: 1 : ! • ; , THE OUISVILLE JOURNAL. LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY, FRIDAY. JULY 18, 1862 VOLUME XXXII. WUMBER 196. Secretary TO " Washington, July 17. baggage of the troops when moving, either by of war bo authorized to commute the HELMBOLD'S latil or water; of clothing, camp ard garrison army raion of coffee and eugar, for the extract REMEDIES. LOUISVILLE JO( The Senate last night atd this morning con- MEDICAL MJSCELLA1NEOU8. Let- equipage, from the depots at Philadelphia and of coffee, combined with milk and tu gar, to ba PRINT CD ami rCUI.ISUKD I.. firmed the following nominations: Leonard lo the procured in the same liko re- ridge Dsputy Postmaster La Cross; A. H. Rob- New York several posts and army depots, manner and under Kf.MllOl.irs (.EM INK PREPARATION. PUENTIt'K, IIKNDKItMlN. *V OSBO L^l Eweninsr Dlipatcb.ee. strictions Commissary of subsist- and subsistence fromt he places of purchase and and guarantees as preserved meats, B1LLADS inson, of Indiana, to be ' OF THE WAR. pickles, butter, Ha5 mi established in Louis- in volunteers; from those depots to the trcops in the field; and desiccated vegetables are pro- ^/'A^^ILr-i» JOURNAL OFFICII BUILDING, fMU STRE1 ence with rack of Captain the "Ho lor the last 15 A Sari" °f Pirtorlal years, and hav- . Lyrics, and frem Ihe p'acsa nf delivery under contract, cured for the navy, if he shall believe it will be •XliC^ ....Masiuficently Wm D. Wilson, of OSio, ditto; Archibild C lla'1 * l»r<" practice in the trott- Illostrati'd from Original Drawings, by rth's march through "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED' IT 1 f V ^ IIKTWK.KN T1KH1) AND FOURTH. conducive to the health and of the armv, 6 f the Best Artists, Edward G. Converse, of to such places as tbe circumstances of the service comfort "' the ^'lowing disoases: . Viris, of Indiana, dittc; ScrqlTT,aula,, , , P, ? and not Laxieer, Pi|o», So re Kye- Published Monthly Forming Arkansas! of to he may require them to be sent; of ordnanc*, ord- more expensive to the Government than COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, ayphilis, Vistula, when complete an Ohio, ditto; C. F. Buckingham, OMo, ILIX'STRATkO PORT 10 aL 1 tbe present 8 lUVKNIR ration, if it s Francis nauce stores, and small arms , from founderies and and hall be acceptable to of every Moke ok the Morgan Raiio. Aprsrt'l.man Brigadior General of volunteer'; Colonel A Positive and Specific Remedy"). event In the present most important Struggle — frontier tbe men. in the history J. Heron, cf Iowa, to be Brigadier General of armories to the arsenals, fortifications, of this Groat Nation. Part II, entitled who uriivtd »t Cincinnati on Wedne.'diy even- Sec. 11. ^ntf be it For Disea.ee of the Reconnoitring Skirmish in Virginia! volunteers; Colonel M irgan L. Smith, of the 8'h posts, and army dopoti; freights, wharfage, tolls, further enacted, That the restriction BLADDER, "SUMTER," ing from L:aiogton informs to Brigadier General of and ferriages; for the purchase and hire of horses, or limitation contained in the provito the Cincinnati Ua- regiosent of Missouri, be tOTTT Now Ready. to the lint resolution, 1 of 31 it mules, oxen, and harness, and lbs purchase and j approved April sixteenth, Tha z.tt* that vtluuteers; Colonel Charles Crof , the KIDNEYS, I had Fisrnla aud was cured by Illu.traMon. in which have on Satnnliy evening, on coming into o.ghteen hundred Dr. Price, wlthont the been aubmltted to and Fight with the Rebel Indians! Indiana regiment, to be Brigadier General of repair of wagons, carts, and drays, and cf ships, and sixty-two. transferring the knlfo or ligatore. In »ereuteen day.. approved by Qen. Anderson. Lexington from the house of a friend in the suporintendanCjF GRAVEL, ghotUPart. (Monthly) Fitz Henry of tbe and other sea-going vessels, aod boats required of the Capitol extensim from JOSEPH TOUCH. a ct , v. luntoers; Colonel Warren, rhe 0'» ihe Whole Work ParUl It paid In $6' War i advanoe country, be found the for the transportation of supplies f r garrison Department to the Department of tbe aod raARnii, on., hs people in a great state of I >wa volunteers, to be a Brigadier General of and Interior, shall not In so construvd applied to I had a negro man with Fistula, and he was eared AIM excitement and busily volaoteers; Fred. Solomon, of Ohio, to be a purpose; ; for drayage and cartage ot the several or as DROPSICAL Dr preparing for an expected The Confiscation Bill Amended! prevent the SWELLINGS Price lu throe weeks. WM. BARD. CA8SELLL9' ILLUSTKiTED Brigadier General of volunteers; Colonel Jacob ports; hire of teams ers; transpartation of fund completion of and the payment for FAMILY BIBLE attack from the guerillas. The citizen were the painting foouxmoA, nu.) Bii jadier General of vol- for the pay and other disbursing deptrtmen's; tbe now in progreS! on the wall over lbs Mm Teata Ammon, of Ohio, lo be I had Hstula for lilt«,u years, with six openings, and «-».- urmincr, public stairway on the JmTlXfSRS&l r and all the saddlta and bridlssthat could unteer.-; Colonel J. W. Sill, of Ohio, to be Briga- expanse of sailing transports oi tbe vari- western side cf the south wing wa. cm od by Dr. Price in three week.. ^ July 16. Wasiiiniioon, agreeably Tide Medicine Increase, the power of Dljeetloii and of ous rivers, the Gulf of Maxicc, and tbe Atlantic to the terms of ihe contract mad. be- exci.es RILEY WILLIAMS. 3XTo-c^7- be fcimd were impressed for military service The following ii tbe bill which has pasrei both dier General of volunteer.-; Henry Coniey, the Tostaraent tween General a healthy will be co, to be Gn-ernor of tbe territory of and Pacific; and for procuring water at such posts M. C. Meigs, on bshalf of tha AB30RBBNT3 I am and happy man, having been cured publl.hed on tbe Surh Jdnx, Late in Houses, which removal the President's cl'j ction New Mex inu.d and wi.l be con- the evening Kev. Dr. Breckinr'dge ar- Government, Into from the horr.d effocU of Onanism. monthly ihere alter . ith t!,e as, from their situation, r quire that it and E. Leu za, Ihe artist, on the . healthy action. A CITIZBN s:un, ramcila.it;r be brought , ^, t *»'u* ,u »"and0 to tbe confiscation oil!: New Mexico. e.cellen e of > ninth By ehirh ths Dr. Price cured illu.tia-ion a. herorof.. „. rived from Danville, whero Morgan had appeared Terre Hafte, Jnly 17. from a distance; and for clearing roads, and re day of Jul/, eighteen hundred and sixty- an agtravated cue of Pil . for a ne Resolved by the Semite and House of Representa- WATBRY OR CAX' :*B*oUS DEPOSITION gro of r.. Ilack numbers of all tho s. man W fiord, of Nelson county. H» was so en- woras always on hand. Haute, moving obs'ructions from reads, harbors and riv- on all sending in a proclamation third clausj The night express east on the Terre And fwbled th t ho in which he demanded tives, f-e.j Tnat the provisions of tbe could scarcely walk. I would not have Uberal Term, to the Trade, Clnln, and Canvaasor.. ers, to the extent which for tbe Approvid, July 1862. UNNATURAL ENLARl.EMKMTS ARE ion cf an act to suppress insur- Alt>n and St. L^u'ts railroad ran off the track a may be required 5, REDUCED given a dollar for bim. He was cured of the tile, in the surrender of the town, and promised to mo- of the hT.h sec As wpII 09 Addreas JOHN ROBHLNsl, Chsilsstou caused by a Calvert actual operations of tbe trocps in tbe field, forty iW week, and restored to health, lie has be. n well I few miles this si le of rection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seiz PAIN AND INFLAMMATION abou ,wo Box S.W New York P O K7 PARE lest none but men In arms. The citizens re million dollars. years. JAMES BARD BOW, N T. and confiscate the properly of rebels, and other being washed away, and tne engineer, fireman, a ap24 d3m Fjstala cured i.i sponded For hire or officers from two to eight week, witho it ns'ng by despatching two hundred inouuted purposes, shall be so construed as Datt lo apply lo man named Hani, ex messenger, and one other commutation it quarters for AUCTION «oaey returned if were badly injured. Mr. Joseph Scheo- on military duty; hire of quarters for troops; of SALE*. *•*•* not Home Guards in pursuit cf the guerillas. They any acts done prior to tho passage thereof, nor to man, A £5S£it%£. storehouses for thesufe-keeping of I warra t tc cure include any membsr of a State legi.-U'.ure, or a ney, of Alton, was killed. He was riding on the military stores; all cases of Onanism. were, however, chased in again. Sur.il ay all » o. moear h. a aisai or rations Oj or engine. of grounds for summer cantonments; for the con* * IT " elway.cnhand. Will be cent judge of State court, who has not in t,c:epting Itu o ds.s-d for cash. the horses strue'ionof temoerarv huts, hospitals, stabler; 8. a. tV CO., in Lexicg'on were impressed, picket; dulies of his rflica, taken an Lfxinoton, July 16. and HBNItf Reridenc* anl entering upon the .flice on Seoond street, east eld«, be- last and fe>r repairing public buildings at establishecL ACCTIONItKRS and throwo cut on every turnpike, and preparation? oath to support the cons'itntion of ihe so called A citizsn of Claik county, acting as picket itOsfMISSlON MKKCnANTS, nELMBOLD'J twecn A glint and Chestnut, No.
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