Lode-Gold Deposits
BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OP MINES Hon. 15’. A. MCKE~UZIE,Minister. ROBT.DUNN, Deputy Xinister. J. D. CALLOVAY,Provincial Mineralogist. J. Droxso~,Chief Inspector of ?!Lines. D. E. WHITTAICER, ProrincialAssayer. BULLETIN No. 1, 1932 LODE-GOLD DEPOSITS OF BRITISlX COLUWBIIA COMPILED BY JOHN D. GALLOWAY, Provincial Mineralogist. PRINTED BY AUTEORlTY OB ‘lHF LEQISLATITE ASSEMBLY. To the Hoa. W.A. NcIfenzie, Ministar of Mines, Victoria, B.C. SIR-I beg to submit herewitha special bulletin on Lode-gold Depositsof British Columhia. This hulletin has been issued to supply the keen demand for infonuation regarding lode gold in the Province. The potentialities for successful sold-mining in the Province are greater than has been generally recognized and it is believed that the comgilation of all material information in one publication mill stimulate the exploitation of the latent gold resources of the Province. The reports by the Resident Engineerson their respecti7.e districts outlint; attraetiw opluxtnni- ties for capital in the opcning-up of known progerties, and give much information regarding likely arcas for the gold prospector. I hare the honour to he, Sir, Your obedient sen-ant, JOIIN D. GALLOWAY, PvovinciaZ Mineralogist. Bureau of .Wines, Victoria, KC.,Februwy Ist, 193%. LODE-GOLD DEPOSITS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. - GENERAL SUMMARY. BY JOHND. GALLOTVAY,PitOSIHCIhL &~IKRXALOGIST. INTRODUCTION. Owing to the conditions attending silver and base-metal mining at the present time, renewed interest is being taken all overthe world in gold-mining, and this is ntostnoticeable in this Province.Lode-mining inBritish Columbia begxn with lode-gold productionfrom Various districts. Ic'or many years past, however, gold-mining has not becn as im))ortant as lead, copper, zinc, and silver mining in the Prouince.
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