35 LAZDIJAI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 2 8 19 12 1 4 9 10 27 18 13 1 23 32 33 1 16 20 28 3 37 3 26 30 41 P 11 29 O 21 Regional road and their number L 2 7 17 Other roads A 1 38 Forest and fi eld roads 22 36 N 15 Asphalt, gravel D Distance in km 24 2 Railroad with station 5 Border crossing point 34 31 Regional park territory 2 14 41 40 State border 25 Municipal boundaries Church 6 Museum Information centre Visitors information centre of the protected area Hotels, motels Rural tourism 39 Rest houses Tourist camps Water routes Venicle routes B Bike routes E L Horse riding routes A R Walking routes U S www.lazdijai-turizmas.lt, www.cit.ugpunsk.pl PUNSK ADMINISTRATIVE AREA Gurčiškė Strumbagalvė 5 4 c 18 6 1 5 8 7 2 3 Regional road and their number Other roads Forest and fi eld roads Asphalt, gravel Distance in km D Railroad with station N Border crossing point L A Regional park territory O State border P Municipal boundaries Church Museum Information centre Visitors information centre of the protected area Hotels, motels Rural tourism Rest houses Tourist camps Water routes Venicle routes Bike routes Horse riding routes Walking routes www.lazdijai-turizmas.lt, www.cit.ugpunsk.pl Rural tourism homesteads marked on the map LAZDIJAI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 1. S. Čeponis rural homestead, Dusia lake, Zebrėnai village, Teizai Administrative Area, tel. +370 687 73488, e-mail:
[email protected] 2. „SILVESTRO SODYBA“, Vilkaitis lake, Taikūnai village, Veisiejai Administrative Area, tel.