Environmental Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Facility (TAIEF)

This project is financed by the European Union

TAIEF CITES support: Expert mission to the Amazonian plantations of Brazilian Rosewood, 18/02 – 2/03/2015 Host: Brazilian Institute of Environment and renewable natural resources, IBAMA (CITES authority)

INTRODUCTION Ms. Catherine Rutherford, Biodiversity Projects Officer with the UK’s Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and Mr. Mission Objective: Paulo Carmo, Senior Conservation Officer with Strengthen collaboration and information exchange through a Portugal’s Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das consultation on compliance with CITES Resolution Conf. 11.11 Florestas strengthened collaboration with on the (Rev COP15) in the sustainable production and harvesting of Convention on International Trade in Endangered rosaeodora (Brazilian Rosewood) for export to the EU.

Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, CITES, with regard to Brazilian rosewood. This exchange served to build (More information: mutual understanding, share insights and streamline http://www.cites.org/eng/cms/index.php/component/cp/country/BR) procedures. PEER-TO-PEER EXCHANGES STRENGTHEN CITES IMPLEMENTATION Brazilian rosewood is native to the tropical rainforests suited to building these relationships, enhancing of Brazil, , , , , international cooperation, and opening the channels of , Republic of and . In Brazil it communication and information exchange upon which occurs in the federal States of Amazonas, Pará and CITES depends. Amapá. Its occurrence is occasional, with an irregular distribution. At present, the species is only being legally exploited in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Its export value derives primarily from its oil which is used in the perfume and cosmetic industry. CITES aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and does not threaten their survival in the wild. Signatory countries adjust their laws to implement the convention. International collaboration required by CITES therefore depends on a good mutual understanding of national Catherine Rutherford and Paulo Carmo visiting a plantation and measures between signatory countries. oil processing factory in Maués

This mission’s consultation on the production and harvesting of Brazilian rosewood from plantation trees confirmed Brazil’s compliance with requirements for the import of the tree’s to the EU. The rationale behind EU’s detailed information requests and how they facilitate trade were clarified. The mission allowed a comprehensive review of the partnerships and measures being implemented in Brazil through meetings with research institutes, regulatory authorities and plantation managers. Brazilian research findings on rosewood are expected to influence CITES procedures. The discussions sealed personal relations between the Aniba rosaeodora (Brazilian rosewood) saplings in a nursery at EU experts and Brazilian stakeholders. TAIEF is ideally Maués OPPORTUNITIES FOT

Disclaimer This summary has been written at the request of the Commission for the TAIEF project, based on information received from national partners and the EU Member State Experts who undertook the mission. It does not represent the views of the EU Member States, or the Commission.

Environmental Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Facility (TAIEF)

This project is financed by the European Union

OPPORTUNITIES FOR FOLLOW-UP TAIEF SUPPORT International CITES meetings: Awareness of TAIEF remains limited among CITES partners. To stimulate demand, TAIEF services could be presented at upcoming international CITES meetings in preparation for the next COP at the end of 2016 (e.g. specialised committee meetings like the Plants and the Animals Committees meeting later this year). Technical support: TAIEF could support international cooperation on technical issues related to CITES listed flora and fauna. CITES partners are encouraged to contact TAIEF concerning possible issues.

CONTACT Stakeholders interested in the short-term, peer-to-peer support offered through TAIEF are encouraged to visit our website or contact the TAIEF office (tel.+48 22 583 96 90; email: [email protected])

Disclaimer This summary has been written at the request of the Commission for the TAIEF project, based on information received from national partners and the EU Member State Experts who undertook the mission. It does not represent the views of the EU Member States, or the Commission.