\ • if. - ■ 31 ✓ ‘'t , - u^' v "•■•'S' 7 s .•-t /> . ■ . -4 '/ 'We Think It is k Good Idea of The Register in Having Raised ^ e IMce to; $2.00. .There is No Other ^tholic Paper or Magazine in the ......... ' ' ....... Country to Compare With The Register at ^ y PriiSfe.—Margaret J. Riordan, Louisville, Ky. .-. / - p - 0 ON SALE AT NEWS-STANDS AND CHUECH SUPPLY HOUSES ALL OVER COLORADO AND IN MANY OUTSIDE TOWNS. $2.00 PER YEAS, IN ADVANCE. VOL. X. NO. 18. DENVER, COLORADO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. * PRICE FIVE CENTS. PROTESTANT CLERGYMAN CONVERTS AND BUILDINGS STRIKE PROBE H E A D PROOF OF 1914’S PROGRESS WILL DEFEND K.OF C. KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS OF CHURCH IN THIS STATE PRAISES ORDER FRANK P.WALSH Orphan Rom ance of The ecclesiastical year, just closed has been an unusually successful one in the Denver diocese. In St. Vincent De Paul FOR SHOWING UP the reception of converts, it has probably been a record breaker. At the last session of the year held by GIVES TALK TO Pioneer Days T o l d the convert class at the Cathedral rectory, no less than forty men and women were enrolled seeking in­ S o c i e t y Rounds Its LIBEL V E N D E R S struction with the intention of becoming members of the Catholic Church. The same conditions have pre­ LOCAL COUNCIL 1st Year in Denver a t G o l d e n W e d d i n g vailed in other parts of Colorado. There has been a steady stream of newcomers into the True Fold. ‘ Can Count on Me to Help Right Not only has there been an evidence of interest in the faith from without, but there has been a Proud of Stand Taken by Catholic Wrong Done,’ He Says to (Special to Tne Register) deep spiritual fervor revealed within. The number of- weekly communicants proves this. In none of The St. Vincent de Paul society has Church All Over America in Central City, Colo., Dec. 1.—As a fit­ the larger parishes of -Denver is it possible to take care of all the communicants in less than three or existed in Denver now for one year. It Journalist. Social Upheavals. ting clieiav tp hfty years of wedded four rail-fulls every Sunday morning. In some churches, no less than three or four priests have to hear was decided at a large meeting of lay­ bliss, during which time their faith in all Saturday afternoon and evening to take care of the crowds. At the Cathedral, it is necessary to have men and priests on November 17, 1913, WIFE’S COUSIN A JESUIT each ether, and the Almighty has never Friday afternoon confessions in order to avoid overcrowding on Saturdays. At the Holy Ghost church, to constitute such an organization here, INQUIRING INTO COAL WAR wavered for a single instant, high mass more than 400 persons a week receive communion on Tuesday mornings in honor of St. Rita. At St. Eliz­ and, though the society has not met with Had Shown Liberal-Minded Views was celebrated by Father N-iughton of abeth’s church, where a plenary indulgence can he gained every Tuesday morning, the Franciscans have nearly as great a response in point of O’ConneU of Wilson’s Commission the Central City parish Wednesday a surprisingly large number of comnlunicants. The church on Monday evening, when confessions are membership as was anticipated, it is now in Other Talk Given Also K. of 0.; Working All morning at 10 o’clock, in St. Mary’s heard, resembles the usual Catholic church on Saturday nights. ■established successfully in four of the Over America. Recently. church, to celebrate the golden wedding This diocese has been blessed with an untiring priesthood. The Rev. J. L. Juily, rector of the parishes. The active conferences have anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Slat­ Fort Morgan parish and missions, one of his parishioners has informed The Register, never breaks his succeeded in doing much “outdoor” A story about beautiful liberal-mind­ tery. fast on Sundays until 2 o ’clock in the afternoons, in order to celebrate masses for his scattered flock. The charity work at a minimum cost. There Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the edness in a Protestant minister, of par­ After the celebration Mr. and Mrs. veteran Father Gubitosi, S.J., at the Sacred Heart church, Denver, gives an example of the zeal that are no workers to pay in the St. Vincent United States commission on industrial ticular interest to Denverites, appeared Slattery received the congratulations of marks the members of the local religious orders. Despite his advanced years, he hears confessions as de Paul eociety. conditions, which is now conducting hearings here to inquire into the bloody in the Southern Guardian, published at their hundreds of lifelong friends and regularly as clockwork. It must be a terrible strain on him, but one can find him on duty without com­ An example of the work done may be Colorado coal strike, is a Catholic and Little Rock, Ark., last week. It said: repaired to a well laden banquet table, plaint week after week. found in the case of a young man who a Ivnight of Columbus. James O’Connell “It was a remarkable coincident that where a’^huge bride’s cake bearing the The parish school system of the diocese has grown within the ecclesiastical year by the opening came to Denver on account of his health of Washington, D. C., another of the as we sat at our desk at an early hour insignia “ 1864-1914” \vas surrounded by of St. Leander’s in Pueblo and the addition of classrooms in a number of already established institu­ some months ago. He had no relatives, nine members of the commission, is also Monday morning reading the big, six- fifty pm-e white roses, each one em­ tions. In Wyoming, a ne\v school was opened at Sheridan. Several new churches have been dedicated and ■went down hill until he was finally a member of our Church and its most column headlines in The Denver Catho­ blematical of one year of pure, upright in different parts of Colorado, the latest one being at Gardner. unable to do any work and was desti­ influential society. lic Register which read ‘Minister De­ life. In the center was an_embossed Missions have been held in a number of towns throughout this section of the West by Redemptor- tute. Through the efforts of the soci­ clares He’ll Join Knights of Columbus card bearing this inscription: “Two souls ist and Oblate Fathers, and have been prolific in excellent results. Truly the far Middle West starts ety, he was placed in an institution and Mr. Walsh attended the K. of C. meet­ ' if Some Folks Don’t Quit Slandering with but a single thought; two hearts the new ecclesiastical year with the most brilliant encouragement the twelve months just closed could was helped with small cash donations. ing on Tuesday night, with Thomaa House of Good Shepherd,’ one of the that beat as one.” give it. He had not been attending church regu­ Egan of Kansas City, sergeant-at-arms for the commission, and also a kni^i. prominent Protestant ministers of Little Nearly sixty years ago in a remote We are members of the Church that civilized the world. May we prove worthy of the heritage larly, but has been living up better to town of Nebraska lived John Slattery Mr. Walsh is a lawyer in Kansas City. Rock opened the door, walked into our that our forefathers have given us! his religion as a result of the interest and Eliza Dunn. Both were orphans and He told the knights what his work office and extended his hand as he said: displayed in him by the workers. were adopted by a family and grew to consists of. Two years ago, congresa | ‘I have never been formally introduced “ It is hard to understand,” said one manhood and womanhood on the same decided to conduct an investigation into to you, but I want to congratulate you member of the society yesterday, “why farm. When the tocsin of the wonder­ the causes of social unrest in America. and the other members of the Knights more of the parishes of Denver do not i ful gold discoveries in Colorado was Italian Apathy Not Due Louvain W ill Rise Again It was decided to have the president ap­ of Columbus here and elsewhere for the take up the movement. The spiritual sounded in 1860, John set out for the_ point a Committee of nine men, three good work they are doing in showing up blessings accorded members are so great new Eldorado after kissing his sweet­ representing the employers, three .the those little, narrow bigots who are for­ to Priests, Servite Says Thinks Father Mannix heart goodbye. He landed in Central as to make the organization unusual. employes and three the general public. ever busy slandering a great order they City and began prospecting for gold. “A plenary indulgence is granted un­ Mr. Walsh is one of the public’s trio. know little or nothing about. Anything Experience Gained in Denver i Alumnus of 'War-Ruined Univer­ The next three years he spent his leisure CHURCH L A W N O T der the usual conditions of confession, Mr. O’Connell is a labor union man, hav­ I can do to help right the wrong that Used as Argument in Answer sity Addresses K. of C. About hours in writing billets to his fiancee, communion and prayers for the pope’s ing attended the federation convention has been done the order and the Church to Catholic Layman’s Student Life the postage rate being 25 cents per.
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