Mother Most Amiable
VOLUME 40 De Maria Nunquam Satis ISSUE N O. 52 a To Promote Faithful Obedience to the Legitimate Teaching Magisterium of the One, TrueTrue,, Holy, CatholicCatholic,, Apostolic Church Founded by Jesus Christ... a To Preserve Without Compromise or DiluDilutiontion the TraditionsTraditions,Traditions , Dogma and Doctrines of the One, True Church... a To Work and Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Our Queen and the Resultant Reign of Christ Our King... Motherhere shall always Most be thatAmiable enmity mentioned in Scripture T betweenIn the lastthe four Christian titles weforces have of considered the Our Mother’s holinessWoman by(Mary) looking and at whatthe sheAnti-Christ was not , that is, negatively. Nowforces let usof studythe serpent what she (Lucifer). is . And whileThe veryin our first presentthing that day we arethose told about her is that she is most amiable, i.e. , most lovable. The word forces of Anti-Christ (Freemasonry, “amiable,” as we commonly use it, has not in English the sameCommunism, force as theAtheistic Latin word Materialism, “amabilis,” which means, as weLiberalism have said, “lovable.”and its Protestant offspring,But is there Apostate not something Modernism, within us which tells us this withoutSocialism, its being Militant put intoIslam, words? etc.) Doare not her statues and pictures,gaining if theyuniversal are at allvictories in good taste,in depict Mary as a sweet, gentle, modest virgin? In a word is not her establishing the reign of the outstanding characteristic this—that she is one whom you Luciferian brotherhood throughout feel you must love? theShe world, is one we you who would fight neverbeneath be theafraid to go to, for you knowstandard she would of the never Cross be cross, know sharp, that sneering, unkind, or boredultimately and unwillingMary, Mother to listen of God to andyou.
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