3 THE SPY 5 MARKING TIME SENT TO Flint Tower Beauchamp Tower Brick Tower Martin Tower THE TOWER Climb the spiral stairs to the upper The TOWER Carl Hans Lody During the First World War, the room - it’s filled with prisoner graffiti Tower became an execution site. Carl Lody was one of 11 German This room was probably used for Waterloo Barracks Constable Tower Salt Tower 1 ’S FIRST ZOO spies executed here. His amateurish high-ranking prisoners, who paid of LONDON To Brick Tower handsomely for better conditions spycraft had led to his arrest and stops PALACE conviction. But his integrity won him including servants and cooks. The To You can explore the Royal 1-3 PRISON widespread admiration Tower was often used by monarchs to stops Beasts exhibition here FORTRESS during his public trial. hold important people on political or 11-14 Lody was executed on religious charges. 13 An ostrich, an elephant, lions and established 6 on 14 snakes: all were kept at the Tower 12 c1070 an indoor shooting Choose your favourite carving. as part of the royal ‘menagerie’. range. In a final act How do you think it was Monarchs acquired most of the Lody wrote to made and by whom? animals as diplomatic gifts or THE WALKS thank his guards 1 11 trophies from wars and exploration. Flint Tower for their ‘kind and considered SENT TO THE TOWER Why do you think monarchs gave Carving by treatment.’ (suggested start stop ) each other animals as gifts? Thomas Abel 1 (or Abell) The King of 1533 2 Norway gave 4 HEADS ROLL MONARCH MYSTERIES Henry III a ‘white Execution memorial (suggested start stop 6) bear’. It swam 3 15 and hunted for Look for the large, round sculpture with names engraved around the edge fish in the TORTURE & REVOLT Thames Among those executed near this White Tower (suggested start stop 11) spot were three queens. Anne 2 FIRE BOMB Boleyn, Catherine Howard and Lady Battlement Wall Jane Grey each lost her head inside the Tower. Occasionally, it could Pass through the Bowyer Tower. From get messy. One witness wrote that 10 here, you’ll see the Waterloo Barracks Margaret Pole’s execution in 1541 was performed by ‘a wretched and Bloody Tower Cradle Tower The Waterloo Barracks was built blundering youth who literally hacked following a major fire at the Tower. her head and shoulders to pieces.’ On the evening of 31 October 4 1841, flames engulfed the Grand Middle Storehouse, a depot for artillery and 9 Drawbridge 13 A SOLDIER’S HOME small arms. Concern grew about the A woodsman’s 5 TOWER 6 (group visits Battlement Wall risk to the White Tower, which was axe, as used for entrance) the country’s main gunpowder store. beheadings GREEN Soldiers stationed here live in A potential explosion could have 8 cottages built into the outer wall levelled the Tower and surrounding 7 area. Fortunately, the fire was brought Yeoman Warders have been guarding under control. the Tower for over 500 years. Today, all warders have a distinguished record of military service and live WHARF within the Tower with their families. In addition to providing security, their duties include giving visitor tours. 7 THE MONARCH Beauchamp Tower St Thomas’s Tower MONARCH Traitors’ Gate 14 HEIST! MYSTERIES Climb spiral Elizabeth I stairs to upper Martin Tower Legend says when Princess Elizabeth Beauchamp came here as a prisoner in 1554, she 9 MELANCHOLY KILLS You’ll find replicas of the massive To arrived through this river gate (she Wakefield Tower Cullinan diamond here probably didn’t). She was locked up stops 6 A MURDER MYSTERY? 8-10 Today the priceless Crown Jewels Tower Green in the Tower by her half-sister Mary I Pass through St Thomas’s Tower. (r1553-8), who suspected Elizabeth of Wakefield Tower has a small chapel are stored behind bulletproof glass From here you can see both the plotting against her. in the Waterloo Barracks. But in the Bloody Tower and White Tower After a stressful stay, Chapels were essential in a royal late 1660s, they were kept here - in a locked cabinet. The public could lack of evidence residence, given the importance of The manacles, as used The Bloody Tower gets its name as led to her release. religion. King Henry VI is said to have even handle them for a small fee. This on John Gerard - how ended in 1671, however, after thieves the alleged location of a suspected Her next visit to died in this spot, while at prayer, in many people do you plotted to overpower the jewel keeper murder. In 1483, the king died and his the Tower was much 1471. Though he was a king, Henry think were tortured and nearly got away. The alarm was two young sons came to the Tower happier. She stayed here was a prisoner here. His rivals - the at the Tower? under the care of their uncle Richard. the night before Yorks - had taken control of the raised and the jewels recovered, as Twelve-year-old Edward expected her coronation throne in a series of civil wars. His TORTURE the shadowy Colonel Blood and his 12 THE REBEL band were captured on the wharf. to inherit his father’s throne, but he in 1558. rivals’ supporters said he died of & REVOLT and his nine-year-old brother were sadness (he’d recently lost his son in Constable Tower Amazingly, after a private meeting declared illegitimate. Soon after, their battle), but it was widely suspected DOES THE with Charles II, Blood was pardoned.

uncle was crowned Richard III and he was murdered on orders of the Johanna Ferrour DESERVE ITS GORY REPUTATION? In 1381 an army of protesters marched the potential heirs vanished from the new king Edward IV. 8 LONGSHANKS RESTS 11 HANGING TOUGH on London. They were angry about Tower. Rumours circulated they were St Thomas’s Tower Salt Tower the hated poll tax. Ferrour led a group 15 RACK AND RUIN murdered by their uncle. R that successfully stormed the Tower. White Tower Pass through the Medieval Palace O E Discover prisoner graffiti and 10 LUXURY LOST G Once inside, they arrested the Lord What do you think could have until you reach a bedchamber Battlement Wall stories of those locked up here It’s said the White Tower’s basement happened to the princes? Chancellor and dragged him to Tower was a site of torture and interrogation Hill. Ferrour had him beheaded. Edward I (r1272-1307), along with Read the ‘Lost Palace’ info sign on the John Gerard was a Jesuit priest Court records his father Henry III (r1216-72), helped wall. Then continue to Lanthorn Tower imprisoned here in the 1590s. He Anne Askew is the only recorded described her as strengthen the Tower by adding its was also tortured during his stay. instance of a woman being tortured ‘chief perpetrator defensive walls. Secure inside, this At one time, a grand complex of Catholic worship was outlawed at the at the Tower. In 1546, the authorities and leader warrior king also built a comfortable buildings extended across to the S time and the authorities were trying tried to uncover the names of Askew’s of rebellious royal palace. This was his bedroom White Tower. This inner palace served C E to persuade Gerard to reveal his fellow Protestants. They stretched R evildoers’. when he stayed. Because the king medieval monarchs and their families, O conspirators (he didn’t). Gerard, who her on the rack - the Tower’s principal Despite this, moved around so much, his bed including young children. Inside Choose one of the 0 gore-free later escaped, recalled being left to torture instrument. As a result, her there is no In 1674, the bones of two and furnishings travelled with Lanthorn Tower you’ll find objects three walks. Rate hang, wrists bound in manacles. shoulders and hips were pulled from 1 potentially gory evidence children were discovered him. Unusually tall for his time, that give a flavour of medieval life each stop you their sockets and elbows and knees 2 plain gruesome she was ever during works on the ‘Longshanks’ had a bed specially here, a toy figure of a knight on visit on this Visit the Cradle Tower for the full dislocated. She never talked and was convicted. White Tower made for his 6’2” frame. horseback from around 1300. scale from 0-3 3 stomach-turning story of Gerard’s daring escape later burnt at the stake at Smithfield.

KS3-trail-portrait-v6.indd 1 30/08/2019 17:16

KS3-trail-portrait-v6.indd 2 KS3-trail-portrait-v6.indd 30/08/2019 17:17 30/08/2019 (r1509-47), arrives for hercoronation 1275-9 wife ofHenryVIII builds watergate and St Thomas’s * stored here, not Boleyn, second gunpowder are kills aprisoner SOME GREAT

An accidental damages the

building and (r1272-1307) 1548 without risk. 1533 trail map & timeline & map trail procession 1200 | Edward I ESCAPES explosion stocks of HOW GORY ASTORY? The Tower ofLondon

| Large | Anne Tower

at bay Tower to keep hostile Londoners king (r1066-87). Heestablishes the invades Englandandbecomes 1066

| William theConqueror 1090s castle keep madeofstone completed; ’s first ever traced backto the Tower canbe manufacture at 1204 ‘see thenovel sight’ Londoners flockto the menagerie. elephant to join king sendsan 1255 Emperor Frederick II gift by HolyRoman three leopards asa (r1216-72) isgiven 1235 this date

| HenryIII | French fall asleep, hescalestheWhite Tower andescapes. provide themwithwine. Oneevening, whenthey Flambard befriendshisguards, usinghiswealth to | White Tower is | Crossbow 3


6 4, 1100 How gory a story? a gory How Elizabeth I) Elizabeth (later imprisons Princess Mary I(r1553-58) 1554 5

| Queen Houses ofParliament 1605 James I(r1603-25) Sir Walter Raleigh plot to assasinate attack theTower. 1618 of imprisonment, 1326 and blow upthe (1307-27) takes refuge from his but isprobably

is executed on

enemies here.

Edward flees, | GuyFawkes

Angry mobs after afailed | After years

| Edward II is tortured murdered Tower Hil Tower’s walls inside the London mint making at the moves coin- 1279 | Edward I


7 1300 is founded ‘Beefeaters’ Warders, or Yeoman body of 1509 later madeasaint Archbishop andis goes onto become of theTower. Becket Becket asConstable 89) appointsThomas 1162 Catholicism practicing for covertly imprisoned John Gerard is 1590s Henry I(r1100-35) with stealing from Flambard, charged and BishopRanulf government minister first prisoneris 1100 1600

| HenryII(r1154- | The | The Tower’s

(r1649-58) isnamed | Jesuitpriest Lord Protector. He 1649 Oliver Cromwell

melts down the

* Crown Jewels the CivilWar 1 |Following in Wakefield Tower murdered by hisenemieswhilepraying while imprisonedhere. Somesay heis 1471 *

‘invisible’ letters to hissupporters inorange juice. Gerard plots adramatic riverboat escapeby writing | HenryVI(r1422-61; 1470-1) dies

1415 prisoner ofwar. Hespends Orléans lives inluxuryasa

| Frenchman Charlesof 24 years incustody

in abarrel ofwine allegedly drowned dies here. He’s Duke ofClarence for treason, the 1478 1830s kept here from 1235 untilthe Menagerie influence theeconomy centuries, helpingthemonarch Mint 600 years have beenkept here for over Safehouse lived inluxuryhere for 500years A royal home for over 300years procession began at theTower Ceremony day continues to this established. It up theTower is ceremony locking 1336 PALACE |Imprisoned

prisoners ofwar are

- Coins were madehere for | Anightly the Tower’s indoor executed by firing of Punjab annexation following the to QueenVictoria diamond ispresented 1850

DOES THE TOWER OF LONDON 1914-18 shooting range squad, many in - The coronation - The Crown Jewels -


| The Koh-i-nur - Kings andqueens


while tryingto escapeto France 19kg ofcoins. Oneiscaught 1798 Eleven This trail is full of walks, stops and information to help you

1800 investigate more than 950 years of Tower history. | Two Mintworkers steal

See if you agree (or disagree) that this ancient castle deserves 1727

its reputation as a fearsome site of torture and execution. fire duringtheroyal coronation fortress hasjust 22gunsfitto 1400

1 BEFORE YOU START: WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1900 | Inaperiodofdecline, the here, even today soldiers hasalways beenstationed Military outpost centuries been stored andmadehere for Royal armoury one ringofwalls insideanother) strongest ‘concentric’ castle (with I madetheTower England’s Defence by theRomans, AD43-410) of adefensive citywall (first made most populouscityontheremains the River Thames andEngland’s Strategic location Does the Tower of London deserve its gory reputation? of George II(r1727-60) FORTRESS 1671 YES NO MAYBE (r1660-85) but ispardoned by CharlesII Crown Jewels. He’s foiled, attempts to steal thenew - |Colonel Blood Henry IIIandEdward


Why do you think that? disguised asoneof herladies-in-waiting. Aided by hiswife, Winifred, Lord Nithsdaleescapes - Weapons have - Agarrisonof - Builtnext to media attention Her arrest gainswide the Crown Jewels display. Leonora Cohen smashes 1913 defences the Tower’s Revolt, breaching the Peasants’ open gates during and runthrough march onLondon 1381 of George I(1714-27) supporting arival is imprisonedfor Earl ofNithsdale, 1716

|William Maxwell, | Suffragette 2 IN THE TOWER: GIVE EACH STOP A GORE SCORE | 400rebels 2014

0 gore-free is marked by anartinstallation Follow one of the ORE G |First World War centenary three walks around 1 potentially gory

the Tower. Rate the Second World War grow vegetables during 1940s

2 plain gruesome flooding themoat with ‘goriness’ of each S the First andSecond World Wars of war were executed here during 20th century POWs more common such assolitaryconfinement, were physical torture. Otherforms, Torture from theTower, or4percentury estimates 37 successful escapes Escapes and themonarchy alleged threats to national security ‘High-value’ prisoners national service Ronnie Kray, for notreporting for Last: 1952 timeline) First: 1100 stop you visit. C E O R 3 stomach-turning * PRISON


Moat usedto ceramic poppies



48 known casesof -

BEFORE YOU LEAVE: THINK AGAIN! - 3 1 2 6 5 4 3 7 - One historian appointed, the Gangsters Reggie and Ranulf Flambard (see

Once you’ve explored, re-consider the main question: 2007 Cameron is first female Earl ofEssex Robert Devereaux 1601 Countess ofSalisbury Margaret Pole 1541 Queen ofEngland Anne Boleyn 1536 executed withouttrial William Hastings 1483 Tower Green) (on ornear BEHEADINGS Queen ofEngland Lady JaneGrey 1554 Viscountess Rochford Jane Boleyn 1542 Queen ofEngland Catherine Howard 1542 Does the Tower of London deserve its gory reputation? published at children is guidebook aimed 1741 Yeoman Warder

| Moira

- 12prisoners | First


- Usedfor 2000

Has your view changed? If so, why?