STRATHCONA PARK TRAILS GUIDE SPECIAL Hiking Guide NootkaWILDWILD Island ISLEISLE Canada’sCanada’s WestWest CoastCoast AdventureAdventure MagazineMagazine ININ THETHE WAKEWAKE OFOF CAPTAINCAPTAIN VANCOUVERVANCOUVER A CLIMBER’S LIFELIFE CAVINGCAVING ININ THAILANDTHAILAND 3Chancesto WIN Apairoftickets to FREE ISSUE #12 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2000 see page 26 for details HIKE NOOTKA ISLAND The Resort at Cape Mudge Quadra Island BEACHFRONT CABIN . Only Getaway .95* September 16 - 30, 2000 $119 * based on quad occupancy 2 Bedroom With Jacuzzi Bathtub Gas Fireplace Kitchenette Us! 1-800-665-7745
[email protected] Tel: (250) 285-2042 Fax: (250) 285-2532 CCONTENTONTENTSS Cover: Curtis Lyon, South Ridge of Victoria Peak. Photo: Philip Stone BC Parks View Point p9 Volunteering in Paradise Gabe Jutras, Kwisatz Haderach 5.11d, Crest Creek Photo: Josie Boulding Linvin’ the Dream p10 Contents: The life of the Surfer at Long Beach. unsponsored climber Photo: Corrie Wright Strathcona Park p13 An overview of the hiking trails in BC’s oldest park Thai Caves p17 Islanders Abroad Underground adventure in Thailand Mt Colonel Foster p19 Guide to Vancouver Island’s alpine climbing mecca Benighted on Mt Klitsa p21 A lesson earned and a lesson learned In the Wake of Vancouver p22 The explorations of Cpt Vancouver on BC’s west coast. Happenings p26 Coming events on the west coast 3Chancesto WIN Apairoftickets to see page 26 for details west coast adventure magazine • • CENTRE PULLOUT - NOOTKA ISLAND - HIKING