The Nllzoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY
• The Nllzoram Gazette EXTRAORDINARY '" published by Authority M. R• .-N. E./907/98 VOL. XXIX'Ai7awl, Tllestlay,17. '10,' 2000, Asvina 26, S.E. 1922, Issuo No. 284 " " , NOTl,FIC'ATION �: ';. " ' . ,-: N ... A. 1l013/1/90-P&E, the 16th October, 2clOO. Consequent upon creation of new: �p"o;ect,Cjrde and P:r(\ject niv�sion notified by Government of Mizoram vide this Department letter No. A. 11013/4/93-P&E Dt. 6.6.2000, and in supersession of tho existing. Departtr.ental "'Orga.DIMtion issued bY" Govemmel1t, 'iOf �1izoram from time to time, ,the· Governor of Mizoram is pJeased- to· order :r.-;otJ::tnisation .of the whole structure of Power & Electricity Department anti r",Dami", of Cir cle, Division and Sub-Divisions with immediate effect and until further order : SI. Nam.. ·of CirckJ/Division' . ..; Names of Sub-Division No. (afteFtenamill! where necessary); (after renaming where nectssary). - , . -�-..-.. '. �---- ---�-,j".-,--------" ,' , .- 1. AIUWL ELECTRICAL CIRCLE AIZAWL (a) Revenue Division, AizawI i) Revenue Sub-Divn.-l, Aizawl North (Elec/rical MaiDtmanco Sub-DiYjsion, N�FIh) (Mainl. Aizawl, . Division-I Aizawl) ii) Revenue Sub-Division-lI, AizawI Central ,(Maiol. Sub-Divi.ioll, Central) iii) Revenue Sub-Divn.-Ill, Aizawl SOUL'> (ND"I Soutb SllJ>..OiviaioA-U) (b) Generation Division i) Zuangtui Sub-Stlliion,' Aizawl (Electrical' Sub-Division, Aizawl,.. Maintenance Division-II ·,Ai... ...I) . .ii) -.Generation Sutr-Division, Aizawl .. ' Central (Aizawl South Sub-Division-I) Ex-284/2000 2 iii) Luangmual Sub ··Station Sub-Division. Aizawl • (e) Distribution Divi.ion : i) Distribution SUh-Oivision-l Aizawl (Electrical Aizawl South Main&enaDce Division- Ill (Aizawl South Sub-Divi�iQn-III).
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