The Nllzoram Gazette EXTRAORDINARY '" published by Authority

M. R• .-N. E./907/98

VOL. XXIX'Ai7awl, Tllestlay,17. '10,' 2000, Asvina 26, S.E. 1922, Issuo No. 284

" " ,


" ' . ,-: N ... A. 1l013/1/90-P&E, the 16th October, 2clOO. Consequent upon creation of new: �p"o;ect,Cjrde and P:r(\ject niv�sion notified by Government of vide this Department letter No. A. 11013/4/93-P&E Dt. 6.6.2000, and in supersession of tho existing. Departtr.ental "'Orga.DIMtion issued bY" Govemmel1t, 'iOf �1izoram from time to time, ,the· Governor of Mizoram is pJeased- to· order :r.-;otJ::tnisation .of the whole structure of Power & Electricity Department anti r",Dami", of Cir­ cle, Division and Sub-Divisions with immediate effect and until further order :

SI. Nam.. ·of CirckJ/Division' . ..; Names of Sub-Division No. (afteFtenamill! where necessary); (after renaming where nectssary). - , . . -�-..-.. '. �------�-,j".-,------" ,' , .- 1. AIUWL ELECTRICAL CIRCLE

(a) Revenue Division, AizawI i) Revenue Sub-Divn.-l, Aizawl North (Elec/rical MaiDtmanco Sub-DiYjsion, N�FIh) (Mainl. Aizawl, . Division-I Aizawl) ii) Revenue Sub-Division-lI, AizawI Central ,(Maiol. Sub-Divi.ioll, Central)

iii) Revenue Sub-Divn.-Ill, Aizawl SOUL'> (ND"I Soutb SllJ>..OiviaioA-U)

(b) Generation Division i) Zuangtui Sub-Stlliion,' Aizawl (Electrical' Sub-Division, Aizawl,.. Maintenance Division-II

·,Ai...... I) . .ii) -.Generation Sutr-Division, Aizawl .. ' Central (Aizawl South Sub-Division-I) Ex-284/2000 2

iii) Luangmual Sub ··Station Sub-Division. Aizawl • (e) Distribution Divi.ion : i) Distribution SUh-Oivision-l Aizawl (Electrical Aizawl South Main&enaDce Division- Ill (Aizawl South Sub-Divi�iQn-III). Aiza.. l) ii) Distribution Sub�Division-II Airawl North (Construction .)ub-DivisioD� Ai.wl West)

iii) Distributio n Su b "iJivi�ion-llI Central Aizawl (Aizawl 'Vest Sub-Divi!ion).


(a) IREP Division. Aiz."l : i) Project Officer. \izawl Di strict

ii) Project Officer, District

iii) Project Officer, Chhimtuipui District

(b) Kolaaib Power Divn. : i) Po\ver Sub-Division (Kol,,:sib Electrical (Electrical 1\.1aintenance S b-Divhion, KoJasib) DivISiOn). u •

ii) Kawnpui Power Sub-Division (Electrical Sub-Divn. Kawnpui) iii) Po wer Sub-Division (Electrical Sub-Division Zawlnuaru) iv) Power Sub-Division (Electrical M:lll1tenance Sub-Diyision, Vair

(e) M.iebam Projeot Divn . i) Maicbanl Project Sub-Division-I N.Vanlaiphai (Kau- Project Sub-Divn. Thonhlurn).

ii) Lamsial Proiect Sub-Division (Kau-Sub-Divislon-II).


(a) Serch hip Electrical i) Power Sub-Division. Division, Scrchhip (R.E. Sub-DiVJSlD n, Sercllhip)

ii) Serchhip Sub-Station Sub-Divi�ion '. Sercbhip. 3 ,

iii) Eas� LUIlg.dar'P.0.�9( Sul>-Oi.vjsj",,· ,. (Luugdar Eaat Eleclrical SuI>-DivB) . • • ' , ;,� ,: , ,. -., ! ; ",• ; '. : �; (1)). Khawnwl EI�ctriCltl :. i)' Power, Sub-Di-!isiori Divi.ioD, Khawzawl (Electrical Sul>-Divu. Khawzawl)

ii) Champbai Pewer Sub-Division (Electric.l Sul>-Divilion Champhaij

iii).�:Ngopa Power Sub-Division . (Elecuieal Sub-Divilion, NlOpa)

(C). Construction Divi!!liOft : iy West PhaileJl& Power Sub-Divisioo AiD,,1 (West�g SU":-Statioll S.I>-Divn).

ii) Thingsulthliah Power SII I>-Di';'8. (R.E. Sub-DivD. Tbiog8ulthliab).

iii) Power Sub-Division (Collltruction Sul>-Divi.ion SlitlUll).

jv) Powor Sub-Division (.Electrical Sul>-Diviliou 0"'1<1). ...


a) Electrical Maiotenance i) Electrical MaintenaDce Sub-Division-I, Divisioa-I. Lungle; Lungiei

ii) ElectriCltl Maintenance 'Sub-Divi'" sioo-II. Lungl.,··

iii) LunBle; Sul>-Station Sub-Divilion (132 KV Sul>-Station Sub-Division Lua!l.i).

b) Electrical Maintenance i) Power Sub-Divisio. Division-II. LUD&lei (R.E. Sul>-Division, Hnahthial)

jj) LUGgscn Power �_ub--Djvision ' (Electrical Sul>-Divn. Lvngscrr):

iii) Mualtbuam Power Sub�bivisioDJ (Tran&mi"ioD Sub-Diva. Lungsen)

0) Elec-piy�iOD, �m..). • DjvisioD. Saiha " �I ii) L awngtlai Power Sul>-DiviaiOll (Electrical Sub-Divi,ion, La.. natlai) 4


a} EI�ctrical Project i) Electrical Project Sub-Division-I (Tui- • . Division (New) '.' pang Projeet fleelf'col s,,"-OivhiM) , , ii) Electncal Project Su b-Division-If (Kau-Tlabuflg Project Electrical Sut,­ Division)

. Iii) ·liUliowg Sub-Ll\"�\On Alzu-n} , ,, ; (Maich'!'.n. �'ub iJI'ilsio;l-lI)

b) (:ivil Project DiVII. ' .} Civil Project �ub-D.visi<>,,-! (Civil (Teifel' Project Divn. Construction Sub- Diviskfrj·�"Vh':;,t West Ph.;len g) Ph.ileng).

ii) Civil Project Suo-Division-H (Tuipang Hyde! Project Sub-Division-II).


0) Serlui �B" -Dam -Divn.·' i) Serlui 'B' Dam Sub-Divili'Jo-I Bil� BilkhawthJir (HydeJ kbawthlir (Investigation Sub-Division, Divn., Aizawl) AizawI)

'D' Dam • ii) Serlul Sub- Division-II BiI· • kbawtblir (Invcst!gation Sub-Divisjon� Bilkh.y,thlir).

b) Serlui 'B9 Project Division: i) Scrlui 'B' Spillway Sub-Division Bil- Bilkhawthlir (HElD Lungle!) "khawthlir (Investigation Sub-DiVision, Lunglei).

ii) Serlui 'R P(D�'o(k Sub-DivisioD, BJlkhawthlir (:vIicro-Hydel Sub-Divi· sion, Lawn�tb,;),

It is further notified that the under mentioned DivisiooJSenior Electrica l Inspectorate with their subordinate offices will remain t!D·jer the direct control of the office,'of the Cbief Engineer, Power & Ek�t[!clty D�·p,1rtmt"n'. A'Z,twl tmtit further order :-


.�----.-.-. -=--.�--� ---�.----- I. Electrical Store Dn-ision; AizaWl'.' i) Electri",,1 S"". Sub-'D;"iiI1i>n Aizawl •

ii) Electrical Store Sub-Division LungleL •

5 Ex-284/2000

2. Meter Relay Testing (MRT) i) MRT Sub-Division, Aizawl v , • Di ision Aizawl ii) MRT Sub-Division, Lungl.i

3. Sr. Electrical Inspectorate. Miloram i) Inspectorate Aizawl (Inspection (Kau lIabung Project Division. Sub-Division, AiLawl) Thenblum) ii) Inspectorate Lunglei (Maicham Hydel Project Sub-Division-I).

On Ie-organisation of the Department as mentioned above, the Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that various posrs created and retained under different head of accounts are adjusted al per the requiremc:1t of manpower in their respective Schemes as Annexure-I (enclosed). On implem!ntatioil of the above scheme tbe Department should ensure that there will be Do extra financial implication due to re-organisation of the Department.

This issues with concurrence of Finance Department v:de their I.D. No. F[� (E) 334/2000 dt. 14. 9.2000 and DP&AR(ARW) viJ. their I.D. No. ARW/P&E/ 2000-2aol/235 'S' dt. 13. 7. 20CO

Haukhum Hluzcl, Commissioner to the Govt. of Mizoram. Power & Electricity •

PubUabod .. _ by IlIo em_. Pnatiq It StatioDel)'. � _ at IlIo ...... 0uvL ...... wt. Clopl.. 750