, and there is variation in the 7. Desha- Taste of the drugs may differ Rasa perception. according to Desha (Region), Eg: Tulasi grown in hot climatic conditions are Rasa Upalabdhi- (Perception of Taste)- some different taste which is grown in According to Badhnta Nagarjun the taste cold climatic condition. can be perceived through three 8. Kaala- After some time the taste of the viz; - By direct perception from drug may vary. Eg: The unripe banana is sense organ. Eg: Tikta Rasa of Kirata Tikta, astringent, after some time it changes Vasa, Guduchi etc into sweet taste. Anumana- Through inference. Eg: All types 9. Parinaama- Transformation of the drug of poisonous drugs cannot be perceived from one form into another form can be directly. seen change in the taste. Eg: Curdling of Aptopadesha- Through ancient literature. sweet milk becomes sour. Eg: The Rasa of Gold, Mala, Mutra, their 10. Upasarga- Worm infestation may leads action cannot be perceived through the change in the colour. Eg: Infested Pratyaksha and Anumana. It can only be sugarcane turns in to sour. reviewed through the classical literature. 11. Vikriya- Drugs subjecting into specific methods leads to change in taste. Eg: Rasa Rupantarana- (Transformation of Talaphala when rubbed turns bitter, Rasa) - Panasa squeezed in hands becomes According to Badhant Nagarjun, Rasa can Amla. be changed under the influence of Sthana, Patra, Samyoga, Paaka, Atapa, Bhavana, Rasa Prayoga- Desha, Kaala, Parinama, Upasarga, The usage of the Rasa in food consumption Vikriya. are; 1. Sthana- Dravyas kept unaltered for Pratahama- Madhura Rasa Dravyas, longer duration the taste will change. Madhyama- Amla and Lavana Rasa Eg: Madhura Rasa of cooked rice Dravyas,

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 44 Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019 Umakant N. Rabb. Shadrasas (Six Types of Tastes) According To Different Ayurvedic Texts - A Literary Survey

Antima- Katu, Tikta and Kashaya Rasa Dravyas. [14] Katu Rasa Karma-[19] Bhavamishra [15] has different opinion that 1. Samsthana- Indriyottejaka, one has to consume Madhura Rasa first Sajnasthapana which can overcome Vidaha caused by 2. Pachana Samsthana- Mukha Shodhaka, Ushna Guna Yukta Rasas like Lavana, Amla Deepana, Pacahana, Krimighna, and Katu. Rochana, Grahi 3. Raktavaha Samsthana- Hridayottejaka, Qualities of Rasas- Raktasravakara 1. Madhura Rasa - Snigdha, Sheeta, Guru 4. Shwasana Samsthana- Kaphagna 2. Amla Rasa - Snigdha, Ushna, Laghu 5. Mutravaha Samsthana- Mutra 3. Lavana Rasa - Snigdha, Ushna, Guru Sangrhaniya 4. Katu Rasa - Ruksha, Ushna, Laghu 6. Prajanana Samsthana- Avrushya 5. Tikta Rasa - Ruksha, Sheeta, Laghu 7. Twacha- Kusthagna, Kandugna 6. Kashaya Rasa - Ruksha, Sheeta, Guru. Tikta Rasa Karma- [20] Actions of Rasas - 1. Pacahana Samsthana- Rochana, Madhura Rasa Karma-[16] Krimighna, Nigrahana, 1. Nadi Samsthana- Alhadakara, Shad Deepana, Pachana, Purisha Shoshana Indriya Prasadakara, Medhya, 2. Raktavaha Samsthana- Rakta 2. Pacahana Samsthana- Anulomana, Prasadana, Ahridya Trishna Nigrahana 3. Shwasana Samsthana- Kaphagna 3. Raktavaha Samsthana- Sandhaniya, 4. Mutravaha Samsthana- Mutra Hridya Sangrahaniya 4. Shwasana Samsthana- Kanthya 5. Prajanana Samsthana- Avrushya, 5. Mutravaha Samsthana- Mutrala. Stanyashodhana 6. Prajanana Samsthana- Vrushya, 6. Twacha- Swedana, Kandugna, Garbhasthapana, Stanyajanana Kusthagna, Dahashamana, Sthirikarana 7. Twacha- Dahashamana, Twachya, 7. Tapakrama- Jwaragna Keshya, Varnya. Kashaya Rasa Karma-[21] Amla Rasa Karma-[17] 1. Pachana Samsthana- Sthambhana 1. Nadi Samsthana- Manaprasadana, 2. Raktavaha Samthana- Sandhaniya, Indriya Sthairyakara Ahrudya 2. Pachana Samsthana- Lalasravakara, 3. Shwasana Samsthana- Kaphagna Rochana, Deepana, Pachana, 4. Mutravaha Sansthana- Mutra Anulomana. Sangrahaniya 3. Raktavaha Samsthana- Hridya, 5. Prajanana Samsthana- Avrushya Raktapittakara 6. Twacha- Peedana, Ropana, 4. Mutravaha Samsthana- Mutrala. Scarnikarana 5. Prajanana Samsthana- Shukrgna Actions of Rasas on Dhatus- Lavana Rasa Karma- [18] 1. Madhura - Sarva Dhatuvardhana, 1. Pacahana Samsthana- Kledana, Balya, Jivana, Ayushya, Deepana, Pachana, Rochana, Stanyavardhana Lalasravajanaka 2. Amla Rasa - Brimhana, Balya, 2. Raktavaha Sansthana- Rakta Kopaka Shukraha 3. Shwasana Samsthana- Chedana, 3. Lavana Rasa - Dhatunashana, Kapha Nissaraka. Daurbalyakara, Avrushya, 4. Mutravaha Samsthana- Shikraghna Shaithilyakara

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 45 Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019 Umakant N. Rabb. Shadrasas (Six Types of Tastes) According To Different Ayurvedic Texts - A Literary Survey

4. Katu Rasa - Dhatunashana, Lekhana, Avrushyakara, Trishna,Murcha, Santapa, Avrushya Vidara, Mamsakotha, Kustha, Visha, 5. Tikta Rasa - Dhatunashana, Avrushya, Shopha, Dantachuti, Napumsakata, Meda, Vasa, Majja, Lasika, Shoshana Indiyanasha, Indralupta, Palita, Khalitya, 6. Kashaya Rasa - Sarva Dhatu Shoshana, Raktapitta, Amlapitta, Visarpa, Vatarakta, Lekhana. Vicharchika etc.

Actions of Rasas on Mala- 1. Madhura, Amla, Lavana - Srishta Vin Katu Rasa Atisevana Janya Viakara- Mutra Maruta Glani, Krashata, Kampa, Angashula, 2. Katu, Tikta, Kashaya- Baddha Vin Avrushyakara, Murcha, , Daha, Mutra Maruta Daurbalya, Trushna, etc.

Actions of Rasa on Doshas- Tikta Rasa Atisevana Janya - 1. Madhura Rasa- Vata, Pitta Shamaka, Kharatwa, Glani, Murcha, Dhatu shoshana, Kapha Vardhaka Daurbalya, Bhrama, Mukhashosha, 2. Amla Rasa- Vata Shamaka, Kapha-Pitta Vatavyadhi Prakoapaka 3. Lavana Rasa- Vata Shamaka, Kapha- Kashaya Rasa Atisevana Janya Vikaras- Pitta Prakopaka Mukhashosha, Hrudayashula, Adhmana, 4. Katu Rasa-Kapha Shamaka, Vata-Pitta Swarabheda, Shyavatwa, Napumsakata, Prakopaka Visthabhi, Karshya, Glani, Sthambha, 5. Tikta Rasa- Kapha-Pitta Shamaka, Vata Pakshaghata, Apatanaka, Ardita, Prakopaka Strotorodha, Avrushyakara, Vatavyadhi etc. 6. Kashaya Rasa- Kapha-Pitta Shamaka, Vata Prakopaka CONCLUSION Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, Atisevana Janya Vikarasa of Rasas- [22] Kashaya are the Shadrasas. The present Madhura Rasa Atisevana Janya Vikara- study revealed that the six types of tastes, Sthaulya, Mardava, Alasya, Atiswapna, determination, Guna, Karma, Ati Gaurava, Aruchi, Agnimandya, Mukha- sevanajanya vikarasa, Rasa-Dosha relation, Kanthagata Mansa Vriddhi, Shwasa, Kasa, and some modern aspects. The further scope Pratishyaya, Alasaka, Sheeta Jwara, Anaha, of the study is to evaluate the controversial Mukhamadhurya, Vamana, aspects of tastes of the drug which are Sajnanasha,Swarabhanga, Netra Rogas, enumerated in classics along with Galaganda, Gandamala, Shleepada, comparative study with the modern science. Prameha, Krimietc Kaphaja Rogas, . REFERENCES Amla Rasa Atisevana Janya Vikaras- 1. Acharya Sushruta, Sushruta Danta Harsha, Trushna, Akshinimilana, commentary of Dalhanacharya Sutrasthana 14th chapter, Shoka No-13, edited by Romanchakara, Liquifies Kapha, Pitta th Vriddhi, Raktadosha, Mamsa Vidaha, Acharya Yadavji and Trikamji, 7 edition Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2002, Sharira Shaithilyakara, Shotha, Kshata, Page No-62. Kantha, Vaksha, Hrudaya Dahakara, 2. Sri Vagbhatacharya, Rasaratna Raktavikarakara, Shothakara, Paaka, Samucchaya, by Dr. V.A. Dole, 1st Chapter Daaha, Kandu, Paandu, Drishtimandya, Shloka No- 68, 2nd edition, Varanasi, Raktapittakara, Bhrama etc Chaukhambha Series Office, 2008, Page No-17. Lavana Rasa Atisevana Janya Vikara- 3. Acharya Charaka, , Sutrasthana 4th chapter, Shloka No-7,

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Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of 12. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-40, Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda 2002, Page No-79. Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha 4. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Siddhisthana 1st chapter, Shloka No-6, 2002, Page No-480. Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of 13. Srimad Vriddha Vagbhata, Asthanga Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Sangraha, Sutrastana 18th Chapter, Shloka Tripathi, Volume 2, Chaukhamha No- 3, Saroj Hindi Commentary by Dr. Ravi Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Datta Tripathi, Delhi, Chaukhambha 2002, Page No-1317 Sanskrit Pratisthan, Reprint 2003, Page No- 5. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, 343. Sutrasthana 1st chapter, Shloka No-64, 14. Acharya Sushruta, Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of commentary of Dalhanacharya Sutrasthana Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda 46th chapter, Shoka No-460, edited by Tripathi, Volume 2, Chaukhamha Acharya Yadavji and Trikamji, 7th edition Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2002, 2002, Page No-35 page no-247. 6. Venimadhava Shastri, Nrayanhari Joshi, 15. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu, Dinacharya Ayurvediya Shabdakosha Prathamakhanda, Prakarana Shloka No-164, of Bhavamishra, Mumbai, Maharashtra Rajyasahitya and by Dr. Bulusu Sitaram, Volume 1, Sanskriti Mandal, 1938, Page No-673. Chaukhambha orientalia, Vranasi, First 7. Acharya Vagbhata, Asthanga Hridaya, edition 2006, Page No- 67. Sutrastana 1st chapter, Shloka No-14, 16. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Nirmala Hindi Commentary, edited by Dr. Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-49-51, Bramhananda Tripathi, Delhi, Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthana, Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Reprinted 2015, Page No-12. Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha 8. Acharya Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint commentary of Dalhanacharya Sutrasthana 2002, Page No- 486. 42nd chapter,Shoka No-3, edited by Acharya 17. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Yadavji and Trikamji, 7th edition Varanasi, Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-43/2, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2002, page no- Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of 181. Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda 9. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-8, Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of 2002, Page No- 482. Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda 18. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-43/3, Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of 2002, Page No-466. Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda 10. Acharya Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha commentary of Dalhanacharya Sutrasthana Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint 42nd chapter, Shoka No-3, edited by 2002, Page No- 483. Acharya Yadavji and Trikamji, 7th edition 19. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 2002, Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-43/4 page no-181. Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of 11. Acharya Vagbhata, Asthanga Hridaya, Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Sutrastana 1st chapter, Shloka No-14-15, Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha Nirmala Hindi Commentary, edited by Dr. Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Bramhananda Tripathi, Delhi, 2002, Page No- 483. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthana, 20. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Reprinted 2015, Page No-12. Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-43/5, Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 47 Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019 Umakant N. Rabb. Shadrasas (Six Types of Tastes) According To Different Ayurvedic Texts - A Literary Survey

Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha 2002, Page No- 484 Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint 21. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, 2002, Page No- 484. Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-43/6, Charaka Chandrika Hindi commentary of How to cite this article: Umakant N. Rabb. Agnivesha, edited by Dr.Bramhananda Shadrasas (six types of tastes) according to Tripathi, Volume 1, Chaukhamha different ayurvedic texts - a literary survey. Surabharati Prakashana, Varanasi, Reprint Galore International Journal of Health Sciences 2002, Page No- 484. & Research. 2019; 4(2): 42-48. 22. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 26th chapter, Shloka No-43,


Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 48 Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019