This Asthma Treatment Has a Lasting Side Effect in Children

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This Asthma Treatment Has a Lasting Side Effect in Children ® Priority updates from the research literature PURLs from the family Physicians inquiries network Tanner Nissly, DO; Shailendra Prasad, MBBS, MPH This asthma treatment has Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of a lasting side effect in children Minnesota, Minneapolis PURL s E D i tor A new study finds that when children with asthma use James Stevermer, MD, MSPH inhaled corticosteroids, the effect on growth may not be Department of Family Medicine, University of temporary, as once thought. Missouri at Columbia Practice changer awakenings and improving quality of life— Before prescribing inhaled corticosteroids with few side effects.3 (ICS) for a child with asthma, tell the pa- tient—and parents—that their use could What we know about lead to a small but permanent effect on adult iCS and children’s growth height.1 One adverse effect of ICS, however, is that of “decreased linear growth velocity”4—ie, slow- strength of recommendations ing the rate at which children grow. Until re- B: Based on one prospective study. cently, children were thought to “catch up” Kelly HW, Sternberg AL, Lescher R, et al; CAMP Research Group. Effect later in life, either by growing for a longer pe- of inhaled glucocorticoids in childhood on adult height. N Engl J Med. 2012;367:904-912. riod of time than they would had they not tak- en ICS or by growing at an increased velocity after ICS medications are discontinued.4-6 illustrative case a 10-year-old boy is brought in by his fa- ther for asthma follow-up. The child uses an study summary albuterol inhaler, but has had increased The effect on growth is small, coughing and wheezing recently. you are but long-lasting ready to step up his asthma therapy to in- Kelly et al conducted a prospective observa- clude ICS. But the patient’s father questions tional cohort study that followed 943 (90.7%) this, noting that he recently read that steroids participants in the Childhood Asthma Man- may reduce a child’s growth. how should you agement Program (CAMP) in the years af- respond? ter the randomized controlled trial (RCT) ended. nhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are a main- A double-blind, placebo-controlled stay in the treatment of asthma ranging RCT, CAMP studied the linear growth of I from mild persistent to severe. Standards 1041 children with mild-to-moderate persis- of care for asthma treatment involve a step- tent asthma who were divided into 3 treat- wise approach, with ICS added if symptoms ment groups: One group received 200 mcg are not controlled with short-acting beta inhaled budesonide twice daily; a second antagonists alone.2 In addition, monother- group received 8 mg inhaled nedocromil apy with ICS is more effective for control- twice daily; and a third group received pla- ling symptoms than leukotriene inhibitors cebo. Albuterol was used symptomatically or other controller medications, while also by all 3 groups.7 The children ranged in age decreasing hospitalizations and nocturnal from 5 to 13 years at the start of the study; 500 The Journal of family PracTice | SePTEMBER 2013 | Vol 62, no 9 98 patients—split evenly among the 3 treat- ate asthma would have an initial slowing in ment arms—were lost to follow-up. growth velocity but then “catch up” by grow- During the 4 to 6 years of the CAMP trial, ing for a longer period of time.3-5 This is the the budesonide group received a mean to- first prospective study with good follow-up to tal of 636 mg ICS, whereas the nedocromil show that ICS use affects long-term growth and placebo groups received an average of and adult height. While the effect is not large, 88.5 and 109.4 mg ICS, respectively. After some children and their families might be the RCT ended, all participants had stan- concerned about it. dardized asthma treatment, receiving mean adjusted total doses of ICS of 381 mg for the budesonide group, 347.9 mg for the nedocro- caveats mil group, and 355 mg for the placebo group. iCS use was atypical Patients’ height was measured every The randomized controlled portion of the 6 months for the next 4.5 years, and once or study used a prescribed dose of budesonide twice a year thereafter until they reached without regard to symptoms. This is not the adult height (at a mean age of 24.9±2.7 years). typical pattern of ICS use. In addition, com- pliance with ICS varies significantly.12 Be- iCS users were a half inch shorter cause the effect on adult height appears to Long-term ICS use was linked to a lower be dose dependent, however, we think the adult height. The adjusted mean height results of this study are valid. This is the first was 171.1 cm for the budesonide group vs In addition, there was a placebo control prospective 172.3 cm for those on placebo, a difference of group (and big differences in exposure to study with good 1.2 cm, or 0.47 inch (95% confidence interval ICS) only for the duration of the RCT. During follow-up to [CI], −1.9 to −0.5; P=.001); the mean adult the subsequent study, all patients received show that iCS height in the nedocromil group (172.1 cm) equivalent doses of ICS. This means that the use affects was similar to that of the placebo group variation in mean adult height achieved can long-term (−0.2 cm; 95% CI, −0.9 to 0.5; P=.61). be primarily ascribed to participants’ use of growth and The lower adult height in the ICS group ICS during the 4- to 6-year CAMP trial. Of adult height. did not vary significantly based on sex, age at note, the effect of ICS was greatest in pre- trial entry, race, or duration of asthma prior to pubertal participants, so there may be a di- trial entry; however, dose was a key factor. A minished effect as teens approach their final larger daily dose of budesonide—particularly height. in the first 2 years of the RCT—was associated The study did not look at the effect of ICS with a lower adult height (about −0.1 cm for use in patients with severe asthma—the group each mcg/kg in that 2-year time frame). This most likely to use ICS. However, the benefits was consistent with results from studies that of ICS for those with severe asthma likely out- looked at other types of ICS (beclomethasone, weigh any negative effects on adult height. fluticasone, and mometasone).8-11 The study also showed that growth ve- locity was reduced in the first 2 years of challenges to imPlementation assigned treatment with budesonide, and What to tell patients this was primarily among prepubertal par- The message we convey to patients (and par- ticipants. After the initial 2-year slowing in ents) about ICS use is a nuanced one. We can growth rate, the children resumed growing stress that ICS remain very important in the at normal speeds. treatment of asthma and, while it appears that their use causes a slight decrease in adult height, most children with persistent asthma What’s neW? benefit from ICS. JFP Now we know: Children don’t “catch up” Retrospective studies have reported that ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The PURLs Surveillance System is supported in part by Grant children on ICS for mild persistent to moder- number UL1RR024999 from the national center for re- Vol 62, no 9 | SePTEMBER 2013 | The Journal of family PracTice 501 PURLs® search resources, a clinical Translational Science award to or the national institutes of health. the university of chicago. The content is solely the responsi- bility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the copyright © 2013 family Physicians inquiries network. official views of the national center for research resources all rights reserved. references 1. Kelly HW, Sternberg AL, Lescher R, et al; CAMP Research Group. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997;99:466-474. Effect of inhaled glucocorticoids in childhood on adult height. 7. The Childhood Asthma Management Program Research Group. N Engl J Med. 2012;367:904-912. Long-term effects of budesonide or nedocromil in children with 2. Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Man- asthma. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1054-1063. agement of Asthma. National Institutes of Health National 8. Tinkelman DG, Reed CE, Nelson HS, et al. Aerosol beclometha- Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: National Asthma Education sone dipropionate compared with theophylline as primary treat- and Prevention Program, 2007. Available at: http://www.nhlbi. ment of chronic, mild to moderately severe asthma in children. Accessed August 15, Pediatrics. 1993;92:64-77. 2013. 9. Verberne AA, Frost C, Roorda RJ, et al. One year treatment with 3. Chauhan BF, Ducharme FM. Anti-leukotriene agents compared salmeterol compared with beclomethasone in children with to inhaled corticosteroids in the management of recurrent and/ asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1997;156:688-695. or chronic asthma in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;(5):CD002314. 10. Allen DB, Bronsky EA, LaForce CF, et al. Growth in asthmatic children treated with fluticasone propionate. J Pediatr 1998;132: 4. Agertoft L, Pedersen S. Effect of long- term treatment with 472-477. budesonide on adult height in children with asthma. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1064-1069. 11. Skoner DP, Meltzer EO, Milgrom H, et al. Effects of inhaled mo- metasone furoate on growth velocity and adrenal function: a 5. Van Bever HP, Desager KN, Lijssens N, et al.
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