ISSN 2372-2517 (Online), ISSN 2372-2479 (Print) METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Message (Clicking on an article’s title will take you By DAVID HUNTER to the desired page) President
[email protected] [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE [2] SOCIETY NEWS ear Fellow Orthopterists! [2] Call for the 2020 Theodore J. Cohn Research Fund by M. LECOQ [2] Grants supporting the Orthoptera Species As I am writing this File by M.M. CIGLIANO from Canberra, the sky is [3] A call for manuscripts Special Issue “Locusts and Grasshoppers: Biology, Ecology and Man- filled with dense smoke agement” by A.V. LATCHININSKY D from the catastrophic [3] A call for DNA-grade specimens to recon- D sruct a comprehensive phylogeny of Ensifera fires we have had in Australia this by H. SONG fire season. Continuing drought and [4] Updates from the GLI by R. OVERSON [5] Reminder: Seeking Speakers for the 2020 weeks of unusually high temperatures ICE Symposium: “Polyneoptera for our Planet” have led to widespread fires covering by D.A. WOLLER ET AL. [5] REGIONAL REPORTS millions of hectares: as of the first [5] East Europe - North and Central Asia by week in January, 6.3 million ha have M.G. SERGEEV [6] Central & Southern Africa burnt which is just under half the area by V. COULDRIDGE of England! A catastrophic situation [8] T.J. COHN GRANT REPORTS indeed! [8] On the study of gregarine parasites in Orthoptera by J.H. MEDINA DURÁN Our society continues our support [10] Genetic diversity in populations of for research through OSF grants and Anonconotus italoaustriacus Nadig, 1987 (Insecta, Orthoptera) in North-East Italy by F.