6137 Pleasants Valley Road Vacaville, CA 95688 Phone (707) 451-9406 HYPERLINK "http://www.morningsunherbfarm.com" www.morningsunherbfarm.com HYPERLINK "mailto:
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[email protected] Fragrant Herbs For Your Garden Ocimum basilicum – Sweet, or Genovese basil; classic summer growing annual Ocimum ‘Pesto Perpetuo’ – variegated non-blooming basil! Ocimum ‘African Blue’ - sterile Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Blue Spires’ – upright grower, with large leaves, beautiful for standards Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’ – sun; classic culinary, with large gray leaves, very decorative Thymus vulgaris ‘English Wedgewood’ – sturdy culinary, easy to grow in ground or containers Artemesia dracunculus var sativa – French tarragon; herbaceous perennial. Absolutely needs great drainage! Origanum vulgare – Italian oregano, popular oregano flavor, evergreen; Greek oregano - strong flavor Mentha spicata ‘Kentucky Colonel’ – one of many, including ginger mint and orange mint Cymbopogon citratus – Lemon grass, great for cooking, and for dogs Aloysia triphylla – Lemon verbena ; Aloysia virgata – Sweet Almond Verbena – almond scented! Polygonum odoratum – Vietnamese coriander, a great perennial substitute for cilantro Agastache foeniculum ‘Blue Fortune’ – Anise hyssop, great for teas, honebee plant Agastache ‘Coronado’; A. Grape Nectar’ – both are 18 inches, delicious for tea, edible flr Agastache ‘Summer Breeze’ – large growing, full sun, bicolored pink and coral flowers Prostanthera rotundifolium – Australian Mint Bush.