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'/ 'We Think It is k Good Idea of The Register in Having Raised ^ e IMce to; $2.00. .There is No Other ^tholic Paper or Magazine in the ...... ' ' ...... Country to Compare With The Register at ^ y PriiSfe.—Margaret J. Riordan, Louisville, Ky. .-. / - p -




PROTESTANT CLERGYMAN CONVERTS AND BUILDINGS STRIKE PROBE H E A D PROOF OF 1914’S PROGRESS WILL DEFEND K.OF C. KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS OF CHURCH IN THIS STATE PRAISES ORDER FRANK P.WALSH Orphan Rom ance of The ecclesiastical year, just closed has been an unusually successful one in the Denver diocese. In St. Vincent De Paul FOR SHOWING UP the reception of converts, it has probably been a record breaker. At the last session of the year held by GIVES TALK TO Pioneer Days T o l d the convert class at the Cathedral rectory, no less than forty men and women were enrolled seeking in­ S o c i e t y Rounds Its LIBEL V E N D E R S struction with the intention of becoming members of the Church. The same conditions have pre­ LOCAL COUNCIL 1st Year in Denver a t G o l d e n W e d d i n g vailed in other parts of Colorado. There has been a steady stream of newcomers into the True Fold. ‘ Can Count on Me to Help Right Not only has there been an evidence of interest in the faith from without, but there has been a Proud of Stand Taken by Catholic Wrong Done,’ He Says to (Special to Tne Register) deep spiritual fervor revealed within. The number of- weekly communicants proves this. In none of The St. Vincent de Paul society has Church All Over America in Central City, Colo., Dec. 1.—As a fit­ the larger parishes of -Denver is it possible to take care of all the communicants in less than three or existed in Denver now for one year. It Journalist. Social Upheavals. ting clieiav tp hfty years of wedded four rail-fulls every Sunday morning. In some churches, no less than three or four priests have to hear was decided at a large meeting of lay­ bliss, during which time their faith in all Saturday afternoon and evening to take care of the crowds. At the Cathedral, it is necessary to have men and priests on November 17, 1913, WIFE’S COUSIN A JESUIT each ether, and the Almighty has never Friday afternoon confessions in order to avoid overcrowding on Saturdays. At the Holy Ghost church, to constitute such an organization here, INQUIRING INTO COAL WAR wavered for a single instant, high mass more than 400 persons a week receive communion on Tuesday mornings in honor of St. Rita. At St. Eliz­ and, though the society has not met with Had Shown Liberal-Minded Views was celebrated by Father N-iughton of abeth’s church, where a plenary indulgence can he gained every Tuesday morning, the have nearly as great a response in point of O’ConneU of Wilson’s Commission the Central City Wednesday a surprisingly large number of comnlunicants. The church on Monday evening, when confessions are membership as was anticipated, it is now in Other Talk Given Also K. of 0.; Working All morning at 10 o’clock, in St. Mary’s heard, resembles the usual on Saturday nights. ■established successfully in four of the Over America. Recently. church, to celebrate the golden wedding This diocese has been blessed with an untiring priesthood. The Rev. J. L. Juily, rector of the parishes. The active conferences have anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Slat­ Fort Morgan parish and missions, one of his parishioners has informed The Register, never breaks his succeeded in doing much “outdoor” A story about beautiful liberal-mind­ tery. fast on Sundays until 2 o ’clock in the afternoons, in order to celebrate masses for his scattered flock. The charity work at a minimum cost. There Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the edness in a Protestant minister, of par­ After the celebration Mr. and Mrs. veteran Father Gubitosi, S.J., at the Sacred Heart church, Denver, gives an example of the zeal that are no workers to pay in the St. Vincent commission on industrial ticular interest to Denverites, appeared Slattery received the congratulations of marks the members of the local religious orders. Despite his advanced years, he hears confessions as de Paul eociety. conditions, which is now conducting hearings here to inquire into the bloody in the Southern Guardian, published at their hundreds of lifelong friends and regularly as clockwork. It must be a terrible strain on him, but one can find him on duty without com­ An example of the work done may be Colorado coal strike, is a Catholic and Little Rock, Ark., last week. It said: repaired to a well laden banquet table, plaint week after week. found in the case of a young man who a Ivnight of Columbus. James O’Connell “It was a remarkable coincident that where a’^huge bride’s cake bearing the The parish school system of the diocese has grown within the ecclesiastical year by the opening came to Denver on account of his health of Washington, D. C., another of the as we sat at our desk at an early hour insignia “ 1864-1914” \vas surrounded by of St. Leander’s in Pueblo and the addition of classrooms in a number of already established institu­ some months ago. He had no relatives, nine members of the commission, is also Monday morning reading the big, six- fifty pm-e white roses, each one em­ tions. In Wyoming, a ne\v school was opened at Sheridan. Several new churches have been dedicated and ■went down hill until he was finally a member of our Church and its most column headlines in The Denver Catho­ blematical of one year of pure, upright in different parts of Colorado, the latest one being at Gardner. unable to do any work and was desti­ influential society. lic Register which read ‘Minister De­ life. In the center was an_embossed Missions have been held in a number of towns throughout this section of the West by Redemptor- tute. Through the efforts of the soci­ clares He’ll Join card bearing this inscription: “Two souls ist and Fathers, and have been prolific in excellent results. Truly the far Middle West starts ety, he was placed in an institution and Mr. Walsh attended the K. of C. meet­ ' if Some Folks Don’t Quit Slandering with but a single thought; two hearts the new ecclesiastical year with the most brilliant encouragement the twelve months just closed could was helped with small cash donations. ing on Tuesday night, with Thomaa House of Good Shepherd,’ one of the that beat as one.” give it. He had not been attending church regu­ Egan of Kansas City, sergeant-at-arms for the commission, and also a kni^i. prominent Protestant ministers of Little Nearly sixty years ago in a remote We are members of the Church that civilized the world. May we prove worthy of the heritage larly, but has been living up better to town of Nebraska lived John Slattery Mr. Walsh is a lawyer in Kansas City. Rock opened the door, walked into our that our forefathers have given us! his religion as a result of the interest and Eliza Dunn. Both were orphans and He told the knights what his work office and extended his hand as he said: displayed in him by the workers. were adopted by a family and grew to consists of. Two years ago, congresa | ‘I have never been formally introduced “ It is hard to understand,” said one manhood and womanhood on the same decided to conduct an investigation into to you, but I want to congratulate you member of the society yesterday, “why farm. When the tocsin of the wonder­ the causes of social unrest in America. and the other members of the Knights more of the parishes of Denver do not i ful gold discoveries in Colorado was Italian Apathy Not Due Louvain W ill Rise Again It was decided to have the president ap­ of Columbus here and elsewhere for the take up the movement. The spiritual sounded in 1860, John set out for the_ point a Committee of nine men, three good work they are doing in showing up blessings accorded members are so great new Eldorado after kissing his sweet­ representing the employers, three .the those little, narrow bigots who are for­ to Priests, Servite Says Thinks Father Mannix heart goodbye. He landed in Central as to make the organization unusual. employes and three the general public. ever busy slandering a great order they City and began prospecting for gold. “A plenary indulgence is granted un­ Mr. Walsh is one of the public’s trio. know little or nothing about. Anything Experience Gained in Denver i Alumnus of 'War-Ruined Univer­ The next three years he spent his leisure CHURCH L A W N O T der the usual conditions of confession, Mr. O’Connell is a labor union man, hav­ I can do to help right the wrong that Used as Argument in Answer sity Addresses K. of C. About hours in writing billets to his fiancee, communion and prayers for the ’s ing attended the federation convention has been done the order and the Church to Catholic Layman’s Student Life the postage rate being 25 cents per. BAR T O P I U S ’ intentions on the day of admission to in this city several years ago and hav­ you can count on me to do it.’ Criticism. There. In 1864 his success was complete and the society. All members, active or hon­ ing spoken to the knights at that time. “The reverend gentleman’s greeting he obeyed the constant gnawing at his orary, can gain a plenary indulgence on The Rev. Luigi M. Giambastiani, STATUE Louvain, his alma mater, destroyed in President Taft appointed a committee, was indeed frank and most cordial, and heartstrings and returned to the little the feasts of the O.S.M., of Vancouver, formerly at Our the terrible European war, will rise but congress rejected it. Mr. Wilson we hastened to thank him for his kind town in Nebraska to claim his bride, (December 8) and St. Vincent de Paul, Lady of Mount Carmel church, Denver, Discussion was rather common in Den­ again, believes the Rev. E. J. Mannix, named another on assuming office. It words and to assure him that we ap­ who was scarcely seventeen years old. on the second Sunday after Easter and * ' V Which is in charge of the Servite Order, ver right after the death of Pope Pius X who spoke at a large meeting of Denver was to have had two years for its work, preciated .what he said and the spirit in They returned at once to Central City, the first Sunday of Lent, provided they came strongly to the defense of the whether the magnificent bust of that Council, Knights of Columbus, on Tues­ but only twenty-two months was left. which he said it. where they have resided ever since. Mr. go to communion in a body and assist Italians on the ground of fidelity to pontiff which Miss Margery and Joseph day evening. He gave a history of the Five hundred thousand dollars was ap­ “Before leaving, the genial minister Slattery is the founder of the hamlet at a general meeting which is held about in the issue of “America” Reed, the convert children of Verner Z. famous university, and told many per­ propriated for the inquiry. Three hun­ took occasion to say that one of his Wide-Wake, which he named in memory that time. last week, basing his article on observa­ Reed, the local millionaire, had ordered sonal anecdotes concerning life there. dred and fifty thousand of that has been wife’s cousins is a priest of the Jgsuit of the many hours he spent awake there “A plenary indulgence is also granted tions made while he was working among for the Denver cathedral, could he placed The university, he said, must now be spent so far, in hiring experts and for order and that some o f his relatives and thinking of his sweetheart in the East. at death tc members of the society who, the immigrants on the North Side here n tliat edifice. It was maintained that spoken of in the past tense. It must he other necessities. Thirty-five persona znany of his best and warmest friends He discovered the Gardner mine on being truly penitent, shall call upon the and in other cities. Herbert Hadley, a the Church law forbade the setting up described as was a city taken by an old are now in the employ of the com­ are Catholics. When he had finished Quartz hill from which he once took name of Jesus, either with their lips or New Yorker, recently started a discus­ of a statue in a church unless it were of Roman general. He sent a message to mission. this statement and was about to take $10,000 in seven weeks. heart, and accept death with* patience sion through “America” in which he a person duly declared canonized or Rome containing one word about the Tlie investigators have traveled into his departure, we said: ‘What you have Out of this union eleven sons and and courage from God as a punishment claimed that the reason for the apathy blessed, and only of a beatified man or place lie had been sent to conquer — every part of the United States where said this morning was somewhat unex­ daughters %have been born. Eight of of sin. of Italians toward religion, as particu­ woman under certain conditions. How­ “ fuit,” has been. great industrial upheavals have taken pected at this time, hut did not come as them are now alive, seven of them liv­ “The conditions under which these in­ larly noticed in the United States, was ever, this law merely forbids the placing Louvain first stepped into history place, and have sought to determine the any great surprise, for only a few nights ing in Central City. Every one was' dulgences can he gained are lenient. For due to lack of religious instruction at of such a statue on an altar or in the in the ninth century, when the causes. When they make their report ago we heard you respond to a toast at raised true to the Catholic faith. In instance, it is possible to gain the plen­ home,^and he declared that Pope Pius X sanctuary, so no trouble at all was cre­ invading Normans were defeated there. to congress next July, they hope to be a banquet given by a fraternal society all Colorado there is no more contented ary indulgences for the four great feasts realized this, as was evidenced by his ated when the image arrived and was It was in 1425 that the Duke of Bra­ able to bring about reforms that will of which we are both members, and and God-fearing family of Catholics of the society seven days after the strengthening of the Italian seminary set up on Monday. bant, who ruled Louvain, petitioned the materially ameliorate conditions in when you had finished speaking on that than this one. feasts. system and by other reforms. Father to establish a studium generale America, although Mr. Walsh gave the After the banquet the guests spent It is a real work of art, having been occasion I felt within myself that you Giambastiani maintains that the Italians “ Partial indulgences are also accorded copied b y Cesare Aurelj, the great or university at this city. The request Knights of Columbus to understand thnt are made of the proper stuff, and re­ several hours in reminiscent mood and for attending council meetings or giving are as well instructed in as they was fulfilled. the commission does not expect to es­ marked to the gentleman sitting next to then after giving many good wishes Italian sculptor, from his famous aid to the poor in behalf of the society. need to he about religious lines there. Father Mannix told how the fame of tablish a millenium. and clasping hands they retired from bust of Pius X in Rome. What tlie me at the banquet table, “ That’s a big They do not have the same difficulties Plenary ones are gi\'m-to the poor helped the school grew, until it was recognized “M.v investigation has made me proud man,’’ and I am now quite convinced 1 the scene of pleasure. Reeds paid for it is kepf a secret by by the order, under the usual conditions, to face as we meet here, he declares. among the leading scholastic institutions them, but it is known that it is one of of my Catholicity,” he said. “ Every- was correct in my first estimate of you.’ In parenthesis, it might be well to on certain great feasts. Benefactors of the costliest gifts ever presented to a in the middle ages. It was especially wliere that there has been an industrial “He thanked me for this expression, KNIGHTS PLAN DANCE remark that proselytizing efforts among tlie society who give a stipulated sum Colorado church. It was erected in mem­ eminent in the teaching of law. upheaval, I have found a Catholic con­ and with the same dignified manner 'vltli TO HONOR BALL TEAM the Denver Italians have been almost a at regular intervals, and even the ory of the audience granted the Reed He allowed how this high standard had nected with it who has been a conserva­ total failure. Money has even been paid fathers and mothers of members can which he entered he departed and passed been continued down to our present day. tive force that has meant good. In The Knights of Columbus plan a children by the pontiff after their con­ gain plenary and partial indulgences. out of view among the busy throng with to the immigrants to win them without At the time of the war’s outbreak, there dance on December 17 in order to show firmation in Rome by one of the Cardi­ Paterson, N. J., a great city of 120,000 whom he mingles aBd for whom he daily avail. It has been proved conclusively The conditions for parents gaining a nals Vannutclli. Pius revealed his gra­ were 3,000 students in Louvain, repre­ people that recently was the scene of their appreciation of the order’s baseball here that there is truth in the old say­ plenary indulgence at death arc sim­ continues his labof of love.” senting Belgians, Germans, French, serious disturbances, the clergymen of all tcamj'Vhich won the city championship ing: “An Italian is either a Catholic ciousness on tins oensioT) by going per­ ilar to those for members. In fact, Polanders, Americans, and all other civ­ denominations met and named a com­ in the season recently closed. This will or an infidel. He can’t possibly be any­ sonally to secure a chair for Miss Reed. the indulgences granted tliis society (■ ilized nations. He told of the friendship mittee to act in the affair. When it WEDDED IN JUNE BUT be the first of the K. of C. dances for thing else.” The statue has been placed on the east are almost too niiinorous to men­ that existed between students of differ­ came to selecting a chairman, they cboM SECRET KEPT UNTIL NOW this year. On the committee in charge side of the Cathedral, directly outside tion. It is almost as richly endowed in The Servite Father’s letter to “Amer­ ent nationalities, and declared Aat the I a Catholic priest. His conservatism and Thomas J. O’Connor and Lila J. Dever- are Thomas Ryan, Henry Ryan, John the altar railing. The head is life size, this line as a .” ica” follows: common people of Europe would never ! sound judgment resulted in keeping or­ eaux have just given their many friends ■Morrissey, Walter Davoren,Henry Reilly, and the bust rests on a high marble ped­ “I claim to know something of the fight if they were left alone to continue der to such an extent that only one lifs a big surprise by announcing their mar­ Jack Coffey, George Frier, Will Thomp­ estal. There is no inscription on the religious conditions of the Italians in mingling among themselves. He drew FATHER J. F. McDONOUGH was lost in the strike.” riage, which 'took place some months son, Dan Floyd, Walter Kerwin, 'Mat­ statue. The fine handiwork on the America, having worked for six years strong rheLirieal pictures of .Jow these OPENS ADVENT SERMONS No matter where lie has gone, Mr. ago. During Mr. O’Connor’s vacation in thew J. W . Smith and P. D. Conner. Mr. pope’s stole is undoubtedly the most among them in , Denver, Van­ school friends had separated to join arm- Walsh declared, the Knights of Colum­ June, it seems, he and Miss Devereaux Conner was manager of the champion subtile piece of sculpture in this section couver, B. C., and other places, and I es that wouiQ fly at each other’s throats. The Rev. J. Fred McDonough, rector bus have sought him out and welcomed slipped off to the mountains and were team. of the W’est. feel bound to say for the honor of the The American college was established of the Blessed Sacrament church, opened him. It is expected to have both him Tery quietly married, none being the It is the hope of the Cathedral author­ truth and the Catholic Church, that I by American bishops and a series of special Advent sermons in and Mr. O’Connell speak at the next wiser, until the couple, while talking SEMINARIAN RECOVERING ities in time to procure a statue of Ben­ did not find a hundred such boys and some years ago, he said, to train young the Catheural last Sunday evening, re­ meeting of Denver council. to one of their close friends, accidentally Fred Walker, a seminarian who has edict XV to place on the opposite side of girls coming from Italy without having men who intended to work in the dio­ viewing the glorious history of the , This commission will not attempt to gave the secret away, and, when ac­ I been seriously ill at St. Joseph’s hospital, the Cathedral, and it is possible, if such been properly instructed or having made ceses of the United States. It had about church, and telling how well it has lived settle the Colorado strike. Its duty ia cused directly, owned up. They are now is recovering. The Rev. Michael Casey, a practice is started with two , their first communion. ^Vhat about the eighty students when the war broke out. up to its designation as the spiritual to find out what lies at the bottom of receiving the long delayed congratula­ the neVly ordained priest who has been that the collection will grow until there imputation that their ‘religious deteri­ This college was under the direction of body of Christ. He urge


^ tr W IRELAND URGED DEATH KIND IN Cardinal Gibbons Sends Letter of Sisters Turned Outdoors to Give • o TO TRY SUGAR COMPARISON TO

Sympathy to Mexican BEET CULTURE MEXICAN LUSTS Brute Soldiers Quarters in M exico ife. Deploring the hostility to the Catholic their country’s resources,' shall attain to Nation So Oreatly in Fear of Ger­ Father Francis Kelley Gives Inter­ (Extracts, from the Diary of an Eye site of what used to be the cemetery of Church in Mexico and hoping for an greater prosperity, and by uniting their man Invasion Coast Towns view About Persecutions After Witness in Mexico) St. Paula. . era of political and ecclesiastic peace moral, religious and political agencies, W on’t Illuminate Streets Talking W ith Villa^ August 29.—The office o f the secre­ His lordship the bishop of Cuernavaca, there, Cardinal Gibbons has directed a shall enjoy the blessings of tranquility at Night. Carranza Exiles. tary of public instruction and fine arts to escape the insults and vexations of letter to Archbishop Jose -Mora of Mex­ based on justice. And we sincerely trust issued to all governors of states a de­ some subalterns of the Zapatistas,

ico City. The letter was written by the that between your country and ours the The falling off in the sugar supplies The Very Rev. Francis C j Kelley, presi­ cree whose first article reads: “From reached the City of Mexico in an auto­ o cardinal after he had been authorized bonds of friendly co-operation may ever and the consequent increase in price's dent of the Catholic Giurch Extension this date forward, all those yrbo^ alien­ mobile, having to sleep in the open air to do so by the hierarchy of the United be drawn closer for our mutual benefit as a result of the war have brought society of Chicago, who investigated the ate or destroy pictures, altar fixtures, for one night. altars, statues, furniture or other ar­ , September 27.—The sisters who lived States. __ _ and for the advantage of mankind. into prominence the question of the pos­ condition of the religious refugees from St. Anthony's branch. No. S90—Meets The letter of the cardinal is as fol­ “With sentiments of the highest es­ sibility of establishing the beet sugar Mexico along the border towns, has re­ ticles belonging to churches, chapels or in th^ third street of San Lorenzo were 2d and 4th Tuesdays, St. Elizabeth halL low s: teem, I beg to remain, most faithfully industry on a firm basis in Ireland. turned to Chicago with depositions, other buildings which are the property expelled from ■ their convent and the Branch No. 298—Meets 2d and 4tk Tuesdays in Charles building. “Your Grace: yoius in Christ, is the greatest beet-growing signed statements, photographs and a of the nation, shall; after a preliminary house turned into a barrack. Branch No. 318—Meets 2d and 4tfc “JAMES CARDINAL GIBBONS, September 29.—The Rev. Vicente Diaz “The deplorable conditions which for country in the world, and after it coqjes mass of documentary evidence which is and summary trial, be subjected to the Wednesday evening. Room 326 Charles aome time have prevailed in Mexico and "Archbishop of Baltimore.” -, Russia, and being compiled for general circulation in most severe punishment.” Montiel, chaplain of' the Church and Building. which apparently become more intoler­ . As these are all combatants, pamphlet form. Dr. Kelley was accom­ Behold the great achievements of the Hospital of Jesus Nazarene, was appre­ Branch No. 1094— Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p. m., in hall No. 221 Charhs able with each attempt to remedy them, CATHOLIC “H” 25 YEARS OLD. panied on his trip by Archbishop Blenk valiant Caranzistas commanded by cx- hended for being a sympathizer of Felix the supply is necessarily cut off. The building. Diaz and for having incited sedition, as are the source of the deepest concern to amount raised in European countries of New Orleans. They brought with Senator “Porflresta” D. Venustiano; l»y St. Anne’s Branch, No. 864, meets U Elaborate Celebration Planned for Last the bishops of the United States. They other than these is scarcely worth men­ them to Chicago Bishop Herrera of the the school teacher of Miraflores and stated by the press. and 4th Fridays at 3700 Gilpin. Week in May. realize the difficulty of the position in tioning in comparison and thus Europe diocese of Tulancingo, Mexico, an ex­ Protestant minister, D. Heriberto Jara; September 28.—The “El Liberal” pub­ St. Joseph’s Branch, No. 811, meets 2nd and 4th Thursday in St. Joseph's which your grace and the other members iled prelate, who is the guest of Arch­ by the ignorant and fanatic Protestant, lished the news of the confiscation of the is iaqi to face with a beet famine, and hall, 6th and Galapago. Although November 12 marked the archbishop’s palace in Oaxaca. of your hierarchy are placed by such a jump in the cost of the American bishop Quigley of Chicago. D. Francisco Murguia; the unevenly bal­ Annunciation Branch, No. 320, meets twenty-fifth anniversary of the Catho­ The Chapter of our Lady of Guadalupe adverse circumstances, and they share cane. No sooner was this felt than In an interview Dr. Kelley made the anced Luis Cabrera, etc., etc. Truly 1st and 3rd Monday, Annunciatien hall, your solicitude for the welfare of the lic university, Washington, there was no was asked to turn over for barrack pur­ 7:30 p. m . men remembered the efforts to groiv following statement; may the church of Mexico exclaim: T Church and the true interests of your formal observance of the event, but for poses the edifice occupied by the College beet in Ireland, and began asking why “I have the absolute proof, most of it have brought up children and exalted country. In their name as well as my the last six months arrangements have of the Boys attached to the Basilica. It SYMPTOMS OF the industry had not succeeded, an.l by affidavits, of murders, imprison­ them, but tuey have despised me. They own I beg you to accept the assurance been made for an elaborate celebration ments, and exiles against priests and is a fact worthy of notice that while EYE TROUBLE what prevented its being started again. have forsaken thq Lord, they have bla.s- Headache, Dizziness, of our profound sympathy and our ear­ of the jubilee during the last week in the regular barracks are left empty, the Ireland Fears Invasion. s'sters, as well as Christian Brothers, and phemed the Holy One of Israel, they Pains at Base of Brals nest desire for the restoration of peace May, 1915. of the most unspeakable outrages against revolutionists occupy for this purpose a Neuralgia, Fainting, The exceeding fear in Ireland of a are gone away backwards.” W s Absolntely OnarsnSee Our Olasoes on a sound and lasting basis. The delay was occasioned by the out­ the virtue of women, many of them even great many church buildings and private German invasion is shown by the re­ September 1.—The Rev. Demetrio Go­ OOLO FILLBD OLASSM, M.00 Sacred Rights Violated. break of the European war. It is ex­ houses. port of the urban council meeting at . mez, parish priest of Mexicalzingo, state Schwab, Modern Opticians “With all intelligent and right-minded pected that the celebration next May The governor of the state of Mexico Portrush by The Irish General Adver­ “I know that there are over twenty- of Mexico, having been taken prisoner Ph. Main 5171. 921 15th 81 citizens of this coimtry we can appre­ will bring together the three American published throughout the state the fa­ tiser. A protest was entered against five in hospitals, principally in toward the end of last month, was ciate the efforts of a people to remove cardinals with others of the American Mexico City, as a result of these out­ mous document which the vicar general the extinguishing of the street lights drafted into the army and attached to the evils from which they suffer and hierarchy of the Church. Representatives rages. The sans culottes of the French would not sign. As a result nearly all of the town, and it was brought out the garrison of Ocuila, a locality which to secure the blessings of good govern­ from all the big universities of the revolution^ only killed priests and sis­ the parishes are left without a priest. at the meeting that this precaution has is exposed to frequent assaults on the ment; but these aims cannot be fur­ country are to be invited, and a re­ ters. It remained for the twentieth (Revista Catolica of Las Vegas.) been taken in order that Germans could part of the Zapatistas. thered by a strife of parties in which union of the alumni of the university is century to inflict worse than death. not readily find the city by night. The political prefect of the suburb of the essential requisites of order and being arranged. “The principal outrages were com­ FIRST AMERICAN NUNS Guadalupe (the town of the famous justice are disregarded. And while we There are at the present time 700 stu­ mitted by Carranzistas, but the troops of PRIEST-PRINCE GETS IRON CROSS. sanctuary of Gur Lady of Guadalupe), would rejoice at the advance of your dents enrolled at the universary. Villa were not far behind. With the Order Established Famous' Hotel Dieu for sanitary reasons, ordered the curb­ A. country in political and material pros­ clergy it was always first a demand for at Quebec in 1639. C. M. 8. Brother of Saxony’s King Tireless in stone of the historical well to be coz- perity, we cannot endure that in ■ the Lincoln Priest to Be Army Chaplain. money which they did not have, then The first body of nuns to establish Sacred Heart Branch No. 1—Meets Caring for Wounded. ered up and a hand pump installed. name of freedom and progress the most Rev. Thomas L. Kelley, M. A., who torture, exile, or murder. themselves' in America were the Ursu- first and third Wednesdays. Hall September' 3.—It was learned from Charles Building. sacred rights should be violated. has been pursuing a course of higher "I left Chicago a month ago and went lines, who, under the supervision of Among the Catholic chaplains with the some priests who arrived from Puehia “The Catholic Church, under whose studies at the Catholic University of Madame da la Peltrie, established the St. Elisabeth’s Branch No. 4—Meets German armies is Prince Max of Saxony, straight to San Antonio, Texas, where auspices Christianity and civilization America, has been designated by the that on August 31 the Chapter of the first and third Tuesdays. School build­ brother of-the present king, and a priest I found five archbishops, four bishops, Hotel Dieu at Quebec in May of the ing, Eleventh and Champa. came to your shores, not only claims the war department for examination for ap­ Cathedral of said place was dissolved who has an intimate knowledge of both forty priests, and about forty sisters year 1639. The first body of religious loyalty of your people in respect of pointment in the United States army, to and the canons banished, with the ex­ St. Dominic’s Branch No. 5—Meets and Paris, in the former of which exiled. At El Paso I found about twenty- women to establish a convent in the second and fourth Thursday evenings. fill the vacancy caused by the recent ception of a few who, by reason of things spiritual, bu^also provides in her five priests, about twenty-five more at United States was also the Ursulines, Hall, 325 Charles building. he worked as a curate, and in the lat­ sickness, were allowed to stay in the teaching and discipline for the safety of retirement of Chaplain Frederick L, Laredo, about tpn around Galveston, and at New Orleans, in 1727. ter as a professor. This royal priest has Annunciation Branch No. 6—Meets your political organization. It is in the Kunnecke. Father Kelley was one of city. ^The churches of St. Peter and of twenty-five more in smaller places The royal patent authorizing the Ur­ first and third Tuesdays. Thirty-sev­ just been decorated by the kaiser with Our Lady of the Light, as well as tli3 recognition of authority and in obedi­ the eight Catholic priests who volun­ enth and Humboldt street. the iron cross for valor on the field. He along the Rio Grande. At Port Lavaca sulines to establish a convent in Loui­ ence to law, not in mere clamor for re­ teered their services to the United States colleges of the Salesian Fathers and of goes everywhere with his men and in I found fifty teaching brothers, Marists, siana was issued in September 18, 1726, form, that lies the real foundation of in the event of war with Mexico. He is the Brothers of the Cliristian Doctrine, the few intervals of rest he never rests, and in Louisiana ten or twelve more— by King Louis XV. Mother Marie a nation’s liberties and especially of re­ a native of Massachusetts, but connected were converted into barracks, and I he for he is preparing the soldiers for death, all refugees. I did not go farther west, Tranchepain de St. Augustine, with Furnaced, Cornices publican institutions. They who antag­ with the diocese of Lincoln, Neb. confessionals of the cathedral were hearing their confessions and adminis but there are one hundred at least on seven professed nuns from Rouen, Le Gutters, Chimney Tops onize the Church, whether of their own the Pacific coast, priests and sisters. burned in the court yard amidst horfi-. tering the sacrament. The King of Sax­ Havre, Vannes, Ploermel, HennebSn and inithitive or because of instigation from Austrians SeU Jewels for War. “Those on the coast were shipped out hie blasphemies. all kinds of ony and his son, both Catholics, are now Elbouf, and a novice, Madeline Hauch- foreign sources, show but too plainly Emperor Francis Joseph has contrib­ under most abominable circumstances in The one responsible for these many Tin and Galvanized Iron 'Work with the armies. There is a possibility ard, and two seculars, met at the infir­ that their display of patriotism is sim-- uted all his patrimony to the Austrian sacrileges was the so-called. Geneial that if both are killed in the fortunes a filthy, unseaworthy boat, on which mary at Hennebon, and on January 12, Thirty years experience in furnace ply a disguise for other purposes, and war chest. The government has issued’ Francisco Coss, governor of the state. business In Denver. of war, Saxony will have a sacerdotal they were held up by the captain for 1727, accompanied by Fathers Tartarin that they have at best only a crude idea an appeal to the people and there has September 0.—The Very Rev. Vicar sovereign. Another Catholic commander $6,000 for the passages. Without funds, and Doutreleau, set sail for Louisiana. Agents fo r the of popular government. been a generous response. Hungarian they landed in San Francisco, dependent General Antonio J. Paredes went to To­ Celebrated Boynton Fnmnoea of the German host is Prince Rupprecht They were over six months at sea, and Freedom of Religion Here. women are giving up their wedding rings upon the charity of Americans to pay luca to secure the liberty of the priests of Bavaria. Many members of the Cen­ it was not until August 6, 1727, that “In the United States constitutional and other jewelry. In exchange for gold most of their passage. Some of these held as prisoners and the opening of the trum are also with the army serving, they reached the embryo city of New The O’Brien Furnace Works IROvisions safeguard both the stability of rings the war exchequer office is giving refugees are quartered in Chicago.” churches. Today the newspapers printed some as privates, while the Workmen’s Orleans. They were received with every 3827 Walnnt SL government and the liberties of the in­ rings made of iron and copper which a circular of the subsecretary of the clubs of Cologne and its neighborhood honor hy Bienville, who gave up his own Telephone Mala SS7S dividual not by hampering religion, bu;t are supposed to be symbolic of patriot­ ministry of the interior, E. Arredondo, have scarcely a member left. The Volks- ADVENT KEPT MANY CENTURIES home to them as a temporary residence, by allowing it the fullest freedom, Qr ism and sacrifice. in which all governors of states a.e verein and the Bonifaciusverein are pending the erection of their convent. rather by protecting it in the- enjoyment Season of Preparation for Christmas urged “to enforce with the most senip i- turning all their attention to succoring On August 7, 1727, the Ursulines legan of that freedom which it has by right. -War Halts Irish League Meeting. Began Last Sunday. lous care the exact and literal observ­ the wounded and assisting those depend­ in Louisiana the great work of educa­ The American people, therefore, cannot Michael J. Ryan, national president of ance of the famous laws of reform.” ents of the soldiers who are' heavily tion, which has continued without in­ consistently favor any movement that the^United Irish League of America, has On Sunday we began the observance SeptembeT 8.—The very reverend vicar struck by the general trade depression terruption to the present day. would interfere with the liberty of the announced that, owing to the continu­ general returns from Toluca. Persons and the absence of the breadwinner. of Advent or the special preparation for Church in Mexico any more than they ance of the war, the meeting of the the celebration of the birth of Christ. who are well informed relate that he to Censure Irish Papers. could accede- to the demand of another United Irish League of America, to have Just when the observance of Advent met with an ungracious reception from SIOUX FALLS PLANS CATHEDRAL. Reports from Ireland state that the nation for the abolition of their own been held in New York, December 8, has began we are not certain, hut while the the governor, Francisco Murguia (an ig­ been indefinitely postponed. war office is considering the censoring constitutional rights. They will not, I anniversary of the coming of Christ was norant and fanatic Pi'otestant, or, rath­ $200,000 to Be Spent on Building; Work of some Irish newspapers which seem to am sure, deliberately assent to the es­ celebrated from the time when He was er, renegade). The latter would n it Starts in Spring. officials to exhibit anti-British tenden­ tablishment on their borders of a sys­ Iowa Sisters to Teach Irish. born, yet it probably was not until grant the request of the vicar general Mount St. Joseph college, Dubuque, cies. The reason for this is found in tem of misrule based on the worst of after the first per.seoutions of the unless he would sign an absurd docu­ The preliminary sketches for a new the fact that few Irish papers are en­ tyrannies—the tyranny of the state oVer Iowa, conducted by the Sisters of Char­ Christians that the time of the Advent ment forbidding the hearing of confes- Cathedral for the diocese of Sioux Fall.s, thusiastic for recruiting, and British of­ ■oul and conscience. ity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has es­ was publicly observed. siens, the celebration of masses of re to cost about $20

i^ iU i J itm -


Nearly $50,000 Spent in Two Years on , OURAY RfiCTOR’Si HOST IS EXPOSED Rector Gives Reception to Parish; MOTHER DYING Walsenbiirg ScKool, Convent and Church IN THANKSGIVING Heirlooms Used at Pueblo Wedding From $16,000 to $50,000 has been ex­ rella, who had been acting,as his as­ roof of the building, entailing a total Father Ryan Sommoned to Los BocRy Ford Has Its Annual Ador­ pended within the past two years by the sistant, being placed in charge of the cost of over $1,000. Angeles; Montrose Pastor Car­ ation to Mark Holiday; Father Catholic parish at Walsenburg, Colo. In new church at Gardner, which is much There are ten schoolrooms in the Ussel ing for Pariah During Brunner, SJT., of Puehlo (Georgia Ardell, Staff Reporter) election of officers was decided oa for addition to the erection of the Ussel more convenient for a large prtion of memorial building of which eight are Absence. Gives Sermon. Pueblo, Dec. 2.—One of the unusual December 11. memorial school, provided for in a be­ the field. In the past few days a new used at the present time. Beside these events of the week was the reception The regular meeting of the Loretto quest left by the late rector of the par­ assistant has been added in the person are the office and music room on either (Western Slope Staff Reporter) (Special to The Register.) held by Rev. Father Callistus Stehle, Academy Alumnae association wa^ held ish, a convent has been constructed and of Father Benjamin Rodarte, who is one side of the hallway as one enters. There Ouray, Colo., Dec. 2.—Father Wm. J. Rocky Ford, Colo., Dec. 2.—^An annual Wednesday evening for the members of Tuesday afternoon at the academy. Most the church has been improved. Now of the priests driven from Mexico-by is a society hall useful for church pur­ Ryan, pastop of the Ouray parish, was custom on Thanksgiving day at 8 $. his parish at the new school hall. (}uite of the girls who are members are tak­ there is talk of putting up a boarding General Villa very recently. He comes poses as well; and in the basement a suddenly called to Los Angles the fore- Peter’s, Rocky Ford, is an all-day exposi­ a large number attended and everyone ing great interest in the work of the home for children who come from a from the state of Zacatecas. large assembly hall which can be used j)art of the week by the sad news that tion of the Blessed Sacrament, in lieu of had a most delightful time. A short organization. his mother, Mrs. Katherine Ryan, was the Forty Hours of Adoration. There ■,Y distance to the school. The school has The contract price of the Ussel school for entertainments. program was rendered and dancing was Ornaments of Long Ago Used !■ an enrollment of 359 students, and eight building was $17,000 to which were added The sisters’ home consists of parlor, lying at death’s door and was not ex­ was a splendid attendance at the serv­ enjoyed' by the young people afterwards. Wedding. sisters are employ^. Another is to be heating and lighting and outside im­ music room, living room, dining room, pected to survive much longer. Ho left ices this year, and the number of com­ Quiet el^ance characterize the wed­ t j Shaggy chrysanthemums were used added next year, as the institution is provements and the furniture of the kitchen, chapel, on the first floor, two at once and is now at her bedside. municants exceedingly large and grati­ ding of Miss Kathleen Finn, niece of for table decorations when Mr. and Mrs. constantly growing. New applications school, including drinking fountains up­ dormitories and four private sleeping Father Ryan is universally beloved fying. Leaving the home circle and the Dr. and Mrs. John A. Black, and Frank Grant Kelker entertained at a delight­ for enrollment among the student body stairs and down with lavatories and tol- rooms on the second’ floor; a full base­ wherever he is known and his hundreds family dinner party for an' hour, watch­ A. Langdon which was solemnized at ful Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and come every week. The high school de­ lets, and the '^furniture. The sisters’ ment; latest hot water furnace; wash of friends are hoping against hope that ers were to be found in the church all nuptial mass at St. Patrick’s Cathofie Mrs. Thomas Demick. Misses Mary and partment has five students, but it is hoiuc cost $9,000 and the cement side­ room, large enough for all to use at the end may be deferred. The length day, rendering a genuine thanksgiving chiu-ch Saturday morning at 7 o’clock in Anna Demi^ and Archie Cox of Cole- known that it will reach fifteen next walks $240. once; store room for trunks, etc., and a of his stay on the coast is indefinite. in the presence of the Giver of every the presence of the members of the fam­ dale, Colo., were honor guests. term. Within the sisters’ house is a beauti­ store room for coal, kindling and the During his absence Father CJ^ F. O’­ good and perfect gift. ily. Rev. J. F. Schimpf celebrated the Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, 1611 It is in^resting to note that in the ful chapel with .seats, vestry and book­ like. Farrell of the Montrose church is say­ Rev. Father A. Brunner, SJ., of St. mass and pronounced the- benediction East Eighth street, entertained Thurs­ students present the following nationali­ case, the handiwork of Contractor Stan­ Of the 359 students about 200 are ing mass every Sunday fnorning at 8 Patrick’s, Pueblo, sang the high mass which followed. The altars W'ere beau­ day evening for Miss Ethel Racon of ties are represented: Mexican, including ton. The altar for this has been ordered residents of the town and the others o’clock in the Ouray church, returning and preached in the morning. The tifully decorated with yellow and white Fort Wayne, Ind. Guests at the party some from old Mexico; Italians, Ameri­ but is not here. It represents an out­ come from more or less distant points. in time to. hold mass at 10:30 in the speaker gave an effective and most de­ chrysanthemums and wax candles. Hie were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sordelett, cans, including children o f German, lay of $150. Together with these This calls for the erection of a boarding Montrose church. votional sermon on the Holy Eucharist. scheme of yellow and white was used Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zarp, Mr. and Mrs. Irish and perhaps other parents; Aus­ changes have been alteration and decora­ house for the children compelled to be iDe annual harvest supper, a turkey for all decorations. The bride was Joseph Welte, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence trians, including Slavs; Bohemians, Hun­ tions at St. Mary’s church. A magnifi­ away from home for school advantages spread, given by the Altar and charming in a bronze-colored chiffon TELLURIDE HAS CROWD AT Welte, Miss Ethel Racon, Miss Helen garians and Poles, Syrians, French. cent new altar occupies the center of the and there is talk of putting up a build­ society, netted their treasury nearly one broadcloth suit trimmed with brocaded CATHOLIC CHARITY BALL Dougherty, Miss Katherine Irwin, Miss Sister Etheldredra is mother superior platform with life-sized statues of the ing soon for this purpose. Later a high hundred dollars. velvet which also adorned the wedding Vera Hennessey, Miss Bou- but Father Liciotti is called upon for Mother and Christ on either side. The school will be built. 'The price of tui­ The vesper service hour has been gown of her mother thirty years ago. vais, Charles Deuser and Byron Sor­ disciplinarian in important matters, present side altars are also to be re­ tion is but a dollar a month and where (Western Slope Staff Reporter) changed, for the winter months, from She wore a hat to match and a corsage delett. looks after the collection of dues and placed by new ones of Gothic pattern families are large the amount is fre­ 7:30 p. m. to 3:45 p. m. Telluride, Colo., Dec. 2.—The feature oi yellow and w'hite chrysanthemums. consults with the teachers. In fact his like the central one. The tinting of the quently cut a little as there is need. Miss Marie Lacy is visiting in Kansas Special services were held at all of the She carried a real point lace handker­ of the Thanksgiving Day celebrations in duties have become so numerous that room is beautiful and there has been a A fine electric clock has recently been City and St. Louis. « churches of the city on Thanksgiving chief that was carried by her mother Telluride this year Was the grand ball the parish was divided. Father Peco- new coat of paint within and upon the presented to the school by Lodis Gilaudo. morning and all were well attended. at her W'edding. given by the ladies of the Altar so- FATHER WHITE MAKING The Friendship Embroidery club, one Following the ceremony at the church eiety of St. Patriekis Catholic church, PLANS FOR FRUITA BAZAAR of the jolliest clubs in the city, gave an elaborate w'edding breakfast was EVA McCa u l e y , r i d g w a y , Wednesday evening at the Stubbs and (Western Slope Staff Reporter) its fourth annual birthday dinner Mon­ served at the palatial residence of Dr. Good Crops Bring Brighton Money; DIES AT MONTROSE, COLO. Jakway Opera house. . Fruita, Col., Dec. 2.—Under the di­ day at the beautiful home of Mrs. Mul- and Mrs. John A. Black to the members The ladies of this society are famed (Western Slope Staff Reporter) rection of Father White, members of lahy. East Sixth street. The decora­ of the two families. Yellow and white for the lavish entertainments and the City Has Fine Church and Homes Montrose, Colo., Dec. 2. — Miss Eva the Fruita parish are making gigantic tions were in blue and yellow, the club chrysanthemums w'ere also used for opera house was crowded to the limit. McCauley, one of the,' most devoted preparations for a bazaar to be heid colors, yellow chrysanthemums and ferns table decorations but the wedding cake It was a late hour before all the guests Catholics in the Ridgeway section, was during the first two weeks in December. in the parlor, and pretty banners of was the table centerpiece. The table had departed. A neat sum was realized (Special to The Register.) brought to this city last week and died Every effort is being made to make it friendship were in the archways and was covered with a handsome cloth which for charity. Brighton, Colo., Dec. 2.—The crops drinking water is of the best quality in here, Monday evening, at the Montrose a grand success. the halls. The dining room came in for W'as woven by Mrs. Black’s grandmother raised in the vicinity of Brighton were the state. hospital after two' years of the most its share of beauty with streams of seventy-five, years ago and was the Brighton is a substantially built city. patient suffering. blue and yellow ribbons extending from cloth used for the wedding breakfast all exceptionally good this year, espe­ MURRAY-GEAHAN cially the sugar beets, which went as Many houses are of brick. It has a She was born in Harvard, 111., 53 JUNCTION K. OF C. the electric dome to the place cards, of the bride’s mother. The silver used which were yellow turkeys, the favors was of the old fashioned pounded silver high as twenty tons per acre. The horse­ population of about twelve hundred, a years ago and had lived in Ouray cjunty WEDDING QUIET radish crop, which is a large industry large new high school, fine public 22 years. Loved by everyone, her HELP BELGIANS being tiny blue wicker baskets. The style also used for the bride’s mother’a here, was good. Mr. Forest L. Ponars, schools, a large pickle factory belonging death while not unexpected was a severe centerpiece was a huge birthday cake wedding breakfast. Popular Twain Marry at Colorado crowned with four candles. The bride has made her home with living three and a half miles north of to Kuner pickle factory of Denver, em­ shock to all. She leaves a sister and Knights Assist in Western Slope Springs; Mrs. Baer Returns Mrs. John G. W olf and Mrs. George Dr. and Mrs. Black for the past three here, gathered over twelve tons of ploying in the busy season about from two brothers, Mrs. Lucy Lowery and Campaign to Relieve Europe­ to Missouri; Dinner Herrington will be hostesses to members years and has been popular socially. horseradish from four acres. Counting 150 to 250 men and women; Green can­ John and Frank McCauley of Ridgeway. ans Starving Because Parties Held. of the Norton Art club Friday after­ in good roots and slips, horseradish sells ning works, employing about 100; splen­ Father W. J. Ryan conducted the fun­ She was educated at Sacred Heart col­ of War. noon. at seventy-seven dollars a ton, and the did waterworks, fire department and eral, after the body had been taken to lege, Springfield, 111., and also attended (Agnes Galvin, Staff Reporter.) Mrs. John Maloney will entertain the the university at Decatur, 111. She ia slips for planting purposes from five to big stores; a large handsomely built Ouray. (Western Slope Staff Reporter) members of the ladies’ aid society to one of the most charming young women eight cents' a pound, wholesale price, so Catholic church, with Rev. Father Colorado Springs, Dec. 2.— The wed­ Grand Junction, Colo., Dec. 2.—At the the Sacked Heart orphanage at a sew­ who has ever visited here and has made there is good money in raising horse­ Froegel as pastor. He also attends to school, my good Bishop Dougherty will ding of Miss Annie Geahen to Mr. W il­ regular meeting of the Knights of Co­ ing party Thursday afternoon at her a legion of friends. radish. The land here is of heavy, dark about sixteen missions which keeps him be mourning the loss of one of his mis­ liam Murray was quietly solemnized lumbus here Tuesday evening, it was a very busy man. Eighteen passenger home, 410 Lake View Place, just op­ Mr. Langdon is the son of Mr. and sandy loam from two and a half to ten sionaries. last Monday morning at St. Mary’s voted to donate $50 to the Belgium trains pass daily, as Brighton is on the posite the Lake Minnequa park. Mrs. J. J. Langdon and w'as born and feet thick, very productive, especially “God bless you for what you have al­ church, Rev. Father Raber officiating. fund which is being raised in Mesa main line of the Union Pacific railway. The Friendship club will meet Wednes­ reared in Pueblo. He is at present with for garden truck such as tomatoes, cab­ ready done for me and may He inspire Miss Geahen has a host of friends in this county for the relief of the unfortmi- There are gasoline cars between here day afternoon with Mrs. John Tertle. the Chicago Commercial Artists’ asso­ bage, beans, pickles, watermelons and you to put my plea before the public.” city. Mr. Murray holds a responsible ates in Europe. The donation was and Boulder. Hundreds of automobiles Mrs. James M. Daily will entertain the ciation. so forth, also for all kinds of grain The words of this missionary would position with the Modern Woodmen at thankfully received. and hay. The price of land ranges from pass through here daily on their way their sanatorium at Woodmen. Charity club at a cafeteria luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Langdon left at noon almost cause a heartbreak in anyone Since last week in a score of Western fifty to two hundred dollars per acre, from Denver to Greeley and Fort Col­ Entertain at Dinner. on Tuesday. for Denver to spend a few days before who has a heart to feel the woes of Slope towns additional funds for the with plenty of water for irrigation. The lins, keeping Brighton a very busy city. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dolan enter­ Friday evening the members of the going to Chicago, where they will re­ others. There are many Catholics who relief of the Belgians have been started tained at dinner Thanksgiving day when local branch met at the K. of C. hall side at 5620 Michigan avenue in a hand­ could give him a goodly amount to and everywhere Catholics are among the THE DENVER MARKETS. A bunch of pretty fat lambs sold today covers were laid for ten. with a good attendance. The regular some furnished flat which the groom has help him in this great work. They most liberal givers. The, additional to go to feed lots at $8.25, the highest would never miss it. God will not be Hosts at Family Dinner. routine business was transacted and the prepared for his bride. gifts since last week will total into the Denver Union Stock Yards, Nov 30.— price of the year here for feeders. outdone in generosity. And again if Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gillis entertained hundreds of dollars. Receipts of cattle were very good here W. N. FULTON. every Catholic reading this appeal would at a family dinner Thanksgiving day at «arly last week, but late in the weeK give according to his means wliat a their home on Ruxton avenue. Covers Pope Personally Marries Noble Couple. Canon City Academy Girls Clever aupply was light because of the Thanks­ godsend it would mean for this mis­ were laid for Father Ley, Mr. and Mrs. DEATH OR HOUSE ONLY OUTLOOK. Rome, Nov. 30.— Pope Benedict X V in sionary. Lanis McMahon, Mrs. Mary Le Fevre giving holiday. The demand was very person solemnized yesterday the mar­ Any donations sent in to the offices McMahon, Mr. Eugene Gillis, Mr. Clem­ in Decorations for Thanksgiving good, but because of demoralized East- Missionary Makes Heart-Rending Ap­ riage of Prince Rufo Della Scalotta and of the Catholic Church Extension so­ ent Gillis and the host and hostess. .arn markets, due to a reported out­ peal for Assistance. the Countess Gabriela Bacco, in fulfill­ ciety, 1133 McCormick building, Chi­ Mrs. Baer Leaves for Missouri. break of foot and mouth disease ac ment of a promise he made while still It is not often that the Catholic Mrs. J. Baer will leave this week for (Peter Sterling, Staff Reporter.) clever reference to it and it was the "Wichita, Kan., and the fear that the cago, will be gladly forwarded to him. archbishop of Boulogne. Church Extension society gets appeals Missouri, where she resided before com­ Canon City, Colo., Dec. 2.— One of the duty of the girls to decide for them­ antire state of Kansas might be placed This is the first time a pope has per­ where the supplicant states that get­ ing here four years ago. Mr. Baer and most pleasant and clever bocial affairs selves what was indicated. «nder quarantine, prices went off some IOWA K. OF C. LAUNCH PAPER. sonally officiated at a marriage since ting it is a matter of life and death. daughter left last week for their home at Mount St. Scholastica’s academy this In Canon City on Honeymoon. here. Later in the week the supply be- A state paper by the name of the Piux IX married Alfonso Bourbon, count It is pretty strong language, and the to have everything in readiness tor Mrs. year was given Thanksgiving evening Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hennessy of i*g light here, most of the loss was re­ “ Caravel” is to be published by the of Caserta, to the daughter of Count Tra­ priests on the mission who bear all Baer’s coming. when all the girls entertained each other Springfield, 111., stopped o ff in Canon gained. The trouble at Wichita proved Iowa Knights of Columbus at Daven­ pani, in 1869. sorts of hardships complain very little. not to be foot and mouth disease and port. Al. F. (THern, sporting editor of Personals. at a well appointed and original dinner City for two or three days the first of Oftentimes things that they need and Mias Rachael Hillis, who has been party. the week for a short visit with Father the yards have resumed business. To­ the Davenport Daily Times, will be Three U. S. Dioceses Aged 107. need so badly that it is a matter of life teaching school at Siirbcr, Colo., spent Eight girls sat at a table in the refec­ R. M. Hennessy at the academy. The day, with 3,600 cattle on sale here, editor of the publication, the first The dioceses of New York, Philadel­ and death are merely asked for condi­ the Thanksgiving holidays with her par­ tory and on this occasion each table of newly-W'eds were on their way to San prices were firm to 15 cents higher un­ monthly issue of which will come out phia, Boston and Louisville, are now in tionally and when the office of the so­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hillis, at girls did their own decorating. The re­ Francisco, where Mr. Hennessy will rep­ der strong demand, despite the fact next month. It will be the official their 107th vears. ciety received the letter from Father that Eastern markets are reported weal: organ of the Knights of Columbus of Ivywild. sult W'as seven or eight decidedly unique resent his state at the Panama expoei- Key stating that he must have a house tion next year. / to lower. Good beef steers are selling Iowa. Mrs. Eugene Ecrrand and small son, and unusually artistic table decorations. and school, that it was a matter of life Several Catholics Called on Important « t $6.75 to $7.25, and good cows are who have spent the last three months PUEBLO CHURCH DIRECTORY. A prize w'as awarded for the most orig­ and death, they did not even try' to with her family in St. Louis, will re­ inal idea. The table which won this Case. bringing $5.65 to $6.30. Fair to good ‘John Ayscough’ War Hero. picture the great misery' of this mission­ turn this week to her home in this city. Catholic Mission, Salt Creek—Mass prize had as a centerpiece a fac simile Several of the Catholic residents of cows are selling at $5 to $5.65. Bulls Among those whose names appear in ary. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Murtaugh are now first and second Thursday each month of the “Mayflower,” made out of candy. Canon City have been called as prospec­ are bringing $5 to $5.50 and veal calves Field Marshal Sir John French’s dis­ at 9 a. m. Rev. S. M. Giglio, pastor; “I am very grateful to you for your at their home on North Spruce after be­ It was a masterpiece of the confection­ tive jurors in the Chandler case in which axe bringing $7 to $8. Feeder and residence, 226 Michigan. two gifts in the way of mass inten­ patches for special mention for services ing out of town for some time. St. Boniface, 522 North Summit- er’s art. John Aldcn and Priscilla were twenty-four men are on trial for the fltocker demand was exceptionally good in the field is Mgr. Bickerstaffe-Drew, tions,” writes Father Key. “ I am glad The condition of little Marie Grass, Mass, Sundays, 8 and 10:30 a. m .; ves­ also present on this table, as also was murder of William King at Chandler today, as a large number of buyers were the celebrated Catholic author who to think that some Catholics in the who has been very ill, is much improved. pers, 7:30 p. m .; Sunday school, 10 a. Betsy Ross. The girls who sat at this' during the strikers’ battle there last kere from the country. Competition writes under the nom de plume “John m. Rev. Ferdinand Hartung, rector; states still remember my poor mission Mrs.-J. Beane of Pratt, Kan., is spend­ prize winning table and took part in April. The jury has not yet been ob­ was keen for everything offered. Good Ayscough.” residence, 522 North Summit. and have compassion upon my great ing some time with her mother, Mrs. adorning it were: The Misses Helen' tained although over two weeks of ef­ t o choice steers are selling at $6.65 to St. ’s, Spruce street poverty. I w'ish I could bring home to Ellen Burke, at her home, 14 East and Logan avenue; Rev. Al Dreane, Freemen, Venetta Shea, Virginia Mc- fort have been expended and four hun­ $7, and choice to fancy steer at $7 to them the fact that I am still without a Sheridan Convert Changes Position. Boulder. S. J., pas,tor; residence, residence 226 Candless, Amic Marlatt, Bernadine dred veniremen have been called. Ray­ $7.30. Fair steers are bringing $6 to house or school. I sent you an appeal \V. E. Jones, mine inspector for dis­ Mrs. Inez Reed is now at her home Michigan street, telephone Main 1542. Vavra, Maria Fritz and Cleone Fitzpat­ mond Reide is the only Catholic now in 4$.66. First mass, 7:30 a. m.. second mass, some time ago and have patiently trict No. 2, with headquarters at Sheri­ after spending some time at St. Francis’ rick. Another notable table used a the jury box and it is expected that he Hog demand is good and prices hold- 9:30 a. m.; benediction after second waited my turn. Don’t call me impa­ dan, W yo., has resigned his position and hospital. huge candy wishbone as a centerpiece will remain there, that is, that he will up well here, although lower East. mass; baptisms, 2 p. m.; Sunday school, tient and thoughtless, please, because has accepted a. situation with the Big Mrs. Mark Sweeney has returned from 2:30 p. m. with little candy pumpkin pica as fa ­ be accepted by both sides. Tops sold at $7.70 today, with bulk of I fuYly realize that many calls for help Horn Collieries company at Crossby, Hutchison, Kan., where she was called Sacred Heart church, 1013 Grand ave­ vors. The ])ies w'cre connected with the •ales at $7.30 to $7.60. nue; Rev. T. J. Wolohan, pastor; resi­ come to you constantly from all sides, W yo. Mr. Jones is a recent convert to by the serious illne.ss of her sister, Mrs. MARISTS OPEN TUCSON COLLEGE. dence, 414 West Eleventh street; ’phone wishbone by ribbons. Sheep demand is good and prices firm but a house and school are a matter of the Catholic Church. Benjamin Root. Main 1389—Sunday services, low mass at Miss Alice Reagon took it upon her­ to higher than a week ago. Good fat life and death to me and my mission. 8 o’clock, and high mass at 10 o’clock. self to decorate one table alone and she Brothers Found Arizona School at lambs are selling at $7AO to $8.25, good “Seven years’ exposure to the tropical Evening services, 7:30. Weekday mass, worked out her idea of “The First Bishop’s Request. •wee around $4.75, with choice ewes on heats and rains have done their work, 7 30. At the invitation of Rt. Rev. Henry St. Ijeanderis church (college chapel,) Thanksgiving” in a decidedly commenda­ up. Good feeding ewes at $4 to $4.25, and unless help comes soon in the Olson-Vollmer Wedding is Society College street; Rev. Callistus Stehle, 0. ble manner. She construeted a minia­ Granjon, D. I)., bishop of Tucson, Ariz., and feeding lambs around $7 to $7.40. shape ot funds to build a house and S. B., pastor; residence, Benedictine ture log cabin and surroundei> 444 Hm m T«L >t«A erected in Qie near future on the lot ad­ FRANK F. CRUMP, Alma P. Olson of Livingston, Mont., i Florence Hunter, Gladys Currie . and Weekday mass. 8 a. m. placed tiny wigwams in wonderfully 120 N. OMoad* Ava. was held in the St. Joseph’s Catholic Esther Matthews served. It was a re­ St. Patricks church, comer Michigan realistic style. Another table that at­ joining tlie Cathedral. and Routt, Rev. .T„ R. Schimpf, S. J.. The Hallet & Baker church Thursday morning at 9 o’clock, j past that did justice to the Thanksgiv­ tracted attention used a cornucopia with pastor; Revs. A. Brunner, S. J., J. M. O oooooooooooooooooooooo F lo rist The Rev. Father Thomas^M. Conway o f-; ing season. real fruit tumbling all about as the cen­ o Undertaking Co. Montenarelli, S. J., assistants. Masses o 511 EAST COLUMBIA. UNDZORTAKINa EMBALJAINO ficiated at the beautiful service. The | The bride and groom then left for on Sunday; low' mass at 6 a. m.; Sodal­ terpiece. Suitable place cards, dainty Dr. Watkins o Phone Main 500. Colorado Spiinga. Colorado Sprlnqti Coin bride was attended by Miss BeHeck and Livingston, Mont., where they will make ity mass at 7:30, followed by Sunday and beautiful, balanced up the effect. o the best man was Louis Olson of Cody, their home. Mrs. Olson wore a dark school at 8:30; high mass at 9; low o mass at 11; baptisms at 2 p. m. Ves­ Miss Marie Bush won the prize for DENTiST o Wyo., brother of the groom. green traveling suit. guessing the largest number of the o pers, sermon and benediction at 7:30 Pueblo, Colo. Phone Main 1537 o The bride was attired in a beautiful The bride is a daughter of Mr. and p. m. on week days, masses at 6 and courses on the menu. Each course, in­ o THE BEST MILK. CREAM. creation of white crepe de chine with Mrs. Dan Vollmer of 529 Grand avenue. 8 a. m. 00000000000000000000000 BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK stead of stating the dish, made but a many pretty little extras to make it a She lived in this city for many years Our I.ady of Mount Carmel (Italian), Detlvorod to '’ ll parts of Um city. i corner of Park and B streets; Rev. S. gown of wondrous beauty. Carrying but has spent some of her time in the M. Giglio, S. J., pastor; residence, 226 The SInton Dairy Go. bride’s roses she was a charming picture Northwest of recent years in the mil­ Michigan street; telephone Main 1542— 41$ 8. El Pa«o S t Phone Main 442. of buoyant young womanhood. The linery business and while there romance First mass, 8 a. m.; second mass, 10 a. m. SEITER’S CANDY Baptisms after masses. Marriages at th« groom was atired in a handsome suit crept into her life. Madfi in our own shops from pure materials— always fresh and delicious. beginning of masses. Sunday school af­ of black broadcloth. Guests at the wedding were: Mr. and In the lead for 34 years. ter the last mass. Little Helen Heidgen was the ring Mrs. Frank E. Dean and family, Mr. St. Anthony of Padua (Slovak), comer John Seiter, 221 N. Main St. Pueblo, Colo. bearer and looked yery sweet and pretty. and Mrs. Matt Heidgen and family, Mr. D and Park streets; pastor, Rev. P. Hy­ The bridesmaid was dressed in a blue and Mrs. Hyrc, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. acinth Szydlowski, O.S.B.: residence same— First mass, 8 a. in.; high J sss, creation of beauty. ■Rogers, J. F. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. 9:30 a. m .; evening services, 7:3-), week Miss Gladys Currie played the wed­ Frank Daly, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Matt­ day masses at 8 a. m. STOP AT THE JOYCE H 01E ding march and Mrs. A. W. Lenardson hews, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lenardson, Pueblo Catholics! ard Catholic Goods, of Clifton sang one solo before the cere­ Father T. M. Conway' and assisting Prayer Books, Rosaries, Statuary, Crucifixes, Etc., When In Colorado Springs I mony and one after, both appropriate priest, Mr. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ^ Out of a job? V and beautifnl. VoUmer and family, and Mrs. Gladys ^ Get subscriptions for The Reg­ We sell and take ■Is carried by BROOME BROS., Subscri^ions for ^ FoUowing the happy union of the two Curries, Florence Hunter and Esther ister. Big commission. Refer­ The Denver 504 North Main Street and 333 South Union Avenue lives, the party went to the Vollmer MatthevfB, ences necessary. datimUe Rcffiater FVSUO, oou>.

■ I- D8NTKB CATHOLIC BKOISTBB THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914. U e Denver Catholic Register current events that there is no excuse for being without such information. We have lately had the spectacle of even Pope Benedict Gifted in Oratory; Entered u Mcond-clasa matter at the postoffice at Denrer, Oolo. seeing public speakers arise to elucidate some questions with- which they were utterly unfamiliar. Thin and Small, With Bright Eyes; Pnblished Weekly by One man whb sat beside the writer in a street car the other day ^declared that the kaiser and King George are Astounds His Friends With Vivacity A statement issued by the Catholie The Catholic Publishing Society (Inc.) both moral- lepers. He probably had come into this wonder- Church Extension society, denies a re­ of the messages contain expressions of port issued by the government officials 1828 Curtis Street 'ful information by having caught a few words of some hope that through the efforts of Pope that the society interfered with the gov­ other conversation. Then, as he had not read at all, he im­ Telephone Main 5413. Denver, Colo. Benedict peace soon may be realized. ernment’s intention to remove Mexican parted his half-baked piece of Ubelous scandal to the next Benedict XV and the Mexican clergy. exile religious from Vera Cruz. man he could get to listen to him, blissfully ignorant of the —As far back as October 25, the pope A rush has been on in every large! SUBSCRIPTION PRICE—$2.00 a year, delivered anywhere in the United States. sent a fraternal letter to the archbishop city of the country this week to pay $2.60 to foreign countries. Payable strictly in advance. truth. of Mexico, comforting him and the other the $10,000,000 special “ war” tax. J-'VST UlfITTANCBS —No receipt is sent to subscribers. For safety send reipittances q q ^ bishops of Mexico in their distressing Seth Low of New York, Charles W, by money order or check. WILSON AND THE PAN-AMERICAN MASS. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—In requesting a change of address, give old as well as situation, in that they have been almost Mills of Philadelphia and Patrick Gilday t e c new address. Some of our Catholic papers seem prone to criticise all forced into exile. The pontiff en­ o f Clearfield, Pa., have been named a COMMUNICATIONS intended for publication in a current issue should be in this President Wilson for not attending the Thanksgiving Day courages the Mexican clergy to trust in special colnmittee by President Wilson P' office not later than Tuesday evening, and should invariably be accom­ a better future, and says that he adds through which it is hoped to settle fu­ panied by name and address of sender as a guarantee of good faith. mass at St. Patrick’s, Washington, last Thursday. Of course his prayers to theirs for the triumph of ture differences between Coloriulo miners it did look a bit odd when the executive changed his mind the Church and justice. In the mean­ and operators. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. at the last minute, but possibly Mrs. Sayre, his newly-mar­ ROHE NOTES. while he sends them money for the aid ried daughter, was tardy about sending her invitation to We will preface these notes today with of such priests as have been deprived ENGLAND MISTREATS BELGIANS^ him to have dinner -with her. Mr. Wilson is a mere,man a charming pen picture of Benedict XV of their possessions, as well as to suc­ by our Canadian ■ cardinal. Archbishop cor the congregations driven from their Proselytizers Try to Compel Refugees t«| Ji after all, and if his lonesomeness for his daughter impelled -J Beguin of Quebec, as published by the homes, regretting only that his poverty Give up Catholicity. him to accept her invitation, should we object? Home life Fortnightly Review of St. Louis: does not permit him to send more. at the White HousO cannot be without its pain, Mrs. Wil­ “The pope is thin and small of stature ; The pope’s first EncyclicaL—The first London, Dec. 2.—-That certain Protes­ son’s death is such a recent event. eyes very bright; alert; amiable in con­ Encyclical was caused to be published in tants are a source of danger to th^ We must not lose sight of the fact that he was repre­ versation, very intelligent; shows aston­ Rome on November 16. In this docu­ Belgian refugees, whom the English ht ishing vivacity of spirits; is an inde­ ment,. the official English text of which have invited to partake of their hoo- m sented by proxy at the mass. That is tantamount to per­ fatigable worker, and well posted on will tioon be at hand, the pontiff urges pitality, is evidenced by the complaints sonal presence. Church affairs. He was adored by his peace on warring nations; there also he received at the headquarters of the war It might be well in this connection to state that certain people in . They say he is a attributes the war to four causes, refugees committee, of proselytism and forces were brought to bear on Colorado and Denver offi­ first-class orator. 'The little speech I namely, lack of mutual and sincere love tyranny practiced by* some of these OFFICIAL NOTICE cials to keep them away from the local diocesan Thanksgiv­ heard at his coronation, in reply to the among men; contempt of authority; in­ zealots on their unfortunate guests. Ona splendid address of old Cardinal Agliardi, justice on the part of one class of the large hall with sixty persona in it has The uenver Chtholie Register is'published by the Catholie Publishing ing services at the Cathedral. But the plan did not work. was justly admired. Benedict XV is at people against another, and the consid­ been condemned by the committee and Badety, an ueorperated arganiaatien controlled by the Diocese of Denver. home in Latin and also in French.” Let eration of material welfare as the sole will be tenanted by 'no more Belgian i i This pnblieatien is, therefore, declared to be the official newspaper for the me add that the same is true of Span object of human activity. In the sec­ Refugees, since the first Sunday they, Oathalie Church in Calarada. The elergy and are urged to use these ish, and that the new pope is able to ond part is found a powerful appeal for were there, and desired to go to mass^ J ealnmni for the promulgation af information and news of interest to the Return of France to God Sublime; converse a little in English. peace within the Church, and an earnest the doors were locked and they werS OsthoUes af Calarada, and we earnestly recommend that every Catholic First solemn entry of ^ the pope into plea for the “cessation of the abnormal refused egress. At another house a lady home subscribe for at least one eapy. This paper belongs to the Catholics of Past Sins ‘Made War Inevitable’ St. Peter’s.—On Sunday, November 22 state of affairs ia which the vicar of who had offered to house! and feed the Disease af Denver, and wa hapa they will take pride in making it a Benedict XV made his first solemn entry Christ Is placed in Rome, by renewing guests, one of whom was a priesti ■adU ta themselves and the Church. into St. Peter’s. Fifty thousands of the the protest of his predecessors against said that if they did not give up theig ■ l +N . C. l^ATZ, Editor, Denver Catholic Register: dence save the providence of their own faithful from all the parishes of Rome which condition, he is fulfilling his sacred popish practices they could not havs Bishop of Denver. hands and brains. Nations, like individuals, when they had assembled to pay homage to the duty.” any food. The priest departed the earns “When something horrible and irra wantonly flout Almighty God, invito a new supreme head of the Church, the Latest news.—Cardinal Cavallari, pa day, and there is only one family re­ LITERATURS AND CURIOS. tional Iiappens in the world, however, calamity to bring them to a realization bishop of Rome, their bishop, and to re­ triarch of , made a cardinal by maining, too poor to move, the childreni which cannot be settled by an ideal, Teachers of English in our high schools and academies ceive his apostolic blessing. “Faith” Pius X in 1907, died on November 24. being admonished to read the Englisli of their folly and helplessness. This is however lofty, or by an argument, how­ would do well if they would take a happy middle course re­ was^the subject of the pontiff’s first The death also is announced of the ven­ Protestant Bible by the amiable woman what has happened to France, which of­ ever convincing, men turn to their Ever­ public address, delivered before this vast erable bishop of Albenga, well known in who knows perfectly well that they caij garding the remarks on teaching literature made by a Mis­ lasting Father, just as other children ficially declared that God was not congregation. Afterwards the “Te Rome as Father Pacifico, when he was only speak Flemish. souri State Normal school instructor several days ago. He turn to theirs when they are lost and needed in the domestic economy of the Deum” was sang. apostolic or papal preacher, that is, the republic. That He is very much needed know that they are surrounded by un urged that Kipling be studied instead of Thackeray, the The pope sixty years old.—The day be­ Capuchin whose duty it is to preach to MANY FRENCH PRIESTS DIE IN WAS imaginable dangers. So now the whole president’s messages instead of Shakespeare, and that the and His aid very much desired is shown fore, November 21, was the pope’s birth­ the papal court every Advent and Lent. French nation is calling loudly on Him by a non-Catholic correspondent at the day. His holiness had expressed the de­ He was general of the Capuchin Order Official List Shows Clergy Gave Theil study of Bernard Shaw be introduced. To put it mildly, he It is not craven; it is sublime. They front who, writing to the Philadelphia sire that, on account of the war, there before his elevation to the episcopate. Lives for Nation. •' is very much unbalanced in his appreciation of what litera­ are fighting like gods and they are be­ Post, says: should be no festivities or manifestations Speaking of the Order of Minor ture is—having, undoubtedly, been gullible enoifgh to ac­ lieving like little children. No finer “The change in the /spirit of France on this occasion, but many telegrams or Franciscans, the “Acta Ordinis Fra- In the official list of the French soli is noticeable. For more than half a image of the soul of a man can be drawn cept the modest announcement of Shaw that he writfes as • ^ and addresses of greeting were received trum Minorum,” a monthly review, con­ diers killed upon the battlefields of in this crisis.” good plays as Shakespeare ever produced. century the French people as' a nation from throughout the world. Those who tains the good news for Tertiaries that northern France and published in Ls Now—notwithstanding the machina­ have professed a kind of intellectual in­ have seht messages include sovereigns the new pope, Benedict XV, is a mem­ Petit Parisien, are the following namest But if Shaw can equal Shakespeare, and Kipling sur­ tions of some of the infidel politicians- dependence of the Almighty. That is and the heads of various states. Many ber of the . Abbe Lenain, vice rector of Louvrol;! passes Thackeray, all the rest of the learned men in the the queer thing about religious faith: with proper humility does “the eldest Sergt. Estrangin, 67th regiment of subi world are wrong, and this one normal school professor is When things are moving smoothly; when daughter of tfie Church” approach the lieutenant in the 165th infantry; Private throne of grace. May the spirit of the only person alive who realizes what real literature is. riches are ripening everywhere; when WYOMING A I D S GOD’S VENGEANCE Bmfin, Dominican priest of the diocess Christ continue to abide with her! Still, for the life of us, we cannot see how any child commerce and reason rule the world— of Grenoble; Abbe Marc Charveria*, the rationalists repudiate any Provi­ A CATHOLIC. W AR SUFFERERS SURE FOR SINNER could gain a whit of knowledge by studying Chaucer, Addi­ private, 5th infantry; Abbe Francois Leger, professor, seminary of Riom;| son or Emerson. Chaucer is interesting—as a freak. It is Cheyenne, Sheridan and Other Father McMenamin Shows How It Abbe Lehodey, Grand Seminary of Coui nice to know what an ugly language our forefathers had. Cities Hold Tag Day; Start Is 'That Rich Offenders Seem tances; Abbe Casimir Aufevre, Chas< The famous old father of English poetry was a wonderful Punz, Filosofy, Jabz and Things Flour Funds for to Evade Divine Wrath, seurs, Alpins, Jesuit priest; Abbe Guit-< man in his day, but the writer himself can produce as much Belgians. but ReaUy D on’t. ton, sergeant in the I23rd regiment of Ray Rohn, the artist, appeared at the ‘Alius step lively, lak’ you seen a big infantry; Abbe Perrot, lieutenant; Abbs real poetry—and he never made the least pretentions to A tag day was held in various parts That it is an impossibility to sin and Pay-as-You-Enter club the other day roun’ silver dollar shinin’ lak’ de noonday Verquerre, parish priest of Drocourl poesy. The works of Addison and Emerson are all right for of Wyoming last week for the benefit of escape punishment, unless we seek the (Pas de Calqis); Abbe Bavey, a missiom smoking a cigarette in a holder nearly a sun just ahead er you, an’ de worl’ ’ll men who have been reading for years, but we never yet have the Red Cross fund in the European war. mercy of God, was shown at the Cathed­ ary; Abbe '4e Vannes, 110th infantry, foot long. “What’s all this!” some one take note er you an’ give you mos’ any­ CTcyenne gave $1,300; Sheridan, $600; ral on Sunday morning by the Rev. Hugh who had been proposed for the military seen a student whom they really helped. They are far too asked him. “Did the doctor tell you to thing you ax for.”—Atlana Constitution. Laramie, $500; Casper, $450;' Evanston, L. McMenamin. , medal; Abbe Edmond Borrel, prefect of deep. Literature that does not interest a child cannot help keep away from cigarettes?” $184.33 and Rawlins $174. Other towns Is is not strange, he asked, that we Ste. Croix de Neuilly; Abbe Dangs him. “ Don’t worry about me,” said the dis also gave liberally. have set before us the lesson of our D’Acie, killed by a bullet as he was ap­ “What a wonderful complexion that sipated son. “I’ll make my mark in the Our literature courses are sadly in need of revision. Flour funds for the starving Belgians judgment on the last day of the ecclesi­ proaching a trench to perform his priesli woman has!” “Truly wonderful,” re­ world yet.” “Yes, with red paint,” have also been raised in several towns. astical year and the first Sunday of the Much current literature is far better for young minds than gtunted the stern parent.—Philadelphia ly duties; Abbe Procteau, professor at plied Miss Cayenne. “I think it is the Cheyenne and Sheridan have given lib­ same? That lesson Iwa been calculated some things students perspire over. But deliver us from Record. the college of Cambree (Marne et Loire), most becoming of any I have ever seen erally. to arouse the fears of mankind more Bernard Shaw and that Missouri State Normal schoolman’s her wear.” strongly than that prophetic one taught SCOTTISH CATHOLICS OVERTAXED, selection! by the destruction of Jerusalem. “Jinks and his wife never agree about , CHURCH THIEVES ST. FRANCIS’CLUB Men are not always punished in this Prejudiced School Boards Being Fought; ..A anything.” “I beg your pardon. They PESTS IN SKIRTS.' world for their sins. They often become Relief Expected. agree on the point that each married a BUSY ELSEWHERE W ILL GIVE OPERA richer in their worldly goods by their Is there no way of ridding Denver of that small army goose.” crimes. Will a careless sinner go un­ Tlie Catholics of Scotland have a of women who parade her main business streets from 7 Denver Not Only City Where ‘Pinafore’ to Be Featured by Ex­ punished, because he doesn’t realize the grievance which it is extremely difficult o ’clock every evening until 1 and 2 o’clock in the morning Mrs. Gabbeigh—“John, you were talk­ Light-Fingered Gentry Have cellent Music; Mrs. Halter enormity of his sins? to bear, and we are glad to find that ing in your sleep.” Husband-^“'rhat’s Victimized Pious Women without escorts, being out for a purpose which everybody to Be in Charge of We have seen how Herod was pun­ they are entering on a campaign for funny, for I was dreaming of you.” at Mass. knows without their saying a word? They do not openly Singing. ished for his crime. Ananias lied to getting it redressed, says tlie Livcr|)Ool, Mrs. G.-^“What was funny about it?” Peter and fell dead at his feet; God solicit—by word of mouth. But they are out every night, That Denver is not the only place Eng., Times and Opinion. The absorp­ Husband—“Why, I don’t see how I got In the near future the St. Francis de pronounced Hi.s awful curse on Cain tion of people’s attention in the war V3 as regularly as clock work, going from cafe to cafe, from wliere sneak thieves liave victimized a chance to say a word.” Sales Dramatic Club will present “Pina­ while his brother’s blood was still wet Catholics is shown by the following from may delay success, hut the case is so comer to corner. ^ fore,” a comic opera in two acts, by Ar­ upon his hands. There is no excuse for The Kansas City Register: strong that we feel sure when the par- A modern writer declares that the thur Sullivan. q q any sinner. He may be rich—so was tieiilar.s are fully known all fair-minded devil is not nearly so black as he is The capture of a number of sneak The cast is made up of local Lalent, Herod; he may be poor—so was Ana­ DENVER AND PROSPECTIVE SET’TLERS. thieves found looting the poor boxes has men will rally to their support.' In painted. We have no desire to meet him and consists of some of the best singers nias; he may be young—so was Cain. carrying on their scliool work they aro Catholic papers in different parts of America ought to nevertheless. no noticeable effect in diminishing the in the city. A man may be caught in mid-oecan, supply of t-is class of petty criminal. penalized by wiiat may be called a fine inform their readers that, when coming to Denver or Colo­ Although a play of this nature is a during a storm in a light craft. He amounting to, at least, one pound p<'f Examples of Consoling (?) Frankness. He is now turning his attention to the rado on account of tuberculosis or any other physical ail­ difficult undertaking, C. B. Young, man­ may think either there is no danger, or stealing of purses left by the women in scholar. That is to say, through being * > “You are such an interesting creature. ager, expects great results, as the par­ \ ment, they should have enough money on hand to see them he may escape the fury of the storm. ( ’atholies they are wrongfully deprived You‘look exactly like an old rag dolly the pews, while they receive Communion. ticipants have been working hard to through several months. This state is not like some other If man were not punished for his sins of eighty-six thousand pounds. The I used to own, and your conversation is And it is not always a man either, as a make it a success. it would mean God were indifferent to .Scottish school boards have it in their states when it oomes to welcoming the sick. We are glad to so shallow that it is a positive relief number of arrests of women in other Mrs. Halter, who directed the singipg the sins. cities strongly testify. jiower to relieve them of tliis grievance, get them here, for we know that few will remain ill after a after my arduous duties of the day.” in “ The Chimes of Normandy,” will again The careless sinner will not escape the and an example of how It may be done year or two’s experience with our salubrious climate. ‘T would so like to take dinner at The reason they confine their depreda­ take charge of the singing. fury of God’s wrath, • is given in the Highlands. But the ma­ your house, Mrs. Brown. My mamma tions to the Catholic churches is on ac­ Watch for the announcement of date. Denver, however, is a mecca from all over America. It The sinner might understand could he jority of the .Scottish hoards have not says that you eat soup musically, and count of the large number who attend is a good business city and, despite the absence of large in­ see the hand of God’s wrath, waiting yet abandoned anti-Catholic prejudices, I never heard anybody who was able to and the devoutness with which they SHAHAN CROZIER WORK OF ART. to descend; or if the murderer’s liand and conseijuently the grievance, remains. dustries, manages to take care of its ordinary population play tunes and eat at the same time. pray. Their method is to kneel in pre­ would fall lifeless before the blood had Just at present when Christians of every without trouble. There is no such, thing as a public bread How do you do it?” tended worship and watch for the wo­ New Bishop’s Present from A. 0. H. dried upon it. But he lives in his sins ilenomination—Catholics as well as oth­ line here. ^Still, a stranger coming here cannot possibly “No, Mr. Boggs, I cannot be your man who leaves her purse in the pew Ladies Old Celtic Masterpiece. not realizing he may -be snatched into ers—arc freely giving their lives fo up­ wife. Mamma would like to have me while going to Confession or Communion. The crozler presented by the Ladies’ hope to land a position for some months. A few do, but eternity in the midst of them. hold the eau.se of justice, it is peculiarly marry you on account of your money, As quickly as they can, they appropriate auxiliary to the A. 0. H. to Bishop they are extraordinarily lucky. This condition prevails be­ “But,” you say, “you speak only of regrettable that Catholics in any part of but I never could grow romantic over a the purse and immediately leave the Thomas J. Shahan is six feet in height God’s judgment; you seem not to think the British Empire should have to com­ cause of the large number of single men and women coming pug nose. Could you?” church. There is hardly any way to and is designed to present a general ef­ o f his mercy.” plain of unfair treatment. We trust to Denver from every part of the Union to recover their “Where does Miss DeMar get her com- apprehend this class of thieves and the fect of great simplicity. The details of Betwein a sinful earth and a venge­ that the Catholics of Scotland will con­ plmon?” “It’s a gift. Her sister mar­ best way to circumvent them is to carry the ornamentation, however, are rich health. ^ ful heaven, stands Jesus Clirist, having tinue to protest until the heavy burden ried a druggist.” your purse with you when you approach in characteristic interlaced work and Some states discourage immigration unless the new­ His most Sacred Heart, and showing His so unjiistlj' laiii upon them is lifted from the Communion rail or enter the Con­ enamel derived from authentic examples comer has several thousand dollars ahead. Colorado is just precious wounds, which were meant for their shoulders. Bad conduct soils the finest ornament fessional, and also remember that the of ancient Celtic art. our punishment. as eager to have the ordinary wage or salary earner as a more than filth.—^Plautus. one praying behind you may not be a 'The jewelled cross which is an adap­ Many are saved by the prayers of CARDINAL DEFENDS FRENCH. resident, and can'^take care of him in time. But he has to Catholic at all, but only waiting for tation of the Cross of Cong is inserted some old father or mother, who petition When a married woman goes forth to an opportunity to lift your pocketbook. with the bishop’s motto, “ Spes Mea await his turn when he comes here. God to spare them for a little longer, Says Rheims Cathedral Is Not Used as look after her rights, her husband stays The Redemptorist church has been so ChristuB,” and contains a relic o f the There is probably more begging on the Denver streets that they may have time to repent. And Signal Tower. at home and nurses his wrongs. frequently visited by thieves that when Irish martyr, venerable Oliver Plimket, many are saved by the holy sacrifice of than in any other city of the same size in America, because a special collection is taken up the boxes archbishop of Armagh and of Tlie holy father has received from the mass. God is all that is good and newcomers have not investigated conditions before they "You think that man has more money are never left in the Sanctuary but are all Ireland. A pleasing design of sham­ Cardinal Lucon, archbishop o f Rheims, merciful. have left home. We want settlers, but all should have at than brains?’^’ "Yes,” replied Miss Cay­ immediately taken into the Sacristy and rocks surrounds the base of crook and a strong protest against, and an em­ enne; “and I don’t believe he has much put in charge of one of the lay brothers. bands of ornament and other details are phatic denial of, the assertions of the least a few months’ board ahead. Ellis; Second Vice-president, Mrs. Annie \ I.-' similar in design to the crozier of St. German imperial chancellor that the ^ « money, at that.” Thieves became so bold at one time that : • r q q , McGuire; Recorder, Mrs. Clara MTiit- Cathedral has been used by French f \ two of them tried to steal the comice Brendon. com b; Assistant Recorder, MrS. Nellie READ, THEN TALK. Doctor—“ You have a bad case of gout. off the roof of the church. Above the ornate node stands a stat­ troops for military purposes. McAdams; Financial Secretary, Mrs. ;= It was Thackeray who declared that “ weather,” as a The best course for you is to take no uette of Our Lady of Limerick, a replica Cardinal Lucon states that he has pier- Mary C. Clark (re-elected); Treasurer, sonally ascertained that the Cathedral topic of conversation, was a savior to the human race. But wine, no beer, no alcohol in any form, CATHEDRAL ACTORS in miniature of the miraculous and his­ no cigars------"P atien t—“ Hold on, doc­ toric statue in St. Saviour’s Dominican Mrs. Anna O’Brien, (re-elected for the has not been used as an observation in our day weather has been backed off the map, and the PLAN TO GIVE SHOWS seventh tim e); Marshall, Mrs. Mary Car­ tor; what’s next best?” church in the city of Limerick, Ireland. post, and that no guns have been placed world war is by far the commonest topic of learned argu­ The Cathedral Dramatic society will ter; Guard, Anastatia Schreiber; Trus­ near it. Soldiers have not even been ment or polite persiflage. The surest way to find out that you hold its first meeting of the season next MRS. WIRTZ GETS SEVENTH TERM tees, Mrs. Westbrook, Mrs. Rose Whelan, employed in its vicinity, and if fresh Nothing is more interesting than to listen to an analy­ are the grandest creature in the world Sunday afternoon, when roles will be as­ AS PRESIDENT OF L. C. B. A. and Mrs. Mary Quinn. injuries are inflicted on the historic edi­ sis of the war from a man or woman who has read up the is to have a snug fortune, a bunch of signed for a play to be presented under fice, the Germans must take the whole - cousins and no other heirs. the direction of the Rev. E. J. Mannix. Saint Mary Magdalene’s Branch, LETTERS MUST BE SIGNED responsibility. w r - snbject. Nothing is more tiresome than to hear an empty The Young Ladies’ sodality at the Cat- L. C. B. A., on December 1, elected Do not send us anonymous letters for Germany had officially notified the head rattle about this stupendous event, which may mean a How is it that a man who wants to tbedral is also preparing for a play, and the following officers: President, Mrs. publication. We cannot ^rint them. We pope that the Cathedral was in use os change in the channel of all international life to- come. seU yon a steam heat furnace generally the school children will g^ve one in a Mary S. Wirtz (chosen for the seventh must know whence they come. We a signal station, and disclaimed respon­ It is so easy to brace up one’s knowledge of history and fills you with hot air beforehand! Christmas entertainment. item ); First Vice-president, Miss Pearl have several on hand this week. sibility for further bombardment. -''4m . ;■•'■' * '' * ' i.v.^v.'/.i ,ri.; : ' ■'■ ^ ■•-^ . ' -J ' ^ ' •■>> \'*'*» • '^ ’ .- ', • • .- > '


40 HOURS STARTS SUNDAY ST. FRANCIS’ SODALITY m DENVER PARISHES t f - IN REDEMPTOSIST PARISH WILL SELECT OFFICERS f fast by the bride’s sister, Mrs. T. J. Han- (St. Joseph’s Church.) (St. ’ Church.) G ift Suggestions rahan, 2936 Vine street, where a recep­ Next Sunday, at the 7:30 o’clock mass, The Young Ladies’ sodality of thi S a c r e d H e a r t C h u r c h the Married Ladies’ sodality will receive Blessed Virgin will receive holy com­ tion was also held in the evening. The Our greatly enlarged stock will enable you to select “ just the thing’’ for the C^iurch, Institu­ bride received many handsome presents. holy con^union. munion in a body at the 8:10 mass on tion, Man, Woman or Child. A few for your approval: S o d a lit y Rallies for ^ At 10:30 there will be a solemn high Sunday. The regular meeting will be 1 . . held on Monday evening in the halL The SCHOOL DAT ROMANCE ENDS mass and solemn opening of the Forty Gold plated Rosaries, with cases, all colors, Bibles, $1.00 and up. election of officers for the ensuing year M ary’s Great F e a s t IN NORTH SIDE WEDDING Hours’ Adoration. The evening devotions, $1 . 0 0 and up. • Prayerbooks, 25c and up. consisting of th*e rosary, sermon, and will take place at this meeting and all Steriing Silver Rosaries, with cases, $1.00 and Catholic Girl’s Guide, $1.25 and up. the members are urged to attend. Next Sunday, December 6, on the oc- (St. Patrick’s Parish.) benediction, will begin at 7:30 o’clock. up. Young Man’s Guide, 75c and up. The Altar society will hold its regu­ caaion of the coming Patronal feast of St. Patrick’s was the scene of a bril­ On Monday morning the Blessed Sacra­ Gold plated Medal Lockets, with M y Prayerbook, $1.25 to $3.00. lar meeting on Friday afternoon, Decem­ the Church in the United States,“'the liant wedding on 'Thanksgiving morn­ ment will be exposed for adoration be­ chain, $1 . 0 0 and up. Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle, $155 and up. ber 4, at the home of Mrs. T. F. Wagner, Immaculate Conception, there will be a ing,' when Mr. Thomas Joseph MoGlone fore the 6 o’clock mass. 'The evening Gold plated and Silver Crucifixes, $1 and,up. Prayerbook for Religious, $1.50 and up. 594 South Grant. All members are re­ general rally of all the sodalities at the and Miss Lillian May Powell were united services will take place at 8 o’clock. Gold plated. Silver and Brass Candlesticks, $1 Blessed Sacrament Book, $1.50 and up. quested to be present. Sacred Heart church at 7 o’clock mass, in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Tuesday, the Feast of the Immaculate and up. Manual of Prayers, $155 and up. Friday being the first Friday of the general communion of the Married La­ pastor. Rev. David T, O’Dwyer. The Conception and a holy day of obligation, Statues, all subjects and sizes, 8 in., 50c; 12 in., Father Ryan’s Poems, $1.50. month the regular holy hour devotions dies’ and Yoimg Ladies’ and of the Gen­ bride was a dream of loveliness, robed there will be a special mass for the $1.50 and up. Soeur Therese of Lisieux, $2.00. will be held in the evening between 7:30 tlemen’s and Young Men’s sodalities; at in white satin trimmed with lace and working people at 5:30 a. m. Other Holy Pictures, Xmas Cribs and Post Cards, all Little Flower of Jesus, $1.25. and 8:30. 8:30, general’ cotnmunion for the Chil­ pearls, and a long tulle veil crowned masses will follow at 6, 7:30 and 9 prices. All Lives of the Saints. Miss Juliana Connor of 712 East Ala­ dren of Mary, St. Aloysius’ Boys and with orange blossoms fell the length of o’clock. The solemn close of the Forty Cardinal Calendars in Xmas boxes, 50c. Novels and Juvenile Books. meda underwent an operation last smaller children. On the festival itself, the dress. She carried a bouquet of Hours will take place Tuesday evening Wednesday. Miss Connor was getting Spa4 )e will only permit a small listing. Call and inspect our line. It’s a pleasure to show you. ‘December 8, at the evening ;service, bridal roses and lilies of the valley. The at 8 o’clock. A plenary indulgence is along nicely, but is now quite sick with solemn renewal of the to couple were attended by Mr. Michael granted to all the faithful, who on either Special and prompt attention given to mail orders. Order now and avoid ^ e rush later on. Open the Blessed Virgin by the officers of the McGlone, a brother of the groom, and of these three days receive the sacra­ tonsilitisT nights until Christmas. respective sodalities, and benediction of Miss Martha Powell, sister of the bride. ments of penance and holy Eucharist Mrs. J. Carroll of 577 South Grant, \ who was operated on at St. Joseph’s hos­ the Blessed Sacrament. A father of the The bridesmaid was radiant in a gown worthily, and pray for the intentions of Sacred Heart college will preach. of pink crepe de chine, with an over­ the Holy Father. Moreover, a partial in­ pital, returned home Saturday and is pn the road to recovery. On Sunday afternoon, December 6, at drape of crystal trimmed pipk chiffon dulgence of ten years and ten times JAMES B. COTTER & CO. W e are very glad to learn that Mrs. 3 o’clock at Loyola chapel, meeting of and carried pink Killarney roses. After forty days may be gained at each visit Roy Woodman of 28 South Sherman is the Married Ladies’ sodality, at which the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was to the Blessed Sacrament. Confessions able to be about again after a serious Booksellers, Dealers and Importers Exclusive Western Agents will take place the election of officers served at the home of the bride’s mother, will be heard .Saturday, Sunday and Mon­ illness. for the ensuing year. Mrs. W. T. Powell, to the immediate day evenings. 1469-71 Logan St., opp. Cathedral, Denver, Colo. During the season of Advent there Today, feast of St. Francis Xavier, friends of the family. In the afternoon Last Wednesday night the ladies of St. will be vespers, sermon and benediction SJ., apostle of and Japan, is a the couple left on their honeymoon trip Joseph’s sodality gave another of their of the most Blessed Sacrament every day of plenary indulgence in both through the state. The wedding marked famous surprise parties. On this partic­ Sunday evening at 7:30. Father Walsh EOUCATIONAU church and chapel. The faithful are also the culmination of a romance that had ular ocasion Mrs. J. Leyden of 240 West preached last Sunday evening ort mortal GROUND BROKEN reminded that the novena of grace to its beginning in schooldays. Both young Fourth avenue w-as the one who was sin and its effects. Every family of the The ONLY Schoo] We have 8 official this great saint may be made a second people are popular and carry with them pounced upon without the least intima­ F O R G A S PLANT and 1 1 unofficial . i time in the year, with the same indulg­ the “ad multos annos” of a host of parish should be well represented at in Denver that > tion of what a jolly good time was in or ex-official - -if friends. these services. ences. store for her until a bevy of social co­ qualifies for Court Court Reportera • 'j: Father O’Dwyer spent last Tuesday in Prosperity of La Junta Proved by Friday 4, being the first Friday, the workers walked in and took possession Reporting. in Denver.- Colorado Springs, where he visited Rev. Erection of New Building; usual Sacred Heart devotions will take of her home. The evening was passed in Patrick Riordan, former assistant pas­ Catholic Social and Reporter’s Comie and Books $ 7 5 Thorough Graham Shorthani place morning and evening. social chats and merry songs and danc­ ORPHANS’ BENEFIT DEC. 18 tor, who is ill at Glockner sanatorium. Personal News. On the beautiful feast of the Immacu­ ing, the unique feature of the latter AT ANNUNCIATION HALL late Conception, Miss Antoinette Haberl The many friends of Father Riordan will amusement being the absence of mascu­ (Kathrine O’Neil, Staff Reporter.) of the Sacred Heart parish, will take the be glad to hear that his condition is MRS. VIOLA B. GOODWIN line partners, but notwithstanding the (Annunciation Parish.) Ija Junta, Colo., Dec. 2.—Under the habit of the Loretto Sisters, at improving. absence of the sterner sex and notwith­ Don’t forget the card party and dance direction of the Rocky Mountain Gas Verins, N. Y. \ John J. Mellein has returned home standing the mixup of partners, the la­ given by the Married Ladies’ sodality company, with J. P. Updike as manager, ’The young men’s choir is making a from a surveying trip in the southern Teacher of Violin, Piano and Cello dies all pronounced the party a huge suc­ for the little orphans at Annunciation ground was broken last week for the name for itself at Loyflla chapel. * part of the state. cess. Refreshments were served and hall, December 18. A prize will be given new gas plant, to be located north of Residence Studio, 4111 E. 26th Ave. Phone York 5130 Lamers-Baker Nuptials. there was such plenty of the latter that SOUTH AMERICAN CHURCH to the one selling the greatest number the brick plant in West La Jimta. 'The One of tne prettiest weddings of the the neighboring drug stores reported a IS LIBELED IN LEAFLET of tickets. Rocky Mountain Gas company took over season took place at 8 o’clock mass in big business next day in pepsins and We are pleased to learn that our lit­ the franchises obtained here and in Loyola chapel,last 'Thursday morning, A Denver youth who recently returned other digestive preparations. tle contestant, Mary McCarthy, merited Rocky Ford a year ago and the new M r W II I2HPV Artistic China Painting when Father McDonnell united Mr. Ber­ from Illinois has handed The Register the prize doll at St. Catherine’s bazaar, plant will supply La Junta, Rocky Ford IvllO* tf. Ua LClIICjy Bprolal pzlo«a for card partUa u A olnba. Ziaaaona, 76 oanta for thraa nard Lamers |nd Miss Margaret Baker a leaflet issued by one James M. Tay­ A. AND R. COMMUNION MASS netting the grand sum of $192.71. and Swink with artificial gas. Oil from 4404 Alcott St. honra, inoladlna ilrtng. riring and in the holy bonds of matrimony. The lor of 807 Deery street, Knoxville, Tenn., AT CATHEDRAL CHANGED Next Simday is the regular communion the Oklahoma fields will be used in the Phona ChOlnp 783. ordara promptly attandad to. bride was given away by her brother, a Protestant missionary to South Amer­ Sunday for the Married Ladies’ sodality manufacture of the gas. A. A. Caldwell Roy Baker. Miss Florence Hanrahan ica, charging that not more than ten per (Cathedral Parish.) which had its meeting Sunday evening of Los Angeles, who arrived in the city Special Price Redaction for the Holidays the bride’s niece, was bridesmaid, Mr. cent of the Chilean priests lead pure Beginning next Sunday the regular after devotion. a few days ago, will have charge of the John Lamers, brother of the groom, was lives, and that the proportion of illegiti­ monthly communion mass for the Altar Mrs. M. Rice has been ill for the past building of the plant. best man. Dorothy Baker and Helen mate children in South America is as and Rosary society of the Immaculate two weeks, having suffered a broken Miss Julia Bradish, who has been quite Hill, both nieces of the bride, were ring- follows: , ten; , twenty- Conception Cathedral parish will be read ankle in a fall. ill at her home on Raton avenue, threat­ bearer and flower girl, respectively. Mrs. seven; Ecuador, fifty-eight, and Para­ at 8:30 o’clock instead of 7:30 as has Mrs. Shumaker of Quincy 111., is visit­ ened with appendicitis, is somewhat im­ SENTER® PIES liucile Hill was maid of honor. The been the order in the past. ing Mrs. Moran and daughter, Mrs Nor­ Are best because made of PUREST INGREDIENTS In the most sanitary way guay, ninety. If Mr. Taylor had not proved today. in a clean factory bride wore a veil and was handsome’y been foxy enough to avoid making any The Altar and Rosary society members ris, of Thirty-fifth and Humboldt. Mrs. J. L. Spalding and daughter, 2612 Champa St. Phone Champa 160 gowned in messaline with overdress of personal charges, it would be possible to of the Cathedral parish are notified that St. Vincent’s Aid will be entertained Irene, returned Saturday from Denver Try our plea once and yoa wlU awaya demand them lace, and carried white chrysanthemums. the day of meeting has been changed on December 10 by Mrs. Leddy, Mrs. prosecute him. But one cannot get re­ where they had been visiting friends. The bridesmaid’s costume was white lace dress under the American libel laws for from the third Tuesday to the second Brown and Mrs. Burkhart at the Annu- Mrs. John Littleton returned Wednes­ and chiffon. She carried pink chrysan­ such a general circular as he has issued. Friday. The next meeting will be on ciation ^all. All members are requested day evening from Smith Canon where themums. The bridal party entered the His charges, needless to say, are absurd. Friday, December 11, at 2:30 o’clock at to be present as there is some special B o u l d e r a d o she has been visiting relatives. chapel to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Chile had 300,000 laymen make retreats the home of Mrs. James McFarland, 1256 business to be transacted. Mrs. G eor^ Glysson and children of wedding march, rendered by Miss Gladys within the past year. This does not Columbine. All members are asked to Mr. Farmer and his friend, old resi­ Swink were \n the city Friday calling Tlsher. At the conclusion of the cere­ look very much as if spirituality is a be present. dents of this parish,. Are visiting here on friends. B u t t e r The Rev. Father Joseph Bosetti is from Omaha, Neb. mony, Miss Alice Howard sang the “Ave dead letter there. The Taylor libel, it If you are not using it, you should commence today by ordering a pound Mrs. Julia Bradish, accompanied by Maria.” After the services the bridal is understood, has been widely distrib­ acting rector during Father MoMena- Mrs. Sullivan, Katherine and Margdret, or two from your grocerynian. Everj- pound is guaranteed to he sweet party were served an elaborate break- uted in Illinois. min’s trip to Pennsylvania. will return Thursday from a trip East. her son, Raymond, and daughter, Miss and fresh. Do not fail to give it a trial, ard we know you will he Nelle Bradish, spent Thanksgiving at pleased. Manufactured by Fort Lyon, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maximilian Baum. Bouider Creamery Co. Christmas Gifts at The Jas. Clarke Church Goods House Miss Nell Foley and brother, Mr. George Foley, were guests last week at 1805 Market St. Phone Main 2067 the Bradish home, 814 Raton avenue. Ideal Christmas Presents. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to The many friends of Mrs. Jerry Kelle- I N PRESENTING these items from our immense stock we trust that you will find many things to suit your taste for Christmas her of Coloradq Springs, but formerly of Gifts. It would be impossible for us to particularize in any way all the goods we carry; however, we will give prompt attention I-a Junta, will be sorry to\know of her to inquiries regarding anything that you may require in our line not listed on this page. Beg to add that we are the only Church illness at her home in Colorado Springs. and Religious Goods House in Denver who are Direct Importers, which the Custom House records will show. Mr. John Spalding returned on Mon­ day to Colorado Springs to resume his INITIATION, by Mgr. Robert Hugh Genuine Morocco. Tapp, Tapp, Leather and Real Mother of Pearl. Each Rosary studies at Colorado college after spend­ Benson. Net $1.35 (by mall $1.45). Lined, Red Under (Sold Edges. Post­ comes in a Satin Lined Case. The Tabernacle society will meet Fri­ on Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Books paid $7.50. Pure Stones mounted on Gold Chain and ing his Thanksgiving vacation with his COME RACKl COME R()PE, by Mgr. Cross. Postpaid $12.00. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. G. Clarence Harrington. Robert Hugh Benson. Net $1.35 (by ODDSFISH, by Mgr. Robert Hugh Ben­ Pure Stone Rosaries on Solid Gold Chain father, Mr. B. M. Spalding, and his sis­ Monaghan, 1673 York. Members are re­ Mrs. Charles MacAllister W illcox is mail $1.45). and Cross. Postpaid $25.00. son. Net $1.25 (by mall $1.4 5 ). AN AVERAGE MAN, by Mgr. Robert Prayerbooks ters, Misses Marian and Helen Spalding, quested to bring all sewing w'ith them, THE RED ASCENT, by Esther W. Neill. These can be had in Amethyst, Jet, expected home from Kansas City this Hugh Benson. Net $1.35 (by mail KEY OF HEAVEN—A Complete Garnet and Topaz. in this city. Net $1.00 (by mail $1.10). $1.46). in order that Christmas baskets for the week. PRODIGALS AND SONS, by John Ays- MY NEW CURATE, by Canon P. A. Prayerbook with Epistles and MOTHER OF PEARL ROSARIES Mrs. C. S. Holland and daughter. Miss priests may be made up. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Nicholson cough. Net $1.25 (by mail $1.35). Sheehan. Pos^aid $1.50. Gospels. First Quality Mother of Pearl Rosaries, Phil Clarke of the James Clarke Church SISTER THERESE OF LISIEUX (The 50c, 75c and 85c. Ellen, returned to their home in Den­ will giv^ another of their dinner parties LUKE DELMEGE, by Canon P. A. Silk Cloth, Round Corners, Red Edges. Little Flower of Jesus). Net $2.00 First Quality Mother of Pearl Rosaries Goods house returned last Monday after this evening. ^ Sheehan. Postpaid $1.50. Postpaid 30c. ver Sunday after spending a week in this (by mail $2.16). GLEN AN AAR, by Canon P. A. Sheehan. on Sterling Silver Chain, $1.25, $1.50, FATHER RYAN’S POEMS, cloth bind- Leatherette. Imitation Calf, Round Cor­ $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. city, the guests of Mr. B. M. Spalding a very successful trip. He visited eight Miss Mary Ryan entertained the mem* Postpaid $1.50. ners, Gold Edges. Postpaid 50c. ing. Postpaid $1.50. LISHEEN, by Canon P. A. Sheehan. American Seal, Gold Designs and Gold SCAPULAR MEDAL LOCKET and daughters, Misses Marian and Helen different Western states and remained bers of her bridge club on Monday after­ FATHER RYAN’S POEMS, gilt e<^|s. Edges. Postpaid 70c. Postpaid $1.50. These Scapular Lockets are heavily Spalding. on the road three months. noon. ^ Postpaid $1.85. { HARRY RUSSELL, by Rev. J. E. Copus, Leatherette, Padded, Imitation Calf. SELECTED POEMS, by John ^ Crucifix and Indulgence Prayer on plated, have Medal attached on George E. Mullare of Trinidad, state S.J. Postpaid 85c. swivel connection and is in no dan­ Mr. and Mrs. George Glysson and little Miss Ruth Margaret Gilbert became O'Reilly. Net $1.25 (by m i a il ' ^ 1 ). inside of front coveiv Gilt Edges. THE MAKINfJ OF MORTLAKE, by Rev. Postpaid 75c. ger of falling out as in some of the deputy of the Knights of Columbus, and HEAVENWARDS, by Motherir Marw b y - daughtel-, Dorothy, spent Sunday in La the bride of Evcllyn Francis Gillis on . J. B. Copus, S.J. Postpaid 85c. French Calf, Padded, Gold Design, cheaper Scapular Lockets. Prices Ola. N e t $1.25 (b y m a il $1.35)1 I. I $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00. W. W. Wadsworth, manager of the Den­ SAINT CUTHBERT’S, by Rev. J. E. Crucifix and Indulgence Prayer on Junta, visiting while here at the home of Monday afternoon. While Miss Gilbert AN ORIGINAL GIRL, by Christine Fa­ inside front cover, Red Under Gold We carry also the cheaper Lockets. ver branch of the Western Newspapei Copus. S.J. Postpaid 85c. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard. is not a Catholic, she is well known in ber. Postpaid $1.25. BOB O’ LINE, by Mary T. Waggaman. Edges. Postpaid $1.00. Union, had their Thanksgiving dinner REAPING THE WHIRLWIND, by Turkey Morocco, Very Limp, Silk Lined, ROLLED GOLD PLATE NECK Catholic circles as she was a member Postpaid 46c. The teams chosen for the inter-scholas­ Christine Faber. Postpaid $1.25. Red Under Gold Edges. Postpaid CHAINS. with Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Liefgreen DADDY DAN, by Mary T. Waggaman. $1.50. tic triangular debate which will take of Joseph Newman’s theatrical company, A MOTHER’S SACRIFICE, by Christine Rolled Gold Plate Chain, length 14 at El Paso, Texas. Mrs. Liefgreen was Postpaid 46c. Persian Calf, Fine Mother of Pearl She is the possessor of a beautiful caney wishes to announce LORD, told in rhyme. Story and Pic­ ETHELRED PRESTON, by Father Finn, German Calf. Padded, Gold Design and paid 50c. be necessary to close the school tempor­ Gold Edges. Postpaid $2.00. Rolled Gold Plate, Large Size. Post­ that she will have a half-price sale on ture for Little Children, by Grace S.J. Postpaid 86c. The Rocky Ford Gazette says: arily. It is one of the oldest Catholic Keon. Net 60c (postpaid 69c). paid 75c. CLAUDE LIGHTFOOT, by Father Finn, NEW VEST POCKET PRAYER- hand painted china from now until FABIOLA, by Cardinal Wiseman. Post­ S.J. Postpaid 85c. “Charley MeVey, arrived from La Junta colleges in America and is in the heart SOLID GOLD SCAPULAR Christmas. Specials: Three-piece tea paid 50c. HARRY DEE, by Father Finn, SJ. BOOK—Knights of Columbus Tuesday morning and in company with of the Alleghenies. TANGLED PATHS, by J. Vincent Hunt­ MEDALS. > Postpaid 85c. Edition. sets, $5.00; chocolate pots, $5.00; seven- ^*1 ington. Postpaid 50c. TOM PLAYFAIR, by Father Finn, SJ. Solid Gold, Small Size. Postpaid $1.50. his corps of drillers departed for the Miss Mary Dolan of Annunciation par­ American Seal, Gold Edges. Postpaid 75c. inch tea plates, 75 cents; ton-inch M A Y BROOKES, by Mrs. Anna H. Dor­ Postpaid 85c. Solid Gold, Medium Size. Postpaid $2.50. Cudahy ranch, north of the river, where ish, who underwent two operations at German Morocco, Very Flexible, Gold Solid Gold, Medium Size, fine execution. sey. Postpaid 50c. PERCY WYNN, by Father Finn, SJ. Edgea Postpaid $1.25. plates, $1.50. 4404 Alcott street. CALLISTA, by Cardinal Newman. Post­ Postpaid $3.50. he will case the deepest artesian well Mercy hospital, has been able to return Postpaid 85c. Rutland Roan, Dark (Colors, Gold Edges. Solid (Sold, Large Size. Postpaid $4.00. Dr. J. T. Fenton, physician and sur­ paid 60c. MOSTLY BOYS, by Father Finn, SJ. Postpaid $1.75. in this part of the country. 'The well home. BLIND A6NESE, by Cecelia H. Caddell. geon, 403 W. Sixth avenue, phone South Postpaid 86c. ___ GOLD AND SILVER is 1,675 feet deep and will contain Miss May H. O’Connor entertained the Postpaid 60c. FREDDY CARR’S ADVENTURES, by THE FOLLOWING OF CHRIST 201. Office, 428 Majestic bldg., phone CRUCIFIXES. twenty tons of eight-inch casing.” BORROWED FROM THE NIGHT, by Rev. R. P. Garrold. S.J. Postpaid 60c. —With Practical Reflections “B.B.” club of which she is a member at M.ain 1579. Anna C. Mlnogue. Postpaid 50c. FREDDY CARR AND HIS FRIENDS, Gold Plated or French Gray Silver Cruci­ W e’re all mighty proud of C. H. her home in North Denver last week. CATHOLIC CRUSOE, by Rev. W. H. and Prayers. fix, 6 inches high. Postpaid 26c. by Rev. R. P. Garrold, S.J. Post­ Gold Plated or French Gray Silver Cruci­ Anderson, M. A. Postpaid 60c. Black Silk Cloth. Round Corners, Red Those present were Mrs. J. R. Ander­ paid 50c. fix, 7 inches high. Postpaid 40c. Out of a job? DEER JANE, by Isabel Cecilia Williams. Edgea Postpaid 50c. son, Miss Helen McGovern, Mrs. Guy American Seal. Very Flexible, Gold Gold Plated or French Gray Silver, P ostpaid 50c. Get subscriptions for The Reg­ Edges. Postpaid $1.00. height 7% inches. Postpaid 60c. Knox, Miss Helen McGinn, Jlrs. Wolever, THE ORPHAN SISTERS, by Mary I. Bibles Gold Plated or French Gray Silver, REGISTER WANT ADS German Calf, Padded. Gold Design and ister. Big commission. Refer­ H o ffm a n . P ostp aid 6()c. Douay Version, Contains Old and Gold Edges. Postpaid $1.60. height 8% Inches. Postnaid $1.00. Mrs. Spiker and Miss O’Connor. A de­ THE STRAWCUTTER'S DAUGHTER, Gold Plated or French Gray Silver, LADIES—Have your corsets custom- ences necessary. New Testament, Large Type, height 10 inches. Postpaid $1.50. licious luncheon was served by the by Lady Georgiana Fullerton. Post- GOLD CHAIN ROSARIES—Fine made; style, fitting and boning g^uaran- ninstrated Octavo Edition. teed; models demonstrated in your owa hostess. MA^CELLA GRACE, by Rosa Mulhol- ^ Imitation Stones. GOLD AND SILVER We Please Others, Why Not You? Black Grained Cloth. Round Corners, home; write or phone for appointment The M. T. Murrays have moved from land. Postpaid 60c. Red Ekiges. Postpaid $1.00. Mounted on Metal Electro Gold-Plated, CANDLESTICKS. 20 years’ practical experience In th« BOND AND f r e e , by Jean Connor. French Seal Grain, Limp, Gold Edges. (3olor of Stones first quality. Cross Gold Plated or French Gray Silver, 6*4 Emma L. Kennedy, 2711 W. 38th ara. 3122 Perry to 3271 Lake, Denver. Optical and Jewelry Line. Oculists’ pre­ Postpaid 60c. Postpaid $2.00. and Connecting Parts Roman Gold inches high. Postpaid $1.00 per pair. Phone Gallup 56. The High Five club of St. Patrick’s scriptions promptly filled. Your eyea THE emeus RIDER’S DAUGHTER, Fine Morocco Grain, Tapp, Round Cor- Finish. 18 inches in length. Post­ Gold Plated or French Gray Silver, 7*4 carefully examined for Eyeglasses. nera Red Under Gold Eldges. Post­ paid $1.00. inches high. Postpaid $1.50 per pair. by F. Von Brackel. PosU>ald 60c. EMERSON furnished apartments, 1358 parish will meet at 2:30 on Thursday of Watch. Clock and Jewelry Repairing. paid $2.50. Mounted on Gold Chain, lengrth 16 Onyx with Gilt Trimmings, height 6 Personal attention given to your needs. SHADOW OF EVERSLEIGH, by Jane Egyptian .Seal. Tapp, Limp, Leather inchea Postpaid $1.25. inches. Postpaid $2.25 per pair. Emerson, near St. Mary’s Academy; $10 next week at the home of Mrs. A. E. Lansdowne. Postpaid 50c, Lined, Red Under Gold Edges. Post­ Mounted on Gold Chain, length 18 Onyx with Gilt Trimmings, height 9H to $25 per month. Powers, 1859 West Forty-first street. SEHPEL, Optician, Jeweler THE TEMPEST OF THE HEART, by paid $3.00. inchea Postpaid $2.00. inchea Postpaid $3.50 per pair. ESTABLISHED 1893. Mary Agatha Gray. Postpaid 60c. India Paper Edition. ^ Mounted on Gold Chain, length 20 WANTED—Position as priest’s house- Miss Beth Lloyd entertained at bridge Phone (Ihampa 387. 1744 Welton St. CONNOR D’^ C Y ’S STRUGGLE, by Inches. Postpaid $3.50. CATHOLIC FEAST AND FAST Walrus Grain Persian, Tapp, Plain Sidea Mounted on Gold Clhain, length 21 kee|)er; best references; willing to leave W. M. Beftholds. Postpaid 50c. " Red Under Gold Edges. Postpaid. inches. Beautiful Celtic Cross. Post­ DAY CALENDAR FOR 1915. citv. Address Ilox II, Catholic Register. AGATHA’S HARD SAYING, b y R osa $6.00. ^ paid $5.00. Showing all the Fast Days, Days of Ab­ WSOUISAUi ABD BETAIX. FBESH AVS CUBES EA8TEBV OOBB- Mulholland. Postpaid 60c. stinence and Holy Days of Obliga­ Alaska Seal, Extra Limp, Leather Lined, Above Rosaries can be had in the fol­ FOR RENT—A five-room house, nnfur- VED MEATS, EBUITg, VEOETABSEB, POUITBT AMD OAME. MISS Er i n , by M. E. Francis. Post­ Red Under Gold Edgea Postpaid lowing colors: Amethyst, Garnet, Topax, tion. Mounted on Cardboard back paid 60c. $6.00. Crystal. Emerald. Jasper, Sapphire, Jfct with beautiful picture. Postpaid 10c, nishe:!. modern except furnace, near mar­ ket and ear line, near St. IjCo's and St. We have a large stock of Albs and Surplices, Gold Altar Laces, Pyis, Oilstocks, Elizabeth’s church. A nice light house. The Market Company Price, $10 per month. 801 West 14th C. E. Smith, U g i. Chalices, Etc., suitable for presentation to a chnrch ave., comer Inca. Key at 1305 Inca. Staple and Fancy Groceries CATHOLIC young man of good habits, FISH AND OYSTERS wants job tending heating pla§t and The Jam es Clarke Church G oods H ouse making himself generally useful for 1633-39 ABAPABOB ST., DEMVEB, COSO. 1646-47 California Street. Phone Champa 2199 Denver, Colo. board, room and some wages. Address PhonM 169, 181, 189, 190. Tour Kothar’i Stoi*. Whjr Mot Tonraf J. W., Care Register. News and Views in

G e r m a n

A u8 einem Briefe von Deutschland. Another American miUlonalro has PUSSY AND HER WA'YSj ; TUe uecrease in the meat supply is EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR SERVANTS. Dr. WlUlam Brown of London tells A. British Court has ordered a com­ practically expatriated himself on Apart from rare exceptions, due to indicated by the February export fig­ Out In Idaho the club women are en­ ns that “every dream is the fulflUment pulsory winding up of the rubber Herdecke, in W estf., 7. Nov., 1914, acconnt of his disgust with the way natural antipathy, the predilection of ures just compiled by the statistical gaged in a most Interesting experi­ of some wish.” Mebbe so—mebbe so. company in Peru which has just been 1st. es nicht grossartig, dass sich 3 MilL In which the government is Interfer writers for cats is generaL Every real division of the bureau of foreign and ment which may have a profound bear­ But a lot of them are due to lnd%es- investigated in connection with cruel­ ^riegsfreiwillige gemeldet haben, die ing with millionaires. The feeling that literary man has his familiar cat rolled domestic commerce. They show the ing on the solution o f, the' servant tion, due to lU temper or gluttony. number of cattle exported‘in the eight ty to the Indian workers of the com­ eum Teil jetzt ausgebildet werden, zum miUionB are above the law 1b evidently In a ball, putsning his flying pen with problem elsewhere, says the Chicago Others result from headaches, falling pany. As the company was an Eng­ ,Teil schon im Felde stehen. Ueberhaupt suffering som e severe staockB. wary eye or following It with light and months ended with February, 1913, Record-Herald. The club women were out of bed and liquid refreshments. lish one, this prompt action will act eine grossartige Begeisterung bei Allen! discreet side pats. The cat is not a but 12,666 head,, against 270,219 bead in the ardent champions of an eight-hour Some are the result of long suppressed, at once as a repudiation before the Drhebender kann es 1S13 nicht gewesen Out In San Francisco they are going traitor. In some cases she Is even the corresponding months o f 1907, and day for women iq factories and shops. ungratifled desires, too. With these world of connivance with atrocities fiein. Alle Bind durchdrungen davon dass to teach the high school gd^ls how to more faithful than the dog, says Har­ the quantity of fresh beef exported, Very well, said the manufacturers, but exceptions the doctor may be quite and as a warning against ill treatment V ir filr eine gerechte Sache kftmpfen, es do odd plum^g Jobs about the per’s Weekly. Affection for her friends but 4,709,047 pounds, against 176,806,- the arguments of the women would correct In his opinion. Bnt no phil­ of native workers anywhere in tho geht um Sein Oder Nichtseinl Zum house. Any e^cation that will make is Instinctive, and so also are her 649 pounds in the corresponding have far more force If they could come osophy of dreams which fails to take future. life easier for the husband ought neatness, her coquetry and her mod­ m onths o f 1907. That this shortage in grossen Teil ist der Landstunn schon into court with clean bands—1. e.. If Into acco.ont the contributive influ­ to be pretty popular with the men esty. In all weathers and In all com­ the exportations is due in part at least einbcmfen, zur Besetzung der erobertcn they were not In the habit ot working ence of Welsh rarebit, mince pie and pany she cleans her fur and her face. to an actual reduction in the number A Jersey City man has been detain­ Festungen und Etappenorte. Das war folks, anyhow. their own domestics for longer hours. the hereinbefore mentioned liquids can A trained cat prefers to make her ot cattle In the United States is evi­ ed by the police as slightly deranged cine Freude, als Antwerpen fiel, mm be wholly correct. These things must denced by the fact that the total num­ The women didn’t seek to evade the on the statement by his sister Bind sie schwer am kftmpfen bei Ypren- Professor Ward of Brown university toilet before a mirror. Man’s love for ber of cattle on farms, according to argument by pointing out that the an­ not bo Ignored if we are over to fully he spent all his ilme talking about Dis^uden-Lille, nicht tage—, wochen- Is of the belief that the practice of his cat is free from snobbery. ’The figures of the department of agricul­ alogy is somewhat Inexact; on the con­ understand dreamology. That we shall baseball and reading books on the lapg dauem jetzt die Schlachten, well eugenics would result In a race of Persian cat, the cat of China, or the ture, was on January 1, 1913, 56,527,- trary, they agreed to put an eight-hour fully comprehend It, le just as im­ game. If that is to constitute insan­ die Franzosen und Englftnder so befest- pygmies. The nation had best ward tailless Manx' may be the object of 000, against 73,634,000 on January 1, law In force in their own kitchens. At portant as that we shall understand— ity we may be nearer realizing the igte Stellungen baben. Oestem erzfthlte It off. our admiration or our astonishment; 1907. the next meeting of the state federation .well, what, for Instance? predictions of the alienists that the mir nocb em'Terwundeter in Hagen, der the common cat of our own household these women will tell other women Insane will soon be in the majority Says an exchange: "Over 40 rats is the object of our love. Camoens bei Dixmuden einen Schuss durch den how the plan works. In the larger In 1850 only three per cent, of the than we have imagined. i were Mexlcoed.” in referring to a was too poor to buy a candle; he had A New York hotel proprietor under­ Unterkiefer bekommen, dass man nichts cities we are already becoming famil­ population of Switzerland were for­ rat extinction party. "Mexlcoed” no light but the luminous eyes of his takes to protect his patrons from the Bfthe vom Feind, der schdsse nur aus be iar with a new kind of domestic serv­ eigners. Since that time the total can therefore be accepted as a new cat on the night when he wrote his extortions of Up-exacting employes by The prpposal to celebrate the ceu- festigten Stellungen, und die Infanterie ice—a service somewhat sinj^r to has risen to 15 per cent Now it Is verb. chant of the Lusiad. Idleness and forbidding cloakroom boys and girls tenary of the high hat has been post­ tnachte dann meist nachts Sturmangrif- that in ofllces and shops, where the proposed to levy a special tax upon agility dwell together under the velvet the right to receive fees, and giving a poned indefinitely for two sufficient fe. Die Verluste sind ungeheuer gross, servants live outside the house and them. Perhaps it might induce some A New York loan shark has been pelt of the cat; and her savage atav­ ten per cent, reduction on all checks, reasons. One is that the date of origin alle Stadte sind voll von Verwundeten, leave when the day’s work is done. of them to procure the naturalization fined 3250 for exacting 311 Interest on ism is linked with gracious and grate­ to cover the rips to waiters. He de­ Is shrouded in obsenrity and the other aucb wir haben ein Genesimgsheim in |n cities at least, where the small flat o i their children. Perhaps It might a loan o f 340. W all street can’t stand ful civility. Her ways are strange clares that he has not Increased his that so few thought It anything to cele­ Wittbranke, halbwegs Hohensyburg, Re- offers no accommodations for domes­ drive some of them away. Since tax­ for such coarse work as that and contradictory. She creeps through prices, and that there is no reason brate. konvaleszenten. Montag ’ batten wir tics, this system has worked very well, ation began its recent upward move­ the night like a shadow, springs from why the portion of the public which einen Liebesgabentag imd gingen 17 and it has tended to proqiote a feeling ment in Germany there have been Ger­ Italy iB planning to have a wsr the darkness as It electrified and lies deals with his establishment should A Jersey woman has sought divorce grosse Kisten njit alien mogilchen guten of independence and an opportunity mans who have removed to Switzer^ f otllla of 200 aeroplanes which will bs In the torrid heat like a worshiper ol not be immune from exploitation by because she had to dress her lazy hus­ und niitzlichen dingen zur Front ab,nach for freedom that make domestic serv­ land for the purpose of escaping its a good thing to stand from under the sun. takers of tips. It will be interesting band. She should have thought of the Eussland. Wir stricken alle, die Kinder ice more attractive. pressure. If Switzerland tries to when trouble breaks loose. to note the report of this experiment numberless husbands who have had in den Schulen haben nur Strickunter- tax them too roundly some of them A wealthy householder In a New which is made after a year’s trial—if to help dress their wives, at least to Watch the passing automobiles. Sit­ will move back. richt und werden da allerband schone A startling proof of the wonderful York town, who apparently bad not the experiment is bona fide. the extent of back buttoning. Sachen gestrickt: Striimpfe, Kniew&r- ting comfortably In the machines are achievements of this wonderful age energy enough to extinguish a match elderly men and women, and In their Measles, which Is causing anxiety to mer, Pal8wa.rmer, Kopofhauben, Ohren- was given at a church funeral In New with which he had lighted bis cigar, Bulletin 120, bureau o f entom ology, Vests are fashion's latest decree faces Is new happiness. They are en­ the authorities and pain to the stu­ warmer, Schwals, etc. Die armen Solda- Jersey where the dead man’s favoriU tossed it away, still burning. As a re­ United States department of agricul­ for women. But It is a box of candy joying themselves; the fresh air gives dents of Osborne college. Is an aliment tei. haben ungeheure Strapazen zu ertra- hymn was sung through a phonograph sult of the momentary effort of pre ture, tells of an interesting trip of one to a hatpin that they won’t carry a them vitality and the swift motion that has been sadly misjudged, says geii, sie liegen wochenlang schon in by a friend’s voice, the friend himsell vention be m ight have used In the of the department’s scientists to India comb, a toothbrush, four pencils and stirs their blood. A clergyman past the London Chronicle. For centuries Bchutzengraben und kommen nur schrit- having died two years before. Th« case, but did not, an old woman was and the Orient In search of natural ene­ a fountain pen with a hook on it la seventy, who administers the affairs —it is mentioned in Arabian writings weise voran. In Russland ist as vor preservation of a living voice dis­ burned to death,, and the careless mies o f the citrus white fly. This In­ the upper left-hand pocket of a large congregation, at his side as early as the tenth century—it was alien dingen schlimm, unsere Frau Biir- counts even the fanoous presevation smoker himself was severely burned sect causes widespread damage to the has a telephone through which he regarded (and treated) as a variety of germeister, Robert Bonnermand’s Frau, of the dead body which was one of while trying to save her from the con­ citrus fruit Industry of the country- A man who had to be “sliced” a sec­ The trip resulted in the discovery In makes pastoral calls and In front* of smallpox, and when that'fallacy was der auch mit ist, als Rittmeister bei der the famous secrets of the Egyptians sequences o f his carelessness, says the ond time because a sponge was left him a typewriter on which be does his discovered, It was generally confound­ Proviatkolonne, hat einen Bruder als lost to posterity. Baltimore American. In these days several places of insects which are de­ behind has sned for 369,000. The vau­ V sermons. We have been associating ed with scarlet fever. No race of the Btabsapotheker vor Ivangorod, der when fire prevention and the minimi­ structive to the white fly, but further deville stage suggestion of hooks and (hese contrivances with youth, but earth Is Immune from measles. Bchrieb dass dort die Wege grundlos zation of its losses are such important investigation will be necessary before eyes recurs. A Philadelphia suggestion that the the ancients have taken hold and are seien, die Bagage ware stecken geblieben, issues, the throwing away of lighted their practical worth In destroying the navy department further amend that showing us that life after sixty is not Treasury agents, though limited to infolgedessen batten sie nichts zu essen, m atches and ends ought- to be as im orange and lemon enemy is demon­ A Chicago university professor substitution of right and left for star­ a matter of folded hands and easy an expenditure o f 36.50 a day for board wie Kartoffeln, in den armen Ddrfern sei possible to a man of common sense as strated. proves that the mother-in-law joke Is board and port by making It "haw" chairs. It is delightful to welcome the and lodging in Chicago and New York, nichts zu haben und dann kalte Quartiere deliberately grasping a live wire, foi £,000 years old. But as a joke the Chi­ and "gee” would make it even more A man’s ashes was part of the busi­ change. To have the middle-aged and will not strave. One can get a filling in halbverfallenen Hiitten und Scheunen the tragedies which this particular cago university professor can’t claim familiar to naval “rookies” from the ness accepted for transportation by the old enjoy themselves Is to lift the order of beef stew for 15 cents and a auf halbverfaultem Stroh, kommt der form of carelessness has caused are ol any such distinction. agricultural belt. Uncle Sam’s parcel post. The rate whole human race. To extend the age big plate of succulent wheat cakes for Winter, was soil das noch geben? Gut such magnitude and number as to Im­ was only 14 cents, with 10 cents add­ of eflSclency Is to add immeasurably 10 cents more. dass die Tiirken jezt auch angefangen press them selves by this time on the A8X any exhibitor who makes the Beat Among eventualities suggested by ed for assurance of delivery. ‘Taint to the world’s produciion. Lantern Slides. haben, dann der Aufstand in Siidafrika most thoughtless. TEE AEBIVSB— the wedding of the St. Paul girl who much, but it Is proof that a man is The wealth of New York state now und in Indien gart es, ebenso in Aegyp- wrote her own marriage vows, the really worth 24 cents even after his A Cleveland man who makes a prac­ exceeds, according to the real and H. D. SMITH ten. Grey hat sich eine nette Suppe ein- Now an educator offers the theory 3406 16TH STREET, SEETEB, OOEO. one best bet is that there will be ar­ demise. * tice of choosing his words with care, I>ersonal valuations, 311,000,000,000. gebrockt, wenn er noch mal anfangen that the er^ceptionally bright pupil Is Fhons 0«L 733 gument as to who shall determine the a practice which he has endeavored The official valuations do not exceed just as abnormal as the dull-witted and Bollte, ich glaubte er thate es nicht! Jetzt nomenclature of offspring. DON’T LIKE THIS “LIKE." to instill Into the family circle, made one-half of real values. To be exacL that it is as much a mistake to hustle Lantern Slides for all Purposes Bind hier auch alle Englander vom 17 bis The very numerous offenses against a memorandum of the misused words the official wealth of the state In 1912 65. Lebensjahr gefangen genommen und the normal to keep up with the ab­ Despite the fact that the government grammar and style committed by uttered by his son and daughter dur­ was 311.131,600,121. ins Lager Ruhleben bei Berlin gebracht, normally gifted as to expect the de has issued 12,000,000 cook books, the many writers of current fiction In ing a recent breakfast. Here Is the eine Vergeltungsmassregel gegen Eng­ Sclent to pace with the normal. In dyspepsia cures continue to flourish In England and the United States may result: EleganL 19 times; awful, 11 A settlement in Florida was found Murphy's Root Beer plain words, there is too great a ten­ land, weil dort alle wehrfahigen Deut- this land of the free and the home of fairly be divided Into two general times; dandy, 6 times; fierce, 4 times; to be so healthy that the local cem- dency to teach children in mass and 1634 and 1726 Curtis St Bchen, sogar naturalisirte Englander und factory made pie. classes: mistakes due to. carelessness great, 2 times. When the meal was etary was lately sold, as no use was not according to Individual needs. Bolcbe die englische Frauen haben, ge­ and slovenliness, and mistakes due over the head of the household called found for It. This settlement must Phone Main 6390. Denver, Colo. fangen genommen sind. Was hort Ihr in Our idea of a bold man Is one to Ignorance and stupidity. One of the family around him in the library have found the real site of the Ponce JAMES SWEENEY. The cost of the nickel Is an index ot den Zeitungen? Sind sie noch england- who doesn’t hesitate to turn the pages the most striking examples of the and gravely read the totals to them. de Leon fountain of youth. the government’s profit on the coinage freundlicht Ich deuKe mir, Amerika of his newspaper while the man sitting latter, the inexcusably stupid kind. Is "Gee, that’s fierce!" said the son. of minor coins. Out of one pound of a The Frank M. HaU Iftsst sich das auf die Dauer nicht gefal- next him Is reading It found In the radical misuse of the “Isn’t it awful!” said the daughter. Walking the floor with the baby Compound of nickel and copper, cost len, dass die ganze Nordsee gesperrt ist, word "like.” There are at least two when It howls at night unsettles the Ing about 23 cents, the government Dmg Co. jedes neutrale Schiff soil einen engl. Ha- France might get even for that In­ varieties of radical misuse of that lit­ An Insurance company that has mind, says, .a specialist. Any old per­ -coins 34.55 worth of 5 cent pieces. The cos. LARIMER & 27TH «T8. fen aniaufen und wird dort wahrschein- vasion by the Zeppelin dirigible by tle word, one of the varieties being taken a census of the tall buildings of son can also add that It unsettles the seigniorage on subsidiary silver coins Denver, Colo. lich gekapert. England thut Uberhaupt throwing a few tin cans and old shoes the substitution of “like” for "as if’ In New York discovers that there are temper as velL during the year was 34,568,000, while was es will, kehrt sich an kein Volker- over the German border. such phrases as “be spoke like he more 13-story buildings than of any on pennies and nlckles was 31.849-000. recht und dann will es uns vorwerfen, knew.” That Is certainly bad enough, other height. It shows 1,156 buildings Hours, 9— 12 a. m. 1—■ p. m dass wir Belgien’s Neutralitftt verletzt It Is predlctea tnat women will some but the other variety la worse. It sins over ten stories high, of which 389 are People were scandalized towards the day sweep the streets of New York. not only against the law of language 13 stories, while those of.12 stories are DR. J. J. MEEHAN hfttten und aus diesem Grunde erkla.rt es close of the old regime In France be­ Long skirts again? but also against the law of common 191, and so on down or up. The pub­ uns den Krieg. England hat Belgien ins cause the flying carriages of the no­ sense. When a writer writes, “She lic is le?t to speculate whether this Ungliick gebracht, as war doch vorher bles crushed a man almost every day Dentist A Harvard professor says pigeons had a throat like a Venus,” he com­ is because builders of skyscrapers Bchon abgekartete Sache, dass Belgien In the streets cf Paris. Yet we ac­ can fall In love. Sure, they belong to wish to show their scorn of the 13 SUITE 501, MACK BLK. PH. M. I3« Frankreich den Durehinarsch gestattete, mits the absurd stupidity of compar­ cept the dally slaughter occasioned by 16th an i CAUFOKNIA. ri 3 dove family. ing one part of the body to the whole. superstition or that their money gen­ flberhaupt mit dem Dreibund hielt. Wir reckless automobile drivers with Were linguistic misdemeanors of this erally gives out when they get up to Bind aus Not in Belgien einmarschirt, scarcely a murmur. News of university debating teams the thirteenth story. FRED F. FISHER Bonst hatten wir die Franzosen bald im particular class not found over and bos the relative thrill of a skat tourna­ Land. Hatte Belgien die Entschadigungs-. over again in many novels there would ment result. This country Imported 342,500,000 be no call for a protest. But they are The three thousand girl stenogra­ Catholic Goods Bumme angenommen und uns ^ ruhig worth of precious stones last year and Dpp. St. Elizabeth’s. so frequent that they cause one to fear phers in . wllo protested durchmarschiren lassen, dann hatte K6- imposed on its womankind the task Prayer Books, Rosaries, , Bt> for the future of real, clean-cut. admir­ against being exhibited In moving nig Albert heute noch sein Land. Aber of carrying that burden on social oc­ P b o a s M ain BSS4. Afliong the inscrutable Incongruities pictures as gum-chewers will awake alle Feinde hatten wohl gedacht, dass casions. Thus does the tyrant man able English. 1055 ELEVENTH STREET, of some of the new Ideas is the set­ responsive sympathy. No self-re­ Deutschland unterliegen miisste wenn es ting up of “the sacred cubist triangle” keep up the ancient injustice of mak­ From London comes the sad news specting, self-supporting young wom­ Bich nach alien Seiten hin schlagen muss- as the symbol of the new cult. A tri­ ing the women bear the burdena that Mrs. Fell, a niece of Lord Mac­ an wants to be held up to public te. Unsere Flotte ist prachtvoll! Jetzt angle as the symbol of the art which aulay, the historian, has died In a ridicule as the victim of such a habit, ist der englische Hafen Yarmouth be- is founded on the cube reminds us of As to the theory that the housefly Is Myrtle Market workhouse hospital at Manchester, and the fact that the remonstrance Is Bchossen von einigen Kreuzern, und dann the famous white blackbirds. the germ distributor for infantile paral­ aged eighty-five. Mrs. Fell, who was coming three thousand strong ought PHONE 4171. dei Kreuzer Emden, wie viel Schiffe hat ysis, has not that pestiferous insect the widow of a clergyman, received an to count. Oee, sttli Avs. A Franklts M. der schon in den Grund gebohrt! In Eng­ "Hydrocyanic” acid gas as an agent been already accused of enough? No During the forty years’ experience en­ allowance from relatives, but when joyed by this house, our product has land haben sie jetzt Angst, wir k&men for ridding the house of unpleasant in­ one will object to his extermination If she became 111 and two nurses were The man who gave the first contri­ I BUY YOUR FUEL AND FEED OF been recognized as a standard of excel­ ins Land und das thun unsere Truppen sects is undoubtedly an effective agent. science will kindly Indicate what will lence both In public and private memo­ necessary to attend her she was taken bution of a cent toward the old-age rials. Bicher, wie? weis man noch nicht, erst But it has an inconvenient tendency wipe him out. The American Fuel and to the hospital. Why It should have pension fund evidently was an advo­ We Invite your inspection miissen sie Calais haben. Man ist jetzt to wipe out the human being who ad­ F e e d C o . and solicit yoor patronags. been necessary to take her to the hos­ cate of the antl-Oslerlan theory that Tvieder stolz darauf ein Deutscher zu ministers it, which is frequently incon­ It is said that the secret of Egyp­ J. C. STORTZ, Prop. pital of a workhouse does not appear, people who get old in these days of The Denver Marble and Granite Co. Bein, das deutsche Yolk hat sich in den venient. tian embalming may bn rediscovered. COAL, WOOD, HAY AND GRAIN and the explanation In the conclusion continual youth won’t deserve to be Bnt If the object Is to produce mum­ 1224 Lawrence St. Tagen der Not bewahrt und ist einig und of the dispatch seems to cancel the im­ helped. Phone Main 2483 4201 Josephine st DENVER, COLO. The two or three papers In the mies, there are plenty of the latter stark, wie nie zuvor. Wie erhebend muss plication of the opening sentence that United States that use the “thru” species extant who are yet mercifully das filr unsern Kaiser gewesen sein, als the niece of Macaulay died a pauper. alle Ihm freudig foigten. Der Kaiser ist spelling will cheerfully adopt such unconscious of the fact. beautiful words, we conjecture,- as immer bei den Truppen, mal in Frank­ And now the town of Essen, Ger ”laf,” "cof," “nat,” “nee.” “pranst," The mad, mad progress of New York reich, dann in Kiel, dann in Russland, many, has been robbed by a swindler and “nlcnac.” simply makes one giddy. It now man wird aber uie gewahr who er eigent^ who, representing himself to be an seems more than probable that the lich steckt, die ganzen Truppenbewegun- auditor and pretending to discover f - The barber who was given a thrash­ horse cars will be abandoned there a U'^ gen und alles, was drum und dran hftngt, several thousands ot a surplus, car­ tr-' ing by an actor in Los Angeles Is prob­ few years ^ence. W e W ant Boys Wird ganz geheim gehalten, kein Mensch ried It off to the minister of finance at ably one of the kind that cuts you one wusste im Anfang, was wir fiir Fiihrer Berlin, who, needless to say, never re­ day and asks you whether you shave An editor in the south issued a spe­ hatten, ob sie so tdehtig wie des Kaisers ceived it. City government in Ger­ yourself the next. cial edition of his paper In which were Palladine 1870—1871. Wie haben sie sich many may be on a model basis, but published all the original poetry which entpuppt, besonders Hindenburg, der die there Is at least one point on which More than one person will welcome had been accumulating for years. This IRussen in die masurischen Seen trieb und any American village could give it ad­ the invention of an Ohio man, which procedure may have been kind to the dann noch 90,000 Gefangene machte, ist vice. is nothing more or less than a pneu­ poets, but It was certainly hard on the unser Held und sthr vnlkstdmlich ge- Id every large Denver parish except the Catbe- matic device for turning the sheets of public. ' .worden. W o die Russen gehaust haben A woman In St. Louis secured pres­ music. In Ostpreussen ist das Elend gross und ents of jewels, money and other things An old lady recently died In Denver lea wird viel dafiir gethan und gesam- from 500 men, ranging from twenty- A Chicago pickpocket remarked that claiming to be over one hundred years diai-Dow"already cared lot in this line-boys melt.. Ueberhaupt werden an den Opfer- one to seventy-five years, eager to mar­ the new trouserlike pockets- in the of age. She never married and ex­ Binn ddr ^Deutschen hohe Anforderungen ry the beautiful brunette she described new woman’s skirt will make pick­ pressed herself as pleased that she geetellt, aber man gibt geme. herself In her advertisement. When ing easier than "taking candy from had not Just think how many more captured she was found to be snub­ can make $1 a week selling The Register alter Im 7. Armeekorps mussten sich bis a baby.” years she might have lived had she nosed and sallow. Yet men smile at jetzt nur die Spezialwaflfen des Land- been happily married. the easy way In which women allow Bturms beim Bezirkskommando melden, The eleven year old Chicago youth themselves to be duped by gay deceiv­ w b eru fen sind sie noch nicht, es ist who flashed a revolver on the street Speaking of fads. It fas a regular the Sunday masses. Add this big item to the ers after their cash. wohl wegen der grossen Industrie, die in should be given the leading role in a thing for a lot of young women, every Idiesem Bezirk herrscht. Mann kann gar spanking drama. < rime the wind blows hard from the A remarkable cure of lockjaw in Its Ukhts anderes sprechen und denken wie northwest, to wear goose flesh on their worst form and almost in the last income (rom yom other papers. Come to 1828 den K ri^ , in wievielen Fhmilien hat er AU the horrors o f the war In Tur­ otherw ise bare neuKs. stages has been made in Brooklyn. Bchon schweres Leid gebracht! Auch hier key have not been told. The king of One by one modern science is attack­ ist schon viel Trauer. Wenn dies morden Montenegro has been reading some Another little rule of the eternal ing the most dreaded scourges of the idoch mal endlich au^Orte. of his original poems to the wounded. fitness is that a man should have Cmtis St. ::: W ell prove it irom our books. larger feet than his wife. human system, and the result of the fight is reasonable hope which further A New York State rurallst, ‘aged ‘ ReadAvoau thedc ads.^ BargainsuargttUlB are Ol-of- . . . ------^ - O — Grizzly hear are becoming extinct experiment will doubtless develop Jered every week through The advises earing pie three Into certainty. These are the real [Register, ' times a day. But It depends on the in California. Danced to death, prob­ * ' I pie. . y ably. and vital victories of the world. ’ ^ V

/ ‘

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. DBNVEB CATHOLIC REGISTER \ m m ^Chilkhed wim tirotae 'Sfiff gdllT tESr masses at 8 and 10 o’clock; weekday "And now,” said Shirley, TefB set dfdwsy 5 0 " lo n ^ r , for many vehicles said the doctor. *TheyVe strangers ties, setting In relief her ivory mass at 8. Sfinday evening serricas out the ramblers.” V were hitched at the curb, or moved here.” at 7:30 o’clock. statuesque face, drew a wave of whis­ The major had brought a rough plan, leisurely along the leafy street; big, The major peered. "Oh,” he said, pered comment which left a eibilant ST. JAMES’-*-Thirtccnth and Newporz sketched from memory, of the old ar­ canvas-topped country wagons drawn over his shoulder, ‘T forgot to tell you. wake behind him. The party made sts., Montclair. Rev. James M. Walsh, rangement of the formal garden. ‘Til by shaggy-hoofed horses and set with ‘That’s Silas Fargo, the railroad presi­ pastor. Sunday mkss at 9 a. m.; a picturesque group as they now dis­ just go over the lines of the beds with chairs that bumped and jostled their dent from New York, and his daugh­ benediction at 7:46 p. m .; Communion posed themselves, Katharine’s colors Unc’ Jeffe'rBon,” he proposed, “while haliday loads from outlying tobacco ter Katharine. His private car's mass first and third Sundays at 7:30. less idveliness contrasting with the you two potter over these roses.” So plantation and stud-farm; sober, black- down on the siding. They’re at the HOLY FAMILY—^Utica and West 44th eager sparkle of pretty Nancy Chal­ m iA N B «fW (ilM Valiant and Shirley walked back up cbvered buggies, long narrow, spring­ judge’s—he’s chief counsel for the ave.; Rev. L. Fede, S. J., pastor. Sun­ mers and the gipsy-like beauty of ( n B S . less buckboards, frlvoloua side-bar run­ road In this state. TheyTl be at the day masses at 8 and 10 a. m .; bene­ the slope beneath the pergola to­ abouts and antique shays resurrected tournament, I reckon. You’ll be there, Betty Page. diction after late mass; week-day mass ^flALLKtmiM KIVrS POST ium ecixr) gether. from the primeval depths of cob- won’t you?” • "You call It a tournament, don’t at 7 o’clock. With Ranston, puffing and blowing you?” asked Katharine of the judge. webbed stables, relics of^ tarnished The doctor was putting some phials MT. CARMEL (Italian)—Navajo and like a black porpoise over his creak­ ’Tee,” he replied. ‘TVs a kind of a U r^ T K A T ID ^ LAUREN STOUT grandeur and faded fortune. and Instruments Into a worn leather West 36th ave.; Rev. J. Piecoli. O. 8. M., ing go-cart, they planted the ramblers contest in which twelve riders com­ pastor. Sunday masses, 6, 7:30, 9 and w ^ / c ^ f/i ^ BOBRi-mMux ea "The last' twenty years,” continued At midday vehicles resolved them­ bag. “No,” he said, shortly. “I’m go­ —crimson and pink and white—Va­ pete for the privilege of naming a 10:30; benediction after the last mass, SYNOPSIS. the other, “from my present view­ selves into luncheon-booths—hampers ing to take a ten-mije drive—to add liant much of the time on his knees, stowed away beneath the seats, dis­ Queen of Beauty. There’s a ball to­ and on third Sunday procession in hon­ point, are valuable mainly for con­ to this county's population, I expect his hands plunging deep into the black night, at which the lucky lady is or of , and bene­ CHAPTER I—John Valiant, a rich #o- closing all manner of picnic edibles— But I’m coming to the dance. Prom­ trast.” spongy earth, and Shirley with broad crowned. Jhose little tents are where diction at 3 p. m. Week-day masses oiety favorite, suddenly discovers that the the court-house yard was an array of ised Valiant I would, in a moment of Valiant corporation, which his father “As a consistent regimen of pate hat flung on the grass, her fingers the noble knights don their shining at 7' and 8. grass-spread table-cloths, and an air temporary aberration. Hounded and which w a s the principal de foie gras,” said Shirley.,quizzically, separating the clinging thread-like ST. MARY MAGDALEI7E—West 26th source of his wealth, has faileA of plenty reigned. armor. See, there go their caparl- “makes one value bread and butter?” roots and her small arched foot tamp­ eoned chargers.” and Depew, Edge water; Rev. J. M. De C H A P T E R n —He voluntarily turns He shook his head at her. “As star­ Within Mrs. Merryweather Mason’s CHAPTER XXII. Saulniers, pastor. Sunday masses at ing down the soil about them. Her A file of negroes was approaching over his private fortune to the receiver vation makes one appreciate plenty. brown house hospitality sat enthroned 7:30 and 9:30 a. m.; week-day mass at


When in Need of Glasses Jesuits Keep People Informed of Annunciation Forty M r. and Mrs. Charles Reilly Fifty, Avail yourself 'of our superior service. Save your eyes, your time, and H our Speakers from your patience. We can and will Klve you the kind that will please and Chances to Gain Indulgences Years Married; Mass Marks Event delight you. Glasses that will remove all strain from the nerves and muscles of the eyes and give you comfort and satisfaction. Give us a trial. Other City Parishes The Jesuit Fathers in the Sacred “Mary, Mother of God, is the safe­ Mr. and Mrs. C. J., Reilly celebrated Gogerty of Berkeley,,Cal., C. J. Reilly, Heart parish set an excellent example to guard wherewith we seal up and secure The Forty Hours’ devotion opens at the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding Jr., of Denver, and their only grandchild. priests everywhere in keeping their con­ TbeSwigertBros-OpticaiCo the doctrine, of the divinity of Christ Annunciation church, Humboldt and^ Sunday, November 29. Rev. Father Pius, Miss Evelyn Gogerty, received holy gregation informed about indulgences from all evasion, the teat whereby we Whose Bepntstlon and Edolpmeat Olve 0 ^ Thirty-sixth, next Tuesday morning, the O.F.M., celebrated the'.jubilee mass at 7 communion. After mass the happy ju- that they can gain on the various feast detect all pretences of bad spirits of er- O’clock, during which the jubilarians, at­ Ton the Blghost Grade o f Sorylae. JMTOtad Bxolustrely to Feast of the Immaculate Conception, bilarians approached the altar to renew the nttliiT and Kannfao- days throughout the year. 'There are rpr. It declares He is God, implies that with a solemn high mass. Evening ser­ tended by their children, Mrs. D. V. tlieir vows, and to receive the blessing tnriag of Glamos. many times whep the faithful can gain K 1550 California St. Denver He is man. Through Mary Christ is, vices will be held on Tuesday at 7:30, of the Church. ' plenary indulgences under the usual con­ literally, Emmanuel; God with us. Son when the Rev. Louis Hagus will preach; Returns Thanks for Cure. Mr. and Mrs. Reilly were married in ditions, such as before the feast of the and mother go together. Religions which on Wednesday, when the Rev. J. Fred­ Editor, Catholic Register: Chicago. Her maiden name was Caro­ Immaculate Conception in a norona. All have ceased to confess the Son began by erick McDonough, rector of the Blessed We wish to give thanks for the com­ line Stacy, and at the time of the wed­ the parishes served by religious orders W e Offer for Sale 6 ^ 0 First M ortgage Real scoffing at the Mother. Sacrament parish. Park Hill, will pi;each, plete recovery of a lady who was ser­ ding she was 20 years old and Mr. Reilly have an unusual number of opportuni­ “Mary was personally endowed to fill and on Thursday, when the Rev. C. M. iously afflicted, and for whom the doc­ was 22. A reception in honor of the an­ Estate Loans; also High-Grade Income ;; ties to gain indulgences. On a number her office well. Her purity, her sinless­ McDonnell, S.J., of the Sacred Heart par­ tors advised an operation as the only niversary was held at the family home of feasts persons who receive communion relief. Constant prayers to St. Befris- ness, is a higher gift than her relation­ ish, will preach. High mass will be cel­ on Monday. Many guests greeted the Bonds Netting from 5 ^ o t o 6 ^ 0 . in the orders’ churches and chapels and imo. and the Sac­ ship to God. She who was to be the ih- ebrated on Wednesday and Thursday twain. pray for the pope’s intention can get red Heart not^ only averted an operation, stru^^nt of God’s bodily presence would mornings. ^ plenary remission of the temporary pun­ but the lady is now strong and well. first hh a miracle of His grace, and As a plenary indulgence can be gained ishment due on sin after that sin has (Publication promised.) grace in the fullest measure, from the by confession and communion and Shorthand In $ to 12 Weeks been forgiven, according to the ancient The Hibernia Bank and Trust Company first moment of her existence. She prayers for the papal intentions during A SUBSCRIBER. guaranteed; marvelous quick, easy sys­ doctrines of the Church. Not only do tem, simple as A B C, rapid as speech, would begin where the others end in a visit to the church in the time of ex­ The time has come when the coal man readable as longhand; qualifies for SlOO the Jesuits announce indulgences from government position in 3 to 4 months. ;: 15th^& Champa Sts. Denver, Colo. knowledge and in love. She is immacu­ position, it is anticipated that all the thinks he ought to cut some ice, as it the altar, hut they often make a prac­ SNELL BUSINESS COLLEGE, late in her conception. God, because He members of tfie parish will avail them­ were. tice of telling penitents iu confession Eittredge Bldg. was God, could not safely visit us ex­ selves of the opportunity. when they can gain these spiritual so­ cept with a shrouded fia n ce and a be­ laces. It naturally stands to reason that dimmed majesty, so He sent Mary, a MEAGHER-DALY WEDDING the souls in purgatory must he warm Your Credit creature, with a creature’s loveliness and PERFORMED AT ST. LEO’S friends of tlie Sacred Heart parishioners. M. A. BURKE, Undertaker comeliness. Her very face and form ' ‘ M a c " S e z I s G o o d ! On some occasions, the Jesuits distrib A very pretty wedding was solemn­ would speak to us of the eternal, with a No red tape— no impertinent or embar­ 410 Fifteenth St. Phone Main 5219 iite leaflets announcing indulgences. Re ized last Thursday morning at St. Leo’s beapty not dangerous to look upon, but rassing questions— no;_jtuss— no delay. I cently the members of the parish were church when Mr. Peter Meagher and trust ALL honest people for as much as like a morning star, bright and biusical, given leaflets telling about the spiritual Miss Mary Daly were united in matri­ they need. Everyone of my thousands breathing purity, telling of heaven, in­ advantages to be gained in a novena to mony. Rev. William O’Ryan officiated. of customers becomes my personal friend. fusing peace, the harbinger of day, the MENEELY&CO. D. HARTFORD, H . J. BROWN, Mary in honor of the Immaculate Con­ The bride was charming in a bea'utiful Denver’s Credit Store So Different Ellsworth 2921. Y o r k 8124. hope of the pilgrim.—Cardinal Newman. Watervliet (WestTroy), N. Y. ception. A number of persons are now gown of white silk net and renaissance McClanahan’s Chimes, Peals, Church, School and The making this novena at the church. An “Beautifully and well does the poet lace over satin. She wore a white vel­ 1520 Welton St. other Bells. Uoequaled musical qualit;. indulgence of three hundred days every write of her as the vet hat trimmed with white ostrich S8 dxp»rl«De« HlflMM Oree* CMiuiee B«ll M*«al Brown-Hartford- day of the novena and a plenary indul­ “Mother, whose virgin bosom was un­ plumes, and carried a shower bouquet of gence on the day of communion are crossed white roses and lilies of the valley. The DENNIS J. SULLIVAN granted. With the least shade of thought to sin bride was attended by her sister, Miss Flowers for All Occasions P. J. CU N N IN G H AM allied; Funeral Designs Bruner Co. The leaflet, in addition to prayers and Bernadetta Daly, who wore a gown of Woman above all women glorified. / on short notice Practical Florist General Contractor a picture of Our Lady of Lourdes, con­ Our tainted nature’s solitary boast. pale blue Georgette chiffon. She woije I enjoy the confidence of my patrons; if not convenient to call phone in your a white hat trimmed 'with pale blue Carpenter and Builder tains the following: —Wordsworth.” wants. They will be personally attended to. Personal Attention Given to New and Undertakers ostrich plumes. Slie carried pink chrys­ Repair Work. OFFICE AHD CHAFED, anthemums. Tlie bride’s brother, Mr. Sullivan’s Bird Store Bosldonoo, 1335 South Josophina St. Phono South 1969. SeuTor, Oolo. 1455-1457 Glenarm Place Matthew Daly, was best man. During Phone Main 2488 534 Fifteenth St. FKCNE X. 7779. Candidate Lauds Catholics, Raps H ours: 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Phone Mala I4SI the services, Mr. Peter Menzies sang “Ave Maria” and “0 Salutaris.” . Dr. J. J. O’Neil Bigot Club That Recommends Him The bride is a member of the Alpha Obituary Beta sorority. She is a graduate of West Pipe Specials This Week [ I Denver high school, and of the Colo­ DENTIST Fost paid on all order*. $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 French Briar f 1 00 Booms 10 and tl, Bavada BnUdlag. rado State Normal. She also attended $1.00 Calabash ...... 50c Amber Stems, in cases ...... $ 1 .0 0 Editor, Denver Catholic Register: diated their endorsement. Justice Sea- SNYDER—Eugene M. Snyder, son of Denver university for one year. $2.00 Calabash with 17th and OaUfomla Sts. $1.00 $3A0 Merschaum, Amber or .$1.98 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of 1368 One of the successful candidates for bury was one. He publicly announced: The bridegroom is a member of the Merschaum Bowl...... Bakelite Stem, in cases. an important state office at the recent “I seek the support of citizens on my $1.00 French Briar, Bakelite $3.00 Calabash with Unbreak- QQ Santa Fe drive, died at his home on No­ Knights of Columbus, fourth degree. He S te m ...... 69c able B o w l. A. G. DOUDS vember 27. The funeral was held from election was endorsed by the dark lant­ record as a judge; I have nothing but is a prominent business man of Kansas. Horan’s funeral chapel on Sunday after­ ern brigade. He expressed regret to the contempt for the so-called ‘Sons of Lib­ The bridal bouquet was caught by 813 17TH ST. Loritz Bros. 931 15TH ST. writer that he should he “favored” with erty,’ who seek to raise so despicable an TAILOR noon, with services in St. Leo’s church Miss Clara Stein. Boy Him That Pipe NOW! at 1 o’clock. Interment at Mount Olivet the unwelcome attentions of these bigots, issue as religious prejudices. I repudi­ The taxicab rec^ptioii which the 617 SETEimiSHTH ST., Bsnvsr. cemetery. and commented on the tolerance and gen­ ate any assistance offered on such Phone Maine 1347. friends of the young people made them grounds.” SEAS0^’S STYLES NOW READY. ZIMMERMAN—The funeral of John erosity of his fellow citizens of the Cath­ hold at the church was very unique. Phone Main 3786 pjj.^ JnSUrailCe Uie Fire Department Oscar Zimmerman u f 2348 Seventh street olic faith, large numbers of whom voted They also endorsed Oscar Strauss, a Mr. and Mrs. Meagher left Thursday was held on Sunday, with services in for him, despite the fact that he had Jew, and he did not hesitate to record morning for Colorado Springs, w'here The A. W. Clark Drug Co. St. Elizabeth’s church at 2 o’clock. In­ been “recommended” by the men in his disavowal of such’ assistance. He they wilL spend a few days before going TWO STORES: terment in Mount Olivet cemetery. masks. He remarked, “I cannot under­ said: “I desire to protest against, as I to Kansas City. The Van Gilder Agency BUBETY BONDS Corner 8th Ave. and Jason St McCl e l l a n — Ellen McClellau, aged stand why these gentry should have deeply resent, such an un-American of­ 3rd Ave. and Elati St sixty-nine, died at 5 p. m., Sunday, placed my name on their sample ballot. fer. I would rather be defeated a hun­ MASSES SUNG AT LABOR MEET. November 29, at her residence, 903 Tenth I have nothing in common with them, dred times than be elected by such meth­ All Kinds of Insurance EVERYTHING IN DRUGS Hal D. Tan OUder street. She was a member of the Third and do not sympathize with their aims ods. I would have addressed this letter Right to Strike Upheld by Priest at Order of St. Francis and of St. Leo’s nor do I approve their methods.” to the so-called Guardians of Liberty, Federation Convention. 403-404 Central Savgs. Bank Bldg. Denver WM. E. RUSSELL, Altar and Rosary society. The funeral This Colorado candidate is not the who are, in fact, the enemies of liberty, Dealer la was held Wednesday with solemn re­ only victim that has been humiliated but, as they are apparently a secret or­ Memorial services in honor of those in this manner. In the New York elec­ ganization, I am unable to find their Coke, W ood quiem mass at St. Leo’s. who were prominent in the labor move­ HIGE-CI.AB8 MU iXONBBT CHAMBERLAIN—Mrs. Grace Cham­ tion two of the leading candidates repu­ address.” A CITIZEN. ment were held in Philadelphia under Smartest Style* and Fattmma & Charcoal Price* Beasonabl* berlain died at the home of her daugh­ the auspices of the officers of the Amer­ Mrs. Mary L Keegan Ollloe, 1BS3 W alton St. Boom 203 McClintock Building ter,^ Mrs. Mary Johnson, 2922 Champa. Fhonaa Wain 586 and 587. , ican Federation of Labor at the thirty- 16th and California Street*, Denrsz Tarda, 4th and Darlmsr Sta 'The funeral will he held Thursday morn­ fourth annual convention. Special serv­ ing from the Sacred Heart church, with Girls Go 96 M iles Decem ber 8th to Be ices for the dead were held in several interment at Mount Olivet. churches. to Communion; Are M arked by Program V A N ZAN D T A ' high mass was celebrated in the WRITE FOR CATALOGUE riackethal Geo. Hackethal. Beconunenda Cathedral by the Rev. Peter A. Dietz, OHB BIO ILDUSTBATED CATADOOXJBS OF THE MODERN PARLORS OF 11 H ours on Journey Witch Hazel Velvet Cream a t J e s u i t C o lle g e a fraternal delegate to the convention for the Skin HACKETHAL BROS. from Milwaukee, Wis. The Rev. Charles Pianos, Piano Players, Victrolas For sale at the Cathedral Drug The story told of the two little Col­ (Sacred Heart College.) B. Ruehl of St. Charles’ seminary, Over­ Etc., are yours for the asking. Also full details of our “EASY PAY PLAN”— a safe and dignified credit system. Forty years' success and • Store, Colfax and Logan. orado girls who drove twenty-seven The feast of the Immaculate Concep­ brook, preached the sermon and de­ reputation behind your dealings with us. Address miles to receive Communion is only one tion will he solemnly celebrated in the fended the right of labor to- organize THE KNIGHT-CAMPBELL MUSIC CO. example of the many self-sacrifices made college chapel next Tuesday. Candidates and to strike when necessary to obtain ■WEST’S LARGEST AND OLDEST MUSIC HOUSE Phones: Gallup 178, Gallup 183. by the faithful in the sparsely settled will be received into the sodality of the justice. “A strike need not be accom­ 1625-27-29-31 California St., Denver districts of the country. It recalls to us Blessed Virgin at solemn high mass. In panied by anything that savors of vio­ “Onr dealing* with your firm during the past 40 year* hay* alway* been aatlafactory.— Slater* of Doretto, Loretta Height*, Colo. J. B. Garvin & Co. a story told us by the good Father Do- the afternoon a banquet will be served lence,” he said. “ Many a just cause mann of Burlington, Kansas, says The in honor of the new members, during has been defeated because it has allied DRUGGISTS Kansas City Catholic Register. which speeches and poems written by itself with violence. Tlie more labor EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY 9401 W . 32d Ave. Denver, Colo. Several years ago one of his parish­ several students will be delivered. unions stand on the side of order and Particular Attention Given to Order Work ioners, Frank Haight, was offered the use Reports for the month of November justice the more will they have the good M rs. K. Cullen T&ke Lawrence St. PHONE Phone York 675. E. P. Schindler of a cottage in the woods of Minnesota. were read in the different classes on ivill, sympathy and the blessing of the Car to Colfax Ave. M .7272 1462 Lipan St W ith Mrs. Haight and their family and Monday. The following students were Church.” Elgin Creamery Undertakers also the two sisters of Mrs. Haight, the leaders of their respective classes: Sen­ MIUl Cream, Butter, Eggi, loe Cream. < NOTE — Cut out this advertisement, it 1 Personal Service Day or Night. Misses Maud and Wilhelmina Hoffmans, ior, John J. Sullivan; junior, Robert Private Ambulance. T h e Place of Bargains— Lavin Bros. Furniture Co. entitles holder to One Quart of Butter-, they arrived at their destination. As the King; sophomore, Robert Cuthbertson; m ilk free with the purchase of one PHONE MAIN 3658. You lose If you do not Inspect our stock first! pound of butter. j three girls were daily communicants freshman, Clarence O’Brien; first acad­ t F U B N IT C B B s t o v e s , BANOBS, BUGS, CABFBTS, TBVNZ8. 530 E. 17th Ave. Denver, Colo.: 1451 KALAMATH STREET they immediately inquired for the near» emic, Thomas Hayes; second academic. NEW AND SECONDHAND. SOME TADUABDE SECBETS BE- MARGARET MORAN Phone Champa 3674. 1439 TiABTMEB BTBEEZ est Catholic church. What was their Master Daugherty and Cecil Perry; third V EA IiED — How to home cure beef; how If Margaret Moran (a daughter of Highest prices paid for used furniture. I to keep lemons fresh for three months; surprise to find that the nearest church academic A, Donald J. Duffy and John how to keep flowers fresh for weeks; Lawrence and Margaret Moran, who . FREE MAP OF THE how to keep eggs and butter fresh for was forty-eight miles away. Not a hit Hagerty; third academic B, Clarence formerly lived in Nebraska) or her heirs six months; how to make hens lay all PANAMA-CALIFORNIA daunted, they started to make prepara- tVhitford; fourth academic, James Finn. will communicate with F. W. Barry, 404- Actual Typewriting at the Coat of Imitation. Telephone Main 8665. through the moulting and winter sea­ 8 Equitable building, they will learn son; the easiest way to keep setting ions to go and receive communion. In a well played game on the college . EXPOSITION hens, pigeons and poultry free from something to their advantage. DENVER MULTIGRAPHING COMPANY vermin; how to hatch three times as One-thirty Sunday morning found field last Sunday, the college soofcer Issue limited—Write for it today to many pullets than cockerels; how to team lost to the Gordons by the score 606 MINING EXCHANGE BUILDING rot any stump in five weeks so that It them tramping, with the dim light of BOSE E. KBEAMEB, Mgr. can be torn to pieces with a pick axe; a lantern, through the dense timberland of 2 to 0. The college team showed fine how to banish mosquitoes; all for 25 cents, which Is my complete charge for to the railway station, more than a mile form and skill in the game but owing STENOGRAPHIC WORK, ADDRESSING, ETC. Barbara Worth H o te l the above and other inside valuable In­ to a couple of fouls in the last few formation that will help you wonder­ away. As there was co station agent AT THE PLAZA fully. I do not sell preparations; satis­ in sight they flagged the oncoming train minutes of play, their opponents were faction guaranteed. Prof. W. C. Wood­ ward, Box 115, Clementon, New Jersey. and arrived at Bemjdiji, their destina­ able to score two goals. San Diego, CaliTornia Next Sunday the fast Denver team The Oldest and Most Reliable AreaU toi tion, at 4:15 o’clock. which has defeated the other soccer Ownership— W. W . Whitson Hotel Help la the W est At 11:15 o’clock that evening they SULLIVAN teams will meet the college aggregation Management • Hale and Female Help Sent Every­ started to make the return jourftey. on the college grounds. The game will Stetson Hats W. A. Lane and D. R. Lane where ’When R. R. Fare la They arrived in Hackensack at 1:45 in A Hotel for----- youi^-I ; Mother,------your Sister, A dvanced. be called at 2:30 p. m. HAS your Wlfe.Sind YOURSELF the morning and again tramped through i:- CANADIAN the dense woods to" their cottage. They A Room^Wlth a Bath for a Dollar in a solemn but colorful procession had gone a total distance of over ninety- Arrow Shirts Single Room, 50c to $1.00 where mass was said in celebration of EMPLOYMENT AGENCY six miles and had fasted for over twelve Double Room, $1.00 to $2.00. peace and Thanksgiving among the .ECaUi 4IW. 15M Larlmar. hours before receiving the Holy Euchar­ F U L L AUTO EQUIPMENT l.r ; Suite, Bath, $3.00 to $5.00. Americas. Denyaz, Oola. ist, Standard Shoes Ekitabllshed 18*0 ’Mr* J ’White. Pm a Tumulty Represent? Wilson. Wi President Wilson was represented at FOR FUNERALS FIRST TIME FOR PRESIDENT EVER the celebration by his setTetary, Tumul­ TO MISS THANKSGIVING DAY MASS New Books! New Books! ty. Cardinal Gibbons, the papal dele­ Fine Clothing gate and other Catholic chirgymen as­ At Prices Not H igher Than Horse-Drawn Vehicles Three New Books just arrived: “OddaflsV’ by Msgr. Benson; “F rodigali amd Sons,” by John Ayscough; “Monk’s Bridge,” by John Ayscough. A Washington, Nov. Zfl.—Members ot sisted at the mass, which Wiis ;-elebrated complete line of Catholic Books in stock. the cabinet, diplomatic corps, the su­ by Rev. Michael J. luordan. The Good Underwear The James Clarke Church Goods House preme court and other prominent figures Thanksgiving sermon was preached by Phone Champa 2199 1645-47 California St., Denver, Colo. in. official life gathered today at St. Pat­ the Rev. John Cavanaugh, president of A dollar’s -worth for rick’s church for the annual Pan-Ameri­ Notre Dame university. can Thanksgiving celebration. Twenty- a dollar all the year W e always give unexcelled service, handle • W. 0. HAESBH, Secretary < one American republics were represented round. Shipped by M. O’BEEFE, President i the best goods, and oar charges are very by officials, and their flags garbed the THIBD ORDER MEMBERS Tircel Post-Free to church. TO PRAY FOR DEAD FELLOW moderate, combined with easiest terms m '- any address in Colorado Beautiful Cut Glass President Wilson was in Williams- Makes a most acceptable Present for Birthday and Wedding. Its sparkle town. Mass., spending the day with his (St. Elizabeth’s Parish.) gives life and brlUlanoo and lends a finishing touch to the daughter, Mrs. F. B. Sayre, and it was The members of the Altar Society will ’ Dining Room. The kind with snap and style at receive holy ctanmunion in a body at the the first time since the Pan-American Credit cheerfully given on easkets. Cemetery ploti purchaied celebration was organized several years 8 o’clock ’mass next Sunday. and money advanced for railway tickets and transpor­ The M. O’ Keefe Jewelry Co. ago that the president of the United Members of the Third Order of St. Francis are requested to say the pre Cor. Larimer and 23d Sts. 'Whtoh Inspsotora for D . A B . O. Bailrosd States has not attended. tation expenses where needed, and all arrange­ 837 18th Etrsst , Phone Main 6440 The diplomatic representatives in bril­ scribed prayers for the repose of the THE 8TOBE OF QUdXITT soul of Ellen McClellan, who died No ments made for shipment of bodies. MABOABET O’XEEFE, Trsaanzez W. J. JCEBWXH, Vice Frssidsat liant uniforms -assembled with other vember 29. M »e dignitaries and marched into the church I a