Uncalculated Risks Threats and attacks against human rights defenders and the role of development financiers Uncalculated Risks Threats and attacks against human rights defenders and the role of development financiers May 2019 This report was authored by With case studies and contributions from And with the generous support of Uncalculated Risks Threats and attacks against human rights defenders and the role of development financiers © Coalition for Human Rights in Development, May 2019 The views expressed herein, and any errors or omissions are solely the author’s. We additionally acknowledge the valuable insights and assistance of Valerie Croft, Amy Ekdawi, Lynne-Samantha Severe, Kendyl Salcito, Julia Miyahara, Héctor Herrera, Spencer Vause, Global Witness, Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens, and the various participants of the Defenders in Development Campaign in its production. This report is an initiative of the Defenders in Development Campaign which engages in capacity building and collective action to ensure that communities and marginalized groups have the information, resources, protection and power to shape, participate in, or oppose development activities, and to hold development financiers, governments and companies accountable. We utilize advocacy and campaigning to change how development banks and other actors operate and to ensure that they respect human rights and guarantee a safe enabling environment for public participation. More information: www.rightsindevelopment.org/uncalculatedrisks
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