
Buy archangelica - online at nurserylive | Best at lowest price

Angelica archangelica - Plant

This is a large biennial that needs lots of space, some shade, and moist to wet soils.

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Angelica archangelica Plant

Description for Angelica archangelica

Plant height: 3 - 6 inches (7 - 16 cm)

Plant spread:

Angelica archangelica, commonly known as garden angelica, wild , and Norwegian angelica, is a biennial plant from the family, a subspecies of which is cultivated for its sweetly scented edible stems and roots.

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Common name(s): garden angelica, wild celery, and Norwegian angelica

Flower colours: Greenish-white

Bloom time: June to August

Max reachable height: 3.00 to 6.00 feet

Difficulty to grow: easy to grow

Planting and care

You should plant Angelica annually to ensure a continued supply of the . Angelica plant is considered a short-lived perennial or biennial. It flowers after two years and then either dies or may hang on for another year or two. Growing Angelica indoors is optimum in cooler climates. Set the plants out before they get taller than 4 inches, as they grow a long taproot and transplant is difficult if they get larger. Angelica herb can also be started from division of the roots in spring.

Sunlight: Full sun to part shade

Soil: well-drained soil

Water: Medium to wet

Temperature: (27°C)

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer

Caring for Angelica archangelica

The herb prefers cool climates and a semi-shady to sunny location. If planted in a zone with hot summers, a dappled shade location will provide protection for the heat sensitive plant. Angelica herb thrives in moist fertile soils rich in organic matter. For best results, plant Angelica in slightly acidic soil. The plant is not drought tolerant and should not be allowed to dry out. Angelica herb is easy to care for as long as it is in well drained soil with proper light exposure. Keep weeds away from the plant and maintain moderately moist soil. Water the plant from the base to prevent fungal diseases. Cut the stalk at the end of the first year to promote flowering in the second.

Typical uses of Angelica archangelica

Special features: This is a large biennial that needs lots of space, some shade, and moist to wet soils.

Ornamental use: In the garden Angelica gives height to borders.

Medicinal use: Angelica is used for heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), loss of appetite (anorexia), arthritis, circulation problems


http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=e399 https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/angelica/growing-angelica-herb.htm

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Reviews Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Its been a month I bought this plant. It came with very few broken leaves but its growing fast now. Very happy with this one.


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