LEGEND FOR MAP SHOWING POSITION OF INDIAN VILLAGES Teimsyan proper Fort Simpeon (1831) Klukwan Port Sim san (1833) Chilkat Metlakat% Juneau Prince Rupert Sitka Port Eesington Telegraph Creek Stikine Glacier Kitsemkzlem W rangell Kitsalas Canyon Klawock Gitrhahla Ketchikan Kitamat Hartley Bay Sawlan Cape Fox Tsimsyan (Gihn) Tongas 53. Kitwanga 54. Gitwinlkul Haida (Kaigani) 55. Gitsegyukh 13. Tuxecan 56. 14. Kasaan 57. Kiepayaks 15. Hydaburg 58. Kiskagas 16. Sukkwan 59. Qaldo 17. Howkan 18. Cape Chacon Kwakiutl Bella Bella Haida Rivers Inlet Smith Inlet 19. Langara Island 20. Hope Island Frederick Island Koskimo 21. Hippa Blun&n Harbour 22. Virago 23. Fort Rupert Yan Alert Bay 24. h4arr~et.t 25. Kingcome Inlet Tow Hill Gilford Island 26. Cape Ball Turnour Island 27. Knight Inlet 28. Teahl 29. New Gold Harbour Cape Mudge 30. Cumshewa Nootka 31. Quatsino 32. Tanu Kla yuqaht 33. Nootka Sound 34. Tasu Friendly Cove Zeballos Teimsyan (Nihl Alberni 35. Nass River 36. Kinwlith Salish 37. Gitike Campbell River 38. Gitrhadeen Comox 39. Gwunahaw Nanaimo 40. Gitwinksihlk Vanwuver 41. Gitlarhdarnks Viaoria 42. Volcano Port Townsen TOTEM POLES BY Marius Barbeau



Price, $3.50 per volume A nfhropological Series No. 30

CONTENTS Totem poles according to location ...... ~~i~s~n-Nisk~s...... Gitiks and Angyadae villages (down Nass River) ...... Pole of Negwa'on of Angyadae ...... Gitwinksihlk (at the canyon of the Nass) ...... Pole of Gwaneks and 'Weelarhae ...... Half-protruding pole ...... Gitlarhdamks (up river) ...... Wolfphrat ry ...... PoleofTowq ...... Pole of 'Neesyoq and 'Neeskyinwaet ...... Totem poles of 'Neesyoq ...... Pole of Kyaerhk ...... Roasted-Person ...... Pole of Sqateen ...... Spearing-the-Sky ...... Village-on-Tree ...... Packing-Robins ...... Two totems of Kstiyaorh ...... of Kungyaw ...... Commemoration of Temnunrh ...... Eagle phratry ...... Whereon-sits-the-Woodpecker ...... Fireweed phratry ...... One-Fireweed ...... Whereon-sits-the-Goose ...... Tsimsyans Proper (Port Simpson, , Southern Tsimsyans) ...... Port Simpson ...... List of totem poles at Port Sirnpson ...... Killer-Whale phratry ...... Pole of Neeswairhs ...... The Liguidihl ...... Pole called Mirage ...... MirageHlaekan ...... Sun as a housefront painting ...... Pole of Neesloot and Weenaes (Garfield) ...... Porpoise-like pole ...... Gamayaem's flagpole ...... Fireweed pole ...... Pole of Suhallait (Garfield) ...... Raven phratry ...... ; ...... The mortuary pole of Dakawmilsk (Garfield) ...... Totem poles of the Sea-Lion ...... PoleoftheRaven ...... Klarneen pole of Neeshawt ...... Chief-Raven house front ...... Raven and Salmon-River crests ...... Pole of the Dog ...... Dog on totem poles ...... Bullhead poles of Nteetshleelks ...... Wolf phratry ...... Pole of Halaidem-kan ...... Dancer-of-Wood (Garfield) ...... Eaglephratry ...... Dogfish-FinofLegyarh ...... Pole of Lukawl ...... Mixed ...... Tsimsyan pole at the Field Columbian Exhibition (Deans) ...... Totem pole of Skeena River (Harriman) ...... Tsimsyans Proper (Canyon of the Skeena) ...... Robin-Woman and Blue-Bill-Duck-Woman (Myth) ...... Totem poles at the (Emmons) ...... Fireweed and Killer-Whale phratry ...... Fireweed pole of Neeshaiwa?rhs...... : .... Fireweed poles of Neesnawae ...... Four Welmis house posts of Laens ...... Raven phratry ...... Grandfather-of-Red-Hair pole ...... Poles of Larahnitsk ...... Pole of Thunder ...... Island (Gitrhahla) Tsimsyans ...... Gispewudwade phratry ...... Carved crests of Hale ...... Totem of Light (Hale) ...... Pole of Kiyout ...... Whole-Killer-Whale of Tsakawle ...... Garment-of-Blackfish ...... Ravenphratry ...... Ten-faces-across-the-top ...... Polaof Wakhaes ...... Wolfphrat ry ...... The White-Owl ...... Metlakatla ...... Neeslaranos poles in the chapel ...... Southern Tsimsyans (Gitamat, Kitlawp) ...... Trick-Ladder of Tseebasz ...... Where-the-Blackfish-collide ...... Snag Crest ...... Poleat Gitamat ...... Pole cokmemorating Kapskoltsh (now at Stockholm, Sweden) ... Haidas ...... Skidegate and southern tribes ...... Skidegate and the southern villages (Dawson) ...... Skidegate Indian village (Dawson) ...... Totems of Chief Skidegate (Swanton) ...... Totem pole carvers at Skidegate ...... Pole of The-Younger-Brother (Swanton) ...... Grave-post of Chief Skidegate (Swanton) ...... Sea-Monster pole (Deans) ...... Totem of the Rotten-House-People (Swanton) ...... A Gitins house with poles and posts (Swanton) ...... Pole and house of Cathlingscoon (Deans) ...... Inside house posts of Thunderbird now at Victoria (Swanton) .... Inside house posts of Thunderbird at the Provincial Museum, Victoria. B.C. (W . A . Newcombe) ...... Beaver. Raven. Sun. and Grizzly pole (Deans) ...... Grave poles of Skidegate and Old Gold Harbour (Swanton) ...... Totem poles at New Gold Harbour (Jacobsen) ...... Totem poles of Tsahl ...... Miqration of Hippa Island families (Swanton) ...... Children-of-Nastow ...... Cumshewa ...... Pole of Kohlans ...... Pole of Gitkagyas (Swanton) ...... Raven and Thunderbird pole ...... V

Skedans ...... 504 The Skedans' close association with Gitrhahla (Swanton) ...... 504 Pole of Neeswas (Swanton) ...... 512 Tanu ...... 512 Poles of Tanu (W . A . Newcombe) ...... 512 Grizzly and Killer.Whale ...... 512 Ninstints ...... 526 The Ninstints tribe becoming extinct (Deans) ...... 526 The Ninstints, described by Swanton ...... 526 The Ninstints tribe as now described ...... 528 The Ninstints Eagles (Swanton) ...... 530 Whale-Slave's totem pole (Deans) ...... 530 Anget totem ...... 534 Raven with protruding tongue ...... 534 Unidentified ...... 538 Killer-Whale totem in Bremen, Germany ...... 538 House posts at the Pitt-Rivers Museum. Oxford. England ...... 538 'Grizzly Bear and Raven of Massett (C. F. Newcombe) ...... 546 McCill totem pole in Montreal ...... 553 Massett grou ...... 561 Nor of the Haidas in 1878 (Dawson) ...... 561 Tian and Hippah Island ...... 563 An inside pole of Edensaw at Kyusta (Swanton) ...... 563 Kyusta villaSe ...... 563 Yakun village ...... 565 Raven of Klaskun ...... 565 Ginaawan pole (Swan ...... 567 Pole at Fox Warren. England (Tyler) ...... 567 Pole at the Pitt-Rivers Museum. Oxford. England (Tyler) ...... 567 Raven totem of Massett. now in Jasper Park ...... 568 Who carved the Jasper pole ...... 570 Old Massett ...... 570 Stihltz's pole at Massett (Swanto ...... 570 Qingi poles and beams of Massett (Swanton) ...... 570 Pole of Weeae's wife at Massett (Swanton) ...... 570 Pole of Qogis (Swanton) ...... 571 Pole of Great Breakers (Swanton) ...... 571 Pole of He-whose-voice-is-obeyed (Swanton) ...... 572 Pole of Kuiyans (Swanton) ...... 572 Kaigani Haidas (Southern Alaska) ...... 575 Kaigani Haidas (Niblack) ...... 575 Origin of the Kaigani Haidas (Swanton) ...... 578 Migrations of the Haidas (Beynon) ...... 585 Kasaan village (Niblack) ...... 585 Totem poles of Old Kasaan (Corser) ...... 585 House at Old Kasaan (Keithahn) ...... 591 House posts in Chief Skowl's house (Niblack) ...... 591 Mortuary columns near Howkan (Niblack) ...... 591 Poles at Sukkwan (Keithahn) ...... ' 599 Old-Witch pole of Sukkwan (Keithahn) ...... 599 Tlingits ...... 602 Southern villages ...... 602 Pole from Tongas (Deans) ...... 601 Totems of Tongas (Corser) ...... 602 Mortuary column of Chief Kootenah (Niblack) ..... 608 Fog-Woman and Kudjuk at Ketchikan (Keithahn) ...... 608 Poles at Tuxecan (Keithahn) ...... 609 Wrangell ...... 610 Totem poles of Wrangell (Andrews) ...... 610 Totems of Shaiks ...... 610 Wolf totem of 1869 (Andrews) ...... 618 Wolf totem (Corser) ...... 618 Pole of Katishan (Swanton) ...... Kadashan totem poles (Corser) ...... Koodashan of the Tarqueneedy (Comer) ...... Kadashan and Goonyah poles (Corser) ...... Grave posts (Swanton) ...... Grave posts of Tcukanedi (Swanton) ...... Grave post Stuwuqa (Swanton) ...... Grave of Shustocks (Niblack) ...... Graves at the Bear Totem store (Corser) ...... Dancing Cane (Swanton) ...... Kayak totem pole (Corser) ...... Beaver of Kilisnu and Kicksetti totem myth (Corser) ...... Beaver, Duktut, and Kayak pole (Corser) ...... Totem of Kolteen (Keithahn) ...... New Tagcook pole (Keithahn) ...... Devil's Thumb (Keithahn) ...... Goonya totem (Corser) ...... Northern Tlingits ...... Totem poles at Sitka (Corser) ...... Mountain-House of the Ravens (Shotridge) ...... House posts of the Wolf House at Sitka ...... Totems at Kake (Kindle) ...... Sitka totems (Corser) ...... Tlingit house posts (Krause) ...... Bella Coolas ...... House rrtal at the old pagan village ...... House rontal pole of Tallio ...... Two doorway carvings (Deans) ...... Two house frontals at Tallio (W. A . Newcombe) ...... House post collected by Jacobsen for Chicago ...... Chief Clelaman's memorial ...... Kwakiutls ...... Fort Rupert ...... Kyinanuk family of Tongas (Tlingit) ...... ,David Hunt's totem pole ...... ' The Hunt totem pole ...... Statue TeSpeak-Through (Hope Island, Boas) ...... Commemoration of He wugyelagwaw ...... Monument of ~wakwa%ales...... Graveyard pole of Tsawlarhlehlilaakwe ...... Speak-Through post ...... Alert Bay and other Kwakiutl villages ...... Thunderbird of Wawkyas ...... Talking Stick of Chief Wawkyas ...... Talking Stick of Chief Wakius (Goodfellow) ...... Sisa-kaulas (Goodfellow) ...... Raven totem (Corser) ...... Raven-of-the-Sea ...... Sun totem ...... Sinsintlae post (Boas) ...... Chief Sesarhawles' pole ...... Bullhead graveyard pole ...... Graveyard pole of Tsaqalahl ...... Doorway to a Koskimo house (Shdtridge) ...... Newettee totem pole (Boas)...... : ... The Tsonoqoa of Old Nahwittee ...... Pole of the Denarhtoq (Knight Inlet) ...... Poles of Tsawadi (Knight Inlet) ...... Inside poles of Tsawadi (W . A .Newcombe) ...... Post of Sad (Knight Inlet) ...... House posts showlng Dsonoqua ...... House posts of Lelarha (Boas) ...... House posts of the Nannimoach (Deans) ...... vii

Commemoration statues (Boas) ...... Bella Bella pole 1 ...... Bella Bella pole 2 ...... Carved posts of Nahwittee (2) ...... House posts of Cape Mudge ...... Totem poles of Alert Hay (Corser) ...... Paintings and carved posts (Leeson photos) ...... N&kaa ...... Nootkas had no totem poles (Emmons) ...... No totem poles formerly (Sapir) ...... Bear and Seal carved posts of Alberni ...... Bear and Anitsatnas (Clayoquot) ...... Quatsino totem pole ...... Skate painting of Alberni ...... Insidehouse poles at Sarita (W. A . Newcombe) ...... Welcome poles at Ohiat (W. A . Newcombe) ...... Salishes ...... Totem poles and posts among the Salish (Barnett) ...... South of Deep Bay (Barnett) ...... House post at Comox (Emmons) ...... Salish inside-house poles (W . A . Newcornbe) ...... Inside-house pole (W . A . Newcombe) ...... Comox totem poles and paintin s (Barnett) ...... Grave posts from Ruby Creek &I. A . Newcombe) ...... Synthesis and compilation ...... The growth of heraldry or totemism on the north Pacific Coast ...... Mythical beings and crests (Ravenhill) ...... Crests of the Gitksan tribes ...... Crests and totems (Deasy) ...... Lack of system among Haidas, Tsimsyans, and Tlinglits (Swanton) Lack of uniformity in classification of crests among Haidas, Tsimsyans, and Tlingits (Swanton) ...... Comparative study of myths embodied in totem poles (Boas) .... Spider Woman and Butterfly myths in Siberia (Bogoras) ...... Mythical and folklore themes (Thompson) ...... Numbers ...... Carved columns in the north (Deans)...... Appraisal (Dawson) ...... Tuxecan poles in 1922 ...... Painted housefront and doorway carvings ...... Native paints (Niblack . 1885) ...... Painting on poles and house fronts (Emmons, 1930) ...... House-front paintings (Emmons) ...... How totem poles were painted (Keithahn) ...... Painted houses among the Tlingits (Swanton) ...... House-front paintings among the Tsimsyans ...... House-front paintin at Gitsalas (Tsimsyan) ...... Why the ~itandawravehou, fronts paintec ...... House-front paintings in a Gitksan myth ...... Painted houses of Hale (Gitrhahla) ...... Mural carving and painting at Gitrhahla ...... House paintings of Where-opens-thesky (Gitrhahla) ...... Painted house fronts among the Kwakiutls (Deans) ...... Killer-Whale at Lirhsiwg (Boas) ...... Painted house fronts of the Kwakiutls (Boas) ...... Crests painted on house fronts of the Kwakiutls ...... House-front paintings among the Coast Salishes (Boas) ...... Monumental carvings ...... Classification . among the Haidas (Dawson) ...... Types of carved poles (Swanton) ...... Totem poles and mortuary columns (Niblack) ...... viii

Types of carved columns (W. A. 785 Kaigani mortuary columns (Nib1 785 Memorial poles among the Tling 785 Types of totem poles among the 786 Grave posts among the Haidas (Dawson)...... 786 786 786 Types of Haida totem poles. . 787 Names for totem poles amon 787 787 787 787 Definition of totem pole (Dudoward)...... - . . 788 Stone pillar of Gitsalas...... _...... 788 Models of poles and posts amon 788 Substitutes for totem poles (Garfield)...... 788 Totem carvers, technique...... 789 789 79 1 791 791 793 795 795 795 795 796 ._...... 796 Gitksan carvers of totem poles...... 798 798 800 800 800 800 The growth of fotem-pole carving -early records...... 801 80 1 80 1 80 1 803...... 803 ._...____.___._._..._...... 803 803 803 805 ...... 806 Ingraham (1791) ...... 806 Vancouver (1792) ...... 806 ...... 808 809 809 _...___...... 810 810 11. Comments by later observers. . . 810 810 810 813 814

816-~ ~ 817 817 817 818 818 27 . Edward L . Keithahn (1945) ...... 28 . Fred S . Johnston (1947) ...... 29 . Poles in Alaska in the 1880's (Keithahn) ...... 30 . The age of totem poles (Keithahn) ...... 31 . The art of the Northwest Coast is recent (Keithahn) ...... 32 . The age of totem poles (W. A . Newcombe) ...... 33. Nass origin of detached poles (Raley) ...... 34. Age of the Gitksan poles on upper Skeena River ...... 111. In mythology and tales ...... 35 . The Raven makes a totem pole (Swanton) ...... 36 . Dreaming of totem poles ...... 37 . The first totem (Paul) ...... IV . Opinions of the Tsimsyan and Haida informants as to age of art of carving and erecting totem poles ...... 38. Edensaw ...... 39 . Mrs.SusanGrey ...... 40 . Henry Young ...... 41 . AlfredYoung ...... 42 . Dennis Wood ...... Early culture contacts on the Northwest Coast ...... Early Russian contacts in Alaska ...... From 1785 to 1795 (Quimby) ...... Haida carvers widely travelled ...... Workshop items ...... Sources of information ...... Bibliography ...... Addenda ...... Conservation and restoration of totem poles ...... Conservation of totem poles ...... Totem restoration in recent decades (Keithahn) ...... Totem poles destroyed (Keithahn) ...... Totem poles at Sitka not really Sitkan (Keithahn) ...... Restoration of Gitksan totem poles ...... Restoration of totem poles among the Tsimsyans ...... Why fallen totems are abandoned ...... Illustrations Plates 187 to 561 ...... Through kt See Details of illustrations ...... 860