BENDIX WOODS, THE FIRST SIGN ST. JOSEPH COUNTY PARK SALUTES LOCAL AVIATION: THE TREES THAT SPELL In 1966, the Bendix Corporation donated 175 acres of land and the Stu- debaker Clubhouse to the St. Joseph County Parks and Recreation Board. This In 1938 the Civilian Conservation donation resulted in St. Joseph County’s Corps (CCC) planted the pine trees first county park. The clubhouse is used as that spell STUDEBAKER. The design Studebaker park offices and a nature center and over was conceived by two Studebaker four miles of trails have been constructed engineers Michaek de Blumenthal and Clubhouse through woods and fields and around Mel S. Niemier. The idea behind the ponds. sign was that it would serve as a salute at to the growing aviation industry in the Bendix Woods Large- area. flowered County Park trillium at  It took a month and a half to plant Bendix 8,259 6–inch seedlings. Woods  Each letter is composed of two rows of County white pine forming the border and three Park. inner rows of red pine. Since it was first built in 1926, the Studebaker Clubhouse has gone In 1969 approximately 20 acres of land  The living sign spans a distance of one- was sold to the County Parks and the park half mile. through many changes, from living increased to its current size of 195 acres.  Each letter is 200 feet in width and quarters for Studebaker employees, to Within Bendix Woods is a 26-acre state 250 feet in length. army barracks, to a private residence dedicated nature preserve. This preserve and finally as present day county offers one of the best spring wildflower park offices and a nature center. displays in northern Indiana. The park also offers several services to The building has withstood many the public. Picnic sites and shelters are changes that reflect St. Joseph County available for rental all year-round and a and its rich history. wide variety of interpretive and leisure programs are offered. Interpretive program topics range from maple syrup to pond studies to insects. Leisure program offerings include fall hayrides, cross country skiing and hiking. Enjoy a look at the history of this unique building ! Aerial view of the pine trees that spell STUDEBAKER. REFLECTIONS IN TIME: THE STUDEBAKER CLUBHOUSE 1947 1985 Studebaker converts the lower level of the The Studebaker Clubhouse and Clubhouse into drafting rooms for the Cole STUDEBAKER pine tree sign are placed on Studebaker -Vail Project. The resulting car design is the National Historic Register. Corporation built reportedly the first to use McPherson the clubhouse in 1926 for its Struts, a type of shock absorber that employees. provides independent suspension to each 1987 wheel. The STUDEBAKER pine tree sign is listed 1961 in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest living advertising sign. 1926 Sherwood Egbert becomes the new The Studebaker Clubhouse is built for president of the Studebaker Corporation. employee lodging. The West Wing He renovates the Clubhouse for his private contains a cafeteria; the East Wing a residence. 1997 lounge filled with pool tables and leather The Clubhouse and letters receive local sofas; and upstairs there are 13 sleeping 1966 landmark status from the Historic rooms and a caretaker’s apartment. The The proving grounds are sold to Bendix Preservation Commission. company believes employees will not Corporation. They, in turn, donate the want to drive the hazardous winter roads Clubhouse and 175 acres of land to the back to South Bend. newly formed St. Joseph County Parks and Recreation Board.

1938 1967 The Clubhouse reopens as offices and a The half-mile long pine tree sign spelling Nature Center for St. Joseph County Parks. STUDEBAKER is planted by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

1943 The U.S. Army takes over the proving Arched rear entry to grounds for military testing. The Clubhouse Students enjoy the hands-on Studebaker Clubhouse. houses Commissioned Army officers. exhibits in the Discovery Room.