Servants of Mary 1000 College Avenue West Ladysmith, 54848-2199 Fall 2009 715-532-3364

A Newsletter for Our Families and Friends Servite Lay Groups

“It is difficult to have an exact number of Secular Servites,” says Father Vidal Martinez, OSM, General Secretary for the Secular Order and Lay Groups, “because these commu- nities are actively growing and it’s hard to keep an accurate record.” He estimates that there are between 10,000 and 15,000 Secular Servites in nearly 300 communities inter- nationally. There are about 30 communities in the .

he Secular Servite vocation is a way of responding to the challenge of baptism to min- ister to God’s love in the world. Secular Servites St. Peregrine Secular Servite Community, Rice Lake live the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love, pray and read Scripture, and practice daily acts of rev- erence for the Mother of God. They meet as a community rom the origins of the in 1233, T several times a year for prayer, study, and ministry. there were women and men who wished to share the charism and spirituality of the Most communities of Secular Servites are affiliated with a order while remaining in their homes, group of Servite or Sisters and have a or Sister continuing their jobs, and tending to their family assistant. Two communities of Secular Servites are affiliated responsibilities. Over the years, various Servite lay with the Ladysmith Sisters, the St. Juliana Community in F Continued on page 3 groups arose to provide such people with mutual support in living out their Servite vo- cation. Today there are two lay groups associated with the Ladysmith Servants of Mary, Secular Servites (Order of Secular Servants of Mary) and Servite CoJourners.

Secular Servites Secular Servites, by far the older of the two groups, received official recognition from Martin V in 1424. Today they are the fastest growing and largest group of Servites in the world.

St. Juliana Secular Servite Community, Ladysmith President’s Lay Vocations Thriving Message

his issue of Servite Sisters Today throws a spot- of the Church” (“Decree on the Apostolate of light on the increasing number of lay Servite the ”). women and men with whom we share a com- mon charism, which is to be, like Mary, a The source of this radical equality of all is compassionate presence in people’s lives. baptism. “From their rebirth in Christ, there exists among all the Christian faithful a true equality regarding dignity ThereT is a rich variety of Servite lay groups in the world and action by which they all cooperate in the building up today. They include Servite CoJourners, Servite Associates, of the Body of Christ according to each one’s own condi- Servite Secular Institutes, Servite Youth Missionaries, tion and function” (Canon 208). Servite Diaconie (families), Friends of the Servants of Mary, Servite , etc. We Servite Sisters took to heart the new light that Vatican II shed on the vocation of the laity. Twenty years By far the largest and fastest growing group of lay Servites ago we adopted a directional statement that said: “By is the Order of Secular Servants of Mary (Secular Servites), 2010, the Servants of Mary will see themselves and their once known as the . Today there are an charism lived out in the ministry of the laity wherever estimated 10,000–15,000 Secular Servites worldwide. they have ministered, because of their discipleship and They outnumber all Servite friars, , and sisters com- empowerment.” bined by about three to one. When 2010 rolls around next year, I think we will be able Other religious orders are seeing a similar explosion in lay to say: “Mission accomplished!” Today we see our Servite vocations, at the same time as we are witnessing a resur- charism lived out in the lives of those with whom we have gence of new ecclesial lay societies, such as the Focolare ministered and whom we have served; in the schools, hos- movement, Communion and Liberation, the Community pitals, nursing homes, agencies, and offices that we of Sant’Egidio, and L’Arche. once staffed and that are now in the hands of competent, compassionate laypersons. And we see the Servite charism But we don’t have to look to this dramatic rise in lay groups lived out in a special way in the lives of lay Servites, those to know that laity in the church are no longer content Secular Servites and Servite CoJourners affiliated with merely to “pray, pay, and obey.” Today lay ministers play our community. an increasingly vital role in our parishes and communities. If there is a plus side to the decline in vocations to the I don’t mean to suggest that the laity have finally found priesthood and religious life, it’s that the gifts of the laity their full and proper voice and place in the church. Rather, are now more needed and appreciated than ever before. I think we are only beginning to understand the call of Vatican II to the laity. But we are finally on the right path, When I was a child growing up in the pre-Vatican II and that’s a reason to celebrate. world, laypersons were seen as third-class citizens in the church. Priests took first place, and religious broth- ers and sisters a distant second. A layman who became a priest was said to be “elevated” to the clerical state, and a defrocked priest was said to be “reduced” to the lay state.

Vatican II changed all that. No longer are laypersons re- Sister Theresa Sandok, OSM garded as lower in rank, dignity, and worth. Today they stand shoulder to shoulder with clergy and religious as “co-workers in the various forms and modes of the one

2 Servite Lay Groups Continued from page 1

Ladysmith and the St. Peregrine ment, in which they describe them- Community in Rice Lake, Wis. selves as “women and men living the Servite Sisters serve as assistants for Servite charism of compassionate these communities and for the Salve presence,” and commit themselves Regina Community in Kissimmee, to “live compassionate presence Fla., and the Sts. Alexis & Juliana in individual circumstances, op- Community, in Hillside, Ill. portunities and lifestyle,” “share through support, prayer, and gath- For information about becoming a erings,” “respond to social justice Secular Servite, contact Veronica St. concerns,” and “recognize Mary as a Louis, OSSM, at (715) 458-2822 or A gathering of Servite CoJourners model of compassion.” [email protected]. A group of Servite CoJourners in Servite CoJourners Shortly after this initial conversation, Wisconsin and Minnesota gathers a group that included Servite Sisters two or three times a year for prayer, The newest lay group affiliated with the and former members and their spouses discussion, food, and friendship. The Ladysmith Servites, and perhaps the began to meet on a regular basis to CoJourners also publish an annual newest in the entire Servite Order, is discuss possibilities for collabora- newsletter, “Common Threads.” Today the Servite CoJourners. The CoJourners tion. One of the first fruits of these the group that began with former trace their beginnings to a causal con- discussions was a Servite reunion in members and their spouses is open to versation about eight years ago at a Ladysmith in October 2004, followed anyone who shares the values of the jubilee celebration in Ladysmith, when by a repeat performance in the CoJourners’ mission statement. two former Servites, Mary Jo Loftus area in March 2005. and Carol Stewart, got into a discus- For information about becoming a sion with Sister Bonnie Alho about The newly emerging lay group con- Servite CoJourner, contact Mary Jo the value of some form of ongoing tinued to meet and, in 2006, took the Loftus at (763) 421-1110 or association. name Servite CoJourners. In 2008 the [email protected]. CoJourners adopted a mission state-

May Crowning

Sisters living at Addolorata Villa in Wheeling, Ill., gather for a photo op with Father Nicolas Husain, Director of Mission Integration and Pastoral Care, following the Villa’s first annual May Crowning Service. Front row from left, Sisters Mary Veronica Davison and Mary Eileen McGing. Middle row, Sisters Mary Roberta Prince, Mary Eugenia Tremblay, Mary Celestine Tremblay, and Helen Frances Doremus. Back row, Father Husain, Sisters Patricia Ann Ferguson, Mary Helen Conley, and Paula Jaworski.

3 Their Loss is Our Gain

ur Christmas 2008 appeal both lost weight, the one who lost the least letter, in which we told amount contributed the difference between about Sister Geraldine the weight losses. who knits mittens for the Social Concerns Committee of St. After establishing the ground rules for the Anthony de Padua Parish in Tony, bet, they decided that the winner of the pot O would be not one of them, but the Servite Wis., to distribute to needy children, sparked a unique response from two Sisters, and they dubbed the project the young women. “ Fund.”

Katie, Sister Theresa Sandok’s niece, Jenny, who is also a knitter, decided to send and her friend Jenny were both in her leftover yarn to Sister Geraldine for her Weight Watchers, struggling to reach mittens. She also collected yarn from her their goal. After seeing the Christmas knitter friends. After four months of grow- letter, they decided to enter into a wa- ing the “Nun Fund” and collecting yarn, ger as an incentive to lose weight. For Jenny and Katie sent the Sisters a check for every pound of weight gained in a given $114 nestled in a box of yarn. week, they added money to the pot. To Sister Geraldine with mittens she make the wager more interesting, if knitted for needy children

Servite Sisters Work to Stamp Out Human Trafficking

he Servite Sisters have adopted a corporate stance According to Sister Barbara Thomalla, who chairs the Sisters’ against trafficking of persons in all its forms, es- Committee Against Human Trafficking, “many people are pecially trafficking for purposes of sexual exploi- surprised to learn that human trafficking is happening in our tation and forced labor. In taking this stance, the own country.” “Traffickers prey on vulnerable persons,” she Sisters have pledged to work toward the elimination of this said. “With false promises of good jobs and security, traf- modernT form of human slavery by prayer, education, action, fickers transport victims into various types of human bond- and advocacy. age such as prostitution and forced labor in coffee and cocoa fields, restaurants, construction, and manufacturing.” The Trafficking Victims’ Protection Act of 2000 defines- hu man trafficking as “the recruitment, harboring, transporta- When it comes to human trafficking, the Servite Sisters put tion, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services their money where their mouth is. Six years ago the Sisters through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose awarded a $25,000 grant from their Mary Alphonse Bradley of subjecting that person to involuntary servitude, peonage, Fund to Capacitar International, a California-based orga- debt bondage, or slavery.” nization that assists trafficked women. The grant enabled Capacitar to expand its mission and staff by hiring Salvatorian Sister Sheila Novak. The Servite Sisters are also one of over 40 religious orders that provide financial support for the on- line newsletter “Stop Trafficking.”

The Servite Committee Against Human Trafficking is a -vol unteer group established in 2006 to help Sisters learn about human trafficking, keep them informed of pending legisla- tion, and suggest ways to get involved in stamping out traf- ficking. Serving on the Committee with Sister Barbara are Servite Sisters help fund the online newsletter Sisters Dolores Henke, Cecilia Fandel, Marguerite Samz, “Stop Trafficking” ( and Anita Swansen.

4 Three Sisters—180 Years of Service

hree Servite Sisters cele- of poetry and a historical novel, of Mary. She is a resident of Rusk brated jubilees of religious “Healing : St Peregrine, Servant County Memorial Nursing Home profession this year: Sister of Mary.” Sister lives at Addolorata in Ladysmith, where she enjoys the Mary Eugenia Tremblay Villa, Wheeling, Ill., with her sister, daily visits of her sister, Sister Mary (70 years), Sister Mary Bernice Sister Mary Celestine. John. VanderLoopT (60 years), and Sister Cecilia Fandel (50 years), for a com- Also an educator most of her religious Sister Cecilia earned a BS from bined total of 180 years of dedicated life, Sister Mary Bernice has a BA Mount Senario College and an service. from the College of St. Scholastica, MA in Community Organization Duluth, Minn., and an MA in and Organizational Development Sister Mary Eugenia was an educa- Education from the University of from Loyola University, Chicago. tor for most of her religious life. She Wisconsin-. She taught in She taught in elementary schools received a teaching certificate from elementary schools staffed by the staffed by the Servants of Mary in Minnesota and Wisconsin and was principal of School in Ladysmith, which she at- tended as a child. She served on the Jubilee! Servants of Mary leadership team and as vocation and formation direc- Rusk County Normal School, a BA Servants of Mary in New Jersey, tor. Since 1987 she has worked at from DePaul University, Chicago, and Minnesota, West Virginia, and Howard Area Community Center, an MA in English from Marquette Wisconsin, and served as principal Chicago, serving as community University, Milwaukee. She taught in Minnesota and West Virginia. organizer, outreach director, and kindergarten, elementary school, She was a professor of education and program developer. Today she is and high school English in schools chair of the education department at moderator of the seniors club, coor- staffed by the Servants of Mary. She Mount Senario College, and served dinator of community gardens, and was a professor of English at Mount as educational consultant and super- learning facilitator at Howard Area Senario College, Ladysmith, and intendent of schools for the Diocese Leadership Academy. She is also the University of Wisconsin-Stevens of Superior. From 1980 to 1986, director of religious education at St. Point. She is the author of two books she was president of the Servants Henry’s Parish, Chicago.

Sister Mary Eugenia Sister Mary Bernice Sister Cecilia 5 In Memoriam Sister Martha Kormendy (Mary Philomena) 1927-2009

Sister Martha Gezella Kormendy, 81, died June 2, 2009, at Rusk County Memorial Nursing Home in Ladysmith, Wis. She was born in Java, S.D., the youngest of 16 children. She entered the Servants of Mary in Ladysmith in 1944, after hearing about the community from a mis- sionary priest. Her first assignments were to household duties. She later taught in elementary schools staffed by the Servants of Mary in Wisconsin, Illinois, and New Jersey. She served on the religious education staff of the Diocese of Superior and as coordinator of religious education at parishes in Medford, New Richmond, Erin Prairie, and Bruce, Wis. In 1986 she moved to San Xavier Mission in Tucson, Ariz., to minister among the Papago Indians. While in Tucson, she joined a weeklong Witness for Peace delegation to Nicaragua. In 2003 she returned to Bruce, where she lived until she was diagnosed with cancer in March 2009. She moved to the nursing home in Ladysmith, where she spent her final days surrounded by Sisters, family, and friends.

Partners Into the Future

Many people decide to include charitable gifts in their estate planning. We would deeply appreciate being remembered in your will. Including us in your estate planning is a way of partnering with us into the future.

Other forms of planned giving include:

• Gift annuities, which provide you with a yearly guaranteed life income (partially tax- free) while reducing your estate taxes. • Gifts of appreciated stocks, mutual funds, or IRA plans, which allow you to avoid capital gains. African Sisters Immaculate Nabukalu (), Evelyn Ekesa • Gifts of life insurance, which you can make (Milwaukee), and Irimina Nungari (Kenya), all members of by changing existing policies or acquiring a the Little Sisters of St. , pictured here with new policy to benefit the Servants of Mary. Servite Sisters Theresa Sandok and Sandra DeGidio. Over the years the Servite Sisters have assisted the Little Sisters Our legal title and address is: of St. Francis with various educational and humanitarian projects. When Sisters Immaculate and Irimina visited the Servants of Mary United States last December, they presented Sisters Theresa 1000 College Avenue West and Sandra with beautiful beaded necklaces—and then Ladysmith, Wisconsin 54848–2199 enjoyed the Sisters’ reaction upon learning that they were Maasai wedding necklaces. 6 And The Award Goes To…

ister Cecilia Fandel was se- was presented by Francis love and faithfulness is a light for other lected to receive two pres- Cardinal George on May 12. Sister was people. In imitation of Mary, she strives tigious awards this spring, nominated for the award by St. Henry to be a compassionate presence in the the City of Chicago’s 2009 Neba Ambe, who credited her lives of those whom she is privileged to Luminary Senior Citizens Award and with single-handedly designing and serve…. [She] has touched so many and Sthe Archdiocese of Chicago’s 2009 launching the CCD program at the made a difference.” Catechetical Ministries Award. parish. Praising her organizational skills and personal attention to students, he Sister was recognized along with The Luminary Senior Citizens Award wrote: “She is a dynamic agent of unity other award recipients at the Diocesan is the highest award of the Chicago in the parish, always coming up with Council of Women’s annual Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Mayor ideas that call for the participation of convention in Hudson, Wis., on June Richard M. Daley presented Sister people from various ethnic groups.” St. 16. With the award came a monetary with the award on May 2. In nominat- Henry’s parishioners come from over 25 gift that Sister chose to give to the ing Sister for the award, Pamela Barnet, countries. Servite Sisters of Myanmar to help executive director of the Howard Area with reconstructing St. Mary’s Home Community Center where Sister has for Orphans, which was destroyed last ministered for over 20 years, wrote: year by Cyclone Nargis. “Sister Cecilia’s dedication to the Rogers Park community is truly inspir- he Wisconsin Directors ing. Her actions and words are a guiding of Religious Education light to neighborhood residents. Above Federation (WDREF) pre- all, she leads community members to sented Sister Casimira take action together and realize their Benbenek with the Faithful Servant own strength. I cannot think of any AwardT for her many years of ser- single individual who has had a greater vice to the organization. The award, impact on our community, and I truly which was specially created for Sister believe there is no one more deserving Sister Dominica receiving the Pax Casimira, was presented at a banquet of induction into the Chicago Senior Christi Award from Fr. Andrew Ricci on Nov. 13 in conjunction with the Citizens Hall of Fame.” 2008 WDREF annual convention in Sister Mary Dominica Effertz was Stevens Point, Wis. Joanie McKeown, Sister received the Archdiocesan honored as this year’s recipient of the who presented the award, said Sister Catechetical Ministries Award in St. Council of Catholic Casimira “has worked very quietly be- recognition of her outstanding contri- Women (CCW) Award. The hind the scenes for many, many years bution to catechetical ministry at St. award is given to an outstanding woman as a board member and on countless Henry Parish in Chicago. The award in the parish who uses her faith as an ex- committees,” and that members con- ample for all. Sister has ministered at St. tinue to seek her out for advice, which Francis de Sales Parish, Spooner, is “always full Wis., for 40 years, first as a teacher of wisdom.” in the parish school and now as a Sister’s friends member of the parish pastoral care managed to team and as music minister for the get her to the Saturday evening liturgy. banquet with- out spilling the In nominating Sister for the award, beans. She was Pamela Olson of the parish CCW also surprised wrote: “Our Pax Christi nominee is to see a number a Christian woman who has spent of family mem- her entire life giving to others. She bers, including is well educated, gentle, and kind. her 89-year-old Her outstanding personal qualities mother, who Sister Cecilia with Chicago and involvement in activities are an Sister Casimira with her came to share Mayor Richard Daley example for all of us. Her unfailing Faithful Servant Award her celebration. 7 Casey at the

hen Casey Berg, a stu- He discovered quite the opposite. He with a print of her photo, on the back of dent in the Doctor especially enjoyed mealtimes and the which he wrote a personal note describ- of Physical Therapy opportunity to get to know the sis- ing how she had personally touched his Program at the ters. He enjoyed their stories, their life. University of Mary in Bismark, N.D., individual quirks, and their sense of signed up for an eight-week internship humor. He also enjoyed playing cards The sisters have been providing room W and board for physical therapy interns at Rusk County Memorial Hospital in with them, even though, he said, “they Ladysmith, he knew he’d be needing never let me win.” for ten years, following an inquiry from a place to stay, but a convent was fur- the head of the PT department at the thest from his mind. So when it was “Overall, staying at the convent was a hospital. In that time they have housed suggested that Casey might stay at the wonderful experience,” said Casey. “I twenty young women and, for the first convent next door to the hospital, he felt as though I was part of their family time this year, two young men. was intrigued, to say the least. everyday, and what more can a person When he called to make arrangements, ask for? What I his phone call with one of the sisters learned from this lasted over 20 minutes. “I knew then experience was to that I was going to enjoy my living ar- be optimistic, open rangements,” he said. minded, and find what makes you Describing his arrival, Casey said: “As I genuinely happy walked into the convent, I was immedi- and content.” ately greeted by a few of the sisters, and within thirty minutes they had already As for the sisters, served me supper. Later that evening I they found Casey was shown the grounds and the beau- to be a personable Casey and the Motherhouse community tiful gardens. Once again, these were fellow and fun great signs that I was going to enjoy my to have around. stay.” They said he was efficient, talented (he The interns are invited to eat, pray, and plays both piano and organ), and an all recreate with the sisters. Most of them to his stay at the convent, Casey, around “neat kid.” join the sisters for the evening meal, a Lutheran, admitted to having many help with dishes, and occasionally join preconceived notions about sisters. “I Casey developed a special relation- the sisters for cards or other games in assumed that they would be praying ship with each of the sisters. During the evening. One helped in the garden, continuously and that silence would be his time with them he took photos of because she used to help in her grand- the only sound heard in the house,” he himself with each of them. The evening mother’s garden and missed it. said. before he left, he presented each sister

This statue of St. Moving? (1270–1341), the first woman to be received into the Servite Order, is Please notify us of any address changes. This will enable one of 39 statues of founder you to continue to receive Servite Sisters Today and will in St. Peter’s Basilica, . decrease our expenses. Juliana was the niece of St. Alexis Send address changes to: Falconieri (1200–1310), one of the seven men who founded the Development Office Servite Order. She is the person to Servants of Mary whom all Servite women’s groups 1000 College Avenue West trace their origin. Juliana was can- Ladysmith, WI 54848 onized by Pope Clement XII in 1737. Her feast day is June 19. 8 We are deeply grateful to you, our donors, and hold you in our prayer. Brkic, Mrs. Mary If your name has been inadvertently omitted or misspelled, please notify us. In honor of S. M. John VanderLoop, OSM Brockbank, Mrs. Shirley In memory of Richard Brockbank * Brost, Mrs. Virginia R. Brown, Mr. Roniva D. Donors Bruno, Mr. Joseph L. Brya, Mr. & Mrs. Terrance In honor of Louis Brya September 1 2008 - In memory of Margaret Brya Bryse, Ms. Sharon Bucheger, Mr. & Mrs. Robert August 31, 2009 Bunda, Mr. & Mrs. John Buritz, Ms. Rita J. *Indicates multiple gifts during this time period. In memory of S. M. Wilhelmina Jahns, OSM Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Bautch, Mr. Robert Bolich, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome G. Burke, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Trinity In honor of Shane, Tif, Paul, Ann, In memory of Albert & Martina Burke, Mr. James F., Jr. Adams, Mrs. Sheila Kristin Kasprzyk Burt, Mr. & Mrs. James Albus, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bayer, Mr. & Mrs. John Bonacci, Ms. Arlene In honor of S. Patricia Ferguson, Albus, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Beadles, Ms. Louise M. Bonczyk, Mr. & Mrs. Frank OSM, S. Roberta Prince, OSM Andersen, Ms. Penelope A. Beck, Mr. Albert F. In memory of Helen & John Antczak Buslee, Ms. Ann Hoth, LCSW Benik, Mr. Daniel In honor of Donna & Larry Pias In memory of S. M. Jerome In honor of S. Clarice Gierzak, Bonicatto, Ms. Corinne Byrns, Mrs. Karen E. Benedix, OSM, Dorothy Hoss, OSM In memory of Lee Joseph Bonicatto Cain, Mrs. Carolyn P. Eleanor Glabinski In memory of Carol Benik Bonito, Mr. Frank J. Caliguari, Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, Ms. Ruth Ann * Benik, Mrs. Janis Bossany, Mrs. Gerry Callahan, Mrs. Patrick * Anonymous In memory of Richard Benik, Boyer, Ms. Margaret P. Callis, Rev. Elbert R. In memory of Mary Agnes Collaro Andrew & Phyllis Janis Bragg, Mr. Don L. * Appel, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bennett, Dr. & Mrs. Ralph P. In memory of Julian & Irma Campanella, Mr. Michael C. In honor of S. Doris Ann Samens, Bennett, Mr. James R. Bragg * Campanile, Mr. Louis OSM In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, Brahm, Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Cardinal, Ms. Christine J. * Arts, Mr. James L. OSM, Vera Schleip * Brandt, Mrs. Frances In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, OSM Ashton, Ms. Mary M. Bennett, Mr. Maurice N. Brezinski, Mr. & Mrs. George * Baiardo, S. M. Eugene, OSM Benning, Miss Audrey A. In honor of S. M. John * Carlsen, Mrs. Mary Ann In honor of S. Geraldine Schulte, In memory of Benning family VanderLoop, OSM Carroll, Mr. James OSM, S. M. John VanderLoop, * Berg, Mrs. Rose Mary * Bricco, Mrs. Nancy L. Casey, Mr. Larry J. OSM Bergsbaken, Dr. & Mrs. In memory of Robert Bricco In memory of Casey, Sirico, In memory of the Baiardo & Santarcangelo, and Elefante Kenneth * Brickner, Mrs. Delores C. Cresto families, Aloys Willems familes Berrang, Mr. & Mrs. George In memory of Leo Brickner * Baker, Mrs. Ila Mae Castagna, Mrs. Angela J. * Briody/Robinson, Elizabeth In memory of Robert C. Baker In memory of S. Martha & Marc * Castellvi, Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. * Baker, Ms. Katie Kormendy, OSM In memory of Mary & Leonard Cave, Mr. & Mrs. Sam * Baldry, Mr. Beseke, Mrs. Jean Briody, Mother M. Alphonse In memory of S. Frances In memory of S. Martha Bestler, Rev. Joseph L. Bradley, OSM Wanbaugh, OSM Kormendy, OSM * Betthauser, Mr. & Mrs. Cerra, Mr. & Mrs. Rich Bardos, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Robert O. Charipar, Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Bari, Mr. Alfeo In honor of S. M. John In memory of Angelina Bari VanderLoop, OSM Barnes, Mr. Barry R. In memory of family members In memory of Kathleen McGagin Bissen, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Barnes, Donald McGagin In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, Barthel, Mr. Gerald OSM Bartig, Mrs. Bette In memory of S. Mary Arlene In honor of Jeff Bartig family, Hendricks, OSM Steve Bartig family Bleyer, Mr. James B. Barton, Mr. Bruce B * Boehler, Mr. Alexander

9 * Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. John Fedde, Ms. Amy Matching Gifts In honor of S. Sandra DeGidio, In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, OSM OSM any employers sponsor matching gift * DiDonato, Mrs. Nancy * Feltz, Rev. Thomas F. programs and will match any charitable In honor of S. M. John Ferrari, Ms. Sarah contributions made by their employees. If VanderLoop, OSM In honor of S. M. John your company has such a program, request a In memory of S. Joan Marie VanderLoop matching gift form from your employer and send it to us Hoolihan, OSM Ferrer, Dr. & Mrs. Modesto completed and signed with your gift. We will do the rest. Diehn, Mrs. Geraldine A. * Ferry, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert G. M * DiMartino, Mrs. Josephine In honor of Ferry family Charnie, Mrs. Mary E. Czekalski, Ms. Carol In memory of Giuseppantonio In memory of S. Martha In memory of George J. Charnie, In memory of S. Martha DiMartino Kormendy, OSM Sr. Kormendy, OSM Doell, Mrs. Martina, G. * Finateri, Ms. Nancy * Chartrand, Mrs. Dolores D’Avria, Mr. Francis In memory of VanderLoop & In memory Yolanda Finateri, In memory of Emil Chartrand In honor of the D’Avria & Reynders relatives Nunzio Finateri, Douglas * Chilicki, Mr. & Mrs. Constant Caravella families Dolan, Mr. Dean Michael Bosco, Rosemary Bosco, Bill In memory of Genevieve (Jean) In memory of deceased loved ones Donahoe, Mr. Justin Regan, S. Martha Kormendy, Chilicki D’Ercole, Ms. Patricia M. In memory of Jeanne Donahoe OSM Christensen, Bishop Peter F., D’Jock, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Downum, Mrs. Paula M. Finn, Mrs. Mary L. In memory of Patrick F. Finn, S. Diocese of Superior * Dahlvig, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph In memory of C. Paul Downum M. Louise Lawinger, OSM Christianson, Mrs. Dolores A. In memory of Lena & Gust Dunderdale-Hall, Ms. Helen In memory of Harold E. Dahlvig, Minnie & Victor Dunne, Mr. Art Fitzpatrick, Ms. Bernadette Christianson Gourdoux, Carol Dean Johnson, In honor of all the Sisters who In memory of S. M. DeSales Fitzpatrick, OSM Ciccarelli, Mr. & Mrs. James Mr. & Mrs. Matt Yerken, were at St. Joseph’s Convent, * Cicha, Mr. Raymond J. Sophie & Frank Gourdoux, S. Carteret, NJ Fleet Services, Inc. Martha Kormendy, OSM Cima, Rev. Thomas E. In memory of those who died Floberg, Mrs. Rose In memory of Joyce Blair * Dalida, Mrs. Estelle Dzienkowski, Mrs. Rose In memory of Dewey Floberg In memory of Joseph L. Dalida Cirillo, Ms. Linda * Eck, Mrs. R. Jean Flood, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dallas, Ms. Marjorie In memory of Fern & Edward Clark, Mrs. Margrethe (Molla) In memory of Diane Brimmer Flood, Christine & Raymond Dannecker, Mrs. Sylvia Egan, Mr. John Clark, Ms. Marian C. Dohr In memory of Mary Hayes * Deckler, Mrs. Helen M. In memory of Matthew Egan Forster, Lt/Col Mary R. * Classic Auto Collision Center Dedenbach, Mr. & Mrs. Larry * Eitenmiller, Mr. & Mrs. John In memory of S. Martha * Fraher, Rev. Leonard W. Colaiuta, Mr. William E. * Eldredge, Mrs. Judy Kormendy, OSM Frenette, Mr. Jeff Colby, Ms. Beatrice L. In memory of Mary E. Oltmanns, Dedenbach, Mrs. Mary Ann * Frenette, Mrs. Eileen In honor of S. Rita Mary Lisa Marie Eldredge In honor of Jeffrey J. Frenette In memory of Anna Wagner Dekan, Mr. Karl * Eller, Mr. John M. DeLisle, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur In memory of Bernard Frenette, Coler, Ms. Susan * Elliott, Ms. Anjenette In memory of Peter, Edith, Eugene Leon & Helen Bogamill In honor of S. Mary Rita In honor of S. M. John & Jane DeLisle Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Thompson, OSM VanderLoop, OSM Deming, Mr. & Mrs. Scott, Sr. In memory of Theresa Swansen, In honor of S. Rosemary Fandel, Collins, Ms. Mary In memory of Paige Finley, Elsie Madson, Agnes McCann, OSM Colvin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Werner Amerongen, Paul & Lenore Radtke In memory of Joe Proden, S. M. * Conley, S. M. Helen, OSM Vogel, OSM Kelly Amerongen, Phyllis & , Mr. & Mrs. Howard In honor of Conley families, S. M. Alry Deming Enright, Mrs. Margaret * Fucik, Mr. & Mrs. William Veronica Davision, OSM In memory of Edwin J., Marie T., * Dendinger, Mr. & Mrs. David Ernst, Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. * Connell, Mr. Paul R. Edwin S. Kraft * Espinosa, Mr. Frank L. Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Furniss, Ms. Arlene Denning, Mrs. John In memory of Carol A. Espinosa P. In memory of S. Bonnie Straney, * Gaidosik, Mr. Anthony G. Esser, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Corso, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. OSM In memory of Geraldine Gaidosik * Fameree, Mrs. Jacqueline J. * Cronick, Mr. & Mrs. James DeNoyer, Mr. Eugene A. Galetka, Mrs. Mathilda L. In honor of S. M. John Csaki, Mr. Ronald J. In memory of Earl & In memory of Albert Galetka VanderLoop, OSM In memory of the Csaki family DeNoyer Gansen, Mr. & Mrs. Norb Fandel, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J Curcio, Ms. Julie Hueller DeNucci, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garbacz, Mrs. Ethel * Fandel, Ms. Sylvia A. In honor of S. Mary Alice Willems, In honor of all the Sisters Gasker, Mrs. Mary M. OSM In memory of Mildred & Richard Dernovsek, Mrs. Mildred Fandel In memory of S. Martha Curlik, Dr. Sharon M. In memory of Anton & Frances Kormendy, OSM In honor/memory of those who Pospisil, Lucas & Frances Fauerbach, Mrs. Margaret H. In memory of Walter Fauerbach Gaydos, Mr. & Mrs. D. taught me Dernovsek Timothy Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Richard In memory of S. Cecilia M. W. Gaydos, OSM 10 Gaydos/Mason, Emory & Goelz, Mr. Jeff * Haidvogl, Mr. Harvey L. Henk, Mrs. Charlene A. Sylvia * Golat, Mr. & Mrs. Henry In honor of the Haidvogl family In memory of Bernard Henk In honor of Fr. Anthony Gaydos, Gooden, Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. In memory of Betty N. Haidvogl , Hennessey, Mr. Thomas W. OSM Gordon, Mrs. William Thomas H. Haidvogl, Haidvogl In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Edward In memory of S. Cecilia M. In memory of S. M. Annunciata family Hennessey Gaydos, OSM Burns, OSM Hall, Mr. Garry D. Herbik, Mr. Richard Geib, Mr. Donnell H. * Gores, Mr. Jerome H. Hallen, Ms. Marilyn * Hill, Mr. Merle J. Geisler, Mr. & Mrs. John In memory of John & Odelia In memory of S. M. Wilhelmina In memory of Anne Hill, Thomas In memory of S. Martha Gores, John Gores, Jr., Robert Jahns, OSM J. Hill Kormendy, OSM Gores, Leo Brickner Hamilton, Mrs. Betty Hillenbrand, Mr. & Mrs. Geisler, Mrs. Helen A. Granato, Rev. Joseph In memory of Andrew Hamilton Thomas A. In memory of S. Martha Great Lakes Advisors, Inc. Hannon, Mrs. Merrilla M. In honor of S. Doris Ann Samens, Kormendy, OSM In memory of Robert Hannon Greenwald, Mr. Eugene A. OSM Gensler, Mr. Otto A. Groothousen, Mrs. Marion Hansen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hinaus, Mrs. Kathleen * Gibbons, Ms. Mary J. In memory of Anna & Bill Gross, Mrs. Marcella Harter, Mr. & Mrs. Richard In honor of S. M. John W. Cabanowksi, Cecelia & Owen VanderLoop, OSM * Guns, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hinaus In memory of Tom Duchnowski Hartman, Mr. Lawrence * Gierok, Mr. Roman E. Hnath, Miss Kathleen M. Gustafson, Ms. Jean Harvey, Mrs. Antoninette B. In memory of Ethel M. Gierok Hoffman, Mr. Carlton E. In memory of Clarence & Caroline In memory of Robert Harvey Gill, Mr. & Mrs. John Gustafson Harvey, Mrs. Jean Hoffman, Mr. H. John Giwojna, Ms. Lenore Guzik, Mrs. Agnes A. In memory of S. Martha Hohbein, Ms. Anne M. In memory of Roy, Ella, Leonard, In memory of Ted Guzik Kormendy, OSM In memory of S. Ursula Sinde, Francis OSM * Haas, Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hasenohrl, Mrs. Kathleen Glab, Cdr. (Ret.) & Mrs. Hasslinger, Mrs. Myrtle E. Holles, Sister Harriet, BVM Joseph T. * Haasl, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. In memory of Marie VanderLoop In memory of George & Alison * Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Al * Glass, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haasl Hasslinger, CV & Tillie In memory of S. Martha Gnat, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Anderson Kormendy, OSM Haen, Mrs. Gene Goelz, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hauber, Ms. Anne Holub, Ms. Madeleine A., Hafner, Mrs. Genevieve T. In memory of Gil & Agnes Goelz, In memory of Eileen Rotta, SOSM Hagany, Mr. Michael A. Joe Tarantino, Herb & Min Marvin Majewski, Nancy Holzhaeuser, Ms. Mary Jo * Hagen, Rev. Gerald A. Samens, Bob Samens, Buzz & Flanz, Mary Ann Coyle Hopkins, Ms. Florence Yvonne Kilcoyne Purdum In honor/memory of parents, * Haven, Mrs. Debra sisters, brother In memory of Julie Belongia, Pat * Hornung, Mrs. Lydia E Massert In memory of Art Hirsch Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle N. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. James Hegy, Mr. Pierre In memory of S. Martha Heidgen, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kormendy, OSM * Heimstead, Mr. William L. Huiras, Mr. Paul In memory of Ray & Francis In honor of Theresa Heimstead Hunsader, Mrs. Rosemary Heinen, Rev. Virgil Hurst, Mrs. Myra * Heintz, Mr. & Mrs. Mark In memory of S. M. Peter Prince, In honor S. Geraldine Schulte, OSM OSM, S. M. John VanderLoop, * Idasek, Mrs. Sara OSM, Servants of Mary Sisters, In memory of Joseph R. & Mary S. M. Eugenia Tremblay, OSM, Anne Idasek S. M. Bernice VanderLoop, Iero, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph OSM, S. Cecilia Fandel, OSM Ippolito, Mrs. Ezio B. In memory Grace Carey, S. In memory of Ezio B. Ippolito Martha Kormendy, OSM, Dorothy LeBlanc Iverson, Mrs. Gloria E. * Heinz, Mr. & Mrs. James * Jackson, Rev. James J. In memory of John & Genevieve In honor of Darrow Jackson Reynders In memory of Rev. Peter r. Anthony T. Padovano presented “A Merton Szleszinski Weekend,” Oct. 10–12, 2008, at a gathering Heiser, Deacon Bud Jacobson, Mr. William H. in Oconomowoc, Wis., attended by Servite Helene, Mrs. Suzanne Sisters, Servite CoJourners, Secular Servites, In honor of Beverly Johnson In memory of Connie Hill and Servite Friars. D 11 Jacques, Mrs. Clara K. * Kulas, Mrs. Ruth In honor of S. M. John You’re in Our Prayers In honor of S. Dolores Henke, VanderLoop, OSM OSM In memory of S. M. Wilhelmina * Kunkel, Mr. & Mrs. John Jahns, OSM, S. Martha hen you send (Jack) Kormendy, OSM a donation In memory of Howard Devere * Janis, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. and request Slocum In honor of Henry & Virginia prayer, every Kurszewski, Mr. Ernest V. Osborne, Msgr. Delbert Servite Sister becomes aware In memory of Edwin Kurszewski Schmelzer, PA, Bill & Jeanette of your request. Each week Kurzeka, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Towey W A. Sister Mary De Lourdes In memory of Jean Kaczkowski, Plourde and Sister Mary In memory of Marven & David E. Hales, George & Margaret Kurzeka Josephine Stoeberl, David Joan LeBlanc send emails * Kvidahl, Ms. Margaret A. Demboski, Robert Okray, Dan to all our sisters with lists of In honor of Servants of Mary Roach, Andrew & Phyllis Janis, your intentions. We thought Jim Stoeberl you’d like to know that we Kvist, Mr. & Mrs. Don A. In memory of Eileen Rotta, Eunice * Janis, Ms. Laura J. are all praying for your in- Rybicki, Marie Haasl In honor of S. Rita Stoeberl, OSM tentions and giving thanks Lakawitch, Mr. & Mrs. Steve In memory of Catherine for your generosity. DeMatties In memory of S. M. DeSales Fitzpatrick, OSM Jarmoluk, Mrs. Henrietta In memory of Frank Jarmoluk Kiernan, Mr. Bernard A. * Kostick, Ms. Gertrude Lamberg, Mr. Arnold A. In memory of Eleanor Lamberg, Jensen, Ms. Media R. In honor of Brian Sutter In honor of Anna Cukla In memory of Bishop McHugh In memory of Kostick & Cukla Estelle Beckwith * Jez James, Jez Enterprises, Inc. families, Charles A. Cukla, Langenfeld, Mr. & Mrs. In memory of Magdaline Kilkus, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Peter & Katherine Kostick Gerald Tennessen Kinney, Mr. Donald F. Kotten, Ms. Mary In memory of Gladys Langenfeld Joanis, Ruth In memory of George Hunt In memory of Jerome Kotten Lantta, Mr. & Mrs. Gary In memory of Kenneth Joanis, Kinney, Mrs. Kathy A. In memory of Eileen Rotta George Joanis In memory of Marvin Kinney, Kovach, Mrs. Faith B. In memory of Kovach & Schultz Lawinger, Mr. Ernest J. * Jones, Mrs. Mary Irene Dave Marrone families In memory of S. M. Louise Jordan, Mrs. Ottilie Kinney, Ms. Anna Kozlowski, Mr. John S. Lawinger, OSM Justesen, Mrs. Alvira In memory of Marvin Kinney, Dave Marrone In memory of Bernadine * LeBlanc, Ms. Dorothy Karavanic, Mrs. Ruth J. Kish, Mr. Julius L. Kozlowski In memory of Laura & James Kasper, Mrs. Bernice In honor of S. M. Eugenia * Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs. David LeBlanc Kasper, Ms. Marie K. Tremblay, OSM Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs. Leo * Lee, Mrs. Dorothy M. In honor of Margaret In honor of S. M. Bernice * Leniewski, Mr. Leonard W. Schaubschlager * Klemko, Mr. & Mrs. James A. In honor of S. Cecilia Fandel, VanderLoop, OSM, S. M. John Levy, Mrs. Lowell K. In memory of Michael Kasper OSM VanderLoop, OSM * Lewis, Ms. Sally L. Katona, Mr. & Mrs. Tom In memory of Richard & Mildred * Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs. In memory of Doris & Tom Lewis In memory of S. Lucille Fandel Richard McLaughlin, OSM, Phoebe Lieser, Mrs. Betty Kline, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff In honor of S. M. Bernice In honor of Tom & Lyn Ryan Talamini, John Peroglio, VanderLoop, OSM, S. M. John In memory of Helen & Louis * Linskey, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kazek, Mr. Joseph A. Sandok VanderLoop, OSM Keith, Mr. Vernon * Lloyd, Mrs. Maria Knapstad, Mr. & Mrs. Carl * Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs. In memory of Geneva Keith Thomas G. Lodermeier, Ms. Clarice In memory of Arlene Plaza In honor of the retired Sisters Keith, U.M. Alice Council Krajewski, Ms. Dorothy In memory of S. Martha Longo, Mr. Joseph No. 2481, Ladysmith, WI In memory of family members Kormendy, OSM Kramer, Mr. Paul M. Lucas, Ms. Yvonne Koch, Rev. Michael R. In memory of Vivian Goffena Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. William In memory of Michael & Phoebe Krcma, Mrs. Diane Luchi, Mr. Michael J. In memory of S. M. DeSales Koch Kretsch, Mrs. Josephine A. & Fitzpatrick, OSM Luplow, Ms. Maryann H. Kohn, Mrs. Marlene Thomas Kempen, Mr. Clifford J. In memory of Steven Priggee Konop, Mrs. Mary Ellen In memory of S. M. Grace Lynch, Dr. & Mrs. Miles Kerr, Mrs. Bertha M. In memory of Eleanor Mulqueen, OSM In honor of S. M. Roberta Prince, Keup, Mrs. Luella M. Ihlenfeldt, Joseph F. Konop, Kronhelm, Mr. & Mrs. Gar D. OSM * Kiefer, Mrs. Genevieve Bryan Konop, S. M. Clarita In memory of Anna Kasteuc, Dan Kiefer, Mrs. Marjorie Corcoran, OSM & LaVerne Kronhelm * Lynch, Mrs. Marie Kopil, Ms. Rose B. Krzyzaniak, Mr. & Mrs. Lyon, Ms. Kathryn A. In memory of Brady & Kopil William Macaruso, Dr. & Mrs. Victor families M. 12 * Macedonia, Mr. Charles McCormick, Mrs. Terri Mueller, Mrs. Pearl M. Neumayer, Mr. John J. In honor of Josephine Macedonia In memory of S. M. Agatha In memory of John & Rosa Neumeier, Mrs. Lorna In memory of Jane Kakara, Gasper McCormick, OSM Wagner, Henry & Maria In memory of Gene Neumeier Macedonia * McDermott, Mr. & Mrs. Mueller * Nicholas, Mr. James * Machac, Mrs. Rita Richard P. * Muench, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nickel, Rev. Leander F. In memory of Joseph & Mildred In memory of S. Mary Arlene Madura, Ms. Jean * Nicolini, Mr. Leo Reichert, Leonard & Bertha Hendricks, OSM Maertz, Ms. Bernice In honor of Servants of Mary McDermott Maher, Mr. Ramon F. Muench, Ms. Ann M. Sisters, Muriel Nicolini * McElroy, Mrs. Lucille In memory of S. M. Carmelita Mulcahy, Mr. John P. * Niehus, Mr. James E. In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson, OSM Muller, Mr. Josef In memory of Celestine E. Niehus Bush, parents Maher, Mr. Steven A. In memory of Josef & Maria * Norrbom, Ms. Kay McKay, Ms. Gloria Mahoney, Dr. Margaret Muller In memory of Lydia & Allen Novesky, Mrs. Betty Major, Mr. Steven J. Mulligan, Mary C. TTEE In memory of Patrick Lybert, McKay In memory of Mary Hayes Malaise, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Nathan Vacho, Alan Matus, all McNamara, Mr. & Mrs. James In memory of Stella & Mike * Murphy, Hon. Sheila M fallen Soldiers T. Mataczynski * Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Finian Nowak, Ms. Joyce L. McNulty, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mallory, Mr. & Mrs. Ron In memory of Reid Vandell O’Brien, Mrs. Gertrude M. * McPeak, Mr. Gerald Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. In memory of Marie Haasl, Eunic Manhart, Mrs. Julia Held In honor of Br. Jude McPeak, OP, Murphy, Ms. Brigid Rybick, Eileen Rotta In honor of Fr. Anthony Gaydos, Reynea McPeak OSM In memory of Aaron G. & O’Brien, Ms. Marilyn J. * McWatters, Mrs. Dorothy Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Catherine Murphy * O’Kane, Dr. Thomas W. * Meller, Mrs. Betty A. William H. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. In honor of Adam Cosgrove, Obey, Congressman & Mrs. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Mantilla, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Daniel Meller, Elsie Neumann David In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, In memory of Peggy Buruato In memory of William Meller, Sr. * of St. Francis de Sales OSM Nazer, Mr. Raymond J. Meton, Mr. Michael Ochat, Ms. Dolores J. In memory of Arthur & Beryl In memory of Philomene Nazer Ogan, Mr. Mark F. Olson, Alice Kittleson In memory of Harvey & Josephine Meton Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Olaf, Ms. Lucille Mark, Mrs. Dolores M. In honor of Roxanne Sandager In memory of Norman L. Mark Metzger, Mr. James E. In memory of Ted Olaf, JoAnn & In memory of Muriel Klingelhoets In honor of S. Ruth Griewe, OSF Bernadette Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Donald, Nelson, Mrs. Mildred E. Olsen, Ms. Theresa M. Jr. Michael, Mrs. Rosemarie In memory of Alice Matecki In memory of Daniel M. Curlik Neuhann, Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. * Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick In honor of S. Loretta Lonsdorf, * Olson, Mr. Gerald A. In memory of S. M. DeSales * Michaelson, Mr. Max J., Sr. OSM * Olson, Mr. Willie L Fitzpatrick, OSM In memory of Gertrude E. Michaelson Neumann, Mr. & Mrs. Ornberg, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin, Mr. Charles E. Kenneth Michalets, Ms. Ruth In memory of S. Martha * Marx, Mr. John L. In memory of Magdalene Kormendy, OSM In memory of Cathryn, Theresa * Mikunda, Mrs. Cathy Tennessen * Ortiz, Miss Geraldina Marx, Katherine Weber * Miller, Mr. Bruce A. Neumayer, Mr. Eugene B. Our Lady Queen of Peace, Mary Mother of the Church Miskulin, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Manitowish Waters Parish, Burnsville, Minn. and family For the Mary Alphonse Bradley In memory of S. Martha Pamperin, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fund Kormendy, OSM J. Pankowski, Mr. Joseph Mascia, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Montanelli, Mr. & Mrs. In memory of Regina Pankowski Maskill, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Joseph In memory of Duane Brockman * Parsons, Mr. & Mrs. Bill * Massey, Ms. Jenny Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Paulsen, Rev. Harold Matson, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. M. In memory of Eleanor Clausen, Pavlik, Mrs. Florence Gertrude Michaelson Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. William In honor of Tyler Pavlic J. In memory of Ed Pavlik Maurin, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Morley, Mr. Al Pavlik, Mrs. Idell In memory of S. Martha In memory of John Pavlik & McAndrews, Mr. & Mrs. Kormendy, OSM families William Tax deductible Mortaloni, Mr. & Mrs. McCalla, Ms. Karen PCCW, Assumption BVM Ronald In memory of Kathleen Fisher Donate-A-Car Church, Strickland, Wis. Mortimer, Mrs. Gretchen P. PCCW, Holy Cross Church, McClintock, Mr. Michael R. Call: 888-CARITAS Cornell, Wis. In memory of Michael McClintock Mueller, Mr. Andrew C. (888-227-4827) and Ed Schuas families In honor of the sisters who served Pena, Jose & Lupe at “Porta Coeli,” Our Lady Gate for details In memory of S. Martha of Heaven, Chicago Kormendy, OSM 13 * Percy, Mr. James Rabideau, Mrs. Janet Rozas, Mr. Paul Schwartz, Mr. Tom Perez, Mr. Jose M. In honor of Doris O’Neil Rubbelke, Rev. Ronald J. In memory of Andrew & Dorothy * Perlenfien, Mr. Otto In memory of David Parent Rudnicki, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schwartz In memory of Perlenfien family & * Rainer, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Schwoerer, Mr & Mrs Cletus friends In memory of Marie & Alexander In memory of Diane Lukasik * Scott/McDougall, Dianne & Perrizo, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dantzman Rudolph, Mr. & Mrs. Don Gene In honor of S. M. De Lourdes Rakowski, Mr & Mrs. Alex Ruegemer, Mr. & Mrs. Dick In memory of Bednarek & Kramer Plourde, OSM, S. M. Christina * Reeves, Mr. Gerry H., CLU In honor of S. Sharon McCarthy, families Gelting, OSM In memory of Edith Reeves OSM Secular Servites, St. Juliana Perry, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Regan, Mr. Thomas, Jr. Rydlund, Ms. LaVonne M. Community, Ladysmith In memory of Crescencia Martinez In memory of Max & Jean Waits Regina M. LeMay Charitable In honor of Dorothy Swaenepoel Perry, Ms. Bernadette Fund of the Catholic In memory of Frances Swaenepoel, Secular Servites, Sts. Alexis In memory of Lucy Sette Community Foundation Henry & Emma Swaenepoel, & Juliana Community, Peterson, Miss Kathy Ann Regnier, Mr. & Mrs. John Margaret Schultz, Natalie, Leo Suburban Chicago In memory of S. Josephine In honor of S. Dolores Henke, & Adelin Swaenepoel Seghieri, Mr. Peter D. Peterson, OSM OSM * Rzepka, Miss Dorothy E. Seidl, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Peterson, Mr. Michael R. * Reichert, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saccone, Mr. John A. * Seis, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene In memory of S. Josephine In honor of those who have acted In memory of Anthony & Anna In honor of the Servite Sisters, Seis Peterson, OSM on a religious calling Saccone & Rowble families Peterson, Mrs. Kathy Reichert, Mrs. Betty Saelens, Ms. Martha In memory of Seis & Rowble In honor of Lorraine Milazzo, In memory of Eleanor Poncek Sahig, Mr. Vincent F. families Servants of Mary Sisters Reichert, Rev. James N. Salas, Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Selvig, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald In memory of Sam Milazzo, In memory of Joseph & Mildred Sampedro, Mrs. Rosa M. * Senander, Mr. John (Jack) D. Servants of Mary Sisters In memory of Cathleen Overlie Reichert family * Samz, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Peterson, Ms. Mary * Reidy, Mr. Patrick W. Sandok, Ms. Mary R. Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. Philip In memory of S. Josephine Reilly, Mr. Howard In memory of Louis & Helen In honor of S. Marguerite Samz, Peterson, OSM, Angeline OSM Rhodes, Dr. Helen K. Sandok Stremski In memory of Ivy M. Sykes Sandord, Ms. Eva Sherman, Ms. Dorothy A. Pfalzgraf, Mr. Joseph Rhodes, Mr. Joseph In honor of the Servants of Mary Shields, Mrs. Joanne In honor of Irene Carlson In memory of S. Vivian Mayer, Riccio, Mrs. Loretta Santilli, Mrs. Bill Philbrook, Frances M. OSM In honor of S. Loretta Lonsdorf, * Schafer, Mrs. Bertha In memory of Margaret & OSM In honor of all the Sisters who live * Siegenthaler, Ms. Joan M. Burnham Philbrook In memory of Loretta & George here Sieja, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pias, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence In honor of Sieja family McCarthy Schallau, Mr. & Mrs. James In honor of the Fergus & Pias Rice, Ms. M. In memory of S. Josephine Silliker, Mr. Alan families Ringstad, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peterson, OSM In memory of Mother M. Alphonse Piñeiro, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Bradley, OSM P. Schaller, Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Piñeiro, Mrs. Amparo Robek, Ms. Mary F. Schied, Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Silvano, Mr. Joseph In memory of Rose Vruno (S. M. Rockwell, Mr. Raymond J. In memory of Mary Hayes * Silvis, Ms. Jacene Josita, OSM) 9999In memory of Rockwell/ Schliep, Msff. Vera * Sirek, Ms. Helen Kay Placencia/Roberts, Drs. Dowd family & Davis/Burke In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, Cecilia & Mark family OSM OSM In honor of the Servants of Mary * Romero, Mrs. Maria Encarna In memory of S. Martha In memory of S. Martha Poeske, Mr. Rudolph A. B. Kormendy, OSM Kormendy, OSM, Dorothy In memory of Lillian Poeske, Bob In honor of Mirella Perez LeBlanc Goldback, Steve Blieme Schnabl, Mr. Frank J. In memory of Emilio Brea, In memory of M. Eleanor Ihlenfeld Skiba, Mrs. Sophie * Pondell, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Josephina Gago In memory of Walter Skiba, Helen * Schneider, Mrs. Jen In memory of S. Martha Root, Mr. & Mrs. Arnie Sandok, Pauline Dalida Kormendy, OSM In memory of Marion Lindemann, In memory of Elaine Corbin Brooke Thompson * Skroski, Mr. & Mrs. James C. Porwoll, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth In memory of Charles & Agnes Rosecky, Mr. George A. Schroeder, Mrs. Martha J. Skroski, Marcella & Elmer In honor of Joe Rock In memory of Joseph & Katherine Poskozim, Mrs. Elaine Wieland, relatives & friends * Rosolowski, Mrs. Blanche Selonke, Leon Selonke Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Skubal, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. In memory of Leo Rosolowski, Schwartz, Mr & Mrs. James A. Prince, Ms. Frances Janet Fandel Jones, Felix In honor of S. M. John * Slatoski, Mr. Joseph P. Pryjma, Mr. George D. Dernovsek, S. Martha VanderLoop, OSM Slezinski, Mr. James A. In memory of Marta Pryjma, Kormendy, OSM, Sharon Guns In memory of Rev. William H. In memory of the Kerzka, Michael Pryjma, Henrietta Rotta, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Schwarts, William & Genevive Slezinski, & Taube families Sanders Rozak, Mrs. Rita R. Schwartz, Clifford & Catherine Quade, Mr. Donald In memory of Albert Rozak Born 14 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thiel, Mrs. Virginia In memory of Harry & Virginia In memory of Leonard Thiel, Sr. Frankfourth * Thomalla, Mrs. Dolores F. Smith, Mr. Craig T. In memory of Leo Thomalla In memory of Craig Bauer * Thompson, Miss Patricia A. Snyder, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. In memory of Margaret & Morton * Soderberg, Mrs. Eileen Thompson In memory of Arthur “Pat” Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Donate Soderberg In honor of S. M. Bernice, St. Louis, Ms. Veronica VanderLoop, OSM, S. M. John Online In memory of Fred VanderLoop, OSM St. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. * Timko, Mrs. Marie T. Thomas In memory of Winifred * Stackpool, Ms. Catherine (O’Donnell) Moscicki Want to donate with just a click of your mouse? In memory of Stackpool & Nieman Tobin, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Go to and click on families, Margaret Stackpool In honor of Mary J. (McInerny) “Donate Now.” * Stangler, Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes J. Tomczak, Ms. Joyce Volk, Mrs. Phyllis L. Woessner, Ms. Mary C. Stanisch, Mrs. Helen Lanigan In memory of Martin J. Tomczak In honor of S. Doris Ann Samens, In memory of Leonard P. Woessner In memory of Catherine Laffey, Tomko, Mr. Thomas C. OSM Richard Lanigan In memory of family members * Wofford, Ms. Colette Volkman, Mrs. Dorothy A. * Stearns, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Tootle, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wojtkiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. In honor of S. M. John In honor of S. Marguerite In memory of S. Martha Jerome VanderLoop, OSM Samz, OSM, S. M. Eugenia Kormendy, OSM In memory of S. M. Celine Draus, Wade, Mr. James M. OSM Tremblay, OSM, S. M. Bernice Toth, Mrs. Kathleen In memory of Margaret Wade VanderLoop, OSM, S. Cecilia In honor of the nuns who taught * Wolf, Mr. John H., Jr. Fandel, OSM at St. Joseph’s, Carteret, NJ, * Wagner, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. In memory of Mr. & Mrs. John H. In memory of S. M. Wilhelmina 1934-42. Wald, Mr. John R. Wolf, Sr. Jahns, OSM, Eileen Rotta, * Towers, Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Walsh, Mr. Brian * Wollering, Mrs. Patricia M. S. Martha Kormendy, OSM, Tracey, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin * Walters, Mrs. Winnifred H. Wolter, Rev. Richard Dorothy LeBlanc In memory of Florence & Stanley In memory of Jerry DenHartog, Sr. Wood Mr. Donald H. * Steinbuch, Mr. Darrell A. Marshall Wanbaugh, Mr. Dean Wooden, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sterba, Ms. Mary E. Trauscht, Ms. Mary Agnes Wanbaugh, Mr. Wayne In honor of S. Sharon Rae In memory of Ted & Terri Sterba In honor of S. Doris Ann Samens, Washington, Mr. George McCarthy, OSM Streeter, Mrs. Elizabeth OSM Wasieleski, Mrs. Jeanette Wooledge, Ms. Betty In memory of Bill Streeter, Sr., Bill In memory of S. Martha Tucker, Mrs. Leona G. Webb, Mr. Donald V. Streeter, Jr. Kormendy, OSM * Tyberend, Marian Webber, Mr. Paul V. Suchora, Mr. John Wozniak, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Ullenberg, Mr. Louis R. Weber, Ms. Betty In memory of Helen Suchora In memory of Ernie Wozniak * VandenHeuvel, Mr. Norbert Weisbrod, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swain, Mr. & Mrs. Charles * Wozniak, Rev. Timothy J. In memory of George & Hattie A. In honor of Chester & Margaret Swanke, Mrs. Pat VandeHeuvel In honor of Joan Kirsch Swartz, Mrs. Adelaide R. Wozniak Vavra, Mr. Paul P. Weisenberger, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Swoboda, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Yost, Mr. Arthur A. * Vellante, Ms. Delia C. Welle, Mr. & Mrs. Richard In honor of S. Doris Ann Samens, In memory of Yost family Vercimak, Mrs. Irene Weston, Mr. & Mrs. Don OSM Ziemer, Dr. & Mrs. John In memory of Jean Sulek In memory of S. Martha Tarasewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Zimmerman, Mr. & Mrs. * Verdegan, Ms. Evelyn Kormendy, OSM Leonard Gary V., FAIA In memory of Ivy Hoffman, S. In memory of Scott Tarasewicz Whittaker, Mr. & Mrs. Forrest In memory of Bill & Norma Martha Kormendy, OSM In memory of Lenore Falcetti * Tedesco, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Engelhardt, Vincent & Laverne * Vergara, Mr. Chu Widmar, Mr. & Mrs. John F. * Tedesco, Ms. Emma Zimmerman Verkuilen, Mr. Robert A. In honor of S. M. Frances Zimmerman, Mr. Eddie * Temming, Mr. & Mrs. In memory of Marie Verkuilen Wanbaugh, OSM Michael J. In memory of S. Martha Vobornik, Mr. & Mrs. * Widmar, Ms. Ann Marie Kormendy, OSM Thibodeau, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Richard In memory of S. M. Frances In honor of S. M. Lucy Daniels, Ziolkowski, Mr. & Mrs. Scott In memory of S. Martha Wanbaugh, OSM OSM, S. Paula Jaworski, OSM In memory of Gavin Raese Lola Kormendy, OSM Winger, Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. In memory of S. M. Zita Vogel, Zohimsky, Mr. John Vogel, Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. OSM, S. Martha Kormendy, * Wittlin, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald In memory of Frank Zohimsky In honor of S. M. Zita Vogel, OSM Wochner, Mr. Leonard M. OSM


Sisters’ Garden

irst Lady Michelle Obama made headlines when she dug up a patch of the South Lawn and planted an or- ganic garden. The Ladysmith Servites have had an or- ganic garden since the late1920s. This garden not only served the Sisters’ dietary needs; it also provided produce for St. FMary’s Hospital. From 1936 to 1989 Sister Bridget Mahoney was the major gar- dener. Her main assistants during those years were a horse named Dick and a donkey named Brother Francis. There was a brief hiatus in the gardening in the early 1970s, but hoeing resumed a few years later. Since the 1980s, Sister Rosemary Fandel has been the main gardener, assisted first by Sister Mary Ambrose Vogel and now by Sister Mary De Lourdes Plourde. Sister Casimira and Brother Francis (1960s) This years’ garden yielded a bountiful harvest.

Sister Rosemary prepares soil for planting Sisters Rosemary and De Lourdes attack the weeds Sister De Lourdes proudly displays fruits of her labor