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Secretary TO " Washington, July 17. baggage of the troops when moving, either by of war bo authorized to commute the HELMBOLD'S latil or water; of clothing, camp ard garrison army raion of coffee and eugar, for the extract REMEDIES. LOUISVILLE JO( The Senate last night atd this morning con- MEDICAL MJSCELLA1NEOU8. Let- equipage, from the depots at Philadelphia and of coffee, combined with milk and tu gar, to ba PRINT CD ami rCUI.ISUKD I.. firmed the following nominations: Leonard lo the procured in the same liko re- ridge Dsputy Postmaster La Cross; A. H. Rob- New York several posts and army depots, manner and under Kf.MllOl.irs (.EM INK PREPARATION. PUENTIt'K, IIKNDKItMlN. *V OSBO L^l Eweninsr Dlipatcb.ee. strictions Commissary of subsist- and subsistence fromt he places of purchase and and guarantees as preserved meats, B1LLADS inson, of Indiana, to be ' OF THE WAR. pickles, butter, Ha5 mi established in Louis- in volunteers; from those depots to the trcops in the field; and desiccated vegetables are pro- ^/'A^^ILr-i» JOURNAL OFFICII BUILDING, fMU STRE1 ence with rack of Captain the "Ho lor the last 15 A Sari" °f Pirtorlal years, and hav- . Lyrics, and frem Ihe p'acsa nf delivery under contract, cured for the navy, if he shall believe it will be •XliC^ ....Masiuficently Wm D. Wilson, of OSio, ditto; Archibild C lla'1 * l»r<" practice in the trott- Illostrati'd from Original Drawings, by rth's march through "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED' IT 1 f V ^ IIKTWK.KN T1KH1) AND FOURTH. conducive to the health and of the armv, 6 f the Best Artists, Edward G. Converse, of to such places as tbe circumstances of the service comfort "' the ^'lowing disoases: . Viris, of Indiana, dittc; ScrqlTT,aula,, , , P, ? and not Laxieer, Pi|o», So re Kye- Published Monthly Forming Arkansas! of to he may require them to be sent; of ordnanc*, ord- more expensive to the Government than COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, ayphilis, Vistula, when complete an Ohio, ditto; C. F. Buckingham, OMo, ILIX'STRATkO PORT 10 aL 1 tbe present 8 lUVKNIR ration, if it s Francis nauce stores, and small arms , from founderies and and hall be acceptable to of every Moke ok the Morgan Raiio. Aprsrt'l.man Brigadior General of volunteer'; Colonel A Positive and Specific Remedy"). event In the present most important Struggle — frontier tbe men. in the history J. Heron, cf Iowa, to be Brigadier General of armories to the arsenals, fortifications, of this Groat Nation. Part II, entitled who uriivtd »t Cincinnati on Wedne.'diy even- Sec. 11. ^ntf be it For Disea.ee of the Reconnoitring Skirmish in Virginia! volunteers; Colonel M irgan L. Smith, of the 8'h posts, and army dopoti; freights, wharfage, tolls, further enacted, That the restriction BLADDER, "SUMTER," ing from L:aiogton informs to Brigadier General of and ferriages; for the purchase and hire of horses, or limitation contained in the provito the Cincinnati Ua- regiosent of Missouri, be tOTTT Now Ready. to the lint resolution, 1 of 31 it mules, oxen, and harness, and lbs purchase and j approved April sixteenth, Tha z.tt* that vtluuteers; Colonel Charles Crof , the KIDNEYS, I had Fisrnla aud was cured by Illu.traMon. in which have on Satnnliy evening, on coming into o.ghteen hundred Dr. Price, wlthont the been aubmltted to and Fight with the Rebel Indians! Indiana regiment, to be Brigadier General of repair of wagons, carts, and drays, and cf ships, and sixty-two. transferring the knlfo or ligatore. In »ereuteen day.. approved by Qen. Anderson. Lexington from the house of a friend in the suporintendanCjF GRAVEL, ghotUPart. (Monthly) Fitz Henry of tbe and other sea-going vessels, aod boats required of the Capitol extensim from JOSEPH TOUCH. a ct , v. luntoers; Colonel Warren, rhe 0'» ihe Whole Work ParUl It paid In $6' War i advanoe country, be found the for the transportation of supplies f r garrison Department to the Department of tbe aod raARnii, on., hs people in a great state of I >wa volunteers, to be a Brigadier General of and Interior, shall not In so construvd applied to I had a negro man with Fistula, and he was eared AIM excitement and busily volaoteers; Fred. Solomon, of Ohio, to be a purpose; ; for drayage and cartage ot the several or as DROPSICAL Dr preparing for an expected The Confiscation Bill Amended! prevent the SWELLINGS Price lu throe weeks. WM. BARD. CA8SELLL9' ILLUSTKiTED Brigadier General of volunteers; Colonel Jacob ports; hire of teams ers; transpartation of fund completion of and the payment for FAMILY BIBLE attack from the guerillas. The citizen were the painting foouxmoA, nu.) Bii jadier General of vol- for the pay and other disbursing deptrtmen's; tbe now in progreS! on the wall over lbs Mm Teata Ammon, of Ohio, lo be I had Hstula for lilt«,u years, with six openings, and «-».- urmincr, public stairway on the JmTlXfSRS&l r and all the saddlta and bridlssthat could unteer.-; Colonel J. W. Sill, of Ohio, to be Briga- expanse of sailing transports oi tbe vari- western side cf the south wing wa. cm od by Dr. Price in three week.. ^ July 16. Wasiiiniioon, agreeably Tide Medicine Increase, the power of Dljeetloii and of ous rivers, the Gulf of Maxicc, and tbe Atlantic to the terms of ihe contract mad. be- exci.es RILEY WILLIAMS. 3XTo-c^7- be fcimd were impressed for military service The following ii tbe bill which has pasrei both dier General of volunteer.-; Henry Coniey, the Tostaraent tween General a healthy will be co, to be Gn-ernor of tbe territory of and Pacific; and for procuring water at such posts M. C. Meigs, on bshalf of tha AB30RBBNT3 I am and happy man, having been cured publl.hed on tbe Surh Jdnx, Late in Houses, which removal the President's cl'j ction New Mex inu.d and wi.l be con- the evening Kev. Dr. Breckinr'dge ar- Government, Into from the horr.d effocU of Onanism. monthly ihere alter . ith t!,e as, from their situation, r quire that it and E. Leu za, Ihe artist, on the . healthy action. A CITIZBN s:un, ramcila.it;r be brought , ^, t *»'u* ,u »"and0 to tbe confiscation oil!: New Mexico. e.cellen e of > ninth By ehirh ths Dr. Price cured illu.tia-ion a. herorof.. „. rived from Danville, whero Morgan had appeared Terre Hafte, Jnly 17. from a distance; and for clearing roads, and re day of Jul/, eighteen hundred and sixty- an agtravated cue of Pil . for a ne Resolved by the Semite and House of Representa- WATBRY OR CAX' :*B*oUS DEPOSITION gro of r.. Ilack numbers of all tho s. man W fiord, of Nelson county. H» was so en- woras always on hand. Haute, moving obs'ructions from reads, harbors and riv- on all sending in a proclamation third clausj The night express east on the Terre And fwbled th t ho in which he demanded tives, f-e.j Tnat the provisions of tbe could scarcely walk. I would not have Uberal Term, to the Trade, Clnln, and Canvaasor.. ers, to the extent which for tbe Approvid, July 1862. UNNATURAL ENLARl.EMKMTS ARE ion cf an act to suppress insur- Alt>n and St. L^u'ts railroad ran off the track a may be required 5, REDUCED given a dollar for bim. He was cured of the tile, in the surrender of the town, and promised to mo- of the hT.h sec As wpII 09 Addreas JOHN ROBHLNsl, Chsilsstou caused by a Calvert actual operations of tbe trocps in tbe field, forty iW week, and restored to health, lie has be. n well I few miles this si le of rection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seiz PAIN AND INFLAMMATION abou ,wo Box S.W New York P O K7 PARE lest none but men In arms. The citizens re million dollars. years. JAMES BARD BOW, N T. and confiscate the properly of rebels, and other being washed away, and tne engineer, fireman, a ap24 d3m Fjstala cured i.i sponded For hire or officers from two to eight week, witho it ns'ng by despatching two hundred inouuted purposes, shall be so construed as Datt lo apply lo man named Hani, ex messenger, and one other commutation it quarters for AUCTION «oaey returned if were badly injured. Mr. Joseph Scheo- on military duty; hire of quarters for troops; of SALE*. *•*•* not Home Guards in pursuit cf the guerillas. They any acts done prior to tho passage thereof, nor to man, A £5S£it%£. storehouses for thesufe-keeping of I warra t tc cure include any membsr of a State legi.-U'.ure, or a ney, of Alton, was killed. He was riding on the military stores; all cases of Onanism. were, however, chased in again. Sur.il ay all » o. moear h. a aisai or rations Oj or engine. of grounds for summer cantonments; for the con* * IT " elway.cnhand. Will be cent judge of State court, who has not in t,c:epting Itu o ds.s-d for cash. the horses strue'ionof temoerarv huts, hospitals, stabler; 8. a. tV CO., in Lexicg'on were impressed, picket; dulies of his rflica, taken an Lfxinoton, July 16. and HBNItf Reridenc* anl entering upon the .flice on Seoond street, east eld«, be- last and fe>r repairing public buildings at establishecL ACCTIONItKRS and throwo cut on every turnpike, and preparation? oath to support the cons'itntion of ihe so called A citizsn of Claik county, acting as picket itOsfMISSlON MKKCnANTS, nELMBOLD'J twecn A glint and Chestnut, No. 13"> Jv8 corner of Maiu and Wall d£w night was killed by another if our pickets. He posts, four million two hundred and thirty-foukWJ street*. I.ouUville, Ky EXTRACT RC-tHTJ mado for Confederate States of America; nor shall any IwCaah advances made on receiving the expected foe. of thousand dollars. goods ceoelgned to uj to For Weakness punisbmont or proceedings under -.id uctba.su did not halt when challenged. A yourg man any amount. Arlslug fiorn Exceaie., Habit, of Dissipation, Early Io. TABE A.1SJ The reported of by the For heating and T'S occupation Midway construed as to work a forfeiture of the real es- this city was mortally wounded by Morgan's cocking stoves, ninety thou- toWVe are at all times readf to attend to saint of disrrftinn or Abn.o sand dollars. 11h*I Katat.', Marehnl's or Uotuttble'e Salne, rebels, and tbe destruction of the btidgo, and the tate of the offender boyond his natural life. pickets on the Georgetown road this morning Houichold ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING EFFERVESCENT FurulU'ie. el<\, na termi r&tlifactory to sellers. JyQO is Garrard, and was shot by an old For maintenance of gunboat fl et proper, two SYMPTOMS: intended destruction of the train on the Louisville Samuel J. Miller, of Iowa, was to-night con- Misname firmed by the Senate as an associate Justice of the friend of his formerly of this city. Afur the million one hundred and six'y th; usand dollars. SELTZER APERIENT. railroad is confirmed. Canncnadiog had been rebel picket ex- F'or maiutenance of steam Supreme Court of the I'nited States. shoo' i ig they ehook hands, the ram*, oue hundred This 7aluable and popular Medicine has Indisposition to Exertion, univemally heard Versiilles, it ard eighty tbousat.d dollars. reci ivnd the from the direction of and wis [Herald's Despatch.] pressing regret. M.SCELl,AiNEOUS. mo#t favorable recomraendnUonj Loo. of Memory. of the MriMnALfRtirra^ioN It is certain that Morgan encamped in For contingencies of the army, five hundred and the Pub- believed that going on , lnre on Tues- now Nerves, a fight was New York, July 17. Weak Lin as the m% Bark, lines on Friday aid on tho succeeding Monday, SESSION. WB Rheumatic Affections, XXXVIIth CONGRESS—FIRST irg the same, five hundred BUMITER DREM UUO09 at a Vt RY UaRQR Flurhine of the Bodv, pickets on the Georgetown turnpike, baing driven thousand dollars. Gravel, Files, but did uot. W.u*€[sejTON, July 16. RKDLCTtON until tho cloae of tlie seaaon. Kmp'lons on the Face. For the medical ant hospital department, inclu- JAMES S. PALLID COUNTENANCE. And all Complaints MASON & t in by tha rebel', fled so precipitately that they [Arm? Correspondence ot the Times. SENATE. where a Gentle and Cooling OO , ding pay of priva'e physicians, re purchase and Maiiu f actar^ by Sl4aam Power did not heed the signal of the inter pickets, end of the Potomac, July 15 Evf.nixo Session — Mr. Chandler made a DOMESTICS. Aperient or Purgative it Required. |un pair of surgical instiuments, purchoie of extra potili.iu of of army speech in which he read from the testimony of particularly were fired on. ti e man and tbrre hordes were The the main bid/ tbe hospital bedding, clothing, ice, pay of citi- New Fork Mills ritiirtiug; 111. adapted to the wants of Travellers male Those (ymptime, if allowed to go on, which this r>o»r Harrison's Lindicg remains uncharged. Assistant Secre arv of War Tucker, that prior to medl Si'a and I^ind, Itrsldi nts in Hot dima'ea, P.tsou. Mason's zens as hospital attendants, the maintenance ot cine Invariably remove., are ..ion followed by of ChallengeBlacking, thui killed. Mr. K.IU left Lexington early yes- lis April were sent il.iwn to Wamsutla dentary Hatt'te, Iuvalbls, and Convalnecente. Yesterday, a rquadron of the 6 h U. S. cavalry 5th of 120,000 men sick IMPOTENO*, Cap. and wounded soldiers, placed in private ._jns ot Vessels and Planters will Mc'.'lttllan. Frarklio's division, And it a valuable terday morning. At Paris, which he passed at went out a mile b6youd tho picket line for the Snbsiquently hospitals; Seiupor Idem » FATUITY, addition To houses or and other necessary comforts " their Medicine Ct.eets. LEATHER PRESERTATIFE, purpose of preventing surprise to a fatigue party 12.000, McCah's division, 10,000, 11,000 from . . _ EPILEPTIC F(T8, Itiis in the form of a Powder, 10 A. M., tha only persons visible were two ne- for the sick and convalescing in the various mili- Lonsdale »' IN _ carefully put up In hot. ONE OF WHICH THE P ITTENT MAY EXPIRE. tics toI keep on duty at a point in tne rear. The enemy's Baltimrre and Fortress Monroe, and Shields's di- ..™ — in>u any.ii, uuu.w,climate, andBiiii merelyiui'ici)- reqniresrH,jiinee waterwitter hospitals, . - . - five -. - a tary millions seven Who can say that they are air, tt It »rt w, » I — i _ .v . — a. . groes and three mounted Home Guardi. About hundr d and not frequoatly f il..-. eJ by poured up u It to produce a delightful Writing Fluids Black vision, 6,000, making 158,000 sent to McClellan English Long-f!lotb; those etferreacent bev- & Writing Inks, pickets were discovered half a mile in advance. five thousand nice hundred and eighty four dollars. erage fifty de- 138 AMD 140 NORTH FRONT feet of the bridge at Riser's have been For upwards of three hours tbe two parties sat prior to tbe engagement before Richmond. '•DIREFUL DISEASES." Numerous testimonial. Irsex 8TKBET, For contingi nt expenses of the acjutant gener- 10-4 super Bleached Sheetiog; -INSANITY pro'esslinal and other stroyed, the adjoining distillery has been q'lietly on their horses watching tbe movements Mr. Chandler continued bis remarks in a similar gentlemen cl the highest standing thron.bout the coun- PHILADELPHIA. and al's department at department headquarters, two M a:sd strain to bis previcui speech against McClellan 10-4 heavy brown try, iuid Irs steadily increasing popularity for a se les of A large stock \st each other, until at length tbe enemy became thousand dollars. of TTAVA VA CIOAR3. roayU barncd the rebels. bridge is being re- CON3CMFTTONr years, strongly guannty its dSm* by The defence of efficacy and valuable char- exceedingly restless and snowed eigis of hostil- and in the Secretary of War. F'or supplies, 10-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting; and transportation, and care of pris- ade , -anmend It to the favorable notice of on In- paired. Daring the past few days, as bsfore no- Mr. Sumner offered a resolution that the Com- ity. The 6th allowed him to advanco a few oners cf war, three million three hundred and Pillow union and Linen; telligent public. mittee on tbe Ccnduct of tbe War have leave to Many are aware of the raute of their sufferlai Manufactured enly by ticed, the excitement has been intense. All citi yards, and then gave 1 im a volley from their car- seventy-three thousand seven hundred and twen- BUT NONE 307 Greco street, between Third and few shots were find in return by the sit during the recess of Congress. Adjourned. .Marseilles and Honeycomb Quilts; WILL CONFESS. Fourth ztns have been enrolled into service, and martial uines. A ty-eight dollars. THE RECORDS TARRANT & CO., which they galloped off to their orig- rebels, after Washington, July 17. For armament of fortifications, one million 10-1, 11-4, & 12 4 Allendale spreads; or rat Wholeaale and Retail Dealer In and Importer of law is rigidly enforced. The m:st determined Ho. Z78 Greenwich »t., corner 'Warren it., inal position. No one was irjured on our SENATE. sixty-t vo thousand five hundred dollars. INSANE ASYLUMS, apirlt is manifested, and the Union men threaten White and colored Spread Dimities; AM' Till NEW YORK. The enemy lost three wounded and one taken The Senate onvened at 9 A. M. Rev. Dr. For the current expensos - - of the ordaance bo MELANCHOLY DIlArilS RV CONSUMPTION AND FOR 3ALB BY DRUGGISTS OBNBRALLY HAVANA prisoner. The main fores of the rebels is not leis Table CIGARS* that for every rr.aa killed by Morgan, five seces- Sunderland, chaplain, returned Jhanks lo the vice, seven hundred Linens aud Napkins. nRoja. AKri.c and thirty-two thousand tix witnbos to tux tbhth o»- tub aeexBTioM mayS d&wly than fifteen mPes from our exterior line. That for co- A full aet*onin<>nt ou hand. sionists shall be hung, and that all property de- Throne of eiraca the Amenein Sinate and hundred dollars. THE CONSTITUTION ON'IK AFPKCTED WITH would locate thein on Trent and Gaines's hills, WAnTIW OR'lANIi: WKAKNU3S ordinate branches of the Government f t the re For ordnance, ordanncs stores, and supplies, & CnUIQBAUQH. VIRGINIA TOBACCO, stroyed or stolen shall be rec impended fivefold. jell jSi.t> Ri'iulres the aid of medium" ts, Ihe former of which is on the west and the latter X-2 ' suits that have this session been accomplisher!; to including horse equipments for all mounted troops, STRENGTHEN A X* X. S 8nufl, Pipe*, Tobacco, Poaches, and the on the oast lid* of Cbickahominy. Ills new the illustrius Congress wero the Americin people seven million three hundred and eighty tZ4\VQ7**X MNKN UEvfSriTCilKI) HANDKKIt AMD every variety of Battle in tmk Indian Counthy — The thousand Smokin? Tobacco. A base of opeiations will lead to our approaching Clll I* F3 at rtuly 15 cent) apioce, cbeapeat and bt»t indebted for some of ths noblest enactments that ddlars. INVIGORATE THE SYSTEM, Louisville A large aMortment of eecr told; wuina tho beat brands of CIOAhB Kki.ki. Indians Defeated — The Springfield Richmond from another quarter than that of Me- ever adorned the Republic. the For msnnfaclure of arms at Ihe national Patent Flnttng-Trotis; HELMBOLD'S aud TOBACCO kept constantly on luoud. cbanicsvill] or Fair Oaks. The chaplain also returned thanks f r the gen- ft irp ice Mi:scurian, of the 12th inst., informs us of an armcry. one million eight hundred thousand UulUe ; EXTRACT BUCHU ap!7 dly 1 MEDICAL readily perceive direc ik. INFIRMMY, The pubic tbe 1*1 eral harmooy that has prevailed, for the firmness do'lirs. VaU Lace Collar" ; INVARIABLY important resulting victory to the battle, in a most likely to be taken by the army. The only Juat rer*,.vf*a at CUAR-.E3 F. RAU('IIFUtfS'3 DOES. with which treason has bean rebuked, and cor- For repairs and improvements Cv»A*ct$4 on th* th* and now ma- IB JAb t>«»ap otVN" S»ore, »» Vou-th at- A TRIAL pUn ot Ri,*pifl «f«# Federal troops, foaght ia tbe Indian country. questi to is, when will activo operations be cona- and for the general wisdom ruption denounced, chinery at the national armory at Springfield, WILL CONVINCE THE M03T SKEPTICAL. W. L. MURPHY The engagement took place between a portion ot naencec? Give us reinforcements and we will and foresight with which the Senators have per- Massachusetts, PL.Nlo aad •veir othr?r dR4crti>tiou of UAT3 one hundred and fifty th;usand Is In atrirt'y .. Wrmro those Lff.tctfid with ant Doaler rt-ned give you Richmond. RsicforcomenU have al- formed their duties. dollars. CAPS', and dTKAVV t;o,}l)3 at fom • . • .',..! the expedition moving down into tbe Indian coun- PoHATUoKK of v ,K ran receive ready arrived, but do not fear repletion, tho moro from the Committee on the & SMITH'S, Mr. Wright, Con- For the purchase of gunpowder lead, prompt treatment wlthont risk or PITTSBURG & HARTFORD rebels. It was and one b3j&b W Main at. CITY try from Kmsis and a body of we have and the sooner tha}* sin us the oet- t xpoeure. viz: men j duct of the War, wished to enter his personal pro- million one hundred thousand dollars. Syphilis, llonorrhoa. Kvansville, Arkansas line, ter it will be for themselves, the country, and against publication portions of the Gents in wiuit of aeuperior ant who may desire to mi- For c.ntinnine the MILITARY HATS, CAPS, aud TRIMMINGS vnnttiriR the unfortunate individual for survey of the Northern Customary Evacuation, UlCPnUed or Scirrham state of body and mind, to the Bi>riag trade, wlilrh are offered at niannfarturvrt' dian capital. here by way of the Potomac and Winchester grate to countries beyoi.d the limits of ths United -an be had Voiy Ijar of either bue'.nttfs or society. The sad effect of tbrse aarly and Northwestern lakes, including Like Superior, the Uterus. Leuoorrboe* or Whites. Sieriltty, and for prices. Tlifwe *ot>d* aro new and don.rabl.% and the at railroad. PBATHU Is SMITH, hftbita, or the axe -s* oi riper years, are to weakon and States. one hundred 'ftK *«i .11 complaint, incideut to tbe .ex, whether arising ton* i on or the citv ,iad country nicrcuautB it birlted, ai and five tnou.-and dollars. IrS u«l„ «t h.*. p.tnrth --l wee, constitution, destroy the physical and rfjT The cost of raising soldiers under ditTerent Various rumors are afloat in regard to tha from Indiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or In the debilitate tho aituxy kinds are olfHred very low to clom cansiKnmeuU For completion o.' Fort t.Tilich, Amelia Island, mental powers, diminish aud oufeehte the natural feel- DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE, 11. M. 1NOALL3, State authorities varies very much. In Michi- movements of tho enemy, aod it is reported that Florida, ezhiuit the vital energies of manhood: the OFFICIAL. one hundred and fifty thousand dollirs. an exMPmwa Above. inKs, and 43H M*ln Htrpetjttyi stairs, their pickets were driven in below Winchester pleasures of life are marred, the object of marriiRe gan, 1,000 men cost $21,000; in Iowa, 1,000 man For secrot service fund, and to 6'aniiciV Tools. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I M tnein Fourth aud Fifth ttieeu. reimburse the itself rendered a terra of nn- last ci'.'bt. In anticipation of danger tha tele- fru»trated, aud existence f^onlsviHp, r OF THE UNITED STATES, contingent fund of the Kv cost $22,. )00; in New York, 1,000 men cost $27,- LAWS armv, five hundred thou- SCYTHfcS, SICKLKfl CRADLES, OKA33 HOOKS ceaiting misery and rsgret. Such nersons, esitecialty i flics been graph has removed over a mile from sand dollars. lUkHfl, Hniitba, Feather DuaU-rs, Axe*. Mat- marriage, shottid lose no time In Passed at the Second Session of the Thirty seventh U0M, those contemi-latlns 835; In Illinois, 1,000 men cost $42,005; Wis- the town near tbe fortifications. toclcv. Fly, Kat, and M mido Trap*, • x H ill- Hull Rings, application, as Dr. n., by his new For payment of bounty to volunteer?, making inwibd'.at* Congress. and to BrAaM Kt itlt a, and Toots oi every d"t*criptlon wholeaale insure a speedy and permanent There The friend i cf the South here and at Martinr- treatment, is onahlod to W. H. CRUTCHER, consin, 1,000 men cost nearly «100,000. the wi lows and legal heirs of snch as may die or and '« by A. McHRIOK. bnrg are acting as if they had beard good news, must have been a "heap of plunder" in the latter LPurlic—No. 100*. be killed in Ihe service of ths United S ates, Jell) J&b No »1 Third at Prntirnts living at a dlsi'auee can be aired at homo by and express their confider.es that the rebels will | their disease and enclosing a General Agent and ft description of Commission authorized by tha firth and sixth sections of an sending State. make a raid into the valley as far AN ACT making appropriations for tbe support of TAKE NO MORE BALSAM, a Winchester act entitled act stamp. "An to aothorizs the employ- MERCURY, address. before days. the f. r the year ending tbe thirtieth of Mi'dictnc* tent to any Merchant, many army ment of Illinois Game Law.— By the laws of Illinois, volunteers to aid in enfo cing the laws tll.IL OIL, IIOMMUUil iTsr-!, jjficp Ill ,]erTi*rvv>n streot, between iHl and There seems to be a general impression here June, eighteen hundrid and sixty-three, and No. and protecting puMic property,'' UNPLEASANT MEDICINE Second. Oir.ce open from 7 A. M to 4 P. to. NO. 643 MAIN ST., LOUI3VILLK, KT.. the killing, ensnaring, or trapping of any doer, approved July that Winchester will bo the scene of a fierce additional appropriations for the year ending IjOUISVIIjIjB FOR UNPLEASANT mart dtf L HALIj. M D. twenty second, eighteen hundrod and sixtj-one, Ann fawn, wild tnrkey, grouse, prairie hen or chick- battle before a woek. thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred aid sixty- IVTILL (rtT« his attention to tha tale and rnrchaia of twenty millions of dollars, oi so uiuch thereof as COAL AND CAUBO.V OIL WORKS. DANQEROU3 DISEA8K3 all Wnds of I't'.t.l i It is rumored that Jackson, with % In love affain she never fails. Shefthows yon the two hundred and eighty-three thousand four hun- and that the melancnoly bo rur*»d liy i*ntbi.; 's V»A.i'.ig casualties troops. , may the KBW few to our that "all moneys, not exceeding two-thirls of hkt-n. M of yoyr f*mn hiubaud or vile. 8hn cnidcs ijjj- The military authorities of Massachusetts dred and fourteen d illars. With all o'her hucavtM oi" the seaaon, eerved up at our "POISON" AND LONDON TRBATMENT. the - siuglo tn ; July 1th —Col. Hovey, of tbe 33d HI., with the balance on hand, of the :.". a ti \, mairiaen. Ilvraidand t n hospital fund and of ReotAitrant in superior at yip. has We huvo ! .'.: ].- mnob of oar time Lr.-. ! I.. ., - . For payments to discharged soldiers for cluth- . innumerable instances, inform the people cf every town in the State just four companies of his • _ and the parts cf regiment, four com the post fund of each military station, after de- jM b&j C. a RUFER & CO BY THE USB OF la VISITING TliK BUROPI5AN faOBPiTAT,S, ing cot drawn, one hundred and fifty thousand \- result has BllnMljsjBjj tbe means of seciuiog a spoady paoies of the 11th Missouri, and a battalion of ducting the 'POWERFUL ASTRINGENTS," availing ourselves of tbe knowledge and i - :. how many men they must raise to make up tho necasary expenses,'' shall and m*trnag« 3h« i*> therefore a sure depon.1 dollars. bo set been of the most skilled Physiduins and iiorfoens in hapff Indiana Cavalry, routed two Tex is regimen's at a apart for Ihe enco support of the military asylum, bo DRIED UP KtiropH and on the Contlnejir mcb min as ClVlAl.rt, State's quote of troops under the new call. The For payments in lieu of clothing for officer, — It it well kaewn to tho public at lar?A that she was point bitween Cotton Plant and Bayou Cachs, and tbe same is hereby rcpsaled. Dayton Ale and Porter IN THE SYSTEM D90DUL BIOOED, BBH'.:iiBTKAU, ACTON, and apportionment, for each town, varies from five to servants, seventy-one thousand six hundred and the first and hhf. ie now tho only Mnon in this counti> with the less to them of 110 killed. Our loss was Soc. 3. And be it further enacted, TO bRE.lK OUT PM CURLINGS, cf the French anfl tSnsllsh hos>ital«. Oar thirty dollars. That I ho en- all <|iaautitiee ooraetaatiy on hand at FuBM, who can thow Uie likt.-u** in n-atity, and who can giv*. 4 killed and 17 wi ended. suffered from IN AN AGGRAVATED txir extended through Frauoe. Italy, OorniflJiy, Hoi- twenty-seven hundred. We much listed men of the Ordnance Department a". C. RUFF.R * CO.'g. CQtire uiisfactiou ou all the concerns of life, wtiich can For pay of volunteers undar acts of twenty- now AND land, England, Iietaod, ik-oUaid, and Wales, vUuug thirst, there being no springs,, 113 bAi Sola be attested and irroved by thousands, both niarrled and but rations were designated as master -workmen shall hereafter be Aunts PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. inonrrooto theprluelpsl hc»i»lUui in Pari*, Londoit, second and twenty- fifth of July, eigbteeu hun- single, a ho dully and eagerly vi«it hev. To all in Lust the is '*<• 0" The residence of Mr. P. Higdon, Postmaster plenty, and army in good health and designated and mustered as sergeantf; itorue, Venice, Vienna, Dresden. : i'. Ate. Wc drad and sixty-one, two those now ueu her advice Is ii. valuable She can forotel, with th^j spirits. sick hundred and twenty-six have U«i amply repaid by the additional ki»owl- at Cropper's depot, in Shelby county, de- The aod wounded were brought designated as armorers, carriage-makers, creat«r oar c-ro wilL That the President shall not be authorized to frenttiat Astr^lojHdt of tl;e nlnet'cnth contory. Soma Shelby News says it was nrq lestionat ly the urged into hostilities ap- whether male or female, have the full beoofil and by the following procla- be designated and mustered as now idles iopnci-R; In fact a iin«le vltit will satisfy the most Ark , shall be deri^nated and mustered as privates thepabiic rest assurr?d of t.ie vucie lekl, a*«idult/, was instigited by traitors. acts and parts of arts authorizing a greater num- of i OR ALL AFFECTIONS m&y faatldionr of her ro.-pectabillty, morr.l latitude, andci To the People of A riansas the AVE r^ope i.rtl f..y RESTAURANT at the corner paid to tfaelr second clars: Provided, That the pav, rations, In AND DllsEABKS OF THB BBCRKOY, and uttwiticu being HM^ the purity of her profeesioi and pramce. inter ber of mej and brigadier generals than are Third and .1 < tTerson atroeta, p.ad refitted It in all itf All General Curtis is attempting to 7rb).;h ha« i-- sutcbiff iily dutluguuhtd '.J hr.retofore as The Yankee arid clothing now authorized by law to the (iepartmenta with el&eance and comfort. All th* dell- URIaARY ORGANS, views are itrictly private and couudoutial- theraioru cfrTAt a meeting of the citizens of Cincinnati above provided for are hereby repealed. re- aFbyilcvn In cor PECVLIAB departniMt ofprofr.*- escape; his position is untenable; he is appalled by wtetber exUliog in coran. one—come. all. spective grades of enlisted oiduance men shall not mmm of the seasou will be served to order. There will ctim at the Merchants' Exchange, on Wedr.eiday, 11 For sulosi8ter.es in kind for regulars and volun- MALE OR FEMAT E, p law Prices reduced to inlt the tide*. LadUs o&e d..t the dangers that surround him; in his terror he be changed. be a iaodlc-nes with ftiltdlrec'JoiLi teal toaar pirtoi »h6 teer', seventy eight millio.is three hundred and from wnatever cause o. fginatiug, a->d no matter oi lar: /entleuten twodollarr!. was resolved that a volunteer force of one thou- resorts to the daeparate expedient of moving to Unliryl Btatoi at t'&nadas, by patients comaiunicatiuf Sec 4. And be it further enacted, That in all oommoDious x*a~xw saloon, HOW LO.NO rlT.NDING. §Bf~TAiA6ii±n given to tha iohtvr*. *o as to protwt eighty-six thousand six hundred and forty dollars their l^Uor. ?5nelue«s ooiTeapoodai-.n' along White River, trusting for Diseases of these organ* rpqulre the aid of a DIURE I'll", symtoms by i>i battle for nothing. sand men be immediately organized to protect the South sup- cases whore recruiting officers have in Entirely aepirated from the Gentlemen's Restaurant, them and eighty one esnts. good faith ItCCIt" strictly conudf lisX plies from tbe Mississippi by DOfttf; the supplies paid the and where HELMBOLD'J EXTRACT P. 8.—Madame Snell will tr>U ttte names and axas Ol two dollars for bringi>g ctitl t icaItJ as ^tabUahed: aad« the city from tnmult and disorder. For the regular supp'ies sccip^ed re- IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, »*r~Dr. L 'i Office u all vbdtors, and will also cant their Horoscope auj, cannot ascend White River. have already of the quartermaster's We cruits to the rend. /: .'ous, before ICR CMBJiMS, sttRltBKT*,tf FHVtTSi > the name cf OK LA CBOIX. !..-i.i their nativity, department, consisting of fuel for ths receiving notico AND IS CERT IN also tell the place where th«?y wili blown one of hi iron clad boats, crippled officers, en- tmTTo insni s wf*^y to ait tetters simply addreas up an- of the repoal cf the regulation will he realy nt all hour". location on the tirai TO HAVE THE be most fortuuate. Every person who cannot get aloi.** valuation of properly in York listed men, and guard, hospi'als, storehouses, allowing thesime, The INSTITUTE," other, and csn bold the river against his fleet. Ihe acc unts of such officers Booc rendem it very convenient. DKS1RBD EFFECT bad ihould in posMVzio.* cncesoffices ofor foragerorage in shall be alloael in 9i No 31 MaU'.en Lane, Albany, N. Y. which taxes are year, is, kindKina forior thetne horses,n .rses, mules,mir.es, anaand The t>iii of will comprise the very txvt ar- IN ALL DISEASES Mvtf of her Horoscope and get b.c writ 'on cpiuion of bis fu upon to be collected this Tho queslion now is, shall his army r.-ach the lettlement by the Treasury Department. fare always 0 f the u ' r,« rmi3ter department ticle* in the prepared experienced FOR WHICH ture prospect tn life. it; *"" 1 » at the market, aud be by on nurnbres, fleet below. Yon can prevent the power is ia Sec. ylricf 1 in round $572,000,000; Inst year, $581,- ' V ? 5. be it further enacted, That there cook. IT Is RE' OMMI'NDE («y~Mrtdame Suoll le the only one that oan m?.ke Dh I poate i NOTICE. - your hand the plan is not a secret. ' EVIDENCE OF THE HOST HKSPONSIELK HUFFLAND'S LIFE ESSENCE pure, which can onU shall be adoed to the clerical : i. De*erts, 1c- Cream, Ac, wilt bn sent to private 600,000. Taxes this year, $9,878,601; last year, field; fires or tho Surgeon from company L 1ft rrgiment Kentucky tha for the horses of the several regiments aNu REHAHLH CUARaOTER DK8KRTFD be had at her orhca, 5u*J Kigbth street Bho can alto 1 proclaim to vou all if it is not cirried familie.' if deslmd, t .unity parties supplied at any out the General's office one clerk of el iss one and Cavalry, U. S. A., ttamoel D. Dick, Andrew of cavalry, batteries of artillery, and such com- and one cleik hour. wl'I accompany the inedlcino.. Qud out through her secret all clrcumstanocc of sick, $10,627,732. responsibility will rest on you. Tako your gnn je5j&btf Fulcher, Je^ee rMward*, Richard Faulkner, and Marl >n of class twr; and there shall be added to the cleri- — — CERTIFICATES OF CURES nuie and tell what will euro, as there are roots growing panies of iufantry as may be muuntod, and for the m Holt, having ti )ro»s lu Pulaski co-.intr, Ky. I he ia band aod ammunition, evory man of you, and cal force ot the FROM 8 TO YEARS' STANDING, all for every discnse la the world. Paymaster General's W - POSTMASTFU FOB JhFFERSONTOWN, Kv —We authorized number of officers' bs rsos serv- office twen- u n\\ reward will be paid for tbelr appreheneion and i mount your horses or go a foot. Do not wait when Wirn NAMES KNOWN TO 9fur~Itomtimbor the plarie, (09 Eighih street. 1000:13 an ty clerks of class two and twenty c'.crks of livery to military authority. to the citizens Jeffer- ing in the field, and at the outposts, including cla s SCIENCE AND FAME door above Grayson street. are requested to announce of hour upon your neighbors. This is no timo for one; N. OWENS, and there shall bo added to tho clerical 0«t W 8 to bedding for the animals; of straw for so'.disr.' and Cavalry. Offlue hours fi-om A. M 6 P : H. eontown that if they will recommend a loyal per- holding meetings. Move towards the enemy by other force of the Arjatant J30 dim O. L 'St Rpg Kv. Genrral's effi:e f ior S. 3'tell intends to vlfit Europe la tiro Join bedding, and of stationery, including blank books P. —Madame the shortest road. the first company you clerks of class two, six clerks hot son for Postmaster of their town, tho P. O. Di- for the quartermaster's department, certificates of class one, ar.d ten months, therefore all who wish to consult her bad overtake upon the road; press upon the invaders other clerks at a monthly compensation SOFT SHELL CBABS tor come At once Of tue/ may «o the aid of her vahu pirtment will eppoint him. for discharged soldiers, blank f rms for tbe pay of sixty $150 bleadvioa. ilinlv from every directior; attack him day and night; dollars each; and the Adjutant $150 BEST PI1X0S. and quartermaster's dspartmeut; and for tbe General may de- kill his scouts aod picket'; kill his pilots First of the Season. and tail ten more non-commissioned '' removed to ttn-lr ' GROVK3TKF.N BLAI.B, baring feT The saw-mill of Judge h'd*ards, at Choco- printing of division and department orders and officers of the •rli (HCUNB" PLEASE NOTICE A troo'S on transport?; cut off his wagon trains; lie array as clerks in his AT new warerooms. reports, thirty-six million nine hundred and ciHcev; and the sum of fifty- lay, three or four miles from Marquette, Lake in ambush and surprise his detachment*; shoot one thousand two hnndred OTTER CREEK MILLS twelve thousa d d .liars. dollars ia hereby ap- " No, 473 BROADWA7, entirely destroy! d fire his wounded ofjicsrs; destroy evory pound of meat propriated W8 m sm "NO SECRET" OF INGREDIENTS Superior, wa3 by on tte out of any money in tho Treasury not Walker's Exchange. magniricent new For tbe incidental expenses of the quartermas- HEl.MBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUl'HO aa'*3 now prepared to offer tho public a and , every ear of corn and stcck of fodder, otherwise appropriated to pay 196 5:h inst., together with a large quantity of lum- ter's department, consisting of postage on letters ths adaries of tbe Sole AoirsTa mg is composed of Bncbn, Cubeb., ant Juniper Berries, id scale full oats and wheal that can fail into his fell hand ; clerks hereby authorized. letted with great care by a competent dru^gi.t. ber. The loss is about $10,000, with to insurai c. ai.d packets received and &ent by officers of the trees thickly or io rafts on all the roads before Sic 6. And be it army on public servici; of farther enacted, Thai ssction D, Harries Celebrated Slock Ale 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO hi t expensos courts-mar- burn every bridge arid block up tbe ford-*; five of the act "to autborizs the tial and courts of inquiry, includiog the additional employment of PREPARED IN VACUO all Improvement, known In thi. r.onntry or Rj-'fho Third Ward Home Guard Company bang npon his front, flanks, and rear, and make JOHN CAWF.IN 4 CO.. containing volunteers to aid in enforcing the laws 11 T. -.'rung OAs., Frenrh grand action, harp ' HE DM BOLD. over c impensation of judge advocates, recorders, and pro- 113 An Third it.. ;i Main ar.d Market. BY Europe, Anti-Humbug Family Fiour. the of riflss and shot mem- J will meet at the Floyd Streot Market Home on rirg your guns the accom- tecting pablic property," Practical and Analytical Chemist aud twlc Maaafecuroi lull irsn fiamo, for bers, and witnesses, while on that service, under approved Joly twentv- pedal, paniment of every foot of his retreat. Let every second, eighteen hundred ot Friday night at 8 o'clock to complete thiir organ- the act of Match sixtenn'h, eighteen hundred and and sixty-one, and sec- HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. $130 O ZivfcSIi. feel ar.d know that this appeal is man addressed tion five of the act "to increase COAL! ( 'HAL! tbe present mili- ization. full attendance is earnestly urged. two; extra pay to soldiers employed, under tbe t'OB SALE ONLY by A to him erpociaily, and that it is tho appeal of a tary establishment " for .1 Y*ars. direction of tbe quartermaster's cf tho United Sta'o* ap- FXTTSBTTBa, WaiTaHtcil r H. PERQUSON 4 8'o«, bleeding country to her sons for deliverance. department, in Our proved July twenty-nine, OBOBARO, mold'n. case., 1v4 Fifth sirs*!, ons- door north nf Marital. Gil 1 the erection of barracks, quarters, storehouses, eighteon hundred aid PBAOH Rich We regret to learn that Col. Samuel , (gT armv in tho field will do its part— will vou do sixty-one, shall be and hospital'; in the construction of roads and on so construed as to allow twen- BABTFORO CITY $173 to $aoo, the efficient general superintendent of the Louis- your ? T. C. JJINDMAX, ty- fivo dollars of tho other constant labor, for period! of lost bounty of one hundred dol- CINCINNATI Major General. not than all warranted made of the host s.oasoop.1 material, and ville and Frankfort and Frankfort and Lexington lars therein provided to be paid CO A Y A COAL! ten days, under the acts of Msrch second, immediately after to s'and better than any Mid lor *4"o or *.oi)0 by lbs old enlistment to best to Sl'GAK ANU NEW MOLASSES— is illness Cairo, Jnly 15. every soldier of the regular Of tbe beet aualii)- and at tha lowest price., for .ale b'. AFFIDAVIT. method, of manufacture. We iuvtte tho Judges NEW railroad, confined by in Lexirg on. eighteen hundred and nineteen, and August and vol- 2' u hhds fair to choice N. O. Sugar; Passengers by a boat from Memphis report that unteer forces hereafter enlisted examine and try th-se new Instruments, and we n*M fourth, eighteen hundred and tifcy-four, including during the ccn- CRITTKNllKN * HANTT, 176 bbla choice new N I ». HolUM ready at all time, to tsst them with any other, manii- Gen. Price on Tuesday night moved a battery of tinuar.ee of the existing war, West aide of Third .tract, Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the Tor ?ale by R. M. BISHOP « CO rgT A ycung man named Charles Black, from those employed as clerkjat division and depart- and tbe sum of t,-»w~— Vf.l- V.-V-' lacturt-d lu this country. t n,,r lAh -n^ city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, who, being dim Main ftreet artillery and forty foraging wagons errors the ment seven millions five hundred thousand dollars Jylo M Taylorsville, charged with recruiting for the rebel headquarter; expenses of expresses to and is duly swo-*n, doth say, his preparations contain no nar- Mississippi, at Cypress bayou, near Nipoleon. hereby appropriated for such (.ROVESTEEN & HALE, fron the frontier posts and armies in the field; of payment. cotic, no mercury or other lnjurlons drugs, but are pure- ^OFFEE- Dillard army, was arrested by Capt. and lodged battery was marked Hindman, Little Ro?k. Sec. 7. And bs it further enacted, vegetable x> i>ii bags go^i to cholae Kio Coffee; The escorts to paymasters aid other disbursing ifli- That all Ihe ly H. T. HELMBOLD. 478 Broadway, N. Y. prison yestorday morning. battery crossed on Sunday evening, anJ uidas de camp appointed PFINGST & BROTHER, Sworn and subscribed before me, this USd day of No- 16-1 ** cioice Gre- n i.sguyr.-i C««li e in the military Arother cers and to trains where military e c.irts cannot by authority if the act ma? 37 d3m vember, 1864. WM P. H1BBERD, Alderman, k ba * extra old Golden itio Coffee; (quads of men from Panola, Mb*., were crossing be furnished; approved fifth August, eighteen hunirtd expensos of the interment of officers and Ninth street, above Race, Philadelphia. Holders of Claims ag-ainst the War luu pockets Java CottVi ffjT- A despatch from Washington says that oar in tbe same direction, appar,ntly with a view of sixiy-ope, entitled "An act To All tor sale It. M. B18HOP killed in action, or who die when on duty in the supplementary to an by & CO , Dcpartmeat. 3-i force in Arkansas, perhaps to act entitled an act J ylO dim Main street troops are in possession of Culpapper Court House, concentrating a field, or at posts on the frontiers, or at other posts to increase itio present milita- establishment nndersigned, appointed by tho President to In- cpsraie agtinst Gen. Curtis. and places whon oidsred by the Secretary ry of the United States," approved TUB AND TOBACCO—We have a very choice so which is a further advarco into Central Virginia of War, vestigate a ,d determine all tlalnis against ihe War TEAS July twenty-nine, lection of P. *xtra tine; alw a very Sphinofikld, Mo., July 12. and of non-commissioned ofHcers and soldiers; eighteen hundred and sixty- accruing at Ualro pilot lo April 1. IMS, G. Tea—some Nurth side Tooth and Eleventh sta,, Department than ever before made from this quarter. one, shell hi Market, between la sewlon in Cairo lor fine assortment of Miuouri and Vlrt'inU Tobacco Judge Price, rf Mt. Vernon, has arrived here, authorizsd effloe furniture; hire of laborers in nominated to the Senate for its ad- hereby give notice th.t they are All f*r sale by « M. BI8UOP A CO . vice and cons.- nt. the purpose of hearing all mrli rlalmanre, who are re- and brings intelligence that the expedition or a tho quartormrster's department, including SrtMulu t-treeT tho tli'Jir rliims, wirh tae ,-vid.nre by Jylo dim 1 nomi oatcd for uuir.d to present i;-,T Schujler Hamilton ai been Sec. 8 ylnef be it further portion of it, which is moving from Kansas into hire of interpreters, spies, and guides for the enacted, That the Corner Sovonth and Broadway streets. which they are sustained, at the olhce of tho Comml.- President of tho United PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE FROM 8 A. M. TO ACKEHF.l.-We ban l,fl 0 pokga, bbla, half bMs, Major- General, acd J. H. Ward, of Now York, the Indian natior, encountered a body of rebels army; compensation of cleiksofthe officers of State be and he hereby is *.°o, 11, the Haul. Hffw '^»[>^ L l .niarters, and kltts of choice inoi. 1, 2. and 3 Mavk- authorized, by and with the We have on Ihe 1st of -Tnty opened a rev Dm <* Fstnb- '^'^^ for Brigadier General cf Volunteers. at Kvansville, near tho Aikansaa line, some 20 the quartermaster's department; compensation of consent of ihe Sen- PRICE SI PER BOTTLpl, OR SIX FOR $5. en-1, all new aud la beautiful order ate, to appoint as li-hu<*>iit cn tbe corner of Seventh and Broadway .which STEPHEN T. LOGAN, miles east of Tahlrquah, few forage and many military Delivered to any address securely packed from any For sale low by BISHOP & CO , a days since, com- wagon masters, authorized by the act etcr.kecpers in will be k*»pt comp ete in all it* various brinrht'o. The C. A. DANA, KM observation. , lu street the Quartermaster's department j dim 3d Ma n rfjT"There w..s a mnor in Maysville on Tues- pletely routing them and taking James K. Clark- of July fifth, eighteeu hundred and thirty-eight; of the army as patronage of the pnbitc la reupectfJlly solicited for both (rainmiselooer.. AddreM letters for information j ton, the exigencies of the aervico ee?tabilthmenta. ji 3 d'm TmOMaS MI'.an . 8o'.lcilor. formerly notorious in Kaosa*, pri-co r, and I r the apprehension i f deserters, and ths expenses may require; pro- H. T. HELMBOLD. Chemist, day that Humphrey Marshall was sporoaching Jane 30, \ou. shall sett ary district, We who erodtoavor to d spose "OF THEIR OWN" and For purchasing, for ca<*h only. AH who favor as with consignment* I'll AM W. It ..KF.lt, SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, I he first cistrict embraces thecouulies of I'.icine, tions e-f an arniy not expressly assigned to any construe ion, and maintenaicj con ON THB REPUTATION AT NO. 3 BOUTII rely upon prompt returns. "OTHeT" ARTICLES o'l itri'Uinnn al.. NCOV York. The Trck Monarch at the Si-.'.tii The Jefferson, department, twenty million of steam rams, four hundred rviNHF) BY TUN'S. Reck, other eight • NASBVII.I.K, — Kenosha, Waukesha, Walworth, hundred thousand dollars. 1 - -1k. 1 d3oi Oofifijtn ii and orders solicited. HlyV-MBOLD'S OKNUINB PREPARATIONS. Haboneb r.RE^N'.Kar. ly. real — Milwaukee Oziukee, and thirty-six thousand eeven hundred and fifty For pay or private pbyeieiens, purchase and re- Liberal ca*h advances node ov rone monarch of New Orleans and Greene. Second ' gum* nt*. just now hs corn. HELMBOLD'S GI?NCINK EXTRACT BUCHU. tVNeir Oools rrrcelvaa cv.IT day. Irmtom Sheboygan, Dodge, and Jefferson. de.l'ars. pair rf surgical instruments, purchaso extra D. O. UKADV *. CO., Seine Twine, Trot-Isinos, sVc. The people are paying twenty-five Washington, of IIM1.M. OLD'.-* GENUINE EXtRACf SAR3APAR1L- cents for a hospital bedding, JF7 N*. 22ti Main *t. Third—Dane, Columbia, Sauk, Marquotle, Wa- For the purchase of cavalry ar.d ariiilery clothing, ice, and other necessa LA, 8r (\ LR8 Seine Twin" of different sixss. loaf of ROSE ibi Trot-Lines: very indifferent bread, and very scarco at Lafayotto. Fourth— Fon du horses, five million four hunirel thousand ry comforts f ,r tha sick and in the HELMBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED WASn .'>U 3SO Boilers for Sale. shara. Iowa, and dol- convalescing HADDOCK* X2DED, fit CO., Eoeines and various military '200 lbs Staging: that. The Picayune says: Lac, Calumet, Mani'oowoc, Kewau- lars. hospitals, one hundred • ENGINES AND noiLFRS Winnebago, and twen- Nos 43S and 440 Market street, 1,000 lbs Cotton Wrapping Twine- I 0»SB FOR S LE TDK ty-five thousand dollars. .faro 9. Wosds and .Tauies JahafOD as While the country, nay, whole nee, Door, Brown. Oatagamie, Oconto, Waupe- For mileage, or the altowanco mada to < fficers SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Just racsjved and for sale by 1 ul tbe steamers tho world, Pll;I,AUKLl>iIlA, at the Nashville wharf Tton> are rive Wexd, and Mara'hon. of the for For compensation of chaplains ORRIN KAWSON, th»y now He abounds fl neta, Shawana, Portage, army the transportation of themselves of hospitals, Boiltrs. Iti with jur, this hitherto great depot of INFORM their friends that they continue to keep a Hollers, »l feet long, 40 lnche»; aod lour from the date Off the 111 drf a' Main it , between Third and Foartb Fifth Crawford, Richland, Vernon, Ju atd their baggage, travelling on commencement ser- Cuniherlanl ani 1 rii- that article i) entirely bare of this eesantial of —Grant, when duty of their 1 very full and complete otock of HOOTS and f.-et Ions, 40 inches, all noado if vice to the thirtieth quality. fnirine. Crosse, and the counties to the without troops, escorts, supplies, of Juno, *«iloKS of every variety of style and uuality, Mill hoilrr 1 o.i of the best The life, or, if there is any here at all, II is entiiely neau, Adams, La or one million eighteen hundred and nessee and sixty-two, twelve Invite the attention of t-ieir old ciutomer* and ASK.FORHBLMi.OLD S. OLD ANP YOUNG HOUHBOW. two »3 inch cyiiodi-rs, mieet si soke, and two -04-iach monopolized uy the north not already mentioned. two hund/cd andr.iaety one thousand six hundred thousand dollars. mer- TAKE NO OTHER. are United States soldiers and by chant* generally, which they offer upon tne be.; vtlmi received from Bourbon county fiu bbl* or cyliudora. 9 feet stroke, with shafts, flails s. tt.'. dollars. F.r tho contingen' expanses of Wnu, fS-*f-'-o> one or two bikers, who have for sale a few for Washington, Jul^r 17. the Paymaster and solicit a call of buyers or orders. finest 7-year-old Whisky ever sold in th»» offer for sale the I0OOKS, WINDOWS, and, jo9 dttin* aVd' EXPOSURE. B CTIBM I al»o General s office for the diftilled i bidding-looking loave°, approve.1 the confiscation Fir trin portation cf the army, including the year endirg thirtieth of ^ANlJ ftSgflaSfftiSS t^itjrl market; also bbU pure copjw^r BLIND j of said steamboats, au.l a Urae lot of IK IM, at fabulous prices. A The President has DESCRIBE SiMPTOMS by Mo« ard V few June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, one thou- \10LAS9E3- Itourbon Whisky, ma le last winter suitable for steamboats or other imrposrs, such as Ucf- «V citizens have a little flour remaining of ac and tho act supplemental thereto. The ' , 1»I 20 bhle MoUeref: IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS J B* ()N 9 * and Stores "Not having epace te-stsy for the next act in numeri- sand dollars. aadTalbott. Forsaleby . ,? Chains, ChimDeyos the large stores laid approved of various others cf Whisky Depot, V. up by them some time ago, President has also cal order, we take occiuion to ioecrt tbe above, oa ac- 10 Xdo do: C;URB3 GUARANTEED 1 Bourbon H. T. YEATMA Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, ADVICE GRATIS I Seventh and Eighth but even this Ls in danger of soaring. a public and private characier. couDt of Its graoral Interest. That the In .tore and for sale by Jy9 733 Mala it., between !SS dim No. S- Market st., NastviUo. )7l« MARSHALL HALRZRT A CO. •prt todlifpieowlF — ' d , ! I ! ' , : ,

clothing: We pub- kciwhbk AUGUST ELECTION JOURNAL Protection from Guerillas.— FOR SALE, m u m Kit clothing: J. L DANFORTH, LOUISVILLE REDUCED PRICKS! Eighth District. lish elsewhere ia cur columns this morning E8T QUALITY OF PITTSBURG COAL AT THE Tot Circuit Judge— Green itreet, between Third and Fourth. _ lowest market price. Also BEECH BOTTOM REDUCED PRICE81 are authorized to announce CEO. C. DR&NE, recent panic in Shelbyville at much lower latee by opprslte eneral Insurance Agent, WK candidate for the Judgeship in thj the history of the COAL ARMSTRONG, on Main, the National. Es»1 , ae a J. N. KELLOGG, Agent, JM the prices of his Summer Clothing. Eighth District, subject to the decision of the L'nl.n rBINTED AND PCTBL1&QBD uv News. • has reduced following Companies: and its vicinity as detailed by the Shelby sept»l dlstf Near the corner of Third and Main. Such as- Represents the Execu'ive Committee, or of the Union men of the Dis- Ills stock Is lull and complete. military die trict in whatever form. Ifls PRENTICE, HENDERSON, & OSBOBNE. From this account it would appear that the Elegant Drap d'Kts Colts and Pants; INSURANCE CO., of New York. B Cassimere Suits; HOME mm lisbt Capital and Surplus »l,Wl,WOl. Por Judge of the City Court. excitement in that locality proceeded " Marseilles and Linen Suits; ciodidate for re-elect'on great ROBERT MAITLAND CO., IRS. CO. of New York. W JOHNSTON is a L & " Wbtte Irish Linen Suits; METROPOLITAN t*FO theClty Comt of Louisville. jy3 dte' SADDLERY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION BY MAIL. organization and I as Judge of from an inefficient military si Alpaca Coats, Pants, and Vests; *8 ' Dally, p«r year I " General CommissionMerchants Line l and -assimere Dusters; INS. CO., of I»IaB»achrnett«. of the City Court. • controlling military head. There SPRINGFIELD Tor marshal " » mon.ta - the w ant of a Clothing, all fixe;. rurplus J Boys' Capital and MIsVMK is a candidate for re-election as Mar- Country Daily, hull .beet, per ye ar » Bankers, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties. Ac HYDK3 £ numbers of Home Guards in differ- and Also Summ-r Uxderwear, WK Court of Louisville. n r, die' " •» are large CO., of . slial of the City AND » » month Massachusetts. HARNESS, TRUNKS, out to make room for fal MASSAS0IT INS. 6 and 63 Beaver itreet and '40 Exchange Place, All of which will be rlosad Til-Weekly, per year 63 Capita' and Surplus *.8Ml». f of that and the adjoining counties; stock at greatly reduced District. » " month . ™ ent parts Bonner L. Mam-AWD,) NEW YORK. P*«»/™ Pifth Judicial BM8TRONOi WASHINGTON INS. CO., for the a" dotwlsly* PROVIDENCE is the Union candidaie pOMM Weekly, per year. should immediately mastered into Wilmsm Wright, t Main <*.. oi-p^eltfl tho National. NOBLE . IfC these be jytg of Rhode Island. LH. lor the .-.th Judicial ^•«K£K^ . Commonwealth's Attorney ^ Capital aud Surplui $36!>,61o. lor, discontinued »t the counties of Green, Tj.y All subscription, cut of the city the State militia, formed into battalions, District, composed of the ere paid. RESTAUKANT, Merc»r, aid Anderson. expiration of ihe time for which they ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, ST.CHARI.BS CHARTER OAK INS. CO., of Hartford, Ct. M. lion. Nelson, Washiugton, and properly officered under the provisions Main and Market. Capital aud Surplus $. SKIWO. 24 die TBKM8 OF ADVERTISING Wrought, Cast, and Wire. Fifth street, between J PlfcKS, BALCO- INS. CO.. Counfy. Lint»_ Agate or lees, last IRON RAILINGS, GATEWAYS, NB.W ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Por Sorveyor of Jefftnon One Square, Ten of the act of spring, to which we have re- IJjTK.-iET NIES, VERANDA AND FA KM FENCES. TRICE of Boston. are authorixed to announce BEN. M. OUaKDS. MANGERS, and WIN- *i,lBn,ooo. WE of Jefferson #uu t>- at and ' Ut or 4th jw. peatedly referred. Trie bravest men, with the GUARDS, STALL Assets as a candidate for Surviycr 217 Third street, between Main Market, Louisville, Ky., id or 3d pane. BedBteads, 1 month, ijjti 00 GUARDS. IRON FURNITURE — election. Jl^^s'te insertion, 76 1 nijnth, 8' DO DOW IN NEWCOMH'B HU1LDING, the ensuing ... SO 9 00 and Cribs; also Mattresses, all kinds. Wire OFFICE sunreyed Jefferson county 3 months, 13 t of Young Pralri-i gnst trol of some individual of energy and courage. No 3611 Canal street, near Broadway, New York, U3T M | f fiue toft oo Grouse ( at and .inter), and som? Shell NOTICD. half the above rate*. 0»n"-l Agents for "New York Wire- Railing Co." for Circuit court Clerk. B«ch addiU^.l square one which can furnish (allvs and kicking), at the meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the notices, There is no part of the Si ite m&ysl dsn Crabs a cllled P. CHAMBERS Is a candidate for Cireu For Pale or Kent, for Hire, and such AT Tiust Company, held at | AMES Tdo\x>v«, ^w"v»«,s, Want* CO., oprl t losiranro and dte* S\»-ovo.%a\\o. eente insertion. CHARLES, - C. C. Rt FER * V >r . nnthrie Court Clerk at the Annist election. mla exc-eoing four lines agate, 36 each Shelby. We 8T. it was r solved that a not better fighting material than Oid .heir office thl. day. July 16, Ml and Deathi 36 cents. Obltua. lei 6) cents or N. B.—We have constantly on hand a large supply of liquidation on the Maniacs of 5 p-'r cent, be declared In Third Judicial District. to ipaoe ore ipied. citizens who would be 3ST O El Dayton Ale and P.irtf r, in barrels, half barrels, keg«, AMdoS stockhold according could name a dozen OTI to tbe morn of tbe Cumpuiy, parable Is can sell at the very caeiial et"ck CHAFEZE. ot Hartford, Ohio county, a Fans. —One dollar a square for first loser- end In bottle., tor family use. »lilcn we Pres't. OHN Wexklt ANDREW QKAHAM, for Commonwealth's Attorney In tMs Ju- ^'v\k,es. Vo.v've\v^ additional insertion. to direct military move- price. LI 19 jab] C. C. RU FER CU. OTMtanO* dlrtate SxwoVtvwfr o.wA Osooo.%, &cc. tiou and fifty e*ut* lor eac'i thoroughly competent lowest cash g f. T. opposition B. H. Tim—i injj IWjr dicial District. He ca-i haid y meet with Editotlal rotlces, where the pen 'U haa no adv.rllso- Id" dl> and Louisville. I.ll- 15. li t!. known, and ti e Union meu of th« District the paper, 20 cent* a line; cath continuance U ments, organize tbe Home Guards, here re Is nisnt in support. 1*0 PRESENTATION SADDLES, SWORDS. AND PISTOLS FUR- ill lend him a cordiil or 6 cent, a lln*. acc rdlog to length of tuxie. Editori- «f> ronder them efficient for all purposes, not Southern Bank Notes B. WALL, of Oweusboro, Is a candidate al?, where there is advertising, 10 cents a line for first WILLIAM SHORT NOTICE. DEPOSITORS!! for Circuit Judge In this District. His Unionism NISHED TO ORDER AT each additional lnseitlo . TO lue-rtioo, and five cents for to capture and service as merely of defence, but and loyalty have b-eu test d by his active Alto ou hand our urfual variety of Remittances by matl,tc/u-n in registered letters, at our notice will 6 per cent, interest JNTIL further I pay WANTED MILITARY GOODS. the iith Kentucky regiment, and his legal with the order for Major of risk. The money must be remitted bring to punishment all insolent guerilla in- )2U dte Jtiit received ability is uuuueitioned. . ARTSTESS, and advertising or paper. on Deposits for a specified time, and 4 per cent, on those Tennefsce, " elec- TRUNKS. for re SADDLES, date H Is a ^and vagabonds, led by the UDOE .1 aMKS STUART truders. The thieving - District at LOWEST. Jj'lOtf d3s»l. Shoulder Straps, Sashes, t on to tbe Judgeship of the 3d Judkial US-PRICES AS LOW A3 TUB withdrawal. South f aroliiiii, arc fully aware of the subject to ten days notice of ho August election. «KO. D. FKKNTICR,1 Editors. Aliens and Morgans, Knots, Bat Triiu- PAUL. K. SHIPMAN.l Sword in the interior, and A. BLAND, Banker, Georgia, Bovcnth Judicial District. Bdltor arid Reporter. unprrparedness of citizens Cherron Braids, OI.IVKK LUCAS, l.oonl m.Bgg, are autiioriassJ t » umoooM the Boo. P. B. MUIlt street. WE No. 403 Main Alabama. , at Circuit Judge of therefore they make those raids with impunity. j9 dtf &c, Ac as a caudlitat 1 for run as Louisiana this District. H" dto Tor Judge of Court oi Appeals, It is not boldness which directs these plunder- and O.J.RAIBLES For Olerk of Savieas County. ing incursions but the consciousness that there -CsT for r"- A.L.DWYER.OENTIST, B -A- EC NOTES OGDKN is the eoni^ivative cand'dale . WILLIAMS. Jefferson street, at the R. K ol Daviess county 332 ML• Let our fel- A. BLAND, Banker, elec Ion 10 ihe CU rkaniB is no organization to repel tbem. WANTED by iyH die or auttfl oootiTT. his OFFICE from Fourth Opposite U. S. Hotel. eosuii'K 4ugu»t elertlon. Has removed Main ft., near Fouith. be- jyiadfet low-citizens then prepare tho work of organ- i street to the south side of Walnut, District compoaed of Allen, Butler, Breckinridge, 8. - All tte above articles made to order at short tUeen Fourth and Fifth streets, Por Chancellor of the I.oui»villo Chan- Ballard, Calloway, Caldwell, Crittenden, Christian, should so hrM ization immediately, and if it julll di-Sm RAN AWAT, cery Court. -HORSE THRESHER, Daviess, Kdniondeou, Fulton. Graves, Orayson, Han- FOUR On tbe nlcht of the Uth, from the i?ub*crlbi>r, Ut- the Hon. HENRY cock, Uirkman, Henderson. Hopkins. Livingston, Lyon, locality with- WIF. are authamed to aiiiieunce happen that there is any * Brandenburg, in M"ad« county, Ky.. a boujrbon whisht. the Usui, Marshall, McCracken, Muhlenberg, McLean, in* near " P1RTLE as a candidate for Chaucell * of "With. Wrought Iron Cylinder L nfgto man, named JOHN (calling htwwJf John Wf >mv> uti Imnd ft lar^e »toek of old Bour. August election. Ohio, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Union, Warren, and out a compotent military man to tako com GOLD. Louisville Chancery Court at the cop- to which wh caII the a»r«*t.tlon of sold ovib tuiusamtuodpano of Ihese Threshers. 3t lliue#), about 40 or i"» y^arn of a«e, very d irk boo Whlfkj*. E h,ve,hive, di-r'ngdVrlug theIhe la"tla«t seien years, manu'actured and two The Webster. '• *' FOR 111 TO S8,IHIO OT GOLD WANTED, in hriubt, and weigh* be »ii lo-u t*> c iit rnrcha- WE iron instead of wood, and altall ol thth- sluf lug liab e lo wear Is 111 5 feet | Incheo ttbe trnde. Will mM Thre.her is made of wrought maud, wc have no doubt that by application to will be per color, about are au horlzed to announce CALEB W. LOOAN cvlinder of the fa/.WVU whkh the highest market pilce iron Is that it Is lit liter > hia front t eth out; t>Umm< OUfHlt'F. BKOTHKK8, of iion. The great advanlage of the 0TUnder than wood, much more blOll abi.ut 14 lb*, tomfl of n WEas a candidal* for re-election to the office ol Chan made of steM instead ptid. Inuu're at this office, IvH biitw'.e* FKth and Mxth *U. less liable to get out oj balance, and Is in Boyle the want would bo speedily wta'n fpokeu to. Do not kuow what kind of clothing he lytjdM WiH Main, Loui'Ville i;haucery IJourt. |U dte durab e, runs with greater esse ami regularity, is slfer, awi evei y respect FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1862. Gen. collor of the wore off. , more reliable and efficient. impressed upon x.o.o r. le*al reward for the approheneion of remedied. Let the fact be 1 .will give ihe For Jailer of Hardin County. L Jli The officers and members of Boone Lodge expences x iv O aid slave and pay reamuaWe are authorized to announce MA'lTUfcsV COW- morrow. It U the mind of every Kentuckian that local de- No. 1 are li-r^by notified to roe^t at the WM KENDAL**. Eeur-Hor e Tower aud Threrher, ready for use $140 ISaull The Loyal Meetino To — WELEY as a candidate tor Jailer of llaidiu cuinty Complete BptSHsll, at three o'clock this evening, for the 13, frM dti- Brandenburg. Jul? euruiuR Aususl elect- ou. Ji dl&wlf' impossible to overestimate the importance of fence depends upon local energy; that our loy purpose of attending the funeril of cur SILK S&CKSAND MANTLES the under late brother, P. O. John Miller BAN AWAY rOH OUHONflR the meeting to be held at the Court-House to- al men can be organized end armed ROBINSON, S r. .jyis dl l. B. on the night of the , caudldato for coroner at the An Horn Ihe sub.crlber, Recei'eJ ru conr'lKtim' nt | large Mod. lu C. OREEN Is a about 3) years 13 dte THRESHER. , l>OWER AMD morrow night. No appeals of patriotic clo laws of the State which were enacted to meet 13th. two negro men—ML! gust election. TWO-lfOltSE I. o. o. r. old,quife bluk, smooth skin.'iuick ip k'il J )HN CAIN, well-known to everybody. Is (which Is also arra-ged for fonr Isvers) Is msdn In ho s.rue style as tho Four ... vailon* liCdge* nf s/eigh MR at th The Two-Horse P"wer and Thresher dnt) or stimulate us emergencies similar to thoso which distracted TIIK membere of the - slum! a f-et 8 I ches in h Uht, and li_ candidate for Coroner ef Jefferson county teach our . quence can us with iron cylinder. This machine is pro, ortionably lighter lh>n the Four- Horse, and Is admlra jdjjSjS I. O. O. F. In thu city, ani also the meiii- about no ounils-A8 or ASDKRlt Y. oho it 28 year, o.d August election. _ a3* die Horse, wrought i STYLES oa-n nse. This n-achine a ill llip-sh from IN to MNI bushels of a heat per day or 3U0 to are lor the farmer's tU'tarminatcly Shelbyville on Sunday and Monday last, and 'rbern i f tho different Encampment*, high, slow spoken and surly NEW for Coroner at the bly adapted to its performance more than a r* copper color, a feet 8 inches A LEX. OWENS Is a candidate at tti.< Hall at 3 oat; rer day. h n-ny notified to rawt In appearance and manner, aud has a i r*r on ih- .Me of /V ensuing August election. JeS dte SOU buihels of _ , , —— us. The that the Government stands ready to place of attending th* tuoeral cottonade calm survey of the prospect before o'clock P. M , for the imrpcn« oneol bis Jure. S»id sUvea wore off dark or W HENDEKSON Is a candidate for Coroner PRICE: of the city DAVID of our la'e Brother P. U», John Miller, late pants and dark oa's and hats. of Jerterion county at the ensuing August lection. <:o»h arrived when we must resolve to pros- weapons in their hands upon prope residence L. Two-llorse Power and Thresher complete 81!*5 time has of Philadelphia, Penn., from the of Mr. J. I will give the legal 'res in reward Tor the arp eh?a C. Matthciwp, corner of Twelfth and Broad »av. eltbe. of and pay all rea.-m for Coroner of J person against rebellion to a prompt and requisition. The knowledge of these things slon of raid slaves or Wad, HOWE is a candidate ecute the war order the Joint of Relief, I. O. O. F. HctslCllKK. JAN By of Committee abeenen-e-. ELIZA J »unty at. August election. Iflii. Iyl7 dts ' c dl " 17 M close, or yield up the Union of our will speedily lend encouragement to those who JW ^_ Rradtnbur*, .loir 13. l*^ SA( hS\ tlWTIiKS, successful JUOOB OP ArrHLLATB OOUHT CHAIN POWERS and THRESHERS fathers, the Government of oar love, and the are now timid and despondent, and there can BAN AWAT, D18TK1C*. ENDLESS named Louisville & Frankfort and Lcxinj? FOURTH APPELLATE On tho night of the 16th, a BOgm womiu. Mayfleld, Ky., Is. regi at I UDOE 11. K. WILLIAMS, of must a cordon of companies, battalions, or li iN:;.\n, with her child 8aiu. ia hetwecn Whl.h will be sd Lincoln the most cllicleu'. simple, and ATiAOY Wayne. Russell, Pulaski, UOJ le, Garrard, a id This poweif.il screw aud Pre-s than osn tlon a* a PIANO In a prlvati Building, iim r tliin any Other made, with a better and more TEA.UHEB ON THE National Hotel at the election. m27 dAwte an"d"grales the arples lunch rcn August will average ah ut. i IVlO H 1RRELS or we must make up our made through our State by Morgan has ti and hetler_arra . and OF the Commonwealth family. She al*o can teach Freucta and Getmau for Sale. id 'ti any "other Mill, it i i also ueater Pork-House Property In resj'ect to either langutge*. Addrtan Wergo, at tble office. hind. will watraut this Mill to e el equal cipatity every the Loulw liberal t. rms our Pork- County. CiDfiK PER l)»V by We minds to receive back again in our midst dered the popular mind extremely sensitive just i ffsr for sal.) cn very Oonnty Clork of Onmberland J j- 18 eoda" WE has ample STREET Kraoseror I nlp Mills, which ret.il at 1M11. . In this city. 'I he house FOURTH of county Court Clerk sssiis Property t||e office Hou.e 1AM a candidate for 's Kentucky Cider Mill. hog, p.T oideriT.g lie particular to state "Miller 4 Moon Buckner, Hunt, Breckinridge, Hanson, and now, but we fear that, with tho removal of the captclty for e aughterlng nnd handling I,7u0 at the ensuing August election In the county o CVla Wanted, befae the 1'Jth day ol Au- )yl*dii Cash day. If not so'd privately Cumberland. l'rlce nt l.oiilsvlllr left us last fall to come it will again relax into apathy. This ASITUATIOIN an Pv^-keepert'olj-kcep* or Clerk at a moderate auction on that day July. tho hundreds who cause, gust ns xt, we » ill oUt It at public I am now and have been in tho service since salary. Add-esn Tluoiore.Throiore, at thit* office, rtatmg known on day oi sale. r at o'rbck A. M. Terms made rru27 d&wtal M. MARTIN sword to take our lukewarmness and false security are extremely where an interview may be bad )U dS H THE BEST! ML back armed with me and A. 8. Willi B 4 CO. GET Manufactured by for Joflereon Oonnty Iflulsvllle. July 11, 181^2 . .1&wtd State Assessor steal our property. There is no dangerous. Wo havo around us secret but Sz, MOORE lives and MILLER ARTILLHRYmE^ ATTENTION: IDeroicrat copv.l City of XsonisTille included. SOW READY, BKADLKS DIME SERIES (Successors to Mii.i.sa, Winaute, & Co.), middle course to pursue; those who are not for vigilant foes, spios who are in sympathy with ALL who desire to Jftlo tbe HOME GVARD ARE authorized to announce O. T, MAY as a Negro Woman for Hire. WE Lonitvlile and Jaftaissj XsOUI8VIX.Xs9, KY. ART1LLEKY. are requested to unroit their candidate for Assessor of jn'25 •od&wtSspl ironer for hire for Ihe against it; those who are not the robber hordes, and the abettors of treason oemon at the Tontine Saloon, between Preitnu A GOOD cook, wa'her, and the ensiling Angii-I i l. clion. )Vi dte their country are Citizsns' Edition of tho county at __and Floyd street*, on M«rk»t J\. ba'auce of tt-e year. Apply at „_, ,„„,,. QAILBREATH Is a candidate for the olhce o: blow oan be . A. JrX loyal aro in league with armed for mischief whenever a a good corps of otnc r«i be provided and ever v- f J. N KKI-LOO efferson comity at ensuing uncompromisingly Jyle d NATIONAL TAX LAW . State Assessor for UM tbiug will be l'i readtnetB t > comrany effi aKdftwte people, the loyal people, be ra>ke tali NEW August election. WANTED these alternatives presented, struck. Let the Mnnufactuied Toba'c » lost re- i 7fi bores treachery. With cient II W.M. s CALHOUN. ^|^OBACCO— 118 pagea, 1'Jme., tlfM. H. WATTS Is a candidate for A-sesser ol Jef- c insignmeut aud Jlfl j&bti" 1 caivod per eteambo..t Sheuaugo on City of I/Milavilln, a to position ready to meet them, and tbore can bo no dan Captain. llead-Llues aud Index. »T ferton county, iuclndlng tbe there can be do doubt as the Lou- J »• '*':K With Paragraph ,13 dtp* [Democrat and New» copv to Ihe of |4 forialoby . iho ensuing August election. Want ad to Rent, amount $9 and 618 nor h .i e Main st.. apprehended. "Tbe readiness is all," to ..-.lira family of three pe sons, a FIRNI8HKD isville will assume. At no former period has gcr Anzeiger to t he amount ot -fa, aud charge thi« office between Third aud Fourth. Attorney. Olvlnc the Law corop'et** and an Alrhe-bttlcal Sum Fot Oommon wealth ^31 HOUSE not sooth of Broadway. One with 18H3. for Commonwealth Loalsv.lle, Jul 16, Snbs'ances t*x-d. e a candidate 1 1 1 been moro marked or strike terror to treason, and disarm maraud y mary of the Article* and DIIPUY for saV some ground attached preferred. Apply at the hatred of the rebellion Louisville & Salt RiverBoad Company r Jit. ol Jeltcrson DOZEN PRIME QUALITY by For aale hy al '"j kfellersaod Newed**ale s. Sent, • Attorney in thi. district, cotnpo ed rug store of Messrs. Wilson & Peter, No. 41H AND LINSEY8- cnuutles. :?00 H. W. W1LKE3, .!«, 1.1 it more apparent. ing b^nds. DIVIDEND of one rer cent haahas been declared on KENTUCKY JEANS pos'-w.^, on r'ce'pt cf price, Ar«ut-« w:vntrd. Shelby, Oldham, Speucc r.aud Ilullilt street. )yl5btt)tf the necessity of crashing No. i in. M.in at. Main A r 8il Liuseys; jyll dtf of < balei white Jeans aud Y'-rk. the capital B'ocks'ocx thisCompiny,thi* Company, oayab'epayaVe t-> rtst ick »14d6 BEADLK CO , PuMiaht-ra. New ml dte* _ _ i pieces J^ans; as a Loyal recognize this necessity and will holdersera < un demaud at tbethe ofhootlice o> fho Keutucky & Lou- Uo color d are anthorlr-ed to annouuee E 8. CllAIO men shall be guilty of a grand if sale Wanted, fWe error invltle Mutual luHura. a ComUompanv. Just received sn consignment and for by WEcand'date for re-election to the office of Common AUADEWV, u. JACK. Private Board GROVE HILL FEMALE the balance cf ibe year, a rood COOK, WASH- proclaim it in thunder tones. We must, ROrJEitr N. MILLFR, Louievil:e, July It. WW. J. wealth's Attorney. mU ditwt.,' IT'OK we do not avail ourselves of this occasion be had by a 'aml'y or a rouyle o' rnOU men In TODD COl'NTY, KY. ER, aud IRONER wltt'out incumbrance. Inmlre 4v1"d6 Pre 't T.. ft H. K. k Ol, CAN _ the First 71ti, 8es.-ion will co i mence ou Mon- iyl" tllHK . for the sake of those who are braving a very pleasant paitpalt of Iho citycity. Inipil'e at theriff of Joffbrson County. next at this olf.c to make the rebel sympathizers in Kentucky SJVL-A-ETL. Broadway. Tor in August, lSii'2. Terms: For Board and Tuition, GEO. "W. wrst side Fl't'h ttrsst, betwet n Chesti ut «nd rsndldale 1 da>- announce STKWAKT ss a s or par- furnishing WM. L In s.'.'.v, >. per session of twenty WWtks, death and disease in our armies, put call ti e attention of parties jyliidS PLEA»« ever Situation Wanted by a Teacher. fully realize the fact that it is of the utmost THE COLLEGE OF ST. JAMES, WOULD for8heriff. If a more honest man or a belter Cslianis, Elkton, Todd Co., Ky. R. eldences. Hotels, rr Steamboats, and hll patrons licu'ar.. address E. T. *ith hrnor ot Yale Col- the wails lived weliave never seen hiie. tl'l dte GENTLEMAN, graduated a stop to this destructive war; MARYLAND. to the fol.owiun list of new end desirable jvlOd!!' A of sereral years' importance to their own welfare that they use gwra'ly aro authunz—1 10 announce W. A. RONALIi a lege, a highly successful Teacher regular annual s r s'lou of tbe College and Its good.— WE desires to employed lu his piofession. of widowhood, tho tears of orphanage, and THE a candidate for Shortfl of Jcfforson county. Strayed! Strayed!: Strayed!!! standing, beamnf. tlieir utmost influence to prevent any guerilla (Iramoiar School will oieo on Wedniiday, 8'Ptem- NEW VELVET CARPETS, Highe-t rrfeiences given. Address M. A., Louisville. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, aP dto One bright PAY IlllRSB COLT, 3 years^ miseries of desolated homey appeal to us to ber Jl. Address Rev Dr. KEKFOO I', Hector, College of FINE ^ jy" deodli* the , WHOLESALE MILLINERY. high, long heavy tail, sV* bands from ever invading our State in future. St. TgPlTSThY URUSoEI.S, Jetfor- "i-iurrao d, about 15 hands James P. O. Maryland. JylB dlawD For Olerk of tho Oonnty wonrtof 1- CARPETS. no shoes on: a'so dark BAY or'"'- arrest the strife by subduing its guilty origina- IHRKE- 'LY aon Oonnty. Let us make them perfectly understand that 1 WO-PLY CARPi'.TS. BROWN- MAKE, light hind foot ahite, itar in fore- Female Teacher's Situation Wanted. Desirable are authorized to announce WILLIAM I one returning .aid tors. The call for the meeting to morrow is School Property, KUUS, MATS. |D| head, and near 4 years old. Any the future » » KELLY as a candid .to for Clerk of the .leffersoo tnt-y n av be foiind Lady who, although yet young, Iris been en|agod as exemption of all . inf rmatirn slier" Kentucky from loca'ed at a distance lite STAIR R D3, 4c ho s-s or givi g WFLL convenient from the ensuing August election. in*' dte A ten years in the Southern States, de- I he old flag and are de- County Court at o' .1. Neville, ou Market, betwpf u Sec- a Teacher for made to all who love city, will lie sold on reucuaole terms or exebaog' Also OIL-CLOTHS from 3 to 24 feet « ide: at the stalih- W. guerilla depredations and outrages is a matter aro authorized to announce OttAS. M T11KU8 siies a situation to UknObargfl of the branch of English for clfy MATERIALS, every style and quality. ~~/E ond and Th.rd strei'ts, w ill besii tsh e rewarded. pro erty. Any one properly qualified, who CURTAIN t ol termined that tho Union shall stand one and ' TON as a candidate for re-sleotion to he office Literature in tome Kentucky Seminary. She. haetaught wi h a to tske charge ' a wtill-cstabinh-d female vrry small advance JylOdtf of even more vital importance to them than The above g'ods I will stll at a Clerk of the Jelleison County Court at the ensuing two years iu Alabama, one in South Carolina, and six school, w ill find Ihis a lure opportunity. Kor psrtlcn- osbu omlv. inseparable, now and forever. It will meet a on New Yoik cost lor A. Card. election. rniadte Sale. in Louisiana; fhe has received the degree of A. M-: has is to loyal citizens. Gen. Boyle, we think, lars, adilrssa A. H., 13jx Nc. 1^6 Louisville Poit-uftke. GEO. teamboat W SMALL. J. ELLIOTT Is a candidate for me attic taught Music in connection with the English. Latin, all classes of our citizens, .iyl" dim" Tliinl and Fouitb KOUKRT By order oi Gen. Alhn, Chief Quarter- noble response from Ij m 327 Maid St., between Of Clerk of the County Court of Jeffi-rson Oouutv Painting, sic., aud can r.'sd and write French, inaugurating a rigorous and vigorous course rcast&r, 1 will expose at public sale, to lb.* Drawing, ensiling August election. all! dAwte and speaks thein tolerably has at the on Wednesday, July 'li, Spanish, aud Herman, old and young, tho man of proporty and of the bUhMt bidder, Vice- I Is a candidate for Clerk two Female Svniiiiari s aud been instruction upon tho subject. We trust tb — JACK CONN at HI at Fort Henry, Tenn., tho had ch«rge of OFFICIAL DBAWINGS NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY, at the ensuing 1861, A. M., was on a visit to for all aro equally inter- . County Court ol Jefferson Connty appurtenances be- President of a Louisiana Colleg-. She the working man, aB dte' lloilers, E giner. Tackle, and all txM the improvement of the pupils will do honor or Tin the and permanent this SBASCN Augnst election. her mother in the Northern home of her girlhood, when For speedy We bej leave to say that OUR FIRST longing lo lie st am r R. M. Palton. the channels our national dimenlUsi broke cut, which have prevented ested in reopening of industry expectations. It was frea.uiy notes. the teacher. Discharges, In Iv>ulsville has far eiceedid our le'ms— U. S. „_„ charge. abilitiesare undoubted, LIBRARY ABSOGIATIOH COMPANY LdTTHRT, Cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral For Judge of the Oonnty Court CHAR' E3 B. SMITH, her return to her eld H*r for tho past and our part: yet we have made a lothe Southern home of her and obtaining indemnity simply an experiment on are authorized to announce ANDREW MONROE Lt. mid A. A. Q. M„ as Is her strong attachment Srmiinl Weikntse. Siahtlv ISmisnions, Incontinence, WE olriooof Jndgr womanhood, and any College or School d.slring OF KENTUCKY. extensive acuiiaiutance both in (Utv snd ooitktry. as a candidate lor reflection to the Fort llnurv. 1't nn. young All are heart-sick of tSi-A Washington correspondent ot the Irritabiliti/, Gram err iyln dtd address L. B security for the future. General Debility am at the ensuing election, to secure ihe services of a gilt, d lady can , encimageiuent to remain hera^ of the County Court H. MAJYCJg ct CO., .fl»»ci r .r.. and have received ovtry Lansing, Iowa. J3(i dim the terriblo realities of civil war, and all feel New York World gives an omen of peace, HlrleturrcV Affect lens of ihe KWlneyioV- Bladder, an d&wte are already in the Eastern markets making oul HARRI80N U a candidate for Judge L. N. B. R CO. DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY., JULY 17, IMS. We IAMK3 & alii dtV that the most vigorous efforts must be made to which, hod it come to Latin augurs, would which has been used by ppwaids ol the FALL TRADE, and our efforts aud Jefferson County Court, Clmas selections t,t 103. fu'l and well-selected conquer a peace and restore the olden pros have caused the doors of the temple of Janus FHTBXCIALVB facilities thsic will guarantee a Marshal of tho Louisville Chan' P-O* SALS OB RCWT. 33 7i 31 3S 14 41 «0 47 19 J8 -1 OKU HUNDBUD For N « 34 Stick hire, which will be on hand in g«pd season, and SHIPPERS. to creak their ng eery Court. NOTICH TO perity. Let every loyal citizen, therefore, lay on hinges. Every one visiting n their prlvat . \ ractlce wilh entire suecefs, supersed Class 164. wou'd scl clt a call from both City ai d Country Mil. EDITORS: Please announce Caut. J. through or tonal Tor Rant, Carsiile.', or auy compound hitherto we MESSRS. lurtber notice no Frcuht tor Cubebe, Ccpaiba, for the office of Mars UNTIL A(iH-!IOrSK wnfallylo all other business and swell the meeting the Executive mansion has observed the bomb- and MERCHANTS. 11A.MILTON a candidate will b« received at this station. ; AMI \>AKKI aside I!J 49 3« 21 11 ti l 13 78 14 Itt 4» -J known, LINERS eleetio foiuts A8TABL1 ol the Chancery Court at tho ensuing s\na*tl*t ALSTINE, aqoir» at thl* oflo. jyTtf i^Arbg thinks, we are very respectfully VAN to-morrow night. shells surmounting Ihe pillars at tho grand All order, Wl'h many oblige his NUMEKofS FRIENDS Freight Agent. the Court-House Let the promptly attended co aud circulars tent. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, aud Jyll dtf Address It & CO., Managers, m27 dte For Bale, entrance. FRANCE voice of Kentucky be heard above the din of In one of these a pair of tiny in action, often nffectin? a cure in a f*>w dayr. EDITOR': Please announce Col. HENRY -If of 3opt> "ibvr y Jount Court dwv) W 6 Jefferson st.. Lontevllla, Ky. are upeedy OTIS <3c CO., MESSRS. 1 < )n the «th y y office of Marshal of the aud wtiea a ctup ia affectfd it U permanent. Tbej- are DEN T a candidate for the q th* property of Mrs iv Vertucr, fi'iiated . ppoBlt, built ou with her mysteries tho death-chamber, and \half bblf, at Whteltng prices, for pale at the tnft« t- avoided. No cha' n him a regiment, com- tainlnn e'«ht rcoras. with Op treason. 11. aud Merchant* visiting New York soldiers, state that there was a p,rt of a ii.'iiif tinr do«i tltelr acton lotrrfdn with bam ttrtl lOUton n'ingli s rare inert!?. By making this announcement iron railiuc. The out-buildloKB are l&eaiuL-kv Malt ilouac. Market elieet, between them, at encamped on a lot nurround-d hy Fille. will Sot) a d. sirat-le stork of M'LLINERY UOODS VOTERS. mandfd bv Col. Charles D. Peunebakcr, etable, from that gloomy tenement will i if tie flutter- kSlitli neae puirnlre. Each Box coutaioa nil dozaix you wl.l oblige MANY the Heat ordT, coiifistine cf carriaRe hou-se, and Si'veuth. Is', nt Jauuary of Rtore, t o. 405 Broadway, N. Y. the farm connected then with from the our s»i dte . boiiri"", house, da ry, feveral apartmenti for tub Rebel An.orpi.iCES, Aiders JOHN (X). . I ice npolW To g ENGELN A Q- OO. 1st Match, occupying tlieir tents and not k ing Life and Song. Dr. Bell's Treatise on Seminal Weakness, jyiaat* .1. ROBARD3 Is a candidate lor Marshal of the to the of two larpe ci^temp, and a never-fail ng pump. w ere sick a lio ^rvant*. WM. Court at tho August election, houses, w.lh the exception of some who furoiturs AUKITEBS, AND SYMPATHIZERS THROUGHOUT a Pamph Louisville Chancery On the eaou- dav, the household and kitcheu SELF-ABUSE, GONORRHEA, OLE15T. ftc. 1 occupied some rooms on the hi I opposite the main all dte conHinting of tahiec, chalrc, p< frtf«. nj-Tr^, mantle or- c-mtaiL'init important advice to the t _ rooms in the wing below nn- State. hnve a few direct, precise are that the M of 60 page*. ixi Advance is a candidate lor the office buildings and a few of the ca»*s hit the —We sJ^-We surprised London Times, A. MORGAN uaniouta, rhandeli»-ie, a^ie boArdr, book afflicted, SENT ERKJT. SIX CUNTS are rrjiji*eaup. wardrobw, *c. and unmistakable words, gentlemen, to ad- exercising its jcnlous guardianship pa; porta 8 \ weie occupied by soldiete, exc-pt two or three ioni'- "in the in- 13 Kitchen tumiture ^refrigerator of the latent Invention tiinss used by Col. Penucbnker, the liuarieinn-ter, Dr. UN. HELL'S UREMIC BOOK) One Quarter of tbe Bounty Money Clerk of the Xsouisvillo Chancer wftter-atTftiner, water rw>Iei, with many other articlee dress to you. And, m they are to be few terest of humanity," has not discovered and IS For and perhaps the Chaplain: that, all the rooms Huston, alrto, excellent carriage. JrlO dtd Ol EBT I au A cimjlete Treative cd CiOSORRHEA. WflBM ML'SiERED INTO SERVICE Court. Occupied have been thoroughly v as i:d, ventilated, and they must, of necessity, be corresponding- 13 la aU varioue Please announce 1HRRY ol denounced the horrid atrocity committed by 8TRIO i't;KE, SYP1JILLIS, ME8SR8. P.DITORS: cl"an*rd, and we believe there will be no impediment Englirh adapted lor lor Clerk ol th Chance For Rent, It stagef, *isti 97 Prrecrlrtlon* in 8 rilCKY as a candidate health or comfort fn in any such cause ly free, fiaik, 'and terse. We suppose that the United States in this civil war that of without the aid of a Ph)ttclau. MANY VOTERS. Two STORKS in the U. S. Hotel building, par — THE ielf treatment ry Court and obi: ge JuXT 6TM, 186J. W. 1. I ONKLIN, Rally, Kentuckians, for your Country JACK THOMAS, TJticul*rly iultabte for Clothing or Bonta and life and liberty and dea'.h are held, oven by swearing rebels nnd discharging them on THE Price Ono Collar. for r»-electlon as Shoes, an they connect with the Hotel. P0Me> pa- nrW. R. nERVEY is a candidate EDWIN 1HOMAS, "'l rent «ecure from obeerva Chancery tJonrt. sion of one can be given irumodtately; the oHt frantic, demented, and desperate of TIIK The Pilln or Booki will be TT Clerk of the Louisville Clerk Grayson Circuit and County Courts, the most role. on lat June. Apply at Hotel office. may3 dtf THE tlon by mail, y-ortp iid, on iecf ipt ( f the money by TBS SNBIKIT IS AT YOUR BOORS! mil dte' J. R. BARTON. er you, to be of some little consequence—even to JylUd*»2w_ It tl GRAHAM. O" Washington letters report that impor- BOOK, J. BRYAN, UocheMer, N, V., FOR OLBRE of the OITT OOtTHT yourselves cr any Adveitiued Agent. E are authorized to announce JOHN M. VAI'O" tant military movements are believed to be in BOOK, WAMTEO IMMEDIATi LY FOR STATE Moixoa. & PEKRINS' of City Court ill LEA the of Barren gold by all Diuggistr.. ItOlHKD YoUNO AN at a candidate for Clerk There was comrolttrd to the j i BOOK, SERVICE-FIFTY AHLE Assuming this to be the casi, whether it the eiit-uing ohction. iuW dte lvth dsy of June, 1-6.', a CBLBBRATKD progress, and it may be that some who havo RAYMOND A TYLER, MEN. to eomp^eti a (Company now bein^ county, Hy., on the BOOK, are Butloris»*d to announce WM HOIK.HAN as tel'ow negro as a runaway. Calls hi- or is not, we give you fair notice in blunt Agent* for Lotiieville, -_ ..i«d for Col. Mb calfe's IVavalry hegiment. WEWK b-lgl.t that candidatec nidi for CU-ik of the Cily Court. Says ttl.t he belongs to Allen predicted Richmond cannot be occupied THE BOOK, }yl< eodAeowly Wholerale and K tail. *J1 per month, and *1UU B uuty Money .name STEPIIRN. SAUCE, Pay boa *U to will we'gh about WORCESTERSHIBE . 10 titel .lo ies, . urleaf. Bald negro Saxon you now have to desist from the pOaSry THE HOOK, when mustered out rt.crvice. J Jooes, of New by the Federal troops befcri there is fort ..... j is a (Jandidale for Ulerk of the long bu-l hair. 1Had on a ign clothing, ratlora. medical attendance,„ ENKY WOLFORD 150 or lstl p-uods—havh'g y Dissolution. Good hor e-, Au^uzt election. atlyeai of age. PBOFOOKOBD BT THE BOOK, 1 H- City Court at the approaching soirt, grsy p-utsTnid is ab ut iarf have been . it, ca'ico you t m Understand and b^ twee - the under- are at no xpoiiBe alter enlisting, f m j intervention may find themselves mistaken. copa* tnei ehlp lately exlrting 4c , furnished. Men atd . lor. atd. prove proper- of a Letter from THE June 14, 11«2 x ^ Ihe owner ii lejuested to come TIIU BOOK, signed, uudcr tho name of MKAL) A HR \, Is this as they go l-.toconifortab e ouaiteta immediately. , understand it well. plot is manifes TDMPEUT. Ir., 1* a caulldate for Ciork of the be will he dealt w:th is the law Your mutual W. Mead hadat*- authorized by Oen. B^vlc to raise the PUIL. ty, aud pay charges, or TBE GREAT BOOK, day dU>folvtd by mnaont. J Having been Aurns t election. B. C. Connoisseur! at Mr. llatmtu's Stible City Court at tho enaul»« dire.t-. IvydM I). U. DENTON. J. SnitlcmM (S-Jayhawker Morgan confesses that the sumed the lUbtUUfll of eaid 1 ite firm, and t* alone an Company, 1 can b:> found daily Mk»\ your secret clubs and conspiracies are discov THE GREAT BOOK, ra24 dto tb'.rized to collect t>ao debtfl due raid rirn*. corner of Jefferson and Second fticcte Confederate flag II. ?TKATTAN desires to be reelected at Madras desist, has been "long trampled THE GREAT BOOK, J. M*Ar\ A. K. J011N3TON, Captain OLIVER ered, and, unless you and forthwith W. of \ h-rkof tbe < it.y Court second term, t ) the office LOUISVILLE 14, H. J. MEAD, Jr. Louisville, Jn'y 12. l»a~dlS TO HI3 BROTHBB THE GREAT BOOK. Loulevllte, Ky , July IM, creel in embtar'-rt In th. t:oiir;tit"ti.iu Lo- abandon and utterly renounce your damnable upon," but bousls that it has never been "dis- Hi* political THE WONDERFUL BOOK. claratlon of Ind pend-nce, the Union, aud enforcemmt at Worcester. graced." If it was not difgraced I ruccewor to Mend r livable to In THE WuNDtRFUL BOOK, rewarded. Courts. Main St., between Ninth and Tentb. Is highly esteemed graced by anything. cu-tOD.er«. We would call attention to hi' alvprtiite- so sure as there is a true and loyal God in are authorised tn announr** CH. R. 8AML EL8 India, and la. In ml 13 THE BOOK OF THE SEASON, ment in another put of th« paper. JvM btjlm WE pal- S300 REWARD. as a candidate for Clerk of the Bullitt Circuit and yyi'. HAYE NOW ON HAND A FULL Sl'PPLY 1SVKRT VARIBTT opinion, the most heaven, and a State of Kentucky upon earth IS THE a2H dAwt/ well as the fyTcns of thousands of ourpooplo through- BOOK OF THE 8EA80N, RAN from the subset there. Oonnty Court. f atable as ORAOB church. M AWAY wholsomeSauria IS THE BOOK OF THE SEASON, the Inst, from th ir residence, Monut most your treachery will piy the forfeit. Your out the country be.t of unnmer, the »ervice« lo Orare lift Lead; have resolved, that, m soon DURINO thd Breckinridge county, Ky.,TnRK.E FOB JAIX-DK. Zsioseod Oil; Red OF DISH. that Ii made." IS !* Merino, THE BOOK OF THE SEA8CN. Cnurch on Sunday wi I be at -4 A M. and 6 P. M complicity with the vandals and desperadoes MEN, John Bowman, David, and SHAW Is a candidate for Jailer of Jifferson as they shall have secured their harvest, they F. H. BUSHNKLI., NEGRO JOHN Boiled Oil; Litharge; and most ror SENT BY MAIL, POSTAGE FREE, f OR *1 8Y at the August election. toil SAUCE Is no* only the best . county The above Frl&3at6* Hector lie.. > who are now riding rough-shod over this Jy4 i> hlgl-, weighs about SO I lbs or authorized to announce M J. SCHMI l l' i Ochres; ifconomfcol, a a Com will offer their services for the red harvest of SENT BY MAIL, POSTAGE FREE, FOR $1 36 John Is fe.t 3 inches WIS are Turpentine; oliji ootmtsnmT known, bnt the most over, Ss years of age, and dark complexion. v>as pur- a Union caudldate for the otlice of Jailer at tl hot and cold monwealth, robbing, burning, devastating BEST BY MAIL, POdTAGE FREE, FOR $1 !.\ Load; Putty; In , or with Fish, the battle-field. chased ot Rev Wm. O. Bowmau, formerly of Mill" rs en-ulng August election. |M dt*-' Pnre White few drop. Soup, oi Jef- Impart an exn.ul.ite test SENT BY MAI , POSTAGE FREE, FOR Jl 25. town, Grayson c^.. Kv*. JOHN LLOYD Is a candidate for Jailer oil; Joints, Beefsteak, Game, etc.. desolating as they go, speaks for ittclf. Th DR. ZAc White; Colors dry & in 60 SHOTS PER MINUTE high, weighs 16 > or 17a lbs. Si county. HU dte In valo Is near 6 feet tenon have Wit would be less indecent in a drunken SENT BY MAIL, POSTAGE FRI E, FOR *l 36. David which unprincipled Sauce manufacturers, complexion He belongs to the Is a candidate for Jailer of Jnf- of every quality; eruptive and irrepressible signs of it pervade rears of are, and dark BKN F. 3HIVKLY Cheap Leads Senator to throw up his liquor The most Intensely Interesting- Book published h-irs of Dr. aam'l B. Abell, deceased. Was employed fers->n county at Iho ensuing August election. endeavored to imitate.. upon the floor and Bar Lead. Supper Tn- the entire State. We trust we need not ap The most Inteus, ly interesting Hook piibltahed two years at a hot.d at Owsnsboio, Ky. ml6 ditrwte Shot On the Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner, or of the Senate chamber than to Patent feet H II) Incli'ts in height, weighs about are authoriRed to annonnce ED. A. BU' :KNKR iu pour forth on Henry^s Henry I- 6 or \\j K Al.o Just received a lot of rualt FRENCH ZINC containing "LEA * P ERRINS' WORCKS that The most Intensely Interesting Book published dara complexion. for Jailer of Jeffercou county at the Me, a cruet prise you the robberies, outrages, and 15U to ISO Ihe, Is 2 1 years old, and T* as a candidate oil, to which we would call tbe spi clal attention of paint- that floor the slanders together. dte" spensablo. and calumnies that the The most intensely iatcre.llng Book published The three boys lelt Mount Me iuo They ensuing August election. HaM ers and o'h rs wanting a uekuine article. TKK8UIRE SAUCE" Ul,ll barbarities, the destroying, pillaging, and kill negroes. will pay th. tl»«c»o"« The smOsI Istrosjvly inter,sting Book published are sensible, good-leoking We are authorised to announce THOMAS SHANKS jyildl.liu WA.T1 R3 & FOX. To appreciate tho saoellen* qualities ot this liiiuar inspires. jail in Kentucky WE county at the abovo reward for their delivery In any a candidate for Jailer of Jefferson a mall bot- ;ng now committed in tho interior by your preparation It is only nccenary to purchase so we get them or *lO0 lor a like delivery of e.ther one. Aiif utt election. a3u dte or dealer, as Evidently this war must be B. A. R. M. WATH AN. are authorised to announce CHA3. A. BLACK tle of the senuins, of a reipectablo grocer mounted Cossack gang, will, if not immediate fought to WE F. JH. county i GIBSON, place Jnne of Jefferson Mt. Merino. Ky.. St—dAwtf as a candidate for Jailer Hotel and Restaurant proprietors seldom the bitter end. If any of our people havo aUS dte many )y suppressed, react upon you with a vengeance APPLEGATE the ensuing election. .ubititue a gen- & COMPANY, notation in Otoe*. the Pure Sance before their gaeets, but been getting up extensive assortments of olive Manufactured by tlte dew Haven Arms Co., which you can neither escape nor stay, and FIOQ Is a candidalo fer Jailer lu Jeffertou uine 6o«l< filled with a djturious mixture. Publishers, 43 Main St., Cincinnati. LH 110. • He deilres the office for only one term, Capitol Drug Store, opposite Post-office, everywhere. branches, they may as well make fire-wood of LIBRARY ASSOCIATION county. sale by Orocero and Fruiterers which you never will be curious to rouse again. NOW RAVEN, CONN. for the office direct- For Jyisds and, if elected, will not run agalu SONS, them. or Indirectly or bo oonuectod with the profits of the I.OUISVII.I.K, KY. JOHN DUNCAN * If you persist, and this treachery is to con nifc) same. dte' Union Sqnare, Fourteenth St., Ifew York, & Co. to announce K. iliOMAS FTJKE AND FRESH MEDICINES, CHEMI- R. FRANCE are authorised WM. tinue to be your crowning virtue as it has been WJeffDavis's childiea are wisely getting GKRAIZLXT BAGS. WK United Stales. as a caudidate for Jailor of Jefferson couuty i CALS, DRUGS, 4c; Bolt Wholesale Agents for tbe married the eusiiln* August election. marl 1 dt* received or for some months past, we wain you now in as fast as they can. They know they 2,500 2-bu&heI seamless for sale by M AN AGHRS. CHOICE TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES; A stock aiwavs tn Store. Also orders Tor County Attorney. direct shipments from England. time, and plainly, that from this moment for- will not be able to make eligible matches afur PITKIN, WIARI), ft CO. in the abovo Lottery can be ohtaioed frcm FINE AND PURE LIQUORS FOB MEDICINAL 'nnis new r;fle is the best ever of TICKKTS are authorised to anuounce JOSEI'H O. WIL Beware of Counterfeits end Imitations..** rIhe Vernier* cn tr bearance will cease. You have loon indulgod tboir father shall have been hung. J. fered to the public. It la the mort powerful weapon WESON as a candidate for the oflice of County Attor- PURPOSES, ftc; of Its b\zb ev*r pioduced, of gre*te~ accuracy and rapid- ney at the ensuing August election. jo dte FINE TOBACCO AND CIGARS, and permitted to remain in peace among us. ity thau any oth- r arm j et invented, and !* so atrople In Monday Mornlntr, July 14, 1862. mar It dlslv HEAD DISPENSARY, t9"The new tax upon whisky is three cents lta conetratt on that there U uolla*)llit, fcjitl getting WK ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE GALEN'S You have repaid us with John Morgan, Jack Wheat Drills, out of order. the X.»«4slatore of Ky. per gallon. Some people H*S7~Ordets for Tickets in tbe above Lottery, address Ohartered by think it oppressive Fifteen charges can b« fired without romoving It from COVINGTON AKiTfiKBURN AUea—robbery, arson, and murdcrl You can < i(lcr Dlllls, the thoulder or loaing aim in leea thau ffitetn »* cond», I! Kit a M H CO.. AS A OAWP1PATK FOB tf aU PriTBte Dleetief to impose such burdens upon tbo DCcet*t4aricB & F«r the Core and if can be reloaded with fifro'n chargci* in about the see for yourselves, if you can see anything, Threshers, jUdi! Louisville, Ky. OCULIST & AURI8T. time it bakes to load other breech-loaders with a single of life. Partial Peafneae, DUchargea from the Kar, Hoiw< EsrcaT. that the nation and the State are no longer in charge. JAILER dtp affe< a nnoioAi. ( lover Hullers, At the Auguse lection. m9 a the nead, Catarrh, aud all dieeatfpa aud The eiz3 now made la 44-100 Inch boro, 21 Inch harrpl Artificial Help for Hu Inw of the organe of (JUBT PUBLI8HRD—PRICB ONLY 10CBNT"). any temper to be trifled with; and, depend upon tif It is said that the laurels arc nil dying and carries a conical ball to the pound. The ronetra The Beat Fan Mills, M JUOOB. Plate* and at 4 U FOB OZBOUIT Slfiiit and Hearing Containing Sixty Pages and Thirty Fine *ion at 100 ya»ds Is8lmhe ; yard*, 5 inches; and it, will trifled out upon tho mountains of the Sight ever Invented. FOURTH DISTRICT. iii:cer<-iully tnjat-d by they not be with. Thoy are no South. The Potato Diggers, It carrie? with forc>* eufflcient to kill at l.t oo \ antf>. man Jtngravinge the Anatomy end Physiology of the &c, are authorized to announce the Hon.ASHER W, H. KAT.T.S SMITH, M. of tree of Depot for pales at M^'pre. .lanit*? Ix>* &

[Correspondence Louisvile Journal.] XXXVI1TH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 3 A. M. Excitekent in Sheluv County.—The Shel- of the AMUSEMENTS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. PORT OF LOUISVILLE. Washington, July 17. by News states that on Sunday, about noon, in- THE REVERSE AT MURFREESBORO. ARRIVALS TRSTEROAT. MW0BOMJQ1CAI, HECO JULY 17. Major RD— formation was received in Shelby ville, by a letter Having read much about the Murfreesboro sur- HOUSE. Auderiou, Clu. Bandy Valley. Maclleoo. 3 fOUKHIW NArr.T BT PJ. OFFICIAL. LOUISVILLE lOrem* Despatckws. I. WOODBUTt. THEATER Tycoon, cin. e, ar Cr y Kag e. lleod. wis. fJortmt of e oo rth a. id Oreno •treeli. Various messages were received from the Senate Corner Second and Chewtuui from Mount Eden, that Tom Allen, a brother of render, I desire to rectify many errors, and state NOTICE IN REGARD TO PASSPOEl'8. Juliet, P.tta. Bon Accord, 8t. La.ulr. concerning the passage of certain bilis. Mt Tfrne. -I ' »k.. I f leu r. Tlierml'r Jack Allen, and also a captain in the marauding exactly the truth of the affair, so far as my own Department of State,) t>EPARTCRKS YKSTKRI.AY. Ohio Air. aej>x.Min.. Tbe SpeAker signed numerous enrolled hills. attacked. Notiow.— 'ol- Message from President Washington, July 10, 1862. On and art. r .,oud 550 -"' J S3 not 200 and «i .J-j i LzlL; 87ih section of the act of Congress, approved July Oallcry %i eta. Mr. Stevens moved tba. ihe House cancur in on bii near - Sunday morning took her out to camp Federals. Neither was there 500 killed and internal The river wa* ab lit «t«tlo iary at UiU pr.lnt la*t even i»a» roura. L 1862, entitled "An act to provide NQVKLTV1 wclVKL.eTir Adjournment of Congress. the r>qae3t of tbe Senate to ex . end the adjjurn- i'syenromots*. later ii)';, feet water in the caaal. 'In- Bloomfield. This information was conGrmed wounded of the rebels. I left Murfreesbrro on revenue to support the Government," &c, which » ment u nil two o'clock ibis evening. with six weather *a« •"kw l>l' ar.i.ce nl .-> rrju.i . L ADYof til's c ty. in Shelbyville had section took effect from tho 30 h day of Juno Mr. Hooper asked consent to introduce a bill cool and pleasant Uttt evei.lng, with light iho* era of 0**1 oek. I o'clock. 7'olck. 'cleat. I'otk; the day, by a citizen of who Monday morning after tbe dead and wounded on "TVIS KVE ilttcj perforraane's I j rldaf), Ju'v 18. ths las', I be sum of three dollars is chargeable on "'"'"utiieioi wi'h takon frona providing ibat on and after the first of August all rain yeaUrday Weill irr Well Dry been to Taylorsville, and returned immediately our tide had been and up to that time the hrautiful Dram, Special brought lo, Walter -ran, Order of General Halieck. arrived (rom 8t. Loula with 10 000 70 1 75 every pas Home Guirds also came were doubtless mortally wounded, and most of Of IS and pun- will leave Portland for the T nneeacc river at & o'clock old members of the comp my wbo are in the city, A DAY ARCADIA. ishment of persona pres.s, a number of chases, who ehall be gniltv dol'ar was unconstitutional. tula and several excellent to town. At noon on Monday • urier • came in afternoon po itlvely. She will take paaaeogera for these belonged to the Michigan reginent. Tte Tickets 60 cent-. as well as good Union mon generally who may Children half trice. of triason, and the person who thill Mr. Cox moved to lay tbe bill on the table. roposing stones, which will be aL pointa on the Ohio t^ncu to Paducah, and tho*« who di-posed of upon from Mt. Eden and stated that one hundred of the casualty in that regiment was awful— there were incite, set on foot, assist, wish to connect themselves with a first-class com- Perfo-mwe to h»eln at I o'cl">ck. Irl 7 dSJ or engaga in any rebel- Lost— 39 to 64 fair terms. Possession embark o her will Aud her a eplvndld craft with accom to bs given in fonr to six marauders bad attacked Lieutenant K'der, and but ell companies in camp and all the loss in lion or insnrrec ion ag.inst the au'hi ritv of tho Tbe bill was then passed—yeas 63, nays 29. pany, aro invited to attotid. l&j mod* ing officers. Mr. Wm G. Senlx ia tho Clerk. Walks. United S ates or the laws theruf, sh.a'l suspending tbe sa>ee of the d&wtf thirty of the Mt. Eden Horns Gutrds at or near killed from them. Companies or give Tbe joint resolution and wounded was The steamer Diligent left fi r Columbus last evening GRAND •id and comfort to any such existing rebil.ion lands if the Kansas Sac and Fox Indians until iJ-iTluiportant letters are awei ing Dr. B U. PICNIC. or WilliamS. Vandyke's, hot ween Mt. Eden and I, D, E, and F were off on detached duty at some with a number of locomotives and cars for the MemphU Oro. C. Drake, Est; —This genii. man is an- I OYAL union i.onr.E N >. j of kbntucky in.-urrecion. the 4:h of Marc'i, 1863, was pasfled. Bmgham, formerly of the 2d Minnesota Volun- JJ oft'ie AMtlttCAN PP.i ITS and Charleston railroad. R "ugh and Ksadv, killing Lieut. Edar and one tosvn the name < f which 1 have forgitton. STA NT BKMSVoLKNT By a fair conatroction the persons wltbin these A messago was bere received from President nounced in our f. columns to day as a candidate r ASSOC! VTIi in win have a P1CN I J for the benefit or city teers, Birricks, Louisville, His sec.ions are not to be pcnlshrd Lincoln, The Juliet will leave for Nashvi le from the or two moie and cap uring the others. Oi bear- at Park Ky. I hi Order, without regular and read. the !::.'.,. Again, the papers fay 1,900 prisoners wore to be giv-n at hip in ihe Eighth Judical District, trial in duly constituted wharf at five o'cl ck this afternoon. She is of very are not known here. courts, under tbe forms He Hiv- that he has approved cf both the con- ing this the Mt. E len Guards returned home. taken, l.-t me correct this statoment. In the whereabouts TToang's Woods, on Tuesday, July 23. (abjeottO the decision i f lb* Union Executive and all the substantial provisions of law and fiscation bill and tbe eupphmental resolution. light draught and will meet no detention. E. of In the evening frightened persons cimo in first place I the fix companies of A. FORD, Conveyances will .tart frun Prewit's Llvnv Stable, the trip Con :uittee, — as know — DOnetitntka applicable to their Mveral cases. Considering tbem to be an set before he was in- The J. T. Mc'.'ombi will mike a to Clarksvllle or of the L'oion men cf the District in comui of Prestjn and J«Iferson streets, at 7 o'clock. town, stating tbat the marauding binds hid dl Lieut, and Bitt. Adjutant. To 'his I percrive r o obj ction, formed tie passage of tbe resolution be and Nashville, leaving Ihe city wharf at five o'clock to- whatever tbe Ninth Michigan did not exoed six'.y per especially as .'uch of bad form. We hav already spoken of Mr. MANAGERS: persons wouli ba within Harris inville Eien, killed fifteen the general pardoning prepared tbe draft of a velo measage, which ho morrow a'ternoon. burned and Mt. company. This detachment, bencr, would cum- ,1' hn 1 Dranb's high Notice: NcticeI! Notice!!!— Ladies, take no- Tho . .Tatne on. Rlehaid Jones power and also claims to the candidatesbip. He is Ja>. Mc arland. within the special provision for herewith transmitted. As the bi.l does not touch men, and were marching on Shelbyville 3,000 Il^ury 8'irkrod, 'I h e. Waison' ber 300 Tbe Minnesota Thiid d.d not excoed 1 pirdon and amnes contained of an unspotud patriot, a sound lawyer, ard a ster- tice tbat I. Grauman, Auctioneer, Market street, Ed. llerHusto ., Win. Mullikin, E. D. Pay its pieces of artillery 1 bsrated him, neceesary for their fortunes. the d (Bculiy would then vanish, and psrsor.al property may be their ••I: y cent premium. 1 berc ia ocxt to aotliiug dolug was heard about nine o'clock last AT AUCTION. evening in the known tre.-sonable proclivities and sympathies, so, and, as t Li a is the reul cauio of treason commands, in some way preserving the evidence were captured. This is not as thero were bet N. B. Also a harps assortment of Novel ios, r|MHS (FhlOAYi MORNING, July 1». at 10 o'cloeV, against In eilver, tbe Iraoeactloua en.biaolng very email. Gait r>21 the Ueneral Ujvernnient perdi appripriation He tl. inks it proper tbat apartment at the House occupied by Lieut. their perfect 1 will be sold, nt Atlctlou-Rnoins. No. Main stre t. a n forfei s bis of mch HUDia for purpoaea cbaoge. i- avowing belief in the report of the f 'ur i ccs there section tbe time at of Tho buylag rate | —one being at Linen Table cloths, Embroideries, &c. jy 17 d3 slave a let of new and re ood hand rur'ilture, 'mbraci g at least aa jaatlv as hs does anv other pre p- military commaDdars should employ as many Edwin Hughes, of Gen. Boyle's staff. Collect' r three thousand advancing on fie S sot cent premium and the selling rata 101^12 y cent. ground that a Wartrace. Of the number of rebels killed aid "Wardrobes, S d»ho*rd*. Ba neei Mts-«s* Bt-dstta' S. erly, and he fo.lei." both lo the' Government slaves cf Af i- . descent as can be used to ad- Lounges. Mat r» r* s. Centre There ia uo inquiry for demaud Tr aaury notea, the Charles Cotton, who occupitd the adjoining room, cousin of Tom Allen bad hid t"jf Officers perfsrring a cap that will r.o*. lurn Ttbhlss «ud Kiutid Table, a conversation with wounded, I have no definite data to aid me in my against which ha '-. ' buyiog rate being -i . ay caat premium. Kac t.-i n far as i ii I hurried to the apartment from which the report Tom on last, or brown, and that will stand rain and sun, TiTtns . there cai be wnorship, owns Tte tb age was laid on In table and ordered Sunday and had the facts direct from • rtd as i ci. (J. SI E 'ICER, theforfited conclusion ; but tbat it greatly xceeded ours I exchange la dull at par .f i," ajl cent premium, tbe bank- )V1-'1I ^,->l™v>.>r slave.', t and the quistiuo ror ; ngioss in rega'd to be primed. proceeded, and found Lieutenant Hugbrs in the him. Tbe panic got so high that all arrangements should always purchase of Green & G'oep, corner to know from the following reason.': First, I know ers buying at - cent diecouat. thim i', sball th»y be made free, or sold to new Ihe Speaker also lail before tbe House a mes- i agonies of death, he having shot himself by acci- for defending the town appeared to be abandoned, Main and Fourth. They do not mi ks caps of Flocb akp iJEAits— Market vt ry easy. Sales and ship, mi8t«->? I i eight were killed wben they made their attack see no objas.ion to r.. r sage from tbe Provident recommecding tbat some

it is supposed, the ball having entered jo. t cassinette, but of fine all wool cloth of mente 3(*tl bbla Hour at $3 : . < i 6U. Wheat uncliaufed dent, and by euuset many ( f tbe citizens began to remove upon tho Michigan Ninth; second, Company B spprcved deciding in advance rhat they fhall be free. To suitable acknowledgment b» made Ci m Vander- Special Auction Sale buahela at 7j..i - for red aud above the termination of the brens-b me, above their families from place. military blue. Green & Green make tbeir caps tbe high hon^r of Kautudky, as I am informed, bilt for tbe gift to the Government i f tbe vessel In price, wltb aalee 1,200 the Despite tbe reports as on Provost duty at tho court-house, where she has luen Ihe owner of slaves by eacbeu', and of that name, wbicb is doing valuable service. prime white. We quote oats iu bulk at 36@3So ?eles the stomach, and lodged unler the tkin near the of tbe panic :tricksn panic-makers, Monday night in their house and can fill any ord.ri for go> d there were e< nu forty citizen rrisoners. The has sold none BYL.KAHN&CO., hut liberated all I bepa tbe aame Tbia message was referred to the Cimmittte on of KM bushels shelled corn without sacks at 36c. Rye back bone. A physician was called in, bat the un- passed quietly, and cf caps on short notice. not one the morauJors, as is <. . quarters ef this Company wjre in Ihs City Hotel. trne of seme other Statea. It.decd, I do not be- Naval Affairs. dull at !• . Uailey >.- f rtunate was past the point of relief, and bis far as cc uld be learnt within Nay. 404 main, stroot. lieve it would be pbysically possible lor the Tbe II n o then passed the Senate's joint reso- CuKsax— Steady demand, wltb sales on Western man d, was twenty miles Wh n the relisls entered the square, and charged gen- boxes Thf. Fipst Qfooon —The first g-ouse of the at eral giverrmmt to return persons lution making further a\ propriations for ihe cur- p-epan served at St. stanced to actual slavery. I believe there rent aud incidental expenses of the 1 Lilian De- up the Charles Restau- wo will Hell & largo iitock of Qp9di QY!«: nomlually at $12@ll M ^ tou for loose aud bard- the hotel, at 10 o 'click. Ihe occurrence is the M. Burnett, who left Monday evening in com- moved aside by argument or driven Mr. Wick I it) . atked leave to introduce a reso- from the windows of tho Court house and Hotel, 10 caaei Mtoehei. Shirting; away bv pre.-Bud. force. more shocking as Lieut. Hughes was a young mand of seme of the guards to see for himself lucion that it still be tbe duty of the Govern- and from tbe best authority 1 was informed Ibat 6 ca*es Calico©*; Gaoocaics— l'lrra at quotatlooa. Sales of '20 bhds New In this view of it I have no ol ictions to ment to order a record to be kept of the age, • j this 3 ci . Bed Tick'ug*: gentleman of unexceptionable morals and most what were the grounds of the various reports that Urleaua sugar at ifafbc, 4 1 bbla at MJfe, aod 13 bbla 31 wero killed outrigat in tbis charge. The at- feature of tho bill. Another matter in those two name, and sex of all slaves received into our 3 bnlei brown Stu-etiog; cru.hei. powdered, and eraDulated sugar at 13®'3)iC' amiable disposition, and withal, a consistent mem- were sent in, stated that the fight with the Home tack upon tbe Minnesota Third and Hewotl's sections, and running through other parts of the linos, together wilh the names of tbe owners cf (g- 1Wry handled forks (odd) for sale at Gay's 150 dozen Stirpeudi i Coffee is in demand, with aales of 45 sacks Rlo at church. a resident of LibinOD, Guards, ucder Lieut. der, act, will be noticad hereafter. I perceive no ob- the same. 23M(<* ber of the He was E was near Camdens- battery was immensely more fatal to tbe rebels, 9C0 doiin white ami fancy Marseille* Sbl ta; 23Sie. quote rice at China PaLes, Fourth and Green. jyl7 d3 j ction to the third and fourth sections. So far Mr. Bingham ol jected to the introduction of We 7Xc where he has a sister residing, who is the wife of ville, in Anderson count! . that two of the Guards, as they wore ready to receive them, tho Minneto- 60 (lice** fine IrUh Linvn; .• as 1 wish to notice tbe fifth and six'.h sect ions, the reMduiinn. I mini. Paaouus-Salee at *1 solution providing at ler. eral Boyle's staff, he fought gallantly, and ren- was thought, two or three killed. The traitors Notice is hereby given to agents and friends of clear. Battiiso— Finn fered by I ' tbo batter}', with n o pieces of asooituient That those componsatiou to peu&ion agents sball soldiers dii charged, cr to be discharged, that all Tofether with a very largn of Not.ous, sud who make a causeless war should be that tbe be SiiEKTiisae— Advanced, Great Weetorn belog held at dered excellent service in the battle of Shiloh. left in tbe direction of Lawrecciburg. artillery each the right left flank of the compelled io iv ths cost of it, is to? per cent on the entire disbursements of any on and lot i two < obviously doscriptivo rolls and discharge pipers are pi 1 a rtott g of BOUT3 and SHOES and 8 I'M MLR p General Boyle having made honorable mention just to be callid in quesiion. of li e n, provided tbe aggregate compensation To give Oovern- one . I .: CLOTUING. I with sales at \- ajl bushel. Morgan's Minnesota boys, and when the rcbsl host mads iu cbargo cf Captain Cochran, with instruct i'>ns Salt— Firm Movements —Direct railroad nod ment protection to the properly sball not e.xco. d two thousand d illars per annum. of persons ; of him in his despatches. to permit tbem to leave bis until turned • .'..>: « are Invited to thia sale, aa it cotnr>rieea a Yabnb Steady, with sales IS bags at 2a, 23. their appearance a cross fire frooi their guns sent Dot bands Cotton" — telegraphic communication having been broken who have abardonod it aud gone on a cru- Mr. Wal op, from tbe Committee on Printing, over in tbe discharged s' ldiers tbemselvos. When most excelleut rtock of Goods, end, as oeua), every lot i aud Me. forth tbeir missiles of dealb, which not only cud sade to overthrow tbat satno I r'pnrted a resolution to print ten thousand copies 1 Governmeot, off foldiors are too sick to at the effico for it i (jT- We understand that Geu. Buell ordered a between this ci'y and Lexington, our infor- the cVl wltl sold without it-' ' IlKUP—Good demand but DO offerings. We quoto is ••>,-. absurd if considered in tho I f the President's on Ills sul j:ct of con- fearful execution in thinning tbe rib I raikr but their papers thev will be sent to tbem. |>rni« cash. I. KA11N tk CO., more light of jus- me- Martial to acsemble at Athens, mation from the Blue Grass Region necessarily prime Eeutueky at ^00 to $63 %l ton, aa to the quality. General Court JytT d'2 Anctioneers, tice. Tho severer justice may not always be tbe fiscation. scc:essfully and triumphantly ripalsed them. Hy order of R 8. Grander, Msjir 5'h In- Cotton—Sales of Tennessee and NortU Alabama Alabama, on the 7ih of July, or as soon thereaf- comes by way of Covington and Cincinnati. Tbe best policy. The principal of seizi ig and appro- On motion Id lay the resolution on the table, co faDtrv Commandirg. middling at3*c. The rebels then concentrated in a largo priating tho proporty of persona vol el. ter practicable, for the trial of Col. J. Cincinnati Commercial of yosterdiy says tbo (Official E. St'OTT, the embraced qnorum as B. ) GEO. Fr.ATURHS-Good demand at 3tc. timber quarter of a mile tLe v i bin these sect ous ia certainly It twenty minutoa to two o'clock. body of about a from 1 7 d5 Lieutenant and Post Adjutant. not very obj..c- nowldted Turchin, 19'.h Regiment Ill's Vols., and such rumored capture of Georgetown, Ky., by Mor- j RIVER NEWS Toiiacoo— aale* 371 boxes tioaable, but a justly discriminating application There was a c .11 of the House M\ac*-AOTC8Eii Kentucky position of our f rees preparatory to making a gan's guerillas was confirmed 1 other persons as. might properly be brought be- yesterday by des- of it would be very difficult and toa great extent Tho p'reeodings were temporarily in'in u >ted at Wsl 93«c. aud 20 baxes Lilly War at tie. decperato charge. No demonr-tralion was made GENERAL ORDER-NO. L Notice r» Shippers and Passengers. irnpi>6sible. WniBBV-Sa . bbla raw at .-'/,$. fore it. The officers detailed for the Court are patches received in Covington from Lexington Would It not bo well to place a power by the reception of a mea-age f om tbe Senate H Heaik.'DIiters Home G oar la?) by our men until the yell of the rebels announced TH», HKSDKRSON PACKETS wi I of rem ssion toinewherp, so tbat these persons saying that that tbat bodv having completed its Pot «TOrs -Sales HI bbla new at ill 50 without the Brig.- Gen. Garfield, Col. Jacob Ammon, 24th Intelligence was also received tbat he advanced July 16, 1862 f i '"'!« alt r I mi v e pin rtiiftlly at t> i.'c'ock their determine*! purpose to again charge the fwi* may k^ow they have something to Bave by de- business was now ready to adj mm for the aeasoc. barrels. Col. Pope, loth Col. with a heavy force up the Lexington, pike to a i-frT-. *i'3t' M. t-reiKtit* m d p rwiin'-re niu.-t hp at Ohio Vols., Cutrin Ky , J. The headquarters of the Le.ui'-viKe Home Guard sisting? I not sure whether Cries of good. 1 at 14 at as, ~" am such power of | 1 ToUAOCo-Salea tflbhb: $0 5\ «7 05@7 battory. They ru-livl on in cumbers not less "th* lautliUK betore that time. L-t»eri, point within tureo miles of the city, whero aa is loratod at (be City Polio Office, entrance on ! remid-im ia or is in accordance with usage ap- *lura)lo ' not within soction 7 at 75,9 at G. Jones, 42d Ind., Col. Marc Mundy, 231 Ky., p u 1- -. arc. will It ave my cilice at 4 P. M. No orders 13, without a The Speaker, 10 at *««a 60, at *9Q9 75, 13 *llft» than 500, when the bulldogs of doath wore let Jefferson street*, where all organizations of com- lor ihe Bt'intueut of treig&U rec lve*t aft*:r 3 P. M special act of Congreis. pointed a cuuimiltee to with a similar com- I'l Col. T. D. Sedgwick, 21 Ky., and Cel. Boatty, 3d engagement ensued between them and our forces, Mt 11 75, 5 at $13(313 75, at $!St $ !••»• »!• ...p. 75, 7 at &17 HAll 76, - at but with what re, tilt is not stated. The loss of l6dlm Wall it. Ohio. Captain P. T. Swain, U. 8. Infantry, is By order of VV. E. WOODRUFF, )> 81 military phrase, they are within dant inform that Congress was ready to tbe enemy's aid bim 418 25@18 75, and 1 at $19. une hbd prime leaf waa several killed and a loss, only six succscding in getting through, throe the Judge Advocate. Whether or not the Court number wounded on our bide Col. 2d Ky. Vol. Icf'try, Commanding. country, should in an orderly tiiinn r urn. s» zo and udj eold at tbe B. one Warebouas ou WeslueLd iy, which waa is mentionod. of whom fell after getting thiou^b, and the otbor NOTICE. koep whatever o^real or paraoual property proceedings, in a call of the House, were has as yet reached and completed the case of Col. may The 1 BY IIKNDPKS' N AND I-VAN8- uot reported, at f22. three wero taken prisoners. In this cbargo SlUl'PF.R' TBI bo nocossary or c nvoniont fur thor ccumand, ac'd thon rasumed and contioued until 2 o'clock, at Turchin are not informed. The composition Paris was turrout ibd by the rebels on Weilnos- SPECIAL ORDER. - V1I.1,E PAUKET-S are r .pieate-d to have tbeir bille we the terminated ths roll call. CirsoiNNiTl, July 17, P. M. ef laiiuc. ready 4 o'clock P. M., aa ihab ate are re- at same time pmsx vo in soma way the evi- wbicb hour the Spn-.ker not less tban forty cf the rebels were made to bv j full juilice dty at 4 o'clock, acd its surrender demanded, Headquarters Home Guard,) lttc higher of the Court U a guaranty that will be quir"! r>v their mail contract tj leave p otnl tlv at & dence of what ibey do. Mr. OoX, Irom the Committee to await on lbs Flour firm'T and higher. Wh.at 3c aud ' "bite the dust.'' From tbis statement jour lead- July 15, 1K62 o'clock P. don* which wai refused. The place is held by 350 | M. What 1 have .aid in regard to slaves, while President, reported that the President had no in good demand. Coru dull at 3'c. Rye Abe. Oata Lieut. Jos. M Blnndell, 21 Ky. Vol. Infantry, ir. da A DO aNALLY, Bupt. ers will see tbat the rebel loss was lar.-e ccm- D commenting on the first ai.d ticond sections further businoss or other communications to pre- firoily at 3*>c. Whisky Pr .vistoua held more Federal soldiers. The rebels were supposed to is , held Mote Crrr Business. — A rosolution pissed both ba* been appointed a< jutant of the Home Guard appl cable to parod with ours. In fact eur less was insignifi- for KXemphis. tbe ninth, with this difference, that I sent to Con cess. tiroily. but there ia no demand; 200 tieicea laid sold at number over a thousand, with two pioceB of ar- forces of tbe city of Lioisvilli, and will beebeyod no provision is tho act r- l said the hour fixed for the Boards of the General Council last evening re- ,. - The li lit-aiatir'l t paaaeueer steamer made in whole for dot. TheSoeekir then 6c. Gr ceriea very Or.-u: sugar ecaice. cant except in tbe Michigan regiment, which respected acci rdinirly. M tillery. They held the long railroad bridge and -fjfy- - PRIMA 1*1 l.NNA, .-."TT. maatiT, ea having arrived, I p mining whe'ber a particular individual slave does atfj nromeni of the two Hou e.oli alvauced to 16c; silver 8c premium. D. mand quiting the teachers in the ci'y schools to take ill fur all porta was completely Eurprised, and every man was By order of W. E WOoDRDFF, t lea, above aii<1 wav ou or does tdj u-ned sine die. Ap- across tbe Licking river, on tbe outskirts of Ihe not fall witnin tho classes defined in tbat hereby dsclare the House advaocid to fi'^@6 S premium; these Vol. Inf'irv, Commarding, IMl d.av. the Mill Inat.. at 4 c'clock, P. M.. poaitively. trea-urv botes 4 the oath of allegiance. Col. 2d Ky. section. lie Is to bo free certain plan e b» tho members follow.d tbe announce- place. shot down as ho emerged from bis couch of slum- Iron* tlis citv wharf. upon are the baying rates. Exchange steady at pari4 die- The Board of Aldermen passed a resolution For freight or paaeate apply on board or to conditions, but whether these conditions ment. A few minutes only elapsed before all ths bor; and yet they rallied sufficient force to hold —Nkhvois Debility, &c. COUDt. There was sharp picket tiring at Cyntbiana on ' Pills II. I Anont. HOLLOWAT ill .1. I.r. M' li'iioAi., matter. oath therein n quired to-.ms lo ba p. oper, and tbu about ir.cludirg upwards of on Wednesday by capt- Symoude: be infested with guerillas. Colonel Landmm is facts will elicit sptcu'ation as to the propriely or opemtior s aro tho fame in the f priat-d $800 000,000, ed In this city by climate as their ^w^HBiawaw,, i]| leave ahove ami all way porta cu for remairder of ih* section is eubstan iaily id.n'.ical less and the city policemen were rpprovid. $560,000,000 fo- ihe army, and somewhat Pork J. G. Wright, 180 bbla. at *9 St Beard, Nor- in command at Cynthiana. He was reinforced on necessity of surrendering at all; but Colonels torrid z me or Iho Arctic regi< ns. They regulate tliia dnv. the lath iuat.. at 4 o'clock, P. M poaitively, — with a law already existing. ,rut her, 750 bb e, at $9 07. L. Fo» ler, 6011 bols, of the Committee on the Sink- e of boart, brace and from tho Portland a half. than $100,000,000 lor the navy. Mi The Chairman Duffield and Lsster are prisoners of war*, and seri- Iho pui and tbe action the Wednesday by the arrival of Captain Whittle- For freight or puaaage apply on board or to lbs 11 tb section simply assumes to co.ifer dis- important bills postponed by at 20. relaxed nerves, give tone and en- Among tho moat at directed to invest the in strengthen the 11. cn (sb'ea.-ij. Peter 4i Co , 60,000 ll>\ $5 93, and ing Fund was $54,000 suffering, until j!" U. .1. CAFFKEY, Agent. cretionary powurs upon Iho Executive without thn ously wounded and and, they have tbe House, or remahiig unacltd upVn, are A: « o., 7 6 at 96; sey's company Tom Cincinnati. Colonel Guthiio ergv to Iho general sys'em, and by re- establishing 60 IXl 1 at $i 73; Brnoka. Johnson 000, $ the law. 1 bave r.o besi n ion to go as far in the the hands cf the Gas Compary in such stocks aa R. M. Itleliop Ss Co., 60,000, at $5 60, O. T. lidel, 6,0uO also the road last evening with 100 an opf ort unity to record their own explanations or a vigorous elibrt of tbe vital fui Otiom extinguish Tor Bt. Louis. Mlowinc: went up con- direction I ind'cated as may at any lime doom ex- for Ihe admission of the State of at B M. he thick pn p»r. of choly, depressed spirits, 'l he lii«J(»liljiliiinilii Providing may apologies for this unfortunate disaster, I tabtM tbe elements melat —m w Himm Shoulder'.—J. Pe er A Co., 40 ollOlba.at $3 87; W. B. pedient, 1 1 think valescent soldiers from Camp Dernieon. The -t*i' l Li i apt. re. and am ready tu say noa', it ia K ;--r S.MN I H ll. Vim.. Western Virginia, ard for the enlargement of tbe IB; blue.', vapors, &ot Sold by all Druggists, at SBa., Wilson, 26.11011, a' $3 it:.; C. . tj-l, 25,t0u, at $3 F. i «i»™*w» w ii| leav'- tor above arid all way norti on proper for our military commanders to employ, as . censure, though, as a member of Colonel LeBter's cinal. Providing for a ', at 85; Sent to Jekfersonvillb. — The following regular accommodation train arrived frcm Frank- Illiniis and Michigan "jeib, 60,000 at $3 21 ; MeU.nald * Co., 3 .00 $3 62c, and ftl per box. 182 tbl- dav luth lu.L. at Hi o'clock A.M. trom city wharf. laborers, as many per -oos of African deecm. as system of bankruptcy, f r the appoint- Todd. 8ton"v Cooper, o: Co. 4j,0.0, at $3 19; Powell. military prisoners were removed from the Military fort at the mual hour this morning. There had regiment, I cannot resist the oxpresiim that my jy 15 d6&wj For freight or passage apply on b iard or to j uniform can be used to advantage. incurred McKwen & Co., 5n,iK'. at $3 43. . _ .118 B. J. CAFFKEY. Agent. ment of % commission to a-certain losses ^ _ _ city yesterday to the Penitentiary been no arrival] at Frankfort from Lexington meagre acquaintance of military science will not Hams -F. Leib. 26,(ai II a, » $6 25; T. * J I. Jef- Prison in this The Iwel'th and thirteenth sections are somo I sHTCoo.1 oil that will burn longer and stand a fjtlssni from the appn priation of their 14.01 at *5 1-6; ' by loyal ferson. ;.i.OOti, at* 6 35; W. II. Ilaurock. 0, bold tbem questionless for allowing 900 infantry *'."»:-.' Momlay ami Friday United *$tatt» thing better Tbey are unobjectionable; and tba Co., 27.00T, at Jeffersonville: JihnB. Sisk, S. D. Robinson, during the twenty-four hours preceding the de- higher temperature of host than any other sold A property bv the United S ates iroops, and the y G. Wright, 8,0'i0, at Js»; McDonald & f mrieenth ia entirety oper, all Jalvis at 15n,000, 1 Passenger Packet pr if other points cf millions if at $"> 97, aud 14,060 at $5 95; W. Co , Maii I ; two hundred T. Sisk, G. W. Tapp, B. F. Lam ), Joshua B. parture of this train from Frankfort. Tbe dam- 400 cavalry, and a battery of feur pitcs of artil am bank bill, appropriating In tho city for sale at Gay's China Palace, Fourth a>6 th* act thall stand, lhat io which I chiiHy on- ! at 60. EvausvJllo and Hoadorson, dollars for border s!avo State ema-cipation and lory to get i l ruch a fix as to mcke it n- csssity to Tor O. WIIsod, 100,000 Itj', at $3 60 Todd, Jas. H. Robinson, B. M. Nslky, John age done to tbe railroad track near Midway bad l II. rd Br--»d.—W. and Green. ]e25dlm Thf elffriiut paaseaicer ftaaruer *rt»r" ject pervades uio>t pars of the act, but more dis- i for colonizing purposes. Flitchla & C >., 1110,000, at $8 60. cavalry. set of men lORKY KAGLlt. UrT-iBpiLX-Oi, n-aater, Roddick, 8ullivan, W. surrender to 2000 A braver tirctly appears in ihe timl, second, und ! Boyce, W. 8. Henry EL been repaired, but the rebels visited tbe toad soveLlh, The S>n»te tot k no definite ac'i >n upnn the Beans.-R. D. Fenb 5 0 0 bushels, at »2 'I. K. K. Williams, Union candidate for Lckk clerk, leavet for above and all way liaj.OOO Hit, at 26 Dioiels, was confided to any tban •gf-Uoa. eighth sections. It ia tbe sum of tbene provisions privi- Rice.—C. L. Moor- * Co., *« Umphete, Joseph Browo, E. W. H. for never commard my *> '^'-oa. Honse bills to totally abolish the franking again yesterday, tearing up the track a con- port* on Satur ia>. Lttta Iuat., at K a#. Roasted Coflee.-llrown, stout, « Butler. 6 ',l00 lbs, at wtiii S. reaults in Judge cf Appellate Court, will address the peo- fretght or paw w apply on board ar to the divesting of litlrM forever. repeal tbo laws allowing mileage, in- Golden, Milton Willard, M. Reeves, R. L. Smith, comrades of tbo Third Miunesots, almost, each Tor lege ard to 27)«e. C. L. M ore & (.0., 60,' ill, at 27c. T. xl. Blgga 4t siderable distance, and making a fruitless effort to For tbe causes of treason, tbe ingredients of trea- ple at c uding the pressnt members of Cosnreas. 511.01.0. at $37 10. Bulow, Stokes, R. C. and every and officer being willing to lay David King, W. L. F. M. blow up tbe large railroad culvert just beyond man son, but amounting to tbo full crime, it declares or Sugar.-Browo, Stout. & Butli r, 225,0t,0 Its, at $10 3*. Friday, Jaly Tho House bi 1 providing for tho discharge Nebo, 18 Tor St. Z«ouif. 75.0i:ll, Abbott, F. their lives sooner than their arms. But forfeitures extending beyond tbe lives of tbe C. !. Motre & Co., at .flu 7e. Duckett, B. O. Mulionix, J. B. M. Midway. down trial of Stato prisoners failed in tho Sonata 15.0i Dixon, Saturday, July 19. The l-ght-drausht pa^eu^pr Mteamer Vinegar.—W. 11. Conkling & Co., 0 gala, at M 75. guilty pariio-; whsreaa the cots it u ion if tbo Presidsnt Muncy, Hampton Thompson, Ell Downy Philip Ibey bavo all been marched off with fallen brov s Morganbeld, Monday, July 21. TKIO, BxmmJm master- A'nong the last nets Bignod by Ihe Candlca.-bb-rley & W. ln lk. 3 iki ll.a at $15 10. , th» oo'ts ou attaii of trea- Reuel I'I'Rec iation ok Government Kind- will l<«ave for above M w*v United States declares that "no der outhorizing the iasue of postage and Soap J. BtnUtb Speed. 3o,t 00 lt;a, at $4 50. Henrley. A and sad hearts, without a single wreath to record Caseyville, Tuesday, July 22. was ono sfturiity, tiie Itth tint . at 12 o'clock, M., son shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture 8-lt.—T. il J. F. Jeffenon, t-uu bushel. Bt 42c. Ohio sAodnetday, July 23. other Government stamps as curr.ncy, and pro- ness. —A few weeks eince a rebel prisoner was Marion, from the city w barf. Biver Salt Company. H,00 a 43c. the Gre of patriotism burning in every hoart. As except during i he lile of the pur-, n attainted." pat-sage on to hibiting banks or other corpora ions fr m issuing on gallons, at 43c. The difficulties which have environed cur Frodonia, Thursday, July 24. For IreigLt or apply boa'd or M la sea.-t'. 1. Mooie * Co., 6, qgT brought up from Pittsburg Landing and sent to T. Arrnt. True, there is to be lo formal attainder dollar for an illustration of the have in the Ninth Michigan Dycusburg, Friday, July 25. J18 M. KKW1N. notes bilowthe denomination of one a'jp.lteaate.eawaided by Major Kilbum warehousemen for a few days past in the Bids for a'luy tobacco General Hospital, No. 5. Up is a German wbo tbis case, still I think the greater circulation I append a list of killed and wounded in company Pmithland, Saturday, July 26. Cinrb nati on Wcdueeday as followei For Nashville. punishment cannot be cons itutiorally in- a resolu- at matter of currency wherewith to pay balarces ;peaks the Er.g'isb imperfectly that an inter- Tha Secretary of War, in respon e to so by wounded soldier wbo was The hpleudttl pfewe m r cti>.imer 6H.0.0 tbsbari biead, 6J lb boxes, Burbiek t Halght, A, furowhed me a dued A different form for tbe same iffot.ee, calling for all tie evidence on ac*rn lo been overcome, at it People that the Louis- T. M«tC MBS, Bim ti, master tion of the Hiuse, due the planters have preter is necessary. He represented that he was Keep Before the J SMc. I b great re pect. I am constrained to say I whether any I.. taken in by a secession family. And here dosire V"iM». clerk, will leave lot »bove a >d * 1 the riles relating to the question 625 bushels beans, A M. stone, $3. least to a great extent. The planters, it will be tbat ville Gold Pen Manufactory is the placo to buy tba one, impressed into the Confederate service, and way port* on I aturday. l^th iust., al 4 o'clock, P. M , thmk Ibis feature if Ml is nncoostilutioi.al. of Congress bave bad any in- 13 6 0 lbs trits. l.tU. S Oic. that it is due the citizins of boro member or members to say Muff.ee- lbs s. F.ai r«Co,6.4\ were denruuding Kentucky money Cno Pens, Holders, Cases, &c. Everybody can from tb* city wh«rf. Ii would cot he difficult lo modi'y it. 1 may contracts since April trans- 12.6i0 ilce Jam's remembered, when tbe evacuation of Corinth was going on he • ter «t in Government 1 o.. to acknowledge their generous attentions to our For it* i».'H[ or passage apply on boar* or to 6 0 gallo .s niolaaees, J. A. Frazer & 43c. there. Gold Pens Ke- remark that ibe piovi-ion of Ihe Consti'ution, printed copy of tho document heretofore Co.. $21! 65. in payment for their tobacco, and the bankers and crawled under a house and remained there two got a pen to suit them J18 T. M. ERWIV Atrent mitted a 13 Ota It.a roaatfd toffee, R. M. BL-bop k it IO'b'c wounded, ro bing vindictive by word or deed pat in language borrowed at Great B it in, ap- the arrangement lie- 40.0OW lbs brown sugar, Bnw , rltout, A Butl.r, bo sent by mail. sent tb*) Senate, containing business men were disposed to withhold that de- delivered himself pdnted tor 50c. Pens can vinegar. J bu-ou. 8c. days, and thou came out and only in i 1 -rstand, io 2 000 gallons A. W. marking their deportment, but a deep settled ex- Tot ClarksviUe and Nashvillo nea u comnfay, as ut.d twaen Mr Scbubarth and Senator Simmons.which ; ' -.ills Klelne. I4XC difficulty Offico on Ma n stroet, below Fonrth. ine lulst-dimit-'ht pafreii^ri oi^ruiirr estate. Again: tbis act, 310 lbs star randl.a, & scription of currency. There is now no to the Federal forces. A few days ago ha L real t-r iandul by pr> is all tbe information on the files of tbe - l he saya lil.i 1X1 tt.-< soap Proc er it (iaoible. 51s,e. ** .11 - master. pression of sadness and sorrow. 'Lib. i, J, M , ^nxzJr cotdiug in rem, forfeits p-oporty f r ho ingre- ' file. K. B. Stencil Brands cut as usual bn-lii ls -..It It. Bishop ti o , in the way of obtaining a supply of Kentucky want to the Steward of the Hospital and — ill It'ftvt- lur abov*. and all wa*' ports «n department. 17a M. Lest 1 have already made this ccmmunicati:n disnts of basis vithout con e: ion of ths sup- appointed 35 - bbla extra superline flour, J. W. M»al $4. jiy dtf (late Barne Hill). tltta day, IStfa lust., at 3 o'clock. P.M., from city wharf. (?) The folliwing gentlemen ha?o been planters very generally agree to K. C. HILL & . T. MoOoKJiB, Bt'NOK, master, not ba t us engagul, aud 1 think a reaiona- Mcl'-nok, leun, PAR Twentieth Louisiana ." The idea tbat the Ameri- street, just above Preston, front- y Br'f dier Generals A. 1). W. N of pistol in the yard, on Fulton lor all way ports ou Ranks. I Treasury Notea, by the accidental discharge a will leave above and should bo provided for such parlies to Gen- Kentucky Filmno til* the Regiments —We see by the wharf. blo lime acd Thomas L. Crittenden are to be Msj X Arcredlted Flee Banlu 0 can Government is to take the same care of these ing the river, or at their lumber yard, corner of itm-Jay, tho luth iiut,. at 6 P. fr. m ci'y State Baok ot Ohio, bands of a member of his company. Lieut. M. - or to ppeor and have psr.onal hearing. EisotUat pro- Ohio. New York papers tbat an excellent sug;o9tion For trciirht or paaiage rpi»1j on board ersla . . State Bauk of Indiana, 1 rebel ;ick prisoners that it takes of its loyal cham- Preston streets, or leave your orders CO.. connection with pro- undir tbo arrived here by a special train last evening and Walnut and J18 MoilKIIEAD t l|w« visions are not uncommon in The following aro the Commiasioners UNCURRENT MONEY. in regard to the enlistment of new has been made in rem. in inaurrec- 1 cent dis. he pions is, perhaps, well enough, but that it shall at their warerooms on Main street, nearly oppo- edings act for the collection of direct taxes Eae'ern Money V was c nveyed to the Louisville Hotel, were UNITED STATES MAIL LINK Misaouli— troep3, and lh»t is for tho Common Council there For tao reasons stated, I re' urn tbe bill to the tiorary districts within the United Stater: furnish them tranrportation to their rebel regi site the Gait House, Louisville, Ky. janl dtf H>ndnr.-cn. Good S sa cent die. will receive medical advice. For Bvarosvillo and ii which it originated Oliver P. Tern to offer a bounty of twenty-five dollars to every borne For the District of renneaaee— Farmers' 7 4" ceut dis. ments is one of the richest specimens of rebel im- lti gnlar Monday aud Friday Packet. I 1- dis. Signed^ A I! KA ! AM LINCOLN. and A. Winner. 3 cent | pie, B. Rsgers, Wm Western I'he GroverAi Baker Sewing Machine Com- The fine llgltt-draiwlit eTeaiuol "atar" John a crop of tobacco, sold yesterday at the resident who will j in one ef tho regiments now tj.|f ff^mm w 1 tji) ceut dis. (sYFor pudence of which we know anything. • !r Lyman D. Stick Union. **jJZLp (iitlOY K^GLK, HrTBiNPii.i.rR. niaatar, For I he District of Florila— rtment of thoir tjentlemtn the Senate Bank of St. Louis 3 sent dis. of in the field. This idea is thoroughly practical in pany now otTer a completo asm w^wSMBmwiII and all port, od of ; Boone obacco warehouse, of 22 hogsheads (6 leave for above way Q. S'ru s, and Harrison Reed lltpresentaltvet. nev. John Iowa M » c»nt 6oclflck. I' M ^>oeitivel)-. and House of BalmdAy. 1 tie Iftb iua'.. at . Hodge, price 60. ProfesEor Whipple to its character, and must strike every one as so CeltbraUd Xoitefest Grover $ Baker Stitch Ma- Fur the District of Louisiana— Wm L Virgiuia- which were lng«), the average was $16 •U" has consented repeat For I'relKht or piuuace apply on board or to the bin for an act to suppress insur- Concerning Wiaitcrn VI cent dis. the tl>w process wb'ch re- chine; also new Lock Stitch Machinei at MuOKHKAKit CO.. Agem.. Wm. Parker, Adolph Rousier. Tbis tobacco was raised by Mr. Thomas J. Terrill, his concert. This will be welcome news to all who has noticed by J,8 umc ion, to punish treason and rebellion, to Kasteru y ceut die. F'or the Diatrict of Arkansas— lames M.Tibetts, cruits are fashioned into soldiers. Brought to- No. 5 Masonic Tomplo, cn Fourth, between seiz-i and confiscate the property of relnts, and Pennsylvania— of Christian county, Ky., and if not the best, is who were present at the first, and to many who Tor W heeling and Pittsburg: H. Hempstead, and David Walker. ce nt die. Samnel IMttaburB 1 • liglit-dratieht paaeeu*er .i** mer for other purposes, acd the jout resolution ex- certainly one of the best sales of the season. The not. OldMozirt looked really beautiful, gether in a new and crude organization, few of Jefferson and Green, where cuitomert can cram Tuo For the diatrict of Texas— I.eumel D. Goins, were s ! , KEN I ON, Fhebt, plinaiory of Btid act as bsing subslantia'ly one, I - - jMSW, Geo. W. Paschall. ary,and.^:::::::::::::::::rf the men knowing tho capacity of officers, ard «««, prove, and cAootet between the rival tlitchet, will for and all way porta ou James Thrtxk Morton, lowest priced hogshead brought $12 75 and the with its fresh paint, abundance of light, and a leave above have approved and signed bnth. B afore I was Michigan tbixtlay. the l"tli inat.. at oo'clce'c P. M. For the district of South Carolina—Abraham learn far I hey with the privilege exchanging. No , ls(KJ. S Dixie. officers. We wish, with the Baltimore Ameri- , , „ for ear and eye. As this is theon/y repetition, all Should you fail you have cleared jour skirtp, and '1'isIO, W. B. Kcee'LL, maator. PiTTsnuiio, July 17, M. The Mi.i *r- GoDeral commanding tbis Dapart- pic ic in the vicinity of the city yes- idea could bi carried out gonerally. KABirr.ART.c'erk, leaves lor alwve and all «3T At a who desire to witness this beautiful spectacle will can, that this should you succeed, Heaven will reward you. pier mark ar.d fulling. Weath- woypoitiou Fridai-, tbe h thinet., at 4 o'clock P. M ment, iu giving up tbo immediate command of River 4 feet by Attention! — For tho de- shot by addition Volunteers, erday, a young man named Smith was attend. is It would, in a brief period, give U3 an frjni Hi- ci'y wbarf. the field boretofore consti- cloudy. not fail to Tbo programme somewhat Dr. Uruan's Inebriate's Hope is almost an the troops now in and er Incidental to the cnange of F or lrelgbt or passage apply on board or to rangements of the system the accidental discharge of a p s ol in the hands to tbe army in the field invaluable at a cri is like tuting tbe armies of Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi, hinged, and the tinging of those populir vocal- unfailing remedy for the drunkard, and well CKliPPEK, PA ITON, 4 CO., or diet, Wouude, rruptlous, and exposures which every Jtb and the Southwest, des'res to impress upon them from the St Louia Ktw"d N ' wa of a young lady. The shot proved fatal, Mr. the present. Besides, of the men who aro in JI7 11. J. UAFcKEY. Agi ute, at. BHTWo l uirn - K no remedlea no eaf\ eon- ists, Messrs. Boutwell and Huber, will add to the worth a trial. It is carefully prepared by Ray- nravsry, Volunteer is liable to there are bis high appreciation cf the endui-ann, of Mt. Pleasant, bis last at the residence of Mr. earntst, as to a wish to sea service. Ibey would tbat Wiiliam H. Probisco, aud tellable as UULLOWAY'fl PILLS BDd Smith breathing attractions. mond & Tyler, No. 71 Fourth street, opposite the For Cairo and Memphis. soldierly conduct which they have exhibited veuleut, and ar- whilst laggards and idlers who jt-^^ .The magT*h\r-tnt paaeenner steamer Iowa, but more recently from Memphis, was OINTMENT. 25 ccute rer box. Matthews, on Broadway, at a late hour last be gratified, the National Hotel. on all occasions during the preseut campaigs. Aa correspondent at Mackville, Washington -*Ja'^5.^p i IIAN. Kl.l.i Hi. nu sin master, t09 BHJ-A r at night by the mili- enlist from different motives would not bo on above aud all porta od 9* pint, corps they were menmrablv vic orioua rested in that city ou Tuesday Jyl5d6Swl night. Price $1 50 per single package, crfuur packages L^^will leave for way informs us that the citizens c place county, f that Saturday, tha lath laaL, at 5 o'clock. P. M Milford, Mill Spring*, Pen Kid :e, Fort Dmelaon, attempting to smuggle one band to seek furlougl s und r false pretexts, and tary authorities for BARBARITY OT r freight or paae&gc apply ou boara or to Madrid, aud I, land No 10, and where par- THB HORRID were thrown on Saturday even- Agenta. New whieky through to Memphis tho true soldier- f IfooKIIP.AD * CO.. hundred barrels of BOUl'ft so encumber the service. To jlO dcod&weow/ united, defeated the enemy iu a bloody bat- TaUO didate for the county judgeship. He is an old and ing last by town. tially auo da.tro. lug powers Morgan's bard entering the of whisky were encased Is only equalled by the -eebictive enters into the spirit of the undertaking Fittaburg, t i> intrenih- as cutout. The birrols one who For Owensboro.Bvansville.Hondorson, tle at rnd drove bim frcm Lightning Fly Killer. It 1- reudeiad attractive well known citizen. He has fine qualifications About twenty of the citizens, all who could get very large assortment, and ol tbe dead Toilet Soars.—A - llgtitdranghl oaaeenger eteaimt. menls at Corinth. with cement, and eo "fixed up' inetantlr. Y. 11 will .ee them is to b> cooped up ,, „i, Tbe in barrels lined to Flie.. and Slla —nothing more irksome thin all th« win- for the office be ee, and his loyalty has been guns, met Morgan's advance guard and gave them 1,1(1 OKEV EAGLE, Capt. Iloneil, In tbe latter place their oper itiona in Ihe libor aod dying withiu five minute*. D.rken fur sale low, at J. SCES'S, C "^iosirjsf* the closest scrutiny of tb* -Killer Every in a camp of instruc isn. ' Undar fire" every ''"••tasawwlll leave lor above and all way porta ou as almost to defy dows but one, and there rl.ea, the Hi from the first above suspicion. He has many back, some, of repairing railroads, which the enemy had do- and die. Be- battle, driving tbem wounding and j8 Fourth Bt., bet. Main and Market. Fii lav, the lath Inet.. at b o'clock, P.M. will find It In th* couree of the day, i llicers. After his arrest Probasco Fly sense is sharpened, every thought on the otii via, Biroyed, tbe Commanding General bears personal Gcvornment fly-Killer that doea this. For freight or passage apply mi Doaiu or to memh r, it Is the Lightning friends and deserves them. taking two prisoners. One of the citizens was stated Si CO.. Agenta tesiimony to tho good condect of the troops, and the whole swindling business, and will do It. and men must learn rapidly, whither they will tffj-Genuine Lnbin's Extracts at jil MOORHEAD confessed Nothiog else rebels soon returned with ilightly wounded. The tbe cheerfulness and alacri'y with which tbey en- purchased th* whisky, concealed TOR BEDBUGS (jr-Citizens who reside in the vicinity of the or no. There is a feeling, too, that at once thoy J_. SUES'3. stat that he had THB BEAD-SHOT j8 For XScmphis. peats from 800 to 1,000, and tbo cit- dured fatigue and hardships which wero necesBary iatli to these ooxl us a force numbering 111 p-«<^Dger steamer barrels, from C. H. Tyler Is certain and immediate d river complain that they are daily annoyed by country; The —llllni as it was in tbe cement aud is a be- aro of some service as de'enders of tbeir mas er, to aacura 'ha great ibject (f the campaign. Tbe their neat*, destroys their esgs, , abt, up izens bad to retreat, taking with thsm the pris- fTTa' *, l HANCELI.OK. Stem firm It break, members of this netlMi all that v. 11 u re near. ' lor above aud all »»v poi-ta ou soldiers of ihe WeBt nave nobly dono their duly, Co , of St. Louis. Tho som ol d' sti to boys who batbe in close proximity to their dwel- thoy are excueod from going through the 'cir iraa?r.''frMa.wlll leave & generally. l,' for sale by dealers brr u zht to this city. Tho rebels ' JW iuat.., 6 o'clock P. M. r b artlc'es are oners, who were . at io B "3aliirday bTtk acd proved tberaselvei ee|nal to any emergency. were accordingly taken in custody and placed firbids this field, 11: '- ' lings. There is an ordinance which cnmlocution office" iu getting to tbo they Foefretahtor pa-as. apply ou )>3 dial 1 remained in town all night, stealing six or eight A Tho Commanding General desires to expross to ^^^^^==s it alert to GOODS. tha military ptiscn. practice, and will be enforced. are reckoned as veterans, and are cu the DRY ^ i cirps their subordi- the commanders f army and BFAUTY, line horses and two buggies. PKKSKRVE YOUR l> .-come such. trus*, then, tbat something Evansville and Henderson. bis warmest thanks for their cardial cj

- We B. corner or Fourth and Market For nates of 5 VMMETH Y Of FORiL Military Arrests.— H. Page, Charles Q. TABB, pnaeeuger ateamer Nrsv.—So.u* enterprising son Wm. light-drauaht • j The Somkthi!«: . occasions POWERS, Captain Wilson, of the Home Guards and will bo done in this direction immediate'}'. To gpuer&l aaport ra on all YOUR nEALTU. ANO MENTAL HT trwts, hM juet rcctfivod by express a BIG GREY EAGLE, Bu.noi, master Joseph, Mo., with a Beack, H. P. Kinney, Francis McDermntt, Jos. Soldiers, you have ecconp'i hel much towards has arrived at St. that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Speciffe county, meut> of Diew Goods, pmbrarim a vark'ty of uew 111 leave i >r above aud all wav ports on progress By uaiug Provost Marshal tf New Haven, NeUon bo sure it will not necoasitato tbe creation con and this day. tho 18th lust., at (o'clock P. St. crushing tbis wicked rebellicn, and if you acd intended to travel across Ben' edy Horel, ard Richard Morrow were arrested Uo bos also in store a large stock of Domeetie machine invented hklSbolixs extract buciiu. arrived in the city last evening. Captain Wilson of another and an enrrmcus batch cf 1 or lreigbl oi paaaage apply ou ia>aid m to this vigilance, courage, and tinue to oxhibit same of steam, and ID auotbel columu, and proBt lodged in the Military Prison in thus city yester- Good*, which he will offer very lovr for oab'I omlt. T. M. EKWIN. Arent the plains through the agency Read the adverliaemcut was efficient in defending New Haven and the officers; but, bettor than tbat, it wculd perseverance, it is believed ucder tha Providence G. B. TABB, amount of freight. Dy "— day. cf lhat yiu will soon bring the war to a drawing af:er it an immense piaeasea aod Symptoms Enumerated. rebel al Bivor Packet. God railroad track against tho three hundred insore the promotion of gallant mon Fourth end Market etreet?. Beg-ular Tennessee preserve it. You may uot now require ra33 bA Corner and bo able in return poace to your fami- only dsscription we cin u It out aud Louisville liastpwt Aliernato l uesdays closo in The Herald says "the HTMr. Wm. Stewart is a candidate for the cilice •nnrand'irs, nude thoir appearance there a ready in the army, have nobly dono their Loaves & who who lios and homes. Bv crdor The tine Hght-dranght atetnier that it resembles an old-fashioned But man at some Future day. of give of it ia, Sheriff of Jefferson county. He is a true man, few days ago. In addition lo tbe captures before duty, and who, with lhair experience, would be J- ,! - r'Ortl*. Capt. .1. B. CoriMan MAJ. QEff, HALLECK. "It gives health and vigor to tbe frame. I JESLjSl~~ exception; thewhoels, font Buggies. L^-TTT. * will leave the Portland wbart eveij- alter- M. U. McLean, Adjutant, locomoliv*, with one And bloats to the pallid cheek." an ardent patriot, and would make in all respects captured, a reconnoissance infinitely moro valuable to tbe forvico. Whilst Baby '' l , g made, be during ' >v fir Eaatpyrt/reuneraee river, aud exposure. ^nare Tiieed about tweoty feet in diam It Saves Lai g MtVttpj lor ill Nashville, Jnly 17. number, measutiog (guarantied. a first rate officor. Wednesday, three valuable horses which had been upon tbis matter, the American urges another A LL kkidj and riBea, ol oar own Dtauufactan\ and all way landings. K turuiug » leavo Eaalport ou Beware nf CounUrJeiU. Cures Tuesday following, making regll'ar trips, tjbtppcr report ibat iho Federal cap- are aanguiao of success, eoditeowlro sale low at the Kslurned prisoners eter. The proprie ors JS u-e-d by Jack Allen's gang. point — the need of more promotions from tbe . can depend upon her staying iu the trade. «-Dr. David Griffith, the skillful and popular apH dtf S. STTDB\ tives have been paroled at McMinnviile and bave trial tiip as soon as possible. F'or treigbt or passage apply on board or to and will start on a ranks. By tilling up tbo regiments already in at. to Murfrec choro'. The rebels have gone istta Agent, 137 Wall returned - surgeon of the 2d Kentucky regiment, is in the J Udtf B. J. CAFFKEY. IStM (gj-There was a rumor iu Nashville on Wulnes U. MAIL PACKETS tbe service there would be a chance for some of to Chattanooga. Dis "RkGlTLAR 8, ci'y on short leave of absence Tuesday D. Matt Packet The Damocrats of the Third Indiana Bvansvrillo. Hender- from his regiment. Jay tbat a small bard cf Confederate cavalry, in DIED, Regular S Foktrkss Monroe, July 16. 153- Tot Owonaboro. Iho most deserving men sent lo the war to bo nomi- Landing*. At ei«,ut o'clock on the evening of the Kth, Mr. Join* For Cairo, Hickman, Columbus, Padu afliat for the list 24 lionra to Convention on Wednesday, and all intermediate fore?, had made their ap- A rumor has boon trict, at their aon, be absence of a Federal forward, have earned distinc MlIXER. •firThe steamer Bolle Creole brought up over brought men wbo cah, Bvangville, SKemDhis, and all that tbo rebels had driven back our cf Madison, as The friends of Hie dec*>a*ed, without further not ce. the effect nated H. W. Darlington, Esq, 6FLEIS111U eTEAJSESS pearance at Lebanon. It was reported thero, Landings. taken posses one hundred tons of old worthless weapons taken tion by devotion to their duties, who are worthy are requested to aral at 4 o'clock tins a' way forces at Williamsburg, and have lugged the party that Matthews, mym .The elegant, light-draught, elde-wheel thtir candidal* for Congress. master, leaves on iho, that Gen. Negley bad t-ruoou from the reudenee < f Mr. J. L. C. sion of that place. There is not one word of truth EAGLE, A. Donaxlt from the rebels at the battle cf Shiloh. of i' from tbeir invaluable experience, and whose - COMMKKCAL. AsiiiiFiBmaeter, U1U t.KEY corner of Twellth aud Broadway. f" ^VjLan-i^teatmT Frldav. at I o'clock P. M last. clerks it, aud the Government telegraph lines have Mondas < M'd attacked Murfreesboro on Sunday *a^^aflK""wl.. .r. llEF.i.1.1.. iio.l Jim, GaaKN io nobly in her enlist- IloeTiNrlLLre, m»st«r advancement would be a stimulus to others, their from Cjnneclicut is ac'ing il EAGLE. Joute On thi 4th of Juue. near B wling Green, Ky., abote. conoectiog at Cairo with packet constantly working through the place np to ttfj- STAR KEY «HT Tbe two boards of General Council were in Mr. will leave aa been Wedneadaye and Saturdays at 6 o clock F, M., injuries received bv being thrown from a horse, Smithland and Paducah with boats for her volunteers, in ad- leaves of the Nashville Constitu- comrades. for St. Loula and at tho present mcmont. ment", and sho proviiee with the Paducah and Cairo publication James IIastinus, of c. nu. S^niaiUng at EvaaavUle session last evening, and adjourned to meet again HJ-rhe Lincoln muty, T< for Iho Cumberland and Tennoeeeo rivera. CO., and Scott. Kansas, July 8. to th* pay and bounty of the General Gov- tion has hsen eu psnded f. r tbe present. Tbe fir It is said to bo in contemplation in Coogrcss MOORUEAIl.4 Fokt dition on Thursday evening, the 31st inet. | cr paewwe Wfrgtotg** )Mef T. M. ERW1N. Agenta. from tho Indian expedition noar ^freight A messenger : ^ Cumberland Priming Company announce their to make an appropriation for the purchase of ar- KEG3 NAILS for aalo ernment villi AND HKAU3 arrived mourueaii a co., OUU jylO WF.l.l.F.K PAKKF.R. MAII, HORitltHi LIS Fort Gibson, in the Indian Territory, married sa-The Rev. W. V. Daniel has baen appointed resume its publication A BJSUULAR PACKAT-lf.S. Six dollars per month to the wife of a Agents. Wall at. determination, however, to tiiicUl legs and arms for our soldiers who have trains night, and reports that a detachment of laadtt j Cincinnati unth rariy ifatfern here last CoawwttJiff at youngest child if the wife is dead. Chaplain to the general hospitals in New Albany. ,,AGS COTTON YAUS8, aaaorled eiz a, Juat man, or to the at an early day. been compelled to submit to amputations, 'i he 1 it^ For Cincinnati. tbe Sixth acd Ninth Kansas Regiments had sur Reserve just re- | child ucder 14 boxes rhoicc WeeteilJ XyiiJ recoivel aud for ealn bv Two il liars per month to each CUEESE-136 Tho magnlfioont paaeeuger ateimort lonel Coffey's omrratd of from five to hv need for them it strongly illustrated by a re- iva OLAZKHIIOOK. BRO.. * OO prised O exceeding two. ^ceivea. and for sale sjjj" Two thousand Kentucky State sixes sold in Secretary Stanton lost his youngest child, OKN. ANDERSON, lln-uiurru, inaate voara of age. not H cn R34 Main •HT i-ix hundr.d rebels, and captured all their muni- ^ SUPERIOR, I'lTTuan. m alter, " psr year from tbe State. months, on Friday last. mark made rccantly by tbe Surgeon- Genoral that I BBL8 ITDEK VINBGAlt for eale at lowoat mar a>_^ Thirty dollars New York on Wednesday at 95%. aged eighteen f^IJ above ateamcrs will loave for the abov tions of war, camp equipage, &c. Thirty rebels fo kot rates by One of the dollars in advance, by tbe State, at 'he COFFEE -60 bags pctmo Rio In atore and lh«ro was nothing ia which the relief societies o'clock, the field the no riftv )ya GLAZEUROOK, BRO., 4 CO. rort dally at 1J M. were found dead on McGuire, enlist RIO MOORE, BREMAKER, 4 CO., apply ou board or lo time of entering th* servics, to those who sale by •tsTT'Jur local bankers are selling gold at sixteen agp Dr. T. L. Dix was released frc m the Mili- their funds awTot ftrtlMareas or panase balf-breed, and commander of ths rebel orth side Mala, below rJevouth =L could expend more advantageously Agent. torions 17* h KKGB WHEELING for tale by '~~*jo|fepU CAMPION, before August 20tb. to seventeen per cent 11WW1 NAILS Indians, was takon prisoner. premium. tary Prison yostetday. than in supplying tbem. )UvU |y> OLAZBBKOOK, BRO., « CO. Offlee at tbe Wharf-boat, foot of Third it- I : — 1 — . ' . —— , .

carpenter. Seated The Dry Gioods Trade —The dry goods Notice to Owner* of Property. had been ctief atcbitect and STATEMENT U1SV1LLE JOURNAL trade is very much unset tied and the market has or toi AND PAYING OF SIDE- %AiLROADS. LO in groups wore the peasantry, URADINei WALKS. on these graves assumed very cjneer phase within the past two a The owners of lots ami parts of lots designated WM. ^— I SKENE 'C arrival of a funoral procession that C ON D T I O N & Russian Correspondence.] the of UAVUFAC1TURBRS CO awaitir g days-, resulting in an almost total su-pension OF [Our Mow are hereby informed that ordinances have JFFERSOrVVILLE RAILROAD. excursion to finland-mode expected. The peasant', in business. The rapid rise in gild and etoiling ex- or TUB Reflned Carlion Oil, Refined i oal OH, a fisuinf) was mouientarily boeu passod by tbe General Council, approved Extra Lard Oil, Lubricating Petra change has caused nearly all importers to with- customs. their peculiar drets, none tf them ex ctly aiik>, JEiIU and published, requiring the grading and paving leum, Benzole and Naptha, liar and Axle "manners anl> draw their Blocks from the matket, or to offer COMPANY, Grease, and Paint Dryer- si.liig in one of the sidsvalks in front of their respective lots, AISO '"'I PeteK6Uciiu, 22, 18C2. lu'. all of tLem similar, the men On tho lut day of .Title. A. D. Ian, Aa ). o-.o and after to-day, May 6, \W% Trail on this 1 St. June them only at such prices as place them bsyond 100,00 by the Manufacturers of Coal and Cariwn Oil Arnps of every fail to have the same ON ' doscrlp'lon from the cheApest lau-a ot the State of Kent ickj-. abd if they properlv done Hoad will leave aud arrive as follows** Kitchen nAnd Lsmn t/, iu, received <" <*> " part and the women in another, the tingularly- the nac'i of ibbers. Parlor or Church Lamp, with marble bAsos, And most -pproved Buroors, * Agreeable to an invitation J from the date W.clcs, Shade. 1 til ..uws ,nXl!i Tho name of the O mp my ii ^KttiA Insurance within thirtysday hereof, the work Biual.es, eetooes, singular grave- orna Thus, for the first time in the hiftorv of the Compa- LBAVK JRFFBRSONVILLlli Limp Triiniii'ii^s, .C:,- friand to accompaoy a par y on bcllt church, atd still more ny, ard la b e it d at Hartford Connect cut. bo dune nnder a contract at the of WARKHOI.SK iNI> highly «8taam»i will exponse STORK ill ' l-li'l' for Ciucini.atl snd 3t. STRKBT. trade, the eery merehin's that ara usually drum- Tti a ca; Ital id fifteen hundred th uaaud 7:3U A. M. Expreas T^ouis. Woi corner ltith And High ste. somewhere (we formed a most picture qoe and interest iag dollars And ia lot owners, aa provided for in the 3d section of the Carbon and Coal Oil ks Lard Oil and Lamp KActory BuUitt, bet , ments, lor Ctucluuatl, MAln And a fishing excursion to Lake vir refuse to sell. -pAid tip. 3;yu r. M. r'ast Kxprtiss lodiaDapo'.l.-i, mAv-sH Water. ming for business ually There of tho City Charter, all dirtcied in anothsr 7ih article drains from Cbictfcsjo, aud the £ast. Finland, I, together with two sighr. My attention was Par Value. Market knew not where) ic seems to b i a unanimous disposition among the Value. lo's or houses to ba conveyed under the sidewalks 10:00 P. M. Nir' t Kxpreai for at Lools. Ctaclnnatl, place of rendezvous quarter by loud singing, and, on turning, ob- importers to await the final aejtloa of Congress Bast. other American?, met at the^ Real Estate unincumbered. .> **7,.|».3.1H in iron pipes, in accordance with the ordinances Chicago, and the bill, 1. in n in Both Trains : >• . . coonectlons for tha Katt. to starling, tifieen Iwi nty persons with their hats upon the tariff and some definite of C^ah mi hand and Bink * 73,774.76 the same; said work, to take a little of the needful prior served or regulating when executed, of tbe valoeof gold and exchange, before again C*a h in the uaoda of Ageote an t iu B. by the City W. received Engineer, if ARRIVI? JEFFBRSONVILIA WII^gSOJNT carri .gee, chnrch. to be and not AT in waiting for us were two < IT and walking in the direction of the TAn 1 127,4,1.10 At the door transac i lg anv business. Tbe domestic coin- Mortgepe llond^, 7 per eeul Beml- done in everv respect in accordance with specifi- 7:Su P. M. from Cincinnati and St. LouK (Successor to Gh. horses abreast in each. Expressing I'hey were followed by a pries', and he by Jx or mission houses have again marked up cotton and W. Bashaw). with four Aunu 1 tnt'rrtt $IT,5.KI 67,(100. cations regufating sidewalk paving, to be ropaired lS:bi a M. from lumonapoiir ana Ctucianatl.

. WUOLBSA1.B woollen goods, and a verv considerable portion of M 1 Ron -la i> [.or cent, semi- 11:40 A at. from ut. Lools, JnAUnapolis. aid (Miriunatl. DKAJjKK IN my surprise at the imposing array of horses, eight men beating npon th ir shoulders a corpse- 10,000 at the expense of the property owners: annual i teres-, 1 the Kaa*. tbe stoi k is bald out of the market, as holders 100,000. both Trains nuvklujc connections from the Russians considered it abooluLe that to be interred that day. As the preces- Morttuiire -.onda. >i per cent seiui- grade and pave the sidewalks on the scuth was told that was look for still further appreciation To nS dtf JAB. FBRRTEK. O. T. A. generally a In r.">t CHOICE •.nnual Int MELD AND 10,7.10. street UtRDEft for drives took off side c f MaJUon from rVeeton to Jackion SEEDS, ly necessary to have four bores any sion passed all arose to their feet and the value of goods. Tho j ibbirs are doing bit a Roche t-rCity Ro -da, 7 i»er ceut, street: I longe: "light bnsines.-1 partiy owing to their unwilling- semi-Aon-'Al Inrereat, H5,t>00 2el,0e*j. tan verets—a thing that no their hats. The corpse was lowered hurriedly, , Agrienltiiial and Horticultural Implements farther than Brook yo City Roud<, 6 per cent, Mrs. W. O. Kidd 100 feet. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILL* and Machines of all sorts. no s to s. II to any ex ont at present; and their wondered at after seeing their mode of dming and 1 approached the grave to hear the csremo- si ml Annti 1 ii tercet 25,0eal 36.SO0. Henry Ruive 2.1 principil occupation now is tbe daily marking up OUJB2NT, Hattm-d i.Ttv Bonde, 6 por cent, Wallace. 25 rXaASTUB, WHZTB UXD, AN9 LISUB, These carriages were to be under the guidance cf ny, bat wis disappointed, as the ptiiat and sing- stock, to semi-aniKiAl Interest Henry RAILROAD. of their koop pice with tbe rapid ad- 63,'00 61 5J0. 31 4-12 .Tracy City Bo ds, 6 per c.nt, Haul Mrrklin Main it., bet. Third and Fourth, how- -'iter-'.'.- -5- : opposite two as lon-bearded, dirty, indifferent- lo. king ers immediattly lei t. They soon returned vance. — jYeoet York Express. Ijasi .3a tjs> Bank of Lotuavuie, •eini-annual Inter -t 36 OOil 25,750. 8. Ovler 20 which 75.000 men as I ever had the honor of meeting. Taking ever, but this lime brought two corpses Milu-Aukie Cicy Bond-*, lu per Jas O Bryan 20 and Alter WcdnesdAy, April XjOTJXHVXXjXjS, T.T Ireland, which might be one of tbe most pros- cent. s. ml Annual inter, at 6,000 6,000. », PAsscncer And t hi 21 9 12 ON a casual glanca at the carriages, and seeing they put into the same grave. I'hey went away lev -nda, Silas Gray FP'lrht ''rains will run through to porons c in. - iu ihe world, for years past has New York B 6 per cent Kdcolluld, op- qnerterly int r st Divil Smith 27 posite NAAbvllle, without rtiAnne of cats. number of baskets cf wine that were strapped on again, and again returnrd with still another been decaying in population and produc'inn, and 77.2W. United StAte. St ick, 6 por cent, Wm. fowkr 17 2 12 PA8S!'.NeiKH TRAIN will leave Louisville dAily At would not have so rest. I now is now doclining faster 'tun ever. 18til there each, I began to fear that I corpse, that was placed alongside the In s-mi-anmial inti r st, ttJHt M^tt T:4> A ,.M.. and arrive at Edgefield At 6:30 P. return- C itherioe Durning. 26 M. ; ; - Sli. -k. 'I r ceil'. wa' a decrees of 3G,l>74 acres gr. Lititl- 1 .-tat l> Ing, leaves Kdg-. field 7 knowing dis by c/ en crop ; of At A. M , Arriving at Louis /II agreeable a time as expected, my up to the grave, but was pushed asido 1-', M. GafTney 20 G 12 walked » 15,701 acrjs in traiu crop', and of 47,969 seres in eemi-Aiiii'ial interest, 132,100. At 6: id P. II. in wine parties, and being com the crowd Ho Ui'ltet btatin r.-rtilicataA of In- P. Lochlard 20 4 12 like to mingling a man allowing himself through grass crop?. Tbsrew.s also a decree,'* over the 20,000 MKMl'HIS BRVNCn TH\IN will leave Bnvllng debretnea*, il per c ut, aud tn- Margaret Arnold 16 I clearly saw fol QreOD d.ilv (Sundays excepted^ At 2:15 P. M.. on an ival palled to follow In the routine which had a bundle under bis arm and was closely pree'dini: vear of 6,993 horses, 188,816 cattle, t rett accrued, 10e,030 10i,3«t6 6d Jacoo Fais 133 6 12 Of i r-ni from lAluiavill.-; fetiiruiilg will arrive and United Stain. Treasury Notof, at Bowl- was Intended by the parly I should d i. Con She pulled the covoriog from 173,(95 pi^s. 35,000 ing Oreen at U:lU A. M., and connect with Train from lowed by a woman. 7 3-10 per ceut, aoaii-AnniiAl In- J. M. DKLPU, Ma. or. Nashville for Louisville. eluding, however, to resign myself to fate, ('apt. and di.-played a littla ccffiti rot ex- to(Tat 67.30J 60,«l.f0 the bundle Gold in Mayor's Officii, July 10th, 1862. Clay. —The pspars say that goll has Keutucky State 9 ock. il per cent, FREIGHT TRAILS win leave dally (S indAy. ex- -, ai d our friends 10 dlO and I entered one carriage, ceeding a foot and a hilf long. It was made by besn ciscveibd in tbo brick clay which urderli-8 eemt-anntlA interest 10,000 D,650. Dem era'. Copy. jy cepti.dl for NAshville And Memphis Brancli At 3 A. M. excitement Teiiiiivsei; atate Stock, rt p r ceut, the other. We creattd considerable simply split. iog a piece cf wood, scorpirg cut the city of Philadelphia to sttc'i an IX tenI as to TRAINS FOR LEBANON will leAve daily (SuudAys Aom -Annual Int- rest, 10,0.0 5,850. sjxee^tedo At 6:45 A. M. drove down th warrant the b lief that in ihe ten rqu ire miles among the street gs:«rs as we eithir side and dming a nail through both ends New k*ork State Stork. t> p r cent, All 1 : . for niAin area occapi .1 roAd And Lebanon And Memphis pro by the city there ii ion umes mere setut-an-iul internet 31,0oo S5,t>50. heveky with four horses abreast, wine, demanded the ludder and placed tho cof- Branches must be in Depot by & P. M. The man g Id in the eltj than has baen found in California, New Jl-naf Btate Stock. 0 per ibe box fer our use, and c-nt. s ml-ann nl lui- r st lG.uoo 1.1,4.0. (Late Jack & BHOTuro), BARDSTOWN TRAIN will leave dally (oicept oou- visions, &c, stiapped on fin with the rest. the experiments with the clav baVa been made Missouri S'ate Slock. .1 per caul, dAys) At 4 P. M. All Freight* for KariAt' rn on behind for the horses, and under tho direction of an tliicer of the (Jailed 5 road main road a young haystack Standing by the side of that grave and seeing e l-Anr iiaI inte est Sc>,uOn 13,520. Commission, Tobacco, and Pro- And north of Bardstn^n J-.inctiou inusl ates mint. - it be In D.'potby the Droshkie drivers to S Ohio tata Stock, p-r cent, eeuil- IP. M. no little trouble among five placid it by men whosoemed to do obfiaa la annil-1 iniorest. lOO.uoo 10?,0.a>. duce Merchant, »T B. MARSHALL, Siu-erinteudent. being run over, as it must be re Mic Isjtn st.ie siock, 8 pat c ut, prevent it more it was commanded of them by st. because Main , between Third and Fourth. s> ml-anniiAl nt--r t, 25,o00 25,000. No. MS that the two outside horses OTMBBAL OUDKU3—No. X. memuered their priest, than for any particular respect tiny Indiana State Sr- ck. 3 « per ceut, 1 HRenQr*RTEt:8 Army of tur Ohio,) 8 mi-annual i-.teresr, 76,000 45, kut 1 NMENT3 of M A s L'FACTURED TOBACCO, dsn h va no particular regular way of travel 30,000 CONSI "N I not keep from shudder had for the dead, could In Camp, neab Fi obenos, Ala., > 5 o Shares Hertford Aud New Ha- IVcvi-iin*, Kiid Groo-rio* rai-pectfully -\\ .r. .! to the Juue ae. lstU. ) ven Railroad Co. Stock, ling, and as they are only hitched on ing, and recoiling from the grave in sorrow, to 60.000 71,250. N. B. Particular attentiin (tWan to filHog orders for 250 Shares i onn. River Ral*roAd HAILKOAD. There are 14,000 officers and soldiers absent Pork. Kacoo, L^rd, and "todme genurally. axle by mean) of ropes, the amount < f spice thoy mi ct that in the middle of the t ioeteeuth cen- Co Sto k 83,5JO. '£>. >-•'..' from their duly with the various Divi ions of tlii Louievllle, June Itt7 Shares Boston A' d WoiCi*t«r require is enormous. Wo managed to navigite tury, and in this day cf civil'zition, in a country arniv. Soma i.f them have gone iff without any ln,7cV) T. Corner RAil.oa.lCo. Stock .. 12,413. A. HARROW. Ma n and 4th sia LOUISVILLE, KY. accident, as Sitae- s through the hev.ky without any but authorite; others permission of t tficars CO Couuectie-ut River Co. reaching nearly half around the globe, and with vilhtbe 'I'UB NATIONAL UOTKI, is aituated In theivery o: I K ock COO EATING HOUSE, J fi. moOHfl, rroig-ht Agent, centor tbe . nines, part of the dty, conyetilout to th 1 Rail- 1,250. bridge that lonnects 8t nut authorized to grant it. In general, sicaitess road, rolesraph, and Kipreas Ottlct-a, the ilauka, we started across the cf souls, five 60 Shar a tlaena' Batik Slock, Post-Offlce, and places oi Amusement, aud wttlliu on, a pula'.ion of over sixty millions C .t,i:Are of the principal p is given as Ibe cau e of absence, but in very many Cunifr Jrflcrson and Fifth sts nppnsite fuurt-lloasf, LOUISVILLE, KY. St/'Aroboat Landing. The. house bas been thoroughly reuoe Ale-d and refitted for the win- the island}, the Waterbuiv, Coon S.OlO 6,000 , Petersburg with what is known as grave, t. e bitsinflsa. and Is hi belter condition now tbAu it human beings were pled into tho same and cases the cause has notoriously caased io exist, fOSh-eo nlafcasl Bank Stock. was ever before, and to tho traveling community And par THROUGH BILLS OF LADING TO KASTKRN ». ns visiting tho city for buslneea or pleasure of these necessary ouuile horses ae Staff id Spriugs, Conn...... 33. ix. wivriNjEn, amn every in-lucomeni for patronags. Ptlccw to suit tha times. traces of one 6,000 5,000. i there covered up never more to bo thought of and man remain aw'V, drawi g the sama pay as 30,000 "i l l-.o Riven at lowest rates via River to Pitta- MSha es I'.s.le I!,ukStock,Piov- Hetvlug jitst hits openfd Houi : M ul Line to cldentally became entanglel in the wheel of a .their cimrtdis who are faithfully performing Cincinnati and via JefTurjonvtlle Terms if 1 it so scarce or labor so 50 Per Could bo that land was IJenc.-, R I , 1,*)0 1,800. for tho a;c04Jiiiiaiion ot thftftS)} Rnllroad. '».-.! Day. th ir duty To correct this it is ordered Our driver not feeling that he was re- abuse 200 Shares Re ere Bank Stock, public, is uow prepared to^^ All applications relating to the transportation of Droshkie. deai? I would novor have believed that I could 1 All officers at d soldiers who ara abtent with- Bo, t in, Mas*., 2-\00u. iiiiuiHh all who may favor Freiftlit Bastwhi-d to be made at tbu office. No. ;,i sponsible for any accident that might arise from 100 Shares S.feti t'und Benkstock, have seen tha burial ol five parsocs, and not a leir out direc'. authority from those Hoad quarters, Mm wi'h their patro.iap* a tto a>» food aud a«) choice Fourth (or Wall) street. aprx dtf Bwrne. Mass _ 10,000 10,000. eating at th« mi. k-t atTord-*. (lo and give him a ct.il, tho carelessness of an Ishvos'c jiik, would not tbe period for which has transpired, will, shed, or the slightest manifestation of sorrow on not on 300 Sliar s til- of . Bmk Of StAte. t.e wilt het \on Hi i . -t for to a warm , Dinner, or stetdi, aud, ad a natural or before the 10th of July, pinximo, join i hair Mtssouti, Stock, St. Louis, lor ce'iti H. his fiery Supn-r twenty-live a incnl W. deign to check case. Tha Lonlsville & Frankfort and Lexing- STOKES, the part of any ono. Yet such was the (SL'OCBSSOR TO «. * W. H. companies or regi.nents wbcraver thav may be. Mo 30,000 lVOcl. ZTf" Kooniit lu the tiucoud titorr, with prl%-ate rntrAuce, BTOKfSa), onsrquence, the Droshkie was turned upside 100 ShAi-e* Mercbaiit..' Bank S'ock, ton Frankfort Railroads. priest stood at tho bead of tho grave chowing lf ignorant of their loejalitj, they will report to arn ready for the accommodation of ladien And & to turn a few somer- M I. .. .. M.. 11,000 7,50J. men. junAifcdPni IMPORTER down, its oceupants made IDKALEK fjici AND while at i IN wax and locking carelessly around him he the commandingi r L uisvilie or Nasht ie, 200 Share- Mechanic.' Uauk Slock, 20.0 by they will ba oirecte.d .o their regiments, St I, ins, Mo 15,00u. saults, and finally to kiss their mother earth, repeated the short prayers customary on such cc whom {I-..STABI.I*>M!:i> IN 1980.) 400 Shares Farmers' and :- or put on such light duty as thoy may bs able to Mecha aud af .er Monday, F*-bnrary 10, l*»;a, Trains will policeman, seeing the occurrence, came running pride that lea' Bank Sto k, PuilAde'l- ON COACH AND SADDLERY casions. Then with an ait of contcious run daily (Sundays exceptad) as follows: HARDWAKE perforin, if they are not onrirsly fit for active phiA, P. £2 003. BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. ; alongside the carriage crying "Stole," "dtoie, : RXPKB33 THA IN wi l leave Lnt-i-ville at lihu he had performed his pirt of the ceremony, he serv c-; and those will t.o promptly r< p »rted lo MrhSusrea vtmt Ba ia Seek, A.M., Old-estabilnhel Saddlery Wtreii«n»s, PREPARED COCOA, BROM.\, FRENCFT, stoppmc at aII s'atioiu« wtien lUrtred except FairCirouods of old bird Hartfnro. Conn 14,000 14 1 00. PUKE "Stole;" bnt I have never hend an ranted to slightly tip his th. ir regimental commanders by tho t fficor so as- very condescendingly |_ ll()\l(Eo|».\ • Race Conrrc. Hrowunhoro, and llelleview, o>nne- tiiuc at 100 Sha e^ B nV of »-artl' raCoun- rillt; and VANILL \ CHU.;')b^ E3, eignlog h -oi Bmlnencfl No. Main St., being caught with chuff. warrauit'd e<|u»l in qua ity niid Havor to tho Part* Cho- with Btac** for Newcastle, at Frankfort for 485 between Fifth and Sixth. to and, with a stride that weul I Stoi k. 11 rtl 'rd, Cono 5,000 4,201. bat the crowd, ljawTanvllia. ray skoal ksjfert makiBg thsjls AOS rue • afonl of another, his team Is immediately If :• SI. hp- (O - It ,nk Otoe., II nt- alten.iue >r cbutch. 2 any absent officer or so'.ci.r, in conse- «v. Crab Orcbird. dom*VK)t. Bteillas;, aha. is. and orders from a distance will be Hl k made in panoa. deowaweowtf ford, Cknin 0 8l,6oO. SW M«:mfactiired by BaKer & Co., at their mllle Richmond, Mt. and a confiscated, and he aent off to Liberia, to while quence of sickness or wounds, is absolutely all Interior towns. Mr. C told us that if we we u d bny a few una- COS Shares Kxchauiro Bank St ock, in l>orch-fti-r. Mum, &nd tor nale at their Kraucii Depot No. 317 Fulton trter, * ew Vor* City, aud •way the remainder cf his days in miseiy and ble lo report tor duty as above rcq fired, he will Harconl, n 16,400 U'84. by Grocer* ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Louisville at gallons of wa'kie (worse than Cincinnati rectified) and de^lr•^a pTenerally thrjiighout the Union. forward by mail to "The Assistant Adjitant Gen- 440 Shar.-s FAnu'-r-'aud Mechanic' 4 P. M., stepping at all stations when flaff»»od as far as drudgery, unless an all kind ProvHence make- AdtreM II. Is. flERCK, and a half bi.sb.el of cake-*, he would for our en Til. Dlstiic of the Ohio, Bank St cx Hirtinrd.t sua, 44,000 49,2^0. FranktorL and, it»tunii..p, will leuv-w Fn.nkf.irt at »:K> BU81NE8H CARDS Nashvil.e, Tenn," a ]uneli>d5ni No. 217 Fulton stre«;t. New York FILL 70ITS I .' ALBUMS 6oo Shaies ilnrlf ri tank c'toJc, A M, arrlvinK at m!» A.M. hli sufferings short, by causing him to ilwp tertainment get np a 'cocko." Fancying it was Cerlificatsof Disabilify, according to the follow- HArtfird, Conn 67,5"0. 60,000 AUT1FIJ1AL BXPRK83 TRAIN loaves L«xuicton at I P. M. and tho tl-.ep that knows no waking. I judgi ing lorm: 100 Sh-ires Men hauta' and Manu- • axr'vtts at Louiaville at 7:10 • no hiog g\-t*. wo immediately consented, ond I.KOS AND ARMS P. CKKTIFICATR OF PI3ADILITY. facin e' a .k S ock, Har- from the significant glance cast at the ptlicumen 10,000 8eIpbo'« celebrated Patent Antfln»< a I. a and AitiQciAl FRKDiUT TRAINS have LooJsville oo Monday* CR0PPBR,PATT0N,&()0., the necessary articlos purchased. These foid, ronn lu,OC0 10,000 wero I declare o.i oalb that. ( have ca eful'y exam- H*i and discharge from 7' lib; AGO, DETROIT Ddalors lzx TJLrxy person or persons among our collection. as much as to say ''down with your rout lei and ) looShA-es Hanover Bauk tock. <4^ pliment by handing out the watkle. After they Sworn and sa'.sciibed to before P>*.r1^ tf WgftgTWyt OAM.KRV. New York City,.. !0,0OO 8,500. KXCLUSIVBLT. you can count on mo." Mr C—— (. Russian), This certificate must be sub cibed and sworn 310 £h-ire* hnpo t r e ' an- Traders' Till'. B hT AND CHBAPE3T A9SOKTMENr Of had played several tunes, danced and sung, a 1003. Summer Arrangomont. 1863. tf flu hlght-rt jirice in ca*h will be paid for any .- .- - l"' r . [ In ico'd. silver. Anil steel frAiues, at l ck, Ne* Yorai ity, SH,CO0 having added a basket of provisions to our si to y a Surgeon or private Physician in good stand- B nk St SU00. (inautity of Uav delivered on the levy or At our store, three gallon lo tie of watkie was cpened, and a the OPTICAL STAXD in 10) i-harrs Mu cintile Bank Stock, 34J Fourth 1 AM prevared to furnish Uetdnients or Comv>aale ready Urge stock, entered the carriage, and, just ing, and known as such by the magistratoor oth- r and after S inday, Mav 4, Passenger Trains will street, bettvoen Main and the river. New Yoik . Ity 10,«i0 ujts ON 1 sritiiwitli Campcanip Stoves, Camp Kuttles,Kuitlos, Flat^is,Plattis, AnsrCD^-*Arm yCni-s good lizi gLss fall handed to the main fiddler. I.. A. CIV. LI/3 Btoro, loavc New sVlbany (opposite Louisville) as follows: N. B. TAYLOH A GO. officer bv wootn Iho oath is administered; and on 240 Shares Market B.uk St ck, Knivos and 1-orks, b^oons, Caotoous, Moss Pans, CJow. as we were preparing to kiss our baLd to his pret ill BOUtU Main strpct, Louisville. March .;. Hats, • at. Ho came to tho window smiling aud bowing, and, it a discharge will be ordered from thaso II... New York C ty 2u,000 19,400. glOO A. o'BicjAOCI itjto/KOas , Aite eaoept aeoi- (jiuiy Stools, Ac., on short notloA 6 dnni-s o . , v Fifth st. ires MecHanica' llankd'.ock, uksb), making close counoctlons at Mitchell with ty daughter, we were wfei.l -J Into tho "big ioad' qnarter-, or tho case otherwise d sp.s.d of accord- 1300 Sh P. M. JON15J, seizing the glass, drained it to the bottom with i •JT"Cnn*lantly on hAnd snrs. run GIasscs And A (J. A M. Kailroad lor St. Leuls, Cairo, innWest, Nov York Tty 3e,000 31,500. FWU and GhjaQ. CATHKALL, Faorth it , nnar NstlonsJ floUL ing to tne and off on our journey as fast as enr horses could ci.-cuaistanc-is full line of U[itIeAl MiethiiuiAtica , snj 3urve>*iuR Iu- arriving at tit. Louis At 2'00 Shares Merchauls' i:W P. M : coniiecliug Also evident satisfaction, and without asking for a rxchanirt 3. doath of trumeuU. Sold whoh'siil^ and rftail. rusyH At Oltwncastln Junction with T. Railroad Mannfactnrer and Daalar i;i ran. The any officer or sold er which has Bank St Kk, New York l; ty, 10,000 9,530. A R Bast and West, and at Lafaj otto with Railroad Officers' Camp Chest drip t water with which to cool the fiery liquid, occurred since tbo 1st if Jar.oary Is- while he HA) Shnrei M-tr poll ton Bauk T. & W Knst And and The sceneiv along the road was very pretty so Stock. » •« York i Ity 40,1 00 42,800. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX West MlcUilgan City for ChtaM Ani rpjIB most comrlote artlrAiof the kludovar inrmtod again his fiddling. was ab'ent from h.s ritriment or company, and Tobacco and Cigars, commenced earnest The 820 Shares Mercli. nts' B .ua Stock, XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Detroit. 1 Call and sank P. Y JONBS, far I bnt itself as noticed; the road was most which hai been n ported by the of 4 Oontheaat corr.fr of Booond and Callowhill its., t . Surgeon the New i ork City 41,t Hods. all Anv person who apprehends and'returns order, and we brought up the rear, marching Trii-t Co. Sto:k, New York Mill . . one, rJcrcws UerocuA, : , Belti..*, WasLt Parte, abJ lick with bis wh p, and seemed to cars very little a deserter to the commanding officer of a military City 18,000 211,230. lanStdtf RNORLN Mill articles Keuerally. for an ai'jicent hill where it was cttstomary to as- JOHN « CO. post is entitled to five doil rs 100 Shares tulteil States Tiust IMPORTANT We have on bAnd a large sttock ol the afcovn cuaaa whether he run him luto the gutter alongside the PORTER Company Stock, New Ycrk articles. Yor sale low arid i.tiallty warrAuttsd. semble on such occasions. Takiog a view of the Bv command of v- Major Gk». Bukll. fin c . . half aud qoarter cvks and bott.ea). road or not, as la more than one case he came City, 10,000 12,500. 13©Q! 1863! HGilBliKT a WliiailT, LOificialtl U. hill ar.d sum mining country I soon caw that this JAMES FRY, UtVI >VJ It very near doing. Brewed from the choicest Barley Malt and Hops Ho. Third but. M«ni md rtvtt. jlOdlm A A U , liniof ..f Staff. Total Assets of the Company, »?>,4aM,l3f.l!' was not the first cocko that bad taken place there, Improved Metal Burial Cases Nothing particularly worthy of note occurred HABII.lrlBS. OHO. r. WOSTHI.NQTON. ar.d, judging from tha numbers that poured out Fsss«ng:era should be careful la pur- Combining Beauty, rscirabhiiry, and Lightnnu. on the road, 1 The amount of Liabilities, due or not due, to more than on one occasion saw a IlEiDQCASTESS LOCISVILLI "AB AOKS,' RlilillBS i VSKNEB J'sPKNCKB i CARKAED. M . „ Baoiea other ditors, aW~O01CE comer 3aronth and Juflort ;u LoaLiTlUo._g | from every by-patb, I tbonght it wis not likely J- nud Cr. None. chasing Tickets w AGENT FOR MILITARY CLAIMS, beautiful damsel who, believing July 12th IX 2. t to St. Joseph or points herself far from Loases A1IJ-.1 ited and due,. Noun. FOK BALK BT aIkovj Caclcts ara made of Comigated btieet ba ihs least. spot a small, high peak, The followlne named 'O'dicra, all n : . i i to the 22d THE to The was Lin- s ad usted and not a e, $11,017.67 la Saasas to see that they read by tha Metal And lined with Gotta [Mrchl or India Kr.hber Comer F and Tlilrtsfy»nth St--. the gaze of wicked man (there were men quietly regt'uent Ke-iiti.ckv VoItinteer.:t.eve da-, rted fn.ru the'lr X.UPB & EVANS. Bolo Agent*, Losses unad;urted, 1 t tusi" use, waitmi; proof so as to ba Air And Water Tight. flit on top, and commanded a beautiful view of regiment, and are eut-poaed to be ia or aboii' Ixealevule. North Missouri Hallroad. \vahiii><;top, city, washing clothes within or trusteed lt~,83l 49 UHV.1TAL PALACE, LOUIHVILI.E, KY. All orders promptly Attended to. If twenty feet of her) hid eor th-'r app. ehenelon or clue t • at iuav «!J 4 tar brlnj; to such, claims small, Ha\inf b*vn ourapod for a number of years In the the country eroend. A large lix-ed keg was a liberal will All other are for prlotiug, &c. pritt dlv It is the only all rail aad direct innocently stripped off her cutnbreui garments, re-ard be paid at thoec bsad-|itat1crs rout* M«ttle;iient of such Claims in ena of the Uovern- it tilled ( il^oos be first article produced, and afler was JOHN ilOCIMAN, a private In co Set Bt. tbout (from which he has withdrawn), offers to and given her perhaps obaste mpany K, years Total HaMlltloa *i77,A52 lii from Zsoais to St. Joseph, thirteen up and virgin body a«re, a feet inchc, CALDWELL &M0RIMS, att- nd to Claims of t\t\y kmd th-tt may bo entrusted to lictd the top 2 dark complexion, gray cvev block with combustible material was [ on hours quicker, him, such as tho*>e for to the limpid and refreshing waters of a mountain hair. Bo u iu Germany, aud by occu,et.ou evhoucu- STATE OF CONNECTICUT,; fare low as any other Petuloai, Honntr, Arrears of lletod a hecmaker. w. General Par, SuOl^is^tl!ncA^, Tranc-portation, ClothinfCt Damanea of a triped about ei^ht feet high. Next a table I roots). stream. This country lass seeing her bathing (oicicTY or IlAETropn, ) Edwin O Ripley. to Property, a i id part icularlv* for If<>r-)es, and other Prop- OERVAISK SCnUBB. ririeato In coninanv K, 47 I8AAC was sat ont and on this the watkio and cakes wore President and Luc. us J. Heitdee. See-reiary of the aBtiia H 8TUROWON. COMMISSION erty loft or destroyed in th" United States Service, in- lei BRO. y. aro of aire. LAPP MERCHANTS, feet & place thus intruded upon, her self 6 indies, tight complexion, blue Pt :'! and Oe.. I Sap't North and own pure luatirauce Compaoy, beliiK severally sworn, oi-po.-e and Mluonri U. R. Co.. cluding caws of Imprt3sd A laboier. Window Shades, FOR S.\FETY, COMFORT, AND SPEED, (tlaocsauors to Jca. Bona), sem'iled fair ones to pick it up. was not long JOHN MARTIN, a private In company 2! Atmrma'8 Orncr, FRANKrorrr, Kv ,) He K, Mars' oi invite TO ALL THE EASTERN CITIES! qaesttCtas to the Captain and me, but were in- age, S July 3, 1Xo3. aud would the attention of their ciiftomerf and feet 3 Inch. a. brown complexion, blexk eyes. ( BOOTS & SHOES. without a partner, for in a few minutes he wis blRi khalr. I hereby certify that the forecolnn is a true copy of the pablic bnfore purchafini. 9BAX.BB3 IWT 7ZTTBBV130 AStTfc formed ljjtour coachmen that neither of us could Born in Pretstia, and by occ;i|.attou when makliiK their Our itock TUE TRACK IS STONE BALLASTED enlisti-tl a nail-sutith. UNthe original on tileBM in this office. r»TTOMA OAHNBL OCA.T, oinod by a middle aged woman, dressed as I have consists of tbe latect •peak Kalian, for " witness .vhereoC I have herecnto eet AND ENTIRELY FREE FROM DUSTI which piece tf smartnesi the OI.YEB. ULLE ICII. a private In compmy K, allixetl olllrial Aad Cote Agrtnts fot tba above described. And if I may be allowed to years of at my hand ond my seal Captain threatened to take off his head. Mr. C e, 6 feet 0 iuche* dark complexion, brown above eyes, h.Ir. the day and date written. .idge of the I say lifbt Born in Prussia, and b, occupatiou TilREK DAILY TRAINS FROM applause she met with would i GRANT ORllF.N. Auditor and we will ! at prices to suit tha time*. Ifomcroy Ooax. soon made arrangements for out lodging!, and off when . nlL-ted a baker. SUTCLIfFE.fltfEN &W00O Orrioa, I-'bankkort. OhUJ RUB for any of the above Coals reipeetfullF sell ho did some very good dartcing good, 1 moan, IN Aomtob's Ky.j AIm on hand a large a*eortm«ut of to we went calculating on a good night s rest. — JO Oill.F.R. a private in compmr K, -9 years of riTTSBuna pazz.ADsx.x>HXA cited and promptly flllod at tho lowest n.c.'figl The July 2, 18HJ. ) ago, 0 f. e 6 Inct.i-e, brown co»staii(ly rot'ei n their style, for it all seemed to me an In- complex ou. hi.etk eyes, dark (with close connections Irom Western Citice), pricroa. Arf viu^ fresh bouse at which we stopped Lkl This is to certify that Wi Ham Prath r. as acentjof Tatolo Oil-Olotla. bad four rooms O.ie b«ir. Born iu Germany, and by occupation \rh n cullat- 1 Constantly on liAnd a large sapply nf the "-PFIYTOWA the . h - 11 Insurance Compau.-, of iiaittord, Coun., at ALL CONNECTING DlRliOT TO NKW YORK, snpitlies lo t!i«'ir ulss sidy dian dance aid gemnastic exercises combined. od a lAoorer. LAPP & BRO UANNKL" and 'TEsVCOCK" FOMKUOY IIOALo, com- was occupied hv the family— about el jbt in num- Louisville, Jefferson county, lire' ble-d m this otlicethe '.W\ l-ourtb au. b«t. -Tl a rU en ua.i J»II#>n«uil. which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use havo no sa. |uete stork. After the dance was over the woman walked up LUCAS RHINE, a private In cimpane- K, CO yeArs o statement, aud exhibits required by the proeisio;.* ot au THEOUOH PHILADBLPHIA, ber; one by half a deim cows, and the remaining feet perlor. nge. 6 lo inches, light comp'i xlon, gray eyes, brown act entitled "An act to rc-pilate Agencies of Foreign In- tl Otfloes No. 8o< Third street, between and Jef. and help; herself to cakes— : he man to watkie. hair. Born in eieraiAoy, AND CLOSB CONNECTION8 AT TXABRI3RUBQ Market two by our party. aud by occupatiou wuau en- surance C'lmpaniea," approved March 3, aud it fersun. At Bobb's old stAnd; and at No. StlS. sneithwc-ji listed a ta> lor. having been shown to the satisfaction of the uudersigued For BUYERS, GIVE THEM A CALL Anyone who wonted watkie could obtain i". by aornnr l^rook and 1 As soon as we bad lunched and .-.In RT ARTHUR, a privAte In company 23 Market streets. id* dtf emptied several F, thAt said ' lompauy is posaeaatal of an actual capital of at To Tobacco Manufacturers. ye rs of ge, fl fe t, light complexion, blue bottles of policaiion to the ge'.ter np of thsc.cko. It is eees. light least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, as required BALTIMORE & WASHItVGTOtV. wine we all prepirod to turn in. A hair. Bo oi in Greenup count , St te of Kentucky, Abd by said Act, the said ,Vi liam P a, her, as afeent as HOWE'S LATEST IMPROVE!) Assi»noo'3 expected of the the cocko to treat Notice. pile of straw man who gives by occupation when enlist, d a f .rruer. aforeaal-i. ia hereby licensed and permitted to risks thrown on the llxir cors'ltuted our take ALLprrsons radebtel to c:. W. HI Is., either by noU ALFRF.D COOK, a private and transact business of insurance at hi- office in Lou RYME'S PATENT RETAIAIGRS FROM PirrSBURO TO NEW L In company F, JB YORK . orcpeu accoiin', re.| iest bed, and we stretched ont spoon-fashion every ono who c maa. After tbo first dance wits are d to nuke iniraediAte end tried years f Age^ fe. t 7 uu h Isville^Kv , for the term of one year from the date hereof. AND light complexion, grgy eyea, OtW TSAIH BC1S8 PA1LT (430 VTLn) FAMILY PA. meut to m/self, at myoll'ice, in I'.'iirt Place, near be revoked if it shall M1»B, over couplos in rapid suc- light Bnt this license may to go to sleep. succeeded one another hair. Foru in ctineinuati, ch.o, Aud by occupa- be made to Sixth ttre t In my absence. CJ. F.irf ex, Great heaven. ! mm Esq., la wero maggots VIA K tion wh6o en I t ap|iear to the undersigned that, since the filing of the ALLKNTOWN, WITHOUT CBANOB of CAIIB, Adapted to all kinds play dar.co d a paiulcr. HYDRAULIC PRESSES of Work. autlioriz-1 to collect a .d roccipt claima ever as thick in the cession. Fiddler No. 1 wanted to and s£atomenits above referred to, the availAble capital body of a dead dog as mo3- HF.NRY of Arriving in Advaneo of all The Cylinder jiiiT il'l.e S. A. AllllllSON. Ajeitnce. SULLIVAN, a private in eompany F, 55 be-low been In operation for the pa-t two years for Other Routes- Machines are uoeaualled for le .thsir- time, it difficulty that SAtd CompAny Iias been reduced oue hundred and HAVE qaitoee In that roorr? at ihe same and was with ye ere of aee, 6 feet « Incite, light comelexlou. haiel stitchlnir T. ' tcriut-.rriaru t e sole manuiactureiit in tbe United State*, GOVERNMENT CLAIMS AGENCY. Ky., aud by oceupjtiou IWOOLI !|'';il!jllijjjl'l| and yoaug girls in their teens, man wi;h glay Chen ellhstcd a farmer. and «ive their pergonal attention to the e'ection of the aid a newfpipor was but little, as they would TicrcETa roa H»nr to Boaton dt Boat Hair-. C. IT. BARKLEV, ROUT. S. JE.IIVS, machines, aud warrant them pcrftwtly satiafactory. ob EVANS, T1IOMA4 C OLLIER, a private In ' ' " bairi, b-.y.i, all J. eorspanv A, Female Academy of the ITrsiilioes, (Ten years' experience). Attorney at Law. - mills ! middle aged, and sing, danced, loll iwing manufacnirurs aro Bool Ticket* good on any of the Sound Linen. crawl under it. As none of us could sleep, we 20 y A-e of age. 6 act 9 luchei, fair complexion, b'ua The uow using our ma~ Chi'stnut »tre t, b»;t*yon Shelby and CamplMilI. chinisa, aud we refer, by permiaaion, b) them, ate, and drank wa'kie, unril the men were too e ce, dark hair; nlitted a Loul vllie, Ky., aud by oc- viz: FAB* TO ALL POINTS A3 LOW AS ANY KOUTB. FULLED CLOTH, were up at 4 o'clock next morning, resdy for BARKLEY & EVANS. cupation wlica enl e'eil a ton : HOARD, Wa>-hln-vrv D. J. Garths Co., llanuibil. Mo. I; would oth.ir do«-cription» of WOOLLKN GOODS maua- rur.k to denes, unl thi parly broke up. alvnncf. -i;i French, extra. PiO'iei.r Tnb4Cco Company. And fishing. The roads being too narrow for a car ALGIst RLMH. a private In feet Hrooklyu, N. Y. Pension, Bouuty, and Arrears cum-any A, 6 6 l facture4 by the uii'kriiyned aud lor *al» low. Pat Soioor-—Ttrnu tor oup i ., In ad?aarc. M«-ra. Wab-oii, MeOill, Petersburg, lire too long description, I fear thou 1 incite-, d.evk co i, & Cr, Va riage, we employed a rcq a and uplcxio bleck eye-, black hAlr; enlist- BLEEPING of Claims Aireiits, L. KICHAUDSON, Finn to lake us HuxincAsd b** OARS down in his ed at Louisville, ktt^K) to nddrca-iv to K*>r. Lu^dcr MesT*. Jease Hare tscCo., Lynchburg. Va. Ky., and by cc upation uh u enlisted OHlce 4 doors above Bank i. , would not be able to give you a clear idea of the 3trk»k.. "a-tnrof sr. Martin'* Chur, h.3h.iiby troet, ' Ut'land a Uuthrey, Petersburg, ON NIGHT TRAINS TO No south sido little tcooped-cut wagon. Oar road eJ down tho a hotelier. Va 4*J9 Jefferson st , second door above Fifth. or to Mothi d ^aLE6ia KcrTosticir.B, Stiuono Mewrs. McCulloch Si Gray, Petersburg, Va. WWOOL bonght for cash or taken Li exchange for Finnish daoo; but in addition to the many fan- JOHN T. nENSLEY. a priv .to In company A. S7 Philadelphia, New Tork & Baltimore, LOUiSVlLLK, af. lids of a hill, over gullies large Jvl ^3m* E. P. Jon-s, Bs)0j^ Green ibonV. N. C. £Oods. m4 dtf and stones, y a • of ag 5 fe -t 7 in -he-, dirk complexion, brown M. Itoohur, K*|., f^OVKRNMKNT 0LAIM3 OF ALL KINDS AT- the ti Jame* Lynchburg, Va. tastic movements of some of men, they would or lot; : st Louisville, Ky. and by occupation through n>Ld and water; still v j tt iuieil for but tho driver LorilU'd, i n Soldiers, Widows, and Heirs lor All Norics Jacob n . , New York City. when euliated a turner. DAC3HAGE CHECKED THROUUII AND 177-t walk on their lands, torn hand, prings a. Wars trim to Itia. rnayl whipped aud ran his horses as if aud somer- HAVTNO SOLO ucK 6T0 K OF GOODS Medal Al^xand r \lcL«od A O , Halifax, N. 3. dSm SPRINGS, he had baen on a OKO. W. MO" ROE, TO - GEAYSON ' 'Ui". Mwra. HRNHY «:UAM EKS A C<-., they inc- j:. \y ' of all M-iUi i'-on irauie* aud iron faced TRANMi'KKKED FRKB. <;0UNTV, KY. shall eaolts, whicb, by tha way, weie not done so well 1 1 Col 32d R g't Ky. Vol.. GRAVdON road 1 was more than once lightened for C-m! u- in tneWHOl,' S.\ K '»KL*w HUrilNES^ at our blocks segment*, banda, and other tools of the mort Jy» dtf :th 01 vision Army of Ohio. a lease on the entire Interest of old -r nnt apuroved patterns con>>tautly ou hand. Split Uke.i the latter part of the evening as at first. They , No. 8.M Main street, between Third aud Also, steam -bottom Chairs. HAVING fear my neck wou'd be broken, and even after I (,'lark'ou in this pr.>oertv t^r the present Fonrttu Lluuoiice kettles and b-iilnrj, bix urads*^ aud polishing jFjUBIO-XXTS. .MnifM F. op^-n the same on ths 1st dav of July etdom dance with but two at a lime. Three fid- return n any thanki to onr mills UITTINQBK, C ARF A'JRNNIS FO« THE SALR OF XI* rl year, i fftfl had gotten out I was rot ex- c ly certain thai We numeront old Mmidi ,OK, A CO.. By this rout.' frulgt.u of all dKscrlptlotis can 1.0 for- WB vi-it tacky fn'iitentlary S|ili£-botlom?d Chairs, *nf next f.ir the rec-pti" i of -re, au 1, ai I Am deter- f.-r t;i« liberal patrona^v b.atow-«d tbroiigh a t-rie* ol Charle*itown, Maas. WArdMd to And from Philadolphia. dlers and forty men and women singing as many MILLINERY GOODS! New York, Boston, or storso to hare the pUce in good condi.i .n aad the ac- every bone was sound. After fishing some time hAva in for SAle a Urge lot of All s.aes. mined year*. M. niTrrwoBk, Isaac Cook, C. K. livifaa. llaltimoro, to And from Any p ilnt oil the. lfllilroAds of A. I* SIlOTWiRLL a fKjfs, couiuiodfttio is at g vjd as Ih* country will attord and iffarent songs as there were voices was tha music W» may be f >nnd ut the offlce of rut fuweon for the Juneia dUm* Ohio, Keutucky. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, wi bout success, I amused myself whiie tho rest Iowa, or IrfA AI' W.ll .trs^t cirnim t iur.-.j jii'iii .-. hopfi t j sec taauy of the old pat- pr.ttls i.e..t of old t.iiMne our *. and h .pe the new fi. ni Missouri bv ilailroad direct. lhay danced by. JVlr». - ionf of Graysou tiid summer fished watching tto When we raise! our hata ia OSEOHN wlil r. cei"e as we believe they will by pea-ants pass m.-rit. on route to t a cojUuu The P.iiiii.-ylvania Cmltral Railroad also connects* IsyConveyance R'wajg re idy tj Ellzahsthtowa. auceol this ;avors received b^ th old house. GENTLEMEN'S Copartnership. atiination of our departure, .leaivtttfully liUorais ttm public tb*t IHttsbiligli srith stHamurs, by r.-hicll Koods can bs a each of us was so z ^1 ' 1 w. men, ' , : 1 chnrch. The with bit few exceptions, tho nnderslffned, liAve f nu ; a ,. n for EUMS: Bht) Is uow opeuiuK a Iretb itock of r \ LINOENiiKKGKR A CO- warded to any port on thcotiio, Muskiuieum, Kantuik WE, the transectlm of a C.R.lcJKHY, per 6n. by a croad of men and boys aud repeatedly thrown LouUvilte, Ky , Jnne 16 i^a Tenne-ssoa. Cutuberlau'i, Illinois, Mississippi, QEtBSAL Board day $1 wore dresses alike, viz : a light b!ua trimmed MDUlfj Wiscnn fc P80DU11F, FCORWARDINO, and HOM rtiaslO^ bnsi- *• - week 8 00. MILUNEKY OOOD3, Outfitting Establishment, •iu, Missouri, Ka- sae. Arkansas, aud Red Rivers; o the air, a rather ^ and n- ** the skirt wi n a red frill. I n singular and, as I thought, under the itrle > D. C UK M)V Si CO., at the' i lJ over ouu week I uo per day. at have beard of »..•-.••-• DissoIntioD At Cleveland, tiaii.ou.k)', and Chicago with steamers to f all the articled iu tIJs line, which the will StAnd ef Ullrfo.'d stieer, where we ** Children In reiofore A Co , No. 221 MAin for and Sirvauts Mrrlce. an unpleasant way of I partnership fxtstinc betwean t*ie All ports on the Norihweatsirn lAkes. .' showing nn- 'ill ile broisted women, but never saw heir approbation •All low for caih. TIIK ol" ** ** anything Ut be pleASed to see the friend, the old house and , Home. 80. o»-r<:gtit-d, uii'ier the «tyie of MerehAuta and shippers entrusting the LlNDF. nBKRUFK A Ltl trausportAtlon h »t », p^j. and returning us ih.t.ks for tho OAT fuid BONNKT FK-* MBS of the lateit SPR0DLE & ArVDEFILLE, hope to merit a sh ire of the uatrona ;e trim dea ore gtn- wee if. 8 (U. < freight resembling them until that day. The waist of entertainment Imrcm O . wat tnis day dino.v»d bv mutual >n- m, .1 u of tbotr to this Company can rely with coub- ttonfl who!t*ea.c and retail. erally. I>. 0. BHADV. ** " " jer BMutkVi lo 00. Lind -tiberKt-r and K eti* d d. HeiT a»-r> rhariied with the dunco on its speeidj' transit. the dross was very high and drawn tight; a cord ust closed. Although we wero ihr.wn quite Cornnr M..i-i And Fourth streetA, O. N. .lAllK-MON. jS4 rllm IlLEAi ;1HNQ and 8*t'lemeut of th) lu i e.th-r of wlm .. L> autuoiiz4tii TUK RAfiiS OK KRKlcIHTtoand from any point DVEINQ carcfally attentfofl to a Jnne 3S, Jt)^. A. MA BYMAN. high in the ai- we were canght in th* old to a the name ot the firm in buiidttion in the West by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad 1W passing under the armpits, and also drawn their arms ». etanii, u All onr WnK.RK EVEKYTniN'l CAN BE FOUND APPKR- are FlrStols, djo. books and p4p-rs ri-m*i i at thP old stauJ, No. 3-is at alt times as favorable ae are. charged other G-txxis. Jpffrrsoa mt.. Main tAltii to a CtoiilleaiAn's Wartlrctw bv R. R we came down, so no it jury was done 118 b*twe«o Third and fourth. NOTIOB. tightly through soxe species of wadding, gave further ft. Mt, b- 1 n «u Third and Fotti th, in cnarc** o. t.ur r>u v Coinrcudr*. at" f/V.*i«VH,f.l»\ of All kin«t so'd our business to Messrs. D C BRADY ce-*an*, Henry Cba - bei> & *.o., and tbey aff^ author>zt-d CLOTHING WtTLif particular to mArk packages "via Pnm'i Cm HAVING than a fright. It is nnnecsssaiy for mo to say JEL il them the exact appe.rat ce of having two breasts. > a CO , ther succeed us In the Gener Grocery, to receive aad rectolpi lor am- mo .e » du u«. SHIRTS of all klndi: r:n.n R. rl. Produce. Forwar ling. And clommtssiou bustuess At oor meeting the dress to the ackls that our two carriage drivers wore present, and MARY LINUENRKR ER Por Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, Apply From the kaoe— — FerryboatB for SUe. U.SDKU-SUinTa adJ of All kinds: Olfi street. J. U. Is,; r,N Hi.K-ti.it, DBAWEHS to or Address either of tho following Agent* of tbe old -tand. No. Main

helpad I IIAVrt a couple of 1 " return msnv clunk* to our n imerons olj fr ends themselves abon.danlly to watkie. - We 1 • of was something resembling a pantalet, but fitting Fcnrb^t* for 'ate at Pitt-bars. 1 i K S. 11ERR SeX'.Krt sjfl klndA Corr.pAuy: Vbvv a^e i. »:t long t for their liberal patron ijre bestowed toroiurh A se. i-s ol 100 aitj iug l*i two-hone wago..s Loulr-villa, 1«. 1H«3. .. ,* , -.-ii i,e-' J. Ii. MOORK, LoulsriUn, — j Ky. Ky.. June -.w »°ns i . 1 all When I left the drm ken party on the hill the tar tlgbiy and giving the g the same shape the e ch; five >-8»ira o d. D. A. STCWART, Freight Agent, Pittsbort yeArs. And take much ploAiure in recomraoudini; to tho IIIAVK IN STORE A\D FOR S\T.E LOW FOR whl be -o on very -. sun.- onr sir ce.sors. i.pp'oved ' PATENT still Tuey d moderate terms. Inquire i. i.i- lhwl. g PISTOL9: str keg was buruiug, and the fiddler who would of Copartnership. mii r Ageuta, Pittsburg way down ; these served instead of ckiugs, a ii»ik .i.i-i,, t i !.:-- 1 1 Gen. is authorized to iius'. I. . H.att, It*, or H. W. BROWN a CO., CincmnAti, Mr. N. Jackson settle Ih i Colt's prt .ut, old a td ntiw modeU; Smith A Weapon's, und< rdrne imv« tor :ied a pHrtnersMp fDr the M 11 tllill Cl.OTHIM.' O. luxury, by the way, that none of them seera d to not drink s'ill playing. I could not help drawing a 9"dTn.« 'HQS mvp.*. T-iH-.bnrc. V*_ THE B. C. Mlil.DKLM a CO., Madison, lud. ness of the old firm. All persons iadebt-d will plcA e larg-* and sni^M- Tia-ite-V; Diaii, Adtm«, Deau'i; tiMMatloa iu thii rtt/ nf a *Vholrtr>a »* b-uint-ss in hKDU.lEU PRICESI W. W. AIRMAN & CO., Kvausvillclnd, cell And settle immeoiateiy. Ail*n A Wheeloeks Lnion AuniCo.V; Hacou Arms ontrast be.woen iho sceuo I had DRUTL"FF.i. ju,t ' indulge in. witnessed il'- I- I 2C. Tied around ihe head atd suspended ) loB2. CO. r PKICESI St.. June CLIFFORD 4 Co.1t; tAroio \ Iteai r; RuleiV; SharpV; Uerin.er's crn- Ac, ui.d«-r the *trle of iAMIii?R4 R. V. 3A33, Louis, Mo. HksRY V a UO., luiiutioti; alfoalarg- stock ot I H. JAMKd. a retired lMir-iv.au, I AKM3TRO.NO, on opp sl*e the Nstlonsl. CLAKKK 4. CO., Chicago, 111. utue and CA RTKli )GK* > on the forehead just between tho eyes was a nd the one had seen enacted no longer than DR. dtaeovend, nttd liave p itch utd the st'-ck and taken ihi otd stand ot M MAin, In - :'-.,..! .1' « HOLSl'Ki-S, at the while in , . AP AC: East - l It, old-e.-tab- the n certain ture tor Con • bAs i l true prions of hi. Summer CJlottiiuf. W.U.OH GAlllliOlia, KL\Si*d L,indftu>eieer A Co., No 33 1 *iain sir et, btjtwmm Third O T-3IOQ- OTTOI^lZn A. 1 that very r j. .., ... Ki t hins TnfVU- Houa- small white bag ub >ut the sizj of a silver dollar. morning in the village churchyard. •u motion, a Hr-mchitU old*, and His stock n- lull Aud i-i.nl-.. Snub .s Q. B. NKAL, Park.oisburg, va. li-hed Sl.oatiug aud cf Gen and Fourth, whonj tbey will be pb-a-ed to s.-e the *ral Debility, i he r ctpe, containing mil dm-cti for HALL Si CO., Marietta. O. joj efh (.Rif-riTii. This, striped red One was the burial of five human being.; 1 1 lend * cf th.; old house, and hope to merit a share o EleirAut lis; d'tl • Co its nttd PAnts; The Great Remedy of the A«e with a handkerchief tied around tho 11° drodttwe^w --'IffS -» . near .in m.k'm-aud «uc e -f i ly hhuik hli rt.ru«dy, wilt be U. ». PiRRCK & Co., ZauesvlUe, O. M ->eut patrouage fiom deaiers g meratlv. II. ht l.'As-liuere tiuits; on the r.-ctipt of two Ptampn. to pxpena** H Meit lioLM, O AS uerttr b*wi known *o fail in th» core ot Cholera the and a net-work apron, other a j iliitic ition ar.d diunken frolic of of p.y AddreM " s MnDO WELL Portsmouto, O head completed their some 1. n> n . Ts S. P. WEISIORR. M ers-illes Ami : Xl/^in hoes when tiven accnnlini; to directions. OKAUOOCK A ..O., si H. Mn.NKlcLY. Mayssille, Ky. UENHY ( I1AMRER3 Wnit.. ill. II l.iu.ll Suits: i have upened an Officf, a«8 Green dress. I saw near one hundred pass, and every the same meu who in the Dooming had preceded No. aOiS North Sectxtd (tn»et, J. P. JOHNSTON, Ulpley, o. Ib «tr«et, nearly op- 1 " \ .1 .... (JUAMliEKS. A pticA Co»ts, Hsn'i, .nd V,-st«; posiieite the roftotfico, for thn sale of this valuable hmmvI r- ii ' , m(k1i- *Btr , p., Covington, T -"I 1 ** JOHN TODD, Ky. V: Lli.c i > . one bad a bur.dle. On inquiring what is 1 the Ci ffiis cf the deceas d, singing soags praise J 1M I'll!] And :asilmere 1 -t o was, of G. L. HKATON, Cleveland, O. cine. It baa been tested in hundreds of iiiyT»ure..i and i Dors' I n.n.-. All .izen never known to fail when the disease was taken to told that it contained ibeir shoes and to the all great God, and ioveking C HKLDRUM, General Travolllng Agent for was prayer- H's divine will Also Siinumr U. dersrear. Hosiery, Gloves. Ties, iSc B The tareesr Htock in th(> city to hi found NOTICE. tbo South acd Wost. time aud the medicm* pro|w>rly giveu. at . i • will Iv. .los -d 1 . i whlcb out to niAke r^oji lor fnl • r 1 • 1 . All of I bock —the first to be put on Just before arriving that the stubs of the departed would meet with a 'fl^nrc (brinertV of th« firm of VER- Ttie remedy will cost only about lOcti. to »ach ! . and stock At icreAtly rednctd pne-s Ii r hash. COAL OIL. UOEI-K .ft (iKlFftT'l, h*v^ this oay ao*.oci*tcd cm l>e eent to any part of the United States. Tbis med- the latter to sing all resting in the world At. .< - at church, and pray from, lo J. KM4TRONQ, i i.i I.F.STONE&^CO.'S, as happy which with i' it i they had Zl\ COAL AND CARBON OIL, rcaaiifactured nini hi' hr ti er. H. VEKHOi£rt', nudt-r tbe atyle liye"si[o.;k. icine is a I and put up only iu Nallon.l. oxpreaaly ot VKKtlOf.FF BKOTHEtft. tor the purpo*} of cjti- ]yI0 bottles. Tne half gallon bottle is worth ten d iltar^ and of them, as a general thing, can reed iheir assigned. Could a greater char ga to our oider, also LAMPS in great vart Drovers ftod Farcit*rs will find this tba most Advanlv South Bide Main st., one door above First, «n of scene tty, ductUft the. P«<«»l>tCE cOi.taitis medi.-ioe enough for lou hoin. The quart bot- at luatuuTactiirers' prir-«s \t UOUMlSSiO^, and iitVAtN geoos rout* for Live Stock. Capacious Yards, wall prayer-books. place in the s, business, »nl have tatrn tbu u.c>- LStA.re-bou.fe No. !4u tle Is worth fivi' dollar^ anil contains medlciue for 60 OnM'line tn part of ke short ace of six hours, and IIAKDY A PKATTY'S, HATS AND CAPS. watered aud « ::>- ; -d with every coave- iituce, Lave ^eet eidn W«il or Fourth street, uh*Tf be will be hogs—each bottle haviug on its label ail the nece<->aar> 3 line Family t'otchea, latest styles; rood turpi!' of SII.H. And boon cpeut^d ou tbis line «ud lu connections, aud evory Tired of fishing, we returned to the boose, and, that, too, on Sundaj ? But my story is told? pie*-ed to *e-j bis old cusmueis audfrl^nda, aud hopes A LIABSIMHRB UATS directions for using. All order*, accompanied by cavh, do: to I atU^tion is (.lid to thdir sauU. t-Votn Harris burg, 3 pluu do a p*tron)i*,e. CAn aIa ays lie found At to. person wishim; to merit soaie 01 public l'uuud every convetitaucu for promptly attended Any purchate Five swat Ro.kawaya; after enjoying another good meal, wo determined The next morniug our coachmen, as expected, JAS. M. LAPP'S, 88 st. vrhero will be feeding and AV July lO.utfj. 1 Main State or I *ounty right*, for th,' sale of this valuable mod do; ANTED! OTIO YERUOEFF resting, choir*! is otkred ot .he PliILAl>Kt. Inside mea^uieiueut. Ketwi eu Main and VVat ;r ttrc. ts. . EtCHCTOR^ und at ^ijt. erectid (9*Fortign bom m-, d ints will be interested in Barloy.SIalt, and Hops Wiiolosalo R.ille, Parlies Pic-Nics, S. reuades. Ac. frame cn it in the shape of a triangle; CONSIclNMI'NrS OF FLOUR OR\IN. HAY, AND LAi H'S, D31 Main st aad i.VN?* y aad MACiCliltlSu- .*\ ai the short-'rit notice. Li"dr*r* ltft at an act which has just been pissed v.-| detail. sniper dec] from this wore a crosses, all by Ccngreea CASH. fro.is.e.n. I leceive proa.pt »ct utio.i. HieliH,t 2o bbls Nn. 3 large Mackerel; the A|K|io IUH, corner of number of A good assortment of can sale „,)gA Fu>t and Co. cash rrire p*id lor wi.KsT. Iel4 STRAW UOOD3 at the Kentucky Malt 11 ousts Market street lo do: bestowing full R. A, HOLDEN & F^OB Jtfdo no. 3 Jeff^aon stiwU, will bn promptly of which were so badly citizjuship after a year's residence, bo tiAd very cuaap for cash at betweeas ?txth aid Seventh ft .... - AVN-i-^^-^ at- executed that ono might 20 bbls No. 2 do; tended to. 67 Ylne Stre«t, CiBclnnati. st. " CJe^FFliliui su>r d for siile dv "Jj!s> mar LADL'3, Ml Main JOHN KNOBLN & CO. -*^ EICIIHORN A KOLLROS .>l) IclA ma it.-eil a 1 .1. iiA..eie.t\ ' & CO. fi; dU LouUville, Ly. l/M . MARSHALL HALBEST * CO junelti k\ . Leaders,