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Parent Handbook 2012-13 I PROGRAMS AND SERVICES AT THE CHILDREN'S CENTRE SCHOOL The school at Niagara Children's Centre is one of six Section 68 School Authorities in . Using a multidisciplinary approach, students with physical and/or communication disabilities from 4-21 years of age are provided with developmentally appropriate educational opportunities that are based on the Ontario curriculum . Through consultation with families, each student is provided with a high quality Individual Education Plan that carefully weaves together educational and therapeutic goals. Our staff is also committed to sharing knowledge and expertise with our local district school boards and other children's agencies in the Niagara region .

The Children's Centre School is not designed to be a permanent, alternate educational placement for children with physical and/or communication disabilities. Our primary responsibility is to ensure that each student has a successful transition, through the provision of replicable teaching strategies, to their community school or the community at large. We are also committed to assisting students reach their highest level of independence, communication, academic achievement and participation.

Presently, The Children'S Centre School offers 3 distinct programs for students. Liaison services are also provided in order to facilitate the successful admission or demission of students. A range of therapy services are woven into programs and include speech­ language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, adapted aquatics and gym, and therapeutic recreation. Therapy services are provided based on student need.

Each student at The Children'S Centre School is admitted to program through the admissions process. A therapist's referral is necessary for placement consideration at The Children's Centre School and all placements are reviewed on an annual basis. Placement reviews take place in late January/early February of each school year. Referral packages are completed by mid-March of each year, and admissions decisions are communicated to families by late April.

Our underlying philosophy of special education and our practices comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Accessibility Act, the Education Act and all regulations made under that act.

THE NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE AND THE CHILDREN'S CENTRE SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP The Children's Centre School is proud to be a partner with Niagara Children's Centre and works very hard to help support the Children's Treatment Centre. NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE is a registered charitable organization. Because of this, donations and other funding sources are sought to ensure that programs at NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE thrive. This means that tours of the school with our community partners may take place during the school day. Families within the school may be asked to tell their stories or may be asked to allow pictures to be taken of their child in school or during therapy activities. You may also be invited to a variety of fundraising events. I THERAPY AT THE CHILDREN'S CENTRE SCHOOL

Therapists from the Niagara Children's Centre provide treatment, technology and therapy to the children of the school so that they can achieve their potential and participate in their life at home, at school and in the greater community.

Within the school, children receive therapy in two or more areas from the following health professionals: a) Speech Language Pathologists b) Occupational Therapists c) Physical Therapists d) Social Workers e) Communication Disorders Assistants Depending on their needs, students may also be able to access specialized aquatic programs, Alternative and Augmentative Communication services, psychology services, specialized seating clinics, recreation therapy and developmental paediatrics.

The therapists from the Niagara Children's Centre use a best practice approach to therapy. The majority of therapy for children in the school takes place in the child's classroom. In some cases, a child may be removed from the class for periods of assessment/intervention sessions in a treatment room, the gym and/or the pool within the Children'S Centre/School.


./ Ensure that you sign off on your consent for therapy treatment ./ Attend all clinic appointments scheduled for your child . ./ Participate in the workshops offered throughout the year by your therapy and school staff . ./ Call your therapist if you have questions and/or concerns regarding the therapy your child is receiving. THE CHILDREN'S CENTRE SCHOOL GUIDING PRINCIPLES

About our Students

1 Student success is central to all planning . At The Children's Centre School student success is defined as reaching the highest level of independence, academic achievement, and participation possible for each child.

1 Students at The Children's Centre School are provided with developmentally appropriate educational opportunities rooted in the Ontario Curriculum.

I About our Staff 1 All students receive a program where education and therapy are woven together through multi-disciplinary team planning.

'f Staff has expertise in providing individualized education programming for students with physical and/or communication disabilities.

1 Transition planning begins the moment a child is accepted into a program at The Children's Centre School.

I About our Community Partnering 1 Staff are committed to sharing knowledge and expertise with the staff of the local school boards and community agencies in meeting the needs of children with complex communication and/or physical disabilities.

1 We are committed to optimizing family and school participation in the planning of successful transitions into and out of The Children's Centre School.

1 Students leave The Children's Centre School with a high quality IEP and Transition Portfolio that : a) Provides a clear picture of student strengths and needs; b) identifies student baseline of achievement through evidence based assessments; c) outlines strategies, accommodations, modifications and program directions that work in any classroom; d) provides current assessment information relevant to program planning; e) provides the details of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Equipment, including goals, strategies, examples for use and how to use it; and, f) provides details of Assistive Technology and how to use it. I A YEAR AT A GLANCE The schedule below is provided to give families a sense of how they can be involved in their child's education at The Children's Centre School.

Time Frame Key Events Early Fall • Meeting with family prior to the (late August/early September) beginning of the school year to complete IEP Consultation Questionnaire • Parent sign off on consent for therapy intervention • This questionnaire seeks input from families regarding the child's strengths, needs, learning goals and community participation goals • Review of Assessment Plan with multidisciplinary team to identify assessments required and to establish meaningful baseline Mid Fall • Draft IEP completed and reviewed with (mid October/early November) family • Parental sign off on IEP • Parent Information Session regarding the flow of the school year Mid Winter • Review of student progress (late January-Mid March) • Parent/teacher/therapist meeting • IEP revised, Revised IEP Parental Sign-off • Placement review decisions communicated to families • Transition Information Session for parents and creation of "All About Me" page for the Transition Portfolio

Spring • Transition Meetings with local school (Late April-mid May boards and families Summer • Final evaluation of student progress in (late May/mid June) comparison to IEP I THE SCHOOL DA Y at NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE Full Day Programs (Augmentative and Alternative Communication Program. School Aged Language Program)

The school day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.

Morning Programs (Early Learning Program 1. 2. 3) The school day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 11 :30 a.m.

Afternoon Programs (Early Learning Program 1. 2. 3) The school day begins at 12:45 p.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m .

Morning bus arrival at The Children's Centre School takes place between 8:30 AM and 8:50AM. Afternoon bus arrival at The Children's Centre School takes place between 12:45 PM and 1:00 PM.

Our students in our full day programs may have a short recess upon arrival at school.

Morning recess for full day classes takes place between 10:30 AM and 11 :00 AM. Recess lasts for 15 minutes. Please check with your classroom teacher for your child's specific recess time.

I LUNCHROOM Lunch hour for our full day students takes place from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Students eat their lunch in our lunchroom between 11:45 AM and 12:15 PM. Outdoor play takes place between 12:15 PM and 12:45 PM, weather permitting. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

The lunchroom is supervised by one of our personal support workers as well as educational staff. Special feeders are available to meet the needs of some of our students while some specialized assistance by nurses is provided through School Health Support Services to those students requiring additional care at lunch.

Please pack a nutritious lunch that includes a drink and snacks that your child will eat and enjoy. If you would like your child to have a hot lunch, please send it in a thermos as we do not have the ability to heat food in the lunchroom.

Please note: We do have several students with severe allergies to peanut/peanut products. Please do not send lunches to school that contain peanuts andlor peanut products. ! INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLANS All students attending The Children's Centre School have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) . The IEP at The Children's Centre School is unique in that it weaves together educational and therapeutic goals. By doing so, a program plan is put in place that focuses on the student's success in all aspects of meaningful participation in school and community experiences.

It is the expected practice of The Children's Centre School that alilEPs are developed with full parental involvement through early and ongoing consultation . Using a family­ centred approach to IEP consultation, educational and therapeutic staff meets with families early in the school year to identify strengths, needs and meaningful goals for school and community participation .

The Children's Centre School utilizes the provincially designed template for IEP creation. Parents will be invited to an IEP development meeting in the early fall, the IEP will be shared with families in later fall, a progress meeting will be held in February, a revised IEP will be sent home for review in March, and a final evaluation of the IEP will be sent home in June.

! HEALTH AND MEDICAL CONCERNS Children at Niagara Children's Centre School may have special health and/or medical issues that require attention during the school day. In some special cases it may be necessary to outline a personal health/medication plan to ensure your child's well-being during the school day. As a parent, you will be called on to give input into the development of a plan to meet your child's safety needs.

If your child experiences seizures, requires medication during the school day, has life­ threatening allergies or experiences any change in medical condition, please contact the school principal so that a plan can be initiated.

Please note: In keeping with The Children's Centre School Policy and Ministry of Education Policy, medication cannot be given to children during the school day without official authorization from a physician.

Please contact the school principal to discuss any health concerns or medical issues. I STUDENT ATTENDANCE Regular attendance at school helps your child make good progress towards the goals of their educational and therapeutic programs. Arriving late to school can disrupt your child's routine as well as the class program.

a) When Your Child is Absent/Late for School As part of the Ministry of Education Safe Arrival program, parents are required to contact the school office directly to report student absences or lates. You are also asked to contact the bus company directly to avoid an unnecessary bus stop at your house.

Please notify the school office if your child is going to be absent from school providing a reason for the absence. Absences can be reported at any time during the day or night as the school has a 24 hour message line (905-688-3550, ext. 231). It is important that you call in each day that you child is absent.

If we have not received direct contact from you, calls will be made to your home, your place of employment, and your emergency contacts until the absence is verified.

PLEASE NOTE: Many of the children who attend the Centre/Centre School are susceptible to infection due to their physical condition. If your child is not well, we ask that you keep your child at home until the infection period has passed. This will prevent the further spread of infection.

If the illness is a communicable disease, please check with your doctor before sending your child back to school.

b) When Your Child Becomes 11/ at School

It is often difficult to predict an illness in children. If your child becomes ill at school, or shows signs and symptoms of illness is at school you will be contacted by the school.

It is the responsibility of the parent to make transportation arrangements for the child as a sick child cannot travel on our student transportation

In the case of a medical emergency or injury, immediate attention will be given to your child. Every effort will be made to notify you at the same time.

c) When Should I Keep my Child Home from School The Niagara Regional Health Unit has provided this handy guide which helps parents make a decision whether or not to send their child to school. Your child should stay home if: VOMITTING or DIARRHEA: occurring during the night or in the morning. COUGH: night cough or any continuous coughing. FEVER: temperature above 37C or 98 .6F often means active infection. EARACHE: any draining from the ear. Your child should see a doctor that day. RUNNY NOSE: especially green or yellow discharge. SORE THROAT: usually can spread infection. EYE IRRITATIONS: with yellow discharge or redness could be "pink eye" which is contagious. RASHES: the Doctor should diagnose any rash. TOOTHACHE: your child should be seen by a dentist. UNTREATED HEAD LICE: your child should stay home until treated with a special shampoo or rinse. STOMACH ACHES I HEADACHES: keep your child home for observation. If they happen often, see your doctor.

I HEAD LICE The problem of head lice exists in almost every school. It is important to note that the occurrence of head lice at school is not considered a health hazard, but is more a nuisance for the child , their family and the child's classmates.

We are fortunate to have several staff members who have been trained in identifying head lice in children. These staff members perform regular head checks on all stUdents as well as on checks of students who have identified cases of head lice.

Our Policy at N.P.C.C. School If nits or lice are found on a child at school, the child children will be isolated from the group, and you will be notified by phone. Although it may be difficult to come to the school to get your child, it is our expectation that child leave school and receive treatment as soon as possible. The child may return to school as soon as he/she has been treated with a lice product and thorough nit removal has been completed . In keeping with the expectations set out by the Niagara Region Health Unit, parents will be asked to return a form that identifies the course of action taken.

A note will be sent home to all parents alerting you that lice have been found within the classroom group. Please screen your child carefully when that information arrives home.

If a parent/caregiver finds lice on a child at home, we ask that you notify the school office. This allows us to complete a head check on all students to keep the problem in check. I KEEPING STUDENTS SAFE AT THE CHILDREN'S CENTRE SCHOOL The Ministry of Education expects that schools will do their best to ensure safe learning environments for students. The staff of The Children's Centre School and NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE do all that they can to make sure that your child is safe.

a) School Visitors • All visitors to the school must sign in at the school office. Upon sign in, each visitor will receive a badge that identifies to staff that this visitor is known to the school office. • All visitors will require a parking pass. This pass will be issued upon sign in at the school office. Cars without parking passes may be towed from the NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE Parking Lot.

b) School Volunteers • The Children's Centre School programs rely on a variety of volunteers. These volunteers may be Cooperative Education students from our community high schools, placement students from Niagara College and/or Brock University or individuals from the Niagara area. • All school volunteers must go through a screening interview and must be in possession of a current and valid police check. • All school volunteers work under the direct supervision of school staff.

c) Student Pick Up During the School Day/Alternate Pe'fsons Meeting the Bus • From time to time, children may need to be picked up during the school day for different reasons. Parents are asked to pick their children up a the school office. • If someone other than the child's parents are picking the child up, please notify the school office ahead of time, identifying the name of the person picking the child up. If someone other than a parent is picking up the child, staff in the school office will ask for photo identification prior to releasing the child into their care. • If someone other than the parent is meeting the child at the bus stop, please notify the school office ahead of time. You are asked to provide the name of the person meeting the bus. The driver will ask for photo identification prior to releasing the child into the care of the person meeting the bus.

d) Child Custody Issues • If specific custody issues exist, you are asked to discuss these special circumstances with the school Principal • If you have a custody order, it is very helpful if the school has a copy of the custody order issued by the Family Court. I SCHOOL CLOSURES Certain situations may result in the closure of The Children's Centre School before the school day begins or at some point during the school day. The staff at The Children's Centre School takes every step necessary to ensure the timely communication of information related to school closures. For staff to do this, it is vitally important that families provide us with current emergency contact information.

a) Weather Related School Closures • Students come to N.P.C.C. School from all parts of the Niagara Region. Weather conditions in the area served by the Centre vary greatly. Because of this, the CANCELLATION OF BUS ROUTES is determined on an "area specific" basis by FIRST STUDENT in consultation with the principal. • On poor weather days, bus cancellations are usually reported on your local radio station as part of the 7:00 a.m. news report. • Bus drivers may also contact families in the morning if the bus run is cancelled. • In order to communicate school closures effectively, parents are asked to listen/watch any of the broadcasts listed below on poor weather days: FM 105.7 (St. Catharines) CKTB AM 610 (St. Catharines) FM 97.7 (St. Catharines) THE RIVER FM 101 .1 (Niagara Falls) SPIRIT FM 91.7 (Weiland) CHCH TV (Channel 12) (Niagara Region) COGECO TV (Channel 10) Please note: You can also check the Children's Centre Website for notices about school cancellations.

b) Emergency Dismissal During the School Day • Dismissal during the school day is rare but sometimes the weather, power failures or water main breaks may result in a decision to close the school early. • In the case of an early school dismissal, every effort will be made to notify you of your child's early home arrival. It is very important that we have your current home, work and emergency contact telephone numbers here in the school office. Please make sure that these numbers are kept up to date with the school. I HOME-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION Parent involvement is very important to the success of children at school. At The Children's Centre School we communicate with parents in a variety of ways. Parent input and involvement is looked for in the following ways: a) Daily Communication Books • Each program at The Children's Centre School uses some type of home­ school communication book. These communication books are used to provide families with general information regarding the school program, specific events within the class, and information about your child. • Parent messages are encouraged in the communication book as they provide information that may be particularly useful to your child's communication with staff and classmates. b) Parent Meetings • Throughout the year there a meetings regarding your child's program and progress at The Children's Centre School. • Parent/caregiver input and attendance at these meetings is very important as you know your child best and you can assist us in the carryover of skills at home and in the community. • You will be invited to an IEP planning session, a student progress session and a transition meeting. Other parent meetings will be scheduled as the need arises for them. c) Phone Calls (From the Program Team to You, From You to the Program Team) • From time to time your child's teacher and/or therapist may call you to provide you with information regarding your child's program. Please let your team know best times to contact you and your preferred method of receiving information (phone call or email). • If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call your child's teacher/therapist. You can contact the school office at 905-688­ 3550 ext.231 . The school secretary will direct your call to the appropriate extension or will take a message.

I WHAT TO DO WHEN QUESTIONS/CONCERNS ARISE At times parents may have concerns with some aspect of programming at The Children's Centre School. It is always best to address your concerns as they occur rather that letting your frustration build. These questions and/or concerns are best addressed in the following way: a) It is always best to start with the staff member most closely associated with the question/concern. If you are have concerns regarding the educational program please contact your child's teacher to discuss the concern. If you have questions/concerns regarding the therapy your child is receiving, please direct those concerns to the appropriate treating therapist. b) If the concern remains after speaking with the teacher, you are encouraged to discuss your concern with the school principal, Michael Riordon at 905-688-3550 ext.230. c) If the concern remains after speaking with your child's therapist, please contact the Manager of School Aged Services and Clinics, Charlene Cratt at 905-688­ 3550 ext.130. d) If after speaking to the School Principal the concern remains you may wish to speak with the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Lisa Ceferatti at 905-688-3550 ext.231. The School Secretary will take the message and forward it to the Chair of the Board. e) If after speaking to the Manager of School Aged Services and Clinics the concern still exists, you may speak with the CEO of the Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre, Oksana Fisher at 905-688-3550 ext. 102

Please note that it is our intention to always resolve your concerns with the people working most closely with your child.


Suggestions for Parents

1. Keep an organized file of your child's reports including all assessments, correspondence, surgical procedures, medications, involvement of support services, etc.

2. Become a partner with the school. Talk with your child's teacher and others involved . Focus on establishing positive communication with school personnel.

3. Keep up to date on issues and current trends.

4. Read and establish a knowledge base relevant to your child's needs. If you would like some recommended readings, don't hesitate to call your child's teacher/therapist or the school principal.

5. Participate in workshops offered by the staff of NIAGARA CHILDREN'S CENTRE and The Children's Centre School.

Tips for Successful Home-School Meetings

1. Be on time for the meeting. If your schedule changes please let the school know as soon as possible so that alternate arrangements can be made.

2. Be prepared. Review your child's information (IEP, Report Card) beforehand and have all the necessary documentation with you . 3. If you wish, bring someone who knows your child with you: friend, family member, professional. 4. Listen to what others have to say. You are better prepared to address concerns when you consider all of the input.

5. Ask for clarification if necessary.

6. Be your child's best advocate. Be informed and involved.

7. Be able to describe your child in realistic terms. Be prepared to talk about your child 's strengths and program needs.

8. Develop a workable plan with achievable goals and timelines.

9. Give the time necessary to implement, observe, and evaluate any changes suggested.

10. Give feedback to the team about the meeting. Tell us what you liked and any suggestions for improving the meeting that you might have.

I SCHOOL COUNCIL The Ministry of Education expects that every publicly funded school has a School Council in place. The role of the School Council is to provide the principal with advice regarding various school issues, including the development of the school year calendar, parent education sessions, school atmosphere and school activities.

The School Council is made up of parents from within the school community. It is our hope at the Children's Centre School that our council would have representation from each of our classes. The School Council also has representation from the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff and Children's Centre therapy staff. The school Principal is a resource to the meetings and is the secretary to the School Council. A chairperson and vice-chairperson are selected from among the parent representatives at the first meeting of the council each year.

The School Council meets 4-5 times per year. Additional meetings can be scheduled if there is a need to meet regarding a specific issue. Children's Centre School Council meetings take place between 11:45 AM and 1:00 PM . Meeting dates for the 2011-12 school year have been scheduled for the following dates: Thursday, October 18, 2012 Thuffiday, December13,2012 Thursday, February 21 , 2013 Thursday, April 11, 2013

Updates from the School Council will be placed in the school newsletter following the meeting. Minutes from the School Council meeting will also be placed on the Children's Centre School website.

Parents interested in joining the School Council at the Children's Centre are asked to contact the principal, Michael Riordon at 905-688-3550 ext.230. I SCHOOL NEWSLETTER A school newsletter is published each month with the exception of January. The school newsletter contains information about upcoming school events, highlights of student activities, updates from the School Council, helpful hints for parents and a calendar of events. A picture of each month's Sparkle Assembly winners is also included.

The newsletter will be sent home by the last a few days prior to the beginning of a new month.

I FIELD TRIPS Field trips are an important part of the educational program at the Children's Centre. It is through these experiences that the children gain a great deal of knowledge that consolidates classroom programs. The outings also give the students a chance to practice many skills that they have learned in the classroom situation, particularly their communication skills.

Some of our trips may involve bus transportation; however, many of these trips take the form of a walk within our immediate neighbourhood

At the beginning of each school year we have families sign a blanket permission form to cover the walks that classes may take in the neighbourhood. Your child's teacher will inform you as to when these walks are taking place.

For trips that involve transporting students from the Children's Centre School to a specific location, families will be informed through a note to parents that will go home at least one week prior to the trip. If there is a fee for the trip, families will be given at least 10 days notice of the trip. We ask that you sign a permission form for each field trip as it occurs. Parents and volunteers are always welcome.

Please note: At the Children's Centre School we try to keep costs to families to a minimum. If there is a fee for a trip; we try to keep the fee below $10.00.

I PERSONAL PROPERTY Any item of personal property that arrives at school with your child should be clearly labeled with your child's name. This includes articles of clothing, lunchboxes, backpacks and specialized equipment. Please ensure that your child's name is also clearly written on your child's shoes/boots.

We ask that hand held electronic games and devices (ie: Gameboy, MP3 Players) be left at home.

The school cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of student's personal belongings. I TRANSPORTATION Our transportation services for all children coming to The Children's Centre School are provided by . We are very fortunate that the drivers have a great deal of experience dealing with children with special needs. Children are well supervised loading and unloading the buses at the Children'S Centre School.

The Children's Centre School serves students across the Niagara Region. Due to the large area served by the School, children may be on the bus for up to 90 minutes. Staffs at the Children's Centre School and FIRST STUDENT CANADA do their best to plan routes that are much shorter than 90 minutes; however, this is not always possible.

The transportation information we collect upon acceptance of students is provided to FIRST STUDENT CANADA. This allows them to create routes. Pick-up and drop-ff times are provided to each family. It is irnportant that the children be ready for pick-up when the drivers arrive, as a few minutes here and there can add greatly to the time of the route . We thank you for your co-operation with the above. It is important that an adult is waiting with the child for their pick-up and their drop-off. It is not possible to arrange for the driver to honk to notify you of their arrival. If your family is moving please give the school at least 2 weeks notice prior to your move. This allows us to work with the bus company in a timely fashion to avoid disruption to your child's bus services.

If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason it is our policy that the parent call FIRST STUDENT CANADA directly to cancel transportation. This prevents a needless trip to your home. When the child is returning, please call FIRST STUDENT CANADA to resume transportation. The phone number is 905­ 957 -7899 or 1-800-263-2475. Don't hesitate to leave a message on their voice mail if you are unsuccessful in speaking to someone.

Occasionally, a parent may have a special request for a change in either drop-off or pick-up for their child. The parent should make that request by contacting the school principal. Please do not ask the driver to arrange a change in route and please avoid last minute requests as they are very difficult to honour. Unfortunately, we are unable to grant requests for stop changes if they require the child to be moved from one route (bus) to another. Please note that the buses cannot be used by parents or siblings wishing to attend activities, meetings, etc., at the Children's Centre School.

Educational staff, bus drivers and bus company personnel communicate regularly to ensure the safety of each child . From time to time, behaviour or safety concerns may arise. Keeping the lines of communication open has proven to be an effective way of problem solving. Do not hesitate to call either the school or the bus company with any concerns that you might have regarding transportation. I TRANSITION PROCESS

WHAT IS IT? The transition process includes the development of an educational program that addresses accommodations, modifications, strategies, resources and equipment necessary for a child to achieve success in their school environment and the sharing of this information between Children's Centre staff, parents, District School Board Special Education staff, Community School staff and outside agencies (e.g . local Community Care Access Centre, CNIB).

WHAT DOES THE TRANSITION PROCESS INCLUDE? The Transition Process begins with the Placement Review Committee's decision regarding a student's placement at Niagara Children's Centre School. The Committee meets in late January/early February to identify students who may have their placement renewed for an additional year or who may be recommended for return to a community school placement. Placement review decisions are discussed with parents at our February progress meetings to ensure ample time to prepare for any transitions from Niagara Children's Centre School to a community school. The process also includes:

a) The development of a high quality Individual Education Plan (IEP) for each child in consultation with Children'S Centre educational staff, therapists and parents.

b) Individual student portfolios are created to demonstrate the accommodations, modifications, strategies, resources and equipment in the Individual Education Plan.

c) District School Boards' Special Education Staff visit the Children's Centre School in early March to observe students in the classroom environment, discuss individual learning need, and receive copies of Individual Educational Plans, report cards and other pertinent information.

d) Community School staff visit the Children's Centre School in late March/early April to observe stUdents and further discuss individual programming, to ensure a smooth transition to the community school.

e) Individual case conferences are held throughout April, May and June, with parents, Children's Centre School Staff, District School Board staff, Community School Staff, and Community Care Access Centre Staff, to review the student transition portfolios and complete referrals for transition of therapy services as necessary. Student and parent visits to the community school can be arranged at this meeting.

f) Communication between Community Schools and Children's Centre staff can be maintained throughout the next school year. Additional transition services can be discussed for children with more complex needs, especially for those who have needs in the area Augmentative and Alternative Communication. I TRANSITION PORTFOLIOS What is it? The Transition Portfolio is an easy to read , picture-based resource that has been developed by the teachers and therapists at the Children's Centre School. The Transition Portfolio highlights key accommodations, modifications, strategies, resources and equipment that assist the child in achieving success in their school environment. The Portfolio may also include sample lesson plans/activity pages. By placing the Transition Portfolio in a binder, the resource can be added to as the child's needs change. What does the portfolio include? Depending upon the needs of the child, the Transition Portfolio may contain up to eight of the following sections: a) All About Me Key biographical data completed by the parents, with input from staff and the student where possible b) Individual Education Plans and Report Cards The most current documents are provided in order to give receiving school good baseline information. c) Communication Provides summary of ways a child communicates and the strategies and equipment necessary for success at the community school. d) Social/Emotional/Behavioural Provides information about social/emotional triggers, behaviour management plans, and plans for redirection where required. e) Physical (Fine and/or Gross Motor) Completed by physical therapist and/or occupational therapist, outlining modifications and accommodations related to fine and gross motor functioning in the classroom and in adapted gym programs. f) Transportation Describes any modifications required for the student to be transported to school g) Health Includes any health reports and sample protocols (medication, seizure, feeding that assist in planning for the child's program at the community school. h) Activities of Daily Living Outlines the levels of independence and assistance that a child requires with basic routines of feeding, dressing, and toileting. Niagara Children's Centre Commitment to Your Privacy

Collection of Personal Health Information We collect personal health information about the child and family. The personal health information that we collect may include, for example, name, date of birth, address, health history, records of visits to the Niagara Children's Centre and the care children & families received during those visits. Occasionally, we collect personal health information about children & families from other sources if we have obtained parent/caregivers consent to do so, or if the law permits. Your personal health information will be contained within an electronic system. We limit collection of information to what is required to provide care to you and your child.

Uses and Disclosures of Personal Health Information We use and disclose personal health information to: • Treat and care for children & families • Get payment for treatment and care • Plan, administer and manage our internal operations • Conduct risk management activities • Conduct quality improvement activities, such as sending satisfaction surveys • Teach • Conduct research • Compile statistics • Fundraise to improve our healthcare services and programs • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements • Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law

Your Choices Parent/caregivers may access and make corrections to their children's personal health records or withdraw consent for some of the above uses and disclosures by contacting us. Information on how to make change will be provided upon request. Please note that there are legal exceptions.

Important Information We take steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal. • We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance. • We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protect your privacy and only use your personal health information for the purposes you have consented to. • There is a Guide to Privacy and Consent for Families, please ask your therapist for a copy. For more information about our privacy protection practices, or to raise a concern you have with our practices, contact us at: Charlene Cratt Manager of School Age Services and Clinics/Health Records Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre 567 Glenridge Avenue St Catharines, Ontario L2T 4C2 (905) 688-1890 X 130 pr;[email protected] (do not send personal information via email)

You have the right to contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario if you think we have violated your rights. The commissioner can be reached at: Information and Privacy Commissionerl Ontario 2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto ON M4W 1A8 Telephone (416) 326-3333 or 1-800-387-3333 Fax (416) 325-9195 Niagara Children's Centre Guide to Privacy and Consent for Families

What Families need to know about information sharing and the Electronic Record? In order to develop a care plan and provide your child and family with the services that best meet your needs, organizations working with your child will ask for information about your child and family. With your consent this information is shared: • By only those professionals and organizations serving your child and family • Through verbal and written communication, and in an electronic record

The electronic record allows Niagara Children's Centre staff working with your child and family to view and document information about your child in a secure and confidential manner. It also means that you don't have to repeat information as often and allows your team to build on past progress and experience. Community partners included in your consent are listed on the "Consent for Information Sharing and Collection of Persona/Information" form. You can say if you do not want to share certain information or if you do not want to share with certain people.

Your Child's Electronic Record is Secure and Protected This web-based shared electronic record uses the same technology that financial institutions use for online banking. In order for members of your child's team to use your child's electronic record, they must: • Be authorized to access your child's password-protected record by their employer, a Network partner organization • Attend training on the single plan of care process, the electronic record and privacy policies and guidelines • Sign a confidentiality agreement

Type of Information Shared: ((Pamiues want to te{{ tlieir Typically, the following information may be collected and stored story once, and6e certain within the electronic record and shared with the professionals tliat tlieir confidentia{ working with your child and family: ((information is used and • Contact and demographic information sliaredappropriatefy. JJ • Birth and Developmental History • Interview and Assessment information • Relevant reports such as Diagnostic, School, lab, and Transition reports • Care Plan • Assessment and Progress Reports • Clinical Notes • Please assist us to keep your information accurate and up-to-date. Tell your team of any changes. Niagara Children's Centre Guide to Privacy and Consent for Families

Your Right to Privacy Privacy legislation protects your right to: • Consent to how your information will be used and shared. Since your child's team could include service providers and professionals from healthcare, education, recreation and community services, the Children's Centre requires you to give express consent for these Community Children's Centre staff must: partners to share information. In order for l.Collect only the information we need your consent to be valid, you must be given to provide treatment and care sufficient information for your consent to be 2.Protect your personal information knowledgeable. We encourage you to ask any questions you need to so that you understand 3.Take reasonable steps to ensure that how your providers will use and protect your the records are accurate and complete information. 4.Complv with privacy legislation • Clinicians will talk to the physicians and other therapists on your team in order to provide service and treatment. This is implied when you are referred to the Children's Centre. You may withhold this consent by telling us who are what should be excluded. • Withhold or withdraw consent for information sharing, except in specific circumstances where disclosure is legally required under the Child & Family Services Act or ordered by a court. • Provide consent verbally. • Request access to your child's or your electronic record and the information in it. • Request that a correction be made to your record. "Cfii(dren's Centre staffare How To Provide Consent for Information Sharing committed'to improving information You can provide consent verbally to a therapist working with your child. Your consent will be sfiaring practice to 6ettermeet tfie documented in the electronic record. needs ofyour cfii(d and' yourfamiEy, How To Request a Correction to Your Child's Record wfii{e protecting tfie privacy of You can complete a form to request for corrections, persona{ info nnation in accord'ance available at our website www.npcc.on.ca or in hard ",,,.;.,.c, /7{{ .,.c,,, ,.-,,{naIM.'" {"/7';... {/7"'';,.",,, II copy from your therapist. You will receive a response from the Health Records committee with 5 working days to let you know if the correction is granted.

For further information about the collection use or sharing of personal information, or to discuss any concerns you may have, please contact Charlene Cratt, Privacy Officer, Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre (905) 688-1890 ext 130 or email [email protected]. If you have a concern about how your information has been handled, you may call the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario at 1-800-387-0073 or www.ipc.on.ca May 2012 I SPEAKING THE SAME LANGUAGE The world of special education and therapy has a different language. This language is often made up of many short forms for words and acronyms. Below is a list of the most commonly used acronyms that we use at the Children's Centre School:

The Acronym What it Actually Means IEP Individual Education Plan

IPRC Identification, Placement and Review Committee

EA Educational Assistant

SLP Speech Language Pathologist

OT Occupational Therapist

PT Physio Therapist

RT Recreation Therapist

CDA Communication Disorders Assistant

SW Social Work

AAC Augmentative and Alternative Communication

SEA Claim Specialized Equipment Allocation Claim

DSB District School Board

DSBN District School Board of Niagara

NCDSB Niagara Catholic District School Board

NIAGARA CHILDREN'S Niagara Children'S Centre/Children's Centre CENTRE CAST Communication Assessment and Support Team I YOUR CHILD'S PROGRAM TEAM

During the school year your child benefits from working with different staff. Each program team is made up of a teacher, educational assistant(s), and therapy staff. Below is a listing of the staff attached to your child 's program:

Program: Early Learning Program 1

Name Role they Play Contact Information Nancy Leslie Teacher 905-688-3550 ext 231 [email protected] Leah Gordon Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Marzena Pasternak Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Katie Angle Speech Language 905-688-1890 ext.319 Pathologist [email protected] Stephanie Wilton-Duncan Occupational Therapist 905-688-1890 ext.186 [email protected] Margaret Murphy Physio Therapist 905-688-1890 ext. 133 [email protected] Kate VanHelvert Communication Disorders 905-688-1890 ext.303 Assistant 905-688-1890 ext.303 Kate [email protected] Donna Twose Gym 905-688-1890 ext.135 [email protected] Brenna Simpson Pool 905-688-1890 ext.148 [email protected] I YOUR CHILD'S PROGRAM TEAM

During the school year your child benefits from working with different staff. Each program team is made up of a teacher, educational assistant(s), and therapy staff. Below is a listing of the staff attached to your child's program:

Program: Augmen t al' Ive an d Alterna l'Ive Communtca. l'Ion 1 Name Role they Play Contact Information Brenda Stewart Teacher 905-688-3550 ext.231 [email protected] Sue Boutin Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Meassa O'Connor Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Aly Albanese Speech Language 905-688-1890 ext. (Until November) Pathologist [email protected] .ca Katie Angle Speech Language 905-688-1890 ext. 319 (after November) Pathologist [email protected] Brandy Noble Communication Disorders 905-688-1890 ext.181 Assistant brandy. [email protected] Stephanie Wilton-Duncan Occupational Therapist 905-688-1890 ext.186 [email protected] Margaret l\IIurphy Physio Therapist 905-688-1890 ext. 133 [email protected] Donna Twose Gym 905-688-1890 ext.135 [email protected] .ca Brenna Simpson Pool 905-688-1890 ext. 148 brenna.sim [email protected] I YOUR CHILD'S PROGRAM TEAM

During the school year your child benefits from working with different staff. Each program team is made up of a teacher, educational assistant(s), and therapy staff. Below is a listing of the staff attached to your child's program:

Program: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2

Name Role they Play Contact Information Lisa Dempsey Teacher Phone: 905-688-3550 ext 231 Email : [email protected] Kathy Van Den Boogaard Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Barbara York Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher

Aly Albanese Speech Language Pathologist Phone: 905-688-1890 ext.137 Email : [email protected] .ca Brandy Noble Communication Disorders Phone: 905-688-1890 ext.181 Assistant Email : brandy [email protected] Jill Cline Occupational Therapist Phone: 905-688-1890 ext 207 Email : [email protected] Penny Marrone Physio Therapist Phone: 905-688-1890 ext 215 Email : [email protected] .ca Donna Twose Gym Phone: 905-688-1890 ext. 135 Email : [email protected] Brenna Simpson Pool Phone: 905-688-1890 ext 148 Email : [email protected] I YOUR CHILD'S PROGRAM TEAM

During the school year your child benefits from working with different staff. Each program team is made up of a teacher, educational assistant(s), and therapy staff. Below is a listing of the staff attached to your child's program:

Program: School Aged Language Program

Name Role they Play Contact Information Micki MacDonald Teacher 905-688-3550 ext 231 [email protected] .ca Laura Axnix Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Carolyn Sutton Speech Language 905-688-1890 ext. 208 Pathologist [email protected] .ca Jill Cline Occupational Therapist 905-688-1890 ext. 207 [email protected] .ca Donna Twose Gym 905-688-1890 ext.135 [email protected] I YOUR CHILD'S PROGRAM TEAM

During the school year your child benefits from working with different staff. Each program team is made up of a teacher, educational assistant(s), and therapy staff. Below is a listing of the staff attached to your child's program:

Program: Early Learning Program 3

Name Role they Play Contact Information Allison Rabideau Teacher 905-688-3550 ext.231 [email protected] Joanne Reed Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Carla Taylor Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Katie Angle Speech Language 905-688-1890 ext. 319 Pathologist [email protected] .ca Stephanie Wilton-Duncan Occupational Therapist 905-688-1890 ext.186 [email protected] Margaret Murphy Physio Therapist 905-688-1890 ext. 133 [email protected] Kate VanHelvert Communication Disorders 905-688-1890 ext.303 Assistant Kate.Van [email protected] Donna Twose Gym 905-688-1890 ext.135 donna. [email protected] Brenna Simpson Pool 905-688-1890 ext.148 [email protected] I YOUR CHILD'S PROGRAM TEAM

During the school year your child benefits from working with different staff. Each program team is made up of a teacher, educational assistant(s), and therapy staff. Below is a listing of the staff attached to your child's program:

Program: Early Learning Program 2

Name Role they Play Contact Information Kelly Dion ne Teacher 905-688-3550 ext.231 [email protected] Nancy Genovese Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Linda English Educational Assistant Please contact the teacher.

Katie Angle Speech Language 905-688-1890 ext. 319 Pathologist [email protected] Susan Greene Occupational Therapist 905-688-1890 ext.206 susan. [email protected]

Margaret Murphy Physio Therapist 905-688-1890 ext. 133 [email protected] Kate VanHelvert Communication Disorders 905-688-1890 ext.303 Assistant [email protected] .ca Donna Twose Gym 905-688-1890 ext.135 [email protected] Brenna Simpson Pool 905-688-1890 ext. 148 [email protected]