European Political Cooperation Documentation Bulletin
EUROPEAN ISSN 0259-2290 UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE EUROPEAN POLITICAL COOPERATION DOCUMENTATION BULLETIN 1987 D Vol. 3 α No 1 Edited by the European Policy Unit at the European University Institute (Florence) and Institut für Europäische Politik (Bonn) European Political Cooperation Documentation Bulletin General Editors Renaud Dehousse, Florence Elfriede Regelsberger, Bonn Joseph H.H. Weiler, Ann Arbor and Florence Wolfgang Wessels, Bonn Assistant Editor Nanette Neuwahl, Florence with the collaboration of Roland Bieber, Luxembourg Robert Danziger, Florence Corrado Pettenati, Florence Brigitte Schwab, Florence Jürgen Schwarze, Florence Peter Van den Bossche, Florence Advisory Board Gianni Bonvicini, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome Lady Diana Elles, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, Luxembourg Luca Giansanti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome Giovanni Jannuzzi, Head of the EPC Secretariat, Brussels Horst-Günter Krenzler, Director-General, DG I, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels Consigliere Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome Simon Nuttall, Director, DGI, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels Reinhard Rummel, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen Ambassador Philippe de Schoutheete de Tervarent, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the European Communities, Brussels All correspondence concerning this publication should be addresssed to: European Policy Unit, European University Institute, CPN 2330 1-50100 FIRENZE (Italy) Publication of the European Political Cooperation Documentation Bulletin is by all institutes on a non-profit basis. EUROPEAN POLITICAL COOPERATION DOCUMENTATION BULLETIN 1987 π Vol. 3 G No 1 Luxembourg: Office for Officiai Publications of the European Communities, 1988 ISSN 0259-2290 Catalogue number: 0Y-AA-88-001-2A-C This publication should be cited as EPC Bulletin. All documents may be reproduced provided their source is indicated.
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