— " — ; • 1 . J . ;U THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL. MHIISVILLK t KV, fc VOLUME y KENTI WEDNESUA . JULY 30 1**3 Philadelphia Prees.l Notice to rf^-fhe P.ev. S. H. Ford, the liiv. Dr. Bild [C >rrespo idence of th* HELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. Owner* of Property. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL DEPARTMENT. REPAYING AND wio, and the Rsv Mr. Elliott, late of Ntthti le, GENF.RlL BU LER'S RECURBING OF SIDEWAl K3. PRINTED *f I' PUhMSllKD BT The AUCTIOIS New Orleans, Ju'y 15, 1862, owners of lots and par s of lota designate) saLK^. IIKMUUtMlM, OHBOKNE. who wire arrested in thi city Monday nigot, were J_JKI..tIBOLD'-e I. PRENTICE, A KM INK PUKPAUAT1UN b>lcw are her by inform, d that ordinances hav. The Hon Rave ilv Johnson has organ z *i his a. tt. HniT •ent to the JefTeraonville penitentiary for safe been passed ». Q. fjfjraf appoint- by the General O u cil, approver t bnildirg, and ojrricR ffic in ths CLS om-ht uee e f F b r v e a <: B n t S. O. jorul mm, am mm. keeping. Tbey are all said to have been active and publi-hed. requiring the grad ng and p.virg HDNH7 & CO^ ed clerks and interpreter! p eparatory to uking of the sidewalks * U-JTIONKKKS and 'Af BirWBBN TH1KD AM> 'OUKTH. "HIOnLY CONCENTRATKET in front of their respective lots, ; MHalON St^fTaANTtg. rebels. down testimony in the Notherlardi case Rumor /\ roruer of 8- and if SELTZER APERIENT. Main and Wall ,tre,ste. ion, ihsy f.il to have tba same properly don. Ixiul^ll^J be has exercised large persua V ' also has it that COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, ,0M ' "*,d "8n,,«Tled J. T. Davis, a prisoner of war from within thirty Ml valuable and popular Medicine ha* -..lii " » us'to tfrjT Ken moditica i IDS io Gineral davs from the date hereof, ihe work aoyVVou*S.^ and effected c ontlJorable recelvMtt mrmi Police I'ltucKKDi.Nus Tuesdwj, July 'iOih — A Positive and Spoc'fic will ba d tne the fnvorahle reseomrue^iliiticus ,ln oflici Remedy under a contract at tbe expense 1 "" r "*d 10 ,t lS tncBT. has been paroled to report at the of Brier's policy on minor points, and that Mrs of the Mri>mAi,PHa.rRflai in and the iteT'^T''. "%m 5 *'!. » • *" •» sales of lot owners Pub- or Oon-tabl.'. ial^. Ui) 1<> .lagers, bailed oat if I a3 provided for in ihe Si section of th. wSZ Unn,t bMd W. bo WetkhOOM been released in conso For urt as the i crridiiHT JHr*t "•Jfte!? he Provost Marshal General at St. Louis, to Phillips and others have Dieeaeee of the anu '"* alt 7tb article of tbe Ci'y auKsuttj " " * ' — -9ri Jacob Brown and tieorga Oulal, carryinc con quence. There may be good policy in slrokirg BLADDER, Charter, all drains from take the oath of allegiance and give b >nd to re- lots or houses to be conveyed under the t idewslk the cat the right way, and anything in the way 8A.LaTTSrE ca.Ud a deadly weapon. Bail of aacb in iUO U KIDNEYS, in iron pips*, in APERIENT. main witbin the limits of McCrackon count}', Ky. ir from Reverdy sccoidaocs with the ordinance mollifying fluenca Jobnsrn • of a It may be uaed with the beet eftVsct | answer. regulating the rami; woik D can have no other effect here lhan a good one; GRAVEL, the siid whan ex- ulted, to be 8ilioas and Febrile Dimtases, Cjetiveneae, Sicjj rfjrMr. Harrison Somerville, of thi i city, who not be infernd thence that the received by ths eJity fcnginecr, and James H. Hampton ard John Prathar, furcibl;. but il roust great and Headache Nausea. Loss of Atipetite, if not done in every re pect in accordance will In- has seen service in the field, has authority to en- hullabaloo aliout Gen Butler's policy has any digestion, Ascidity of the Straw Hats. and by menace t r . : k stomach, demanding $5 fr m Blase DROPSICAL SWELLINGS specificitions Our•lock ot source in disto vent her*. Secession ladies regulatirg eidowalk paving, lo b> Torpidity JJ| ibe . rou- rrades of 8TB a list for regi- ooenly of the Liver, Oout, W ner. a company of cavalry Col. Jacob's repaired Wl f' Bail of each In $100 to answer felony. that ci.nrse at ihe expeuse of the property owners: Rheumatic a*Y 0* UW" out at admit bis has been just, and even Mfoctions, ^^a, SL&Keraatly r ^""K'^Jducatd prlc sf^rraah. ment. 1'he company will be raised fur twelve reco'b Gravel, Piles. B. B. ker, stealing. Continued until to-mor- tbat th famous weman order was c ailed for bv To and repave lha sidewalk] on both sid?t -t-.ft.ei« a aitiTii This Medicine Digestion and WI ax. months. cross insults and improprieties from females whose Increasoe the power of of Ureen street, from Fioyd to Preston street. Aid all Complaints whrrt a Gentle and Cootiru, w^-t a. row. eici.ee tbe 7. al got ihe better if tbeir judgment and serse Aperient or Puroative is Required. David Elkerton, stealing blankets from United escaped from the Al- AnjORItENTs NORTH SIDE. Summer Dress Hats (fT Thirty-six prisoners of dslicacy verbal peculiarities his A few in into healthy action, Feet, It la particularly adapted * t^ao rme.it States inch to the wauta of Traveller! oam.au ^ i"' ot MT E8KIN bosfiial. Bail in $400 to answer f.ljny. ton prison on Saturday. Amung the number was general orders, and lha fact that is Yankee, By whi'h tha by Sea and Land, Heeldenut lu be a Dr. J. J. Hot Clima ea, P. t ,a- ot ' C. hnson M fi •saW WATERY OR ( Al. -K DKP03ITION own nrn.ai attu e, peace are about tbe only topics tbat nrovrke venom in H Louisville sedentary Halitta, It, v. ill le, and Convnleecente. .bLh ae are ^lllrj'.t .ery Com'th by John Stringer vs. P. Hyatt, Col. Magoffin, under sentence to be abo'; the no- And all and Frankfort K P. (Jo 106 4 Op PrlCM " tains of Vo a.de una Plauteiv - t"BAT».EK the conversational circles of O, leans, will flud It a valiuthi a, *Sl [a, NdW and UNNATURaX. ENLARGE VIKNT3 ARE REDUCED Alpha Tarnell f>0 6 addition to their lyM iAlT warrant. Own bdnd in $100 for three inoniha torious Capt. Sweeney, ard other desperate char- Mediciue C uete. g Ma| u st_ Ibis venom is fast wearing out Ae well as Mrs. It ia In the form of R. Henrietta Swaarioger 25 5 a Powder, carefully put np in tool JAMES Nancy, a slave, presenud, charged that be acters. Tbey eicsped by di^iog under tbe wall PAIN AND INFLAMMATION. MASON & CO., Soft Felt By the bye, sp*aking of Rsverdy Johnson re Hen Hit k'e lee to keep in any climate, an* merely r-unirer watet Hits. If 5 Manu'actur- w"h»»eaii ihe oourod up n tt to produce by Steam Power . » mis re-ts. life of tbe a delightful eflerveeceut net iAk noi.o,lora,quallttea. anaand maltreata her to as to endanger her minds me a frequtnt remark amorg British African Bapiis Church 60 10 tim shapes st low pr CiT-V tirand picnic for tha benefit cf the candi- sragc. os, lo ca h po;uia f ion of this city, tba* they are sadly in need Mrs. C. A. Numertiua r*n.. Case continue! till to-morrow. O born 26 10 tearlmotnala f.-sua p'o'eaal -nal and othe. .IAH . JMI i k v yi» isat .! lates will be given at Elm Tree Garden on Fri- if an inveoi.^aling commissioner ou the part of Wm Hurray 60 10 eentlemen f the highest standing throuahotit the couu Mason's ChallengeBlacking, l d> H.u, . net. Fe irfh .nd rif>h their own Government tn lo into the try, aaad Its ate ulily lucreaaing p polarity for a ae lei ot (juF.RiLLAS off Ghf.k.1 Rivkr —By tho steam- day next. There is a promise of a good lima. k affairs of J. B Bowles 60 10 ears, atrongty guar u ita emcacy and valuable their Consulate here. That there U a greit deal y cha. H U I rich 25 urtat - er Lue Kuvo-, tbe Kvansvihe Journal reciived 6 , and mmend It to the favorable notice of an in- LEATHER PRESERTATfFE, tJ3" Tbe Paris Citizen says Morgan received of histi ity to the American Union a mom' a part Jacob Pfalzar 36 telligent public. COIL OIL, 1111111,1111111. datec^ HELMBOI.n'3 letter from a gentltman at Curdaville, Ky., of ih»se people, arising from national pr Ju lices, EXTRACT BUlJHU Slanufactttr-d only by tiree accessions to hi. rinks in and about Paris. south sipk. Writing Fluid. & Black i Writing is ut q'ie<li"iieble But Kor -i Tnks IjOTTISV I ijljiij 20th lost informing it that bis store was enter.d that there is a nor ion of ' , Ttf. CO., Aridng from Eiiesaea, II>bila f Dissipation, Early In- Dr. J. C. Johnson UKAWT A 13S AMD I tO NORTH FRONT ST- them, particularly thee who have families here 1S3 KBT. * nit mel- - o«\iiB.ifll Debasing Influence of ^kce V - - pil Htm — i oil. the night before by a band of guerillas and d 1 or Abnee Ml woftKs. and large local or c tuimorcial ioterest 4 Worden P Hann 32 Ho. 278 Greenwich st., oorner Warren tt., P , who desm ATTENDED WI 'Ii-ADELPHIA.
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