— " — ; • 1 . J . ;U THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL.


Philadelphia Prees.l Notice to rf^-fhe P.ev. S. H. Ford, the liiv. Dr. Bild [C >rrespo idence of th* HELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. Owner* of Property. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL DEPARTMENT. REPAYING AND wio, and the Rsv Mr. Elliott, late of Ntthti le, GENF.RlL BU LER'S RECURBING OF SIDEWAl K3. PRINTED *f I' PUhMSllKD BT The AUCTIOIS New Orleans, Ju'y 15, 1862, owners of lots and par s of lota designate) saLK^. IIKMUUtMlM, OHBOKNE. who wire arrested in thi city Monday nigot, were J_JKI..tIBOLD'-e I. PRENTICE, A KM INK PUKPAUAT1UN b>lcw are her by inform, d that ordinances hav. The Hon Rave ilv Johnson has organ z *i his a. tt. HniT •ent to the JefTeraonville penitentiary for safe been passed ». Q. fjfjraf appoint- by the General O u cil, approver t bnildirg, and ojrricR ffic in ths CLS om-ht uee e f F b r v e a <: B n t S. O. jorul mm, am mm. keeping. Tbey are all said to have been active and publi-hed. requiring the grad ng and p.virg HDNH7 & CO^ ed clerks and interpreter! p eparatory to uking of the sidewalks * U-JTIONKKKS and 'Af BirWBBN TH1KD AM> 'OUKTH. "HIOnLY CONCENTRATKET in front of their respective lots, ; MHalON St^fTaANTtg. rebels. down testimony in the Notherlardi case Rumor /\ roruer of 8- and if SELTZER APERIENT. Main and Wall ,tre,ste. ion, ihsy f.il to have tba same properly don. Ixiul^ll^J be has exercised large persua V ' also has it that COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, ,0M ' "*,d "8n,,«Tled J. T. Davis, a prisoner of war from within thirty Ml valuable and popular Medicine ha* -..lii " » us'to tfrjT Ken moditica i IDS io Gineral davs from the date hereof, ihe work aoyVVou*S.^ and effected c ontlJorable recelvMtt mrmi Police I'ltucKKDi.Nus Tuesdwj, July 'iOih — A Positive and Spoc'fic will ba d tne the fnvorahle reseomrue^iliiticus ,ln oflici Remedy under a contract at tbe expense 1 "" r "*d 10 ,t lS tncBT. has been paroled to report at the of Brier's policy on minor points, and that Mrs of the Mri>mAi,PHa.rRflai in and the iteT'^T''. "%m 5 *'!. » • *" •» sales of lot owners Pub- or Oon-tabl.'. ial^. Ui) 1<> .lagers, bailed oat if I a3 provided for in ihe Si section of th. wSZ Unn,t bMd W. bo WetkhOOM been released in conso For urt as the i crridiiHT JHr*t "•Jfte!? he Provost Marshal General at St. Louis, to Phillips and others have Dieeaeee of the anu '"* alt 7tb article of tbe Ci'y auKsuttj " " * ' — -9ri Jacob Brown and tieorga Oulal, carryinc con quence. There may be good policy in slrokirg BLADDER, Charter, all drains from take the oath of allegiance and give b >nd to re- lots or houses to be conveyed under the t idewslk the cat the right way, and anything in the way 8A.LaTTSrE ca.Ud a deadly weapon. Bail of aacb in iUO U KIDNEYS, in iron pips*, in APERIENT. main witbin the limits of McCrackon count}', Ky. ir from Reverdy sccoidaocs with the ordinance mollifying fluenca Jobnsrn • of a It may be uaed with the beet eftVsct | answer. regulating the rami; woik D can have no other effect here lhan a good one; GRAVEL, the siid whan ex- ulted, to be 8ilioas and Febrile Dimtases, Cjetiveneae, Sicjj rfjrMr. Harrison Somerville, of thi i city, who not be infernd thence that the received by ths eJity fcnginecr, and James H. Hampton ard John Prathar, furcibl;. but il roust great and Headache Nausea. Loss of Atipetite, if not done in every re pect in accordance will In- has seen service in the field, has authority to en- hullabaloo aliout Gen Butler's policy has any digestion, Ascidity of the Straw Hats. and by menace t r . : k stomach, demanding $5 fr m Blase DROPSICAL SWELLINGS specificitions Our•lock ot source in disto vent her*. Secession ladies regulatirg eidowalk paving, lo b> Torpidity JJ| ibe . rou- rrades of 8TB a list for regi- ooenly of the Liver, Oout, W ner. a company of cavalry Col. Jacob's repaired Wl f' Bail of each In $100 to answer felony. that ci.nrse at ihe expeuse of the property owners: Rheumatic a*Y 0* UW" out at admit bis has been just, and even Mfoctions, ^^a, SL&Keraatly r ^""K'^Jducatd prlc sf^rraah. ment. 1'he company will be raised fur twelve reco'b Gravel, Piles. B. B. ker, stealing. Continued until to-mor- tbat th famous weman order was c ailed for bv To and repave lha sidewalk] on both sid?t -t-.ft.ei« a aitiTii This Medicine Digestion and WI ax. months. cross insults and improprieties from females whose Increasoe the power of of Ureen street, from Fioyd to Preston street. Aid all Complaints whrrt a Gentle and Cootiru, w^-t a. row. eici.ee tbe 7. al got ihe better if tbeir judgment and serse Aperient or Puroative is Required. David Elkerton, stealing blankets from United escaped from the Al- AnjORItENTs NORTH SIDE. Summer Dress Hats (fT Thirty-six prisoners of dslicacy verbal peculiarities his A few in into healthy action, Feet, It la particularly adapted * t^ao rme.it States inch to the wauta of Traveller! oam.au ^ i"' ot MT E8KIN bosfiial. Bail in $400 to answer f.ljny. ton prison on Saturday. Amung the number was general orders, and lha fact that is Yankee, By whi'h tha by Sea and Land, Heeldenut lu be a Dr. J. J. Hot Clima ea, P. t ,a- ot ' C. hnson M fi •saW WATERY OR ( Al. -K DKP03ITION own nrn.ai attu e, peace are about tbe only topics tbat nrovrke venom in H Louisville sedentary Halitta, It, v. ill le, and Convnleecente. .bLh ae are ^lllrj'.t .ery Com'th by John Stringer vs. P. Hyatt, Col. Magoffin, under sentence to be abo'; the no- And all and Frankfort K P. (Jo 106 4 Op PrlCM " tains of Vo a.de una Plauteiv - t"BAT».EK the conversational circles of O, leans, will flud It a valiuthi a, *Sl [a, NdW and UNNATURaX. ENLARGE VIKNT3 ARE REDUCED Alpha Tarnell f>0 6 addition to their lyM iAlT warrant. Own bdnd in $100 for three inoniha torious Capt. Sweeney, ard other desperate char- Mediciue C uete. g Ma| u st_ Ibis venom is fast wearing out Ae well as Mrs. It ia In the form of R. Henrietta Swaarioger 25 5 a Powder, carefully put np in tool JAMES Nancy, a slave, presenud, charged that be acters. Tbey eicsped by di^iog under tbe wall PAIN AND INFLAMMATION. MASON & CO., Soft Felt By the bye, sp*aking of Rsverdy Johnson re Hen Hit k'e lee to keep in any climate, an* merely r-unirer watet Hits. If 5 Manu'actur- w"h»»eaii ihe oourod up n tt to produce by Steam Power . » mis re-ts. life of tbe a delightful eflerveeceut net iAk noi.o,lora,quallttea. anaand maltreata her to as to endanger her minds me a frequtnt remark amorg British African Bapiis Church 60 10 tim shapes st low pr CiT-V tirand picnic for tha benefit cf the candi- sragc. os, lo ca h po;uia f ion of this city, tba* they are sadly in need Mrs. C. A. Numertiua r*n.. Case continue! till to-morrow. O born 26 10 tearlmotnala f.-sua p'o'eaal -nal and othe. .IAH . JMI i k v yi» isat .! lates will be given at Elm Tree Garden on Fri- if an inveoi.^aling commissioner ou the part of Wm Hurray 60 10 eentlemen f the highest standing throuahotit the couu Mason's ChallengeBlacking, l d> H.u, . net. Fe irfh .nd rif>h their own Government tn lo into the try, aaad Its ate ulily lucreaaing p polarity for a ae lei ot (juF.RiLLAS off Ghf.k.1 Rivkr —By tho steam- day next. There is a promise of a good lima. k affairs of J. B Bowles 60 10 ears, atrongty guar u ita emcacy and valuable their Consulate here. That there U a greit deal y cha. H U I rich 25 urtat - er Lue Kuvo-, tbe Kvansvihe Journal reciived 6 , and mmend It to the favorable notice of an in- LEATHER PRESERTATfFE, tJ3" Tbe Paris Citizen says Morgan received of histi ity to the American Union a mom' a part Jacob Pfalzar 36 telligent public. COIL OIL, 1111111,1111111. datec^ HELMBOI.n'3 letter from a gentltman at Curdaville, Ky., of ih»se people, arising from national pr Ju lices, EXTRACT BUlJHU Slanufactttr-d only by tiree accessions to hi. rinks in and about Paris. south sipk. Writing Fluid. & Black i Writing is ut q'iebila f Dissipation, Early In- Dr. J. C. Johnson UKAWT A 13S AMD I tO NORTH FRONT ST- them, particularly thee who have families here 1S3 KBT. * nit mel- - o«\iiB.ifll Debasing Influence of ^kce V - - pil Htm — i oil. the night before by a band of guerillas and d 1 or Abnee Ml woftKs. and large local or c tuimorcial ioterest 4 Worden P Hann 32 Ho. 278 Greenwich st., oorner Warren tt., P , who desm ATTENDED WI 'Ii-ADELPHIA. r K'ii.vH ancholy instarcs of the deb isi.ig i fiusnci of se- CH THE FOLLOWING IV oue hundred barre|« laged. Nearly everything in it was stol^t. He Mrs F. Fredeiick /VAlr' *. larre ator, L'-^IN -P llfrVDOlL their intense interwoven wiib our national SYMPTOMS: 16 3 YORK of nay, t ci n , . „ ^ , tlint wlllrtaud more heat than auy lu^pect^d oiJ cession is seen in the cas. of Rev Frank T. Mitch- 1" Jacob Fi.cbar iu h ty. supposes that the tbievea belong to the gar.£ prospeti'y and i n is *qu il'y true. In this 16 4 AND FOR SALH BY DRUO'lISTg GENERALLY c G. W. Simmon.", LUBKICA CINQ ell of they agree with business men ai d sensible people guardian fur A Sim- oaayH dokwly Pk£TROLfc.L*M aud BBNZOLK «ar. cur boys after, which they will yet Lexington, Mo. Two years ago be was tbe elieap. which are and mona . generally, and I have Brohh authority for say Indisposition to Exertion, 16 8 idol intellig «Or The above oils are of together. The of that nt community— tbe toast if llrm wlrnett, telw.en Third our own make ^mj trill be sol.". capture, if the scoundrels keep thry are as num-rous, Lose of M-*mnrv, B B llinkle 26 and l ourtb mg that ih ugh not so 3 "* Wm 9KK.NH A u.., Tlu iilu stnei, us best society. He was run for Congress but de- Weak Nerves, Alf writer ttttea that if he oull hive obtained any r.oi-v. as tbo British s»c»s>ioui-is. Many of them North's heirs 28 3 Wholeaale and Horror of Disease, Having been eetabliahed bo Lonl Uetall Dealer In aiaj Importer U. S Ander-ton of information of tbe intended visit ten huu's befor. feated by John W Reid, both professing, at that on. nly avow their aff>c inn f.* the American l)iriin«ai*«rTle»i., 26 3 villi, for the last U year*, and baa doo, though tbey remain British subjects knd Universal Laealtudo of the Muscular Syatena, J P Richatdton 26 3 bag had a large practice in tne trea. COAL time, unalterable devotion 'o the Government U »— OIL LVaflP^ the marauders cam.-, they would have met with a Brot Haud-, City of nieut of the following diaeaeee have no thou rot of being natural z-td Louisville 26 3 F f T ""CTlptloo rjealsr. the Vrolula. .«aic.r. t V; ' anprtlied at low raUas such urhicb both hive sit C) attempted to destroy. But Dryueea of Kklea, Thomas Piles, done Kyea, 8yphilia. listul. )' Call« reception that would have sickened tbem of But there is an.'-her and a still larger party Batman 26 3 'o and e.-e. Loss of Power. and romove the horrible couset-meuces of Ona ism 01 - mar tv ihA-w . , u,,|it„ r Mitchell has gone still deeper in iciquiiy. Tte John Mitchell Jelf itollutiou, w N K ,re.-.. enterprise in fu'u-e. He feels confident be ca who hav* endeavored to give a b ma fbU tbierv- L'i'Hrul f of nreathlnx, 29 6 has given him proof to euataln any state VIUGfNIA TOIMCCO, Tremrtllng Missea Louisa ueut of the hlgheat L-xington Union rayr: ance lo the Qjeen's seu r.lity proclama ion; hut and Margaret Crow.... 24 character—euch men as Or. W. L 9nufl. Pipes, Oissolation. make arrangements to "clean oat" at least one Wakefulnee-. lit-erklurldge. Judges J. R. Uuderwood, Levlng, Cap' Tobacco. Poaches, and before alto ^p'ing to relate tbeir trials ami J P 8-ibert 17 TIIKeopa'taaf eliiji .ai.-lyett satisfied wi ptoving himself traitor, he uiffi Palo lu the Hack, V. 8. D. Hogowan. aw-ory vanoty of Bmokiat; ti |bt..s lh» nnder. hundred guerillas most any time, if be only bae Not h a Tobacco. slg ted, mitler < F Qiast the Ban e t.r 1 culiios it may not. he amiss to glance at the past Flu bing ol tho Body, 84 MflA.) 4 n .. I. this ilesonded so far as to filch from friends who had InTv.I A larne aaaortmeul of tbe best da. ill-eol H. Miller •re.nns of i;li.AJts . d n mutual ron-o t. r, W. Meaal ha- aa- warning of their approach. He is quite indignant history of the B'itisb Consulate, [t Erup'l . i ou the Face, 17 I ba<1 has been for _ wu enred loy Dr. l'rlee. withoat th. uuied ih.. li given him their contidercs and rpentd their pur- I . *2H! ud TOHACOO kept constvi'«y hilltl -r of sa d I le lira sea la .1 PALLID COUNTENANCE. R Tevi 20 aaife or Ugalare. in teventeeu ou nana, SkS au 1 , many yeert in the hstidi of William day. ih rlxed the devil* • Mu*e, a to collect t te it- in, that "cowardly "as he calls them, came ses to hi p, during the short stay ne ma-Je in Lex sstj dly due .aid fl C'>rorui-bi n me'ehanto' ihis ci to he W. WiLon 17 JOrlEPB YOUCm \V ' mgton a'ter its c*p ure Price. y, said a T M 'A dn tbe night, whsn least expected. He thinks the by Louleville, lit iBaKDflt OO., KT.l Ky , J 14 , USj H. 1 J«KAIl,*lr. p relative of the Eirl of Aberdeen and a profeyj of JOHN M DELPH, M-yor. Tbe Union cba gas him with the innst glaring I bad a negro get These aymLtima, if altoaod nta. mau with Fistula, aaad be wa. .-nr a main ; c of the miduight prowlers was to U go aldeh this niedl- Ma-.ob's Ori'iCE, July 23 186J. - dlO I ord CI. rend n. Henco, he i> supposed to be all j 24 Or. Price In GII/fR^IMENT W MB I), nii-ee^ir to and open acts of rascality, such as robbing tai clne iiivailanly reuovoa, aio eoou foiUiired by three weeks WM. BARIl CLAIM 5 AGENCY. p Mead 4 Mr ..would'*. U m seret: c S .possession ( f bis horses, of which is among illhf at court, and strong p • pp'C-fuPv in> >r . ihe bhc that neoa alw. one lots' shops o: her about enough among the IMPOTENCf, ((Kuaoorana. O. p ys ba and h >uses town. Bsing ill.] B. BARKI.EV, foil .il on. a EVANS. at the td stand. OS .t~tvt at at* t, op oaite the Oka British aristtcracv in case of any emergency FATUITY, I had Fistula for dfuteu yoart) with six aufl (Tea years' the linest in tbe State, but tbey we e f< i td a prominent man, be of course bfd to live in openings, tnimrliir,e«). t 111 II .,.- some , eh.ire Moticu to jwaurs ot Property. Ittaauay ai Laaw. he w uld b pi. la-el to -ee a 09 man of Mr<. Birtl, o' Nelson couuty. It was. en- No. * " and published, 4M south aide Jefferson St.. eeeoud door killer So reckless h«d „ jeeess made hiin with requiring the repavi and rectirb- ..." i.-.l ih aloove fifth. even the wardmbe of the female portion if bis CONSUMPnONf" g t herould . arce'v walk. I would not have « »: i the li tha' cmtideratls e>ment exists along bis corqnes's and liaisons, that hi introduced a g of the aid (f alks in front of their respective lots, slvan a dollar fir Idm. He wan cure 1 f Hi - ,le«in LOU BVILLK. KV r'ainilv, were I f n his house '.- ix weeks and rest eel to h.-a lie lias it.VKRVMlfNT paramour in the i d cabin of one of our and if they fail to have tbe same operly done nu ba n well 0LAIM8 OF ALL KINDS ' AT- bat k of Green river. J hnson's band of gneril Ibe Kov. Mr M-tchell, not satisfied with L u- p ahou-. w.t « ap- y.-are. JAMKHBARD. tended t I srRsld,,,^ , lnrt i-ville packets, and was expelled at the Many aro aware of the caii»o of theie eurTering. within thirty days from the date hereof, the work WMow U el » for alt the the request War. tr .ui 177 to las are waDdering through the country like tbe , ropiiaing god. of tailors for b.s Fistula cured In from tar-, to IMI uua,., YOUNG the lady passengers BUT NONB WloL CO.xFEds. will be d >ue under a contract at eight w.eks w tho t u- ng ^ OR >USE! rOUM GROUsKll of fir prosecuting lis Ihe expense of own use. actually went to work and 1 1 tared < ut TI1E RBCOHDS Knlf • or liga»nro. Fee tho. Mo .ey rct.irr,««l if uot "po'flas-.ed of demons," robbing and plundering. anours in their cabin. lot owners, us provided tor in tbe 31 section SOFT SHELL l.'UAIll. everything in the sbaps of ItHBala appara] belong- He was set ashore at a or tux of the cured in that timt. ... at 7th icle I warn t to cure all received hy , fi .e 1 Union meu are beormiug con\ 1 iced that tbey 4 barren d lltesnlsta point in the Mi.sissipii in INSANE ar of the City Charter, all drains from cases ef Ouanlsm. KOOI\S JBiT Exp a t of Youni Prairie Tbe ing to Mrs , and bis 'arai ASYLUMS, 4\|| Flak when ef , llioy ^HOE>. y Medici tea or d Oron* (at antlmo ). and eom spi e rsfbll proles'aiion.s to the cip'ain, who brav- awn tiik lo t or bouses to be conveyed under the sidewalk* rectiona alwaya uha.d. W II bo rent die olt gbal have got to fight or leave the State, and many ol wo'o >k *ri off wi'h tbem. This act ol unex.m- r o d - d fn ra-h. Cr.b (»:iv an 1 klckltnr), at t e MELANCHOLY DEA . .13 BY CONSCMPriON ed tbe thunders of. the Briihn liou and hi terrors in iron pipes, in accordance with Ibetaftdinaucerea'- nled urpitnde lo-es trie R-rideue. an l flee . oaet t»_ nothing from fact that BKaa aaPLX wiTtixse titsc TkUTU or rux ettekarioa n 8os~m ST««t, side. 8T. C11AK U. . (J. (J. KCKERat 01.. oprt tvn tbem prefer tbe former, and are making tbeir ar of international ulaiing the satne; tbe work, P Uw. Wi h hij la ly love he Tils CONdlM'U ION OS IK said wben executed, w ueu aln il and Cheat m, N >. 185. 8 .Aw K. M. INTO Mr F't d bad been f>ne if his most AFFECTED Wuai Jj particular ALLS, M- hav con -t ant I W oih.ml a ar-e eu .ply of rangements accordingly. As Johnson's baod tru 'god many a weary mile on foot in search OK 1 - NIC WEMlN'JoS io be recelvtd oy tbe City Engineer, aud if not •ayto friends, and had ac nally givtn (not loaned) of fVimmt Hlon Mnrchani II. 1 d f rt r, .ub-.rra, halt li.rr.-l-. «- him RiMtilrea tbe aid of mtv|iei n t„ for tbe Sale of ls lodging and shelter to awiit done in everv respac' in acc >rdince with specirj nd III aott'aa. I prowl through tbe country, they demand of al money to pay bis expenses whi'e canvassing -he and another boat. SI ' for fatn ua \ hlon we ^il atthev-ry STRENGTUB.a DR. ti 8 1 A low, L . . a cation* ca h nrlo «. Q.a bj . . il! f 'K v .. B.foro reiu ning io Ne* O leani h» paid a fl ing regulating sidewalk paving, to be repaired | for or district But s-ill, not satisfied wi h stealing BOOTS, SHOES, t\ND most every man, "hether be is the Union at HATfe visit to Great Britain, and covered Up his •Irti by INVIOOBITK THE SYSTEM, tbe expense of tho properly owners: cloihaa(tioe clothes) 'or bim-elf and family, his LoviiKvi lie ' r 'ar«» 'uppl of tbew. sood., not. Those who announce thtm elves as Sou h s.tcond WHIOU i£? J5" *1"V vi.pu. % a marriage His first had baen a famous To r- pave and recurb liuth ^the aiiei^,, trade wej.b orhtrad asr act on leaving L-xingto i was to steal a fine HELMBOLD'S rides of HtVM *k are at manufaeturer- •Farm -t% Tikhs. to lunaway match in New Orleans prlowi. The,, ate da are ue» and d -airable. «rn Bights hs commands eboulder tbeir gnni carriage fr -nt our fellow c.rizsn, Mr Lewis His second has atiej-, from Main io Ma ket s'leet. and the al W EXTRACT BUCHU -.•stion of the cit aaad eotinu-y Ul h \. 0 mil Bonn 24 p( ff|, i'. i s are robbed of their goods ard badly treat- they l»k into the rec pmcal conduct of parties, .fj^t,. Rkcokvkntion or the Legislature. -.1 — By J hn U.lton " lelo «> »Je Th'r' -t. ar.d aff rrd nn relief where btth have wandered in 27 Wluirv tnoee aitlicted wttb any fonu ed in various ways. .1 hnson has collected a con the following pn clama' ioa it will be seen that Kiitgio 53 «) •f PKIVATH I>iaK.43K can recelv. the path of error. It is sai l on the part of some .siderablr force. • •« prompt 'rnatmei.t wtthoot rtia tr the L 'gi-ialure is called together for Thunday, of bis friends her*, as au excuse for his absence, J. H. F.eg.r loO JiOFI "V*'"T'. Ut lyphlti* Oonorrht-. W. H. CKUTOHKK, SE£LL UltABS, that be is aooul to etf.c a thud O hers say that EAST SICE. 01e*>t fltrtrtiirem, DloHr*, Tnruor* Au. us . 14 h, instead of Monday tbe 11 tb, as was FIRST OF UK SEAdON. W no is to Pay tub Cost. — Our Canadian Canoeia.' ataKIOfT. islature o' Kintutky, for the reorgaoiz ition or the Fnioral ccuoa Ion. the kidnapping and imp-e's- MARRIED, KY„ of Hone- ck, from Market to Jefferson steet. ilmple fev'T; a id. will** lueHlclen? treasury foding the hill is particularly disagree- ment of ii Ish subjects, , militia of the State, all powers B nol only those of ' the which had by Irish OB -a. person* are dMly r n! :i i i ~ v. theit el»e Y^ILL hi- atl ntlon to tho sale and purchase ol bir'h, but illiterate CONTEMPLATING tRRIAOEl * *>lessnet> B the legislation of tho previous year been vest d in and friendless E iglishmen M EAST SIDE patieuV tn ho. . and Mivlnfi able. all kinds of PRt.l.UCE and III! HE Mils' . The " tnem np only Iron) their owu tneoroper^ocy, - mpl. t* : i he Military Board, wore by that act. as construed and Sc tinmen, were watched, and nabned if they A ckmorton 204 i.-- a-i The Toronto Lsader quotes the London Daily IN MANY AFFKC'1 'NS PEleUUAB TO " uid pernuaneuf c ..I olsced them. quen.ed stree.s. Tbey were takeu to the recruit- Jo Evat cat e'butcb ... 45 I have faithfully a d THE EXTtlA T BU IHII VOUNO MEN. r Al. t PAKTIJULaH HOTh K a eniuple'e att,ek or tlHIN '. al Ql!Rrs.(, ^viLasVv So'iX SWA Cyva.V.% stations scores, Is I' " of hit ttiM t- the tr» at t of AS a Whether It be tint tbe Cm '. i- apprehend ro no Bistently endeavored to carry out tbe provis- ing in and forced to sign the rolls tanetinallnd by any other remedy, ae in Chloroaut or L .ewer's bain ISO >r. IL 1evot>« much men -vhic ' «V .n h. -A ">..«. aaitesai IteUnt'ou, IiTegiilanry Painftiineae. or Supprtewlon h ae caaer cauao*. h> a aeore* hiibi* ruiua hfitii j»t) arrW vtt a o be tnxu i * o tbe •._>a<*ou* swrved at our dinger, or that thev are ra'isried ihai lie Impe- ions of tba' act; but in con.eq le.ice of a d fferent of enlistment, or, refusing, were lied ar.d threat- of WKST SIDE Cuatotonry the uji fortunate tudlviJuM for •ioatafi' *uperl »r -tyl<.>« with cvattuatlon. L'lo- r*t«d or Sclrrh ua atate ttf •ody and mmS, unfitting aut lo rial Government e ill defend at all h -Bard* enratruc'i 'n hiving been g>ven lu it the ened scourging Some were fiund with I " p t.h- them by the Uta-rtia. t«ucnrrhu>a or Whites. S enliey. and f.o II Fleger 144 Ithnr hu-lnmji or poclety he aad effec» of ae oafly <13 b*j kUPKh *b OO st wrists, t.-t if attacked, nioit c r aln it is that these colonists Military B ard, they still claim the piraimuit blot dy bands d Ihe result of their eff ins all oomplallite luotdvnt to the • i, whether ariatug •lary Kaw* 20 " latrlta or the xe w m ^P«r ywar- are aveakon and to from lualerretioiu Hahite or Dieeiitatlnu. .ehillLite 'he «onit.tntton^ dnetr-iy the phyiical and are not prepared o incur anv exps se for military military authority of tbe Commonweal; h, and disengage themselves from the ropes with or ia the Chaa Brannr 20 " o i i.l K • 'K CHANOK .1 *->.. leutal Dowera, dlml'.Uh a*»d enft»»bU the atural feel resign which they were bouud. Dr Ru s.lt, when In OF " Dayton Ale and Porter purrysea Lit tbem be treated M tbe people of are u willing to ihe powers htr«tt.fo-e Job 'a Evangel c .1 Churob. . 20 are er Mf-e. a a nova .. •fa, and ezbanat *he vital enerxie* o* inanhnxl tbe 'his r gion as a correspondent, very " New Z dand have been trea'ed. L*t ihem be told exercised by tbem, or to permit tbeir exerci e by properly ib- li o i •eaenree of life ire marred, th*- object of marrtaite I ail uuantitie.. ot ria.^iat NO FAMILY SaJuUuD BE WITHOUT IT I \ MX N 1( uXttv to aj and 1 . . It. R J 0»V. ••*•.-• 1 k - n • mitery and t -( 8nabled t<*> -naure a twvdy a-vd t*»*rtnat)aot Mayor's Office Jnl> 21, 1862 Pargiiy'? RescaiirauL ut cy$torr e- p, odence eu-u d, which resulted, nre connexion with Eogland li either valuable or It It f d tbe State" defenueless, and her mi'i ia, for how- crat c i.y ' cured at D m jy23 dlO c t " 1 1 1 • living at a dii'*uce c»n be home by not. If it be valuable let something paid by the same reason, remains to ever, iu a number of oi'charges. Wnen I he be this day unorgan- eodinff a •leanrtnUnii of thrir duieaae aud enclojinc a Picayune, paper) TAKE NO MORE BALSAM, W-lh those wtio desire to c intinue it; if it be of no ized, and without a single commis.-inned officer a ben "u der toe en' ire control of MERCURY, t, then let tbe colonists say no, it will be dis mv personal Civil conflict is im- Mure his O. WINTcRsMlril F. T. FOX. JR.. tW~ irtice No. UfJ Jeffei-eoti itreet, between Firtt and ' ul sliu.Ky. ««eond '>v*> IV»wa " >. v '"nP H. III WK i-vvoj^ned my Ri.8 ' UK VN^atrbe ooruu- dollar prot- a Lis whole c induct in this matter as praiseworthy, FOR UNPLEASANT to c the lives, property, and lib r-ies H ALl M O i'hliM and J fftTAou iitroetg, a d reflt ed I Ha »::!• To tbiB the Lsadsr answers, that the demand US marf dtf «S» Jt-t lj ^JO JL m bnt I am sorry to d"' [ i" -ith comfort* of tbe petple, or 'o enforce the laws. Daily say tbat bis English friends "**TTT*1 discacts. WrNTERSMIIH &F0X, tnien i el^eaucp aud All th d*'i- that Canada should for tbe Imperial troops Br caciew of the *e«*ou wil. be «r*rved to nrdt-ir. There will pay appeals are being made lo me, ss tne Governor here give him credit for co higher roo'.ive Ibau a UfawUk. ~A U a*.0-.le b)ok Out! Good .sew.s lor All i be a its wish to shine off before Ru-ssll. Attorneys and Councilors at Law, gran eJ them, in addi'.ion to keeping up own of ths State, to protect our citizens fruni maraud- The attempt It A V &TE MEDICAL rKKATIB* Ufl Tli* 'pUK ^f.VKH-r-AlUNO MADAM ' HELMBOLD'S Et l'RAOT BUC?1U ISABEL bNELL C.5 IBS* B&Z.OOIV, ing bands, aid in tbe peaceable enj tymont was entirely spasmodic. Confederate madness 03 1 U thv bv*t. She fiirceods whru all j'.heii hav* O3 0SmOOIOT7B militia, is to the last degroe unreasonable, bo- of AND IMPR VED ROSE WASH Jj22dtm EL1ZABETHTOWN, KY. and failtt] All wLio are In trouhU alt who hav*» be*>D nn Kntlrely 't d I'roiu the '* Keataurant, their property and righ's under the Constitution. tbe one html, the imperious bu' just demands rjrjaxs 60 Plain aud Colored Mthogrraptia, .-lU Gentleme- cause utterly That Pacsi and 190 Fine fjrtuuat« all wbo»« fond impossible of execution. tcta hopm hare Iimou diiappolnt4M and where I am withiu'. the means and the power to affoid of British su j ou the otber, were too mucn THIS CL^SS OF DISEASES •RICH ONLY TWKNTV-FIVB CKNT3.^| cru-ht-jl, and tivtod br ftilso proiuWi and dec*slt—al' journal therefore it to resist the for In all their Stageo, ICK < HKJ.TtSi Hit tt (Ut M T V, y Fwxtf7# r*j, thinks impossible rolief and 1 am left no alternative bu to appeal bim, aid Mure soon disappeared, leaving bis L & N. B. R 00. ft> to her lor adv all paru of th«» \2alou.^mm love - t i flice in tbe hard* t f a young roan by the lo fvtfa.rr »h« oevar ta>lr 8lu- thowi you th will be ready al bo-ir . The location on the flnrc convic i-jn th^t there is a powerful parly in Eng- to you, their representative-, in the hope it will name Li tie or no ch-nge In D'et ON the intirmitlei of /oath likeitftf> of y '-*>-* htuband or wit*, Sh« (ruld*- fltjor rendt-r* It verv convs-nient. not no in vain Any aftemp'. upon my part to or C -ppell, who, being without pr -per credentials, No iucouvoidence th». - tlt:> very land who ate anxious to get rid of tbe colonies. e.iti ^i» .riiy ftiacl 'icii:* the ee- tc m-iiM-i . li*raldand advio The of fare will alway* o^ioprtge beat ar- was without re.-p-tniibiliiy, aavl f and having no writ- t. • .1:. ganiza a res to that purp .se will certainly but have .. ticl * in 1 he market, aud be i*r<*pared by *o Hipwirteiice.1 Nn EXPOS! RE, WOTICD TO SHIPPERS TvjlfoUlei of both nw of all iimuinerahle tnsttoon, nnd :h* pr.c pi a e tbe evil, ard I therefore, not ten instructions, did pretty much as be pleas d igea, cauiuu debility, n-'rvoo*- ratult ba* alwkv. Uu» iii«atir of atecuring & epa-fttto oook. l.i-i err unwil- notlre ..o Krei ht Moments of Mk Van Bores. —A IT CAUSES A FREQUENT OF. .IRE UITIl tunh-r lor tbrough or local and erta, will Copnell was a clerk in the nerci-.l huu •om, deproiilcj of iplriu, palpi- havpy marrta** Mha im h. i •••r.- a mm dai^n ^ ala, l)e 1c Crea>o, Ate, be tent to private cum '.. liog'y, tbe U..neral e of i: .-a t -I. convene Assemhlv, that they • aosD looiatr) b« r- 1 v at tin* • . i iston Buys tbat pre- tation of the heart, tuiddnl in> noOa familiet if deeired, .n I familv partine supyll d at aay respoi.dent of the B Journal themselves determine the Mr. Mure, a person quite juvenile in years and a GIVES Sittl-NGTH TO UKLNATE. f. s Van alst-nk may extent of tho rtuatiouaj tu voluntary hlujh- It i« » fi. kavvu to tbe public at large tbat abo hour. ie6 Jdtbtf 1 dtf got d d' al mors so in his manners, with pre TllESERY Jy Pr inh» *r»»-»t. tlu> to wandering of his mind, and once . no tint and khr* is r\n\7 vious the of au' bority granted by them; and I ki g lo the Ur?MOViNO OBSTRUCTION?, •o, defective memory, tadiget- the oul> partou In thU countr; potiderar.ee or embarrassments in and laMitndu Ac, comprie- who ea< ihow 'be llk«i]*- t» l«factu»u ou ail the concern* f lifn. which Congress and the Proeiden', touching Ihe ques- weight in tbe npper siiry. He was a sort of beau ITR1CTUREI OP THE URETIIA, m pafea, cat -*lfch upwartuoi finebnndr*td and be *tt.**t^d and rotred b> thou» uidi, both married am* ren evinced the rood lively and patriotic inter- or ALLAYING P .IN N iNFLAMMATI N, t visitor ladies of lha tion f slavery, provide for the safetv of our in- among middle andlo^er hirty ftuiravlnga. It la a truth- •ingle, who da.lv a d eac rl> vit«it her. To all iu tun. So l e iiii'iit iu t ii- class of oiae leoe, *xpell!ng tat in the affairs of the country. No longer since tier of society r and the oeM her advice it mvalarib).. s i u ions, and tba peed and tranquillity of Iho His g"&aip f some vcars bas en U a.1vi*er to married and She can foreUI, with thv ALL IM Hill DISCUABOr the of secret*. THOUSANDS rreiit*-«t A«tr -lojrUt of the Speaker of H >u*e Representative , and a •appineea, aud privilege* to which everj human being dlueteea'b cenUuy. Sorm robel 0 4 YE BEEN Pruyn bow tbe good work of crmhin* the the WHO • ontUlol With Coufeeetoni of a Boarding «rh.v)l Mint, ladiPt tx.a> Ni a little timid, though they ee«

and that the . ifitd when answered in tbe affirmative. He hss government, its necessity having lore n previously and went out to meet the gunb>aie The others >elanencly, may be eared by the autbo>** ('AP.IS lar Kiitlei:n ii tv Jt.llari. U. Harrfe's celebrated ~tock Ale "POIS3N" yWTai.itiMAi* u thd Beriiu-lv con'empUted by me in tur present sru rht relief of Copped!, woo could see no relief \ NO 7»N1)< >N TRRATM.PNT. niv to ioldlt>r« *o aa to proteci continually denounced the course of Buchanan's has •jQi thetu In hattli- for uothlnc. We hare reaently devoted maob of time | JOHN OAWl'.IN dl t.t -*nch men as CI VIALR, be mo-t fortunate. Kvery peraon who caouot get alon> bers of tbe General A.-semblv to cinvene at Ibe serve in the militia. This, of c urse, threw tbem COAL! COALI war, Is istly as vigorously vert extensive aoiuaintatice both in oitt and oocktrt, in thif woi Id Tbe be thtught, ] and IN THE SYSTEM -SNOIBP., RJCORD. B»P/;iTKTRAU, ACTON, and and ba* bad luck should he lu pooceMtoi.. ol in rt. into camp, and under tbe authority of iveri at IN tier Capi Frank' in THUKSDAY, THE G or TO RE .K OUT and received enou-s>agen)bnt to remain he<« UKLINOS, of the I Rniillib bosylu!*, Oar of Lloruacopi- stud net ber writ tea opinion of hij fn riTTSsrjna, as possible carried or; the rebels brought it upon have WftKf French an Moor*, and, i f cour**, to all intents and purposes AN AGGRAVATED FOKM. toar extended throngh France Italy, Oerma.iy, 11)1- ture pro»pect in Ufa lira DAY OF AUGUST N EX T, to take into We are already tn the Kn tun marlutr? making our PDAOfl OBOBUlRD, AND •.uJ, Rugland. Ireland, Scotland, vUrit.itc tw"Mndtniri Suell U the ouly ouy thnt can ruake Dli thorns. 1 ie>, and they should be severely punish- consideration th;t interests of the Commonwealth, under tbe control of Jrff Davi-, as bollig-rects and Wale*, HAHrrOHD OITT pctBaps after marriage. s ections f r iho FALL rR\ < U, aud our efforts and liL'FKLAND'S LIFK against a oar route thHpriuclpal honplta!* tn Parle, I oai >n, KSSKNCB pure, which can onl> a-> the same may be involved or connected with th* Uuited S ates. A large numbsr of he. r.i>ir- ed. all faith In the of had at her , He had ultimate trium h ftclttties th ro will giiarau'ee a Ml and well-fe.ect.-d Vvme, Venice, Vienna, Drmden, Berlin, tttc., *c. We w? tZUhth utreet. She cau al* tbe present distrac r ed condition of our ctuntry. British sulj c s, believing that tbis was not the lava been amply repaid by the additional knowl. 6nd out thiotiKh u«*r aecret ad ctrcmnittanuea of *iek OOA.L! OOAL! 1- - our arms and cause, but not without great ex- Stick 1 which - .: be on hand iu good n. and sort of neu rality djje we have acquired In the treatmrnt of ririotkl uo'i aud tell what will curn, ui there ai> roota Krowlnt - . ^ In testimony whereof, I have here the Qie>n meant In ber rf the boat m b .tti city and country MIL- v to whlob wa have directed oar tttsautiou. foreve."> disease iu the world. I ) un'o set hand, tbe organized a ''Nautra i'v Associ- dt my and caused seal I-^bVmembei tltf place, Ku'L'n flKiTTKNUKN TANTT, Mi.ni I! I'.i hoee who place therr*elve* inler oar care will, gtreet, LINKR3 and \N ch*e >( T»'*r-i • L. > of Ihe Commonwealth to be sffix-d ation," un.ler tho presidency if .Mr Joseph F. door above Orayton ftre^t. WWt tr— thus far demonstrated. S chetUer male or female, now have tho full b?'.«nt " With many th .nlu, we are very respectfully Liour» av V- Done at Frankfort this, tbe a Wilson. Their tltjsct was to consult on the sit- 1 the many NT5W RCMBDHW Office from f A. S4. to 4 p. M_ ( ) 28 day AND RKPUJIENT Appropriations for Naval Expenses — •~-~r~~ of July, A D. 1862, and in the seven uation into which Mr. Ucpp-dl's action, or non- USE HPLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU yblcb we are enabled to introduce luto our practice, and P. S. M» tam.' Snell iuteuds to visit Kurope In two Stoam fs^m wew ioilt to Uvorpooi. FOR ALL AFFE JTIONS he pnbllc may r«**t a*wirod of the came aeaL ruwidriity, ruoutiias therefore all who wi«h ty-first year of Commonwealth. action, bad thrown tbem, aid dtvise means lo OTIS Sstz CO., to conmilt her ad bet tbe paid their ci*«*, The Naval Appropriation bi 1, for tbe fiscal year AND DISEASES OF THE Fa.KKCV, and attention being to lyr co. ie at once ar t.»-* i t.hM aid of value preserve neutrality, her OB KAT EA3 ERN "unarmed" taking that ,u •. B. MAGOFFIN. to URI ORGANS, rhleh ha* ao »uccA**ful)v dUtin^rciihed iu heretofore a* b vi -leA. jj i ARY AlrJ Malu etreet, Loulaellle, r ending June 80, 1863, provides for expenditures lie - Waller Pat.cn Uommai d r, tho Governor; tb* CJi'en's meaning, and se.i tg no practical whether exLitlog In •':.ik . iu *Hir pUf'-'HAf. ^aoartm"'!!* ->f vrnlm By ca-patch d Hroanwa), New York. ^a' ctlce, Wld ba the of 000. tbat difference b i ween fighting the United MALE OR FEMA: K, 403 p to amount $48,000 Of amount Nat. tiAiTHKH, Secretary of State. Suites as !.rvit«F:» 1* r new tork. from whatever cattle o. igiiiattug, a d uo matter of MediCwaei with full dliecUouiaenl luany partoMhe niM w

< Louisiana militia or 1 «*i i?a*'i - Confederate volunteers. The laT"N, MUHnere and Merc'-anta vieltlng New Yo k * . nt.wn. 1 d.« JulrStd • repair of ve. B. ( enmrnanlcatliig V — $11,000 000 are f r quipment and IluW LO'G tf NDINO. h.; fl'^'-ei or Canada*, by patient* -t Guerillas Routed — The following informa- de . k of I.LlNEKk ... >>!•> at SKturday At fa t B T i»«aJ»y >,t«iub r * "Neu. rali y Astocia'ioo," on its second assem- ntteaeoe of these -rgau n-iiutre the aid of a DIURETIC, will find a d elra M »«lr cymtom* by 'etter *«u*liina« onrT«Dond.»oay> Beds, $5,000 000 for ordnance, & : , and *3 000,000 our Store, 0. auS atroadway, N. Y. VVVdiie-day OctoUr . patun av wci> b r tf the HELMrtuLl/^ E.Vl'KAOl " t;il r ) coofldentlal. ( tion has been riceiyed at headquarters in St. blies, was refused further use of the hall in ! ]yU tin O. * CO. u»«d>«y r ntber T*- T !'burrda,_« De*> inb-r 11 viar~bi. * 1 ">oit *. i 'i.ni:iUa.oC onde* for transport vessels and acdilional steamers.^ at'j IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Ia. U rUU a* lVEr-sfa. XKTJitX. which tbey met, at d repaired to an scent cot- 08BOR2V ».' -iii' \ r-r-i in n* rh h int pruv>sd h un« Lnnis: AND IS CERT IN is name of DK. LA OBOfT fM« p, ton-press, to the it eight ^eyecttu.l) .0.11. quiUed for epir d,»*fety.au o n.for (. a-lc u««> bel g Authority is given for purchasing ground to ex- number hundred or a TO BAffEuns and MDnCHihTS. adiSr, uiiuruis Lite , ,'.l F. TO HAVE THE To ftunue laiety to all loOon ibuplv M Limt. Chav»nx, cmpany F, 12 h M S. ou a J . i* -*.nrul 'eo tnm cded a* the M t r .nk owu , 1 she Is udw opcuiuic a ... h stock b ' of aua- thousand. At this piece ths lights were sudden- I i:.-l ItH EFFECT Lt^uR SALB A WRtlUOHr 1RO . SALAMAN Eh for njui' ijt v e fo utrer^, tend the B.ston Navy-Ya'd, and also aug- on the 27 ib, wi h a company of State militia, fi * Alh«»tv X > aonable e blu co >a IN ALL DISEASES av , witb burglar proof locks (coat $650 lu Net* t* 9Aw\' No Maid- v*i ly blown out, tkirmish ensued, SAF - a and they wire - 1 ,V MILUNBRY HOODS. flKST ' purtuid a party of guerillss two hundred strong, TOR WHICH York), 4, ft. wide, 1 *• IS feet deep, al menting tbe hospital grourd', &:., at Ports- %-U nigh, i Mil aud 1 thuggod out of the building, and fled in confu- itjHMKtlDEo Frem $ll' *o $15D each n-rth, acecrdlnf to the olae. of whom h« had received information, ard coming IT I" RE .-I'L rut.rtatiratineiit RmDraclni; all tho nrtacler lo this Una. width she will ihe spirit ion li abolished, and sion to their homes This r r« tuatlou, aud ate mm d.t'.ouo' btat -Ktoma, all mouth, N 11. Tbe ra was iho las of Bri ish EVIDENCE l-F TitE MOd i eESPONSIBLE mayt dtf HORWU.I. * B"Q n>i» sell low for cash. up with them abou' five miles north of Patien. h vl"g " e e-ame priv 1 g- b 1ure; infant- free. wounded. I very full and complete etoek ol HOOTS end dence. I wish to investigate before giving them al« LOUIHVTI.Ul. KY »i».ooNtt oaniN. MHOftxl ol ev. rt variety of gv/M at^edatec>parateUblis$^0 Premiums for Recroits According to an. To the Edltom of ihe Lowsvillt Jmrnil: MAB.ION. invite the ait ulio t of t idr Old ctl'toniere aud mer- — TUIHaU 1 Mil". fcAUMS Minks InL.. July 33, 1SR3. ;h .nta generally, whl b th.-y offer upon l ie be- terma, Anti-Humbug Family . army order Just published for volunteer recrui'S ^INCI"SNA I Interoiedlate St-te-iosui, pArieuge • found with GrNTLRMEN: I have learned that In nty abe nee from antl . le t a e.tl nr tvsl .p. I- » 'am' t - Dy the PrtsiJent oftheVnited States ofAmerica. bt-da. .i.ii.. t'l ute .'Un. -nd g-wd rubstan- for old regiments, there will be paid a of home iuv eon, William P Jack on, has en] sbsd iu the 3 - premium 19. X 8TERBTT. NiWtf OA-4 AN » aNKW .MoLAASKi- tlal - - *M Uu.led S etee service: antl, not being abl-- to earn A PRO JLAMA riON. Mi i regiments pre- "PHYSICIANS" PLEASE "NOTICE." 3 0 fair to eh ice N. O- Sugar* s ttnt^aa. $3, and for those entering new a w, at regiment a-id CO pany lie belongs to. I trouble SALE ONLY by — FOR 175 bbli choice new N. M -.ui-* With puperlor Rcc-mmodatias* you with this, to aecertalti. thr n h vera, the do-lnd In- In pursuance of the sixth section of the act of EL FKRGUSON A SON, mium of $2 Tbe premium may be paid either to vtarVA* For sale by R M UlSllOP 4 CO., arti i-.M-^.-'ip u at ow«d J ) cubic feet of laggafe. An fotmation: ae also to eay to bim that hie conduct meets Congress entitled "As act losupprees insurrec- " MILIT1K1' (iOUUS. SSflh •tr«««t nn- rtmw vn-t h -»f WE MAKE ' NO SECRET" OF INGREDIENTS Jyt< dim Malu street exjet-ri- need aurg -oo o b ard. the person bringing the recruit, or to tbe recruit mv uudivided approbation, and tbat he his my best received tion, to pn iish treason and rebellion, to se.zs and HE .MBoI.D'S EATRACT BUc la. Jua For fr«l«ht or pa* a;« ajnl to -: - - - wi-b -IT bis sale y and ancceea 1 Ioa cause lie ha* eu- le compoaed of Buchti, CuboSa, an 1 Juniper B Trie*, I COFFEE OH A. WfTITNBV, in person, in case be presents himself. The il. cond-tcate the pr-perty of r-baN, and for other Ra ed in. iu th fence of the old flag that our fore- - bag- •• leclaid with great caie by a compt teut drugglat. ShonMer Straps, Sashes, t*»- «o 'd t >choloe Rio Offf«: At theeTliv-, aNj »* fc» d ar N, T* fatlmre -o dearly l<>ved to honor, aud purposes," approved July 17. $150 I to 1862, and which •* in advance to regular and volunteer want him $150 BEST Pll\US. liVi o iCttGre u gu> r Coff e: Jya^dDf-'a Bj WcAN 8F1.-W yLU x.*u. month's pay true tbo Trim- prov to cauee of our glorious Union, as be ta- Sword Knots, ll*t " , ard tbe j i't resolution explanatory 60 extra «-M Golden Ulo Doff e; GROVKSTKKN ft HALK. having removed to afl a latin r. i - mo Ml : reoruits will bs paid under sued r-gulations as ped \W pockd -.lii l! thereof, are beiewith puuiishcd, I, Abra- PREPARED IN VACUO (uevroii Braids, t imu^s, new warero-'Cia, « He u i-ted ill a cavalry company at Warsaw. Ky., AU f^raafe ty R. HiSH 'P tb 0« JAMES LOW & CO., BY 11 T. > . HEDMBOLD. tbe Paymaster General may establi h 1 .-i nude Charles MoNeely. Benpt-ctfullv, ham Lincoln, Preident of ths United <4c, tical Cheiuiel and aole Manufaiturer i No. 478 8ROASWA7, JylU 111, AN. 21u W-S dXTH STREET tbe continuance of the existing war, $25 of tbe WARD JACKSON. States, do hereby proclaim to and warn a»S IK prepared to offer th*< pub ic a nia^niiieen 1 new pBAJB AND TOBACCO—We have a verycb«>iO: •« a'l persons within th- c ntemplali m of said sixth HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. are now I Itct'o > of ts, P T< a wiqh xtra tine: a * a veiy $100"bounty previously authorized by act of Con- CAPr. WALKE'-t OKFM'.L BE't'RT OF I1IS C.J.RALBLE'S *c\le fall lioulsvllle, Ky. ever csase noHT wiib mi Arkansas. ion to participi ing in, aiding, cou He- fine Mi rtiueut bi Mia-ourt auj Virg m lobtcoj. • have- umd a »s i>r »- la— gress will be p. id to every recruit of tbe regular nanciog, Of abetting tbe exis>ing rebellion, or 333 Jofforsou street, it f r eale by u. M B SHOP A OO . WK tt ROSJi PIANO '*. [Correal onden-e of e Ctucin. a'l Ti WOOD I., u caa*i« fsai>cy Ptii of the bra* da f ..ea ] 70CTaVE Jy dim M "i treet AroerU any rebellion, against the Government of the t-ite and volunteer f rees. Mpp< U. S Hotel. . a iiav^k MISSUS. 1PP1 FLOTll.LA, c*n, L'n'.o -ti^Kue'a, .d m STRAM KaM WITZStil.ANn.J con r amuig all mpr ivemente kuowu In thle c -nutry o» *'"-; fjci'ed States, and to return to their proper alle- ^>ave 0 pxg*. ubls half hbl* (Vki c . .- ti i hed • toil V'.ckebu.g, Frida/ dttei-uoon, July is, lSdx P. S. — All the above article* m ds Xo order a* *hor vlAUKhKEL We ,0 > Kurope, ov r-e rung ba*", French *r and actlou, harp " giance to the United States, on p in of the for- no* left. yl'i qu .rteiB, aad kltti of ch i e o . 1, 2 au j 8 Mack- ba> do t:a tru FUuue *. Compliment to Col Gavin.— When Colonel in+iial. aiill iron f> auiK for . I Since lha tremendous inimbardmen of uesda\ I. >li new l ' i 1 i *o i la d Lain* feitures and seizures as witbin ai d by said sixth c* mi la boautitul luO y< Gavin and his party were attacked on Tbursdsy, nigh', every one on tb flset has been expecting AFFIDAVIT. r|*OBAiJCO 76 boxes Mnoutact ned Toba e "r«» re- For -vie low by R. >H. HI5H0P & CO., * full ajaortment of a i..e r , F ena*>l«, Stirff Goods section prot id-.d. Oia.SH. $160 - ' i I • c ivv.i . iu 36 st »et. -th r 1 1 our Hue, to n we X r | r etcambo -t Shf. ango nn c LeiK'ne at the City of Washington, this ootic, uo mercury or otuer iidiunoiut drtige. 'tut are pure- 917S W. L. MURPHY threw it it and away. We learn from tho Evans ly veg. table. U. SO LI). 1ZKNTUCKY .JK AND LINSKY3— '- uiaterlaL and GO. OU.NDOA1'. T HELM w.irniiit' -f th- Ojooaod STABLER, BR0.& ) twenty fifth day of July, ia Ihe year of ' all a iun4- * la Oealer In strict y rcEa cue in W f vemtter. 1«M. WM P. tllilllEKD, Aldemtau, rue- hods of tanu ac me. vV- iuvite the beet fct^OM to sixty-two, Just received on conaignment and for sale by PITTSB m} &HAKTFHRD CITY patriotic citizsns of Evaniville, learning these sayt: " The Q ieeu ef the West, Ty lor. end Ca- and of ihe Independence of Ninth street, above Race, Plailede.pbia. ••xuuiue and try th *e ne-* ln*t um«nt«. an1 w<* -to, id L .iiinvtl'ie, nlr Ifl IfrtJ. J. H .TAOR. retreat down the river to avoid the United State tbe eighty saventh. ready at ail time* to t at thorn with auv othe. * mauu DryG'-ods Notion-..HatSiCloth- facts, purchased an elegant new regulatbn sword' rot delet turned o factured In thi* country JLm z being sunk inevitably, firing upon her with the ABRAHAM LINCOLN. C Jk. it Col 1. O and sent to Gavin by Gen. with a iug, GentV Furnishing Goods. fSKQUAc* on Third • treet. near Main. ,u* dU bow, broadside, and stern guns, ihe enemy vig By tbe Prvident: G ENTLEMEN'S GROTESTEEK & HALE. letter of presentation. William Seward, Secretary of State. 010., orousty returned tbe fire, and had greatly the ad EL 478 Broadway, N. T. vantage of us, being tbortughly protected aid Establishment, KO. 80UT11 SIDK PL'HLIC SQUARE, Outfitting may 27 d3m m 2 We noticed a little whi'e ago tbe stopping having a v; ry tuperior battery. We continuou A dow target for r.i]> and farcy *hots his be«n (jf NASaVII.l.K. TBiUN. Arkarsas came to coHrivrd in Kn^land A mudul td a deer is D. P. FAI!l>l«H»1, to fight one hour, wnen tho up PHYSICIANS IN ATTF.n'D VNCE FROM 8 A. M. TO of the pensions of the three? widows of Generals ENVEIjOPS. .2 Main ST. run inio us. I avoided her prow, and as she oinuaTid on a curved railway, nnd m-tde to d«- 8 P M. ItllNDETILLE, •*w~N„w 'inotle roce'vM every day. IrP dim Macomb, Kiley, and Smith. It was because tbey SPR0VLE & Ketweott 8 OOSl I ant Thud. came np we excharged broadsides, and she parsed -ctjnii swiftly fiom behind from one f>hicld to sn- PRICE «1 PER BOTTLE, OR SIX Ft)R «. OHAKI Ert W. BAKER '*npr bri. ht smile hau t me3t:ir ....i'e. TOelivered at,y frou. any stceaaionov.s. tbe si creatures are trying oiher. target is bull's to addaeea eecnrely packed Coruer Main and Fourth etreeta, are As •is immediately, when we lired olt bow gun* 1 h»» a eye placed on the »• ' .... to. obeervatlon. Manufactur-r of eve^y variety of . ay - Dd Happ aa.'aa. ' f-irly at liear's shoulder. If hit in ihe biuocb a line is * lgn. tte .. . to to put tbe country wbere it can't, pay anything her, which seemed to glance from her Addreea letters for Informa'ion WHFJtE EVERYTHING CAN BE FOUND AoTPKB- BRitrHER, "He. .'a tour Mui. nrpl'»ps, PFINiiST 4 .. too. invulnerable stern. levied for a ini-«\ if the ball'd eyo is bit a prize is H. T uEiATBOLD. Ohemlat, talul -g to a Oeutleman'i Wardrobe— Patent Michiue Made '*6liv rLi Pol a" « tbey ou^ht to success, ' ...tne. u. gralided at tbeir pani.l DEPOT— 104 SijLTt 1KNTH STREET, O eca e ol Flowers." Ko a "At this moment our wheel ropes were a third won by the shot. of all kbadi; SxpretAlv adapted to th* wart* of th* Jobbing Trade. Below Cheetnut etreet, CLOTUINQ 'J iaa'a* h. ki i ard- .. „ _, ...... Sara. in it to feel to v 1 bringing tbat It can't afford pay time cut away, and we ran into or, * v'.. "... tbe sh< ra. Philadel. Ida. SHIRTS of all klnde; Kmb aciug ail t it- va u* -tyl-a f shain and co aud *mih eeatfax tor htsa HSsae. ...IW. . 6-. anything. *TwoebO' boles were ol served in the Arkan A Gatsy Wrdding — There is a spouting Wf 11 in - at rice»*blch cnuot full xr> be fat. fi.»tory. Th„- at -Karsw^ll. lovelv Ma d n." latsaasl ... them l !>•:•. aUIRl'M and IIUAWBRS of all klnde: ly d. fi niavlil • laaaalatl lckatev'.., ..»*. r. ao-ptfu -olict sas's side, howet-er, and her crew were puinpiog "*alineviUe, O iu up which the gin rushes in large tent>oj of buyt:r* 1* "L Q , BOirKrt nl ell kinds All uther pspular jlu-ic aod >i.r% uoii' n laosxj W bt and bailing vt lumen and with :hm' \io-«Dce. romantic VwkA* W. H%KrCR, at the - tiro*, and one of her men was A t . v 06' 8t Commissioners ».ta> a u.Mievi ! a had at D. P. l"At e CjT The tf Emigration at New .tO lleouuian vt. New ^ *»»"lt. orth std#* Market, li tw^en Tenth and Eleventh stu. seen to bi C'Upl»,'af«w since, invited 32.1 n at tw eu . .4 ' Or t, thrown nveib -ard. ni^ms ih^ir frieLds GARiiMim nrn'rc a 'v* da Jvxe Ma , b S >.oa York officially report that 4L,6CO emigrants have ''We have received very ex'ensive damages in IM a cler^ymiu to the vicii.ity of tbe well, eel Negro Woman far Hire. 4 oro to I . i it fafu already arrived in that city since January last, our bud and machinery, having some thirteen ef , i- j of , and, Ly tbe light OiiO i c uk, wa her aud irouei lor hire for the Saind Twioo, Trot- Lanes, Ate. Broadway streets BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS A Corner Sovcnth and Tba txat PI .SOS for rale at war fecive shot th of the tall pillar of ^oaring flame were united in anoj* of trie Apply at only about ough us. Tbrse escape pipes iu. ba rear. of different aimer, which Jj three thousand less than up 'g. Q ^> na Twin- prime b» P. asm jyja .1. * tirobirs, d f N. KKLLOO We hare -»n the 1»" of Uf rpr-ned a r-e • Dm Eatab away, thirty three boats cut up, deck maniage. O'Jvl aJV> lb- Trot- Inea: lust., bet o*avsttd and lawd. to tbe same time latt year. The B>ard has now UNPHINCIPLrl) DEALERS, llehmant n *he c ner of S Totti -n1 Br^adwty.whtc pump shot away, and many ether ii juries in the who endeavor to d epoae "*.t. 3d'm "The and Ge ORRIN RAW90N. 'iHii- *'< t , HKLMBO' D'S Nt.'INE PREPARATIONS. '6 bbla Road do: BV « !'!1j; 5 A Monitor for Bostoh Harbor — Th* eces^i fl ig at her stem, but tbe Carondelet 33« Main *t..b**tw»»en Third and Foiirtlk ci.MHIMt-! m HELMBOLDM GK.NL'INe" FJCTRACl' BUUdl', 8> bola hue old Rouruou Whiaky; JlSdtf SC.»LM -:i{

.-. .'-. colors afler the f. urth fire, HELM Ol.U'S GENUINE a a' -• -• »: Boston, on Monday after- shot tte away (paring EX R Ac SaRSaFaRIL- 31 bbli do do Rye do; WANTED! u< the mortification of seeing the hateful symbol La, In atore and for etele by OI*D AND TOUNO BOTTHBOW- BKI) «.B1> PRICED fir '-' ' noon, voted $200,000 the construction 1 ii i t HELMBOLD'S of an Tbe stock In citr to b» fo *ivw«d ttosa B«wlrbo . c OBl 6 b^lso uf detiar.es fling insolently in our faces as the AltKITAU * OO ,| U i«t (as ABMSTBONO. ot Main, opp sl'e the NstloDai. C^fZ^ltli-* M cat T-year ^1.1 A' .'? )- f.-uod n tli prtcaw ef Us 8umm.r Uolialn?. iron- clad Monitor for the harbor. . bas r.duo-d tne rebtl passed down the river in tbe teeth of oar lii'' .'.i io t-. i ' pu fl c i per \ lied BRAN > L*. CTimii k -i*o a-ul c mpl «S 8u.-h aa I.F.STONE^CO.'S, ,w UU Itock U lull helpless fliet. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 3d Hi tpee Oognar Brandy; * "*»w/ls.i irb a Whisky, ma .e U«t winter by i«owa:ii tUexaaot D aedM Uoilaa d li It. - Greecberry Raid has been 36 1 1 1 do; aale by ({9" appointed by the Arkansas can sink ou: 1 Rocbelle aud Taibott For Capt. Walko thinks South side Main St., one door above First, e> |l ht t 'aa-anje.e oa .te; 6 >» ylp-a Otaru. I int u - . to Oo. Brandy; Bourbou W isky Depot- provost fleet at any lime sh* desires. He is a fearles « M . sellleaan.l 1. :. n ^rpta Gen. Boyle marshal for Bourbon county, Cr Delating in of ft bbla Americau Braudy; Main «f~. »*-st -v »a—n tb «» i Kiatnfh part ly° " Wttlte iriat. Lin. n cults: i flicer, his opinlin is en - and an excellent and S line Family Coaches, latest -t I. ASK FOR HELMHOLD'S. I > f*"re and lor eale ui and has entered upon the discharge of the duties ( oats, ferns, and Verts. ' A paoa ti lad consideration; but there are other 'i plain do do; OTIER. WARHHAI.L H ALBERT 48 \\J For irhich we will pav tho market jtrice in w Lti.e and aa.tmere Duat-is, cf hij i flit's. Five-seat Ko kawaye; Cut out thla aSvef»leomeot and se d lor IN YT casks Madeira Wine: i Flotilla who b Have tbat ibey ca H all slsa-. llicers on Ihe BOL'R WN WB18KY- Pnrt do. Bors' Clo. liing. Foiar-eeat do; ANJ AVOID 1MPOSI 1'ION ANio EXPJSUUS. PURK 10 do rlloves, Tiee, destroy her, will make tbe attero t mo< 6 bo • 8 year* old; Also Summer V derwear. Hoetery, dro and Blldo-eeat dr; UKSCUIBE S . 16 do Mutrat do; MPTOttS • ont to tor Benedict, a boy aged sixteen 3 a old; A Co. All of which will be loaed saaks r ou. fai 1(9* Henry years, resolutely whenever she reappears, as Captain Top and No-Top Bnirtdes of various styles. IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. 3 bbl< yea 10 do GiDver do. R. A. HOLDEN at graatlv radnoed p. On con«uinment and for eale by -i Cincinnati. lttck waa.latelytnarried.in New Milfoid, Conn., to a Walks himself would, though tne Devil were har Pera.ne wiahina anything in our lino will, we think, CUhES GUAHANTEED1 2S bbla Malaia 67 Vine Street, «.J find It JOHN I?. GRIFFITH. ^^^^ to their our itore and for aale by Interest to call and examine stock ADVICE GRA"ISI Io , opposite the National. crew. mayrj I Mala St., Captain and all bis imps her 1 No. 31 J Main it , b.tween Third and Fourth. j j S-, girl named Sophia Nobles, sged fourteen. before purchajuig elaewhere. tiaa eodiutow apt* sotUatpAeowly /> 1yj8 MARSHALL HALBERT dt CO. . - " ; . . ; 1 - - . .

--'There is a GH^A^iisr remedy the over- Democratic Organization bags. the Legislature m.y readily j EDGAR NEEDHAM'S J. L DANFORTH, LOUISVILLE JOURNAL 2-bitehel of the militia time for all things," and there may «* ,500 seamless for sale by hasty construction j between Th'rd and Fourth. sight in the »J*»» Green itreet, discuss PITKIN, WIARD, CJC. the entire a season when we shall be happy to General Insurance Agent, * law of last spring so as to enable MarbleWorks, opponents, but now Union Represents the following V HI NTH I ' AM' l'UBLISUrD BT strength of the State to be drafted into tcrvice ith our some-time Companies: Democracy, the great 3Q6 IMPLEMENTS. bu', if we are compelled to resort rothcrs, of tho Douglas HOME INSUEANCE CO., of New York. RENTICE, HENDERSON, & OSBORNE. if ncccssaiy, Opital and have heretofore Jetlerson street, near Fourth, Suiplus Cl,521,s8S. Wheat Drills, Marshal luw, it must be al- polemic principles which ti Provost METROPOLITAN INS. CO. of New York. THRESHER, id, and oi th »h*f log Hah « to wear ii " »» '* " mootnioDtti. Capit&l aud Surplus - 6 spirit -t ~-.ll Fan Mills, made of «t»»l inMe^d of iiou. The great advantage ot ibe lion cvlitmer i* that it iu Hi hter than wood, mnch more Trl-Weekly, p»r year or some similar system of organized effort to paraiive insubstantial* snd consider, in a BLEand MARBLEIZED SLVTE MANTLES on hand PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. CO., darab e, run* with greater uam aud regularity, i* safer* and leas liable to get out oj balum-, and hi iu evei f rwpeat " » mouth , made to order. jy30j3&b8 Potato Dieters, &c,, Let not this scheme for what we can do for our common and of Rhode Island. more reliable and elhcieut. We.kly, per year • • -v ? «., defend our homes. of patriotism, *.(•". ?> WIARD, CO. Capital and i 1 PITKIN, * " •> in club, of nv», eath.. ' Shi plu 5. For sale by PRICE: di^outluued at the pronounced impractica- Let us emulate the spirit of Clay, AH subscription, cut of th, city home organization bo country. INS. are paid. CHARTER OAK CO., of Hartford, Ct. Gomplete Fcur-Hor-e Power and Threeher, ready for use 9110 Cuh expiration of ihe time for which they Capital and ble, until seme other is suggested; it it is faulty who, when asked at what crisis he would con- Ivory & Shell Tuck Combs, Surplus & 3u,0UP. ADVERTISING STJISTIDPIIES. TERMS OF replied, NiW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO.. let a better one be devised and with all 6peed sent to a dissolution of the Union, SOMB AMBFR. BUFFALO AND INDIA Linen Agate or fens, ALSO of Soston. Oni Square, Ten in mo. i all new styles, lor sale low at Hydraulic Oment, adopted. The moment) are irecious. The 'Never! never! NEVER!" and let us hug Assets $1,160,000. 1 TWO-IIOK8E POWER AHU HUG IN * DUTKIL',- THRE8HER. ad or ad pave. lnt or 4lh rage , OFFICE IN NEWCOMlfS BUILDING, White Lime, within them. hearts tho glorious words Of Douglas in S3 th sr., bet. Msiu aod ver«) it ni*de in ho u^ine i-t> le an the Four Insertion, *o 75 1 m $7 a months, I 0U Bullitt street), Calcined Plaster, Thin machine in peoi ortionably lichter th^n 1 oo a mouths, 13 (Entrance on Horse, wiih wrought iron cylinder. the Four Horve, aod Ii admir* Insertions, united action , last recorded speech: g " 13 lie Action prompt, energe.ic and if :*>.< 3 m oo jvlo dstsm* LoiiieviuLB, Kr. bly adaptel for tne farmer'a uu use. Thin n achine will threuh from )5U to 2>w , -in I- of wheat per day or to g » 1 ae — Plaster, Land - " 18 i ,60 00 8 N . ml . 4 " 1 60 6 it deeper Whoever is not prepared to sacrifice party or- BLOOM OF YOUTH, TALC, 50U of oatti per day. *' is all that can save us. Without a •• 65 00 la 8 j oo ri\ DOZEN WALDRON GRASS 8CYTHBS; t in u ganizations and platfotm; on the altar of his conn- White Sand, &c, PRICE: " I 00 that have jutt Oil 161 do Cotton Card-; humiliation is before us lhan wt does not deserve the support and countenance DE PERLE, complete Katti addltljusl square one half the above rate*. try BLANC Just received and for ia e by For sa'eby PITKIN, WIARD, dt CO. Two-IIorae Power and Thresher 9123 Ca «h of" honest pecple. How are we to overcome par- >-2«dl A. I". SKMPI.K * BRO. Wants, For Pale or Rent, for Hire, and such notices, experienced. AL80 A LARGE AS80RT.ME T OF l'ZRFL'ME- not eicedlug lour lines a :-\ r ... >H,n TbhIi lueut iu tne paper, 3U cent* a line: n no taunt*, one against the other, as to who his 200 bigs Coffee; Erclrior of time. Editori- forfeit half 8- or 6 cents a line, acc rdii st to leurth current funds of the placo shall Candles; Eccel lor Ciiaugtab'e Kailway Uoire Poaer, Thiedher, and parat >r (1-horee). ... $140 Cat* leen the e ui e of these troubles. we shall no b-iee Star ff ni**. 6 f^**t 6 or K mrhci wet^hini about I7u lb% advertising, 10 « uts a lioe lor list When Hemp Seed, &c, als, where there is 800 do March; fjifliwad—the ent- ms^-.tlo been strongly imprem- have re-curd the Government and the country and hijth othnr named JOK c>pper lus-rtion, and five ceuts for each addition.! theirxetlon. We have I 160 Xi*o do; a' out ' *> yeart old, 5 tvt 6 or 7 incbes blgb, witli h- Forraleby PI KIN, WIARD, & GO. in ra/intered Utters, at onr W . . Remittencea "oy miil, when . from its peril , and seea its flan floating in tri- lh nnrr hiui ( oiofrottoncotton IS! o kess Nails: 175 ih~. low loiehead, witll i.i I- r just lor cd with the opinion that the purchase m.- about two d4w2m' money must Ue reuutted witn the order | sizes; JyU rieK. The nmph over every inch of American soil, it will 350 colls Man lla Kopp, aesottel above Urn e, e*. advertislug oj paper. and the payment of gold 100 hols Cru-hed.P iwd- red. and G atmtsted Su^a-; tbe ab^ve r^waM for the nara< ho- in the seceding States then be time eDough to iDituiro as to who and I will icive above d KENTUCKY CIDER MILL. P. 1 ea-; **** 2 half < bests Oo ong and O. if tak"ii in a ft State aud *i curn » to anv Jail in thli tin rcbell ori. The Con- what bave brought these troubles upon OA. When do; This a the moot ettdsnV riaapISi and dm able Hand Cider and Wi^.e Mill yet intrrduceu; work" much » afi^r therefor have aided lit ca dies O. P. _ 8 at" ro th*t 1 get tluin, or t *l 1 nlve $1 o for either of AUfilJST ELKi'TMIIN tJKO. U. t*KKNTIi:K,( for Rojiu. Soap; and grates the apple* much finer than any oth r made, with a better >vrd nr-re p tweifnl ycrew aud Piv tbmn r*i ktlltor. shall a cmutry and Government * > we bave a 8- II bjxes German aud th- in it tikeu iu a 6tate and aeru ed In thl i 8ta*n FALL It. IHIHlttAN.f of war with- rt( ;" be found n any other Mill, it i^ aUo BSStSf and -tter ana >geJ, and will average ab ut rlVK KAKKEL** OF federacy can obtain no munitions • cur children to live in, in peace and bipptness, it 76 do 'asllle i>i 1 ret them, a- d if tod»; • 1 iu K lot" casks tbn? 'oi"' I win i;ive lor (.liber of tbeiu eecured !.-(., as a raiidldat« f>r th» Judgerhtp in th i bannors accordiog to our own convictions of ricbt Rucs.ets; DT iu oi dei i- g be particular to state "Miller «t Moore's K i. lucky Cider Mill." 2U0 dozeu *y jail *o I cet thru. Kightn I detriit, i>ut>ject deci«>on of the Lui*n ol Appeal*, valueless, and it has no European a to the Tor Judgv of Court ai>d duty. Lit him be marked as no true patriot ,6 do Wasn-Board-: j.JxdMt-wG" .IOSATHAN sTKWKLL, Kxecu'ive fjommittee, or of the Union men ot the Dis- Prlte mt LuuLjvilie 8*3 I -. > Coin. i "i: :rcdit, however much sympathy it may enjoy who will not abandon all such issues in a tirxehke 60 d trict in whatever form. j v!8 dte 16 di Shaker do: . WILLIAMS. this. R. K in that quarter. We believe that the enhanced 36 msti BS Tubs PRO PECTUS Tor Judge of the City Court Manufactured by GRAVES CODNTT. It 0 dozen B- d-Oords: OF TIIK ^JEO. W. JOHNSTON iu a cmdhWe for re «t'on Of city. Cot- Plos-'Lluee; Louisville 3 dte' MILIjER &t vuluo ita origin this a^k the tof j> MOORE of gold had in Wo men ol Kentucky, m Chas. tO d> an Judge of the City Ou f WlNAUTiC, 3.1 Is Cotton R ess (ducccsrors 13 MllXEB, & Co ), of Allen, Butler, Breckinridge, n plstrlct composed ton was much needed, and tho holders refused Anderson asked those of Ohio: Will you re- 10 do Packing Yarn; For BXarsbal of tho City Court. »ol, Oslloway, Caldwell, Critteuden, Christian, iT,ranj;i!iiHii»iiiiV jaiio eod&wtSepl LOUISVILLE, S7. Bal Alum, Brimstone, 1- 1 mr Hull hur, Ind'go, Madde: Cop- HYpEfl ii a cand dafe for re-electiou n- Mnr- Fulton. Graves, Grayson, Uan- to happened to be WR. - liaviess, Kdnioudeon, sell except for coin, which main the proud, full heart of the great K -pub- ot' Lonixvi dte pera-, i ugw ood, I auipbor. Cream Tartar, • *>hal of the Oity t^urt K r 3 Henderson. Hopkins. Livingston, Lyon, 'I'HE utiderstKif*i pr pow fn pit* t» In r^otilHvlIlp, eoek, Ulrka.an, -torn and for sale by Mnhleuberg, McLean, scarce here, and, when speculators went 1 K( nr»u fcy, a Weekly A'eu sj>ait r, Copartaaorship Hotice. a bleeding i Family RelioiouH McCracken, lic, will you forever become ' . District. Leg in, Marshall, or \ -r A CO ruth Judicial NVAiM ED _)y3t) 1 Irlgg, Union, Warren, aud Bf")i»»»dMith'J a * above, l in- tua u r - t o >li« publt* ihe office of associated with me iu busin»-w* Mesirs. C. O, lluio, Simpsoo, Todd, purchase, a heavy, NOBLE ic the Umon candid ve lor IHAVK the to i market ' '. the into ! a desolated bonier? i will to ui B.k.va lo it> LU. Ij to lake eft ct from Webster. frontier, 3 IHW superior cauva>ed Hams in store aud couvey tbo n.^evace iou • Common wea'th'd Attorney- lor tbe oth .hidicial 8M TH and J. SMYSKK. • un- ^^^^ 1:0 UirtHct, compoeetl of the co*int>es of '-reen, Taylor, 1st July, 1%*3. i h- s'yle f the firm w ill coutiuue Wanted, onerous, atd unnatural premium wai al*h» 1)0*1 1 GAHDNEK a It *1U b" * voted pttauri y t> the 'nt. re tj«>f Chilit'i u i"u. Nelson, Wathingtou, M**rc-tr, a id Anderson, der ihe sin of J - Ll'lIIGOW ii CO. SERVICE. If all tho greit Powers of Kurope were M ,1- 1KAMS1KR8 FOR OOVKKSMEST hi ^ i ra; to the doc" riav* |Olity o- t •«? Preahyt*- .1 H. ] nnd UTUGOW. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1862. placed upon it in consequence of tho H* die AO Ai plyatW. A. White's v.n -ir Store, corner Third ' .- i ' 1 i i IKY IMSMIN, n.i't mil, to 1 1 1 t Mi-- 'ii.-. l' 1llC»IIO.i, Pub- this country could never b: con- tO au.l isffer.oii.lr.ets. hMT to intervene, C. O. J. L. SMYSKK. sudden demand. Oilier placu at the North lic Mo alit> , and l'hilauthrop--. For 8arveyor of Jefferson County. J. S.irTlICOW. SMHU. V n ii nl u att>'iitiou will be given to Piamtty Ri^Uion. Organization for Home Defkncf. —The quered. And, even if it could, it would sink CAKE BASKETS, E are autboriz- d to auuouuee BEN. M. II -K -KY and as a The ecnpttirjl duties ar eiutt out of at the rnl itiou» ul' \\J and East were likewiso called upon, iV m a candidate tot ijurvwycr of JefTersou county at J. S. 1ITHG0W & CO. WANTED, lift, 4MKi*l, civi«, and fcclecia*tlcil rrcosii E«d In th 1 recent raid upon Kunneky to 1 by a bold and only amid seas of blood and oceans of (lame. the en-uiug election. jit d&wte rninous high iiites became ICE PITCHERS, *uc:i part- lit ai'd chidi. imh-".t :ii J nt r consiquencj tho wcri of God. T. BfKOIHANN (who ru^voyed Jer7-;ison c uuty atnil 1.000 head of Cavslry Horses, son of ntre'it ci church and ir** ui*mi< hinnelt a degenerate vaut, Uove and 1 • energetic chieftain, have no meam and published a map of |t> \b a caudidat.* ior 'h>* universally prevalent. ICE i Wo all owe allegiance to Ihe Federal VRW, ' i « lll it) tlielr du»* Iks- ril curbed and Linked We BIMMI« otlice of *»rv( vor of Jetf-T;on <.'iiuit> at t e next Au- rl Park citors, fiwu 6 to 8 years old, and his troops largi ly composed of u ou the coiircie..ce« < to lii hai-ds h-srti. Iniuimot sTN^l-% ascertaining how much gold his been the debt bo paid. v Government, and must This bud a (.o'limii devottd to th m e.-pec aliy. ' AND FAMILY BDTTt'R COOLERS, j^|ANUFA- Tl K^K^ HOTRL . s-i K. II KR"W. ^trkZ amazing 1 the * - and i it • youth, i 1 : 1 i i : our own misguided i.ii cf !'ii mn ' > i o* Bofultr BSin, Oircuiv Ocuri Clors. rbKir-ed vi»n. this city to bo invested in cotton in A A'or sOokiug Kangea, Stove*. Miat-K, M Thlid tt., be'. Market slid Jettelsoo. frcm is a ease in which imprisonment for debt ha, wtt.h fo ohta and (lnrn*Htic, a price (tin* nc toit^ h r ati' P. C11/.MUEK3 ia a candid j- iugs. C.VHO BOH ER ItlVETKKSanl PCNC11KR8 1 1 ' I ; 1 i. • II* . iv.-j 'Ill papi r will nr ii the i u. - of the Pre iy*6 dtd* tuturo of our unhappy State. On the ninth We don't know whether the bite of t lateit putUnu, IbM from the tuaruf. ct«- Otto ing AastMS el*-*- inn. I 'HI to v»ork irou r.nM ii.uilio.ils. Sti.dysnii.loy- r on South from Cincinnaii and S .. Louis. Scv hyteri iii C inch the duty ot ad'tarm* to it* c iuiuudIou WAREKOOMS tureraby KIT1S A V.'i.km\ BMBl nnder sllelter ai d til Itctt waffss p.'-d. H.n *>u- I - this treacherous Kentucltian croised aud eiiet t. > county, ii a can- jj dUlrn Main iirti t i . , that tbe paper w ill t> i a trun «liei;iauc- to tu CliAPEZK. ot Hartford, uhi JOHN jysi d l Aiitili 'o JAS. II KADI. Stite at the head of his bite of tarantula, (Jo'.i&tUuti lhe L inted dla'ee pimtatu lh*« Gov- didal I^r Commou»ealth's Attorney iu t .is Ju- the line of his native whilo ftik the a a rattlesnake, or a DOt aod Ni. 15 3outh lain ,t.. 81. Louis. from the ordinary channels of tradu, - opp-wition jijlidll' . wlih i 1 nation. ca*i r now nt iu ita 1 r- 1 strugKle tor tbe lif- of the dicial Lilstrict. llo hsady iwwt marauding binl, and, a ter routing and put- dog. tie tu- Union men of the Uiotnct Properly, thousands have tucn withdrawn f-om ciriula mad Yet ihi« iart Oi the p an will notbtipur ntd in ucu where ia known, aud Desirable School Situation Wanted by a Toacher. ATTENTION, (1NDID1TBM niai'n»r a* tenao, U ligiuu*, and Fain \JUV H. WALL, of sold nn re.-' naMe t^rms or pxrhans d AGBM'l.fMsN, sTadnatod tion and hoarded by thoso who were «W The Devil is probably rich, but, if he UAM 1 ity, will be KHRKT, rorlh M:i «:<••, betsri-en Third ilv Newfuapur. V V for Circuit Judge iu tnis Dw*i ict. His Unionism urop rl. qiDVlflssV whj lene, a highly succ-'Blul t. ai lisr ot sev»r«l yeats force, for two weeks wilh almost ANTOV Me for ci y pro srty. Any one Federal t'f»t d by his active a* i vice io fjmplus/rsl in h . profession. ened at the premium, and others, not under had to pay his taxoi as a membor of the South- and K'i h stri-eis, wi'lwt a LUNCH at hall-iisst The unileri-iKn^d ha* not routtht thid work. It ) aa aud loyalty have b eo w ai h s to talto chsruo of a aell-istib'i.h d li-rn* e lUndlDII. deaim become -n - aud hia legal Adili'-ss A., Louisville. bis courso SonTHURSU \Y NIGHT for the. benefit of 'he rendu btwu nit be ore hiiu by hit) bre'hreu aftvr ext Udive con Major ot the »Sth Kentucky wall bod thi. a ram opforfw itv. t or p.rticn- II nhesi retertnees gWeu. M. entire impunity, he pursued and I MhvoL standing the real ciuse, told all their bank .re, > all i*' dte crn Confederacy, he would soon be a poor I dates, who will duubu-x find itKreailytoiheiraCvau- tVr^uce a uou* thetuiieivcf. He itpptiald. ther«n t sbuitf ta nnqueitioned. lars, addivs. A. 11., Bix No. il!> Uiuisville Poit-oilice. j) -J5 eodo re-eleo- ( i : 'I SI is a cand'date for of unmolested pillage and devastation and tan- to rait and si-e thtir Iriends on that imi . . who approve of th- ohject te leud it U eir support. he JUDiiK JAMi-a LAKT JylBdlni' notes at great nieriBces. think the treasury We Devil. »» US fWt nuuib4*r of tbe paper will ap|ear farit iu the mouth t nn to tbe Judgeship of the 3d Judkial UMrisI at WANTED of our Ken- i3? dte* •' clothed in mourning some of ^ptemh r. the August ele« tion. 1 ive in M t'.i acid mules dom three to order of Gen. Sherman oc mo« very opportunely Pork-Housf Property for Sale. cannot learn that Jr V ' ia advance $2; at the tud of m tight years old, f.iinteeu bauds high and up- of lives thus CaT We Gen. Hun'cr is Judicial .Ulstri t. tirn-s Pork lucky homcf. Of the number 5o. Seventh \VK ffer fir sal-i m very lln.r.,1 our wards. Kii'iuireof kt. UAKKUW. but I he government might go farther and permit cioutua, $3 cill tl>e attention vf parties furiiUhioc are authorized t» auuouuee the tloi>. P. B. MCIK in this city, 'ih-i bouse nas ample doing anything in South Carolina beyond de- WOULti tl Hourc Property Third stm t, bttwet n Jt fferson and Market. of the amount of public and pn- t.M>. Fit S SKK. Htllcorand Proprietor WE of taken, aui R, sidi ue Hot' Is. ef 3te*mi oats, and his patrnus as a candidate for le-elettton Circuit Judge s aui-hterinK i ud h'liolti'K l,7lllhogip T 3a m for food goods to be sent South to be ex capacity .iv n d-i and fol.owins, All •>••> cn bu-tneM or < vato properly captured, we do not design to drtaatd to Kvv. George Fiarer, Louiaville, Ky. dsy changed for cotton at fair maiket price Hood'— »Aist n, x', we will off r It at i-uh ic aiictii u "n that VBLVKT CARPKTS, Daviean Couaty. n ade ou : a sab-. form an estimate; but we il»ell with uospcaka MEW For Clerk ol at 111 o'tlxk A. M. Terms kaOMn This would bo found very advantageous un sS-The prosecution of the war with the FINE SfiSLUU HRU.-S8KI.8, It U proper for M who are cognisant of the facte in the OGDEN U the eon*nv«t.ve caud d-ite for re- a. b. waual u£hl by bi ", but he waa reuucte-J bj* U", acting For Chancellor of the Lounvillu Chan-* I nFKKItforaali ,0 I easy inrCOFFKE its 1 through tho very heart of our State, in eTAIR R D3, tc. thkei behalf, after un-ch coutuitation and a Mlai> A Bao), tut p it*iculars, lU'iuiie at th>- ho ise. wealthiest, most populous, and most ISf of peace are autharlzed to auueunce the Hon. HENRY fairest, CURTAIN MATERIALS, every style and quality. eneigir-D to the rt-rvice of our Lord a« idito.' aud pro- ))--' CI ARK. plus clothing and food would tin 1 a roady mar WE a candidate for Chaucell r of the MANiTr*4nriiEiiop ** prosperiiy, oi In iog h- re 1*1 P1RTLE u and we must inaugurate a hard Thf above will s .11 at very sa-all advsnce p ietor a reliKiou« newHp«per. a*> loyal sections, wilh ample means at liund, in R-ods I a Louisville Chancery Court at the Aiigiud election. Iron BaUlntSSi ket, and we could get cotton in return York est lor nssu reat need ot i-ucli a paper a- he prop-Mee to evtablich • on New OHLT. 111- dte Mill and Farm for Sale. material, to tho dsririg miscro rain of bullet-,. we only give exp hstirwii Tlit-d and Fourth. WE re-election to the oflire of Chau uear Branden- hax confidence, M a candidate for FARM, ou Dte Run, ant—nay, more, upon the very tkirts of largely swlfwe are tirci of our liberties, it is Mr. Fiaicr our KifPo >n1wec~>m- Verandahs, debts. A. it it, all tho specie that traders ca cellorof the Loui«ville chancery Court. i!3 dt^* I urg, Ky. The M 11 is iu ermplete or- mend bim and bi' i-xterpriMi mort c rdiaily t> t' e ^alr^. last REV. QUO. JQHCKBTT'a Fire ant! lfiitr^lur Proof iter—pleuty of water powef tua year outnumbering Federal forces, and that at time the earth should" be tired of our living tbr.t , be bad Iron Jail9. Ac LAUIES, cuetfiiii ea'dina the invader rccros d iuterecting i aper I K KY. hi< suceesitul ea. OOU*TT, j 2J dtf Lot HVO lati'l er timo- ing with him the trophies of '^ at the ensuing Aiimisl atasjtfon. j," dlftwle' y sttetided to. I'.rt oi ihe is set iu clo' and - berpjiic fjr of a 1 true aud *ood arms, munitions, and medicinrs. Any »^-Tho first great want of the time is men. will |i'f If, him the suppict man FaM T.rm comine-c 8. mbcr 1*1 to tl-e Ml 1 Is alat'se, new frame dwell- THE men. K. P. HUMPtlKliY, thy. Convenient reer, and with his numbers augmented by the ad F> r Uircularr, izc, a-ldress KiiV. Ci. Hs, kstt, *tj It PTION TOA >M\ WORK, EN couonbr . ron . second is SDHH ing, ivilh o. hir iuiiTovementa. who refutes the United Sutes Treasury notts The money. Let both be forth- 3S bTKPHltN Yr Kb-Kd, ti nl -On'. -in . JoTi rsin coin i' d'SeolS Q1LL Is a cudidate for Coroner ot Jeffersou fitted *"A Wi rk oi e Fiocp ruy aud 8. A. SMITH A SONS. dition of afew of our deluded joutb. Surely no .1 couaty. iyaadtu AiuericaiaH, counee'ed with rio-Sia* cy, ami Omj !)* Rn". .Inly JI l'r.J Ait' is an enemy to tbe Government and should be coming. O. BtCATrY. ' C. OREEN is a candidate for coroner at tne Progtca- nf tree L\bor t4oi.tliw»st lm luduig the e cjnk more humiliaiing record has hecn written dur \ IVew and Valuable hatont. • J. a. JaGuHS. ^ the hist compelled to recognize and accept the currency guvt election. j3 dte tsition of Teirit^r): Fnto' o> Shivery from Por Rent, Tbe aboliiionisls need not thick that SELf-A'TINO URi'UIT t'l.CHER FOR Ttht well-known to everylx-dy ( Wheal," a ill hi aol'CUVd iog all the progress of tbii unhappy war J iHN CAIN, bapterof tieneslj: By M, at. Two BTOKKS in the U 8. Hotel building, par UKSPH&EY4 The Patent Kliiht for sale. Bend r'i! H*»nd',u'.rt" will orcup^ed MR *\- : o'clock which ihe rebellion has forced upon the coun- te at the room* forinerlv caudidate for Cotouur *>t Jelleiaou county at th Louisv.lle doling LUJiutsi houis, from U .nltah.e for Clothing or Hoots and ; ticulsrly l hi* war can be brought to a close by negro- stami' lor de.*cr ptivti circular. e**y.«iian Hera'd. u-jti dStw 1 each day. is . r'unity. Shall we not learn wisdom from tho teachings of by the P August election a2* dte v till 2 F. M wh dlH AHniY BUPPLIDS. ensuing M or ou 1st June. Apply at Hotel ofhee. may3 dtf Gen. Boyle has written to Dr. Wirtz, DAVID W. UENDEKUON is a candidate for Corouer is heretofore; W tucky not lees loyal than her Hereafter our armies will not mince 2VTOTZOB. Commibsabt'b Orriox, Loi-ipvillie. Kt..? i lection. iy Of Jeffttrrou couuty at the ensuing August AL.B. son, Besektah Strut, Ult borue unlwknoa-n to JH, 1963. Medical Uirector at Evansville, lhat tho pa- me July ( Jtf7 dte' sons are able and willing to defend their hornet'; matters ixcept when they cut the rebels. MY July AND Kc.NNCI' All', io whole and up on 13, eiuce wh ch lime 1 hate heard uolhiuc at I wan HOWE is a candidal- for Coroner of J<-ffereon XXX XiOTJJSATIIL.IL.E lO r.ALED PROPOSALS will be recei^ d thi- office piicee, formate at the r bbip, • i r . i i. \ball at Wheeling of t ^, I i- roles given by Johnson and oilier guerillas are him. It i> seuc-rslty mpiiosed .uoty at August. «j tu n, lM>i. ty!7 dte to on ' c w the men and mears are nil wanting, and yet until I: o'clock M. Thuvd^y. -Iul> Hi for M llou«e, Maikeiatreci, between Ky. Ssid boy i about 14 j esrs o!<1. bivliiK a small sear jKeniuckv Malt riunirhiiiF thw tol lowing Sii['pli< k, oz' Fellow citizen', "go where glory waits 1 • t* {.Sixth Seventh. be regarded of ifTcct. ou hi.' uosi . flad o when he ft j almelt'i hst. it and how powerless we have bodfl to repel tho bold not to and m no This | 11k juoan or ArrBisLATH oourt. fo'tou pa-'t-, and white linen cia*. Any inforu-atiotl 5i0 bblfi beet quality Wom pori^ .1 'UN KNC.KLN «t CO. White Lead and Oil Works, you," and don't let her have to wait long. lb# tmut mlit/ city cured clear Bacon Stdei FOURTH AI'PBLLATB DISTRICT. right. rebel forces levied in KeDtueky coucei nlng turn will bv lhauklullv r^rwlved by t I* sihc-r. 16?,ow i invader. It is but another initanco of the No A Mayfl^ld, Ky., It VS In tierce*; JUDGE R. K. WILLI Mb, of TIIeM O. (.TOUT, candidate for office of Judge from the fourth Main St., between Ninth and Tenth. should be recegoized as ni.hin the pale of iV»,' 10 lt>« fw-t I'lialit) citycunit Hac-m Sboulden iu the inefficaeyof a disorganized multitude to with- (s9"Martial law hss its faults, but it is bet- Hf ds 1uv>"t. Ji ff r on eo . Ii d. dftwkr' turret; Appellate District. ai MADISON ALE. honcrablo warfare. are nothing but yyK^UAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY stand the attack of an organized, drillod, They ter than mob law and better law. K .100 ib b r>t quality city tured car. va. ped Hinis ia than no MOTZOfl. Tor Clerk of Henry Circuit Court THE underrigned ha^ fitied up an ratabliehimiit for fix' ,xf«\* haie formed coparineishlp iin-ler th- an-1 bdttliu< MAIHA^N A I sr. Fauuliee, Hotel*, aud gangs of hone thieves and murderers. No a name annon. ce E. P. Tt.OM.v8, >r , a go d ai d and determined foe. Shall the sad letson WE 5 0 butr t xtra t>n cfiuc Flcur f oai t e v Whivt PLf-AdK style of MITCUKLI. A OK**N, to date f.im 14 Clerkship id rienry Siloou' «iit plied with auy uuauti'.y ALL, fOKl t,K, a .d Lanseod Oil; Bed Lead; O-When tbe Djvil rebollad, God didn't 6iO,«Nu Ibf I*c4>t quality Pilot mttui (>u hickory oval man. as a candidate for the one in Kentucky has a right to grant a Con- July lua-., for the traussction of a OKNrKAL COM- the election LAUeK i;. i i: go unheeded? It has been the avowed Htmin^n boxc" <-ontaiiitu|t Ins fvh) County Circuit Court at emm >g Augu#t Xsitharge; Incrs. H I OUI3 WEBi-K, Sole Agent. Boiled Oil; stfear MISSION aud FuKWAKDlfG bo t > ask . 11 or him and him fo givo bonds. h'tuh. I* Nat H*>*np. iu clean, bright His Ixyalty is ». known to it-pilie i>ruof argu federate commissi, and no one has a right 2 IN prnu y d!3* 11* Wall ft., between Main «nd Kiv*r. raid J. W. MiTi:QKLL, ' • i>£3 object of the la'e upon our soil /tour btrrrts i*>i lh" to »h« h-i-h^.), ment. and will be vjttd for by Turpentine; Ochres; A. it. DKAN. IKGION to certainly soldier 5 '.ifH) l' f ioie R'c»«. in clean brightJtuttr barrel*: j>24d eAwl to destroy ih3 pmpmy of tho Govern accept one, and no Union IxmUsiUe. Ky., Juli ii. Is»a J>»»3» v Pure White Lead; Putty; (JO.O'jn KtMvl ron-'ted Oudi-e lu than brighl Jlour worxoa. V I U. 8. GOV- is bound to regard or recognize any such com- barrrU; Ouinmonwoalth Attorney for Sixth CERT1FIKD CLAIMS AUAIN8T ment whilst avoiding collision with our citi- J/EbpiTchaifed Zicc White; Colors dry St in oil; J. W. MlTi HULL, lats with Mi'cl'ell & AnDttrong. Zfiu) llw goou Black Tea: Judicial District. KKNMKNT andCLD DEMAND N acts it. rtrv to fill ord n at tbe quality; mission or tho of , ii. every zcos and with the Federal forces. But it is any one holding BK8T QUALITY OK PITTSHURO COAL ATA' TUB A. DEAN, late with Nock, Wicks, 01 Co. 150.UU0 Hi* (to«Hl C.ariued Sugar, U clean, bright M H. OWSLEY, of the 6th Kentucky, Cheap Lends of MAJOR ylM fltf CU8TQM-UQUSE. lowest maikut price. Also HBBCU BOTTOM Hour barrels; to announce him as a candidate for j Tho Governor of Kentucky has been compelled thohses us Shot and Bar Lead. also Ihe avowed purposo of tho invader to ic- COAL at much lower tatos by MITCHELL & DEAN, b 000 galioud Vinngar; - Common wealth Attorney for the Sixth Judicial Dis- J. N. KKLLOOO. 1 . Iba brait quality Star Candlet (full in to convene the Legislature of the State to give sUjPt) welghl); trict, comprising the coiintlea of Cumla*rland, Clinton UOPE L\SUR1N(]E f 0 Hl'A.W, Also Just received slot of rnEK FBKXC3 ZINC largely force, I augmented roriinr 1 ' turn with a with the 1 1 dlftf Near the of Third and Mala. «!/,• OU good dry Palm Sonp; Wayue, Russell, Pula«ki, Boyle, Garrard, a id Lincoln oil, to which we wonlf] call the in* cial attention ot punt- burbclr good fiuy OK FKOVIDKNOB. legal authority Sail; at the Anmist election. mi7 dAwte ers and o h is wanting a uknuini artich . intention to fight, to maintain his ground if him the to call out the miliiia Commisbioii Merchants, | 3 60c galtoua Molaa*«*. Office in Weybosset Block, No. 18 Weybossot sU jradiiliu WftTH BS b FOX. for the prolcctirn of the State. It is prepis- No a'lowancH mad'? for rackag6i,whlch niup*b« strong possible, and to possess the State. Lot us not Na. 1043 Main etrett, between Flrtt and Second, County Clerk of Cumberland County rKOviiiKncK, ii L, Ju y 14, IwS. ROBERT L. MAITLAND & CO., and iceUmade and idainly marked with vm«a ami tare office nt Clerk ..'•.'. I AM a candidate for the county Court V PK» I -,. I^ui«ville. ha*, terous thou to ssy that the young Henderson weight* ami uarnt* OJ contractor. And ttm mdiu.iy JOSI5FH scout the avowal as an empty vaunt. The LOUI8VILLK, KY. J at tbe eusiuug August election in tbe county o iug rcmovtd from Ihe hy and engaged 'n 'tth'-r b GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, corume.cial ratra will b t ctiarn**) lor any r»-p\ n*r« scapegrace, General Commission Merchants te f Cumberland. ueaa. hit cu< uectlon with thin O rupaii> a* the rage it Phart*red of Johnson, can levy his rebel tale I i by th* X*«ffialatnr* Ky. forces which have biea hovering around Nash- com- Pronipt attention the of a k'oif o P o* catliy made > pacaagt-«, tr/iicA, if barrels or tierces* 1 am now and have boeo In the service since Jnly no longer exiida hi* appMutuient a< d comuii*«iou a* dnce aud lh" fillirtg vf o"der« f*'r a^v ie-cri|itiou cf mttxt befull lined. MARTIN • pany within the borders of the State for and Bankers, |ML rm37dAwiel M such rwing he eby revok'-d. be hu Ineee < f i hia ixmi- ville can be easily and speedily united wilh ma- gewda. specially PLANTATION &IPPL1KS. The above lo be delivered Jree of all charge* at the F«r the C«fi of all Private Mieaie*. iy for the present, an-t unt'l a further nonce, wil u€- ( pa Ik-I and IU-aver slroot aud -JU Kxchaoxe Place, d ra rtore fn <• purposes, Jri"* ''nnniwwry iu Louiaville^ Ky., uvfoie th t rauding and extend a parole to such State A»»o»»or for Jeffumon County c nduced by WILl'AM ML>K, » mj . at the otttcoo thoso which have for two weeks careered at RoBnrr L. MaiTLAifD,) % UKH. 10th day of August, 19*2. NEW * n- .1 "fl" noil I • i.i vi Cumrauy,'* alio in fmly au>horiz- d mddioaZ" report, 1 of Louisville included. a VS ii : i'r "-:nf toi fl* •i t, City iam WalOUT. i a8d4wlily* Notice to Forago Contractors. 'i tach articln will bfl oo ! a^ato T- of pleasure through our midst; they can Union men .h ho may take priioners. This to 'rani-act the bn.-inr- ol tiaid Company. their be pappr, a d e'ldorued 'PivpO'ale tor Milx-Bleace," and be A NT U-NV WISER Is a ca. diua'e for Afi«eisor of (JUST PL'BLISHKD—PKICF ONLY 10 CENTS), UmcE OF TIIK AseiHTANT QoAKTrthUAftTRR > " JylH (113 isAM. Ml VK« Pres't. tovardly ruffian crossed the Club river at ttixouipaui d w th a copy - f tu 0 adverti-emeut. /V Jt-fTersou couuty. Jj23dt Containing Fine Plates strongly reinforced from Knstern Tennessee, Louuville, Ky., July *>, t-- . Sixty Pages and Thirty and $ ' i as OKSiniiKTiL IKON All got-df 10 bn recelvnl r-i to 1 h*i iu«p*'ct on of ARE authorized to announce G. T. MAY a WOKK, WE the the seized all sick PROP09AIS ail he r. c-»' ed at thie offire Aamssor of Lonisviile J> m-reou ttngravings of A nattnny and Physiology of which we have 60 straDgely neglected through Nctvburg, the inmates of a hos- Wrought, Cast, and Wire. SEAIKD such perron *« tho Comroienary of Sulwi t»me may de- candidate lor aud I at \2 o'c cx k M. un ^a'uiday, the 2 d*v of Au«n>t. fiKitafe, aud if, upou int«p;t tio'i, anv storeti i-hiil hi re- eiuuty at ' l- ensuing August tl ration. JI3 dte Qr&ual Organs in a xtate of Health and Disease, pital KA1L1.NU3, TKWAYS, PIKKS, BAUM> there, and released them on parole. IKON «A f*.r tie fiov. innu ri' i. office o' ell this war; and what obstacle can we present Gen 18R^ fun ishiiiK at i-tahlee at the 1 all expeu«ea arimnc titim the i'mjN'ction of >a d GAILBREaTU is a caudidate for the NlE.s. VEKAnDA AND FAHM FKNi.KS. TRKB Jfi. OCULIST & AU£I81. ON A NEW METHOD OF Oakland Ktiei C MM or la the city, urh ijuuntit.wt of t I' ghall be h in- by Ihe parly th- 1:1 • State AMeswor tor efferaou couuty at the ensuiug learning this pnaeutiug N treating VENEREAL DltfEAt line to B>yle on promptly deipitched to Ol'ARDii, STALL OU^Kna. MANIiKKr), and WIN. rtt, r. 4111 s-y Partial D**atueas, Discharges liom thw Ear, long an unprotected Sta'o another and Haj, C- and OoN M tray el iroui dtyto Should a iy of tho siores t^at may b « offered in re*pono« August electtou. dAwte' DOW UUAROt). IRON FURNITURE — Bedsteads, m the ll-ad, Catarrh, aud all dlseasee aud affe E& tuclndiiig Sypbilti tn all Its da>' tor the fiibitr unoiala at tho*» nlacee. to *hi' advert i»ement bi re ect d, th« a ti-« i-Uerif ii. WA rrS Is a caudidate for Assesser ef Jef- Dr. Wirtz that he should "taks care of 6ick t, and Cribs: also Mattrerees, all kinds. j g WH. Inns the itairev, Oouorrhea, Gleet, Strlc- a far mote desolatiog raid? It is in vain that wc Cradl Wire 11 tn of the fii>t la'ity. Louisville, of organs of Thi Ha* aud Gta he -i and ihi theai 'it remove th n at theii owo txveuae ai'hiu ferson reunty, Inclndlng the City of a Flower Trainers, stands. Baskets, Ac. -• r toie Varicocile and Hydrocele, iverv to me- te th>< t ii 1 f ". i! - .-..ui.- e'et-t'>n. dt« soldiers 6uch" as iavalidi", de com bv Aim aud termi- 1 alter notice of their r Jectiuu ban (> n gi <•>., Augnst a13 Sli«la.t and. Hoarlnj: tarn our eyes to WashiDgt>n Tae government M — not as paroled Illustrated cAt.lo.rie mailed on rreelpt of fonr three Dl«ease« of tho Kidneys, Bladder. ua'e on th*- lUtfa Nr»vemhd-r, 18»ii. mh*T»tre they will be put outride theCotumU ary ttjte ii'icesRiiiily treaUd ny Ac., WITHOUT MKRi URY f oeotsismps. HUTCHINSOi A *1 • W1CKERSHAM, he 1 nl h Li trtate the price of each arth 1h reparaU'lj', U, ItAl LS SMITH, M D., it prisoners, "and let them return to their regi Louse. ror Common wealth Attorney. has not a soldier to spare; indeod looks to No ifi'- Canal strf-et, u«>ar Broada ay. contaJulug a valuable treatise on New York, contract ina f lther >r Office 30S Qreou it , bet. Third and Fourtb and t^e 'e r or f the whole. The rame declaration ae prevfoudy lemiiul will te • a randtdate for Commonwealth O n— -' AgeuU for "New York Ralluul DUPUY >i that widespread malady of you*h ments able. Wlre Co." Kiddero m^i t pie-ent thtir bleb in p.-reou -1 Ji; r"a- fiAwlv when aud be .rec- expected . us for renewed support. Our sole resource is Iroin paitlea not haviug p'odu n en It. • Attorney iu thie dh-trirt, oompo ed ol Jefleraon SEMINAL WEAKNESS, Noctm- mayil dSm ent dm itn: the op'juiug. f o.iuipiee mutt accompany bi:e and b.* < dep.ldbam, Spence i ,and Buliitt couutiea. nal Emlsfioni, Sexual Debility, order of in ourselves, and shall not Kentucky bo true S"VVe have received another note from our By office of the und'Tdlgued, who reserve* the right to re- ml dte' Iiupotency, Ac, the secret lnflrn> Col. THOMAS 6W0KH3. A Q. Bff. Gen. ject bid tor jper rt - a auy pr 1. are authorized to anuouuoe P.. S. CKAIQ aa tiei of youth and maturity arie- to her past fame and tru i to her prosent inter- charming little \VM. D. VJtNKS T» Lt. »Ld A. A Should a iy party proposal rebol correspondent "Love.' E Q M. whoee to dellv.»ra-iy part caud date for re-election to the office ot Common NEW MEDtCAL DISt OVERl, tng from the baneful habit of seL"- of tue above la accept* d fall to uvliver Ihem with-u tlie walth's Attorner. a 1 4 ditcwt**" lh'- speedy penusuiut vi'ni. To ». tiich is added observations ou FEMALI"! ests, which aro so vitally involved in the alarm- The first purported to be wtuten slip tune herein rpeeitied. For and "In my Up* uud> nicu-d will coneidnr it t. DISEASES, aud oth?r iuteroitiug uiatler of the utmost p^rt of tbe contract th »t he *h\\< y ircba^e to auy extent kheriff of Jeffer*on Ootinty. those contemplating ing crisis which is upon u>! There havo b?cn porf;" this is "Iu my boot';" For Curo of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Imp-^rtauce to the married, and and m suppose MBataajjr to till it, and any addiiinnal expanse aiding PLKASt« announce WM. STKWAKT eaacfludliate ff aiTiage, who rntertain doubts of their physical abili- trrrefrom lb til be borne by mc'i 1 many schemes suggested for home organiza ihe next will be "In my hunting breeches." llfill artr. lor Sheriff. If a more houeat m»u or a better ever Seminal Weiknrs?. Sightly Emixtdons* Incontinences ty to enter that state. Seut to auy address. In a sealed Propoeala will te made in thn fntlowiug form. v*z: never <*eeu bin . • v*l dte General Debility am Irritability* Gravel four lived we have Wt T ' ou receipt of Ton Out* or stamps. TO DEPOSITORS! 1 J±y\*" * tion defcnec. None of these aro without *"l -or ae). the undtT'lRiie' , herei to and Cou'dn't she be persuaded to write one "In y acree deliver \\. K are authorised to announce W* A. RONALD a The Consulting Surgeon may be cmcult*" Ji)H\ MUIR, &C.BNT. to the United Stated the following PtrictiiretVAffi-rtlonaof flit* dnry»\ ItlncTdrr, JJNTIL further notice I will pay 6 percent. Interest art c ea of guba a- * ' a caudidate for Sheriff of .lefferaou county. K diseases of whicV. the above work treats. their defects, but their discussion will erentu pnris tiaturalibus?" tc-oc Store*, viz. aud (provided tln*s ptopofal ba accept- aP dte . Onr Dlspeusary Is the only institution of ita kind In . which has been used by npwaids of on D< posits for a specified time, and 4 cent, on those 8ECUEITY FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY, id, etih'ect to each and ail th te-msff vour adverttre- ally pave the way for something b.Mt.T. por America which has been established by a special char- Mo "Love" says that she is not uirnt of .Itly ^6, a copy ot which 1- beiewltb married, and Ho. 31 Pine .feet. New York. For Sheriff of Henry County. ter, and this fact should five it a pi eference over the atlncbed.- OMH BUNOHBD FH7BICZ4.N8 subject to ton days notice of withdrawal. various of doubtful character to be found In ail menis, however, in a time like this are pre- that die Cash Capital and Surilu* $6611,000 1 MMirn Ii a Un on tanudaU for oher.ff of qnaeks has "passed but sevenuen summers. Separate and distinct proposals a ill be received for \V i» • llrury county at the eurutug electiou. n tbelr prlvat-' ir&ctl- o w ith entire niTers, supem d n« 1m citi'-f. PoPcy holdirsr.cive f EVEN I V-K1VE PKR CKNT furl) nhi ; v th eame amouut ot7irc"Jr, dte Cu^bs, C paib.1, , , or auycoiupou.d hithvrlo FA'ATIENTd AT A DISTANCE—By Blc's we do wonder what mann;r of wo- BLAND, of net protits. Cheapest aud ssfest. loroi 01 liisuranco. oj A ugu*t. known, rateiaout of their symptoms, will receive a Blank be, but exposed to dangers lost, it may o( a man she will lo when she has passed twentv. jH dtf No. l-t«, 1P«. For PHENIX EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. JyS6 A BELL''? course of treatment, Ac M"dlrluea sent to any part of fearful magnitude. want prudent but ton County. SPECIFIC PILLS Wo seven wiaters. Wo suppose, from CHi.iUry core case at home free from damage or her age No. 82 WhII etreei, New ^orll. r> to auy I' are authorized to announce WILLIAM L. are speedy iu action, o en affe< tiu«( a cure lu a f»-w daes, prompt decision, followed by energetic, united, ssoo nawAnc. curiosity. that the dear charmer has oily seventeen Caah l.'ap txl aud curp'us $M'U,'0d VV KELLY a- a caudidate for Clerk of the JefTervoo niid wueu a ejre is affected II i* permanent. They are rat RAN the i-ntw:iiber», on DSL. DEW EES' REGULATOR PILLS— For Female A.L.DWYER, DENTIST, AWAV tnm County Court at the enduing August election. m'Ju dt»- prepiirel from Vegetable extracts that aie liarmle«a ou persevering, and undaunted action. We take tbe ilet luat, from th Ir recldfuce. Mouut Ob *t met ions, Irregnlarltles, ic. Married ladhis ineer- ties and a button. i; - Tl I She fiercely asicverates ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. \ V* K nre authnri»-d to announce AS. M. Kl s the rystem aud revei nans -ate the stomach orimprfg use them, as they would cause Meriin, I ir ** KimuUe countv, ..Tn ™ taiu situations should uot Ha--* in - K> RKR removed OFFICF from Fourth ™ TON ae a c andidate for re-sleotiou to the office of nate thi breath; and, being par- coated, all timi'i-oii* in presenting one i-.i ii.-- tent great pleasure plan of or I street. i a Price UU per box, and may he by that her Mo. I Wnll York. Johu , David, rebel friendi will capture us yet, and utreet to the nouth (tide of Walnut, be- New NEGRO MEN, Bowmau and Jeffeiaon Court at the ensuing tisti is avoided. of diet n«c*stary whil-t Clerk of the County No charge la mall. t*e#-n Fomth aud Fifth rtreeti. Cash Capital aud Suiplus $3j0,n,\) ilUiii P. doe- thrir with ganization whidhhasliien maturely considered, k 1 electiou. mUdte usiu|c them. Nor ac'ioo lnt* rf t>> busi* invaluable article says, thai, when fe- *. : \n l.;.. DU.OALEN'b PREVENTIVE—Au tbey do, she will use her in- Johu ic . weighs at>out 2UI lbs lulu di.-^m or ELLIOTT la a raudidate for the offlc ueM pursiil's. Bach Hex con uius six djaeu Pills. !.'.'. KUBERT J. wtthinir tn limit the number of their offspring - t i [ for those ' mid dark complfcaiou. rVa» pur- certainly pretents The '.indersieu' d. asent of the at-ov n 1 aide of the County Court ol Jt Hereon County and many admirablo fca fluence to have us imprisi l.'oui a- <--! of Clerk barren who desire children warranted uot to in- B )d in Dixie, com - ti oi Rev Wdi. G. Bowmau, f jruierly of Millen or the nies, all- d 1 a general Insurance bu iness on th.- it the nnsuing August election. alo dAwte Dr. Bell's Treatise on Seminal Weakness, in at the hea'th, a id will last a lifetime. Seut to auy It is suggested toa u, Gray«ou c Ki Juro tares. pelled to hear our own anicles libel tl teruis. Loeses ai usual, p-omi>ilv :idi stad aaj CdtNN Is a caudidate for Clerk of the of read with em David i* uear 6 feet hlih, we'ghp TH* or 17f> lbn, 35 TJACK SKLF-M*USE. GONOKRHKA. OI-EKT, fc-^ a Pamph- addre»t under seal on receipt the price— TWO DOL- pdid. JOHN MUIR, • Couuty Coart of Jeffersou County at tbe ensuing 1. That a ProvoJt Marshal, or other officer, be 11.11 l.MI riMHIMTK Pir.Mr i ears o' at e, aud dark complexion. He belou,™ t-i tbe 1« t of 5(1 paces, cnntaiuiiis. important adrice to Hie LARS. phasii four days in the week, and supplied Office at JeflaTion Insurance Co.. August election. att dUr" JeffeTs^n, h*.us of Dr. saru'l It. At ell, i:e^ea*ml. Mltlfcted. SKNP FHlfiK. CIS-VI'S are r.quir<;d to Otnce Bit FiP-h street, between Market and appointed by General Boyle in st.., opposite Was employed blA every county of Will s-lven at Jr3«dl3 Main Hank 1 1 l^xi.vlle. be the two yearo at a hotel at Owentbo o. Ky. pa> postal,"'. west side. the S'ate as spesdily as possible, bountifully with old Bourbon the oilier threo of the County Court. who sball ap H For Judge Tuc Union ruHavcn 1 Communicatlou with LocuV lleury 1 b fret or 10 itichea lu height, wefghn ithout JJ«. JUJSLISS aRMCE+V UOOM) point as many assistant* as may be are authorized to announce ANDREW MONROE vtlle is nnlnterrnptod. necessary for Oh well, if the herself is to be admitted to ISo to IHO llw, l" ii year* old, nud dar* complexion. us WE candidate for ro-electiou to the office of Judg* ,, 1 as a Treat i on v > r.li 1 1 v. Ql KET transactions private and conflfteutUl. Kemem tbe discharge of the duties he etnafter mentioned. ELM TREE GARDEN Ix 12 OA^AL, The three >*oys lett Mouut Me* ino together. They A ompleto GO All I M of the County Court at the ensuing election, STltlCTCHE. I. "-, in all its various btyr numboT Direct all letters to as ha reader, we shall reneible. bYPHIl IS, A the nan.e nnd 2. That within ten (lavs sler certainly want the whis- are good Irok ug uegroea. We will pay the such Marshal af) dAwte DI»PstN«\RY, On Friday. Aug. 1. 18G2. above reward lor ih-ir delivery in any jail iu Keutucky stages, witti 97 Preset Iptions iu Kr ff .Mi hdapttd for OALEN'H HEAD shall have entered upon the duties of his ky, which is said to HARRISON is a candidate for Judge of the 4*r-A\ vt»s«wje» IjOnlsvllle. HT offici be tho best antidoto to tho DINGFELDER & GOLDMAN so we gtt them or &1U0 for a like delivery of either one. JAMES self treatment witbuut the aid oi aPh) siciau. ntav34 he shall make cut accurite lists of all wbite UNDER ilONKD PLEDGE Jefferson Connty Court. alrt dte' males bite of tho TIIK THEMSELVES B. A. R. M. WATHAN. Price Dollar. rattlesnake. Won't her sweet ser to leave iu their uii'-o lejto EMnVKD FROM THEIR OLD 8TANI1 One ab ive eighteen veara of age in the countv; and power make to the • rea- HAVE Mt. M- rino. Ry..,Tu* e »—dAwtf sl>n one of ph-asure aud enjoym^nr to to No. MS nrth street, hetwren Mirket and For Marshal of the Louisville Chan- The Pills or Books will be sent •ecure from obeerva- Goods. also lists 45' pen'ship h*. terribly alwbowisht3 of all white males from 18 to vears I fond of our liis if sho liads Jeff-.ir.on. where they will keep a ve lar.e wl'l participate. y ai.d com- TO CDNSnraPTXVSS. cery Court. tlju by mail, poet-paid, on i eet-ipt I f the money by AM n >«v In receiptof my FALL 810CK, which 1 0t stick 1 1 1; mis. such I sh|»-« ' miliu r the flavor of the IV-l.utz's celebrati d Ban-1 will be in attendance. plete domestic aa \1ES8RS. EDITORS: Pl-at*-' announce (.'apt. J. R be th- lnr*:e.-hal ville. nnde , BLBA'IUED COTTONS, to Inn *h lo a few weeks b,' a very rinipte V 8. TheCsnal Is fully nm. dy, t.. sell roo*.-' a' very low ir c*s powered and riqiirsd to administer lo each not tear that she will bring with her others Biidae uow repalnd and pars ciiTTONS, of the Chaocery Court at the enauing Augu-t election cr any Advertised Agent. importations. 1 am able P white able all UMKLEACHKD a'ter having i-iifTeri'd Jevera' years with a revere luug for visitors. aud oblige hia NUMEROUS FRIENDS. Sold by all Druggists. ; rn h My stock c -n i-<» in a fine a-hoitrocrt of Real m .Id almve 18 \ears of age an oalh of allegiance like herself, RUTNV8 TICKIN". aftYctiou aud that dn ad dieea e Coiuuiuiake net maun aod tail, riu into rov su,bu* Tito tl>e trade in geuer.il tu their sto.-s. ouly .ibiect of ti.e advertiser iu sendiui; ih-t I'resrriptioti The Best Artificial Help for Hu- day;" the oath not to be construed as retro Gen. Prentiss Horsewhipped in Jyft] ,)i,„ him a cherished favorite amoutr all capable of appreci- LOST. At- . .uudar, .having on a militar.- h idle and id to beuetit tt:e altlicted and spreaj inform Hton » hich ac ive, but for tbe future from the lime of taking; ating tin rare merits. By makiug this a-i»ouuc> ment If the f nder wll lanta.—About tbree weeks fuddle aod U. 8. marked on left shouldT Strayed or Stolen, he ujuceived to be lova'uable, aiet he hope* every suf- man Sight ever Invented. GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN «go, u< we learn you will oblige MANY Vol ERS. office will handsomely tho Marshal to mark on his list those who take, will call, pay charger, and take the hcrse foveiviil try hi< r i., ,i- it will cott ears old. l'^ hands hiih. weulng steel J. ROBARDS b a candidate for Marshal of t. Jvja MAia 8eeond. b-twsen Mnin and Mark t sts. Y*tu a wishing the ptescrlpti^n all! ph-asi 4. That within ten cUys after lord shoes exo-pt on right fore foot, with addieas WM. at the August electiojL ihe takin; of I reputed a ladv, a LouisTillo Chancery Court made grossly insulting remaiks hart the front of the ftVv. KOWAKD A. Wll SON, Wil iami-h irg, these lists, the namesof * • ^ on let] hind leg, and all "tt**' Ibofe who refuse the oath I „ irid*«:im Kiiir* l>,nt.'. York. HST, rouivD, nue collar marks. Said mule sicape'l from th- larm New is arandidate tor the office F. Jbi. GIBSO t0 rpilOMAS A. MOKGAN sball be canfpicuimsly posted np at " B - "fentiss, who is a prisoner there. the Court I He of 1 . . 11! Yeeterdar* mi Third "treet, bf.tween Ma ket K. Tully, living a mile« south cf K II. , Lo JI of Marshal of Ixuittville Chancerv Court. rn'Jf dte house in the county, cr puMishtd tho gan county, Ky., on the night in pacers i f made no replv, but turned his back |and Ji ff^rM ;u. « POCKKr-B'MJK, contain oftheMin-t I will Apottiooary, noon her give the c iuntv; and tha*. oprin the dest rue of tn hut weighs 18»i ot th- coun'y, by any raid from about huh, poundy, a lUht u.ulatto . STUCK Y ae a caudidate for Clerk Chance- beyond th* State lines, I , _ iho , - - -himsH >.av u«. very thick l'p . reward o' \ is offered '' PP°d the dlstia K»'shtd pilsoncr. A for ry Court and oblige MANY V01EK8. SPHEROIDAL SPECTACLES, FKESH MEDICINES, or by any traitorous uprising at home, ample res' God LXJisroia:. PURE AND CHEMI- tui arnj t ai d BnUtlWroeDt po that the jailer of A'leu Jtl dtsj grant that WEDNFSOAV NIGHT, at haK-paet 9 n'cloclr, a The latest aud aioet approved Letts yet inveuted. titntion shall be immediately enforc id from I our armies may soon count> gct> him jy.5 a* .1. W. HEE'ER B. HK.KVBY Is a candidate for re-election a. CALS. DRUGS, &c; th« avenge that ONline will WILL. Ll'NCH b^ pet a the FllkNlX SALOON, Louisville Court, Siiperrior Optical, Mathematical, and Physical personal property <* th-se recusants; and if Ihe Clerk of the Chancery TOILKT FANCY | anJ r i corner of Filth aui Water etreeU. CHOICe AND ARTICLES; a mj a(i o:hcr outrages. The candi:ate« for rial dte' Instruments wouncUng or death of any loyal ci.izsn the vitrlou* office* result from aie expectei to he ih«re t . hold con- CANNED FRUIT. •^"Artificial Eyes inserted ithout causins: pain. FINE AND PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL verBowith their frh nd*. 1 h--re will such raid or uprising, the Marshal sball be ipenkiun kg RECEIVED A .1 bav AM prepared to put up Feaihen, pplfji, anl Toma of tbe COURT. mavlti Military officers that fakj a pride in pom* of the candidates. Come, one I rOB OX.BRK OXTT PURP08ES fcc; power to cillect from to not -come, all toettn *h'dr natural »tate. Any pei no i » the $1,000 $10,000 for ih- jv:tnd • laUof are authorised to announce JOHN M. VAUGU- above fruit* can tie ru-'plitd at a loww r*te than they FINE TOBACCO AND CIOARS. benefit of the family cf such loyal cilizsn, from taking precauiions against being surprised WKAN a. a candidate tor Clerk of the City Court at can bu? th-» fruit aud put MMB up them* lv**-. Orders dte niarlD illslr the property of said recusants; 304 FOURTH ST.: the eniuiug i lection. fall & PEKKINIS' if LEA and loyal ).. any i must take a pride ia boing disgraced. ro icit d from de»lerr, and f tmiliee. I p.ut'cu- authorised to announce HClKAN as a taken, Gen. OFFICIAL DRAWINGS \V K are WM citizens be as prisoners, cut < f the lars to Hibidit Ae Sou or W. our i : 1 and I will call you. Bridesburg the Marshal shall arrest and confine in the jail if the late surprise at on j. 1U dug' Machine Works. ' .Urn HECtRY F. VAIL. the countv, at their own sxpense, such 1. l. AND M LUPENo BLACK I bLAINK?, TOMPKRT, )r., Is acandidate for Clerk of thf WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCF, OFFICE No.HS - orth F^ront bK, PHILADELPHIA. recusants I Murfrecsboiough is ai jus' as it is LUHL. severe ' Anv City- Court at tbe ensuing August election, as he sball select, t»o for one, as ; are prepared to fill orders to auy extent for onr hostages for the m „„ ,k_. j . i_ >. i BLACK CUAL IKS AND BOMBAZINES; PRIVATE BCHOOXs. maU lhat 10 be one would rather m34 dte f-ROHODHOKU BT WEwell-known MACHINERY FOR C iTTON AND saf, keeping and return of such loyal citi/4. »>W 11133 MKT l IE SlEvVART will opeu a private desires to be reelected, OLIVKK U. 8TKATTAN all OP KENTUCKY. BLACK AND WHITE * IIEOKED GINGHAMS; *l of a I *tt«r from WOOLLEN .nlbLS, including recent improvomenis it sball be ie School at hor residence, rn Flret mreet, betweeu 1 1 otuce of Clerk of the City 5. That the duty of thi Marshal I J " thousand deaths, each second term, tbe court. 'o death to be fol- in Card in tt, Spinning, a>>d Weaving. We tuvlte the at- Oieen and Walnut, ou tbe let ot Septsember. political creed is embiaced iu the Coustitutioa. Ue- t 1 , Ci Z i 9 n B. rRJJYCH 82 88 IS the shortest notice, armed, offi- 23 31 78 22 73 County Court. ai* ilAwtf* "Tell Laa & P« cered, the field, yet LINEN LAWNS AND CAMBRICS; Btf*a that their S*u2 YAUDS India, and is, iu mi 'hit a SHAW is a candidate for Jailer of Jcffexeon 6 district Mar.-hal be app inted for JOHN eVERY VARIETY opinion, the meet pel Soda " - - 3 ctm. per lb. of doing. Class 203. IU,(X»J YAKOS DAKK PKINTS; county at the August election. Ml each Congressional distric, atsble as tn 11 as th» who shall have power •»!» authorized to anu^unce M J. flCHMli T Hi " - - ctt. to 99 "it 30 41 19 33 71 38 20 are Sugar 6 por lb. direct the operations of the "The half our str n«th « e've jut 73 33 10-4 UTIOA BLEACHKD SHEETINGS; WE office Jailer at the mosr wholpomnSauoi forces that may be not forth, but staid a Uulou candidate lor the of OP D I 8 B . !< that ii " - i mado." . - raised by the county Our thunder iu n. J Class 204, August elea'tou. jH dte* Boston 5 jets, per lb. Marehals, subject to the con- 100 PIEl K3 CriTON DIAPEK; ensuiug trol of the I kit. JOHN LLOYD ie a caudidate for Jailer oi Jef- General commanding 34 38 83 13 70 4U 77 88 81 71 i-i The abovti BACCE li oot only the best aud most ror Wator " mm 4 Vets, per lb. 23 47 39 1* couuty. llUdte 7. all are glad to KUiSLA AND AMERICAN CKASH. tenon That expenses incurred 'in aVWC see the blacks 6et to All order. proinnUy attended to and circulars mJLi ootmuiiTKT kuowu, Economical^ a % this orgsn za- sent Manufactured by thf New llaven are authotieed to announce ED. A. BU<;KNEH bat the most Qicser Oabes - - 35 cts.perlOO. tion for home defence— A.ddr»as R FRANCIS * iJO.. Manaa-ors, Arms Co., WK 'or the service.! work At the lowest mirk- 1 price. as a caudidate lor Jailer of Je Hereon county at the few fflropt In Soup hot and colC cf ihe upua the U. S. fjrtificatioM. We do .I'-nWson y * or with Ftst\ Marshals and their assistants, III St.. Louisville, K>, ensuing August election. mltf dte' Ginger Oakos.larjo sizo, 30 cts.porlOO. for the support and NSW HAVEN, CONN. JointSs Beefsteak* Game* dte* Impart an exuultito zest Dot believe that it is MARTIN & CRUDQtBAUaa, are authorized to announce THOMAS SHANKS transportation of such forces us may be unconstitutional to use Aae'T QcARTiauASTxa'a For orders anioatitlng to five barrnl. and upwards, called ir to Ostioe. ) WE of Jeffersou county at the which unprincipled mannfacttirers liavo In vair J04 Fourth it., bet M:»: ket and J^Senon. a candidate for Jailer Sauco service, and all other incidental them in defence Lo.ilsville, Ky., Jul,- 29, :Mt.\ allowod oil all arti- expenses of the of the O institution. August election. a&) dte endeavored to vmiicle. 10 VBlt VKHT DEDUCTION foregoing system, be defrayed will immediate'y SEALED PROPO8AL8 be receivi d at this office Mot al ion 4m Offlr*. c ta. per 100. as On the Breakfast* Luncheon* Dinner* or fl»r;w 2'a cles except Ginger Cakes at 35 at ti O'clock M. on Wednesday, Augurt 6, 1 Jailer In Jefferaoii they arL'e, without any charge upon the Federil •9" The Boston Transcript IA for ^AHPET^CHAIN ISM Ibe ap.orUd colon Carj-et FIQG Is a candidate fer says that Senator rurnlshiDg at tbe liovernmeni stables at u.sland. LR. office tor ouly one term. ble, a cruet containing "LEA A PERR INS' WORCE8 J. O. COOFBH, treasury, from tbe property of recusinti Beat Ctiain for aale low by • county. He desires the as afire- " thisc ty, one tboaraeV HULK8, o-e third a' least to n i 1 . " & if will not run again for the office directl) slrsfta, said; Wilson has not entirely recoverel and, elected, TER8HIRE SAUCE" is , 1 spentable. N. corner Walnut and Water aod the Marshal sball bave full from the ef- be broken to harness, oue third to B power to be fouite 11 , 14 herds p or Indirectly or be connected with the profits of thi O , pHB NEW RIFLE 18 THE BEST EVER OF To appreciate the excellent Qualities of this >Uliciout CINCINNATI. levy upon and make sale of such property fects of his late high and over, one ttiird to lie fourteen and a half hands ' |iOBACi;0— 10 boxes LanghorneV (jold Lea' Vlrriula msil dte' mavlimiml. at soch arduous labors iu Congress. X feed to the public. It la the most powerful weapon same. time and placs r B teamer witn a fystem 1 ft Undloe and tor »ale by chars . JOHN DUNCAN SONS, that in ita as often how they don't. Iy30dtd W. D. EARNEST. Lt. AA. A. M. enforcement the ordinary (J Thi r ise now made li 4l-l0u ine^ bore. 21 inch barrel, rOR OIHOUIT JUDQD. processes MuOKE BKKMAKIDR. & CO.. Union Sqnare* Fourteenth $U% Sew York* [Indianapolis Journal and Lexiogtm Obseive-copy DISTRICT. North *i - Pevonth st. and aniei a conical ball 3* to tbe pound. The teuetra- FOURTH of law must be set bill aside. If the and rend ai atiove.] tioa at yard' la laches; hi authorized to announce tbe Hon.ASHKK W. Sole Wholesale Agents for the Governor ts?" Jeff Davis will soon find hia 100 8 at 4 yard', 6 inches; aud are United States. columns WE as acandidate for re-election as Judge calls to his EN WARE-6- b xr-u a^rtod Clotlnj*' Pinj itcarh e with force sufficient to Kill at 1." (to < a'rfa. QKAHAM aid and that of the Military I^RKNCH CLOTHS AND DOK3KIN CASSIMKR'53 WOO. A stock always In Store. Also orders received oi cootinue to be kept a. . Board greatly weakened"—especially and pickag^i Tub' aud Bu -krtB, cou][>ridlug Dipot lor talea at Mesars. Jam-e Lo* Co.'s Sixth of the Fourth District, composed of the counties of -« .K w«» his spinal col- A large su>ck ou baud aud tor sale by SM A direct shipments from England. SBS. »ho immediate varietle?, iuat r*^y\rvwivedv per maiihoat Wfti L* uis^ ille, where all lovers Metcalfe, Barren, Kdmondsou, Warren, Monroe, toevery representatives of the JAMBS all ^S"' a<JPJ^ people, LOW el CO., MOORE, BRtM lnv«*d v call and examine the arm. Allen, Simpson. Logan, and Butler counties. 9W~ Beware of CounterJeAU and Imitationt. lg B1CB( ^^tot. .'.« and AKER, «fe CO , jjHO 210 wrtt .tde Blith »t. a •epf deodiiiy »»-4Ul» Jy23 North side Main, btlow aevtnth et. Jr' a&*$m W. C. B PANTO N. Agtnt, m24dte Boston, March 4 1 — i . - — - :

WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 8 A.M. Cocniv. [Correepondence of the Louiivile Journal.] Thr Secession Spirit in Graves AMUSEMENTS. TELEGRAPHIC PORT OF LOUISVILLE. On Tuesday, the 221 inst., the cand dates for the OUTLAWRY IN OWEN COUNTY. NEWS. COMM ERCIAL. amuiioi arrivals tkstkrdat 'hjical amxian-july 39. to address Owen Ky., July 2". OO&BBTS various county offices in Graves were CODaTTY, *>fri! a> ptince of caterers, Tom Beatty, of the WD OAJJ.V »1 B. IS WWimufi. «.oraUm« Deaapaitcfroa Major Aodereoo, Cin. t'ndine, Madison. thirteen ion LOUISVILLE THEATRE. DAILY RKV1EW Oortw Beoosid and tjhrsatnoa rM the people at Hayne's store, twelve or may possibly know, and, if you do no', Pto?nix, will servo up another fine lunch to day. Sir Waa. Wallace, t in. I.*dy Jackson, MVmpM*. OF THE MARKET. ' Corner or b o urth and Green atrneta. the Federal officers at >u>,ille that Marmora, Pirt.burrr. New Y- rk, St. Louia. Orriera or nse ihemilr miles northwest of Mayti Id. Mr. J. T. Boiingtr, L do. when Lmri^vLLi Je-raNAU> »,.._»"""™- "r. -"-bos. j. caaer Treasurer, Oi*n Air. Wiiisr.-iiaT, July \ I some Max. M In. .Inched. thirty or lorty of our sec si cit zens were Notice to Candid \tes — There will bs The DEPARTURES YESTERDAY. B as brave and devoted a I jion man as ever lived, Re beh in Stronsr Force Tl ere waa verv littln doing afroeUd and between in ttsa mni>.-> market > es- taken io the prison in your city, the NoTioe._On Mai-sr * 7 turn TivTr" I 'elk. held on anl after vlondar, Julr 11. IWa, thefol- Ardere"n. Cio. Und n*. arrollton. iT'el, !l'd' I liyal Union gathering and speaking is the candidate for County Clerk, and bad lowina pricee terda , and Ifea de-nanJ for .old and silvi*r waa 05" ••I Union Union men of Owen followed their, and usid will be charrml for Tickete when Silver ia Lady Jeclcson, Cin. Marmora tit. Louia. .imlted. n r*s i m 1 99.074 »• *.«J rr;ven Richmond and the Appomattox. at John B. Emig's, in ehange: cte; There were -cme sales of gold at u> been addressing the people in different portions of every exertion to have them released, sone stay- Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Dreaa Clr.le 6 . eta; Second Tier 85 | ee nt premiiim, Gallery a , ct>. aims, rvuees The river the offeiing 16va)17 ing a week or two io Louisville from their busi- corner of Jefferson and Hat c ck streets. Every waa about etati uary at thia point lart eve- Uankira y cent The rate, reyehrom ester Wind. the county for gome days aril been quite sevt r s LOOK ning, for Bilver unchanged, tbe banki-ra res , attd going security to theamoant of thou- AT TIK.-I-ANOTHKR NEW DRlMA! wi'h3fo-tS 1 icho' water in t>-ecan»l. Yesterday are bu) leg at Union-loving ciliaan and cand date id invited to o'aloak. upon the rt billion. The old bitterness (f the se- "TtHIS Severe Skirmbh w.a one selling c*. 7'oleJr. I 'ekk.ll 'elk, sanasard lens of thousands for them until they F.VKNIVG (Wedneedar), July So, will bepre. near Fulton, Mo. of the warm >t daya of the s< aeon. 8t39 y cent premium and at U-413. Weill rv cessionists effected the release of almost every one, thus a' tend. !"' Dr»n,a of iutenex i itereet entitl d Tho Cuuibe-rlaud Tbe nominal ail ing rates for 1) inand Trearury WetlDry WetlDey auainst him was thereby increased. RnSn* NrOINE, Rebels la dealinlna alowly. aod a fe-w d'ye 1 lim SavaoB-Antoioe, the Savag-, Mr Completely Routed. «8 71 76 75 I no showing their for them and tbeir I W sympathy fam- II Mara more will And it at too low an ebb f even llfht-eun- Notes la 8 cent pre mini, and tbe braj iug rate ti>V On the day mentioned, a considerable crowd rtsf All persons disiroui eif connecting them- uer Oveitom by the I rcli°etTe To V ilies, that they were ennclud» and evimiog anaiiusand witn the l»u«hable Farce if MR. AND niue a'eamei j On Monday there « aa t on y As the gath- willing to aid them when in distress selves with Captain J. M. MRS). PETKR WI1ITB. in eiix« II Teeth Shoals. We learn from the Diapatch that the cent premium, tbe bankers busing at 'a y cent dis ered, several Well, what sort of return do you suppose these the Union Eogine- Gen. inchea, guns were seen on the sbo lldsrs cf ny arereqiestrd to meet at Grant's Late General Order. arrivals eince Saturday have count. 1 rxr.etloo. ••F'I'Tivate been Velodtr. ISoiea *6; Dreae Circle 60 cte; Second tbe Juliet, from | men made for this kii.dness shown iheui? 1 will Tier 1- and some of the i i Jefferson slreot, betweet Sixth Co. .00 and others were seen house, on » eu Gallery In eta. Clarkaville; Ce-rdella Ann and Mary Crane, from du- FLODa AM' Grain- Market rjuiet. 8alee of luubbU tell you by relating what occurred at Mr. Trios. *~^" P 00r* open at 7J; and Curtain rises at o'clock standing or lying in the corners of fences and in Seventh streetr, on Thursday evening, July 30, wm-*~r nanlral,-. Ik c«h, and Mary Milbr, from LonlevU'e. All theae flour at $4 3584 70. Wheat iu good demand, with C 0NTE1N TS OF FIRST FOTJETH A. Berryman's Ten days ai:o the deluded ITr.*]! htlla AND PAGES Great Excitement ateamers are- in the Government enmlov, aalea of 4.6UU bushels at 75, ttu. and 86c. Oats Dim. with the corn- c.ibs, yet no person seemed to IS pect young men of tbi as well as other counti i near at eight o'clock. in Missouri. and tbe'r Ouerillas on 1 - -i l.r Green River- Who is to Pay ttie Cost frei.ht conslrtsd of commiwary and oth»r anny arp- aales at without sacks, "-alee of GuO bushe-la an attempt a', anything wrong. As Bolinger came us became very auioci to go with John Morgan A CAP.D. pl PS. They left Nashville on Mond.y shelled corn withour aacka at 30c Barley :•..:'. Sales Poller Proceedings -Deba-lng Influence of Secession to get their right.-, aid eight or ten of them in Woodlawfi light. out of Ihe house from his dinner, John Alcock, a The rurror having reached me, Ibr- Uih tbe Trotting Races. the vicinity of Uweuton beotl.d The Cincinnati Commercial aaya there is but twentr- 4 X) bueheis rye at 3d$37c Reconvention of the Legislature— General themselves to- Guerillas from But'ei*. medium of acqu lintaince, that I, if elected, Arkansas Invade f bitter rebel, was sitting on one side of the door. gether and rode into tho my 3F"-rrVI-aXj, eight inches water a (rlaashnuae. Ciaaaaa Sales M boiea Western B ve at 6J,(S6'.c. town about nine o'clock whose 1BG2. Department— Last Momentj of Mr. Van Buren—Ap would appoint as my depuli** persons Hay— nuote Bolinger spoke to him, asking bim how he came at night and secured what tbi v could find in the State. 1 he W. W. Crawford, Capt. May. will leave f iSc for light James river between' the at Flint 1-land on Suidav and sunk It. and levelltd a large revolver at Bolingera breast. was from borne and also his son-in- Heaihjcabterb Kesttokt.) seivcton junct'on of tbe App,- U. 8. Foroesin hay. mattiix ard full weight. Jame. rivers and Flint I 1 .i:.t is the ahoaleat place In the Ohio at pre*, law, Dr. Adams; and their wivos wore without Looisvillk, Ju'y 2\ leS'i. f Sweepstake f r S'allio-e Kicbmond To PPWTKR3.—W» bave a double cylinder Bolinger, being unarmed, jumped back into the 3 veart old-mile mmi* 3 Hattinii— Firm, with aalea at 35r. Special Order newt in ragraj Un i-iday, the 25 h, when tbe ent, aod the St. Cloud waa at any protection, and these wretch*.-* went to hts .Vj 17. S— mbrcrlpti n S3 o forfeit. Two cr more Union prisoner, aground there the last ac- press, a number of chases, several excellent house but were losing SuarriNna— ;alee Great Western at 24c. and was pursued by Alcock until he pissid All i fficers for duty to make a race. Toclo-e i6th oa' of August, conveyed fiom count*. house, ard, wiih pish 1 in hand, demanded the not specially de'ai'ed [MA Richmond to Ci'y , Foint at mpneipi; stor wi'hin this orde'ed to pr caed eveiy side track ard turn Salt— Finn with rsraiaxs at 43{o14.'h- buahel. es, which will be di poeed of npip aroui d the house and returned to the door from k*ys of Mrs. A'iams, intending ur.de uotedly to District are hereby TIIIKI> HAY. out tbev pissed the N^w York arrived from ftw, Lerall last evening y trains of delay Sweepstake for cars laden with rebal troopa Fkatiifrh —Salea Lois) ttis at 34«S6<-, 1'- roo the bcuie i f things as they to 'heir respective commards withi ut Riallions, G,| •hags, aid Filliee, 2 rears held^d to- with 4 S O aacka grain and 211 bhda fair terma. .--e- i :: to lis g,iven iu four to tix bich they started when he entered and iju-ckly mci wanted, bu* toharc\ oln—mile heat loio enbaiript'o.. roolifotteir. wards K'cbmond, aud eonie C'ejTTON one of Noncompliance with tbe e-bive order will sub- — Twinr rebel i fficers i ffered 1'ndlne Yaarea—Ueld at 23, Set, and 27c for the differ- them became asba iird of his cooduct at IK 1) * V. freight cars that they barrel of his pistol and discharged another at was concerned, bat went to M*j >r Granger, Commandant of Post, will see were using ,11 iheir pas. Matlson by thp IIksip— Good demand but no aales. We quote prime An Erbor ih thk Poll Books. As the tbe stable and took Sweepstake singer Cincinnati packet. — tb-ar this order is carried effect. for (leldlnge and Mane auv am- mile cars in moving tlYxpj to him. Alcfck was then and all tbe horses thsy cou d fir.d. there boing three. iMo reinforce Jack-rn Capt. Parr's Kentucky at $65 to .fits ron, as to tbe quality. c.ugbt prevented heat-, 3 be.-t in f—tjauu euberripti $100 forfeit. Daniel G. new boat will be ready for busi- y poll bm ks were prepared and sent out to veri us By command of Brig -G»n Boyle p; Two It is more than possible this was a One of these men was Bug Re.ill, wlo had been more to make a race. To close 16th day of Auciiat. movement in- ness About the tat of Oct ber. WniftKT— Sa'ea raw at 2t>)eic. from offering further violence. tended to di-gui.-e She will run lu the Loc- W. M WILSON, A. A. A. G. 1S6.I. tbe fact. precincts in the county an error we* made in the lately released fn m prison through the kird of- isvitle and Memphis trade. • i.rroN-Salee 40 balea good middling at 41Vc As Bolinger passed around the house a rebel FlU'ltTIi DAY. Tha rebels are now in strong force fices of the Union men of tbe vicinity. >w between i a. i in i. TraiAcoo— iciliali of the name of Mr. Kelly, Ihe candidate N ThTe ia no* o e- three feet water on the Portland Mam Salea bo.es Tennesaee named leva. llEanijf aaTERS U. S. Forces im Kentuoky.1 Swe-petake for Stallion", any Kichm.-nl a. d ihe Appomattox ritla ' age-mile 3 Wcet'ibviLi.E, Kv , July 18e3. . ( in 6—rf uo eutvcriptio *llW etui col.act save the channel Is Clerk the County Court. Mr. Kelly ' V, : i-irteit. Two or more to ing forces and sanding was in the act of firing O** ntOQ do when ih y saw that Mr Berryman's them in 'hat di- when bolinger entered make a race. To doje 15th dai of .vugust, lSeij. constantly fillloe uo Tonaexxi-Salca 1311 hhds: 1 at $4 50, 1 at $ei 65. 1 at I and changing. R.w.Li ! I am au hor z d to rai-e a Regiment of rection, -nd what strengthens A number rf boatj name is William la, whereas it is pi tod on the fami.y and proper v were in dangei? O io would tbe opinion is the the door. Day of Races will br> r)7 DO, 1 at $8 60, IN at *8d: bjrg. Sup riir indue imen's are offered lefall Louisville. forcemenls going to Mcon discharged her up-river 11 75. 11 at $15^16 75, II at *18@ I 75, 8 at 17(817 50, 8 July 30. dlawtAn-'la . Stonewall Jackson, freight at New Albany evident that the determination of the rebels was tected ftriily of the m in who had >o gonerou-ly and that Fiaherville, ff who want lo er l.»t. Every enlisted eoldier is en- no one knew where he and her paaaenet ra at*H and we believe with sionally pissing through or nearO«enton, uuiil Horse and way points at 5 o'clock this afternoon. honor, by striking the onemv with your while M.jor Caldwell, tf Third Iowa cav- $5 4(1(85 6> for common to g -od ei-ipping brands extra some conipat i of on oa Uunpowder Creek, in Boone county, Ky., some rutb, that B.own and Alccck belonged to an in s hoinegua-d came over from alry, strong, force Onetime gener.4 and stupendous effort, 650 were attacked at ftWo's roti d-hoop Ohio, aud $6 (i0(§6 50 lor raete bram's. the Honry to proiect her and others from irjury and Mil' eight or ten miles luck from lbs Ohio rivor, dependent conjfany ol rebel cavalry for ten or and tbe already le.-ling rebellion will be prostrate seven miles east of Fulton, vesta- Letter from Col. ard insult. Thursday, July 31 3862. dav, by I'orier Metcalfe —We in- m -rket closing heavy, Willi no buy- rs at outsid- prices. f never. Y'onng and Colo', 900 strong, ana twelve men, y-mr country Calls, ycur aftir lighting i about equi distant from months and until within the last ill „f er e Canada flour i eavy and a tiifle lovve - ealea 750 bbl- Warsaw, Patiiot, Law two These men cannot plead that they could no*, COMM1TTI vite the public attention to the 8Qhjoin d por- at K OF AitKANGFMENTS: 4 i. clock r\ III the bono- org- . and can you hesitate, , rebels were c mpletely months. Returned rebsl soldiers control or drive out these- ronttd $5 25(85 33 for common, and $5 4"(^6 25 lor gaeid to ronceburg, Aon ra, Rising Sun, and Cincinnati. aro very nu- outlaws, for thoy Jm. McSTley, f>. I.inro'.u, with a as tioT of r lu'l particulars can be obtained from Lienten- 1 of fiom 75 io 100 in ki led, wounded a letter fr m Col. Lconidaa Metcalfe stail all right in the town ana tne out- Tb<*>. McKlvo* ue, P. M Mc< »r»y, ohoice ex ra. Kye tl.iur quiet and s' a-ly at *3 75 a)4 35 merous in that region, and are a very . , and one taken Tb, y are well mounted, armed, and equipped, and bad ele- arjI .(_,j! 0( e | j LUa ,vle at uisville. or mvself prisoner. A B L O. W. Corrigan, M. McSlv ylij\ to the Cincinna'i Gaz;tte. ilet rages at Bsrrymin's were the »ext morn- Tha brave Colonel Commoal | and ateady. Whisky Arm—ea.ca 1,1100 ment in | „, Colonel Guitar are insolent and defiant. The New Albany Ledger 'he c.mmunity. Not a few of them Kmiunc „. RIDHARD T JACOB, JM. C » griff. reports a loss of foriy-tivo killed ing after the people were ell up in town. O le aid woum'ed writes ai spiritedly as he 6^hU: bbts at 28)4 <» 39c. have taken the of Col. Ninth Re« Kv Mounted Vol's. The Commit^e pled** a to |. uothinK He captured guns, ammuni on stys that oath allegiance, but aro as bit- of tbe most remarkable things Wlieat c bitter vv-'th a good export a report was received at Biting Sun connected wirh * demand— tbe pri. in th-tr dei i: t -n i >.; bai-gage, urdone to the ocrsirou on- f & ;., in profusion. 1 be officers'ar d ter this state cf affairs here is m >n To ihe EH'or$ of the Cincinnati Gaz*tte: v-ate and defiant as ever, tailoring and encour* giag that, after the II* ly l>l««r?iire n:i enj lyoieui to all tho'i who wiih t • i>artict- accounts per .£ na are fav or.ble — salea 61 ooo oa Monday that a skirmish had cc urred daring A CAKD. behaved sploncilly. Ci bb is reported killed county tf.'. Goaids cam* here, the secesh all over ihe J. Tbe r .id, or ra her the horie steiUaK sdven- bushels ChUago spring at $1 13(8,1 .8, 47.0 0 bu-hela reason publicly and privately. The rebel i there I hive frequently beard in the last few days Colonel Guitar resumed the the day between a portion of these guerillas and tW Hoa*-> will leavo the foot of 8t cod J struct a*. 6)tf pur.uit last night c unty commenced comp'aining of their pre~ump- turejust accompli^htd by Mor - a wiih thettdcice :it l .< .'1 -. that it is criargod that acd wi I follow Milwakne club 1 . 32,00i bushels aml»'r aie confidently and avowid'y lo king for a return my reason for supporting and A. M. them over the Jotdon. a body of Ui ioa citizens tiin io tiie 1 on Sugir Creek, a little invading county, arid abused them as li !.... .10 and connect of the avmpathiziog thieves Thomas A. Morgan for Mirsbal of the I. uisville Cole'* Ba->d TlcVt* cenU for round iu onr Io.aat $1 32(8,t 21— the lat'er price forclio ce to arrive, f the rebel army, - and threatening what they tbievos aud sconniirels, although thev trip, il i: lim I,* will furnished i n it> stream which traverres Uallatin were quitt be wX St. mi-lat, t3 all the talk here, u l I suppose you county and puts Cbauceiy Court is that 1 expec i ig a deputy- Louis, July 29. 38,000 bushels wln er led Western at $1 28i»,l 33, 30,600 am rate*. rill do when it returns. The rebel in Owentoo, ai d, until the last day of tbeir a av, Information Iiave beeo duly inf\ rmad of all tbe particulars. into the Ohio at a point about, five miles above candidates ship in case be is elected. There is not a shadow has been received "f a la-ga bushels amb r Mirhigin at $1 33®1 35. 0,50 bil hels d>d not l'ave the town FLOwK MANAGERS: force r.or make an arrest in it. if iruth of guerillas having 1 cin now inform you, and this I h*ve from "qo- lau^h at and attempt to ridicule in tbe charge. If Mr. Morgan is elected entered > General Boyle's Morgan Mcv-heoby, Con O'Ne 11, Missouri from Aikan- Canada r ub at $1 21, 9 40 bushels white O-ilo at $1 3ri War. aw, and that 6ome severe fighting was d But all sorts ' •'• me. of excuse! are for i • made tbo bands f . v reliable authority," that I neither expect nor will 1 bs his depnty, nor will it. (Jo )' riff. .1 .«. Tiernft *, sas, rand are now ere Ltxingtmis rder in relation J imped near the S'ate line. I 31, 4,400 bushels white Kentucky at $t 45, and 81,'K'O to their withdrawal from the horse ibieves and guerillas who have iofes'ed and Uanpowder Creek traverses Boone county, and I be in any way interoeted in the profits J. r\ McGr.th, Petfl- McUrath, In Howell and Texas safe. N^w just think of it — ill K*»utucky actioo; of tbe of counties thev are repre- bushel, whites Mxhigan at $1 45. It quiet aud firm canvass. One speaks of it as a rag hung up in the are still infesting Ibe county. I suppose they did Tho« KIj qd, Martin Sh- Ur, ou the defensive against one lie i. I for bim because I sented as being under regiment of thieves. the situation of the rebel camp upon it is such as am know him to be hones* Sht, comnurd of McBiide and at 79ig80c lor Western, liailey dull and uoniiual. uot want the Mad tbroug'i Owentoo bloeked Pat Thofl. Cuuuiiijthafi), Collecting the to garden to scare hares—says that it scare off by and competent to doties office, lucluda pangs headed by up men Lexington aud Frank to may dUcbarge the of the John rii:., Martin Louuetton, Coleman and Haw rasa. render it an easy matter for the guerillas to these Guards against the companies b for', waiting Com lc better, closing quiet aud ecarcaly eo who were and worthy of tbe oonfioence the public Pat Daily, Many refugees from and there for an attack. Morgan some but is very harmless to those who defy it. of for these counties and from 1'ex- make a dash npon any of tho towns above-named. passing ard stealing horses, thus neces itating did not c me here to tight; bis tms.-ion was in the ao firm— aales hs,0 0 bushels at 5G(8,57c for old mixeei that posi ion. [j{9 d e| W. C. D. WHIPS. and Wright counties bivo reached Springfield Another says he intends to run for tflice "in d«- their irg several MANAGERS: Weetern. 63 a 65c Brat fcaste-iu, and 5ti(A^*7>tfc for uneouud Much excitement exists in the Indiana towns g miles rcuad, acd mi'aing tbe and K illa. One statos borse business, iie bad no time to waa'e on Mclirmott, d Ca'sldy, that our troops in H. lis- chance of getting J\: Rem* ti. Oata a little nruier-salea at etrlu^tac. eaceof the Provost Marshal or Provost Devil, what remained about Owenton Soldiers! If ten and Texas h ing. Tha men were nearly all ordered away named in consequence of this condition of affairs Rkad, Rkad. — you want a it". John Ha Ctowe, Pat Burke, conntieB have been reinf-rced, and of Union men's horses and other property. frura CynthUna, and their bonus left Cofiee firm and quiet, with a vies of 200 bags Bio and Ganeril Aod Dr. I) O hi ey, » ucfntr l*nherty, tbey are lufficiontlv Boyle or General Any-body-else." splendid gold tkn and cannot call at onr < ffice num-rrus to repress any so it be; i ,- wi 1 if Government forcss are sent here, Jm. FeAi-reli, ; ,"i MctWogue, there. Of cojrse Dothing could have suited M 60 bags I>a.uv)ra at 22'siC Suga- —Kaw firm, with Tub Fresh vtekian Giakwan Wecill the Evidently demonstration frem McB-ide'a forcea. — tbe forbearance ' of the Government great comprint will bi made Bend for circular price list with clnb rates By so "Mir' i -if. F*t Berm-ii, gan better, and accordingly he of tyranny and op- From a gentleman who has went there and sales of 1,000 hhds at 8>.'<3,8\c for Cuba and 8S.9I0C lor Will lloran, Jan. I 'Alton. just arrived from attention of our readers to the proip ictus of this has rendered tbe rebels audacious. pression, while the attacked the small f^ce that l« to. We shall see at same time these gentlemen doiog you will got the best Cold Pen made and Monroe (i v, we was f and k tip New Oiiea s. Mo-as^ea firm, with eal-a of 15 hhds ~*1 Pat (VrMI, I* McSvef Dr, learn that at least tbrea hondred do nothing to the »: suppose new paper which is published in another column. whether General Boyle is keep out thieves and guerillas, Mich'l Uay-a, B marauders ing rebel depredation. »ere at Cvnthitna tha* numbered f >ur or five to one, for fnur Confederate Conor. —Turner S. Foster, the the coun- ment prevai « all over the county. houre, Hannibal is aal-aef 1,300 bbls at its ; .: for me.a and the doctrines polity ty cr kill them, undnr letder^hip of $9 or kingdom and and of the and give information of all en- represented as almost deserted. the tbegtllant Col. Landrurp, Nashville Uaion says, was elected Circuit Judge Many of its citi- prime. Mesa ba. f quiet and firm, with rale, cf 2-4o bbts campments and of parti.-s coming in from o'h*r llEanqoaitTitits U. S. Forces in Kf.NTrotcr.J M-j r VV. Smith, C*pt. Rogers, annothe's, Presbyterian Church. Particular attention will AUCTION SALE.S. zens have arrived ia this city. U as, f this District some time age. Hs received e LOttlSvlLLK, July isttj. j mn.' at $5 60(8,7 for prima. $"3 75 for bis countie , Ihe whole thing would cease, the enemy lo»iMg the meu. Tbe enemv be given to family religion and all Scrip'ural du- Wasiiinotos, commission cn Saturday from Governor Johnson, and we should have qaiet among u«, bit Lieu* -Col Halisy, A' cenfA Regiment Kmtucky July 29. p*<-ed through Hair dtburg, TtlewlHll, Midway. r«-p.icked luees. aud $ 3(8.11 50 for extra trim* meas. ties, social, civil, and ecclesiastical. The pros- Ibey wi>l do neither, but keep every Cavalry, L< h iu o Kentucky: Last night, in accordance with orders given to G« orgetown, Leesburg, o Cyntbiana, passing " • hams qui- 1 and uucbauged. it meat' quiet, and went out the same evening to hold bis court Gen. Whipple, to pectus slates that the paper will bear a true move a secret from the few Union men and let PlK: You will bring all your men into camp and prevent any persons from wit.hu twnlve miles of Losing on. Yet I can with Bales o 50 pack ges at 3\(84c for ahou'ders and tbe peniii Large Auction Sale n n iary. - The loyal citizsns generally taking any goods t theihiev-s have forage and provisions, ar.d say equip them. Report to from Alexandria acro-s Ganeral eitivtl/ assure you h .t L xmgton is i^afe. The 6'<(8,r hams; bsc -u sides dull aud noniinal. Lard allegiance to fie Constitution of the United these Headquarters tbe p c for egarded bim as tbe right in the right place. afterwards they could not resist the Popes lines, ten wsgg .ns, drawn ly icmv tben went to P iri.*, and the man fires brbught r.u nber you hive. Col. Seawell will muster tevn y ntxl morning steady, with a fair dema- d: -aW-a of I.1N tiva at States and sustain the Government in its present to horses, heavily laden with early General appeared befjre WithSehon to declaim, Bildwin to dream. Elliott bear ageiist them. One hundred men from tbem in as soon as reae'y. BY L. KAHN & CO., market fupplias G IX Smith tbe »'.e. Butter sella at 10@l4c Ur Ohio aud 10@17c for bread, clothing, sLois, bel town to give hin bittle; bat valiant horse- struggle for the life of the nation. The office of Boone encamped within two miles of New Liberty, You will give notice that I will allow no requit- & nging to sull.rs the State. v.hec ae steady at 4@8Vic. to pray, and Judge Foster to interpret tho Con- i others, artd oo, Wo. 404 IYI n ix street. and were seized near Fall's tr rider, wit h all bis fo ces, and 1 o'sea too. F-k* did- seven of Owen list Thursday all day ai (1 ing at until your regiment is Church and the Guardian ii on the south side of Market Lebanon completed Money-aupply abundant and rates easy—5(38 y cent stitution, the penitentiary will become brought to Washington, reuowned night, and there was a large force of Home Guards Anv officer or per.-oti interfering with persons together with the live dled with most terrific rpeed. Smi'h followed re- (\V WKDNESDAY, Julv 8 L ciumtuciog at 10 on call, and 5(8,0 y c lit fir prime paper. Sterling ex- street, between Ttird and Fourth, in the rooms persons having the if tr for law and theology, eUquencj and piety. at Owenton who ctuld have operated against cruiting your regiment, yj o'clock will cell 5J lots gouls in charge. Tbi men dkMM bim wit h a i-hiro sti(k, but c uld not We for and endeavoring to in- A. M., we change dull and orcoplug—bankers' bills quot- d at 127H formerly occupied by the Presbyterian Herald them, but the tbi-g waro released by the Military get neir *ii u -h to punch him, and by this time euppo.-e J udge Foster's lalsirj was kept secret un'il the duce persons to join other regiments for >horter Governor with an will be confined, impressive @U75i. American geld tow. r—ope ning at 16'a@lti>a) thieves bad s'olen all tbe horses in the neighbor- pe-iiods, will Well-assorted Dry Goods &. Notions. admonition. he ia at Mobile if b* kept on a', the same rale that where parties wishing to subscribe for lln piper ba pnniohed. Rally tbe patriotic cent premium. California like himself, to the peniteniiary. and that all tbe ir- General Pop-, aud closing at 16>.@16,'. y ly d and departed. Another bind came iu from ar.d fill M j accompanied bv his staff, he left Paris - young men your regiment, aod be ready Coofistitw a* follow*- luge line cf ble«chrd Shirt- may leave their orders. commend the enlei A gold bars quoted at 16% (js) premium. Government We courts be will ever this uieming proceed, d to the I will quit that fu'j'c 1 for %% be allowed to hold will be in Boone last night and went to tbe upper part of to repel the ooemy. Now is the day -and hour lor log-*, Wet bnnd-4 a fai liui of br">wn isbfetlug4, va- headquarters in tho But , my private tie-Id. stocks loirer-Cnltwd 8utes is (f'81 .-«>•„ 7 3-10 prise to public will it ie If: ' is tbat the and hope they sustain Cavon's Temple, • the county, where, as I was to-day informed, tho patriotic sons of K mtucky to rally to tbe old ro ran 20 piece- be#t brand* Calico'-f; IN dozen opinion we made a omplete flumix uf the UtllKT.S 17* doK«n S itre- den. 2)pitce* Hitiirra lu Before breaking up his late hrle thing, no promotions will be Trea ury notes ll'2'a(n6l03J,'. liberally. there aro three hundred about ready to start for II eg of the Stars and -stripes. Callthem headquarter i here and made at to enrol! '. !'<•.• ( - ;i i . - < - '- * 'll'll-: ; -,i \6 S linn U General Pope ordered that passes., present oq account of ih» masterly management Stocks dull. Gold down to 115,'i. Chlcig", R-ck Island CjTfbe Shelby News learns that Jsck Allen's Marshall's armv, a-:d I hava bo doubt of tbe tru" li beneath it for the defence of the ciuitry, !>'»(< no to the lines and Clothitif:; a cloniDg coci^ignuient' of and 8hoe . to- of bis army ebould be di-played.- Liks tbe celebrated mtleman in 63>2, Clociuoat', Cleveland, aud I olumbns 118>s>. Mlcb- li i i-, gran'ed to har- 4-jT Leaf tobacco is soiling at very high rates, ajr.es fell into a sink hole at the time of the tkir- fit, Tbey are led by u mm naintd Corbio, of rue hlsutuckians will .-non fill vr ur retrimint. ff h»r wlttt a largj Hut of tv ti^i-, i-h >n< tio p others than g \ those who Boone, who came in e p-oially to recruit, aid Rs'pectfuTy, J T. Sklrv, Ar. hive cfficial badness. vest, we are alwa>s a little behind, lam told Igara Southern guaranteed 54M, Erie preferred 62^, Erie and is daily approbating in price. Thirewere mish of his men with Lieut. Elder's detachment BOYLE of lli-«« left Kentucky greatly disgusted with 9J'.', knows the way out perfectly. They are well j'29 dlO Brig. -Gen. fVMoa* of G^odrt we rrreived Binceo-r!art Morgan his 33)*, N-w York Central Cleveland and 'loledo Commanding AS1IIKOTON, sales yesterday at the warehouses at as high a Ml. Eden Homo Guards, 14 sale. We Inrita th" trade t j tbi) sale. The Io'b will l e W July 29. friends, and said that ho had gor. two on the :h inst , and mountid and most of tbem well armed. Is this thousand .inking fund ho-- da 91, Michigan Southern s'nking fund told wituou'- reserve. All tbe rebel prisoners in the Old letters inviting htm there and prom's ng a gener- rate as (24 per hundred pounds. As an ev dsnco that Jack's hip was dislocated. thing never to cease bete? I fear not, Balnea KENTUiKlANb! Capitol, about bonde 99, Milwaukee and Prairie dll I liien 1st bonds 93, He was canted rath. L Tenu* KAI1N «<. ar.o to us yesterday re-pec iog the purchase tf two body of the maraud ars. exchange*, Atout an equal number of persons, ttx.k away few^r mm than be b'cught wirb i.im from ar d to Marshall's armv in Virginia. Our crui ing stations and camps of Instruction are 1 tnesy 6a &5. Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, aud Chicago 1st hogsheads of the staple regular auction sale including rebel prisoners and desertaeo and at rag- D it itli nn mare3 (baled, at d be will cf course at the Provost Marshal is a gootleman, bu*. has not established at Henderson, Ruse* lvill«, and L-bi- bou-is Norihwesteru Sinking Days Auction Sale >>•••>' 93, Cb csgo aud Fund Released.— C. Chamb.rs, Two • our "wn army, have been get with more horse s'Oik W. C. N. Buch- nerve receive fiirtv brought lo back at one of the warehenses. A well known buyer em u,;u for the station. He is afraid of non. Each accepted reciuit will the bou's 64. city from various localities, prirc'pallv from li there anvbedy in America simple f,nou.chi to anan, Ihoo. Uayden, E V. Tadlock, J. McMi- making enemies among tb* a-cesh, and tbe result dollars in advarcs, ispin company i rganiz ition. 0@l-Vc— was called away from the city upon nrgent busi- BY THOS. ANDERSON & CO. Fredericksburg. bef'X.l*d agtii bv tbe sympathizing ^oupdrels Cattle.— Beef eteady—quoted at the receipts han, M. T. L>imao, and is he has not nottfi'd the most obnoxious of the Tne beet of horses, arms, and i quipmenta will be E. J. Newman were hat profess to di nothing? were 8,897 bead. Sli'ep steady. Swine buoyant. ness. He had orders for two hogsheads, and it was clas" (many of whnin are around him in Nsw Lib- furnished to reiruits immediately upon their en- New York, July 29. in KirtLc^y But I released fioul the Military Prison yesterday upon Dry Goods, Clothfug, Boot?, Shoeis letter tell you 'h^yare constantly plotting and plan- Cincinnati, July 29, P. M. Imperative that the purchase should be made yes- erty), that they must take the oath, which they listment. Oar proud and once happy Common- A to the Times gives a d fferent light to re ning tbe de-iiuc ion of every Uaion man. They Fiotir at haa declined taking ihe oath of allegiance. D. M. Williams swear they will not do. wealth Js being overrun by bands of guerillas and the ported carrying i IT of cattla'frnm the Army dull and unchanged. Wh- 80 terday. Accorcingly he instructed a drayman, invite ii these thievd still to [For the Lonleville Journal.] ruin wherever tbeir unhcl lowed and wicked pres- which had been s'augh'ered, and Whisky 20c. Salea 75 .000 tba bacon shoulders tbe and Robert Duff was paroled. TIIUKSI>AY. 3Ut Mf, an a aortmeKt of DRY the expect tha' w«t must protect their lives and pro- bid upon the description of tobacco he required, ence is felt, and whils cur brave and gallant act v.'as committed a milo outdid* of our Qovemmeut at Svat4c. Nothing else dot ^g. Lagramok, Oldham County, Ky July ?8. GOODS, cutting in pnrt rf i. a»t>imere^, Satioeti, , pickets by six hundred rebel cavalry. perty. Will K'ntuckians mv*r, never learn com- are hviling for onr glorious cause in tbe ' -. has declined to 16 ceut. Silver dull at 8 and to continue bidding until it was knocked off b o berB I'wetdaf, Jt-ans, ''.i.'.'!' Fa'iuer*' Drlila, Ac. Oar Oo'd y y i'. J"' bo Indianapolis Sentinel says that Horace Iiouis'S, father, brother, are no than gether with every interest the holds T. ANDERSON A CO., General thev mu-d«r yonr your and your Kentuckian Orders So 61 the fo lo-* Award, for army supplies on Mondai chaser will be pleased with the transsc'ioD. company part wiih Parrott and are giving aid and comfort to tho enemy. As irtfl f4 Anctlonneri. ] son? You v\h) are ibu* bereaved know Inf Mr. with regret. He sacred, are imperiled. There is not a moment of Headquartrfs Pit. 250 bushels beans, Sm-th ft McAtri , $3 3 '. 1 eccupy the position of an irdspendent candidate Wrsr Tf.xs ,> full well who are tbe sympathizers. Tbat Ins been a f.i.hful and certainly a very popular time to be lost. He wbo in this dread crisis can 7.0 1 lb r ce, B. M Bishop et ( * , 6 57c. Tbur to the Flag —As an evidence of the in- Corinth. Julv 25, 1862 for tbe office of Coun'y Attorney, I feel it due to By O. O. Sponcor. father, brother, and eon whose blond now _• 7 consols himself wi'b tbe thought that the dutv he f 8 0 11 lb ro sted r-ofT c. It. M. B'S op it Co. . iflicar. The attentiui of tue Maj ir-General old citi myself to state, through paper, as I have commend- ii upon tbe hands of these tienda in 16.UM1 lb br„wn sugai , Chaa K. Hx.s, U^c. extinguishable love felt by seme of onr your owes to his State and Government can and will be ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FLRNITCRB AT A PRI- ing having been called to Ilia fact of 1,350 lb .tar cand -, Thus. Em-ry dlSoua, 16.48c. done to the citizens of O'dbatn, the reasons I have porsons with- yf wr own neighborhood, having r.o'jly f»lien de- for the glorious old flag of tbe Union, we no- An affray cCwurred performed by another will euddenly be art u*ed lo 4 - f. zens Hjjr near C«mp oellsburg, VATE IU531DENC1: ON MONTHS' CREDIT in this Distric. sympathizing with the .llion, Fresh b W lb 3 Sc. for taking tbe s ep I Lave done. In tbe first ace 1 rib fending yonr humea and firesides, and now tbey p tho full real Rati in of tbo f.c r that, bv bis failure Meu beef F. Ke eeu, y bbl 810 85. seme of them are directing as a Itast Waehing'on , who have cot till for sala tice that county, Indiana, on Saturday last, . and refusing Ur ited was opposed to a con ven ion, as betwetn iStir Carroll ATA UCTI O N stand at ihe gates uf hteven. gutrding it against B.co-j—Clear sides, Hi-hoie rt .ugur. r? th 6.44r. to perform that duty, he has lost his all. Let a'ea Treasury notea in ; l ose. with that it shall be engraved on their between James adl who obtsircd the ei dorsemer.t of the cooven'ion 5 piymrnt therefor, or the entranct of the cowirdly rw^u-- !-r hehii d Shou'dei--, Dsaboaa i Auaur. y Ih dying Baker Squire Hdesapple, Ba every able b-disd man respond at once io the cell THURSDAY MORNING, Jal* 31, at 10 o'clock, ON anything other than gold mid silver, Meaa porlt. Dub is &. Augur sV bbl $9 54. i which is nominee) b-re being no one eise who would con- nil) be t*old, at t « realdenc« t f A. B. i-tl u *. < u who wi'l not avonge their u*j'ist death. Kind tombstones. At the marble woiks of Edgar ker'sbrotber-in-law,ia which the latter was killed. of his State and Government, and let him who is Hems D11 en Floyd and piidthem by speculators wh >se love of gain is nd forthe eft'ic?, ard I publiclv d clared that if policy has been tried protecting their property Augur. hhl 24. I - — Flour. Bubo a & $4 physically disabled come forward with i means, $ Needham, on Jefferson street, we observe a neat Bakur was examined on the coarge subsequently P.ector, his tntre stock of Household and Kitchen greater than their love if country, and the gold reed into a convention I would only submit lo bas been tried. Wo have protected ihtir f*m His Bard bre ed. 4o . 1. 11.1l 11. y tb 3.60c. to assist in crushing this morster, and rest ring Furniture, co eistiug lu p >rt < f niah cauy Ii4ir-M< a* So- tablet to the memory of an old citizen of and silvor thus- paid indirectly affording til aud w«»nt to against Corn me 1, M. W Stone, V lb 9 "-loc. marble and held to bail in live hundred dollars if the < i whUe they war us. have to aubwer. s doci-ion fairlv cirried tut. Now for to their wonted ciaMea Divans, ana haite, niart»l«-To i>ntre Tahit i, We ar.d Government peace 1 re. tho Stato comfort to the enemy, renders necessary the "nta. Bright & n « . y 1.0 for factr: It was understood and agro'd that each roeewLod E'arere with wr tunc apa tuieutt*, Prj sets pub- protected their pn p^rty while they r'-bb«d us. Bullitt coun'y, Robert F. Samuels, E q , prosperity. Tbe who can remain Him. Harpei a g„n «, ^ bush. *JJ 15. and nan and r.ln ( ro^ewooo eti lication of Inr arj-et*, Fre and M'sse-' B^d- the f. 11 wing order: ; Akkests. —Andrew Mellio, H. E. Cuioy, Sami ecitct should act independently in selecling dal-. We have tried to argue cona i'u*ional laws while Klc-, Win. Glenn ft Sous, « tti 7V.C. I • - - • circuit of that unmoved amid*>uch scenes ss are now doing en- ptcad*, baajbe.' Jfurnitu e, htua and ; . Hat many years the clerk of the court I First From and after first Se)>,e. gates, and that candidate s ieogth tho day of Angus', tbey cut our threats. Will experisnce teach olfesv, roasted. Wm. Gleuu a; S mi- V fb Crow, the Rsv. W. D. F. Saurie, the Rs*>. W. H. each have has acted around bim, and refuses to 1-nd Hi aid to Racx, L'm ima. Keath r B*>ds, Mattiu/n's, Covkiug tbe face of tbe tablet tbe ell flag, 1862, go'd ar.d silver will not be paid within thia Black Tea, Wm. O en ft Sons, v tb 7u« county. On those precincts according as the vo'e w i« c ast. Ha R •, and Ki'ch n Uf-oe \i i ytu nothing? Rsi and tu^due th*-m by any bis o o-i try, is unworthy tbe name of a Ken- (ireen Tea. S O. Chapman y lb 80 -. Wharton, Turner S. Foster, Harrison 1 owell, L. l'i '•! ' ifiiO, dis.nc bv soeculators, for motto, Mr. Carroll obtaim d 2 vo'es in the Saliillopre- and under, cash; over 4 months' , the products of the moans iu your power. If U r« quirts the with its stars and etripss and sonl- inspiring American citizen, is not enti Browu sugar Wm. G.enu ft Sou-. W lb 1'lrlc. tuckian or an and credit, joint n -t- . with approved security, payable lu valley. Uidted ates notes Talbot, and the Rev. J. S. Fall were lodged in nct, 3 in Brownsboro, and 1 and a small frac- S Treasury are legal taking of their live», yen must du it as a (Pushed suerar, II. U. Chapman, i.t\c. " riuribut L'num," is conspicuously engraved tied to the ei.joyment or protec ion of free gov- hank. E tender in all cases, and whon refund tbe parties Vinegar, Win. Glernn ft Sous, gal 9c ion in Flnyrtsourg. I ob ained in Legrmge SPENCER, sad neceasity. Yuur country and your y the Military Prison yesterday. J C. C. 4 that ernment. M. SHACKELFORD, refusing them will be Star caudl-.e, Thos. Hue > ft Sons, y lb 16 90c. in relief, testifying to future generations aireste , ard such their precinct o 10 14 votes; I obtained msj irity of jy-* r«, th»t time. L* t»cr», mander. Accredited Free Baraks 0 captured by the rebels a few days ago, and sent S'ate Bank of Ohio, I carry no certificates in my p< cket to prove k»ge*. Ac., will Ifave ctlic* at 4 V. M. No orders bayonet. Tbe rich men In ymr own country service in Ken'ucky, acd has this poet, and all passing through, are hereby re- p*' my of ludlana, Ohio twelve months' Tbiid. Any speculator paying out go'd or silver State Bank I loyalty. I lor ;he stiipmeat of Ire ight.' rec- ivp-t after A P. M who have lent tbeir a> 1" cent dla cruiting will thrill the patriotic hearts of onr Recorder, published in this city. Fourth stricr enforcement this Western fi • •••.im r A of order is would sonn be extendel over Kentucky, Ar d all et contend, that Mr. Carroll is ineligitlo under GEN. Tbe Union. 7 iS cent dis By command of MAJ BUELL. C. Wattb. nnstfr, all efficera will flick to his standard by l*NDl>K. W. er j dned upon in thi. D strict. di \ not own ten negr >es would be de- cent dis. young men, who he cons'ilu i m to hold the i ffice of Countv At- c f vcu wh) Bank of St. Louia 6 *> W. W. Siiikll, Kotmitou, clfttk, will leav- i. ui'vilM H-irluo Rev. J. S. Fall gave bail in the sum tf T. J. liy command of Mej Gm. S. Iowa IX a1 cent dia will torney if elee'ed. will not bsen U Grant. prived of legislative piwe-n, and all wbo were n >t scores and by hundreds. Bat a few days He have a Maj. 15 b U. S. Infantry, A. A. A. O. vt-TT l ur^'-ay, Ti»urp>d*v, aiid Sattitd If hi JOHN A. Ii IWLINGS, A. A. G. entirely deprived of Virgluia— fivetheusard dollars yestetd ly, and was released 'icenved practicing attorney two vears at the Au - 12 o'clock; returning, wttl l«ave tJanollton cvny Mou* "uiggei " owners wuuld ba a elapse before his regiment will be full. Col. Official: Hknrv Stosk, A. A. A. G. Western 8 Vrent ti o'clock >u.d usr election, day. Wedueuday, aud Filaay at a . M., votr, and tbey would be tto lords of onr land. 60 cent dis from the Militsry Prison. which tbecors'itiilion of Kentucky, jv26d6 boston, July 29. Eastern y Woodruff may bs fourd for the present at the M*di«t ii at 2 o'clock. with them, boy*. Take th*t proper Penneylvani v— article 6, sec ItOTJ 2, peremp'orily requires, [le Down y - < i : T Tii * t - porcha ed by Fnret & " Thu byn gunboat Huntsville at 1 1. 1 sV cent dis. Tbo arrived Key West 'i: of Pittsburg c rner cf Sixth and has the opinion he is, afg-Peifumeries, Toilet Soaps, acd Whitenings lt-ly from !: Deprive tbem the means by wbkn office of tbe Chief of Police, [For the Louisville Journal. ] of our Circuit Judge ibat way and W. C. Watti. ehipiwr* caa cn MH >t»ying die. 21th inst. Interior IX V c ut 3=» on the with a steamer and schooner in to put vou down. Teich rbfm that but that opioion has not changou are Michigan > ke p'. on hand at J. SUE3'. For Tennessee River. cotton. did waitor'lv r 3 cent pre ij-g- -aptaio John Boyle, who has besn acting I.E. 1862, I for not io property. They bu n the Cauada V LOUl.VVi. lULt iW, AND OttDICRED TO ogy have asking an insertion of Ibis commu- t«teatuer cent dis. BE PUBLISHED. The light-draiu'ht i>AKjw>nKer An indiv'dial came to grief on tbe Common dwelling hots<3of our friends Mr. V. and Cap'. Illinois and Wisconsin (good) 6 « to Brigadier General Boyle, and served nication in vour paper. MAfiHVILLK, lURi-Lav, master, Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. .40 cent dla. as aid ejjflloop good article ard all sir. s at night cons qu:-nca of South y Skirls—a last in advocating Jalf would it be but simple ji.st.c3 f >r them As we the Union voters of Louisville shall be l'sspeclfullv, your obedient servant, will leave lor above and an way pona uu K , row North Carolina 40 aa o-nt die. distinguished gallantry at Shiloh, has bsen J. with jy21 SUES'o. thf inst, at lu A Irom city wba f. Davis and tbe chivalry. The gentle crowd not tyrnpa.biz SO ceut dis. called upon on the 4 h of August next, to cast J. W. CLAYTON. tbir'day. 30th M-. to move i jto tbe finest bonse of a 'r in Lfluisiana I* or to appointed Lieutenant- Colonel of Ihe new cavalry For freight or parage apph' on board s.eirg things in that light, kindly ducked him In their md^bborh'Od and drive them out? lc.IL Tennessee our votes for the different candidates for < Mice the Laouis Acent. dla. Kkki- it Bkkubk thk Pkoi'LK that jSj li. J. CAt FKKV, the big pond. i'lanters'Bank of Tennessee. *! V cent people, upjn voj, gentlemen, to set the*ximpU. Let die. regiment to be raised by Colonel Richard T. now before tho therefore AN ORDINANCE State Bank ( I Tennessee '1 s? cent ville Gold Pen Manufactory is tbe place to buy Waterloo, Va July 29. no circumstances Tor Smith land and Cla>hsvillc. , them reel the anarcbv they have pndu^ed; give Other Tennessee Banks 40 H cent dla. the most Resolved, That under what- Kogulaling tho oflica of back tax collectors, pro- Jacob. He has proved one of merito- pa-'i^ngtir iU»nwr Currency 60 cent dla will of for any for tine Pens, Holders, Cases, &c. Everybody can tr^m* iw'l'be magnificeut Scouring parlies, just returned, report occasion- tbem some pr.c ical dvmoaatration, sothattuey Other Southern y ever any us vote candidate any scribing ihoir d itios, also tbair cotnpeD9atioo. service, are truly w - w CKAWFOKN, May master, rious cltkers in the and we have reason £-'*P*9K?JP al bkirmbhing with the enemy near aroge can compare aiiTchy with the gocd dl way it office who we know or to believo has ge a pen to suit them there. Gold Pens Re- ••^^•^"will leave for above add all wav i>nt \» oo O Be it o'eijinesj 6// tlu General Gmncii of the herald bis promotion. Two such C. H , without de*inite results whan they commenced this war. gratified to at any time r ou th.it, aft«r the tint day (f August, motives of at the very handsome figures of $21, W that there bas b en comideratde c. mment in re- 25 cents per box. of tobacco less 'on percent for collection. Tb's ordinance ™^N , uteethem. Only call at Alexander, Ellis, Co. 's planing publicly pledge himself tha', if elected, he will &c, & ^ gsid to a vessel lo.-ded with rait being allowed tommerciil exneai'inc.', as welt as<'f rfficial r'uty, HI »22 75, $20, $20 The first hogshead shall take effect from its passag-, and raid collec- jy29 d6*wl HI, f22, not, during his term of office, employ any seces- mill, sash, door, and blind factory and lumber Bivor. lo leave that fort for the Nanenond river. The will coinpil prompt p-osecntions for any ippue of tors shall give bondwi.bin ten days after tbeir Tor Cumborlaod Hatcher, of Todd ccunty, the office. pasae-nriirr ateamor called "ibinplasters" hiuld balonged to Wm. sionists in his yard, on Fulton street, just above Preston, front- ^TIih liuh'-di aviulit contrabard cargo was covered bv a regular pass paper commonly — thb Honnis a .aBaniTY or election. - .•eejrT^^poj Mai, maetev', f <•••::• . W. V.KAWrDKt), iv exis , after the r. act of Con- gt. Edwards, of Trices' w from tbe superior < fficer. I understand it is e lear such an u* TBS SOUTH next three to Biynham & their corner of all porta oo G W. KOMALD, P. B. C. C. ing the river, or at lumber yard, KBa^HBa % ill laare for above and wav destro- poa-BTa To Ihe voUrs of tht ci'y of Louisville and Jrjferscn that the fait was inrended for the rebels gress ohall have ulf rdsd a uniform substitute for Is only equalled bv the .ed ictlve sou iug 1*. froji rity wharf. at Rich- Landing, the next one to D. B Smith, of Todd J. M. Vacohan, C. B. C. C. hi. dav. tho Soth in.t., at 4 M-, Killer. It i" rendered atrractive Walnut and Preston Btreota, or leave your orders * collection rf the State ol the Lightning Fly county: applv on board or to rooi d Whatever may have been the representa- small change." Tbe WM. K BAKRETT, P. B. A. For ireialit or dhanano to FUrae- aud Mil inetantlv. Y. 11 w-ll -ee them dead county, and the last one to Gant & Phelps, of oppo- « I "- Aim'. penalties or tbe F*derjl fines cin be rigidly en- candidate the i fli ;e at their warerooros on Main street, nearly 130 MUOKIIKAl) tions which secured tbe paas. it is quite possible rken a I th. win- I am a for of sheriff of the Samuki. A. Millkk, C. B. A. and dying rsrtUn five minutes. D somebody forced by dus process of arres*. one. theie l-laee the Fl -Klller. Every Christian county. Thty were purchased by our c uoty. I am a Union mm, and opposed to any site the Gait House, Louisville, janl dtf that has been deceived in regard to the dows but and Approved July liej, 186?. Ky. rorPittsburtjIaanding.Teiinesae^aiTer of tbe day, and die. Kej- well as tbe permission Fly will find I' In th course J. Elmunl', Musselman and all attempts to divide or break up this glo- »*""ra salt as to granted to ladies fellow-townsmep, T. & J. M. DELPH, Mayor. The ligbt-nralKht pa»»euger " . menibir. it is th- Mrhtulug Hy-Klller that dm this. BAf-t-AV. master, with unexplored baggago to take the Hali.pxk's General Okdkb No. 3 —Much rious Union, and, if elected, will appoint no one Baker Sewing Machine Ccm NASHVILLE, sanso rcu e will It. Attest efciTThe Groverci r >a Nothing else do Sons, and W. J. Anderson. : Samuai. A. Millkk, C. B. A. slTrr* Porta on Hallrtk's Order No. loyal to office. Li*. leave m, above aud •'»«/ to the reoel capital. h caid about General 3. ard but true and men jySO dl their liMwill BHD BTJQS pany now offer a complete assi riment of aWi , BEAD-SHOT FOB —•»„,!„ ._ thp 30;h (jut., is generally ht-H upas sometbirg worthy of tbe THB W. A. RONALD. Jw J'nr M Cairo, July 29. i'. Wooduwj Trotting Racks —Mr. Milton For apply uu bof " certain Immediate d ath t-i th-ae Mil a- peel. Celebrated Noiseless Grover Baker Slitch Ma freight or pawace 'fa A..„e« dark ages. "Here is the order: la and ff " s i ti - Ageme. e.-g«, is a be- AN ORDINANCE esc MiieiKH F A despatch received at Headquarters to day It break- up their ueata, deatrvys tbeir and notifies persons who desire to make nominations * l Armv Orp*T v. vire near. Frankfort Commonwealth, in hoist, chine; also new Lock Stitch Machines at HEAi>qrA.BTrB8 Missorki,) d.struetijn t > ail . hat 11 rjyThe To grade and pave tl.e sidewalks on both sides of says the Mobile and Ohio Kailroad is again in som ot da ad 8at " fit. touts, Nov. g-.ncially. fall meeting to address him on the Tuesday. Tb-r,' y> 20, 1861. ( Bo h artlc'ea aro for sale by dealers for the sub First street from Washington to Water street. No. 5 Masonic Temple, on Fourth, between Rogular ? running older, tbe rebels having di>ne but little ing tho name of George C. Drane as the Union or Oannolton. 2 dlaimftw4 races his nrda.Tr Packet damage. *'Genc»;al Ol der No 3. Js jact. The time for the not yet been Bet' Jefferson and Green, where customers can exam- candidate for the Judgeship in tbo Eighth Dis- S c I. ordained by the Otneral Council of "1 been represented that important in- " CaiaDaPltou and all iut«r.i e- I llII.ADKl I HIA, July 29 I' has designated, but we are gratified to see that pre- the Ci'y Ijmisville, That the sidewalks on both .aaira, PRESERVE YOUR BBAUTY, / ine, prove, and choose between the rival stitches, y Tu<>aday, Thursday, f.irmatinn reipictiug the Lumbers and condition trict, sayf: tl i ' time the private subscriptions to OP FORM, nuking to re open the course. sides of First street from Washington street to Up to the SYMMETRY parations are The with the privilege of excha-yiny- No other es- if our f Tee' is conve\ed to the enemy by means POWERS. In this district we have two important effices to Water Mreet shall ha graded and paved in accor- bounty ot volunteers, exclusive of tbe Railroad YOUR HEALTU AND MENTAL it will hail jv28 b*jV fugitive slaves wh > are admitted wiibin our public have missed much, and the re- tablishment offers these inrfuctmen'a. of using that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Spesclflo fill. first and most important is that of Judg< darci with specifications to be furnished by the Companies, amount to t208,(00. By Tbe Io order to remedy this evil, it is directed ion of its sport with much satisfaction. Hne3. Remedy known as — snm;- of the Circnit Court. A convention of Union Ci'y Engineer and under bis supervi ion; said P S —All kinds of stitching neatly done at the Omaha. July 29. BITCH U. ^nsvillo and Hendortvofl. that no such person* be hereafter permitted to URLMBOLUS EXTRA CT men was bold at Owenton, and nominated, with woik to he executed at the etxchi-ive cost of the office. j26 dtf For F the advertisement in another column, and profit 8t«auitu "dtar" H. W. Depuv, late u^cnt of ibe Pawnee In- the lioes of any cimp. or of any forces on Read I be that a young man Tht- fine liffht-draucht enter bsj- twill remembered owners of priperty bindirg thereon, tbe city to 1>* ^ great unanimity, William S. Rankin, of Grant. / i-tt-r, "~ mm -^rfr^tasi^ I- , HUTSINPILLEB, in that any »i bin such lines be im- * Save thk Dbonkario.— If yon have a friend (1RKV ^.L* dians, was arrested to dav by the Uni'ed States tbe march, and Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated. was shot and killed by a negro in After much reflection, ai d greatly to the regret liable for no part of tbe cost there* f. and, if in all way porta on Locke I leave name. iJ^iIb'""will for above and therefrom. it. may not now require ^ Marshal in Nebraska on Ih, charge of embezzling mediately exclud d Cu it out and preserve You of the district, Mr. Rankin felt compelKd to de any event the city ehtu'd be compelled to pay going to destruction, disgracing bimoelf and fam- \Wiir *be 3uth inst., at b o'clock, P. M. 1 1 Mordiy night, the 21st inst. It Commanding wishes to im- New A any on freight nnanl to pab'Jc money. "2. The General cline the portion t>f the coat thereof, she roserves the p.- or pacuHge avply on or at some Future day. nomination. Upon this being made any ily and wasting his property, it is yo jr dn'y to in MOORHEAD A CO., Aiwnt*. Aluajii, July 29. press upon all (ffiors command aud wgor to the frame, has since known, the chairman of tbecommittee aurhoriz d ight to remove the material. "It gives health reclaim bim if possible. Then make the effort. troops in the field tbe importance cf preventing bloom to the pallid cheek." B. C. Tbe canal tells fron Ihe opening to Julv 22d Aod was done by Wm. Johnsor, the barber on the by the convention to fill vacarcies, called bis «. W. RONALD, P. B. C. For Tennessee River. SufTi-ring and exposure. the unau horiz d p-^tsnns of every description from It Save. Lo g J. Should you fail you have cleared vour ekirts, and ti*.lit-draur;ht paiwenitfr packet foot up $1,920,070 Ft same period in 1861 arrested committee together at Louisville, and Ibey, alter M. Vaiouan. a B O. C. rrtmm ia. The of Beware of Counterfeits. Cures Guarantied J. Adams. Johnson was at Cairo on to entering and leaving our lines, and observing mature deliberation and full advisement, F. BARRETT, P. B. A. Ut* LLB CKBOLE, MoDouoal, niaater, tbey amounted $1,307,324. eodfteowim nomina- WM should you succeed. Heaven will reward fx*- pnciu ion in tbe employment of J5 Monday on the charge, and will bs brought to aw^a^^laiv, ill leave tor alwve and all way port* ou Tho Buaid of Supervisors cf Albany county tho greatest ted George C Draoe, of Henry county, as the Samuki. A. Millkk. O. B. A. an Urban's Inebriate's Hope is almcot Wedm >"lav. the : .'Jt U ln»t.. at 4 V. M., from Portland and clerks in confidential position). Da. appropriate .*.o0,000 dollars for c (Taring additional agents Hew Albany fcr trial. Union candidate for Judge. The indorsement of Approved July 29, 18Ci. For freight or pawatf applv* on board or lo Mijor General H.iHeck. sa for tbe drunkard, and well to "By order of RBUl'LAR U. S MAIL PACKETS that committee rh mid .1. M. DELPH Mayor. unfailing remedy ;39 H. J. CArFKEV. Afceut, bounty of $50 each recruit. be satisfactory to all loyal "WILLIAM M< MICHAEL, Tor Ownnsboro. BvansviUe, Hondor- Thkatre —The management, in keeping the man, and they should give to Mr. Drane a warm, Altos': Sam'l A. Millkk, C. B. A. jv 30 dl worth a trial. It is carefully prepared by Ray- Landing and Eastport. "Assistant Adjutan' General." aou. and all intormediato Xaandintrs. cordial For Pittsburg house open for a summer season, are producing an hearty, and support. His fitness for office mond Tyler, No. 74 Fourth street, oppoai'e tbe low-preeauire passenger - & eieamer • u in i The new taJt JAB, t hhds futly prime aud fair N. O. Sugar in will bs remembered, was legal attainments is The matter, it by unquestionable. His ' BPUtrsDin stt * mtjos HK, LK *. Kfc: LB* MoDoooAi. manter. *-7 store aud for ea e by ^^^^^r^^s^ntB interesting variety of performances, and to-night National Hotel. y iu Congress, when Mr. BUir read a character as man is pure snl ^2g22aC ill leav aud all way portfl brought Bp a without a atait, nunaiOD, oo |vvi RAWtviM. Temn. e% em leaves on packages - Hulleck understood DoeeaaXT, master, per single package, crfour TbiT.->d«-, the .; I 1 inat., at 4 o'clock, P. M. -wing how General BIG EAOLE, A. Antoine the Savage, a fine drama, with a favorite bis loyalty to his country is 3estli at th.-h.-i-- Walker, in Price 41 50 Utter, >h QKEY above ruepicion Od fio iost . of J. J. P. M. Fir lrtight or parage apply on board or to coild followc: Mot.dai s and Fridays at » o'clock county, by Kev M. N Laaley, -Umes K, ANIlaLA OURUAGEU5U awort^d eiz— re- bis crdtr aod bis duty. It was as t.i.ra. master farce, will be prevented. It is some years einte Such a man will adorn the station, and make lb eff^rnon for tb. Sent by mail, postage free, Agent. EAOLE. J.>m< U <>stim in Walkkb nod Misa Vhttorine Makct. both tf the couu- J» MUOKUEAD A CO.. M ceiving aud lor sale by 8TAR GREY bench in this district what it ought to be, and jlu deod&weow 'j-22 OARDNKR <% CO. "To Hon. F, P. Blair, Washington; we have had theatricals after the Fourth of July, ty afore-aaid, and State of Kentucky. it has not been. Reg-ular Tennessee Bivcr Packet. what for years past He will re "Deak Colonel: Y( urs of the 4'h instant is but at present they seem to be a permanent in- Leaves Louisville Eairport Alternate Tuesdays. LEMONS—36 boxes Lemons oa coLul^nmeut and for store its dignity, and his decisions will be the & Order No. 3 was, in my mind, paaaage apply light-draught steamer ale loir br just received. freight or or stitution. result of legal research, and not of mere whim dub* The tine '"j^^^ra, ' .3 32 W. A n. BrKKnARftT. 417 Market rt. military necitsity. i reo .1. Gorrseaje, clearly a ft At Le-xlnrto-e. on the Uth of July, 1W2, Mr. jAvete (P"rt J. B. FOKD, Uavt. B. aiooRHEAD CO., and caprice. We congratulate our fellow citizens white, St. the year ol litu w '" I'-av-e the Fottlatid whart eve- > alter- "Unauthorized persons, bla< k or free or ... Asenta. Wall Cbohev, formerly of thia city, in Mth J&i^^SsX ' itjrThe announcement on the outside of our to —J |89 dtf .—— upon having sveh a man vote for. DRfGOODS. -^"tiare To- pd -y f r K:u-tp:n t, I i-ueie.-i-t-t- river, WInE-^o dozei fparkiing and eti.l C'a of cur CATAWBV out camps unless arro. tlave. must be kept we of sizes and all w.y landiuga. H turning will leave Kaatport on tawba in t-tore and 1**r mU« bv A full a-sirtment t i dice DC3TERS— paper that ho Rev. S. H. Ford has been arrested The other Important is that of Comm n In Si Jipson county, Ky., Nancy, to publish to the enemy everything Fu-a-rnieR Ou the 20th inet.. .MearUet regu'ar trip.. Sbippora 22 W. tk II. nURKHAKDT, 417 Market at. are wilting (ur .ale in qua .title, to auit by (3. B. TABB, corner of Fourth nnd Ihe Tueeday fallowing, making j 5 J reived and wealth's Attorney. Thev nominated, unanimous widoar of the late Saudford Dtiocaa, iu the 7elth )ear of to do. BAVVS'I N. isaw Main St. is a mistake. The person arrested 1) tbe Rev. general aaeort- can depend upou her etaylog iu the trade. we do or intend ORRIN age. atreeta, haa jnat received by exprcee a JAVA COl'FEK-5) bags frlf* ly, Mr. Juhn L S o'.t. He accepted tbe conina her For ereugtit or paaaage apply on board or to RIO AND prime Bit and "It v*l a military and no* a political order. Rsu'ieo Ford, a Bip'ist clergyman of Na-hville. of Dresa Good., embracing a variety ol uew tjcfft-") rec^-ved ani for tale by half cheats various qualitiea re- diligent Clintvr, Hickman county, K)'., the 3d inst., cf I ment jlerltf 6. OAFFREY. Agent. 137 Wall it. Java TEAS-15 tion, and is making a canvass of tbe Kear J. "I am willing to carry out any lawful instruc- LA K coonunptiou, Mri*. Lizairs BLaoKweia. .Iobdan, wife of haa also in atore a large atock of Domestic Jyt.i W. A H. BUKKHAKDT, 417 Market it. ceaved aud | atria*. Be counties of the district. He is discharging bis to fugi'ive ilaver which supe- B BREHAKER. ft CO.. iu the 24tti year of her aire. tions in regard my •—JftSa, t{iTMr. Ben. M. Harney has been authorized to T. K Jordan, which he will offer very low for oabu oblv. BJSGULAR rACKBT-U.8. MAIL MORXItit) UN h-o • Bev-'n at. duty, and the people must di cbarge theirs. Ha Good*, REFINED AND YELLOW 8UOAR3-E0 bbla Re- give me, and to enforce any law which j,,o Noelh iilM '» irn raised in Ander- in coun- O. IS. TABB. Connecting at Cincinnati inth early KMtern raana riors may Si.ter Jordan waa b and ft i- rai e a company for Colonel R chard T. Jacob's decided ability, a fined and Yellow Sugar* In aud for aale by is a young lawyer of and Union prof aaed In iu A 1*5*. Fourth and atreeta. Oincinnati. pasf; bat I cinnot make law, ard ty, Ky. She faith ChrUt mXJbea Corner Market For \yi-i W. A H. HUKKliAKDT. 417 Mxraftl at. Congress may AS4KS-50 whole aod half bnls prioi- quality csvaby tegiment, and not f r man of the rUht stamp. joined tbe t^hriatian church iu the town of Law- The niagniseent paaaengor ateemcn 1 Lot Qaeen Co!oael Me'calfe's and will not violate i :. piantation received per atsa '»r Korea and therefo r e, say to our loyal fellow-citizsn reiicerairre, wtiich church nhe remained a woi thy mem- M.\ ' anokhson. HnaiaaiB, muv r YARN—18 bags aseoited numb.-rs in .tore policy of BrtEMAKEtt, A O.. regimen*, as heretofore announced. We, COTTON "You know my private opinion on the Icrftr.A"Jtt* MvlORE, ber of up 1 1 her death. She waa a coudr-teut Christian, GEN. Bl'EI.1, WiiiTTOre, m: tor. and for aalo bv ' North side Main rvlow s-vent- at. do not fail to vote on the first Monday in August a law confi cuing the s'ave property cf an affe- tionate wife, a kind aud benevolent neighbor. Buggies. One of the above ^muu* . ami leave (oc Use ai*.. e MOOUM. HRZMATER, A CO., enacting is no common election. You have near an Baby it, This I Bhall pass yon spa?" The cotton captured near Yick burg arrived She lia. lilt a broken-h.artcd hni'baud. a later, and two et rtaily at Is o'clock, M. 1Y.9 North Bide Mtin, below tteven'b st. rebels in aim* If Congress aiMj st OA aS—Cruahesd, Granulated, Powdered, involved in the result, fne-ndeto mourn for but not aa for dear rights and should brother*, with mauv her. kinds aud alxea, cf oar own raanufaotrue, Fr-r fielthi ot paeaage apply ou hoard or to be certain I shall enforce it. In this city yesterday, and will In ALL lu*» balej miv sold for ac- tboae that have no nope, for .he died in hope e t heaven, JllfSKril CAMPION, Ageut. it) T l OaN —WA INTEL', Middling Cotton. show your appreciation of them by the manner in | • .rv„r,« a Irnlv count of the Government. and our ln.« le her eternal gain. WBce at Ibe Wharf-boat, loot ol Third it- / irU RAW a which you maintain them. apii au anas'. ,19 MO' W. WHITE. . d A i — : .


TRIBUTE OF RfSPEOT TO TftE MEMORY OF I Nil I. . I ORDBR3—No. W. EfSWt?. WILLIAM N. BE. L. HEAJiqCABTEae A II I Y OP TQC OlUO,) &AiLROADS. LLE JOURNAL OFFICIAL. TSLI6JRAPHIC lM CA.VP, MKASFiXiaKNCK, ALA., r.pmSVl At a meeting i f the members of the Dresden June 21. 1862. ) the court-house on the IB h inst Colcnel ~~ STATE9, bar, at , .IFFERSOWILLG LAWS OF THE UNITFD livening Dispatches. There are 14,000 officers and soldier* absent RIILROAI). LETTER FROM HUN TSVILLE. John A Rigors was celled io the chair, acd Pawd at the Second Session of (he Thirty sti>tn(h from their doty with the varihns Divisions of this mas J Latham, K q , appointed secretary. Excellent PoHcy of Gen. Rous- Th (roue any and Coiuj^tst. v . Some of them have off without Vioorous stand that the ol j-ct rirt.t MILITARY Tho chairman of tbe meet- BOOim tlmt Rebels, Anybody, ; v illi of » fficers and tmu—lU Declares if expron lbs feelings aalliorita others the permission after to-day. May 6, lSria, Train on this Extracts from Ricbiuond Papers! ing was to ol thi bar on the ONKoad will luave and arrive Guards far Rebel P'O/irrtg— [rrjiiuo^o. 13^.] not authorized to grant it. In general, sickneas as followsi ist t'arnir*eenta- from M 6t Loola. Cincinnati, [Correspoudonce of th. Cincinnati Ba U *'n»et d bu th-ir duty. To carrect this abuae it is oidered HARNESS, ano the Rast. AND inerio i in Convre*s ot* Bell, who d pirtod this life on thi Chicago, TRUNKS, A r/w* of the Unit d states of A William N. 31 are ubient with- 1AVIA1B, H0>TSV1LUR I-»-.l b« a 1. Ail ijmcers and soldiers whu Poiu Trains maklni; conneystions for the Kait. CAMP mtmbtei. T-'ot tft* Berretarc of th* '••owr d illness i f 11 ou s, in the 34 yoar 22 inst., af.er an h. from these Head quarters, J my I her hy is d rwt d to cvtt-p to b* entered n on thi-r o- out direct antli3iity of his age. Mr It II was bora and rj h- rvi n»mn to wit t To the OcU"--ipb, Wesk'ev 7M P. M. from Loul-. Urn...' Ksgseeau » b.B>»""t"» Indl in \ before the 10:h of July, proximo, join their in which tin or 13:1(1 .*l tudiauapoits aud er *or the mm of f^ur hund ed a-d tn -"-t -thr -e *h*in»*n.1 graduated at Baud Co logo, Maine, and com- A. Iroci Cmclunatt. North Alabama. 4 regi-neats wheraver thev may be. Ulriton lo 1 c impanies or 1 1:40 from Louis, Indianapolis, and Ci deal with tb. nln* hundred and nl'ietr d Ha s a"d t«*e«t -'lx cen a; the study of lha law the sanie yoar in tho A. M. Bt. urlnnatl. w*ot>- mence! their locality, thev will report to connection, hw I 1 bav. been diliwUy the Ioid amount* a»e f *r and In nU^e «f the p«n.^ if tbey are not entirely Bt for acMve LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLI to «,,r-8». public spirited and usefjl, did perform, should, Mr 'in until h'-ret/'fore Invf-a'ed b the Govern entimd^r ci izsn ho was and rspirttd SIO-TNT OF to THE OOJLlDElsr proud and erect, fe.linR, »« service; and these wilt be promptly i3A.TDlDlZ.-Es, y M : early days of the revolution, ruffians whom treaty et pn-« Ion* vith mH trlh&< In Qui hon^e of the much in the by pre- to tb. rebelli u, regimental commanders by tho i Ulcer so as- MANUFACTURER AND f„Gi it, t up>riontv '« th'.ir RAILROAD. DliALaK IN St 8 t o* Ml'a->iirl- T^nne cec and N°r^ Ca-^lina, maintain O.n.ral K.msseau does not Washington, July 28. cept and example, to po recla our midst. they cam. u. tundua. which were at-Ven while In the ru tod" nf Jacb Thomp- signing tnera. himself be- On more lhan one occasion during cur national him to humbl. c>n, Secreta^' o* the Tnterl^r, in whoai Department The Peterburg Express of the 25th says, idi- i f those fail to join as above re- c insider it prop* f* U e The cases who Skmm 1 1 ike 1 his lif i to suppress and ^mispm^m Npoltririze to th» eredltol a af ro- arsl, Distric of the Ohio, Nashv.lie, Tonn, " s tho Iota memory w» 11 storid at &Mt P. M. their bomes and all finml- minds and to the treasures of a with ideas PRESENTATION SADDLES, have been cnmpi-ll.d 10 leave m\ *, *t the rate of five per centum per annum, in measures be influenced by such Certifkati of Disability, according lo the follow- SWORDS. AND PISTOLS FUR- f beauty. Ho was enthusias'ic and de- MEMPHIS BR\NCn TU\IN vrlll leave Bovllnir the in- '. on flrat daca of tannary and ,T'xtv4hr»e. Alio on Land our unual variety of dav of e his lif> to h. ve -aved it from ruin i his recruiting and look it given O lii£ Greeu at A. M., and c<»nnect with Train from laws. r. it /itrt^r entwUnt* That »U t ten»#t upon as onlv a ruse bv I declare o.i oath that I have carefully exam- 8 3. And fsed r.grel that ho had bean able mince mat have h*-t m ntld 'y>nd^ a' afo«o- which they are seeking to death-bed heoxpr Nashville for Louisville The Qtnenl doss not in any way whicli Mid tHhe- may throw the South oiT ined of Cep'-ain SADDLES, HARNESS, and 9 i-t, t*»mlnated n»d the name i* ve ted in the to little for hi country, and tbat di*ea e had TRAINS wltl leave daily ex- TRUNKS. i^ hereby to do FRRIGHT Oindayt ters with Ibe rebels who are brought bef. ro him. ber guard and thus cau.e her to relax prepira- Colonel Kagiment of -»ity <-«'0V'-rv or ivo'«ma Ion of 'h- Company, t»--PRICE8 AS A3 THE LOWEST. tVfcd S'ate'; aud 8 ricken him down at a time wro:i ho coul I have copf>d) for NanhvlUo and Memphis Branch at 3 A. M- LOW jlKltf dtewls 1 his remnk-, ti.ms for increasing her fircei Shnr quik pointed, cuttine in or aiv p*r the eof, nhnll bo for the u*e end bei- snl strengthening Vi-lunteers, now at tbia place , i -m , countrv some service. TRAINS FOR LKBANON will leave dally (Sundays iheir bjnumbed or p»r of tM epot by & P. V heresy itwlr, and warm h arted c : p inion, acd an upright and AI . ibe abominable e-ivig.. I'he kbh piper his a telegram d. ted Kr.ox- SKErsTE carefully examining ry ot ntl ar>p np Ut' d, f r the par > O^t of bit r> concerning the diiea9e or wound, or cau o CO. known BARUSTOWN TRAIN will leave dally (except bun- W & «t«x-s |by honorable mar; therefore MANUFACTURERS OF ^ the - th- 1 .' as wUl'as paiienily investigating p "nt to the trib af repaid on an-un inve-^d the ville 24'h, which say "Col. Morgin sends by of disability; ths lime, pi ice, manner, and nil Gays) at 4 P. M. All FreinhU for RartstrTn jauined at the b d« afor aiid fr m the date of tli« la t p*.vm»>nt, of in- l?.-«n red, Tt at we feel deeply the irreparabls road and which secession is sought to b- special courier to hetduuarrers ot Tennessee a circumstance! under which tho irjury oc- maUi roivd uorth of Baidstowu Jimction most Refined Carbon Oil, Refined Coal Oil, Extm Lard Oil, Lubricating Petro- ter-'t.t on pild »>onde to the flr^t ttay f Ju'**, ele^t «-u the prtpand io unravel ever> despatch loss sustainol in the death or Win. N. Bell by tx» m LVpot by 1 P. M. tim.; and he is from Ge;>rgetown, Ky , s'ftiing that be pr.i.nt hundri-d a"d fljcty-t^o to » Hi th' ftim cf th^e two curred Of diseaie originate-!; tbe duty or situation «T B M\R3IIAT.Ia. BiiT*rintendeut. leum, Benzole aud \aptha, €ar aud Axle Urease, and Paint Oryer; upon wh:c J its advocates had uken eleven cities bis farr.i.y, by the community, by us his friont's I i of ihe .ophiatry Ihnomjl thr-e hundred and shv- n U->lt >ra and nlnetv- and towns, with a vory or the officer os soldi.r at the time the injury was A SO brethren, a^d Sv f.is professional county. ; n> rely, to unvail the pre- 0 p c -nb* to said DeNw i- o», flv» tboaaand a^dthiitr- beavy amount of store 1 and M.nnfacttirer. of Coal and Oarboa Oil lai'nps of every descrip* on from the oheaoest h.v. breo accus'om.d army , and ihat he his a receivod or disease contracted; and whatever K'tcMnn Hani La'np to rich -,, ; *im d 11-*r» and ntyth" « ce^ta t" t>a d lO'A'a*. and ".st wbiou ihev make, rieiect, the auoterftue- t* force sufficlint to hold all tho country outside of JOHN A ROJERj, Chairman. Parlor or Church Lamp, with marble bases, and in ppr-ove'l Bur -era, Wicas, Sliadee, chimneys. Globes, t,i ess h'lu^rol twentv-^ix ''ol'aiB f-cs may aid a juJgm .nt as to ibe cause, imme- t*velv 'ho is nd aev^n and Secretary. Biushes, L.mp Trimni iitra, A", ihey rot'or, or nail ihe lie" they utter, Lexington and Frankfort, which places are chi. fly T. J. Latham PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL 10 wbica nd fifty o uta to the «a'd c nfed««^t ba^d« of KaaVa*- d ate or remo.e, of tbe disability, and [he cir- W^REIIOUSU *N1) STORK •i;..l,,TT STRKKT. and Ilea are still garnso DuKSDuN, lenn., July 16, 18S2. preieno«i>, suo.er'uges, kiaa. Peoria . Plan *«b-w* »»nd aa. ied by Guards. while W Home The brldg.s ba- cumstances attending it, Carbon and Coal Oil Woiks corner ISth and High ate. Lard Oil and I. amp Factory Bullitt, bet. Main and Water wlinout re K- it That thU act | from 'h lr lips. Ut.rly and See. And b" further enacted. • ween Lexington and Cincinnati have all been RAILROAD. ma's* warm nici Place: (Signed). tine o. h'Ht k eff»*rt nd h' iu fore- onlv* in -ela- l^n has hied amused by another "enamel- 0 rve d es hi lepudiite lh» wh. le Ike destroyed." London of the tribfi Mf jra-ftld aa «b>ill li'e with tb« Sfereta*- of Date: Surgson [or Physician ]. t- when applied to traiora who I he E' tiu'.rer ssyfi "At late ling" c ; Mrs. Leversoo, commonly calel "cor.ci U ioo," th* lo e lor their a sent, to writlug, to a ) iLiieh tbcruof a hcur Thursdav Sworn and subscribed to bef ire tbe Government, or lo r l*t< a to rh«m rean*^**lvely. night Madame R>ch-1. having sued the U >o. Mrs. have sworn to dts roy aa we were Informed that a eklrmiih to k This certificate must be sub-c-ibed and sworn 1 i, 16d3 rretght Aijent, lock up™ ev.ry attempt o conciliate Awfoved, July place vesterd morning at Malv.rn ilill between Carnegie for £1)53 Shi had, site e'.ated, ennro J B. MOOHD, .... 13. fools w o y ^o by a Surgeon or private Phyician iu good stand- W. WILSON as a lacn acknowledgment of lbs Jus Ice of a small portion of our forces and an sdcance guard ellfld the lady's race, neck, and bosom four times, them [PtrnLio —N*>. ] ing,' and known as buc'j by tbe magislrateor oth.r LOUISVILLE, KY. W aid, trus'ing oviden ly to the fear publicity, (Suocerjsor to Q. W. Bashaw), cause, ard of I heir naural right to rule of tbeenemv. We could not learn the particulars. of their ACT 'o pT'Tlde 'orth O'tletlut of ce- tain land t!tl*i officer by whom tbo oath is admioistsred; and ou should AN deemed this THROUGH BILL8 OF I.AIHNQ TO RASTKRN that the last idea of cjr.cilLilon ot Maluo Several soldiers, wounded iu tbo skirmish, arrived monstrous charge fair remuneration. W1IOLK3AUS DEALER IN He holds in th* Ute disputed t*mitory in tho State it a discharge will be ordered from these Hoad- (SI rrHS giyen at !o%sest rates vts River to Piltai- first gui had, bowev.r, overshot lb> have pa.sed awav wi:b ihe found of the and forotb r purpose*. in the cl y last night." Pha the maik, and burg— Mail Line to Cincinnati and via Jefiersonville (j larter., or tho care otherwiso disp. 8>d of accord- for ' i defer dent. .rt Bumpier) atd tbat ih«n Dotting Be tt innrtefj the Smote and 0HIM of ReprMentar The Kruu'rer also contains the following: jury found b Railroad. fired at F hv ing to tbe circutnstanoss CHOICE FIELD G4RDEN SEEDS, All applications rulating to of km America <•» Convrewae the transportation wa< properly l»ft for tbe Governme it bul a ma- Hv*»ofthe Unfed State* of "Twenty-two p. ecus of artillery, part of tbe b- aud 1^ 0. Tte death of any officer or sold er which haa Freight Bastwaid to he made at th. office. No. 1114 sirg. persistur, eembfni, T* ht h»* rtecr-tarv of th« Trnya y Jesiic, ov-rwhelming, uccrmprom eighty pieces taken by tho Brliien from the Rut- Fourth for Wall) s'r»«t. 1 - be eh- ruth- rired to require to pa**, out of auy m**n< y occurred wince tbe 1st of January lair, while ho aprS dtf Agricultural and llortknltiiral linpienients and MaehiBes of all sorts, its J'Oiveu, uniii Notice to Con tractors. iou of ' eians at the battl'i of Ir.kermann and linrel.ntiug exoibi in th» Trea wv not tlier*iae app 'p lated, to l.iyra ard presented was abient from his ri^iment or company, and was on ken iu pi.c.f, and th. A. St-bblnf-of Bai ?or. In th-S'at- f \(.lne Catherine to ths CoDfeJ.racy by BritUb merchants, brougt- Sealed p-oposals will be received till 12 o 'click the la.t rebel army which hai boon reportsid by the Surgeon of the Louisville Frankfort and faUABTSia, OBKBWT, WHITE BARD, X.I2I3, his arms. C. War-i, ot Roxbury, *n he ''ta'e of M aaachuaott*' & Lexing< l..a living rebel had thrown down over In the N uihvillo, hive arnvad at Mao ru. M. oo Fridiy, August lit, 1862, st tho (tliceof Hospital in which death t ocorr.d, or by tbe luftia M*n-nr. of Houlton, 1 > th Btut^of Malo.-; and the ib.n, tbe question migat ton & Frankfort Railroads. K»in ft, be.. Tbird bad It'ocrth, r>pprv;ita Barak of Iaonlavillo, 7'ktn, a. not uniil ' Tbe-y bear evidence of having seed service. the undersigned, for the followng works, specifi- d Jam i- A. Pr»"»7. of hel^a,lT *n« State of M^a»».chu- Wlib fri.nda of the deceased if not in Hospital, will be it M,f. been diecutsed M to h tw far war ae ta, tha anm of tbtrtv-tbr e hundred aud firt -thr*-e souie alteratl me they will bereafrer rp3ak for cn'loos for which are ou tile in diid ouio-: have y immedianly rep'Tted by the Surgeon of tho Hos- Xa,«Z»XTXJraVIIjiXj-»5B, expedient to temper Ja.tica with mercy, and to dol -ra each, heln* in all the urn of ttrr o«" th^nennl themselves in a manner big'nly oredi.'able. Some Tu repave lha western gutter on Third street, XfCTr^ four hunrTed and tvei'ty-two dolla in fuloo»p'n*a pital, or b,r tbo affidavit of friends, to "The As- 05 Of favor of toe deluded \i;lini9 of the thirty -ei^ht pircas more are expected at from to Jefferson street rnix i'y, in tlon for th a"d *hr«f» hu- dred and fifty-fhrei the same Maiket Ailjutant-Ueneral, District of the Ohio. and after Monday, Fehtirary lu. t/tt, Trains will v.ngeancu was er p'-evlonclv t H i»an plaos." To repave tho gu'.ters on bath bides of Sicond run daily (Mnndaya excepted) as follow.: NaebviUe," setting fo-th the date of .!• . ... « aim If "nihip State fM^ine, v I f il traitors therefr 1 the h >o In the We Und tbe fjllowing ia the s root, Market will cuud up m editorial columns from to Main, and repair tbe road- othor material circumstances. EXPRESS TRAIN leave Lonl ville at 1:60 A.M.. heeri him utter em uranted \>v fU htate of M wR-hnaett- to *be la*e flen. stopping at alt sraitions when nagged except KairOro-anda A linglo teuioo' o » hicb I cf ibe sauio paper ; way. K ton. and failed th-V» ^a-on n-ant," t.» vhl,h a»*d p-r- I. All absent officers and soldiers wh) do nit Race Course, llrowu.ty-iro, and Bellnview, coune ting at bodies his vkws with regard m tbs policy ot "The great necessity of m.iitairldg our army Separate proposals r lirad for saob work. t> hi ration of th* four h a-tlele of q M lout till the op j tin theircoinpanis.sand r.gtmon's,or are notsa'is- Bmiuence with stage for Newcastle, at Frankfort for 9' the Uni a army : away th ang'b of trusty rdnth n**, «l hteen bun r-^ and forty- in is utmost rfficiency ii manifest to every Usual securi requ'r d MtWiia the of An. one. y factotily flcoounted for as above by the lO'.h of Lawr^ncehtirg, Uan-oUahuig. aud Danvtlle, at Midway soldiers to every two, -to ard d-flno the houndary !K»tw en t'e f by senuirg a de acMnent if Ban 4 Our enemy b ill rd, tu . not brokm, and a giant JN > W. G1UY, City Engineer. for Versailles, at Payne's for Georgetown, aud at Lex- ' «• Julv nex', will bo reported on their mus'rr roll a. nlt- d d'ato* a* d tb- po** - I » of h*r Bri an ie tugtou via rail and stage for Nlrtiotasvillo. Oaovllle, rebel's h u e io guard ihe owner's pn rty — to power, is gaioering bis forces and ordering enor- Kv;iN....it» Oi'l-'icK, July 28, 18ii2. f vtajectyi" th *ra"ip*:" ProvuUd. That, the a-»td Cm deserters, dating from the time theymiy have r.suliod iu No Orsli Orchard, ttomers.it, Richmond, Mt. dtei'ltug, wid pi.li v nl.ich, wheiever ptactifed, taa mous levies if fresh men, and he is to jy2S d d Laura A. tftehhin'. AMh" C Wi-d. Rnfnl Man.-nr, primming br-en ab-ent withou' authority. all iutorlor town.. illation oi Uuioo sol lh< di c< u ni-M and nun. nd J m«P A I> e * alial" ' X*cnte d*y1«of r*«l as to tha renew the onset with frantic energy, ibis is no ,k f By Act of Congress every deserter forfeits all ACCOMMODATION TRAIN wlil leuve Louisville at the Doion arms pirtiO' hold Off uo-a won" or **e»|iii ah|r p »a- aorv cf die i- ai d b- d f.ai o' line for cur soldiers to resteer; Notice to Ownors Proporty. on the oo'rarr, 4 P. M ., st-.ppiug at all stations whon fUgged as far as claim-*' t > the »-ald hive thou and •bre« hu idn d and claim on the govurnment for pay and allowances, ' furni h bi« disciples with Lit Jiff D*vi.-< - every nun eh nil be at his pos. ready to reiist 11EPAV1NII AND KLCCltllING OF SIDEWALKS Fraitktort, anil, returul"g. will leavi, Frankfort at 6:10 tlft.'-th'fle r\"ir>* ^f 'an \ or anr po'tlon tber-o'- »e d or l-enides bring liable to arrest and trial by Court Ur.n ''.bey ace uowledge A. M.. amviug at Louisville atn A. M. gu ru-," taid BawtMiPl .i-rPvd in th 1 1<4 mad" to tha guv rnor an*t cou- cil strike." r~p i'be owne'8 of lota and parts of In a il.-ig-aied Martial. Am pe son who appr.hends and returns lb validity of bb (ii v irnujeut, atd declare tha rf Ma'iieby Kb-n*eor llutehlnao-i and tb*»ra eonimi- f h« Charleston Mercury EXl'R^Sfl -I'RAIN leave. Lexington at t P. M. and «'a:es that the lt»am bid w sro heretry i'tfortned t b at ordinances have military • "*** ! l hr leRiaNtnr" a deserter to the commanding officer of a fully bj cte to to otherj let thtuj «io fanider r*¥oln"oa p the of arr'ves at Louisville at TlK p. h£. they >r« 'igh J era Nashville and Kite, whic i recently hrongbt been passed bv ihe General Council, approved m d 9tat on tha"* two'To d^v of Apri'. *'gnteen hundred p 9* in entitled tn five dollars fs'RKIOHT leave him, men, for protec 1 n." TRAINS LouUvitle on Monday. loi.k io a d fl^y-f'ur a d th» p an ^f ^wveya nc^>rii ovi e valutibtu cargoes of arms ai d ainmuoiti >n Into a atrd pnh'.isp.d, riqu ring the repaying and ricu'b- Wednesdays, ihe dic'rlnes of trea B" command of Majuk Oitx Bpkll and Fridays. he will peio.it * n-port', and '•f re«--rd In tb-« olH a»id • lie b.ji •a' l«nd tof sou hard port, have tn' , in niak'ng their ing of the aiitr.wu kt in front of their respective IO»HcisI:l J A VlCS li FRV, FREIGHT TRAINS leave Leiinctoo ou Tuesday., wiibln the terii ory under bi St-te: And rorttgiL, atix Tb v* 't -h H up o»rta b- sin lo be taught way out in ipireof the Uloc.adiog .quadion at line, and V tb fail to have tbo same properly Thursdays, and Saturday.. 4*"! of - y ti , Cnief of Staff. can at a'aetion "f the i od a-* nld Rtab> of Maine th-.t MOdlm A A i ei her publicly nor, so far as he J.iri. diction >* tdo point whore tbey escaped. thirty the dale lbs uch d»< f a • f r I— a« do ff ctu H o 'iivt*y a (food title done within days from hereof, PT6tght Is received auu discharged from f ieo A. ti. to it, privately. yt ven! toaatdl ed 4 e*o pt ao f »r a-» a«id tittra have b^en af- w.-ik will be d ne, under a SODtnet, st tbe ex- IP. M. ien> lone eince, when a gentle rovid+lfurther. That if t aha I uppaart th>*valdla d KILVKK B.MII. time before hl.u nqu 8 log There lire considerable rebel ft rces along the LOII^VILLK Orchard, Somerset, Hichmonal, Mt. Sterling, Winches- man , cf tho 7 b article of tbo City Charter. a«»-nt. hat he a or-'aiid p(r»i*a af lueo.n' etent t> K'J[J.LRclS WILL beyi uod our Uaal an! viel; hii vif». He hjd river be'ween City P int and also BIOHKORM * ter. Nicbolasville, Cborgetown, Shelbyvttle, vid other mak*auo d^^da • f reloa-' to the whole of aald land", R cbmond; at Ail druins from lole or houses to be convoyed but be fural.b Music for ParKdcs, Fuueiale, towns lu the interior for sale, and atl further Informa- never takan up arms against the U \y.>, tho tb ** ahall b- e t tl d t * r reivo a pn rnt i only of or lb ir Petersburg. They sppear to be moving 4 under the sidewalks in iron pips , in accordance Bells, Pailiea, Pic-Nics, rj-'renades, Ac., tion can be had at the Depot lp LiOntsviil.. corner of d ai d .betted these who had, ana admit- he o mp n-atl n prfv|!ed»ln this aot for »o much tbe Petersburg left at hsd aid troepi r.ortb, but we can obtain wi'b the ordinat ce regulating the asm.; tbe sai.l at the shortest uotrce. OrAon Jettenou aud Rrook streets. th ntvof as th ftl " ah«n eoovo a« ->f r*aai \ comer of first and w^eP'ill a secessionist. no i th» Uo Hall, ft GIXiL, Bftpei .aenoeol. ted h»i he proof that hoy are going beyond R cbmond. lie Ap dtf HAWUBT. Boo. 3. And be U further enacted. That he Secretary ss-nrk, when ex-cuLd, to received by tbo City said ihe General. .lelf^rson etreute, will be promptly at- fDemocrat copy.} oi*. "You enn'c g' !*' of h la au'ho. K chmond is said to lis in good Great T. A. Corner Ma n ano »ui LUUlSViiJufi, CI. ih lr a-uryb'o d her by n^d .ind re- OoxdlliCQ. E g:neer, end if not dt ne in every respect id ac tended to. HASiiOW. I "It Bte.us very hard," r. ied socesb, "that fjn - ed t • pay our rf nr ui app^p tatod mon-y in th c.ro ii taken fur ttoll- p ol-anlineis of streetd Tbe Pe- ciidar.ee wi: h specifjcail ns regulating sidewalk ETCIIHORN 4 KOLLB03. '|"ISB NATIONAL HOTEL I. .Itoatad in tncJvtTy cuter of tbe busliieas part of the ci'.i , oonveuient to tbj " - ur' , id i-oeanq St w«M, of LOUISVILLE. IM'f,7 6c can'' go to Bee my wife r a to Kdmu Mo Heulamm tersburg Exp-ees of the -* b states tbat Karra- lunr lS rlsm CsadWs. ALBANY,- . road. Telegrtiph, asid Expres. Office., tbe Bans:., l*o.t-OrDCii. »:id places of amtiaemeut. and withu- am • paving, to be n paved at the expanse of the prop- Rfiiton, In tie B ate of M^afTMhaiett-^ th anm of 'hlr- oaiCAaoi n*s*TLROAO. njrara of the principal Steamboat Landing. Tbe bouse ha. Ueeu thoroughly renovated aud refuted for th- win* "No harder f ir you than It Is for me," relumed gut's and Porter's vessels »rs oo tbe point of Itav- tee«< th uAand five hu dr r foitv dollstrc, 1 i lb* erty : d d owner ter is It community an . pur wife. Yiubave I.N ir»o.) business, and in hotter condition now than was ever before, and to the traveling Gener.l "I >»ant to see nu/ h for'utr lug for .V'.' jI e river. (IMTABI.IMIIUU the proportio thr^e-f urt thce^f to th *ui and James Kepave and p.curb tbe sidewaik3 on bo h sides of Mas visltlu. the city tor bnsiracs or' pleasure offers every toducement for patronage. Fr-toe. to .nit the tlm... irea compelled me to leive her by your Infernal on -f urfh to the latt . Infill eorni'Oiaat'O" for br>-e Preston street, from Walcut to Madison street. frmaand hree iiundr dad 1 let-t.* five acre' of land. a in. You surely d n't expect me to grant you a New York, July 29. BAKER' > PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. Toiros #1 50 Per Day, Including the timber prev o elv taken therefr m, in the ST.LOUIS.CHHIAGO, *• J rebellious coLduoi prevents me east sioit. FOR DETROIT ol. dtf ' favor which y ur ** The Triluno has tbe following: FRENCH, i " Weefte'i* half of "Plymouth 'ovpn-h'p aocal'-d. In the Feet la PURE PltKPArtE'l COCOA, BROMA. from ei tying Stat* of Maine and tie -urn ot Hz miou* nd aev--n bu - ' It is whispered that Gen Uailsck has sent all UOM(E'»P\TUlC and V.VNILLV CnO,>>Lv E3, J T J, Jossup's estate 259 •. 1852. Bummer Arranfomont. 1863 »" tdxty-e t t : vvarrauUKl ttju i lu qua'lty *nd Havor to tilt* P»rU Cho- "Won, bah General • dred v d i." dollars to K Ma eur. of II ul- the sp.des in Gen. oicClellan's army io the rear, i J to tm. Main*, atid Jamoa v I)r w, of C «lae»a, ***a--aohu- B Racker 53 10 colate; bave -tood thu t«*toi over ihre^niartfrs t a "I. is useless to talk, sir. If you will go and has ordered mutketi to the front. At. ail -•tt-. in full couipeisatlon for ha dred and E izibeih Setter 26 6 ».'.'..: aud an; pro ioimr»i by all who have Otico uu d and after 9 mday. May 4. Passeneer Trains will work and assist me to reiurj io my wife, 1 will even'B, there ON W. n^ety-two acres < f land, iuo'udl th Mmb-r was ro d'g^iog there for tbe lir?t tlffni o Ua »iuim< iit» Kiiy others. leave New bany (opposite Louisville) as follow.: EL8TOKE8, p prevU A Michael Schneider 20 reuccBtwcft to a. « w. u. eroxRif), do all I cau to euable >ou to return in yours." ousl- tacu tht-r frofD inthae a'otnb tf ot said bwn- time for \¥* Ma mfricturud by W. l(*air & Co., at .heir mllln many weeks ou the after - day his visit 8:00 A. M» i Aat IVKtso «... .^onps D. a ip, to wbleh tho -aid pa ties sev. ralli- los tplehvth-* WetsT 8II1K. in l»orch --ter, M-ino., uud for i*alo »• l!i«ir Branch Depot "What do you w sh me to do, lieneril?" o tbo penimula. 3-.ps are h-ing taktjn to bring uay.), making close connections at Mitchell with . . City, and Grocera i'i n f 'be f ur U article DC I a- t enty: No. 317 Fu'.ton Btr-e*. ew Yor by IMPORTER DEALER IN to ycur allrgiai.ee, atd, C. Korfhage 41 6 a M. Railroad for St. Lnnij. Cairo, and theWoit. "I wUh you to return I yal blacks by tbe hu idred from the valley of throughout the Culon. O. That ihe regulation*, re-trietio a, and i rov»e- de^l'-rs Keuerally Provided aud arriving at St. Louis at »:0tl P. M.; connecting < e- Mary Bihlson 16 9 far lies in your ver to di^counteuance I as as p inu* o ntiln-d In *he p n. at trreencastl Jiuictlon «ith T. 9l R Railroad Kaal * '317 York. and treason this -ct aha 1 h ">ad b? a'l iuteuts ud ^rpo^e*. appli- Michael L'.ower 18 Juno'.*: d3iu No. Fulton rtrgH, New bellion army c rps—to what militarv purposes they are v and West and at Lafayette with T. A W. Railroad COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE oabl* 10 'hU aection. in FranZell 18 2 "B j', General, my conscience will not allow me to be devoted is not kuown." Mar East and West and Michigan City for Chicago anr" " .e.». a4nde ttfurther enacted. That t Secretary to d ihai 1 Fleck 60 6 Detroit. 0.4-eiUt>ilshed Satldtar? W-.f*.1s,iit£, of the Tr-a«ar>- b- and ue i- bcr^bi d -eot d to pi \ nit

ih replied patrlo', ' MtMrHis, July 26. 60 2 sklit. "iVeiiAer, n, " the Ksutucky o*" ny money In the rea*ur no*, ot env^e appropri i- J B Scbroeder Improve lour 6:00 P. U. ST. LOUIS NT'iUT BXPRP.S8 (DaUy), retelling £t. Louis at 8.00 A. M. aud Cincinnati at ..How favors ted. to Luira a. -*ebhi-, , o' Ban o , Ma ne, at d t ath- I Wil ier'a estate 45 6 "will my c 'ntence me to j^raot yon Commnnlcation with the Nor h is vary irregu- G. No. A85 Mam Bt., between Eifth ar.d Sixtii,, • i • to Mitchell i.'ii"- i . AM. This Train only >lu« (\ t^aid. mly loyal men.' lar at present tn c msiq lonce all Ho 20 ' t of bteaiubiats Returning, leaves St. Loul. at A. 5:0b P. V. of lx thousand rlje hundr d and > ty-Sf veu [dollar 0; M. aud IjO ULi»-K7*illo, lOELy. Or 'ir e Ihore wi s jo ning further to be urged B. Doll'e estate 20 c j - i .dmnnd a It >. baclng b»an pre s d iu.o lha service making immediate connections at Mitchell with and t Mon oe d njamlu bo-ra of tne for Ihe use if r|Vm U AND cmtAPBST ASSORIMcN. of VsVkirKrraant.ua Hannfactiirpr. w.irit,: ".nfl Is ii tbilv Interest to exaratua tur ftoak fcaton mating hrafir.es left. The a flouth bound train, aartvlng at N -w at TrSa: ihe h fU d r.oel tooK up bi. bit and clt-' of Boston, -n Ma iachu tt*. thd m of i ven Gen Curtis's 8 Caswell 40 Albany t r '..i Als.ao will he akken tee u , if ni.de tn person * denw..we(Mraf army. t l s, s from . e 1 oPlS 'T 1 1 tLstH, iii rro'd, .ll-er, au.i e - irauit .t rivr- P. M. and 4:90 A M titling io tnouaan-* six hundred anu thirty dollar . In thu G-nerai tur ed t wh d h si wno were Aboui 280 cituons left bore yis erday, some To repave and recuro thi MJowaik: on the east inu OrTlCAt. STASb in oiortloo of thr*e ourt. ot th* 1 1 • p g a roo aid Monro , chanje of Curs to Sr. L"tif», t'fttdnnart, or ill teut and q lis.ly remarks : going uor'h. tidoof Pms'on street, from Mudisou to Chest Onlv me aud 0U f urtb toaaid e>va I; and to J>* r CM A. Drrw, cf Z.. A. WVlIals'S etoru. CAtoacro. u ua.e reid.r.d ihese rebels fu ly nut s'roet ''When y^ ( helao «, Ma«a-«cbtiso*ti, and Kufu* .Ma eur, o lioulto.i, Orders have been issued opining Memphis to a3l rloutii Iffsln street, s>jr~Itaggage ehencssd trarr-uKh, FILL YOUR ALBUMS eensible if h ;W mu:h they have losl by their ro M-lu», th . sum of nino thonv n l thre- h-uidrel nd Mrs. W. 0. Kic'd 81 6 doors above Flllli st. trade with tbo surrounding country under c t i . tam ty-oiif tdolla-f the ra u rev^rhl urn* bel »• in f i 1 This Riad runs the only trains from Loal.vllle, con- heltion, you Dave taken the first s »p toward ma restrictions. Ei. N. Tslh..' 19 "CoiiBtaut'v on band mpertor Fti'td tilasai's and a : will free c mp n> t on ut the rat« of one dol ar p-r acre, for Persons, have inteio u „e necting with Ohio and Mississippi IUIlroad West. king tbem loyal men." without papors or at,j M. D. Bardio 87 full Uue... ot OntlrAl WKtti..raatica', and eurvcyliiK In- tim i r tiken fr »m lapd* own- by aald p\>tle ri-i-ppc- hi; dranoe, save the right . d , rru eute. 3otd vhstssals rHtail. m.yfi J. Gr JA.OK aud tVFor TH&OL'UU TICXBl'a aua mruie< tafct ; v bcarc n^d Ihe gotnleuia, , eoaveiM ti civ, i.»d in«at*-d . ii the V rtton */ ot and P»ym utb f rxamioa.iou, or even search tbe ollicor Allen T. W.bb 25 when mution, apply at the GENERAL RAILROAD OF- (Lat« Jack Si B^tuer), t.ou wub the General I bivo given above, tak.u town h p (ao-oall d) In the &t« e of M*ln-, and w.tlUa T V. Wilnne Jad..es p*- per 1»8 FICE, southwest corner of Thin] sod Mala slreeaa. the dl-tr ct r c«go.z -d a - the -diaput d territoi y." and XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX wmwf mmi his dep«nure, whon ihero came to the door of the Gen Jlurlbul's and Smith's divisions are sp Tail Fi.-her KU ixx xxx xxx. x\x Louiavllto, Ey. ' sn which ti mber waa take <-ff in< lost to the tiropileton Tobacoo, Pro- "Oarte* de VI»lto' ten: foppiab fellow in striped summer clothing, : xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX XXX Commisaion, and a iu • f tin cilplo atlc »"i*tered pointed for guaid. Percies to leave Rspave r< siil*'Wa * cast side Valra. are ran by Loalivllle time. 000 Kiueuce arraiueme t endeavoring and carb tbe k on the xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx.x OF -. a h oking o un'eaarce as one 0'ien i to between the li ttad -t'ta> and lirat t-ritalii'ii with mean or enter the city except I rvrads epecinad in tbe of elree toGraystreet QN6Ha, Col. Ftt, Hie "stcebb." held a pl-.ce eighteen bu dn d -nd th rty-two, by which hot \ rartie-j I. X. '/..lids Aftiil. sees even among Ue orcer will be urresloU and impridoued. mi aa No. 519 Malu it, betwneu ThlrJ and Fourth. M«Jook, e, agr to abatat f o n the exercise of iurUd ctlou in Henry Kern iOO XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx Ohu. of paper in hi. band. xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx Geo. a-i- I'll, Col. Bruce, • sud teiTl orvi Provided, Ti at W p^- mcnta «uti-orir- James Tborcberry 200 xxx '"UeneraJ," said he, with much levity, insolence, nd required by thir aot ma. be lu&d iu who e orla MeMPHis, Jnly 26. xxx XXX XXX XXX XXX xxx CONSIINMBNTSof MANUFACTURED TOnACJCO, (ion. Jounnon, Col. Laudnim« 1' >'- '. l l Enyait. xxx xxx xxx l >'l ir lit" ! « i l' ! . Oen. NPRlt-r, 0«U XXX XXX xxx HUd 1 BOlictted. and nonchalance, "Gsneral, I oould not get part, at tb option if the 3"cr t ry of the T caaa y. In R-pave and recurb tbo side«elki on .hi east site The Commanding General has Issued an order Oen. Col Walfcf-r, ii of of tbe Intercut Wood, y thn b nda United Stares, b aring of Preston street, from Gray to Bac&d,i.y N. B Pirticular at'^nthn g\v«n t-> filllDK oriU-ie for through your pickets, altcough I have here Gen. prohibiting soecuiators * paying specie for the 18Q2! 1> Oen. Tho : .iai, Col. Wyuknop, ti . 1862! at e rate of ix p-r o ntu p* r aui um, h n oti b ,ve " ' street IX EBBERKE Pork. Bacon, Lnrd, and r(Klu>.e geuerj.ll>*. It'i. il.- paea products < '--I. NhIsoo, Col. WlUUiuflt en or may her after aut :o i law ihj i«'uod. of rebel S'a'as wued treasury notes are >'j b b Ued y to l.L KKKKKF.K LouLviIih, Juue 25, I Pl-.at. Col.Slr^tll, ''Come in and tit down, sir," s*id the General; Agprored, July 13, W. P. Hshn 829 Maj. nfuted Tbe parti's refusing will be i rreiied aaaa BE KB n yrr. mm H. VVRROKFF. Mv, HhIvoU, OK B^lgw ci^ 1 . vrti of world, Goverumem Qu.riermas'er. Speculators pay- AA A A 1.1. KK al'les collcc ed by r p i.i ot » Ju-to-s of thr* pwet Ing all the *'t'' - 80 parchasod r 'A . i- distaucu can »*nclo»in« one aros- approved th talrd a .o fifth o tne Xt Is the only all rail and direct rout* pureon or ar g-y en> ngb sh iw tbat be was In earutat, it enncUd by tf*e Semte and £Iou*e of ReprepoutiD;;, PORTER ith StovRa, Camp Kotttua, Pititej, ArmyCekeepers'Kiiclieii Articles, l!W« and Qsnl Snp't North Missouri B. R. Co., two, rank- a full aud ft thful rep r~ of tbefr dol>.gj in It is r. Tied that our forcss .'- Ibis can be pr^v.n against you, I s. all tend you p have evacuated Camp S , m thort oottce. t:-: i I the choicest St Louis, Ha, i • \ . . Brewed from Barloy Malt and Hops iba' b half, rattm? tbe arae of th parry, the i iLEsaLK arau mou t Grand Junction and that the is WH CllOPPISR,P'TTUf,,&vO., P. M. JONES, at once lo Fort Warren, as sure as there is a liv- pUcs now tccu- HENRY 1|. SIMMONS, fine lrop^s ai d n tin' • f the witnesses U . of examLued No. 'JUS t'lftb sL, lr, t .e -n Mala a id Market, 1 oabi«£-tf nil' it., -r National Howl. pied by ih. rebels they aitgi ' ftly tieneral ing flod!" iu ea be e, to the Superiufinteot of etrvpo Itao P >- —tbat have tioass-sion of Traveling \ cmt LOL'ISVILLK, : 9» and aball p.iy over all mouey« In r almost all that portion of the KT Never d d I see a more inject and c intemptible h the hands aris- Memp'iis and RfiODRS k VRHNKK k GARRARD. ing from s u tiii-s to the aid eu, e Inteudeut; a d such t*T~Out-doir W^ra promptlc attended ti. Officers' Camp Chest looking specimen of a human being than 'he reb- Charleston Railroad between Memphis at.d Cor- 1662. Commission Merchants of »,tld hutlec aa ahall fai h tb tlm- spM lfitd r ' It to inth. P»-TK.NT MA'.NKTIO IIAHMUR ANI1 A3ni.KVa KAIJC ut T^aJF. Hi-art couirlete n-tioia of tbe Itlud ever inveiilaa el oefore Of. as he appe .red at the conclusion of make fiicti r rt, aud comp with tbr* othor III p y pro vl Ions S'-KKW l.Q.l-HBATKK.-We perlleulerlr Unite tha AND WUOLKBAt.E DEALERS 1 CrtU aud tea .t P. M. JONB8, - Cuicaoo, Jnly X.VTD St Bole Afents, !n- faball bti liabl 28. EVANS • i brazen impudence which at f lav to a tine or n t i. Pinrth . KaHona. HnUi this p ecu. The tbaa atte.i ion ol ilie public io thece very useful little arti- all UAtt* ! thr«f bun red nor more than five hn d id do lara. t> to l.BVBTAJ, PAl.A(;H, first eat upon bis featuren was all g ne. He A special despatch the Times from Cairo sa>s cle'. \yii dd:u W1UI8VII.IJ!. KY, be collected fr m said Juailcee hy osi cn'iou in the FEED, PRODUCE, GRAIN, pair; in p enm- the re'.iels have taken pt)8se3si"n of Humboldt, eprtl-' dlv. .fc=s.:C'i.ota.<5 Ur el fi st ret, ho deadly he lo kad inai in the aa 2S5 X? J*k.J-M. cou't d Diatnc o C'oluoibl : uud itrha.l MILES DOUBLE TKACK, and now h Id tbo Mobile and O lio road at tbat ludicrous dismay from one individual to auolber; cu of • bu the y the Bspar ut r d* t f Met opol t tn Po- FLOUR, AND WHISKY, IBraiidies «& Crawford, he writhed, be swallowed, he cbokeei. lice to in peC'trtedoO Cti Kept bv th* - dll JunticCS of place They have torn up the track for some ton D.C.BRADY&CO, tbe peace, for the puip.-w oi a-cert.iuing ibe amount or twelve miles. ''You are self c >ndemuecU*d u K.foro.a n by t em; and the said Utftieei Cairo, July (with It. .a tinued the General: "you are guilty of a heinous ir r 23. connectlooi} AVB reciovod to the new Warolionss, on the oth hall aubmlt th d cketa to the' in- , n of the Mid Consls-nments solicltoJ. Orders fl'led. •vi .si —.- c Bain aud rtns stewta. ir. i i t; 8te>mer ( Ity of Alton, oi the way from Grocery, Produce,Forward- offence, and you k.ow You bad comn.it od, ful-. tende and, fail og 10 -to ve, shall fini- • Mem- Genera. H f BRO. p y a LAPP A 18 A FIRST CLASS ROUTE, by all lews, banian and divioe, the bigh cil ne or not less tha i fi ty nor mo.n than cue buuurvd dollirs, phis, « -a fired Into twice yesterday before reach- d«ni aud Commission i>lerchant» ' Iy8 iU4i A. itlll h" I vii»k freeh r .], 'Af of the to to co le^'ed a-i above. 9 FOR SAFETY, ft'.- srlll pay th tucnesl raarxei rsrtce for .u treason. Y >u bad acoepted a commisai,n as a ing Ccludibui. COMFORT, AND SPEED, kinJa ol Be--. 9. And be it further etiaHcd, Thx* sal ! Jm loie Qraiai. n i"..v,--e.l at ocr store or a. any § x>d shipplcui rebel from ihe bands of Jeff Chioaqo, July 23. LOUItfViLLK, KY. TO surgeon in the araiy, of he n&ice »li o i or bcioie ALL THE EASTERN CITIES! t e fi te nth day oi Jti v Newest Patterns N. B. CO., point on the o river, • TAYLOR & to each and evt ry : i ake full sp.clal to the Times fioai e.ys OUR KNOWLUDGI? 'tt Davi?, whom you knew to be at tbe bead of a a and fiit .lul rep it A Memihs FROM mOBotQH AND THE TRACK IS STONE a W BKggDtaj " A wypRD. ' BALLASTED of th 1 dol gs aa afo esaid for long i \ , 1 1- i.f iu tttK itVive busine totl the preceding y^ ar, to o' v l 111 we vast cnepir-icy for breaking up - he Government Gwyn i he gun oat rrepirls 8 killed ard tbe ip irintend of tif CoatjfU'Ut thut w« can «ive tint tHtiict ou. shall imjII Dealers In, S ut M pjlit n P Hoi a J i: Wh AND ENTIRELY FREE Hay offer, yourself as a part of tbe wounCid on bis bout iu tbe late etgagemtnt with FROM DUSTI You voluotarily d pay ov r ail roomy* In tbe b-.L:df lor ciub ou'y. All who favor ur> with cjuvgumeuu r arial .g from ocb cau BXCLC8IVBLT. ia-l..VsCa HUUitS- All suaes ajl alud.. machinery by means of which be expec ed to fines to th- aaid aup nil endent; *>nd If auy .he Arkansas ruly upon trojjpt returua. Ju«tlC" of BC> i INO CLOTHS—All numbers besl rata. of Cooa 'luerits aud ordur* i 1 THKEE DAILY" HfTh. highest price In cash will be paid for any Kstublio, acd d stroy the lives oi t -e DAMCe t O L»i of Ooiumtda eha-l fall t < cotUr Uo accuses Lieut. Hunter, o.immandtng tie e TRAINS FROM ovenuintbe quantity IkU>u II. Poitl AHLB Mil 1.8 -With solid front i ' i 'v of tlar delivered on the levy at store, with ovldlous k. this • 1 > i cAah advauooi u s>de ov cotw or our ply tb« p f Uw be 'hall b llabla Qaeen of the West, of in 'flHMnta. brahrs . ad made on host known plan, toval men. Y'ou at. ached joursel', too, for tbe behaving a most cow- baa Fourth street, between the river. . . Main and le u ; : ,i , 1>. a. to toaflu-of nut a b , more than C. BRADx CO., PXTTBBU&Q PHILADELPHIA exprebs purpose of ving aid a' d comfort to thi ardly manner, having made no effort whatever to HMC ACU1NK8 Several alHerent kiradi. g five hundr d d •> lara, -o be c^lleo.eJ u« Jj^7 N 2!W >1h1.i ft, N. B. TAYLOR a OO. provided In l\m (with close connections from Western Citlesl. Mill ..ous. f,:t..«,. onus, itetttrag. Plaator Farts. tmM bring his vessel into action. Loslsvllle. March «. I HIS. woo fur in. re than a ye«.r pas' have been engaged nr.'t sect'Oa of this act Hill ftrtlales generally. ' ALL CONNKCT1NO DIRECT TO NKW YORK, In ba ohering our trienrta, brother*, and our Appro. ed, July Uj Ti e officers of tho Lancaster say the Queen was UKATHJCABTnift LOClBVlLLr. A.B Ai'KH.f ttave on st .11 mr Ho„„ *a UD We hand a tarse of the .hiim rii —I Its 2. * ':' July 12th J tit?Aj. rr-::\ ... < 1 ^ (iiallt) 1. fathers Your family rem»ii:«d iu Ibis place, aud, the fits boat that discovered tbe Ark.nsas, ai.d THHOUOH rBILADBLPHlA, (J-rVTlIH,A.l^lJ , and arrauted. [Pcblio V saoLurin^— 88 ti i.-. 1 No. ] The follnwiust n i-o'diern. ftll b louglu^ to the 2'id HBBUP.BT A WRIOHT, notwi.hstandirg tbe presence of our troops, tbey that sbe ran for protection of the diet witnout fir- regl.i.ent Voluoteerjiave du-r-ru-d from Manufacturer anil Dealer In .. A REiOLTJ ON of 'banka to Captain David Q. Farra- Kentucky thwtr AND C1XI8B CONNKCTIONB AT HAKR1SBUBG .17 at: is:., ia rni-fl >t . but, ^fain and rlrer. have b»en trea ed with the utiuoel consideration ing a gun and in d.sooedieace or signals to come ra^tmeut, and aru Mipi>or>cd to be lu or aboii' Lomavulf. gtit, of tbe United SUtes Navy, and tj tbe olllcera aud For ' Shades, io Window to aid forth-- app' ehenfiou or clue t at may bring sucli aud re-p ct. You y urself, becoming lired of Ifca u,en und. r bia coOiQiand. tbo Carondolet whiio th i lat'er was engag- Female AWcadeiuy of tbe (Jrsulines, a lib^ial re *aru will be paid at thj<>e head>|uaiTen: Tobacco and Cigars. rebel service, finally r-ei^neo'; and knowing the Resolv d by the Sennte al in clcsj q larlers with the Arkansas. and would Invite the attention of their cuetomert and Hou*e of Represents- and BALTIItlORB & WASHINGTON. •outhaart conwr or Second and Callowhlll tti.« .lull .' yivn*.i lu co Cb^tnnt »t e ^ b«twef*n Siielby and Campbell. of the tieeeoj the UnUtd States of Avuru-a in as- lOGM^M, a upany K, yt-ara clemency G ivet iucho-, DttMnj Oar 1 trie Indianapolis, 28. o age, 2 d*rk oomplexlon, gray eye<, black PHILADELPHIA, PA. |>OARi), Wa«h'n/, Tuiti m, Ac, p'rseasion, ttembted hat • ; : July JK'i? In en b.sn wagl' thank* ot tu i pe> 'pie aud f Con- had long g war, you uuhesitaiingiy hair. iu Germany, occu.atiou ooniUt> of the In*' st aa f tbe U it d Ut*a are due and are hereny teu- Onerf our fconting par ias iu Ksntucky killed Bo u and by wkeu eu' FROM PITTSBURG TO NEW Sr* YORK N. H. —An uvortiuen. of one rallUui Doui -• i (Jl«ar* • • came into our luidrt L. steal of lititfd T - • being at hreraakwr. . once ar- -red to apt in David G. Farragut, cf the U iited a Pat iSojool.— rnw lu In a-lvaure. a no o Iou i secession guerilla in Webster county oris ntaiN snn. iiaii.t (43h uiije.) l*rr*pt oooataiitly ou hand. aofi dl7 rested and burg as a trai'or, were Navy, to ihe otboeri •PKii>ra STTLBS, Huniut'sfs lt-itfis to b<» aiidniSfn,* to Rev. you cordially btat-a auu ami m n u dor his cm- GEKVAI3K SCHL'BB, private in conpanv K. 47 Lkatu yesterday. VIA ALLBNTOWN, It Strkhf; -, Ha tor»f 8'. Martin's *Jhuri ii.Sbeiby Htruet, received, ard tieaied in .very reaped like a gen maud, Compoelrg his squadron In the i.ulf of Mexico, j* ar- of agu, 6 feet lu inchea, light coinpleiloa, blue mid we wM wilt at pncea to suit thn ttmea. WITHOUT CHANG of CARS,

i • t>> -a .i '-it i ,i , i i;, -11 for hnlr succesaful i poranoos on the lower i-ippi A Union mee'iog was held in front of ths H<>rn iu or M"tllJ W tleman. Wrre you no ?" Mhwi eye*, light hnir. Oeimany, and by occupation Arriving in all river A4bo on hand a large a-*ortnieut of Advance of Other Routes MftT.T AJSTD '3t.r aud for the r gallantry i HOPS Jyl dlapW) d In tb capture Ban 8 Houss this evening. Col. W. A B ckle when eulUted a f.i.rnier. yew, General," stammered the rebel," I "Ob, of Foru JhCaaon aud St Fhttip and the city of New J ' mid.* a most olrquent speech to a large aud en- J03E 1I BRI NNKR, a rorpiral In coroptny K, 26 Tatolo Oll-Olotn. 1 nv- Orleans, and in the dettrnctlou been treated very gentl. manly, indsed tt tue eueuiy'a gun* s JFor Sale. ajao. r. wuiiriZxifaTOiv, i age, is feet 5 inc)ien, light coDipl xiou, bin* eye*, EIOHT I DAILY TRAINS boata ud tint lla. thusiastic audience. FROM. ' rmed LAW & BKO Y u were not deprived i- [Pl'UUO B 801 ction - No, 39. J UliNRY ENGLEHU VRr, a private iu c^mp-in? K, 37 PARK TO ALL POINTS AS LOW AS ANY ROUTB. iMttlciu-'ut of imch Claims iu one of the Govern ble. lo waken a sense of honor in your bosom, KENTUCKY WLI DOUSB, A RE80LUTI0 for the rel.ef f iheoffl>-rs non-com- San Francisco July 28. ear - o age. 5 Ie- 1 6 iuchw t. li. lit mi lostiou, blue eyes, mem vllliwe (from wbich hu hns withdrawn), offern Xn Brwil f qaenily treated miaeloi.eautb er-, . and y< u us a m n of hoocr, aud privat- aof the battal on of Ma- Tobacco, concentrated, held ai $1 2b. ijoi.sid Ight hair, l'-'i in Gcrwauy, and by occupy ou uheu RVME'S PATKVT RETAINERS mown midsi ofARKiPT rntin, «tti ".hie sales of naval atoios for resbipmeut to New AMD SLlSEPINGr Between ftlith and rlevetb. OARS " Novi nib r IWi. Pay, SurwUtencft, Trannportatiou, Clnthiug, Dniiui. i havior, rave your mere w rd. Freelv as ar York. LKOPOu > M \RTIN, a private tu company K, S3 ON y Reeoleeil bu ths Senile and W>uee rif Reprrtten- MQHT TRAINS TO to Propm*ty,aud puticutarly for il rs», aud other Prop- rea i> ge, 6 feet & initie*, dark coniplexiou, blue eye*, aw tnnN »»io>o.n a on 11 ai clilzeu you e p.rmit>ed lo go home, tei toitv** eiA .ve e. Maluo, July zo. HYDRAULIC PRESSES jpjp «e tif Ous United Stat>t+ in loiit "i rf America Centres* «ia- b own hair, n .»» i*> i-iauce, aua by occupation when Philadelphia, Wow "Fork St Baltimore, erty or lu tbe United titatee Servioe, lu- 1 .(>.,. , ei the comp ny of >ur family, and io mingle «embt -I, i h ,t ili-i «uu ot « vei 1 ...u n.. Hundred tno rince of the St. Cro.x Herald, in St. Ste- euli*trd eluding ewes a laborer. . -f of Impnuwment. j y y been In operation for the • two yeart for a u aixtv-three ool ar and fifty- ne ceuta be and tho HAVE W. ffKAi'T, Vai>M±L£J%.tLiiM.. wi b ur 'rie di. And in return, how hive you phen, N. B , was agaiu visited by s mob last tbe manufacture of tobaoco, hII parties y JOHN M An I I n', a private In aud Um op* N. B. —The moat prompt and falthfol attrentlon paLS ramo Is Ue'eby - , i prlated, out of anv money in the compauy K. 21 yetre of Ltv nigh and age, 6 leet ^ratini* them te»ti'y to fieir ([re«t *uperlority. in every BAUI1AOI DilECKJCU biuiuoaa. riquded ut? n-ing the most s. d ious and re»eury u t otborwine atipiou iat ;d, to conipennate tha , the work cf deitruction this time is 3 lnch » brown compiextou, black ey VBRODQB AND reep«w:t, over ev»*ry other contrlvdure for bta- kliair. Boru iu Pkurfa, and by occuy.itii>o wli doing the » Improved Metal Burial Cases treasonable 1 nijuag ( for some linie, d umles-, ofticoia. uou con mi- ion- d tnce s aud p Nates « h> neatly complete. TKANMl'ttKRKD KKKL enliDted a nail-tiuiitli. teort Y.x.:- of !> r it aud rapidity of action are TESTIMONIAL. wilhiu d' Ori; until last, insolen abueing compo ti e mar ue ba rallou atUched to Hi Port Most of tho type was into pi, Peauty Dorabiilt^. «a<3 Llxbta«a. a ly knocked the ComblcJuf , combined with great pow.-r and durubilitv. Th*- nub- We are well aci;uaiuted with Mr. Worthfnirtora, an t Koyal naval expedition und- r fiig otHcer Duno it. for OLYK8. l-LLE ICn, a private In coinp ny 22 yonr privilege or woolly nnahle to appr.cut. presses irjured very unci, and much of the ma- K, tciii>er4are t e i-oie man.it'actureiri in the L'nlte-1 StuteH, Office coruer jJ**vAnth an-1 Jeflonoa, ioulxvt.la._#t cheerfully testify that wnano.,- no Aveut in Washlngto.) the banal of t eir pe.r» ne tffec a o>* tne fou duri.g of ye-tra o( a e, 6 feet 6 inch i dark onuiplexiou. brown irtBiaiiTa. give -i u *nd Unit i atte tlon to the e* ection ol . 1 the on whim claimants can more confidently rely tbe wonderful ma^narl v of the Government '1. • terial was scattered outside, ^ than ou . and thrown into - 1 r* iba stwamur iiovetn >r. in wb cb wer embu-hnd, tbe eyea,li™h h*ir. B>ra lu Tru^la, aud b. this 1 1 above Cuk«r« are made ot OormratM Sheet OOWMtloa9 tuaciiiuen. and warrant: them perfectly riatUfactory. By route freight, of all descriptions can be for- him, to conduct their busineaa with Integrity, oii he t 'id ty N^VHinnor tart; tf heu . i Ituuid witb Gutta Peroha or lntUa linhbej capacity In givirg joa your 'rtedom, you go up n the d of a- d that th» S cro- liver. nll-ted a baker. warded to .ud from Metal and The loll twtug miLiiufuclurer* are uow uuiug our ma- Philadelphia. Nuw York Boston, or aud m-at. Binned bi- r- ,>..-.. Ury of tlm navy c«use t e paid Hum, or . mu b the e >f .0 as lo be Air uud streer, c Meet a crowd an U'd you, pre^ih vour Ihe Herald is abont the only pspir in New JO iN 011LER. a private ID rhtmw, and we r^fer, by perui *nlon, to tbem, viz: •taltlwoi'e, to aud from any point on the Railroads of a-i mav be mved-jiry, to b" p.ld to ib compmv K, 19 yearn All orrt«ri prornptlr atten4*>d io. dUdir llon. JNO l>. MoPUERSON, 1 m ac o-diug to Ohio, ludlat.a, Illinois, .wear-on u> tbem openly, and wind un '>y declaring B.-unswick, the ,lc,,e8» brown co uplex on, Kentucky, WUcousiu, Iowa, or t h and beic- wrath cf me Provir,- bl-.ck even, d».* Meaars. D. J. Uarth -t lu ttm V « Mo. Missouri "Mr I*orn lu (Jei many, aud by occupation bi' Railroad direct. Rev. I), that you would rather I u ycur wife and chil ma ner aforesaid ciali against tbo ilicaiion of the Herald. In when enlist- Pio io.t Tob*cco Company, Brooklyn, N. Y. SMITH PAYNB, a Iro. y pn ed i laoorer. The Peiuiaylvania Contra! Railroad also connectsa fWashirujtoo, II, Me»*r-. Watrmn, Mc'HII,LUTIOIt—NO 40 gray oyea, brown t'.-iiiM-.. s-, lllittoU, | Cumberland, Mississippi, Wiscon Groneral ~ Govr-rnmen ever harm you In any way?" 0eriUanh aild Metu-ra. McCulloch A tiray, Petersburg, Va. Chief lllerk II 8 Trea.iir»r> Olllce,"til. I madtl f 0/ occupation wuou en- A RE8 >LUTIO t 0 compenstte th^#rew of the United Washington, July 28 iKlrft!"' sin, Missouri. K . .sas, ArKansas, aud Red Rivers; aud "N i." rep i«l the guilty rebsl, '"1 can't say K. P. J ) i'-§, ^|., Oroeusbor'*', N C Brat* at. at Cleveland, dautiu.ky, and Chicago with steamers to b a me r Varuna, for clotbi jg a.-d o -Ltr prop :r- Recruiting progresses so slow tbat the War ALBrKT aBXHinL a private In Jamed M. Book-ir, Lynchhurc, Va. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, that it ever did. compmy F, 23 all ..t I. on the i Northwestern takes. tv 1 a' in tli publ c ervi©e. Jacob LortlUrd, New Yurk City. Department issued additional inducement to day, x * light ooiupl«x ou, m-iee. en, light En., "And >et tou made war upon It, and, even af- Reaoloed by the Senate and House of Represen- V.C? u^'Txnk Merchant, and ship|ier. entrusting the transportation MeafMie. Alexaud r McLood 4 Co , Halifax. N. 8. Slip, allowing recrni' select, of their 1'rulghl to this rely No. 20 Old NEW YORK. tative* of ihe United State* in cifi reus S to their own company and -" -i tb ceromnr F, any y are nag b aucaoria d I . e>tlin< drafting will be resorted to in most of the border approved pattern* oountantly on hand. Alio, uteara telling you would rather nurv Ui tbe West hy the Peunaylvalll i them your wifs and tbe Otounti < Central Railroad are of the p.tty tne r- t-MOi«>n. and otuers Lluuorice kettle* and b >iler«, b)x it. and iioliBbiu* oi the S ates. Gov. Bradford will soon commerce in at alt Hums as favorable as are charged other chi dren than ere it r.rum* its righ ful authority crew of tn United Stai ateacuer V arum, w Inch ' ' vi bu R. R. ABNER COOPER, m tion v/neueialst d * eaiuie. * milla. HITTINQKR, C^OK, A CO., wa f 'link d ilk'-- • Maryland month since ibe order was issued, Com Mates uMr w urle-tna oi A ' • .' over the rebellions Sta'isl" N- V, f . . Mm. HUSKY SULL1VAN, a , tsr~tie partlculat to mark packages "via Penis'. Csr Wholesale Commission merchant or nbout tb-i twent) -f urthd«y of Ap il elgb seal huu- and there are not fifty tbou-.and men yet enlisted. ,„ p u M. HiTfmoo, liaan Coo«, C. K. Rvmim. During tbeeniire castigition thedoctor writhed or and alxte-two, year, of SSS, i fcjt» thai. it. R. SUTCUFFE,OW£N &WO0O d t- credi-. »ach of them ulthtiie . ' corer tbo r 1 ai a of bidding, cimnt , "•'•'""•>Keatucay, Bull Run, reachel here to-dav, under the new and ny o.ccuatiou wli n enlisted ' < to or address either of the following Agent, of the B Hying bimse f somewhat at last, he mads a cloth ug, and other proper y, occa-noaed by thu aiukuig .x- KJJJ T Oopartnership. Are constantly rcc«lvlns; IVc«h of ti.e oatd i-ttanyg. Company p-esents the r b Is much i lated at TIP TON, a private ta com|. «, E, th** nnderetg ted, tiave f rm«d a Butter, Cheese. Produce feeb'e atteuipt at a dnnial, and said be could not TOM p > r partncrahln for sui»pliesS) ru nircatly coiu- 11, I»c2. " " J. K. MOORE, Louisville, Ky. their Afrp:OVtd, July ai;e, 6 l-ct 7 Inebiu, dark oomplex.on,".V'jL "\? the transact 1 >n of a oE -EKAL. having ever uiada use of suoa lan- their late vtciories, but sutfer.u^, as usual, from UH >CKKY. D. A. STKWAKT, Freight Agent, Pittsburg remember hair. Born IB H th coamy, Ky., snW PROnUCE, KCRWARUINO, and<;u*|-d the Gener.l, CPtTDLIO Kc&ovuTr »n—No. 41.) wUen culnted a farmer. ti-tr-s, under the rtyle o. I». C. «9 Wall «tr»»t. ZsOKlaTilU, BRADY & CO., at the uld H. W. BROWN a CO., Cincinnati, Iv, believe ths North will furnish ihe new q iota call- (JUii'ord No. 22( atrtiet, O. "•will not allow me to doubt your guilt. Consid- provldlog fjr the diatrlbntlon private In oom-any , . stand of A Co., Main where wo JOINT KESOLUlION ALGLt KUJII, » . f B B- C. MKLUKCM 41 CO., Ma.iiso.1, Ind. ed fjr. Illaca * will be pleased to 0r*e the frieud ot the old huuie and of surplus eoplei « f tbe ulej lal Reg a »r fo: eiKbtee i Inchc, dark CO npl.txlo 1, bl ick eye.-, . BUYERS, GIVE THEM CALL er yea-self under arre-s'; but as 1 have not line t W. W. AIKMAN a CO., Kvau.ville, InO. A -o Porter, of ucsaipatluu hope to merit a share of the patronage lrom d^aiera gen- fully will hundr d and >lx' e among t^,e MVWaJ bureaus iu 1MB the mirier flset, reachel ed at Louisville, Ky., and by when B. F. 8AS3. St. Louis, Mo. to loves: Igats ihe mailer more now, 1 SJJ^J erally. P. C. I.KAOY, 0LNSTGAD 4 0-IO.\XOR tbu k.<>cutive I separtuieti s. Washington to diy, and will doubtless hereafter a niito.ier. CLAKKK ek CO^ Chicago, 111. permit yog 'o go borne to yonr family and Fpend rTEstSLBY, a pnvati In company O. N. .JACKSON. T. A II. K. :.AN. , I.e. i W. a L. R**obo6dhy tie Se , ate and tfouee JOHN 37 , OalUirolha, O. (BucceMOTt to Jon. Kosbi, A6si°*noe*s of Rt prc^etdativen remain ou du'y iu James U'ver, being detached 38, A. Notice. the night. U-turn to-morrow miming at nine y- a b of an 6fe*t 7 in -he.-, dark complexion, bro. Juue 1*1 JOS. MARYMAN. B. Parkei Of the Uni id State tf Anuria* in . >. O. NKAL, sburg, Va. persona Ulirirt. Congrats a* from the Mis.istippi fliet. bis u md-bied to C. W. either by nohs o'olcck, Oi w.y hither ho hair; enllst-d iin-t>teil to make imiaedi«to captured a valuable prizt In a British wbeu euliated a tluucr. worzoa. S. P1KRCE oi Co., steamer, n. ZanesvlIIe, ' her b auth risei au a ted to natri >nte to of O. ut to self, at ollict\ in < u wi'nesees who accuse you." The doctor departed, rw each PSY i ud my P< ace. near QKO. W. MONROE, HAVISCJ r*o'd uur business to Me«ri. D. 0 BRADY MolJOWKLL a MnCOLM, TOWA OAXNSC th ever-il u eaus in tne Ex-cutiv-^ loaded wiib gnos f t PorUmootb, O. sMxth i*tro t In y ab,-i nco, ( t\ la D-*pa tmeut slid ammunition the rebels, O. m.I s Keq., and I regrmtid C*J tii K no'hing save that he bird no' Lt Ool 22d R-a'tKy. Vol., b CO, anccAed us In the i. " • Ky. i copies 1 i o e «r more of the B dnuia) Kegia . .. And Sole Afcntj foi the autiioriz to cohect aod r-weipl claims r making fjr Chaila.-ton. It l| tupp iee.ltwo Produce, i'arwar ling, ' Immediate ly been sent to jjjL. Surely In oth' dtf 7lli l>lv ain i Arrav of nliln. and CumiuUsiou nuaiueiii at our 4. P. JOHNSTON, Ripley, his hundred ana tixcy-o/i and tlghtee . bujdrej und sixty- JyU 0. Julft d«w S. A. ATCHISON. APfiKtiep. lid -taud. ~'3ri M*iii rtreet. er for. ign «li anie s hive j isi ran tbo blockade. Ha JOHN TODD. Covingtou, cas. clemer.cv hai b.en exhausted, and i-. slnuld two, 'rom the u p tt« c >ptej n « depoa ted i . th; X te- Ky. Fomeroy reiuri ttiaiak* to Oo»l. klin, We mau^ our n imeroiis old fr ends Q. L. HEATON, Cleveland, not have been ex'.er.d'.d nor Depar me it: PiQoUied, hat tne mnuber of cipies Halleck, Bmn.ide, Frai ard Fope have O. for any of the above Coali ivivoot.'ully ioll to bin even for another for their liberal patronage bestowed thro igh a ce' of K. ORORKH - . C. I i Oeoeral 1'ravelllng . r MKLDKUM, deliv red to any n . , n tbu; not exoocd two copiei. been together to day. Ir poaaihl., Pope will Agent for ettud and promptly fillbd WEEDS, right. Split -bottom Chairs. yean, and take much pleasure in rocoiauiiiuaing to the at tho lowest market Approved, July 11, ibd. tbe South and West, t- ks the field to-morrow. Milchil has gonu to sriuitour su ce-'sor*. fnoM, l'OB TUE BALE OK «r. Geo. N. is authorize Cotutautly on hand a lar^e r.ipp!yof tbe '-pBlTTi.>NA The Balance of Victories —Mr. Everett, the New York. WB ABE AQENNB KEN JteftMO ti nettle ths MisU KEK8EFS, tacky Penitentiary Split-bottomea Ubalra, asfl ne*s of thd old ftrni. All pursond ijdebt<.d will plea e JANNBL" aud "PBACOCK" FOMKKOV COALh, other day, in his addre«. to the Uostonians at R bart J. Walker will to-morrow is ue a sec- LIFE"S10€K. which fur kltobeo, have ao tn Transports b.ve 11 store for .ale . tarfe tot of sal sices. call aud settle immediately. parlor, or ohamtxiK n»e Worthless CHARTEriEn —la the Drovors and Farmers will find tills the most JEAIVS, Famnil Hall, summing up Ihe result?, so far, of lottor favoring Li: c tin's emancipation pilicy SHdTWBJ.L .luoe 2\ l-*ta. advanta- perlor. tut-, ond 4. L. A »OH, CLIFFORD 4 CO. matter or army r-- •, hr, txovun.inent geous route tor Live Stock. ' has Capacious Yards, well Market and Jef- campaign, sail: Lst that if ^ell -»Twal Offlcei No. 8U4 Third atreoi, between the nr-sent any oie com- in the birder States, and snowing tbe lat- watered niid a tpplted with every couve Irwn most ouiragm utl/ cbMied The s earner 4 MMJtT OiV .# THOU&J^Ylt. lence, have fer»ou, ai Bobb'e old itand; and at No. Sot, icutbwrvt ibis balar cs of euccsses and reverses earlier emancipation th-y been opened ou tills line its FUELED CLOTH, pare wl h ter b >d adoped would aud connections, aud every ..i l troeti. leS^ dU I IJ. rurtier MrtMk .Market « Woat Point arrivid h^r. Ivea days ago, chari^rnd JAMES a retimd r n >, ,. discovered, of war, of the wars of the per cent better off Graaiasj. £>lstol«, *o. DR. attei.tiou is paid to their wauts. From llarrisburg, th'.se 'he Crimein Duke have bii.n one hundred while in the. East I.. a certain etiL bought for there Is not in one of those historical con- aLd neglect i ig th-. public business. i .'RADDOCK "ia safe, and ih*t will not be re*p rr.sible for the & o , and with fewer changes tuau any other. Itonds -«tf tests a year crowned wi'h equal successes, on tbe Advices from Warrenton ebow no movement of i— _ No. North Second street, lite of a siDgle man plate 1 on board of ENOCH 1 t'.tVls. Ueu'l d'arpssriuteudent, Atlooua, " her. At m«vTT flr«IB PhtU-lrf'pV.i m v* Pa part of the fi' allv vlc'"rioo- ense rtbsls. They are sc ing merelv on the defensive. IN STORE A FOR S».' E L. L. H1ILPT, Oen'l Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. tlf.vincjunr.o-i.' vd nts ilou^e this time, when the necessities of toe Government 1HATK D LOW FOR fi^tm^^m ilOlVE'S LATEST IMPROVED rash the foll wi f ttpp ovil PATENT PISTOLS: II H. HOUSTON, Geu'l Freight Ageut.Phlladelphia are io urgent and our came iuip.ri.led, Floating Battery is now tffi- so It tkilt's ir-t-ut, old Aid "«>sr model.; Snnth W.-saoD'e, Jau3 dly public, now prcpar-'fl at Savannah —It Vtsuvins on the Rampage. — A new eruption of A '"^J^'^Stv would bj well to iLquire how c nitrac.s fjr such Isljfte ami auiatl: TiauterV: Di-Ati, Ad mr, aa Dean's; _ inruirth all wbo nmy favor V!&r^** cialty anr oouced that t.E' •jy expresaly to oar order, also In great and Retail. for ne will vou t> a Dinner, or tharte. e.1 at this lit, investigation will sshsa LAMPS varl- urm.tnent of the Georgia co aists of ten hosvy p show FL\Sdlylstp ket. Market and Jefferson,