NEWSLETTER Chaire UNESCO de recherche appliquée pour l’éducation en prison 7000, rue Marie-Victorin, Montréal (Québec), Canada, H1G 2J6 TEL : 1- 514 328 3832 FAX : 1-514 328 3829
[email protected] Volume 8, issue 2 | Steering Committee | November 2020 NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER A WORD FROM THE CHAIRHOLDER For the past several months now, correctional institutions, universities, colleges, and research communities have seen their activities disrupted by the arrival of COVID-19. In the face of such upheaval, we would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts about the effects of this health crisis on education in prisons, which have led to challenges but also to the development of a technopedagogical expertise that is certainly relevant to optimizing access to education in prisons. The current pandemic has highlighted several issues, particularly with respect to access to education in prisons. While the systematic presence of formal and informal education programs is not a given internationally, it is not surprising that the sudden arrival of COVID-19 has accentuated inequalities and inequities in terms of access to education, particularly in the penal system. More than ever, the current context highlights the fragility of certain achievements and the predominance sometimes given to other priorities. An initial observation allows us to note that the way of understanding the effects of prison education on the socio- professional reintegration of detainees, which already shaped educational structures, previously established institutional models of education, and program delivery, also affects access to prison education during a pandemic. Unsurprisingly, the pandemic is an even greater impediment in countries that had not already established systematic prison education programs.