THE Issue 22 LARKMarch/April 2019 N EWSLETTER OF B IRDLIFE P OLOKWA N E Affiliated to Birdlife South Africa The Lark is the newsletter of Birdlife Polokwane and is published bimonth- ly. It publishes reports of club activi- ties, trip reports, photographic contri- Contents butions and any natural history notes REGULARS of birds or events involving birds. Contributions are accepted in English or Afrikaans and are accepted at the White-necked Picathartes discretion of the editors. Non-mem- Dear Mankind bers are also welcome to contribute, especially if it is of relevance to birds or birding in the Limpopo Province. 63 Bird briefs When submitting images, please sub- Coucal trichoptiles • Geoph- agy by African Olive Pigeon mit high resolution images without and Cape Canary • Eerste any borders or frames. Kalkoenibis nes in die Limpo- po Provinsie in meer as 30 jaar! • Observations on the Eastern The editors reserve the right to edit Nicator • Collateral damage articles as necessary. All images are in someone else’s war: the in- triguing story of three gassed copyright protected and the proper- Spike-heeled Larks • Thicket ty of the author/s of the article un- birds • Nightjar identification: less otherwise stated. Please send all Fiery-necked Nightjar • A bird in the hand • Birds of a differ- your contributions to the editors at ent feather also sometimes
[email protected]. flock together The opinions expressed by contribu- tors in this newsletter are not neces- 95 Interesting sightings 16 December 2018 - 15 February 2019 sarily those of the editors, the Birdlife Polokwane committee or Birdlife South Africa.