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INDEX to VOL. CII. (A) Absorption bands, wave-lengtli measurement of (Hartridge), 575. Address of the President, 1922, 373. a- and /3-rays, theory of scattering (Jeans), 437. a-particle passing through matter, changes in charge of (Henderson), 496. «-ray, loss of energy of, in passage through matter (Kapitza), 48. a-ray photographs, analysis of (Blackett), 294. Aluminium crystal, distortion during tensile test (Taylor and Elam), 643. Argon, ionisation by electron collisions (Horton and Davies), 131. Armstrong (E. F.) and Hilditch (T. P.) A Study of Catalytic Action at Solid Surfaces.— Part VIII, 21 ; Part IX, 27. Astbury (W. T.) The Crystalline Structure and Properties of Tartaric Acid, 506. Atmosphere, outer, and theory of meteors (Lindemann and Dobson), 411. Atmospheric disturbances, directional observations of (Watt), 460. Atomic hydrogen, incandescence in (Wood), 1. Backliurst (I.) Variation of the Intensity of Reflected X-radiation with the Tem perature of the Crystal, 340. Bakerian Lecture (Taylor and Elam), 643. Berry (A.) and Swain (L. M.) On the Steady Motion of a Cylinder through Infinite Viscous Fluid, 766. /3-rays, scattering of (Wilson), 9. Blackett (P. M. S.) On the Analysis of u-Ray Photographs, 294. Brodetsky (S.) The Line of Action of the Resultant Pressure in Discontinuous Fluid Motion, 361 ; ----- Discontinuous Fluid Motion past Circular and Elliptic Cylinders 542. Cale (F. M.) See McLennan and Cale. Campbell (J. H. P.) See Whytlaw-Gray. Carbon arc ultra-violet spectrum (Simeon), 484. Catalytic Action (Armstrong and Hilditch), 21, 27. Christie (Sir W.) Obituary notice of, xi. Clark (M. L.) See McLennan and Clark. Colloidal behaviour, theory of (Hill), 705.
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