sscs_NLsummer07 7/13/07 9:20 AM Page 1 SSCSSSSCSSSSCCSS IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS SOCIETY NEWS Summer 2007 Vol. 12, No. 3 The 40th Anniversary of Amdahl’s Law sscs_NLsummer07 7/13/07 9:20 AM Page 2 Editor’s Column elcome to self-contained resource with back- Anderson, retired Chairman of the Sum- ground articles (that is, the ‘original National Cash Register. mer, 2007 sources’) and current articles by We also reprint Dr. Amdahl’s orig- W experts who describe the current inal article “Validity of the Single Solid-State Circuits Society News! state of affairs in technology and the Processor Approach to Achieving We are delighted impact of the original papers and/or Large Scale Computing Capabilities” to receive feedback patents. from the Spring Joint Computer from our readers. For Summer, 2007 the theme is Conference, 1967, pp. 483-485. Please refer to the Letters to the Edi- “The 40th Anniversary of Amdahl’s Thank you for taking the time to tor for comments on “The Origins of Law,” and Dr. Amdahl has written a read the SSCS News. We appreci- the Integrated Circuit” (Spring, special Feature Article entitled “Com- ate all of your comments and feed- 2007). This Summer, 2007, issue is puter Architecture and Amdahl’s back! Please send comments to the third of four that SSCS plans to Law.” We are also reprinting a biog-
[email protected]. publish annually (one each in Win- raphy of Dr. Amdahl and excerpts ter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). from an interview that he gave in January, 2007, to Dr.