Chart 1 Victoria: Top 30 Countries of Birth, 2016 Census
Chart 3Victoria: 30 Local Top Government Areas, Number of Overseas-Born, Census 2016 Census 2016 and Chart 2Victoria: 30 Overseas Top Countries of Birth Increase by in Numbers between 2011 Chart 1Victoria: 30 Countries Top of Birth, Census 2016 Persons, overseas-born Persons, increase Persons 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 140,000 100,000 120,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 Casey (C) PR China 0 0 0 England Brimbank (C) Wyndham (C) 114,422 66,756 171,443 India India Philippines PR China 93,001 58,015 169,802 Gter Dandenong (C) New Zealand New Zealand Monash (C) 90,248 13,288 160,652 Vietnam Vietnam Melbourne (C) 89,590 13,019 93,253 87,766 Pakistan 12,490 80,787 Italy Hume (C) Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Whittlesea (C) 75,797 11,938 70,527 Philippines Malaysia Whitehorse (C) 70,535 11,839 55,830 70,138 10,259 Malaysia 51,290 Moreland (C) AfghanistanIran 62,353 9,181 Greece 50,049 Glen Eira (C) South Africa Boroondara (C) 55,227 8,171 47,240 Iraq 51,747 Myanmar 5,842 Germany 27,184 Darebin (C) 51,744 Thailand 5,366 Scotland 26,308 Local Government Area Kingston (C) Hong Kong 48,848 5,212 26,073 South KoreaNepal Country ofbirth Country ofbirth ManninghamKnox (C) 47,252 5,081 Pakistan 21,642 Netherlands 46,510 Taiwan 4,605 21,125 Hong Kong Gter GeelongMelton (C) 46,376 4,214 19,813 USA Maribyrnong (C) 40,613 3,438 19,695 South AfricaUSA AfghanistanIraq Stonnington (C) 37,981 2,850 18,637 Moonee Valley (C) Bangladesh 32,988 2,737 18,116 Malta FYR of
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