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The AQUATIC DESIGN CENTRE The AQUATIC DESIGN CENTRE Ltd 26 Zennor Road Trade Park, Balham, SW12 0PS Phone or WhatsApp: 079 8347 1073 (9:30am - 5:00pm & No Consultancies) [email protected] PLEASE CALL TO CHECK AVAILABILITY ON DAY and MAKE BOOKINGS Complete Freshwater Livestock (APRIL 2020) Livebearers Common Name No. In Stock Limia melanogaster Liverbear sp. 5 Poecilia reticulata Male Yellow Guppy 15 Poecilia reticulata Male Black Guppy 10 Poecilia reticulata Male Red Guppy 5 Poecilia reticulata Male Tuxedo Guppy 5 Poecilia reticulata Male Guppy Asst Colours 20 Poecilia reticulata Female Guppy 15 Poecilia sphenops Black Molly 20 Poecilia sphenops Canary Molly 1 Poecilia sphenops Marble Molly 5 Poecilia sphenops Silver Molly 2 Poecilia wingei Endler's Guppy 12 Xiphophorus hellerii Pineapple Swordtail 12 Xiphophorus hellerii Green Swordtail 10 Xiphophorus hellerii Marble Swordtail 3 Xiphophorus hellerii Kohaku Swordtail, Koi 6 Xiphophorus maculatus Wagtail Platy 10 Xiphophorus maculatus Blue Platy 5 Xiphophorus maculatus Red Platy 15 Xiphophorus maculatus Sunset Platy 5 Tetras Common Name Aphyocharax anisitsi Bloodfin Tetra 12 Arnoldichthys spilopterus Red Eye Tetra 5 Axelrodia riesei Ruby Tetra 10 Boehlkea fredcochui Cochu's blue tetra 20 Crenuchus spilurus Sailfin Characin 3 Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Black Widow Tetra 6 Hasemania nana Silver Tipped Tetra 25 Hemigrammus erythrozonus Glowlight Tetra 10 Hemigrammus ocelifer Beacon Tetra 5 Hemigrammus rhodostomus Rummy nose Tetra 5 Hemigrammus vorderwimkieri Platinum Tetra 30 Hyphessobrycon amandae Ember Tetra 5 Hyphessobrycon amapaensis Amapa Tetra 10 Hyphessobrycon bentosi Bentosi White Fin Tetra 10 hyphessobrycon callistus Serpae tetra 20 Hyphessobrycon colombianus Colombian Redfin Tetra 15 Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Bleeding Heart Tetra 10 Hyphessobrycon flammeus Flame Tetra 2 Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi Black Neon Tetra 25 Hyphessobrycon megalopterus Black Phantom Tetra 12 Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Lemon Tetra 15 Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Red Back Bleeding Heart Tetra 5 Hyphessobrycon roseus Yellow Phantom Tetra 15 Metynnis argenteus Silver Dollar 2 Moenkhausia pittieri Diamond Tetra 9 Moenkhausia sanctaefilomena Red Eye Tetra 5 Paracheirodon innesi Neon Tetra 5 Paracheirodon var innesi Green Neon Tetra 10 Phenacogrammus interruptus Congo Tetra 2 Prionobrama filigera Glass Bloodfin Tetra 11 Thayeria Boehlkei Penguin Tetra 20 Barbs Common Name Balantiocheilos melanopterus Silver Shark 10 Barbodes lateristriga Spanner Barb 2 Barbus conchonius Rosy Barb 8 Barbus titteya Cherry Barb 15 Barbus titteya Albino Cherry Barb 8 Dawkinsia filametosa Gold Barb 20 Desmopuntius pentazona Fiveband Barb 10 Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus Snakeskin Barb 4 Oreichthys crenuchoides Drape Fin Barb 8 Pethia nigrofasciata Black Ruby Barb 6 Pethia padamya Odessa Barb 25 Puntius lineatus Lined Barb 5 Puntius oligolepis Checkered Barb 25 Puntius pentazona Pentazona Barb 5 Puntius tetrazonia var Albino Tiger Barb 13 Puntius tetrazonia var Green Tiger Barb 25 Sahyadria denisonii Denison's Barb 20 Rasboras Common Name Boraras maculatus Dwarf Rasbora 5 Brevibora dorsiocellata Eyespot or Emerald Eye Rasbora 10 Rasbora kalochroma Clown Rasbora 2 Rasbora trilineata Scissortail Rasbora 6 Tanichthys albonubes White cloud Mountain Minnow 6 Trigonostigma espei False Harlequin Rasbora 3 Trigonostigma hengeli Hengeli Glowlight Rasbora 15 Trigonostigma heteromorpha Harlequin Rasbora 10 Danios Common Name Brachydanio albolineatus Pearl Danio 20 Brachydanio frankei Leopard Danio 20 Brachydanio rerio Zebra Danio 20 Danio margaritatus Galaxy Rasbora 5 Danio tinwini Burmese Spotted Danio 2 Tanichthys albonubes White Cloud Minnow 5 Tanichthys albonubes Albino White Cloud Minnow 30 Bettas Common Name Betta coccina 3 Betta imbellis 3 Betta splendens Siamese fighting fish 5 Betta splendens Female 5 Rainbowfish Common Name Bedotia geayi Madagascan Rainbowfish 10 Melanotaenia boesmani Fire Red 10 Melanotaenia lacustris Blue RainbowFish 5 Melanotaenia parkinson Parkinson Rainbowfish 15 Melanotaenia splendida "rubrostriata" 5 Melanotaenia praecox Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish 20 Pseudomugil gertrudae Spotted Blue-eye 5 Pseudomugil paskai Paska Rainbowfish 5 Killifish Common Name Aphyosemion australe Lyretail Gold Panchax 3 Gouramis Common Name Macropodus opercularis Paradise Fish 10 Trichogaster chuna Golden Honey Gourami 10 Trichogaster chuna Honey Gourami-Yellow 6 Trichogaster lalius Dwarf Red Gourami 5 Trichogaster lalius var Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami 2 Trichogaster leerii Pearl Gourami 1 Trichogaster microlepis Silver Gourami 3 Trichogaster trichopterus Three Spot Gourami 12 Trichogaster trichopterus Gold Gourami 2 Miscellaneous Fishes Common Name Dario dario Scarlet badis 2 Metynnis hypsauchen Silver Dollar 2 Red Hook 3 Serrasalmus manueli Manuel's Piranha 1 Tetraodon travancoricus Dwarf Puffer 3 Loaches Common Name Acantopsis choirorhynchos Horseface Loach 3 Botia Striata Zebra Loach 12 Chromobotia macracanthus Clown Loach 9 Crossocheilus oblongus Siamese Algae Eater 20 Crossocheilus reticulatus Netted Algae Eater 2 Epalzeorhynchos bicolor Red-tailed Black Shark 2 Epalzeorhynchos frenatum Red Fin Shark 4 Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus Flying Fox 8 Epalzeorhynchus modesta loach 4 Epalzeorhynchus siamensis Siamese Flying Fox 5 Gyrinocheilus aymonieri Chinese Sucking Loach 2 Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Gold Weather Loach 3 Protomyzon pachychilus Panda Loach 3 Pangio kuhlii Kuhli loach 10 Yasuhiotakia sidthimunki Chain loach 10 Catfish Common Name Ancistrus cirrhosus Bristlenose Catfish 20 Corydoras aneus Bronze Cory 3 Corydoras concolor 8 Corydoras weitzmani Two saddle corydoras 5 L46 Zebra Pleco Zebra Pleco 3 L104 Clown Pleco Clown Pleco 10 L77 Hypostomus sp. Rusty Pleco 6 L77 Hypostomus sp. Rusty Pleco XL 4 Ottocinclus affinis Otocinclus Catfish 5 Panaqolus maccus Clown Pleco 10 Platydoras armatulus Striped Raphael catfish 3 Synodontis angelicus Polka Dot Synodontis 5 Synodontis decorus Decorated Synodontis 5 Synodontis eupterus Featherfin Synodontis 5 Synodontis multipunctactus Cuckoo Squeaker (SM) 3 Synodontis petricola Cuckoo Catfish 3 Tatia galaxias Milky Way Woodcat 4 Amercian Cichlids Common Name Amatitlania nigrofasciata Convict Cichlid 20 Andinoacara pulcher Electric Blue Acara 5 Andinoacara rivulatus Green Terror 4 Apistogramma agassizi var. Flame Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid 5 Apistogramma agassizii A. agassizii "Alenquer" 3 Apistogramma cacatuoides Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid 4 Apistogramma njesseni 3 Apistogramma wilhelmi 1 Apistogrmma viejita 3 Astronotus ocellatus Albino Red Oscar 1 Cichlasoma spp. Flowerhorn Cichlid Large 1 Cleithracara maronii Keyhole Cichlid 2 Geophagus altifrons Rio xingu 10 Geophagus brasliienisi Rio Negro Eartheater 5 Guianacara sphenozona Red spotted Cichlid 4 Heros Red Spotted Severum 4 Heros severus Golden Severum 5 Heros severus x A. labiatum Red Parrot Cichlid 20 Laeticara curviceps Flag Acara 2 Mikrogeophagus altispinosus Bolivian Ram 2 Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. Gold Ram 6 Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. Electric Blue Ram 5 Pterophyllum scalare Blue Angelfish 5 Pterophyllum scalare var Assorted Angel fish 5 Pterophyllum sp. Leopard Angel 5 Pterophyllum sp. Koi Angel 10 Pterophyllum sp. Gold Angel 7 Pterophyllum sp. Marbled Angel 5 Symphysodon aequifasciatus Discus 30 Thorichthys meeki Firemouth Cichlid 5 Uaru amphiacanthoides 4 African Cichlids Common Name Altolamprologus calvus 5 Aulonocara baenschi 10 Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Mamelala 10 Aulonocara nyassae Blue 8 Aulonocara maylandi 2 Aulonocara sp. Albino 10 Aulonocara sp. Strawberry Red 5 Champsochromis caeruleus Trout Cichlid 4 Copadichromis borleyi 5 Copadichromis trewavasa 3 Cyathopharynx furcifer Featherfin 5 Cynotilapia Afra Cobue 5 Cyphotilapia frontosa 5 Cyprichromis leptosoma Neon 3 Cyrtocara moorii 15 Enantiopus melanogenys Kilesa 4 Julidochromis ornatus Blue Fin 5 Julidochromis regani Yellow 5 Labidochromis caeruleus 25+ Labidochromis Hongi Red Top 10 Lamprologus brevis 4 Lamprologus daffodil F1 2 Neolamprologus cylinricus Kapampa 5 Neolamprologus leleupi 5 Nimbochromis venustus Venustus 6 Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus 4 Ophthalmotilapia ventralis 3 Otopharynx lithobates Sulpur Head F1 2 Placidochromis electra likoma 8 Pseudotropheus demasoni 5 Pseudotropheus saulosi Coral Red 6 Pseudotropheus elongatus Acei Yellow 5 Sciaenochromis ahli 5 Sciaenochromis fryeri 3 Tropheus duboisi 5 Tropheus moorii 5 Tropheus moorii Moliro 5 Shrimps, Crabs, Lobsters Common Name Atyopsis moluccensis Bamboo Shrimp 4 Caridina gracilirostris Pinocchio Shrimp 5 Neocaridina davidi (Heteropoda) Pearl Blue 10 Neocaridina davidi (Heteropoda) Red Sakura 10 Neocaridina davidi (Heteropoda) Sunkst 10 Neocaridina davidi (Heteropoda) Yellow 8 Freshwater Snails Anentome helena Assassin Snail 15 Lymnaea sp. Pond Snail 30 Melanoides tuberculata Malaysian Trumpet Snail 10 Neritina natalensis sp Zebra Nerite Snail 15 Goldfish and Koi Common Name Black Moor SM 4 Blue Oranda M 5 Calico Moor SM 5 Calico Ryukin SM 8 Canary Yellow Goldfish SM 5 Fancy Failtail Goldfish SM 4 Koi Carp Mixed Colours/Sizes 30+ Red & White Ryukin SM 3 Red and White Comet SM 2 Red Comet LG 3 Red Oranda LG/M 10 Red Ranchu SM 4 Red Ryukin SM 3 Red Ryukin M 10 Redcap Oranda SM 6 Sarasa Comet SM 2 Shubunkin M 12 White Oranda SM 6 Coldwater Misc Common Name Acipenser ruthenus Sterlet 1 Leuciscus idus Gold Orfe 4 Misgurnus anguilicaudatus Gold Weather Loach 5 Tanichthys albonubes White Cloud Minnow 10 Tinca tinca Gold Tench 4 Electric Blue Dace 15.
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