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Svarupa of Thejiva Our Original Spiritual Identity Karisma-Section Is a Trademark of Gaudiya Vedanta Publications Svarupa of theJiva Our Original Spiritual Identity karisma-section is a trademark of gaudiya vedanta publications. © (YEAR) gaudiya vedantaexcept where publications. otherwise noted, some only rights the text reserved. (not the design, photos, art, etc.) in this book is licensed under the creative commons attribution-no derivative works 3.0 unported license. to view a copy of this license, visit permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at or write to: [email protected] all translations, purports, and excerpts of lectures by Śrīla bhaktivedānta svāmī prabhupāda are courtesy of BBT international. they are either clearly mentioned as his, or marked with an asterisk (*). verse translations marked with three asterisks (***) are by the disciples of Śrīla bhaktivedāntaŚrī s vāmīBhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu prabhupāda. © bhaktivedantaSārārtha-darśinī book ṭīkātrust intl.Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Govinda-bhāṣya verse translations of , of 1.6.28, and (2.3.26, 28) are by Śrīpāda bhānu svāmī.Govinda-bhāṣya sutras Paramātma sandarbha verse translations of ( 4.4.1,2guru-paramparā ) and - (29.1; 105.80) are by kuśakrata dāsa photo of Śrīla nārāyaṇa gosvāmī mahārāja in the guru-paramparā– kṛṣṇa-mayī dāsī. used with permission. photo on p. 1, 11 – subala-sakhā dāsa (s. florida). used with permission. photo of Śrīla bhaktivedānta svāmī mahārāja in the and on p. 23, 127, 143 – scans provided by bhaktivedanta archives. used with permission. photo on p. 79 – Jānakī dāsī. used with permission. photo on p. 152 – vasanti dāsī. used with permission. photo on p. 40 – bigstock. used with permission. cover painting (also used on p. 5), 6 – kamala dāsī (canada). used with permission. Paintings on p. 13, 67, 72, 77, 98, 108, 147, 148, 151 – vāsudeva dāsa (russia). used with permission. painting on p. 19 – sarasvatī dāsī (germany). used with permission. paintings on p. 55, 104 – puṣkara dāsa. used with permission. painting on p. 165 – gaurahari dāsa. used with permission. painting on p. 73 – b.g. sharma © mandala publications. used with permission. painting on p. 144 – kamal kapoor. used with permission. painting on p. 150 – Śrīpāda b.v. tridaṇḍi mahārāja and haladhara dāsa. used with permission. paintings on p. 41, 45, 90, 91, 94, 149, 151 – Śyāmarāṇī dāsī © syamarani dasi. used with permission. Paintings on p. 33, 47, 50, 57, 65, 69, 75, 76, 89 (2), 103, 105-107, 109, 113, 117, 119, 127, 132, 135, 138, 145, 146 – Śyāmarāṇī dāsī © bhaktivedanta book trust intl. used with permission. computer graphic art on p. 14 – vasanta dāsa. used with permission. drawings on p. 26, 68 – mādhavendra dāsa (mexico). used with permission. drawing on p. 112 – sucitrā dāsī (germany). used with permission. drawing on p. 120 – dāmodara dāsa (miami). used with permission. drawing on p. 163 – kamala dāsī. used with permission. śrī śrī guru-gaurāṅgau jayataḥ Svarupa of theJiva Our Original Spiritual Identity a treasury of wisdom from prominent gauḍīya vaiṣṇava Ācāryas OUR WEBSITES: • • www.bhaktistore.comFor more • inFORMATION if you are interested to know more about the books, lectures, audios, videos, teachings, and international society of Śrī Śrīmad bhaktivedānta nārāyaṇa gosvāmī mahārāja, please contact the secretaryYOUR at COMMENTS [email protected] and FEEDBACK We humbly invite our readers to submit any errors they may find in this publication at Svarūpa of the Jīva the printing and shipping of has been financed by the kind donations of prāṇa-vallabha dāsa (guyana), hemalatā dāsī, yaśodānanda dāsa (england), and gopāla dāsa (england). Svarupa of the Jiva first addition – march 20, 2019 (gaura-pūrṇimā) printed at spectrum printers (okla industrial area, new delhi, india) isbn 978-1-63316-174-0 lcibraryataloging of c ongressin publication control d nata--umber:dk 2019937374 s varūpacourtesy: of dthe.k. jīvaagencies (p) ltd. <[email protected]> : our original spiritual identity : a treasury of wisdom from prominent gaudiya vaisnava acaryas. -- first edition. pages cm includes texts in sanskrit. includes indexes. isbn 9781633161740 1. Jiva. 2. spiritual life--vaishnavism. 3. soul--vaishnavism. LCC b132.J58s93 2019 | ddc 181.4 23 Table of Contents the great mystery of the spirit soul the purpose of this publication ..................................................................................................................................... i ....................................................................................................................................... i common enquiries about the spirit soul’s identity ........................................................................................ i a ten-point summary how will a person benefit by reading this publication? .............................................................................. ii helpful definitions .......................................................................................................................................................... ii .............................................................................................................................................................. iii Jīva .............................................................................................................................................................................. iv svarūpa ..................................................................................................................................................................... iv constitution, constitutional position, constitutional form .............................................................. vi inherent, innate, intrinsic .............................................................................................................................. vii dormant, or latent ............................................................................................................................................ vii original .................................................................................................................................................................... ix in seed, in potency ............................................................................................................................................. ix the sac-cid-ānanda jīva ..................................................................................................................................... x forgetting, remembering (reviving) ......................................................................................................... xi provisional analogies and provisional statements ............................................................................ xii ultimately, material language is incompetent ............................................................................................ xiii tools for navigating this book .............................................................................................................................. xv chapter 1: thispronunciation Question guideis not ............................................................... new ................................................................................... xv the Question .................................................................................................................................... 1 answer of Śrīla bhakti rakṣaka Śrīdhara mahārāja .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 answer of Śrīla bhakti prajnāna keśava gosvāmī mahārāja ......................................................................................... 3 ....................................................................... 5 giving evidence from our previous ācāryas ..................................................................................................... 6 chapter 2: wordsWhatever of the one Ācāryas contemplates in the during line the of time Śrīla of practicebhaktivinoda ............................................................... Ṭhākura ........... 8 Śrīla bhaktivedānta nārāyaṇa gosvāmī mahārāja ............................ 11 svarūpa is inherent in the jīva’s constitution ........................................................................................... 11 ......................................................................................... 11 present in the constitutional position ...................................................................................................... 11 hidden in the heart ............................................................................................................................................ 12 the spiritual body .............................................................................................................................................. 12 dissolving the subtle body ............................................................................................................................. 12 prema is there, but like a seed one’s face can be seen ...................................................................................................................................... 13 ........................................................................................................................
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