Manchester City Council Item 8 Resources and Governance Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 December 2010 Manchester City Council Report for Information Report To: Resources and Governance Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 16 December 2010 Subject: Cash Grants Programme Report Of: Chief Executive ___________________________________________________________ Purpose of Report: To provide Members with feedback on the implementation of the Cash grants scheme over the last three years, with specific reference to how the scheme has enhanced community engagement in wards. Recommendation For Members to note the content of this report. Financial Consequences for the Revenue and Capital Budgets The current Cash grants programme comprised this year of main stream £1,260,000 plus additional £180,000 from WNF Revenue. Contact Officers Maria Boylan - Strategy Leader, Corporate Performance Tel: 0161 234 3998
[email protected] Jolanta Shields – Area Co-ordination and Third Sector Team - 0161 234
[email protected] Background Documents None Wards Affected All 32 Manchester City Council Item 8 Resources and Governance Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 December 2010 Introduction 1.1 Manchester City Council’s Cash grant programme was set up in 1999, initially as a one – off scheme to support community projects that contributed to the objectives of the Bright and Clean campaign or the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. Following the popularity and success of the scheme, the City Council agreed to continue providing support for this programme with the budget per ward rising from an initial £25,000 to £45,000 in 2010. Since this funding scheme was first launched, the Council has made an investment of approximately £8 million in 32 wards in Manchester.